Balangeroite, a New Fibrous Silicate Related to Gageite from Balangero
American Mineralogist, Volume 6E, pages 214-219, I9E3 Balangeroite,a new fibrous silicate related to gageitefrom Balangero,Italy Ronpnro CoupecNoxr Dipartimento di Scienzqdella Terra Universitd della Calabria Castiglione scalo, 87030Cosenza, Italy GtoveNNr Fr,nnents Istituto di Mineralogia, Cristallografia e Geochimica "G. Spezia", Universitddi Torino via S. Massimo 22. 10123Torino. Itqlv eNo LRune Flone Istituto di Petrografia, Universitd di Torino and Centro di Studio per i Problemi dell'Orogeno delle Alpi Occidentalidel C.N.R., via S. Massimo22, 10123Torino, Italy Abstract Balangeroiteoccurs as brown asbestiformfibers in a paragenesiswith long-fiber chrysotile,magnetite, and native Fe-Ni in the Balangeroserpentinite (Lanzo Valley, Piedmont,Italy). It is orthorhombicwith a 13.85(4),b 13.58(3), and c 9.65(3)A;a sub-cell with c' : c/3 is stronglyevident. The X-ray powderpattern demonstrates an isostructural relationshipof the newmineral with gageite;the strongestreflections are:9.59(40)(ll0), 6.77(80)(020),3.378(45)(410), 3.278(40Xr40), 2.714(100)(050,510), 2.674(75)(150,223), and 2.516(40)(250).The fibers are elongated parallel to [fi)l], showone or more{/r/<0} cleavages, and are usuallyintergrown with chrysotile.The refractiveindexes are aboutthe same, 1.680(5),both parallel and perpendicular to [fi)l]; coloris darkbrown and yellow brown in thesetwo directions,respectively. Chemical analysis gives a unit-cellcontent of (Mgzs.zoFez2.tqFe].t3Mn?:5Ab.rzCao.ozCro.orTio.or)>rae3Si15.3sO53oe(OH), andthe presenceof a sub-cellwith c' = c/3 suggeststhe formula (Mg,Fe2*,Fe3*,Mn2*,!;o2sir5(O,OH)eo with contentsdivisible by 3; a similarformula is probablyalso correct for the Mn-analogue, gageite.DTA, TGA, and high-temperatureX-ray powder analysesshow structural breakdownwith a total weightloss of 9.4Voand the appearanceof olivineat 8fi)'C.
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