February 8, 1974
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J Haitfsonburg, Virginia ©Iff Srme Vol. L Madison College, Harrlsonburg, Va., Friday, February 8,1914 No. 31 Thurber Is Alive And Well By CINDI CARNEY / •In the woods of the Far West, the downfall of the bear In this Colonel Johnston was the un- there was a bear who could particular episode and Wln- fortunate Union Soldier who either take it or leave it,* dom told the sad-sweet story 'flitted through the dark Vir- was the suggestive opening of of the alchololc bear who fail- ginia countryside at night* as one of James Thurber's tales. ed Just as miserabley trying to he was caught stark naked dur- With a sly smile and a preg- succeed without alcohol as he ing a raid by Mosby's riders In nant pause, William Wlndom had failed when he had always Fairfax, Va. Colonel Johnston continued his narrative to the been under Its influence. "The unwittingly found himself hid- pleasure of an over-capacity moral," Wlndom paused for a ing underneath a toilet seat in crowd in Wilson Hall, Tuesday moment and the audience hus- the local outhouse as he "wai- night, February 5. Alcohol was hed, 'It's better to fall flat on ted until all of Mosby's soldi- your face, rather than lean ov- ers had gone." Howefer, "It er too far backwards.* gets better" he added as the News The one-man show Tuesday laughing audience clapped with night was chiefly a series of approval. Windom continued to fourteen humourous skits wri- tell the audience that at a rec- Briefs tten by James Thurber and dr- ent performance at another ***On Tuesday, Feb. 5, Pres- amatized by William Wlndom. university, a girl In the front ident Nixon froze the price As the spotlight focused on the row who had been giggling all of dlesel fuel at Its current stage at the beginning of the through the story had to be dr- level and promised that performance, a lone figure, agged out because she was ne- truckers would receive all fuel seemingly engrossed In his arly hysterical with laughter. necessary to overcome the work at a typewriter, looked "I found out later she was Col- present strike. Over 42 states up to confront the audiece with onel Johnston's great-great- have been affected by the some private philosophy. Wln- grandaughter." strike so far, and truckers dom, clad in white socks, lo- The performance ended with still working have taken to afers, a visor cap and an old the well-known "Secret Life arming themselves for pro- shirt and vest, stroUed around of Walter Mltty* which was qu- tection from striking to the center of the stage and ickly acknowledged by the au- truckers. sat on the desk to introduce dience even as Wlndom began ♦♦♦The Joint Committee on himself to the audience. the first line. Wlndom skill- Internal Revenue Taxation Is This set the atmosphere for fully shifted from the chara- very likely on the verge of an evening of enjoyment as the cter Mltty's world of fantasy to announcing that President audience responded warmly to his reluctant world of reality. Nixon was Incorrect in .taking Wlndom's characterizations. Wlndom portrayed the self- a $576,000 deduction for his Spiked with the wit of Thur- centered sea-captain and his vice presidential papers on ber's endless comical images, obsequious first officer; the his. 1969 income tax. White Wlndom dramatized the stor- brilliant and redeeming doctor House aides say that Mr. ies as if he were simply re- with his anxious nurse; and Nixon has "reconciled" him- telling a personal experience. the calm, assured defendent self to that decision. And, as he was obviously en- Continued on Page 5 Foreign Affairs Joying himself, he achieved a ♦"♦Secretary of State Henry strong rapport with his list- Kissinger Is scheduled to go eners as he moved about the SGA Discusses to Moscow next month to pre- stage, relating his tales. pare for a second summit con- Most of the stories Involved Dormitory ference between world leaders the personification of animals. Richard Nixon and Leonid Wlndom drew a long face as he played the detective blood-ho- Winiam Wlndom performs one of his many entertaining Brezhnev. skits as James Thurber before a full house on Tuesday ♦♦♦The State Department re- und whose philosophy was "He By CAROL LEMPE night in Wilson Hall. Photo by Morgan vealed this week that Henry who hunts and runs away, lives Last Wednesday night, SGA Kissinger is in the process of to hunt another day.* In anot- Senators witnessed a new ph- negotiating a new agreement her story, Wlndom was the sh- enomenon In the weekly Stud- with Panama concering the ocked scientist who discover- ent Government meeting: visi- New Radiation Device Panama Canal. This agree- ed a talking lemming. In res- tors. The meeting was held as ment will put an end to long- ponse to the man's inquiry of usual within the confines of Se- standing bitterness on the part why lemmings run to the sea nate Chambers, but an inter- By NED LEONARD Uses in research and In- of Panamanian officials by and drown themselves, the esting change in the setting co- The Physics department has dustry for this meter are un- limited. To measure the a- signing over, on a gradual lemming shot back, "I always nsisted of a crowded room fill- recently acquired a new type mount of radiation to which basis, control of the running wondered why Man doesn't do ed with concerned people. of radiation detector that is someone is exposed as an ato- and upkeep of the canal. The that.* Some of the stories re- Most of the new additions to only one of a few in the state document also provided for sembled Aesop's fables, amo- the meeting were dormitory of Virginia. mic reactor worker for in- stance, the present method Increased U.S. payments to ng the m the story of the fox who presidents. Their primary co- The Thermolumlnescent is to have him wear a small the government of Panama outwitted the crow by making ncern seemed to rest with the Dosimeter works on a dif- piece of photographic film for use of their land. the crow talk about himself. acceptance of a newlyoevelop- ferent principle than present while working. The radia- Watergate The moral... "It was true In ed SGA Constitution which has systems for measuring radia- tion exposes the film and be- ♦♦♦Superior Court Judge Gor- Aesop's time as now, no en pr- been under consideration sin- tion. Chips of lithium flou- comes visible when developed. don Ringer has sent a travel aises you as well as thou." ce the beginning of the year. As ride or some other thermo- The college uses this method voucher In the amount of However, human nature was a result of several meetings lumlnescent material are ex- now but it is expensive and $790.48 to "The honorable just as much a subject in Wln- with dorm presidents Involved cited by radiation from the takes time. The lithium flou- Richard M. Nixon, a resident dom's performance as he gave in the Inter-Dorm movement, area to be measured. The ride chips may be reused and of the White House, Wash- a few hints to the husband sea- a few of the alterations of the chips release this stored ington, D.C." The voucher rching for an old rag in his Constitution are as follows: energy in the form of light can be checked on campus with the machine. accompanied a subpeona to wife's bedroom, holding a gre- 1. The allowance of one re- when heated, hence the name testify at the trials of John asy hubcap, "Remember, the thermo-luminescent. The Another project will be to presentative from each dorm, place the chips around an area, D. Erlichman and other for- wife's dressing table is sacred five representatives from off- light given off by the chips such as the X-ray room at the mer White House aides. The ground." campus, one representative is picked up by a photosensi- voucher covers the cost of a Perhaps the funniest story tive device that changes mis hospital. They will then be round-trip coach class airfare was set in the background of Continued on Page 5 light to electricity so it can put In the dosimeter and the ticket. Virginia during the Civil War. be measured. Continued on Page 5 r • / Page 2, THE BREEZE, Friday, February 8, 1974 Editorial And p.s.. 2,3.4 Opinion Page Article/Controversy Condemnation of ree Speech Dear Editor: Mr. Snead's recent letter pllment change. But again, to "The Breeze" was quite Mr. Snead seems to feel that distressing. His Insinuation he has a monopoly on the that the College Republicans "right answers" for running ' / have no right to speak out on the government. His vote a controversial issue demon- was right, everyone else Is strates an attitude that is wrong. This type of attitude quite determental to a free persisted In many states, un- state—that Is the condem- fortunately they were all to- nation of free speech. By talitarian such as Hitler's being a political active or- Germany or Stalin's Russia. ganization, the College Re- It is Important that every publicans not only have the student sees through this type right to make their views of appeal, for as long as there know, they have an obliga- is political dissent on the tion to the student body. Fur- Madison campus, such as that thermore, they must try to see between the College Repub- their ideas reflected In Wash- licans and the Young Demo- government representatives crats, this type of state will of their beliefs.