Congressional Record—House H12130

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Congressional Record—House H12130 H12130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 18, 2019 Turner Waltz Wittman Price (NC) Scott, David Torres (CA) b 1155 Upton Watkins Womack Quigley Sewell (AL) Torres Small Van Drew Weber (TX) Woodall Raskin Shalala (NM) So the resolution was agreed to. Wagner Webster (FL) Wright Rice (NY) Sherman Trahan The result of the vote was announced Walberg Wenstrup Yoho Richmond Sherrill Trone Walden Westerman Rose (NY) Sires as above recorded. Young Underwood A motion to reconsider was laid on Walker Williams Zeldin Rouda Slotkin Vargas Walorski Wilson (SC) Roybal-Allard Smith (WA) Veasey the table. Ruiz Soto Vela Stated for: NOT VOTING—4 Ruppersberger Spanberger Vela´ zquez Rush Speier Mr. GALLEGO. Madam Speaker, had I been Gabbard Serrano Visclosky Hunter Shimkus Ryan Stanton present, I would have voted ‘‘YEA’’ on rollcall Sa´ nchez Stevens Wasserman Schultz No. 694. b 1146 Sarbanes Suozzi Scanlon Swalwell (CA) Waters f Ms. BASS changed her vote from Schakowsky Takano Watson Coleman ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Schiff Thompson (CA) Welch IMPEACHING DONALD JOHN Schneider Thompson (MS) Wexton TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE So the previous question was ordered. Schrader Titus Wild The result of the vote was announced Schrier Tlaib Wilson (FL) UNITED STATES, FOR HIGH as above recorded. Scott (VA) Tonko Yarmuth CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NOES—197 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- question is on the resolution. ant to House Resolution 767, the House Abraham Granger Palazzo The question was taken; and the Aderholt Graves (GA) Palmer will proceed to the immediate consid- Speaker pro tempore announced that Allen Graves (LA) Pence eration of House Resolution 755. the noes appeared to have it. Amodei Graves (MO) Perry The Clerk will report the resolution. Armstrong Green (TN) Peterson RECORDED VOTE The Clerk read the resolution as fol- Arrington Griffith Posey Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Babin Grothman Ratcliffe lows: demand a recorded vote. Bacon Guest Reed H. RES. 755 Baird A recorded vote was ordered. Guthrie Reschenthaler Balderson Hagedorn Rice (SC) Resolved, That Donald John Trump, President The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Banks Harris Riggleman of the United States, is impeached for high will be a 5-minute vote. Barr Hartzler Roby crimes and misdemeanors and that the following The vote was taken by electronic de- Bergman Hern, Kevin Rodgers (WA) articles of impeachment be exhibited to the Biggs Herrera Beutler vice, and there were—ayes 228, noes 197, Roe, David P. United States Senate: Bilirakis Hice (GA) Rogers (AL) Articles of impeachment exhibited by the not voting 5, as follows: Bishop (NC) Higgins (LA) Rogers (KY) Bishop (UT) Hill (AR) House of Representatives of the United States of [Roll No. 694] Rooney (FL) America in the name of itself and of the people Bost Holding Rose, John W. AYES—228 Brady Hollingsworth Rouzer of the United States of America, against Donald Adams Delgado Langevin Brooks (AL) Hudson Roy John Trump, President of the United States of Aguilar Demings Larsen (WA) Brooks (IN) Huizenga Rutherford America, in maintenance and support of its im- Allred DeSaulnier Larson (CT) Buchanan Hurd (TX) Scalise peachment against him for high crimes and mis- Amash Deutch Lawrence Buck Johnson (LA) Schweikert demeanors. Axne Dingell Lawson (FL) Bucshon Johnson (OH) Scott, Austin Budd Johnson (SD) ARTICLE I: ABUSE OF POWER Barraga´ n Doggett Lee (CA) Sensenbrenner Burchett Jordan Bass Doyle, Michael Lee (NV) Simpson The Constitution provides that the House of Burgess Joyce (OH) Beatty F. Levin (CA) Smith (MO) Representatives ‘‘shall have the sole Power of Byrne Joyce (PA) Bera Engel Levin (MI) Smith (NE) Impeachment’’ and that the President ‘‘shall be Calvert Katko Beyer Escobar Lewis Smith (NJ) removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Carter (GA) Keller Bishop (GA) Eshoo Lieu, Ted Smucker Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Blumenauer Espaillat Lipinski Spano Chabot Kelly (PA) Crimes and Misdemeanors’’. In his conduct of Blunt Rochester Evans Loebsack Stauber Cheney King (IA) the office of President of the United States—and Bonamici Finkenauer Lofgren Stefanik Cline King (NY) in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully Boyle, Brendan Fletcher Lowenthal Steil Cloud Kinzinger F. Foster Lowey Steube to execute the office of President of the United Brindisi Frankel Luja´ n Cole Kustoff (TN) States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, Collins (GA) LaHood Stewart Brown (MD) Fudge Luria Stivers protect, and defend the Constitution of the Brownley (CA) Garamendi Lynch Comer LaMalfa Conaway Lamborn Taylor United States, and in violation of his constitu- Bustos Garcı´a (IL) Malinowski Thompson (PA) tional duty to take care that the laws be faith- Butterfield Garcia (TX) Maloney, Cook Latta Crawford Lesko Thornberry fully executed—Donald J. Trump has abused the Carbajal Golden Carolyn B. Timmons Ca´ rdenas Gomez Maloney, Sean Crenshaw Long powers of the Presidency, in that: Curtis Loudermilk Tipton Carson (IN) Gonzalez (TX) Matsui Turner Using the powers of his high office, President Cartwright Gottheimer McAdams Davidson (OH) Lucas Trump solicited the interference of a foreign Davis, Rodney Luetkemeyer Upton Case Green, Al (TX) McBath Van Drew government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Casten (IL) Grijalva McCollum DesJarlais Marchant Diaz-Balart Marshall Wagner Presidential election. He did so through a Castor (FL) Haaland McEachin Walberg scheme or course of conduct that included solic- Castro (TX) Harder (CA) McGovern Duncan Massie Dunn Mast Walden iting the Government of Ukraine to publicly an- Chu, Judy Hastings McNerney Walker Cicilline Hayes Meeks Emmer McCarthy nounce investigations that would benefit his re- Estes McCaul Walorski election, harm the election prospects of a polit- Cisneros Heck Meng Waltz Clark (MA) Ferguson McClintock Higgins (NY) Moore Watkins ical opponent, and influence the 2020 United Clarke (NY) Himes Morelle Fitzpatrick McHenry Weber (TX) States Presidential election to his advantage. Clay Horn, Kendra S. Moulton Fleischmann McKinley Webster (FL) President Trump also sought to pressure the Cleaver Horsford Mucarsel-Powell Flores Meadows Wenstrup Government of Ukraine to take these steps by Clyburn Houlahan Murphy (FL) Fortenberry Meuser Westerman Cohen Hoyer Nadler Foxx (NC) Miller conditioning official United States Government Williams Connolly Huffman Napolitano Fulcher Mitchell acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public Wilson (SC) Cooper Jackson Lee Neal Gaetz Moolenaar announcement of the investigations. President Wittman Correa Jayapal Neguse Gallagher Mooney (WV) Trump engaged in this scheme or course of con- Womack Costa Jeffries Norcross Gianforte Mullin Woodall duct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal Courtney Johnson (GA) O’Halleran Gibbs Murphy (NC) Gohmert Newhouse Wright political benefit. In so doing, President Trump Cox (CA) Johnson (TX) Ocasio-Cortez used the powers of the Presidency in a manner Craig Kaptur Omar Gonzalez (OH) Norman Yoho Crist Keating Pallone Gooden Nunes Young that compromised the national security of the Crow Kelly (IL) Panetta Gosar Olson Zeldin United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus Cuellar Kennedy Pappas NOT VOTING—5 Cunningham Khanna Pascrell ignored and injured the interests of the Nation. Davids (KS) Kildee Payne Gabbard Hunter Shimkus President Trump engaged in this scheme or Davis (CA) Kilmer Perlmutter Gallego Serrano course of conduct through the following means: Davis, Danny K. Kim Peters (1) President Trump—acting both directly and Dean Kind Phillips ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE through his agents within and outside the DeFazio Kirkpatrick Pingree The SPEAKER pro tempore (during DeGette Krishnamoorthi Pocan United States Government—corruptly solicited DeLauro Kuster (NH) Porter the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- the Government of Ukraine to publicly an- DelBene Lamb Pressley ing. nounce investigations into— VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:00 Dec 19, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A18DE7.015 H18DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 18, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H12131 (A) a political opponent, former Vice Presi- interposed the powers of the Presidency against revise and extend their remarks and in- dent Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and the lawful subpoenas of the House of Represent- sert extraneous material on H. Res. 755. (B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia atives, and assumed to himself functions and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there alleging that Ukraine—rather than Russia— judgments necessary to the exercise of the ‘‘sole objection to the request of the gen- interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential Power of Impeachment’’ vested by the Constitu- tleman from New York? election. tion in the House of Representatives. There was no objection. (2) With the same corrupt motives, President President Trump abused the powers of his Trump—acting both directly and through his high office through the following means: Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I agents within and outside the United States (1) Directing the White House to defy a lawful yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman Government—conditioned two official acts on subpoena by withholding the production of doc- from California (Ms. PELOSI), the dis- the public announcements that he had re- uments sought therein by the Committees. tinguished Speaker of the House. quested— (2) Directing other Executive Branch agencies
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