INDEX The Opinion: 6 Sports: 9 Obituaries: 11 Classifieds: 14 Notices: 15 REGISTERLOCAL NEWS ❙ LOCAL STORIES ❙ LOCAL ADVERTISERS A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ October 7, 2020 ❙ Vol. 78, No. 22 NEWSLINE Encompass Health Board of Health closes two bars over COVID rules honors employees SEE PAGE 3 LPS teams up with Walgreens to prevent flu outbreak Turley Publications staff photos by Jonah Snowden El Cid, located on 1002 East St., Ludlow. By Jonah Snowden 24 to close the El Cid on East
[email protected] Street and The Lighthouse on Sewall Street. El Cid has since SEE PAGE 4 LUDLOW – Ludlow’s re-opened. Board of Health closed two Crete said the reason behind local bars recently because the closures was based on the Election Day is Near they were not following proto- decision by Massachusetts Gov. cols put in place to combat the Charlie Baker that bars cannot SEE PAGE 5 COVID-19 epidemic, town offi- open until Phase 4 of the state’s cials said last week. IN SPORTS Town Health Agent Andrea Please see BARS CLOSED, Crete made the decision Sept. Page 7 The Lighthouse, located on 108 Sewall St., Ludlow. Lions ready for new season Tips from LFD for Fire Prevention Week Hi - it’s nice LUDLOW - Fire Preven- tion Week ends Oct. 10 and the to meet you! Ludlow Fire Department would Well, hello! like to remind everyone this My name is Mike Harrison year’s theme is “Serve up Fire and I’d like to take this opportu- Safety in the Kitchen.” nity to intro- Kitchen fires are the leading duce myself cause of home fires, and unat- as the new tended cooking is the leading editor of cause of kitchen fires.