November 1, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 35663 Mr. EDWARDS of California., Mr. FREN require arbitration of certain amateur PETTIS, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. BROTZMAN, ZEL, Mr. HORTON, Mr. KEATING, Mr. athletic disputes, and for other purposes; to and Mr, ARcHER) : KEMP, Mr. KETCHUM, Mr. LEGGETT, the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 11251. A bill to amend the Tariff Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. By Mr. MOAKLEY (for himself, Mr. Schedules of the United States to provide for MOAKLEY, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. NIX, ROSENTHAL, and Mr. CHARLES H. the duty-free entry of methanol imported Mr. O'HARA, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RoE, WILSoN of California) : for use as fuel; to the Committee on Ways Mrs. SCHROEDER, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 11243. A bill to amend title 3 of the and Means. New Jersey, Mr. UDALL, Mr. WIDNALL, United States Code to provide for the order By Mr. WALDIE: Mr. YATES, and Mr. YATRON): of succession in the case of a. vacancy both H.R. 11252. A bill to amend title 5, United H.R. 11233. A bill to provide for the con in the Office of President and Office of the States Code, to provide for the reclassifica servation of energy through observance of Vice President, to provide for a special elec tion of certain security police positions of daylight saving time on a. year-round basis; tion procedure in the case of such vacancy, the Department of the Navy a.t China Lake, to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign and for other purposes; to the Committee Calif., and for other purposes; to the Com Commerce.
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