Optimal Control of Two-Player Systems with Output Feedback Laurent Lessard, Member, IEEE, and Sanjay Lall, Fellow, IEEE
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 2129 Optimal Control of Two-Player Systems With Output Feedback Laurent Lessard, Member, IEEE, and Sanjay Lall, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—In this article, we consider a fundamental decentral- ized optimal control problem, which we call the two-player prob- lem. Two subsystems are interconnected in a nested information pattern, and output feedback controllers must be designed for each subsystem. Several special cases of this architecture have previously been solved, such as the state-feedback case or the case where the dynamics of both systems are decoupled. In this paper, we present a detailed solution to the general case. The structure of the optimal decentralized controller is reminiscent of that of Fig. 1. Decentralized interconnection. the optimal centralized controller; each player must estimate the state of the system given their available information and apply static control policies to these estimates to compute the optimal controller. The previously solved cases benefit from a separation between estimation and control that allows the associated gains to be computed separately. This feature is not present in general, and some of the gains must be solved for simultaneously. We show that computing the required coupled estimation and control gains amounts to solving a small system of linear equations. Index Terms—Cooperative control, decentralized control, linear Fig. 2. General four-block plant with controller in feedback. systems, optimal control. the measurement y1 received by C1 is the same as that received by C2. We give a precise definition of our chosen notion of I. INTRODUCTION stability in Section II-B and we further discuss our choice of ANY large-scale systems such as the internet, power stabilization framework in Section III. M grids, or teams of autonomous vehicles, can be viewed The feedback interconnection of Fig. 1 may be represented as a network of interconnected subsystems. A common feature using the linear fractional transformation shown in Fig. 2. of these applications is that subsystems must make control The information flow in this problem leads to a sparsity P K decisions with limited information. The hope is that despite the structure for both and in Fig. 2. Specifically, we find the decentralized nature of the system, global performance criteria following block-lower-triangular sparsity pattern: can be optimized. In this paper, we consider a particular class G K P 11 0 K 11 0 of decentralized control problems, illustrated in Fig. 1, and 22 = G G and = K K (1) develop the optimal linear controller in this framework. 21 22 21 22 G G Fig. 1 shows plants 1 and 2, with associated controllers while P , P , P are full in general. We assume P and C C C 11 12 21 1 and 2. Controller 1 receives measurements only from K are finite-dimensional continuous-time linear time-invariant G C G G 1, whereas 2 receives measurements from both 1 and 2. systems. The goal is to find an H -optimal controller K subject C G G 2 The actions of 1 affect both 1 and 2, whereas the actions to the constraint (1). We paraphrase our main result, found in C G of 2 only affect 2. In other words, information may only Theorem 6. Consider the state-space dynamics flow from left to right. We assume explicitly that the signal u1 G G x˙ A 0 x B 0 u entering 1 is the same as the signal u1 entering 2. A different 1 = 11 1 + 11 1 + w modeling assumption would be to assume that these signals x˙ 2 A21 A22 x2 B21 B22 u2 could be affected by separate noise. Similarly, we assume that y C 0 x 1 = 11 1 + v y2 C21 C22 x2 Manuscript received March 14, 2013; revised January 13, 2014 and July 25, 2014; accepted January 20, 2015. Date of publication February 9, 2015; date where w and v are Gaussian white noise. The objective is of current version July 24, 2015. This work was partly done while L. Lessard to minimize the quadratic cost of the standard LQG problem, was an LCCC postdoc at Lund University in Lund, Sweden. S. Lall is partially subject to the constraint that supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under grant MURI FA9550-10-1-0573. Recommended by Associate Editor L. Mirkin. Player 1 measures y1 and chooses u1 L. Lessard is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Player 2 measures y ,y and chooses u . S. Lall is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, and the Department 1 2 2 of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Here we borrow the terminology from game theory, and envis- Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2015.2400658 age separate players performing the actions u1 and u2. We will 0018-9286 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. 2130 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 60, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 show that the optimal controller has the form [33]. One particularly relevant numerical approach is to use 00 vectorization, which converts the decentralized problem into an u = Kx| + (x| − x| ) y1,uζ HJ y,u y1,uζ equivalent centralized problem [21]. This conversion process results in a dramatic growth in state dimension, and so the where x|y1,uζ denotes the optimal estimate of x using the infor- method is computationally intensive and only feasible for small mation available to Player 1, and x|y,u is the optimal estimate problems. However, it does provide important insight into the of x using the information available Player 2. The matrices problem. Namely, it proves that there exists an optimal linear K, J, and H are determined from the solutions to Riccati and controller for the two-player problem considered herein that is Sylvester equations. The precise meaning of optimal estimate rational. These results are discussed in Section VI-A. and uζ will be explained in Section V. Our results therefore pro- A drawback of such numerical approaches is that they do not vide a type of separation principle for such problems. Questions provide an intuitive explanation for what the controller is doing; of separation are central to decentralized control, and very little there is no physical interpretation for the states of the controller. is known in the general case. Our results therefore also shed In the centralized case, we have such an interpretation. Specifi- some light on this important issue. Even though the controller cally, the controller consists of a Kalman filter whose states are is expressed in terms of optimal estimators, these do not all estimates of the states of the plant together with a static control evolve according to a standard Kalman filter (also known as gain that corresponds to the solution of an LQR problem. the Kalman-Bucy filter), since Player 1, for example, does not Recent structural results [1], [17] reveal that for general classes know u2. of delayed-sharing information patterns, the optimal control The main contribution of this paper is an explicit state-space policy depends on a summary of the information available and formula for the optimal controller, which was not previously a dynamic programming approach may be used to compute known. The realization we find is generically minimal, and it. There are general results also in the case where not all computing it is of comparable computational complexity to information is eventually available to all players [30]. However, computing the optimal centralized controller. The solution also these dynamic programming results do not appear to easily gives an intuitive interpretation for the states of the optimal translate to state-space formulae for linear systems. controller. For linear systems in which each player eventually has access The paper is organized as follows. In the remainder of the to all information, explicit formulae were found in [8]. A simple introduction, we give a brief history of decentralized control case with varying communication delay was treated in [15]. and the two-player problem in particular. Then, we cover Cases where plant data are only locally available have also been some background mathematics and give a formal statement studied [3], [16]. of the two-player optimal control problem. In Section III, we Certain special cases of the two-player problem have been characterize all structured stabilizing controllers, and show solved explicitly and clean physical interpretations have been that the two-player control problem can be expressed as an found for the states of the optimal controller. Most notably, the equivalent structured model-matching problem that is convex. state-feedback case admits an explicit state-space solution using In Section IV, we state our main result which contains the a spectral factorization approach [25]. This approach was also optimal controller formulae. We follow up with a discussion of used to address a case with partial output feedback, in which the structure and interpretation of this controller in Section V. there is output feedback for one player and state feedback for The subsequent Section VI gives a detailed proof of the main the other [26]. The work of [24] also provided a solution to the result. Finally, we conclude in Section VII. state-feedback case using the Möbius transform associated with the underlying poset. Certain special cases were also solved A. Prior Work in [6], which gave a method for splitting decentralized opti- mal control problems into multiple centralized problems.