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12330 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD- HOUSE May 13, 1969 Berry, William D. Fisher, Charles S. Pace, Nat M., Jr. Snakenberg, John D. the Marine Corps, ~ubject to the qualifica Bessey, James P. Garland, William R. Pasquale, Thomas D. Stromberg, Russel .M. tions therefor as proyided by law: Boese, William J. Garner, Robert D. Pitman, Thomas J. Tanaka, Donald H. Gilbert, Ronald M. Boyer, Michael F. Gass, James E., Jr. Pomroy, Geoffrey W. Timperlake, Edward Markle, Herbert H. Briggs, Richard H. Geary, Robert W. Porter, Oharles R. T. The following-named· (Navy Enlisted Sci Brixey, Stephen A. Gray, John H. Post, John H ., III Todd, James L. entific Education Program) for permanent Buell, David G. Hagel, Lawrence B. Provini, Charles R . Tolmie, John s., Jr. appointment to the grade of second lieuten Bush, Richard P. Hannemann, James R . Rayburn, Ros (n) Ture, Kenneth M. ant in the Marine Corps, subject to the Buttrill, William S. Hood, Ronald C., III Red, Richard P. Turner, James T., Jr. qualifications therefor as provided by law: Campbell, Richard W. Horton, David S. Ribalta, Charles (n) Tyler, Thomas W. Carlin, Stanley E. Hough, Michael A. Riggs, J eoffrey L. Uhlemeyer, Arthur F. Force, Allen L. Carr, Emerson F. Jiminez, Jose L. Rogers, William C. Van Pelt, James S. The following-named (staff noncommis Chopek, Joseph B. Johanson, Erick T. Rose, Michael P. Ward, Stephen A., Ill sioned officers) for temporary appointment Clarke, Robert D. Jones, William R. Russell, David P., III Wellington, Joseph A. to the grade of second lieutenant in the Ma Cohen, Larry D. Kendig, Edward S.
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