Damage $500 Million Losing His Head Over Nothing at (3On Thien, Just Below the De Downtown Main 8T„ Mandieater Most Was Filled to Capacity
WEDNESDAY/ SEPTEaWBER 20, 1967 Avarage Daily Net Pm m ftoi * The Weather For The Week Ended PAm PORTY^UR Showers, spreading tonight, - Manrlifatpr lEwning September 16, 1967 low In 60s; cloudy tomorrow, clearing and breezy, high about Ohniatine Miller and Jaaot I 1 . V'. '■ '■ Paul Brame, aon of Mr, and' Cadet Girl Scout Troop 10 of CampbeU Council, Knights of presented by the Windsor Jes ’Ilie Onat reunion of aH UB. Popile^l, Manchester memtoem 70. Mrs. Charles Brame of 118 Hol- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 1S,059 Oolumtms yrlU have its annual ters tonight at 8 at a meeting Marine Ompa vetmiBiiB In Oon- o f the Hwitford BoEet Co., ’vUl U I ' " I ' About Town Uater St., recenUy left Kennedy will have its first meeting of Manchester— A City of Village Charm Italian Night Monday, Oct. 9, of the Little Theater of Man nedUcut will be held Friday alt perform as solo baUet dancers : I I ' • ■ International Airport for a tour the season tomorrow at 6:45 at the KofC Home. It was er chester (LTM) in the LTM 7 psn. at the M)aiine Home, 717 tonilght at 8 at .the Olneranm (Classified Advertising on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS H m F«Uowcrmtt degnse will of Europe. A -aenior at Drew p.m. in the Parish Hall of the VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 299 MANCHESTER, CONN., -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1967 roneously reported in last rooms on the second floor of Pariter St ’Ittase wishhig fur Theater, Hartford, before the (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— ’TWO SECTION^) te ooofemd at a meetliic Umverslty, Madison, N.J., he church.
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