
DUNCAN L. HUNTER. November 22, 2020

To: President Donald J. Trump, attn: Jared J

Re Nh m on, ) ll y s ,, Duncan an_d his wife_ Marg�ret should receive a Pardon, following the po� I ica r hit Job that the Clinton Partisans in the Prosecutor's office brought on them

Dear Mr. President,

First , in this Thanksgiving season, e I e o e e Lynn and s nd ur heartfeltthanks for your tr m ndous stewardship of our Nation. We especially ask God to be with your family and to cover them with a mantle of peace and security.

Mr. President, we are asking for a Pardon of one of your strongest warriors (and his wife Margaret ), our beloved son, Duncan, a fearless fighter for right , and a man of "Firsts"­ one of the first young men after 9-11 to quit his job, join the Marines and volunteer for n combat -and the first U.S. Representative to endorse your candidacy for President a d to support strongly your program to create a prosperous America, rebuild our military, build the border wall and stand up to China. e e e e t o Attorneys, Alana Robinson a�d E_mily_Allen, aft r att nding I will d scrib how w U,S. o rne ll e l o R?binson _bec ming intenn:, U.S. Att? y, Hi ary Clinton's fund-rais r illicit y, up n o o n e o f y ur i auguration, and raided Duncan's hom , ffice,and campaign, within weeks lied to avoid recusal. o o an of the . e t le e ff by citing the f rmer Chairm t , p _as a11 w t lead e e e Bu first, Mr. �resid n t to you, aft r h examin d e o E� ) ;:dl�y Smi h's letter Federal El ction Comm1ss1 n (F e etter attached) Duncan's cas . (L e o o e e . e osecuti n sh uld n v r hav t o h t th criminal pr o e Smi h p ints t ns only (if any Form r FEC Chairman dled it with civil sancti t e the FEC shou�� �a:e han taken place, but ra h r nctions at all): e e sa ter and ·Mar gar t Hunt r • · t Congressman Hun t 1 e 1 t rosecu e t o f FECA· ttorn s c tr , "The U_.S. A � 1�����ig� �inance law� it �� f1� � ����� ���:��d �o avoid e the nor o l utions a ,, is outsid e e rtica prosec es. the sp ct r of t t most extreme cas and it raises P?o In • n a II bu he . . · mi nal prosecuti t eschewing cn e ntinues: di y Smith co hairman Bra t oters would rmer FEC C o d v t Fo t o h civil en r . I ould _n� e handled hr ug ! \��� �;�in t sh uld nor �� e shoul h e iminal c ct1on, atter wo �� �fficehold r 1 r �: ���ne with a cr f � "This m io r E n de h r 0n r the deci :�!��;\� tar t et���f� �i�\fm� with a p 1s �� �-�A:��:�arting 8 n o 1 im ro \��t(�i i.� s t 1 : �':a':r est at this time) :�� 5��:�ate h f �� ncan �� ��� h h r ey e ng an Bradl et is und rgoi . Duncan Chairm ( ��rgar ws several oi 3, 2021) ett�r. He arathon January . dley Smith's _l ���ne Corps M hairman Bra ning in the � er FEC C t ent , like run e read F�r!;1 . u,e indic m Pleas nm es" in aret s c and Marg and g�in_g n n e e �o d,? or's weddi gs. Former Chairman Smith th n xplains why these criminal charges" and dozens of others aren't crimes at all, but rather normal allowable campaign expenditures, that would not have raised an eyebrow at 'the FEC He cites similar cases Handled by the FEC which were dismissed.

Why would the prosecutors ignore basic FEC rules and create "crimes" out of thin air?

!he answer, Mr. President, is given in the short report from JUDICIAL WATCH titled: PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, CLINTON CONNECTION IN DUNCAN HUNTER CASE. It follows this letter and Former Chairman Bradley's letter. The report chronicles how the lead prosecutors attended 's fund-raiser, without paying, on tax-payer time (in violation of the Hatch Act and DOJ guidelines) and when caught, avoiding recusal, offered the alibi that they were "on official business" advising the Secret Service at Hillary's event in case a donor caused a disturbance.

Their lie was exposed by JUDICIAL WATCH's FOIA lawsuit, which revealed e-mails reflecting two enthusiastic Clinton supporters with no mention of "official business". Take a look at the FOIA'd e-mails, extracted by JUDICIAL WATCH after Duncan and Margaret had plead out. Justice withheld them for 11/2 years. The full e-mail exchange:

"Would you be interested in a picture with FFL Hillary Clinton on Friday? The time Would be in the morning in La Jolla (sent 8/4/15, 10:34a) (8/4/15 11 :14a) "Thanks for the heads-up. Yes I'm interested. What's the time/details? details in the e e are 9a-11 a. I'll hit you up with f!lore "It will b in La Jolla. Estimat d times 1120a) e e and I'll put you on the 11st. (8/4/15, next couple of day. L t m know if this works :20) "Yep, that works. Thanks." (8/4/15, 11 Please meet me at 0900 ot wi'th HRC n Friday 8/7 /15 "All, Her� is the inf

The partisan n ship of the tai ted a a a Duncan r n prosecution w s lso displ yed in the indictment of and Marga et o e e e the eve of th 2018 l ction. The Clin!on pa�isan� in e e e dicted Duncan and Margaret on da b fo� his e August 21, 2018, only 76 ys . �l ct1on, violating th DOJ e r n policy, (promulgated during th Clinton adm1nist at on) of not i dictin t e 1 g candida es within a 90 day period preceding the lection. The prosecutors t a a e knew tha such a "l te hit" lmost always guarantees political def at. They also t a a a a knew that heir Democr t te m w s st nding by with millions in negative TV advertising a once the indictment hit the street. Only by the gr ce of G?d was Duncan able to withstand e t r r ee th onslaugh and win. M . President, you supportive tw t a a a a t criticizing the DOJ for allowing he "late Hit" on Dunc n w s ppreci ted. e Mr. Pr sident, please look at how For e a a mm m r FEC Ch irman Smith simply t kes apart by co on sense analysis the biased indictment of Duncan and Margaret: "Thus consistency, the need to avoid partisan prosecutions �r. th_e appearance of a a artis�n rosecutions and the Act's (FECA)emphasis on �onc1lla�1on nd volunt d �esolutio� rather than fines and e i Jtions o me e� ��� �f�1:�,����r�: ��� o the m st extr� c s F r�T���ti��t��;:�n f all but . a o o mitte d :no · ly and willfully m y not be proper subjects for Act ... even th se � m a a e e , r ;�6 a r continues: pros cution as cnm s. Forme Ch i m n Br dley A. Smith. He . t a a o o e n r case he DOJ indictment listed as lle� t�ons of ing t C ngr ssman �u te 's ar a "Turn th d a cle rly be perm1ss1ble e o claims _at, ·t w�ul ppe to me a rs nal use a number of r e t a n I Fo exampl , the indictmen cl ims th t. � e gulatio s and. past ru 1 t e a a d nd r FEC re r � �i� er 2011 for he Congr s�m � n hi� ctob , a r itu e o 1 e e a the exp�nd � 0$ 3;� ��t:� ���� ! wh r th Co ; i rea � a �i��7,�� ;� �g �� ��:� family to f Y 0 a e i n f�s matter a rsonal use v c a a o M ratho wer a pe en e a c mp ign Marine C rps av� b� s a valid a fo � FEC, this trip would � a an ra n u ht b� e th e r e �g��nist n d I q, was been bro g � Ma in , f1�ht1�g in a a atu_s as a form r a r rine lumni iture-his 5 ag: and othe M a expend . his camp ign ,m a e o a g h and r B yond being rt nt p rt of h1s n ' i ns imp � o ��� �f h �ncial suppo t fo ���� ���i � y this is l y s u. . t e �I g l el supporters, uld be a Ilka in can a wo n a ood will for h th ha s noted a g e t n $3800. And worthy c use � � 1;o i ?i t c rtainly wo� the a p , almos is usually allowable f�,r a cl ss c p e ����t, it t simply i �� e gniz d as a ca �9:r h vent o ev t is r co ;�f ildren to travel o the e . ve, nce the e es an c abo a P ens s for spou� aigns to p y ex camp a a ley A. sm1tt1 h irm n Brad Former FEC C Former FEC Chairman Smith goes on to analyze another trip prosecuted as a "vacation" ... traveling to Idaho to a donor's wedding. Smith points out that FEC records reflect that Idaho was a significant source of funds for Hunter's campaign. He points out that 14 months earli a er, Democr tic Congressman Rob Andrews had a similar case which was dismissed by the FEC. He concludes: "Thus it appears highly likely that in civil enfor� enforcement before the agency with primary ement responsibilitie e ed s for th FECA, Congressman Hunter's d ecision to � di_ng ?f a campaig attend a n supporter in Boise would not even have a civil invest1gat1on, let alone a possible Congress criminal violation and there is little reason that man Hunter or his staff would have use." Former expected it to be considered personal FEC Chairman Bradley A Smith Former �hairman Smith further notes that 40 e e e e games with of th Hunt r "ov rt acts", m als and golf proven contributors are allowed under FECA: "As a g_eneral ru�e, it is not a violation entertainment of FECA or FEC regulations to pay for meals or with campaign contributors", he writes. Mr. President, the major "overtact", that the Clinton partisans list Duncan as having "Committed"in his plea is the taking to dinner in a Washington D.C. restaurant two contributors and two Congressional colleagues (who sponsored a lot of his legislation). Totally legal and appropriate expenditure of campaign money.

Once again the Clinton partisans charged him with "criminal acts" that throw so broad a "loop" that they would ensnare every member of Congress if they were crimes, which they are not.

The prosecution was tainted from the start by the refusal to recuse the demonstrably biased prosecutors. Every A�erican deserves even-handed , un-biased treatm�.nt from the Justice Department. Unbiased prosecuto:s would not have prosecu�ed the non­ crimes" that Former FEC Chairman Bradley dissect�. They would_ h_a�e _ng�tf�lly deferred to the FEC to handle questionable expenditures under c1v1I 1unsd1ct1on.

Former FEC Chairman Smith also notes that Hunter's aud�t in 2016 of his own · e e cam �rgn was followed by a reimbursement of all expenditures.that w re ��n e e � o ble This occurred two years before the indictment, with �unt r giving th ����t� ;;the· voters before the 2016 election, and they re-elected him.

o a wonderful U.S. Representative Duncan was. Now, please a II o w me t talk bout what a

. . a Duncan went into land development �ith his his service 1n a�?::� ha ist n After ; ll-fated run in the Presidential a o I � a e ,im 0 help me in my i uncle in Id h . Then, usual\y if you r adin this letter you may remember me, Primary in 2008. R_udy � �;: i a � fo uest on to e c wh re we w it d r the occasional q i b on the far side ?f H � posted The good news was that when I dropped out, our way in the first f1ve ad e bates thrown a at. a San Diego congression l se Duncan ran fo r and won

c a o l uniform. en. c a better espe i lly ur fo ks in No one ever served A m er he a being kicked out of the Army aft SFC Charles Martl nd was en Green Beret a he asked Wh a e chief who w s raping little boys, eat up an Afgh n villa confronted and b until they reversed course. SfC can hammered th� Army brass Duncan for help. Dun Martland serves today and has named one of his sons after Duncan and the other after Pat Tillman. Mr. President and Jared, SFC Martland's letter to you is included in this packet.It is heart-warming.

When Eddie Gallagher was in his most difficult days, in the words of his wife Andrea, "Almost every congressman took a knee except DLJncan Hunter, who stood up."Eddie and Andrea's letter to you Mr. President is included in this packet.

�ne last story. You may recall when, during the Capitol Art Contest, a picture was hung 1n the halls of Congress depicting policemen as pigs shooting unarmed citizens. For several weeks Four hundred and thirty four representatives passed the picture, "deploring" it. Duncan took it down, returning it to the Congressional office that sponsored it. The Capitol Hill policemen and law enforcement officers across the country sent in their thanks. The liberals held press conferences attacking him. Once more he had been truly representative of the American people.

Mr. President, the final say on Duncan's and Margaret's case is in your hands. It has so far been a case without justice. You possess the last measure of justice ... a pardon.

The three Hunter Grandchildren and Lynne and I would have a truly joyous Thanksgiving if it was blessed with a Pardon.

November 22, 2020