State of , County of Siskiyou Board of Supervisors Minutes, November 12, 2019 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Siskiyou County, California, met in regular session this 12th day of November 2019; there being present Supervisors Lisa L. Nixon, Brandon Criss, Michael N. Kobseff, Ray A. Haupt and Ed Valenzuela, County Administrator Terry Barber, County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan, and County Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Laura Bynum by Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham. The meeting was called to order by Chair Criss. Pursuant to AB23, the Clerk announced that the Board members receive no additional compensation for sitting as members of the Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Supervisor Nixon led in the salute to the flag of the United States of America. Closed Session - Personnel pursuant to Government Code §54957, conference with legal counsel, existing litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1), four cases, conference with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, commenced at 8:33a.m., concluded at 9:59a.m., with no action taken. Report On Closed Session County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan announced that closed session concluded at 9:59a.m., with no reportable action taken. Invocation - Siskiyou County Sheriff Chaplain Keith Bradley provided the invocation. Consent Agenda – Approved. At Supervisor Haupt’s request, items 5C, County Administration’s letter to Union Pacific Railroad supporting the Siskiyou Trail Association designed Mossbrae Falls Access project, and item 5D, County Administration’s Rule 20A Credit Purchase agreement with the City of Weed for the transfer of $1,200,000 of 20A credits (County Allocation) from the County to the City, were pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. It was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela and unanimously carried, that the following consent agenda is approved, and the Chair and/or clerk authorized to execute/record any necessary documents: Agriculture Approve agreement 19-0141 between the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the Siskiyou County Department of Agriculture, in the amount of $18,991, term July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020, authorize the County Administrative Officer (CAO) to execute the agreement and authorize the Auditor to establish budget. Community Corrections Partnership Authorize the deletion of one Corrections Services Specialist (SJCS01) and the creation of one Behavioral Health Services Specialist, effective November 17, 2019. County Administration Approve contract with NEOGOV for online recruitment licensing for a not to exceed amount of $14,446 for FY 19/20. Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Mental Health Services agreement between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division, and County of Humboldt. Continued…

Volume 76 62 November 12, 2019 Consent Agenda – continued Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the eighth addendum to contract for services between Siskiyou County Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Division, and Kings View Corporation. Public Works Authorize the Board Chair approve and sign the Notice of Completion of the Guys Gulch Road Realignment, Guys Gulch Bridge and Approaches, and Schulmeyer Gulch Bridge and Approaches Project, Contract No. 16-07, with the Clerk of the Board directed to record the notice within five days. Public Works Authorize the Board Chair approve and sign the Notice of Completion of the Scott Valley Airport Slurry Seal Project, Contract No. 18-03, with the Clerk of the Board directed to record the notice within five days.

Sheriff Approve rental lease agreement with 1st addendum between Ray Morgan Company and Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office for copiers/printers lease and maintenance services. Transfer of Funds - Pleasant Valley Fire Zone - $644. Resolution 19-144 adopted. Transfer of Funds - Hammond Ranch Fire Zone - $3,649. Resolution 19-145 adopted. County Administration - Approve letter to Union Pacific Railroad supporting the Siskiyou Trail Association designed Mossbrae Falls Access project. Approved. This item was pulled from the consent agenda at Supervisor Haupt’s request. Following discussion between Supervisors Haupt and Valenzuela regarding the ongoing efforts being made to address right-of-way and other issues along the access trail to Mossbrae Falls near Dunsmuir, it was moved by Supervisor Valenzuela, seconded by Supervisor Haupt and unanimously carried to approve the letter to Union Pacific Railroad. County Administration - Approve Rule 20A Credit Purchase agreement with the City of Weed for the transfer of $1,200,000 of 20A credits (County Allocation) from the County to the City, with the City to pay the County the sum of $120,000 as detailed in the agreement. Approved. This item was pulled from the consent agenda at Supervisor Haupt’s request. Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham advised that the Clerk’s Office had received a four-page email from Scott Valley resident Anne Marsh voicing opposition to the request. In response to Supervisor Haupt, County Administrator Terry Barber advised that the County has accrued in excess of $4million in 20A credits. Following discussion between members of the Board and Ms. Barber regarding the potential for jurisdictions to utilize the 20A credits to mitigate negative impacts associated with overhead power lines, the potential for power companies (i.e. Pacific Power, Pacific Gas and Electric) to shut off power during times of high wildfire probability and the need for further review/research into possible methods to be proactive and mitigate wildfire impacts within various areas of the County, it was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to approve the agreement between the County and the City of Weed and authorize the Auditor to establish budget appropriations. Presentations from the Public US Fish and Wildlife Services Field Supervisor Jenny Ericson presented and summarized a one-page news release regarding proposed protections (listing as endangered) for the West Coast Distinct Population Segment of the fisher, which included a public comment period. Continued…

Volume 76 63 November 12, 2019 Presentations from the Public - continued Ms. Ericson further provided an update on efforts related to the publishing of a negative finding related to the yellow cedar. Brief discussion followed between members of the Board and Ms. Ericson regarding the deadline related to the comment period and direction to the County’s Natural Resource Department to submit the County’s related comments. In response to Supervisor Kobseff, US Fish and Wildlife Supervisory Biologist Laura Finley clarified the 4D rule (associated with fire and contaminant issues). Ms. Ericson distributed copies of the 14-page US Fish & Wildlife Service Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office Summer-Fall 2019 newsletter. Board of Supervisors' Requests - Board of Supervisors - Presentation of a Resolution honoring Senior Forensic Technician Bonnie Mortenson upon her retirement. Continued to a later date. Chair Criss advised that this item was continued to a later date as Ms. Mortenson was not able to attend the meeting. Board of Supervisors – Board of Supervisors - Presentation of a Resolution honoring Correctional Corporal Michael G. Jackson upon his retirement. Presentation only. Supervisor Haupt read the Resolution honoring Correctional Corporal Michael G. Jackson upon his retirement into the record. Sheriff Lopey and Sheriff Captain Jeff Huston thanked Mr. Jackson for this service to the Sheriff’s Office, the Jail and to the County. Members of the Board congratulated Mr. Jackson on his retirement and presented the Resolution to him. Board of Supervisors - Board of Supervisors - Presentation of a Resolution honoring Correctional Corporal Fernando "Fernie" Fernandez upon his retirement. Presentation only. Supervisor Kobseff read the Resolution honoring Correctional Corporal Fernando “Fernie” Fernandez upon his retirement into the record. Sheriff Lopey and Sheriff Captain Jeff Huston thanked Mr. Fernandez for this service to the Sheriff’s Office, the Jail and to the County. Members of the Board congratulated Mr. Fernandez on his retirement and presented the Resolution to him. Appointments - County Clerk - Appointment of one Delegate and one or two Alternates to the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Environmental Services Joint Power Authority (ESJPA) Board of Directors for 2020. Supervisor Kobseff appointed Delegate; General Services Project coordinator Jason Ledbetter appointed first Alternate. Second Alternate position to remain vacant. Deputy County Clerk Wendy Winningham provided an overview of the request, advising that Supervisor Kobseff served as Delegate for 2019. Additionally, Ms. Winningham advised that Public Works Director Scott Waite requested that General Services Manager Ethan Garrett be appointed as first Alternate and General Services Project Coordinator Jason Ledbetter be appointed as second Alternate. It was moved by Supervisor Criss, seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela and unanimously carried to appoint Supervisor Kobseff as Delegate to the Rural Counties’ Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) Board of Directors for 2020. It was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Valenzuela and unanimously carried to appoint General Services Project Coordinator Jason Ledbetter as first Alternate to the Rural Counties’ Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) Board of Directors for 2020 and leave the second Alternate position vacant. Volume 76 64 November 12, 2019 Board of Supervisors' Requests - Supervisor Michael N. Kobseff - Discussion, direction and possible action re request to donate $5,000 to Klamath County, Oregon, toward Coalition of the Willing Facilitator services. Approved. Supervisor Kobseff provided an overview of the request, advising that the funding would be utilized, along with funding from Klamath and Modoc counties, to support certain facilitation services to address water issues within the Watershed. Following discussion between members of the Board regarding possible additional funding sources and the benefits associated with utilizing a facilitator, it was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and unanimously carried to approve a $5,000 contribution to Klamath County for the Coalition of the Willing facilitator. Public Requests - Shasta Regional Community Foundation - Discussion, direction and possible action re Proclamation proclaiming December 3, 2019 as North State Giving Tuesday in Siskiyou County for 2019. Proclamation adopted. Shasta Regional Community Foundation Development and Communications Officer Audra Beylik provided a brief overview of the Proclamation request, including a history of ‘Giving Tuesday’ and presented an online demonstration of the website Ms. Beylik provided an overview of the process by which the public could pre-schedule (before December 3rd) and to make donations to participating non-profit organizations during the December 3rd online event. It was moved by Supervisor Valenzuela, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to adopt the Proclamation proclaiming December 3, 2019 as North State Giving Tuesday in Siskiyou County. First 5 Siskiyou Children and Families Commission - Presentation of a Proclamation of the 12th Annual 'Read Across Siskiyou' event sponsored by First 5 Siskiyou Children and Families Commission. Presentation only. First 5 Siskiyou Children and Families Commission Chair Kermith Walters provided a brief overview of the Read Across Siskiyou event that would be taking place on November 13th at various preschools, kindergartens and childcare locations. Mr. Walters thanked the Board of Supervisors for their participation in the annual event. Following discussion between members of the Board and Mr. Walters regarding the benefits associated with the various programs that distribute books/reading materials to local families, members of the Board presented the Proclamation to Mr. Walters. Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap - Discussion, direction and possible action re a Resolution designating the Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap as the Official Workforce Development Strategic Plan for Siskiyou County. Resolution 19-146 adopted. Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap (SOAR) representatives Marie Caldwell, Mark Klever, and Kermith Walters appeared before the Board. Ms. Caldwell distributed a 24-page document entitled: Building Siskiyou’s Workforce, Siskiyou Works SOAR Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap and provided an overview of the efforts being made to build a job readiness strategy for Siskiyou County’s future workforce. Mr. Klever and Mr. Walters advised of the efforts made to create collaboration and utilize public/private partnerships to identify and address gaps between the classroom and job opportunities. Mr. Walters advised that the plan is labeled as a ‘roadmap’ versus a strategic plan as it is meant to be a living document that could change as it is utilized in the future. Discussion followed between members of the Board and those present regarding the Ford Family Foundation’s assistance and grant for use in creating the roadmap, future plans and possible funding sources to implement the roadmap. Continued… Volume 76 65 November 12, 2019 Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap - continued Following further discussion regarding the benefits associated with youth internships or similar programs, the efforts being made to create job opportunities geared toward each community’s needs and the benefits (i.e. grant opportunities) associated with SOAR being designated as the official workforce development strategic plan for the County, it was moved by Supervisor Nixon, seconded by Supervisor Haupt and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution 19-146 designating the Siskiyou Occupational Advancement Roadmap as the Official Workforce Development Strategic Plan for Siskiyou County. County Clerk - Registrar of Voters - Discussion, direction and possible action re appointments in lieu of election of eligible persons to various special districts pursuant to Elections Code §10515. Various appointments in lieu of election were made. County Clerk – Registrar of Voters Laura Bynum provided an overview of the request, advising that various special district vacancies were continued from the November 5, 2019 Board meeting. It was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Haupt and unanimously carried to appoint in lieu of election William Haars and Scotty Billingsley to the Grenada Fire Protection District, for four-year terms beginning December 6, 2019 through December 1, 2023, and appoint in lieu of election Lynn O’Neil and William Nicoletti to the Grenada Fire Protection District, for two-year terms beginning December 6, 2019 through December 3, 2021. Ms. Bynum advised of receiving a letter of interest in re-appointment to the Big Springs Irrigation District from incumbent Caralee Scala. It was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Criss and unanimously carried to appoint in lieu of election Caralee Scala to the Big Springs Irrigation District for a four-year term beginning December 6, 2019 through December 1, 2023. The remaining full-term position on the Big Springs Irrigation District was not filled. Ms. Bynum advised of one short-term position on the Grenada Sanitary District that was currently vacant. No action was taken to fill the one short-term position on the Grenada Sanitary District. Ms. Bynum advised that the Callahan Water District and Hornbrook Fire Protection District had vacancies that were in need of filling. It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and unanimously carried to appoint in lieu of election Roger Thomas, Brenda Hurliman and Cheryl Hayden to the Callahan Water District for four-year terms beginning December 6, 2019 through December 1, 2023 and to appoint in lieu of election Richard Palmer to the Callahan Water District for a two-year term, beginning December 6, 2019 through December 3, 2021. It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to appoint in lieu of election Sharon Morin to the Hornbrook Fire Protection District for a four-year term beginning December 6, 2019 through December 1, 2023 and to appoint in lieu of election Tim Thurner to the Hornbrook Fire Protection District for a two-year term, beginning December 6, 2019 through December 3, 2021. Ms. Bynum advised that the Clerk’s Office received a letter of interest in serving on the Scott Valley Irrigation District from Etna resident Paul Sweezey, who was eligible to serve on the District Board. It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to appoint in lieu of election Paul Sweezey to the Scott Valley Irrigation District for a four-year term beginning December 6, 2019 through December 1, 2023.

Volume 76 66 November 12, 2019 County Clerk - Discussion, direction and possible action re appointment of two members to the unscheduled vacancies on the Fire Protection District, with terms ending December 6, 2019 and December 3, 2021, in order to establish a quorum for the District, pursuant to Government Code §1780. County Clerk – Registrar of Voters Laura Bynum provided an overview of the request, advising that the Copco Lake Fire Protection District had fallen below a quorum due to two resignations and that the District was unable to function. Ms. Bynum additionally advised that the Clerk’s Office had received letters of interest in filling those vacant positions from Montague residents Juanita Fait, Patricia Utz, Kristy Ells, Charles ‘Richard’ Casper and Mark Fischer. In response to Supervisor Criss regarding the December 6, 2019 term expiration date for one of the open positions, Ms. Bynum advised, and County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan confirmed, that anyone appointed to fill that position would serve at the pleasure of the Board (serve until the position is filled by another person). Montague resident Loy Beardsmore spoke in support of Mr. Fischer’s interest in serving on the District Board, as well as Ms. Ells and Mr. Casper’s interest. In response to Ms. Beardsmore’s comments, Mr. Kiernan cautioned the Board not to take an applicant’s age and/or health into consideration when considering making appointments. Ms. Bynum requested that when making their appointments, the Board clarify which term the appointees would be filling. It was moved by Supervisor Criss, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to appoint Mark Fischer to the unscheduled vacancy on the Copco Lake Fire Protection District, for an open term ending December 6, 2019 and to appoint Charles ‘Richard’ Casper to the unscheduled vacancy on the Copco Lake Fire Protection District, for an open term ending December 3, 2021, to establish a quorum. Board of Supervisors - Review status of local emergency related to imminent threat of catastrophic wildfire as declared by Resolution 14-154; action to extend or terminate local emergency. Local emergency extended. Supervisor Haupt requested that this Resolution declaring a local emergency be reviewed and updated and brought back before the Board. It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to extend the local emergency related to imminent threat of catastrophic wildfire as declared by Resolution 14-154. Board of Supervisors - Review status of local emergency related to the proliferation of illegal cannabis cultivation as declared by Resolution 17-117; action to extend or terminate local emergency. Local emergency extended. Supervisor Nixon requested that this Resolution declaring a local emergency be reviewed and updated and brought back before the Board. It was moved by Supervisor Haupt, seconded by Supervisor Kobseff and unanimously carried to extend the local emergency related to the proliferation of illegal cannabis cultivation as declared by Resolution 17- 117. Board and Staff Reports Supervisor Haupt reported on an American Forest Resource review of timber/forest fuels program on the (KNF) and advised that the Gap Fire Recovery Project had been completed. Supervisor Haupt additionally advised of an upcoming conference call regarding the Hornbrook Community Services District (CSD) and efforts being made to repair the CSD’s water system.


Volume 76 67 November 12, 2019 Board and Staff Reports - continued Supervisor Criss advised of his attendance at a career technical education meeting and reported on the ongoing efforts in Montague to work on their Office of Emergency Services (OES) resiliency plan, and advised of his attendance at the Tulelake Veterans Memorial event and a Tenant Community Services District (CSD) meeting. Community Development Department - Discussion, direction and possible action re Resolution authorizing application for, and receipt of, SB 2 Planning Grant Program funds, in an amount not to exceed $160,000, from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Resolution 19-147 adopted. Deputy Director of Environmental Health Rick Dean and Senior Planner Kirk Skierski appeared before the Board. Mr. Dean provided an overview of the request, speaking in support of the opportunity to apply for and possibly receive SB 2 funding to update the County’s planning documents and accelerate housing production and streamline housing approvals. Discussion followed between members of the Board, Mr. Dean and Mr. Skierski regarding the funding that the State was making available to jurisdictions to potentially increase housing stock, the plans to update the Department’s procedures to allow quicker processing of various permits and the potential impact of the updated procedures on current Planning Department staffing, it was moved by Supervisor Kobseff, seconded by Supervisor Nixon and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution 19-147 authorizing the County Administrator to execute and submit an application for SB 2 Planning Grants Program (PGP) funds as outlined in the staff report and appoint County Administrator, or designee, to execute all applications, PGP grant documents and any amendments which may be necessary for completion of the aforementioned project and expenditures of funds and authorize the Auditor to establish budget. County Counsel - Discussion and possible direction re Staff Report on progress in alleviating the need for an Interim Zoning/Urgency Ordinance establishing a temporary moratorium on Industrial Hemp cultivation. Consensus to direct County Counsel to bring forward an interim zoning/urgency ordinance to continue the current moratorium on industrial hemp cultivation on December 10, 2019. Assistant County Counsel Natalie Reed and Agricultural Commissioner James Smith appeared before the Board. Ms. Reed provided a brief overview and history of the County’s current moratorium on industrial hemp cultivation, advising that the moratorium would expire on January 6, 2020. Ms. Reed provided a staff report, including the status of state and federal activity related to industrial hemp cultivation and summarized various associated legislation (i.e. the California Industrial Hemp Farming Act). Ms. Reed advised that the federal government published an interim rule related to approval of plans submitted by states for hemp production and shared concerns regarding inconsistencies between state and federal regulations related to crop testing. Ms. Reed spoke in support of Siskiyou County mimicking the San Joaquin County ordinance regarding regulations for industrial hemp cultivation in unincorporated areas of the County. Mr. Smith provided an overview of the current federal USDA regulations associated with industrial hemp cultivation and shared concerns that the USDA rules were in flux and not finalized yet. Mr. Smith spoke in support of the County’s suggested 40-acre minimum parcel size for cultivation of industrial hemp in AG-1 and AG-2 zones, in support of the Agriculture Department’s ability to inspect hemp operations during the growing season and in support of developing a permanent ordinance related to industrial hemp cultivation prior to the start of the grow season in the spring. Mr. Smith advised of ongoing efforts to develop fees to cover staff work and to develop setback distances (for hemp growing operations) and spoke in support of utilizing San Joaquin County’s ordinance as a template for Siskiyou County.


Volume 76 68 November 12, 2019 County Counsel - continued Discussion followed between members of the Board, Mr. Smith and Ms. Reed regarding the unclear definition of ‘research institution’ within the federal regulations, the need to consider limiting the size of acreage (one-acre maximum) for raising hemp for research purposes and the state’s requirement that the entire plant be sampled for THC levels (versus testing only the bud/flower). Ms. Reed distributed copies of a six-page Hemp Industry Daily newsletter to members of the Board, Clerk and public. Further discussion followed regarding the need for setback distances to provide a buffer between neighboring properties (i.e. limit pesticide drift into industrial hemp operations), the anticipated staff time impacts associated with inspecting industrial hemp operations, the potential to limit the number of permits allowed for industrial hemp cultivation by ‘research institutions’ and the anticipated timeframes associated with development of a permanent ordinance related to industrial hemp cultivation in early 2020. Supervisor Kobseff spoke in support of extending the moratorium to allow staff time to develop a permanent industrial hemp cultivation ordinance prior to the start of the 2020 growing season. Supervisor Haupt shared concerns regarding the potential negative impact of industrial hemp operations in areas prone to inversion layers/fog, the density of such operations and the associated odor. Supervisor Haupt further shared concerns regarding the lack of an outlet for industrial hemp that has been grown in Oregon during the 2019 season, the potential for dangerous fires from an industrial hemp farmer not realizing that ‘green/wet’ hemp cannot be stored in an enclosed structure (barn) and the potential for litigation related to possible orders to destroy a crop (should it be found to be cannabis and not hemp). Mr. Smith advised that the federal guidelines provide flexibility with regard to THC levels before a crop can be destroyed. Further discussion followed regarding possible enforcement methods related to identifying those industrial hemp farms operating without proper permits and the Sheriff’s and Agricultural Commissioner’s ability to provide enforcement and inspect the premises. Supervisor Haupt further shared concerns regarding the potential negative impacts associated with water usage and industrial hemp cultivation. Discussion followed regarding the need for water usage related to industrial hemp versus growing alfalfa, the need to develop density levels and/or separation distances related to industrial hemp cultivation operations and the current status of industrial hemp cultivation in Oregon. Ms. Reed requested the Board’s input with regard to considering an interim zoning/urgency ordinance to continue the current moratorium in industrial hemp cultivation. In response to County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan, it was the consensus of at least three Board members to direct the Assistant County Counsel to bring forward an ordinance extending the moratorium established under Ordinance No. 19-03 and continued under Ordinance 19-04 for an additional year, subject to it being earlier superseded through the implementation of a permanent ordinance and direct the Clerk to set and notice a public hearing regarding the same for December 10, 2019. Board of Supervisors - Presentation of Resolution honoring Debbie Peters on the occasion of her retirement. Presentation only. Supervisor Valenzuela read the Resolution honoring Debbie Peters on the occasion of her retirement into the record. County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan thanked Ms. Peters for her service to the County and the County Counsel’s Office and congratulated her on her retirement. Members of the Board congratulated Mr. Peters on her retirement and presented her with the Resolution.

Volume 76 69 November 12, 2019 County Counsel - Discussion, direction and possible action re the drafting and finalizing of an Argument in Favor of Measure A, a ballot measure concerning an increase of the County's Hotel Tax rate from 8% to 12% and request to authorize signatures on a Ballot Argument Signature Statement and file with the County Clerk. County Counsel Edward J. Kiernan presented and summarized a one-page draft of an Argument in Favor of Measure A, including revisions that were made to the document following the Board’s earlier discussion of the issue. Mr. Kiernan advised that the first and third paragraphs of the Argument had been revised and the language was marked in red. Following discussion between members of the Board and Mr. Kiernan regarding the need to outreach to the public regarding the benefits (including maintaining current levels of service) associated with the additional revenue the TOT/hotel tax and to provide that outreach without expending taxpayer dollars, it was moved by Supervisor Nixon, seconded by Supervisor Haupt and unanimously carried to approve the draft Argument revisions, sign and file with the County Clerk the final Argument in Favor of Measure A and the Ballot Argument Signature Statement on or before November 27, 2019 at 4pm, to promote the Ballot Measure increasing the Hotel Tax.

Adjournment - There being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors, the meeting was adjourned.

______Attest: Brandon A. Criss, Chair Laura Bynum, County Clerk

By: ______Deputy

Volume 76 70 November 12, 2019