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Pioneers of Computing

Pioneers of Computing

Pioneers of

В 1980 IEEE Society учредило Золотую медаль (бронзовую) «Вычислительный Пионер»

Пионерами учредителями стали 32 члена IEEE Computer Society, связанных с работами по информатике и вычислительным наукам.

1 Pioneers of Computing

1.Howard H. Aiken (Havard Mark I) 2.John V. Atanasoff 3. () 4. 5. (Digital) 6. 7.Edsger W. Dijkstra 8.John Presper Eckert 9.Douglas C. Engelbart 10.Andrei P. Ershov (theroretical programming) 11.Tommy Flowers (Colossus engineer) 12.Robert W. Floyd 13.Kurt Gödel 14.William R. Hewlett 15.Herman Hollerith 16.Grace M. Hopper 17.Tom Kilburn (Manchester)

2 Pioneers of Computing 1. Donald E. Knuth (TeX) 2. Sergei A. Lebedev 3. Augusta 4. Aleksey A.Lyapunov 5. Benoit Mandelbrot 6. John W. Mauchly 7. David Packard 8. Blaise Pascal 9. P. Georg and Edvard Scheutz (, Sweden) 10. C. E. Shannon (information theory) 11. George R. Stibitz 12. Alan M. Turing (Colossus and code-breaking) 13. 14. Maurice V. Wilkes (EDSAC) 15. .H. Wilkinson (numerical analysis) 16. Freddie C. Williams 17. 18. (Mathematica) 19.

3 Pioneers of Computing - 2

Howard H. Aiken (Havard Mark I) – США Создатель первой ЭВМ – 1943 г.

Gene M. Amdahl (IBM360 , including pipelining, instruction look-ahead, and cache memory) – США (1964 г.) Идеология майнфреймов – система массовой обработки данных

John W. Backus () – первый язык высокого уровня – 1956 г. 4 Pioneers of Computing - 3

Robert S. Barton For his outstanding contributions in basing the design of computing systems on the hierarchical nature of programs and their data.

C. Gordon Bell For his contributions to designing and understanding computer systems: for his contributions in the formation of the minicomputer; for the creation of the first commercial, interactive timesharing computer; for pioneering work in the field of hardware description languages; for co-authoring classic computer books and co-founding a computer museum. (PDP, DEC и VAX серии).

5 Pioneers of Computing - 4 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. For landmark contributions to computer architecture, operating systems, and engineering.

Wesley A. Clark For contributions to the early development of the minicomputer and the multiprocessor, and for continued contributions over 25 years that have found their way into computer networks, modular , and personal computers.

Fernando J. Corbato For his pioneering work organizing the concepts and leading the development of the general- purpose, large-scale, time-sharing and resource-sharing computer systems, CTSS and Multics.

6 Pioneers of Computing - 5

7 Pioneers of Computing - 6

Edsgar W. Dijkstra

Edsger Dijkstra was a principal contributor in the late 1950's to the development of the ALGOL, a high level which has become a model of clarity and mathematical rigor. He is one of the principal exponents of the science and art of programming languages in general, and has greatly contributed to our understanding of their structure, representation, and implementation. His fifteen years of publications extend from theoretical articles on graph theory to basic manuals, expository texts, an philosophical contemplations in the field of programming languages.

8 Pioneers of Computing - 7

J. Presper Eckert - ENIAC John W. Mauchly

John W. Mauchly

9 Pioneers of Computing - 7

J. Presper Eckert - ENIAC John W. Mauchly

10 Pioneers of Computing - 8 Jay W. Forrester

Multicoordinate Digital Information Storage Device His invention became known as magnetic-core memory storage, a precursor to today’s RAM technology, and was first used in Project Whirlwind, a monster computer developed at the Institute of Technology in the early 1950s as part of the ’ strategic defense against the Soviet Union. System Dynamics Program.

Herman H. Goldstine (ENIAC) Logical design of an electronic computing instrument (c Дж. Фон Нейманом).

11 Pioneers of Computing - 9 Richard W. Hamming Some Problems in the Boundary Value Theory of Linear Differential Equations In 1945 the Manhattan Project. В 1946 the Bell Telephone Laboratories (работы с Shannon and Tukey). Сhair of at the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, California. Работы on error- detecting and error- correcting codes. В 1950 and with this he started a new subject within information theory. Hamming codes are of fundamental importance in coding theory and are of practical use in computer design. Work error- correcting codes, packing problem over finite fields.

In 1956 Hamming worked on the early computer, the IBM 650 - the development of a programming language which has evolved into the high-level computer languages used to program computers today. 12 Pioneers of Computing - 10

Начала теоритеческого программирования

13 Pioneers of Computing - 11

Alston Scott Householder

Математическая биология, нейронные сети, прикладная алгебра.

Kenneth E. Iverson

For his pioneering effort in programming languages and mathematical notation resulting in what the computing field now knows as APL, for his contributions to the implementation of interactive systems, to educational uses of APL, and to programming language theory and practice. 14 Pioneers of Computing - 12

Jean A. Hoerni Robert N. Noyce

Jean Hoerni, Kurt Lehovec, Jack St. Clair Kilby and Robert N. Noyce – промышленное производства полупроводниковых элеметнов.


15 Pioneers of Computing - 13

Tom Kilburn (1921 - 2001)

For major seminal contributions to computer architecture spanning a period of three decades. For establishing a tradition of collaboration between university and industry which demands the mutual understanding of electronics technology and abstract programming concepts.

(вычислительная машина Atlas, в которой впервые реализована концепция виртуальной памяти).

16 Pioneers of Computing - 14

Donald E. Knuth

Издательская система ТеХ и Искусство программирования

17 Pioneers of Computing - 15

George R. Stibitz

18 Pioneers of Computing - 16

Maurice V. Wilkes Микропрограммирование и асемблер

Konrad Zuse

19 Pioneers of Computing - 16

Herman Lukoff Univac-LARC

Gordon E. Moore Основатель компании Intel

20 Pioneers of Computing - 16

Allen Newell The Award is presented to an individual selected for career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines.

Lawrence G. Roberts Founder of the

Shmuel Winograd - БПФ

21 Pioneers of 1982 SWAC

Harry D. Huskey

"For the first parallel computer SWAC"

22 Pioneers of 1984

John Vincent Atanasoff "For the first electronic computer with serial memory"

23 Pioneers of 1984

Jerrier A. Haddad "For his part in the lead IBM 701 design team" Nathaniel Rochester "For the architecture of IBM 702 electronic data processing machines"

24 Nathaniel Rochester Jerrier A. Haddad Pioneers

Nicholas C. Metropolis (1915-1999) "For the first solved atomic energy problems on ENIAC"

ENIAC - 1945. Monte Carlo method Stanislaw Ulam in 1949 statistical method to Enrico Fermi

25 Pioneers

Willem L. van der Poel "For the serial computer ZEBRA

1956 – Zebra 1962- Algol

26 Pioneers

John G. Kemeny "For BASIC"

John McCarthy "For LISP and "

Alan Perlis "For computer language translation" John G. Kemeny

27 Pioneers

Stephen W. Dunwell "For project stretch"

Douglas C. Engelbart "For human computer interaction"

28 Pioneers

Dennis M. Ritchie "In recognition of contributions to the development of "

Ken L. Thompson "For his work with UNIX"

29 Pioneers

Victor M. Glushkov "For digital automation of computer architecture"

30 Pioneers

Sergey A. Lebedev "For the first computer in the Soviet Union"

Alexej A. Lyuponov "For Soviet and programming"

31 Pioneers

Harold W. Lawson "For inventing thr pointer variable and introducing this concept into PL/I, thus providing for the first time, the capability to flexibly treat linked lists in a general-purpose high level language"