Vol 9 Issue 2 March 2011 The Fallsgrove POA has a busy agenda for 2011 including planning for community events, passing a few new resolutions, enhancing electronic services, Photo by Jeff Weber performing landscape and maintenance activities, looking for additional newsletter writers and working to build a health, safety and security committee. In President’s addition to all of Corner these activities the Steve Nesbit Board is excited to begin an initiative that will allow Fallsgrove middle and high school Rich Barrett (left) and Marty Levine present Jerry Wolman, center, with an inscribed pen. students to receive Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for Fallsgrove POA community service activities. The “World’s Richest This was requested by some of the community’s students.Please email us at
[email protected] for Man” Visits Fallsgrove! further information. Jerry Wolman came to our Fallsgrove Men’s Book Club February 10th and left an impression on each attendee as great as his triumphs and On June 4th, the POA invites the as touching as his failures. His remarkable story, as told to Joseph Bockol and community to remember Larry Richard Bockol in “The World’s Richest Man,” describes the rise and fall of a Robinson, our first Vice President Jewish kid from Shenandoah, PA. Wolman came to DC with his young wife by who worked hard not only in his day deciding to pick up a hitch-hiker and wherever their new passenger was going, job and as a loving husband, father they would go too. A George Washington University student hopped into their and friend to many, but also in his car and today there are landmarks all over DC testifying to the remarkable ride dedicated service to the Fallsgrove that began on a Pennsylvania mountain top.