Guide to Bicycle Project and Program Funding in California

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Guide to Bicycle Project and Program Funding in California Guide to Bicycle Project and Program Funding in California Second Edition by Gail Payne February 2002 This document is a combined effort of the California Bicycle Coalition, Caltrans Bicycle Facilities Unit and the Planning and Conservation League Foundation. Guide to Bicycle Project and Program Funding in California Second Edition by Gail Payne February 2002 This document is a combined effort of the California Bicycle Coalition, Caltrans Bicycle Facilities Unit and the Planning and Conservation League Foundation. For additional copies of this report, refer to: § California Bicycle Coalition’s web site at or phone at (916) 446-7558. § Planning and Conservation League Foundation’s web site at or phone at (916) 444-8726. Guide to Bicycle Project and Program Funding in California Table of Contents Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Background................................................................................................................................................. 2 Federal Transportation Funding Summary ................................................................................................. 3 State Transportation Funding Summary..................................................................................................... 6 Local/Regional Transportation Funding Summary..................................................................................... 9 Bicycle Project Funding Example ............................................................................................................ 10 Primary Funding Sources - Federal .............................................................................................................. 11 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program................................................ 11 Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Program............................................................................ 14 Recreational Trails Program (RTP) .......................................................................................................... 16 Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) .................................................................................. 19 Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) Program................................................................. 22 Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) Program.......................................................................... 23 Primary Funding Sources - State .................................................................................................................. 28 Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA).................................................................................................... 28 California Conservation Corps (CCC)...................................................................................................... 31 Community Based Transportation Planning Demonstration Grant Program............................................ 32 Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP)............................................................... 33 Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF) Grant Program................................................................................... 34 Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Program................................................................................................... 36 Petroleum Violation Escrow Account (PVEA) ........................................................................................ 38 Safe Routes to School Program (SR2S).................................................................................................... 39 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)................................................................................. 41 Primary Funding Sources – Local and Regional .......................................................................................... 43 Developer Impact Fees ............................................................................................................................. 43 Local Air District Projects Funded by Vehicle Registration Fee.............................................................. 44 Local Sales Tax for Transportation .......................................................................................................... 46 Registration and Licensing of Bicycles .................................................................................................... 48 Transportation Development Act (TDA) – Article 3................................................................................ 49 Foundation and Corporate Funding Sources ................................................................................................ 51 Bikes Belong Coalition, Ltd. .................................................................................................................... 51 Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) Corporate Contribution Program..................................................... 53 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) ...................................................................................... 54 Secondary Funding Sources - Federal .......................................................................................................... 55 Hazard Elimination Safety (HES) Program.............................................................................................. 55 Secondary Sources – State............................................................................................................................ 57 Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000 (Proposition 12) ........................................................................................................................................ 57 Appendix A: Local Bicycle Advocacy Groups .......................................................................................... A-1 Appendix B: State and National Bicycle-Related Organizations and Services .......................................... B-1 State Bicycle Organizations.................................................................................................................... B-1 National Bicycle-Related Organizations................................................................................................. B-1 Appendix C: State Legislative Contacts for Transportation ....................................................................... C-1 General Information ............................................................................................................................... C-1 Transportation Committee of the Senate ................................................................................................ C-1 Transportation Committee of the Assembly........................................................................................... C-1 Appendix D: Caltrans Contacts .................................................................................................................. D-1 Local Programs Bicycle Facilities Unit .................................................................................................. D-1 Local Streets and Roads.......................................................................................................................... D-1 Appendix E: Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).......................................................................E-1 Appendix F: Regional Transportation Planning Agencies ..........................................................................F-1 Appendix G: City and County Transportation Contact Information .......................................................... G-1 Appendix H: Local Air Pollution Control Districts.................................................................................... H-1 Appendix I: Congestion Management Agencies ..........................................................................................I-1 Appendix J: Transportation Glossary .......................................................................................................... J-1 List of Figures Figure 1: Federal Transportation Funding ...................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: STIP Transportation Funding Process........................................................................................... 41 List of Tables Table 1: Primary Federal Bicycle Program and Project Funding Sources...................................................... 4 Table 2: Primary State Bicycle Program and Project Funding Sources.......................................................... 8 Table 3: Primary Local/Regional Bicycle Program and Project Funding Sources ......................................... 9 Table 4: Example Bicycle Project Funding Sources..................................................................................... 10 Table 5: CMAQ Statewide Distributions...................................................................................................... 11 Table 6: 1999/2000 CMAQ Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects......................................................................
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