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The BG News April 24, 1987

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 24, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4657. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4657

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by Cathy Hoehn ignated drivers available to staff reporter drive any guests home. "It's a very organized, respon- Although the Theta Chi frater- sible party,' Krause said. nity recently was unable to get Both Krause and Bill Higham, an F-l permit to sell beer at co-chairman of the Theta Fest their proposed Theta Fest, Pi committee, believe that the lo- Kappa Alpha fraternity ob- cations of the two parties were a tained their permit last year, factor in Pi Kappa Alpha being and are thus able to hold their able to keep its permit while Pike Fest tomorrow. Theta Chi was not. Pi Kappa Alpha president Joe The Theta Chi house is located Domabyl said the fraternity in a permanent resident area, went through "a lot of hassles inhabited mainly by towns- last year" to receive their per- people. mit, so this year they needed "The question can be an- only to submit a written applica- swered in one word: neighbors. tion to City Council designating It's as simple as that," Higham their exact plans for the party. said. Fraternity secretary Eric Another factor against Theta Krause said the positive results Fest is its Main Street location, of last year's big party aided in which Council members be- their ability to put on a repeat lieved would be too dangerous performance this year. considering the business in the "It was a well-controlled, area, Higham said. well-run party," said Jon Lunde, Krause said since the Pi chairman of Pike Fest. Kappa Alpha house is located in Other factors also helped a mainly student-populated them in their appeal to City area, police do not have to worry Council. as much about complaints of Two police officers will be disturbances. stationed at the door to help Many area residents aren't maintain control, and all of the too concerned about the upcom- fraternity members will wear ing event. BG News/Rob Upton security shirts and will monitor We've never had a prob- Bombs away the party. lem," said Belinda Bienko, ju- University students Chad Ellis, junior sport management major; sunbathers behind the University Village apartment complex. Ellis Domabyl said this should help nior children's services major. Dave Sobecki. junior education major; Mike Trissel. junior market- lets one fly as Sobecki and Trissel look on, Peplinski and another prevent any little fights that The only problem she has no- ing major; and Dave Peplinski, sophomore accounting major use friend hold and aim the slingshot. might occur. ticed has been guests taking up "The Winger." a giant slingshot, to launch water balloons at The fraternity also has 15 des- D See Pike Fest, page 5. Fritz named editor Panel developing safety plan what dangerous substances are Editor's note: This is the last being used and produced by part of a series about hazardous area industries and getting that for second term materials, in our community. Hazardous waste: information to the fire depart- by Caroline Langer ment, the local disaster services The Board of Student Publications yesterday chose junior journa- Friday editor agency and the state emergency lism major Ron Fritz to serve a second term as editor of The BG What must be done? agency, Higgins said. News for fall semester, 1987. Because materials which pose The idea is to enter the infor- Fritz, 20, from Brunswick, made the jump from sports to news last a potential threat to public mation into a computer so it can semester when he became managing editor. health and the (environment be easily accessed, and rescue He also has been a news writer, sports writer and assistant sports pass through Wood County ev- pinpoint waste generators, she Don Higgins, of the Ohio Envi- workers will know where it is editor of the News. ery day, and because of federal said. Local governments have ronmental Protection Agency, and what to do about it. The Fritz works weekends for the Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune and government regulations, the until August to set up such a said one part of emergency plan- EPA has set aside money in its was an intern for the past two summers for the Medina County community is devising a plan to committee and two years tode- ning involves knowing what to budget for such a system, he Gazette. He will be serving as a sports intern for the Springfield help cope with hazardous vise an emergency-prepared- do with people in the event of an added. News-Sun this summer. materials accidents. ness plan. evacuation. Higgens said it was important A story he wrote for the Sentinel-Tribune in 1965 won the second Linda Holmes, of the Wood Such a plan is necessary be- for industries to work with res- [ilace award from United Press International in Ohio for best sports County Prosecutor's office, ex- cause of the hazardous materi- "WHERE CAN they be cue agencies and fully list this eature. Cned that the Superfund als carried by trains and trucks housed - a church? high school information for their own and uthorization Act (SARA) of within county lines, Holmes gym? Does the Red Cross have their community's protection. Other editors chosen yesterday include: 1966 mandates that districts set said. enough hot dogs to feed them? Is Substances stored under- □ The Key- Dave Kielmeyer, junior photojournalism major up planning committees of "One of the most important there some form of entertain- ground or transported via pipe- D Miscellany - Mike Doherty, junior English major elected officials and othe.- peo- parts of the plan is how to notify ment so they don't fight amongst line must also be disclosed D Obsidian - Jared Wadley, sophomore Journalism major ple in the city. Cle who will be affected by themselves, especially the because "they shove some D The Gavel - Bob Craig, junior journalism major, and Brian The group has two years to is or whatever, if there is a young boys?" he asked. pretty interesting things under- Chambers, junior public relations major outline evacuation routes and problem," she said. Another part is finding out ground," Higgins said. These C See Hazardous, page 4. Friday News in Brief Junior workshop offered Portage party is cancelled Weekend weather watch D The winners and runnersup of the Plans for a Springfest-style party slated for Shanklin award for graduate research were tomorrow at Portage Quarry have been dropped, „^. . chosen last night: See story, page 4. If you are a junior, now's the time to start according to Jeff Rice, quarry operator. Decreasing clouds today high,55 to 60. To- searching for your job after graduation. Rice said organizers believed that the English night, mosOy clear with a low 30 to 35. Sunny D U.S. senators warn the nation's airlines To aid in the search, "Springboard: A Career proficiency examination, scheduled from 9 a.m. tomorrow, high in the mid-60s. to straighten up their services and fly right: Search Workshop," will be offered to University to 4 p.m. tomorrow, would restrict the number of . _ . See story, page 7 juniors Monday, April 27, in the Lenhart Grand students attending the event. Sumday through Tuesday: Ballroom at 7 p.m. Rice added that since the "Daze of Rock _•. _ . O Wayne State topped the Bowling Green Among the topics discussed will be learning party would be scheduled at the same tune as the Fair Sunday, chance of showers Monday and baseball team in a single game yesterday: See how to start yourjob search this summer and the planned event, they decided to cancel. Tuesday. Highs 65 to 75 Sunday-and in the 60s story, page 9. interview process. The workshop Is being pre- "With the outdoor party going on, we felt we Monday and Tuesday. Lows in the 40s. sented by the University Placement Services. would be stepping on some toes/' Rice said. - by Associated Press Editorial BG News/April 24,1987 2 Wastes endanger future Pitfalls of majority rule The omnipotence of the major- they make one mistake, they expresses an opinion contrary to It's time for the powers that be to step back and by Walter Squire ity was a threat to justice even could make more. This is intol- the public opinion. Even if he is take a hard look at the potential clanger hazard- in the early days of our nation. erable in the eyes of the major- not denying the right of the ous waste poses for future generations. A recent editorial attacked James Madison realized this ity. Our whole government is majority to decide for all, he is By the year 2000, nuclear power facilities in the Kelly McCoy, USG president, and wrote the following in the based on the principle that the saymg the majority is incorrect for trying to get the BGSU Foun- Federalist Papers, No. 51: "It is majority is always correct. on one matter, therefore the United States will have produced 66,000 tons of dation to divest from South Af- of great importance in a repub- The moral power of the major- majority can be incorrect on high-level nuclear waste. rica without first seeing if the lic, not only to guard the society ity is based on the opinion that other matters. The writer may Bowling Green is 45 miles from the Davis-Besse majority of students wished this against the oppression of its the interests of the many are be censured, and any holding the nuclear facility, located in Port Clinton. This puts to be done. We are taught since rulers, but to guard one part of preferable to those of the few. As same opinion as the writer will the city within a 50-mile danger zone if an accident the beginning of school that ma- the society against the injustice was mentioned before, if it is the not express that opinion for fear jority rule is the best possible of the other part.... In a society majority opinion that denying of persecution. One need only were to occur. form of government. But this is under the forms of which the human rights to minorities is in look at the HUAC trials of the While an accident would pose an immediate only if the majority is always stronger faction can readily the interests of the many, there '50s in which supposed Commu- threat, the radioactive waste stored in fuel pools at correct. unite and oppress the weaker, is nothing stopping legislation to nists were blacklisted for seve- Davis Besse will be a certain problem in the near Alexis de Tocqueville devoted anarchy may as truly be said to that effect. In essence, the ral illustrations of this. future. The pool will reach capacity in 1995, accord- part of his book Democracy in reign as in a state of nature Emancipation Proclamation America to the problem of a where individual is not secured changed nothing; those in the A government without tyr- ing to federal storage regulations. Certain modifi- majority rule government. This against the violence of the minority are enslaved to those of anny operating under majority cations are being considered to increase capacity, section he called "The Tyranny stronger..." the 50 plus percent opinion. rule relies on the conscience and which would give the facility an additional four to of the Majority." morality of the people making 25 years of on-site storage. The majority is the ultimate The rights of the majority The majority lives in a state of up the majority. Until a govern- But when is it going to stop? authority in the United States. It include the right to command all self-applause over this. If the ment can be set up in which the Increasing the storage space is just buying time. decides who will fill the legis- people and the right to decide majority is always correct, then interests of all are taken into lative, executive and judicial what laws, if any, will control if I am a member of the major- consideration, we have to elect Something permanent nas to be considered. branches of our government, so the power of the majority. The ity I am correct. This is danger- moral and conscientous leaders A salt bed in the Texas panhandle is being that a person who has a dispute latter is as flawed as Congress ous as it easily slips into and representatives. proposed as the nation's first nuclear waste reposi- with the majority has one to turn voting on their own pay raises. fascism. People will join the tory. to. In the words of de Tocque- Just because one is of the major- majority in order to be consid- I hope this is the reason why However, this raises the issue of transporting ville, "However iniquitous or ity opinion, one cannot be con- ered correct and to avoid perse- Kelly McCoy was elected USG absurd the measure of which sidered morally correct and cution. president. 1 believe her decision hazardous waste - a common occurrence in Wood you complain, you must submit honest. Morality, like insanity, Another similarity between that the BGSU Foundation County with no safety guarantees. to it as well as you can." is a relative term decided by the majority rule government and should divest from South Africa According to Richard Brudzynski, an adminis- But the majority is merely a majority of a society. fascism is that the majority is a moral and conscientous one. trative law judge of the Ohio Hazardous Materials collective of individual opinions raises barriers against the lib- Her not polling for the popular Facility, there has been an average of one accident and can be compared to an indi- The right of the majority to erty of opinion. If one offends the opinion first is no reason why vidual whose opinions are no command dooms any citizen only authority present in such a this divestment should not be a week involving dangerous substances in Wood more important than another who refuses to obey an unjust government (the majority), he carried out. County over the past five years. Included in this individual, who we may call the law. That citizen is saying that is considered a threat to the number are 36 priority one or two accidents, those minority. So why do we always the majority should not be able government and is punished. Squire is a sophomore writing which pose a threat to health and environment. listen to the majority? This indi- to decide right and wrong, for if Take for instance a writer who major. vidual known as the majority However, only those transports, both train and holds absolute power and may truck, which have more than 1,000 pounds of misuse that power by wronging hazardous material are required by federal law to his adversaries, and the mere identify what they are carrying. fact that this individual is com- Any truck or train which carries any hazardous prised of more parts does not mean he will be any less likely to material should be required by law to identify what act this way. it is carrying. Even one pound of a hazardous On this matter, de Tocqueville material could cause damage. says, "The power to do every- The federal government should start worrying thing, which I should refuse to about the future. Nuclear power and hazardous one of my equals I will never wastes pose a serious threat to our existence. grant to any number of them." The omnipotence of the major- ity may cause the minority to resort to physical retaliation, as was the case with Native Ameri- cans in the late 19th century, and again in the race riots in 01 this learning: and Watts in the '60s. But even this does no good for the mi- nority, as the majority now has proof of the evil nature of mi- what a thing it is norities. world. 5. a. Get thee to a nunnery, Letters b. Get thee to a bunnery. C. Attilla, get thee to a nunn- when hippies sat around smok- The strong Reagan doctrine & Ofi ^ ery. ing pot and contemplating their against imperialistic Russia is navels. The '60s were, unfortu- for the express purpose of pro- 6. a. All work and no play makes 'I gave at the office - Forget the Utopian nately, also the time when we moting democracy across the Jack a dull boy. sent thousands of young men world. b. Play that funky music, for four years!' view of the '60s across the sea to die in a war white boy. that, for all Sylvester Stallone's Communism perpetuates a c. The play's the thing wherein fantasies, we did not win. Bhilosophy that places man as by Craig Hergert I'll catch the conscience of the I just want to thank the Senior I was struck by a bit of irony I don't agree with the le supreme being, not God, in king. Challenge Executive Committee walking across the Union Oval scrubbed-up version of the '60s direct contradiction to one of the ; Here's a quiz in tribute to the for the very entertaining litera- the other day. On one side of me, being shown. If we want to re- major principles on which our immortal beard... er... make 7. a. I must be cruel only to be ture they recently sent me. people were busy setting up the member and emulate that pe- country was founded. that the immortal bard of Avon, kind. As 1 chuckle and consider the f' '60s Expo." riod, let's fight harder for the To support a group that is for a born April 23, 1564. For each of b. Cruel to be kind, in the right different pledge levels, as sug- On the other side lay the burnt equality for all people that the democratic government that in- eie following, identify the quota- measure. gested in the pamphlet, I am remains of the divestment '60s-and the divestment cludes the basic freedoms - on that comes from Shake- c. Don't be cruel to a love reminded of lousy cafeteria food shanty. On one side, the remains shanty - strove for. speech, religion and the right to speare's Hamlet. that's true. that, as dorm residents, we were of an attempt to enlighten this a free vote - in Nicaragua is by "sentenced" to buy, filthy campus and the racist response Let's take off our paisley- no means a bad thing. 1. a. O! That this too too solid 8. a. Alas! poor Yorick! I knew dorms, lack of adequate park- to it, and on the other paisley colored glasses. The College Republicans feel flesh would melt, thaw, and re- him, HoraUo. ing, an inherently disorganized icons divorced from meaning. that through this fund-raiser for solve itself into a dew. b. To know, know, know him is bureaucratic University sys- Bradley McDevitt the freedom fighters it will pro- b. Do it to it, Mountain Dew. to love, love, love him. tem, unfriendly and hidden Uni- People today are looking back 26 Prout Hall mote an interest in the affairs of c. Why don't you do what you c. If you knew Susie like I versity officials (i.e. Who is that to a ridiculously idealized ver- South America. The war for done done done? knew Susie, oh, oh, oh what a man Paul Olscamp who sent all sion of the 1960s, a cute "Happy freedom in our great country girl! the graduating seniors a letter Days" vision of the same period involved much bloodshed, but 2. a. More than a woman, more about the prohibition of alcohol when Malcolm X, Martin Luther Freedom fighters those who died for my freedom, than a woman to me. 9. a. Good night, sweet prince. at graduation?) and above all, King Jr., John and Robert Ken- deserve credit I salute! b. Frailty, thy name is b. Some day my prince will the astronomical tuition. nedy were all assassinated for Someday those who died for woman! come. In fact, your pamphlet does their views. the Democratic cause in Nicara- c. I am woman, hear me roar. c. Some day my prints will everything except answer the We are remembering a time In regard to Sue Pastor's crit- gua will have the salute of their come. question What has the Univer- symbolized today by Woodstock icism of the proposed contra young who realize how great a 3. a. Oh, what rotten luck! sity given me as a student?" The while we conveniently forget the fund-raiser (BG News, April 14), sacrifice these freedom fighters b. My name is Crabby Apple- 10. a.TB or not TB: that is the answer is NOTHING!!!!! With stabbings at the Altamont con- I must first state that under the have made to promote freedom! ton, I'm rotten to the core. congestion. few examples, we, the students, cert. Reagan administration, not one Jeffrey A. Lors c. Something is rotten in the b. TV or not TV: that is the have paid, and I might say quite country has become a commu- Chairman, College Republicans state of Denmark. reception. handsomely, for everything we The '60s were not a placid time nist nation. OCMB3216 c. To be or not to be: that is the have received here at Bowling 4. a. Don't go away mad, just go question. Green State University, includ- bv David Harris •way. ing a "small" fee for our di- SOCKDV b. Though this be madness, Hergert, a teaching fellow in ploma. yet there is method in't. English from Slayton. Minn, is a As the Executive Committee HE TKlBD TO StJORT c. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad columnist for the News. takes us on the trip down "mem- A NHOL£ PlL£ OF ory lane" in their pamphlet, l£D TEPPeUH'S Besn must I remind them that most THE BG NEWS Qle paid to go to their first ey game and paid to go to Editor RonFrrlz Aast Friday Editor Christopher Smrfh the freshman mixer at the Ice Managing Fditor Mue« Slewarl III Chief Copy Editor . JohnNemec Arena. Aaat Man Ed Makssa McG*vray Chtel Copy Editor Beth Murphy So, as I "seriously" ponder NewsEdno. Mike Mclntyre CopyEdNor.. . Kevtn Hammer Editorial Editor Ron Coulter Copy Editor Kim Qarn what pledge level I wish to con- Sports Editor Karl Smith Copy ErJtor Judi Kopp tribute, my possible "active sta- Asa! Sporta Editor JeltMcSherry Copy Editor Bath Oebert tus" in the Alumni Association if Aaat Sports Editor Matt WinuMlohn CopyEdrlor JuK Bet I do pledge, which I might add Wire Editor. . . Don Lee Prod aup'r Dave Kuhar had been one of my "life-long Photo Editor Peter F semen Prod eupr Wendy Servey goals" following graduation, Aaat Photo Editor Rob Upton Prod aup'r Scott Smith and the promise by the Exec- BLOOM COUNTV by Berke Breathed Friday Editor Caroine Langer utive Committee that "as a do- The BG News Is pubftehed dairy Tuesday through Fndey during the academic year and nor, you will receive no other weekly during the summer session Oy the Board ot Student Pubacatlone of Bowang Green IMN imst-rme. m once WON K nine, alumni solicitations during your IWHCX now mi m snxti ■mmmwA State University Senior Challenge pledge pe- TvemteutT, Opinions expressed by corumnlats do not necesaerty reflect the opjraone of the BG riod," I will come to the conclu- smies ofiwKA. a/mm. soMecmoep ms News sion that I have already wasted evn.K)Gsmp WINC WA HOT sue i The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity employers and KAVTIPA. MKomej- CHMCH KNim' do not drscnrmnate m hiring practices enough time, energy and above The BG News wfl not accept edvemaing that * deemed rjecnmlnetory, degrading or all, MONEY here at this school. I inaufang on the basis of race, sax or national origin However, I wish the Executive copyngh! 1986 by the BG News al rights reeerved Committee the best of luck in their challenge. Maybe you will Business Ortoe Edrwrlal Office bring new meaning to the old 214 Weal Hal Ph (418) 3722B01 210 West Hat Ph (419) 372-2803 saying "There's a sucker bom Bowling Green Slate University every minute." Bowing Green. Ohio 434030276 Hours 8 a m to 6 p.rn Monday through Friday Wendy Lee Pohlman -♦- OCMB4285 -ilii Editorial BG News/April 24,1987 3 When the 'Just Say No' fad spreads by Scott Munn In regard to drugs, I tried Mrs. D Prophylactics in commercials, or, Reagan's "Just say No" catch-all when the medium is the message: it entered public domain awhile ago; such deceptively bold initiative seemed We can all benefit from this handy phrase In a line-up of plots oozing "yes, yes" a miracle cure for my lack of decisive- at every turn of the channel, it was ness. I wanted to bear witness. refreshing for TV executives to hold out Not wishing to wait for the overtures I blame my failure on a certain lack have been. One assumes that the presi- shelf-life of Tutti Fruitti: as long as they did by "Just (saying) of a dealer, I decided instead to seek of communication, but don't wish to dent could've "Just said No" to his If a majority of voters had "Just No" to condom ads. I move that they one out. Finding Bryant Park was easy abandon the concept of "Just say No" advisers and spared the public the (said) No' at the polls 6M2 years ago, abolish those self-serving Alcoholics enough, and upon sidling up to the first entirely. Nor do these powerful three anguish of having to swallow what well Anonymous and "careful with the shady character who presented himself words belong solely on the lips and in they've already eaten and digested; drinking" spots as well; they under- it happened - "Sensimilla, coke ..." the hearts ofthe herds of impressiona- that Ron's a little foggy on particulars D The 85 mph speed limit which may mine those great beer commerials. he said shadily. ble youth roaming our country: every- in general. And Lt. Colonels in partic- once again be coming to a state near body can benefit, or, past-tense, ular. you: O Urinalysis, or, what not to do at a With visions of a proud First Lady could've if they had listened C Reykjavik, which is cold, hard to A kind of 21st Amendment in its own party when the hostess is looking: backing me up, and heady with convic- pronounce, and gone but not forgotten: right, and a recent example of enough It follows that if everybody "Just tion, I decided to go Nancy one better: Some of the following examples tend The president, to his due, did utter the people "Just (saying) No" to a lawto (said) No" about what they're sup- "F— you," I said, not too nastily it to emphasize the importance of getting magic words here. make it not so anymore. posed to be saying no about in the first was hoped. I was making a point, not a receipt with your advice, especially D Regan - there but for the absence place, there wouldn't be a call for trying to hurt his feelings. when dealing with family. of an 'a go I: D The pope's views on science and delving into such matters, and we could To my surprise he bared his teeth An unfair fight, as it would've been contraception, and other items which all go on to other mottos, such as "Just and threatened to "Cut you bad" as he D Mr. Reagan, Iran, Nicaragua, and impolite to throw the First Lady's don't come as a surprise: be good" and "Just Agree." 6lit it. Not forgetting my manners, I other places TWA doesn't fly to: words back at her when they quar- The mothering instinct is stronger loughtfully edged backwards, nav- Bantam gulped up half of the Pacific reled, quarrel covered by Time mag- than the technicality of infertility. Ev- Munn, a former student at the Uni- igating the block with a smile and a Northwest putting out the Tower Com- azine or not. ery "No" to the church's doctrine will versity, is Juggling an internship and wave. He didn't wave back. mission Report. This sacrifice needn't Q Just desserts and the political need diapers. an identity crisis in .

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THE WHOLESALER WILL BE HERE MAY 4th THRU MAY 8 th Local BG News/April 24,1S87 4

Hazardous D Continued from page 1. of the line," he said. "There are route anywhere in Bowling things could leak out or other- no industries in Bowling Green Green because the direction to 3 get Shanklin Award wise endanger the community which could cause a cata- go depend* on where the wind is and environment. strophic spill. blowing, Dennis said. People Richard Brudsynski, adminis- "Our main concern is some- would be directed to seek shelter Grads recognized for work in research trative law judge of the Ohio thing that is passing through." upwind of the accident. Hazardous Materials Facility, Dennis said it is possible to said, "We don't know what to do plan a remedy to a transporta- Fire Chief Jack Gonyer said unless we know what chemicals tion accident. that in the event of a hazardous are in the area, who's got them, The police, sheriff and the materials accident, the fire de- where the facilities are located, University's Public Safety de- partment would identify the what the sensitive areas are and what to do about it." It is mandated by the federal "We don't know what to do unless we "Right to Know" law that indus- know what chemicals are in the area, tries disclose this information, he said. The facts then need to who's got them, where the facilities are Hrabowy Ranadnghe Vorheea Crepeau be handled so rescue workers located, what the sensitive areas are and can get to them and understand them. what to do about it." by Kay Flatter WALLACE DENNIS, director staff reporter dent three years ago, helped to establish the of Wood County Disaster Serv- — Richard Brudzynski, administrative law Shanklin Award in honor of Charles Shanklin, a ices, said those involved in the judge of the Ohio Hazardous Materials Three graduate students received the honor of 1951 graduate of the University and a Board of farming industry were the the Shanklin Award last night, which is given to Trustees member for 15 years. "most flagrant" users of haz- Facility graduate students each year tor their outstand- Shanklin, who attended last night's cere- ardous materials. ing work in research. mony, said that the research presentations , "We're a farming community partments could immediately product and evacuate people The winners included Kathryn Robinson, were very impressive, as they have been in and most farmers use insecti- organize an evacuation route within a one-to two-mile radius, graduate assistant in biological sciences; Bon- previous years. cides and pesticides every day upwind from the spill, and peo- if necessary. It would then se- nie Johnson, teaching fellow in English; and "Graduate research is the heartbeat of the of the summer," he said. "These ple in the private sector who are cure the area so no unauthorized Ingeborg Hrabowy, graduate assistant in psy- University," Shanklin said. "The search for products are shipped in a con- trained to clean up hazardous people enter it, he said. chology. Each of the winners received J750. real new knowledge by graduate students is also centrated form in barrels. It can spills could begin that expensive The three runners-up were Yasmin Rana- the excitement of the University." burn skin and the fumes can process soon thereafter. Until the disaster services singhe, graduate assistant in photochemical FINALISTS WERE chosen on the basis of a paralyze if breathed. Yet farm- DENNIS SAID probably 85 agency arrives, the fire depart- sciences: Duane Vorhees, Ph.D. fellow in his- preliminary competition where abstracts from ers use them every day." gircent of the people in Bowling ment would monitor the wind tory; and Loring Crepeau, graduate assistant in contestants were submitted to the executive Another business using and reen could be notified of an and follow other procedures out- psychology. Each of the runners-up received council of the Graduate Student Senate. producing hazardous materials accident through five outdoor lined by the U.S. Department of Pat Olsen. GSS represenative-at-large and is Cooper Industrial Products, warning sirens, the police and Transportation'8 emergency Two graduate students from each of three chair of the honors committee, coordinated this 1175 N. Main St., which uses fire department's public an- handbook, Gonyer said. separate divisions were chosen to compete for year's event. materials such as ammonia, sol- nouncement systems, the Uni- the award. The divisions included sciences and The abstracts were to state the significance of vents and polyurethane paints, versity's "call-down" system Whether or not the depart- mathematics, arts and humanities, and social each person's research as well as the originality which are not included in the which causes all phones on cam- ment could fight a fire depends sciences and behavorial sciences. of the research and how it contributes new EPA's "Acutely Toxic Chemi- K; to ring, a message on cable on what is burning, Gonyer said. Any graduate student who is registered at the knowledge to the area of study. cals" list, but could be danger- , the Emergency Broadcast Some chemicals react danger- University and is in good standing with all A panel of nine judges composed of six mem- ous if mixed, Dennis said. r'em's announcement on reg- ously to water and would either established requirements of the Graduate Col- bers of the graduate faculty and three graduate "But we don't worry about it television and radio, and have to be snuffed out with lege is eligible to compete. students made the final decision at last night's much because the chemicals are telephone print-out messages, foam, left to burn themselves Bev Baker, Graduate Student Senate presi- ceremony. not allowed near each other; where available, for the deaf. out or dealt with by experts with they are kept at separate parts There is no set evacuation the proper equipment **= =*** NO STRINGS ATTACHED? The BGSCI GOSPEL CHOIR presents its Consumer Awareness Week Annual Spring Concert 1 $ Student April 19-25 "A Celebration In Song Sun. April 26 First United Methodist Church $ Consumer 4 p.m. 1506 E. Wooster Cost: $1.50 in advance, $2.00 at the door $ Union Presents Tickets available from all Gospel Choir Members Flying High Kites For more information contact Stephen Branham 353-0578 of Portside =**= DEMOS - SALES DELTA SIGMA PI FLYING DAZE OF ROCK ROSE FORMAL HIGH Saturday April 25th 12-7 APRIL 25,1987 kites Peregrine Pond Bill and Sarah Rich and Lori Gary and Denlse Ed and Brenda Dan and Teri Pam and John i~. 4 Dana and Bill Brian and Deborah Mike and Kathy Brad and Linda > Karen and Russ Janice and Jerry Bryan and date Laura and Doug Phill and Brenda Stuart and Anji Roger and Marcy Steve and Tracy Susan and Scott Sheila and Marty Tim and Sue Mariann and date Jeff and James Mark and Andrea Randy and Patty Brian and Sharl Randy and Babs Rachel and Brad CLASS Cheryl and date Mark and Kathy Ryan and Jenny Jackie and Randy Laurie and Gery OF'87 Eric and date Mart and date Matt and Barb Barb and Joe Michele and Todd Huey and date

\TO THE CLASSY OFFENHAUER My Darling Mori Jill- Conpadulaiioiu \ ISENIORR A.*I Thanki m> "dynamic" friend Jilt RJ Congratulation! my friend' You've bom i friend from the May you always have SCRUPLESJ Rich Lisa ■an Chrisiy Laurie and a Mt. Dew by your ude and a Incnd from the heart Patty Betsey Thanki for the smiles and friendship r We Made It - 1987 1 'II mm you "old buddy-old pal' Brian Mane Your Lovinf Wife.i Love, Forever Sane I I Congjaiulaiiom and all our Ben Wjlimtna / Signed (he rest of "A Clau Act' — Senior Party — Saturday, April 25,1987 Lenhart Grand Ballroom-University Union lo the wild women at 5th A Elm BRAD. Thanks for making these last J years REMEMBER, YOUR kirn I ant. 8 P.M. - Midnight the greatest ever' 111 miss allot Tff ATTITUDE DETERMINES Conpatulaiionson your graduation J No charge at the door. you and wish you the best after YOUR ALTITUDE. I know you'll be Ihe best: gradual ton. GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES Love. Ray Sheepish Grin Alcoholic Beverages Pleas* come VISJI me down south and SUTHY keep smiling! Love ya, Dana Little Rascals, 3-Stooges Movies, Munchies » Win a free trip for two to Toronto »! D KJ: Any student of senior status with valid University I.D. is welcome This event is co-sponsored by Mortar Board. University Programmers Council. Golden Key National Honor Society, Order of the Omega. jMunchkin. Dcbby Gerhardinger. ISuun B. Anthony, Omicron Delta Kappa. Latino Student Union and Panhel. (CONGRATULATIONS! You're the Next year won't be the same without I icoofriu on youi new I I first one out of here. We musl be my big sister! I know you'll make a J j job a Ihe "CAP"! I graduaiing by height leriffic ruth teacher (who I You will be i lemtk [ Good luck Wc Love You. assign homework every algM!) Good f ' AMUUH Min*|er! Your Favorite Republicans luck 10 your exciting future with Lou of Luck 1 Love, Paul! Love, Becky / BG News/April 24,1987 5

Pike Fest O Continued from page 1. parking facilities at the local apartment complexes. Stars shine in planetarium show Randy Rygiel, junior English education major, said one prob- by Debbie Rogers "Some (ideas) you're sitting thinking about, lem she has encountered in- staff reporter some while you're walking to work, some in the volves noisy guests leaving the shower," he said. "The writing is a fairly fast party at late hours. Stars and planets whiz by on the ceiling; pic- process. It's tough to put a number of hours on it." "But you get that whenever tures of ancient gods and places flash rapidly; and After the script is written, Smith said he starts there's any party around hefe," the booming voice of a narrator tells the story of to put together a crew to work on music, audio she said. time. production, photography and narration. These One resident of the area said That is a scene from "It's About Time," the different parts take a lot of time and energy to she has also been bothered in the University planetarium's latest production. perfect, he said. past by loud noise. Many people have seen the various planetarium For example, photographs must be taken and "It's worse in the summer.. . shows and performances, but most do not realize made into slides. Next, all of the slides, home- their doors are open and our that all the work is done in-house by a variety of produced music and narration must be set in time windows are open," Gaye students, said Dale Smith, planetarium director. with the script. Schlagheck said. Smith said every University-produced show According to Smith, one of the creative, impor- Shelley Cook, junior technical starts with an idea that many people can relate to tant parts of "It's About Time" and any home- writing major, believes this and then that idea is developed into a whole show. produced planetarium show, is the narration. week may be a bad time for a Time is the subject Smith picked for spring. "You want different voices for quotations to party. "After the show a year ago ("Planet Quest"), I spice it up," he said. "You need to nave a male "There will probably be peo- was scanning around for ideas," he said. "I was and female narrator for variation. Both (narra- ple who have to study ... they looking for something everyone has a handle on." tors) were people used to using their voices in an should have had it earlier, but Smith said that he does not pick all his topics expressive way." who cares? I'm still going," she just from his imagination. said. "Ill see what other planetariums are doing and SMITH SAID that he uses all of the departments draw ideas from that, he said. "Of course, I want on campus for creating a planetarium snow. A lot to choose a topic of broad general interest." of cooperation exists between the art, music, Boesky -— The script for "It's About Time" was written by technology and theater departments to make the Continued from page 1. Smith. He said that it is hard to determine how performance a success, he said. Photo/Vince Walter acquire the electrical contrac- many hours it actually took to write the script "There are lots of talented groups on campus Dale Smith tor s stock through entities he because ideas for the story can come at any time. that can be brought together," ne said. controlled, ultimately accumu- lating 13.4 percent of the out- standing Fischbach stock without reporting key details of City Blotter the acquisition to the SEC. City police said an unknown was broken into at 530 S. Main Birson broke into the Mental St. sometime Tuesday night, Two area lawsuits filed U.S. ATTORNEY Rudolph Giuliani said Boesky's guilty ealth Clinic. 1010 N. Pros- police said. A police officer at plea "does not indicate his coop- pect St., at about 11:30 p.m. the scene said the house had eration is finished. He is still Wednesday. been entered forcefully and cooperating, and the govern- The man, who was wearing someone may have been stay- In the latest move in a child- alleges that the prosecutor said who died as a result of injuries ment investigation is still contin- "gray work clothes," was ing there, but nothing ap- custody case being tried in Wood she would stop all investigations sustained in a Sept. 8,1986, auto uing." seen by a clinic employee peared to be missing. The County, a California woman has into the child s welfare if Fuller accident is seeking more than $3 At sentencing, Giuliani said, standing in the doorway of an house is owned by Maurer filed suit in U.S. District Court in continued to talk to the media million in damages. the judge will be presented with office. He left when the em- and Green Rentals. Toledo against Wood County about the case. William Dauterman, of 307 N. "the crimes that Boesky com- ployee saw him, police said. Prosecutor Betty Montgomery Main St., Fostoria, filed suit mitted as well as the nature of The man may nave gained □ A Bell radar detector, and the director of the Bowling A Lucas County judge ordered April 13 in Wood County Com- the truthful and helpful cooper- entry through a window in the value unknown, was stolen Green Children's Resource Cen- March 12 that the child, now 5, mon Pleas Court against Jamie ation that Boesky has given to adjacent office of Dr. Beatty from a car parked at 512 ter. be transferred to the temporary Peatee, of 923 Wilson Court. the U.S. government." and Dr. Archer, optometrists, Ridge St. sometime between custody of the father. The child at 1022 N. Prospect St., police 3:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Wednes- Nancy Fuller, of Walnut was "forcibly removed" from said. The window had been day, police said. Entry was Creek, Calif., filed suit against the mother's nome on March 30 pried open, probably by a gained by smashing the driv- Montgomery for $8.2 million and and returned to Grant's home, screwdriver or a tire iron, er's-side window, police said. against Dr. William Donnelly according to the suit. police said. for $6 million. Daniel Spitler, the Bowling Nothing appeared to be D A women's dark blue The suit against Donnelly Green attorney representing missing in either office, po- Fuji 10-speed bicycle was re- charges that he was responsible Fuller, filed a request yesterday lice said. ported stolen from 137 for having Fuller's child trans- in Wood County Common Pleas D The theft of about $700 in Georgia Ave. Tuesday night, ferred from her custody to that Court to withdraw as her attor- cash and checks from a police said. The owner told of the father, William Grant of ney. money bag at Falcon House, police the bicycle, valued at Bowling Green, against the best 140 E. Wooster St., was re- $180, was stolen about two interests of the child. D In an unrelated case, the ported to city police at 10:50 weeks before. The suit against Montgomery husband of a Fostoria woman a.m. Wednesday. The theft occurred sometime Tuesday D A University student re- night, police said. ported the theft of a $2,000 □ A vacant rental house silver Rolex watch. Co-author of the book Sanctuary: The Sew Dunking Booth* Underground Railroad 12:00 Bromlield Hall Director 3:20 Cheerleader Will speak in Bowling Green Campus Blotter 12:20 Darrow Hall Manager 3:40 Cheerleaders The ex-boyfriend of a Uni- D Several juveniles were 12:40 Miss BGSU 1986 4:00 Mac North Hall Dir. Tuesday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. versity student was charged harassed by a male in a truck 1:00 USG President 4:20 Chapman Hall Dir. in 114 Business Administration yesterday with her abduction, while crossing Mercer Street which occurred Wednesday at the Ice Arena on Wednes- 1:20 Cheerleader 4:40 Sumo Champ ot 1:40 Mele Cheerleader Conklin Hall Dr. Golden has just returned from a month's slay at 1:03 a.m. from Lot K near day at 12:35 p.m. E: Sa' . :jnr. She I ill discuss: Kreischer Quadrangle, Uni- The driver accelerated his 2:00 Conklin Hall Dir. 5:00 Freddie Falcon versity police said. vehicle as the juveniles 2:20 RA English Professors: She was found unharmed in started to cross the street. No 2:40 Asst. Hall Director 5:20 Brenda Green Toledo by city and University license or identification of the Women in the Sanctuary Movement of Toledo police. Craig driver were obtained. 3:00 Special Guest 5:40 Tracey Dressen and Conditions in Central America Brown, who is a University of D An unknown male tried 1 6:00 Tern Shanahan Toledo student, was charged to sell a stolen library book to 6:20 Suzzanne Shippey Sponsored by Social Justice Committee, Latino Student with unlawful restraint. the Student Book Exchange, Lnion and Women for Women Yesterday, the Compton 530 E. Wooster, Wednesday at 1 'All proceeds go to Wood County Counci on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Hall director notified Univer- 12:09 p.m. The sales clerk ***FOr^rWrtAIK;VVEr€St)A¥.APrl29ATn.30AM 111 SOUTH KALI sity police that Brown was in returned the book to the the building at 12:05 a.m. seller, a black male with a Brown was told to leave the sweatshirt, and gave a de- campus and not to return. scription of him to University D A roof on a vehicle police. parked in Lot 6 near the Intra- G The tires on a bicycle EXCLUSIVELY mural Fields was reported locked to Batchelder Hall damaged Wednesday at noon. racks were reported dam- The complainant reported aged Wednesday at 5:01 p.m. that the roof appeared to have The University student re- FOR YOU!! been walked on sometime be- ported that unknown persons tween midnight and noon. unsuccessfully tried to re- Damage was estimated at move the bicycle. Tires were MR. DOUGLAS PASELK & HIS HAIR ARTISTS $200. valued at $100. OF THE JC Penney Styling Solon

COLUMBUS, OHIO at Woodland Mall SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES Proudly Welcomes: VICTORIA'S SECRET MAIL ORDER is the hottest, most Students, Faculty & Staff talked about catalogue retailer of European-style lingerie of and the newest looks in sportswear. We are the fastest growing division of THE LIMITED, INC., and we're Bowling Green State University looking for vibrant individuals to process our products in our Columbus headquarters. Show your Student ID & Receive The opportunities include order picking, packing, receiving, and processing returns. Positions offering up to 40 hours <2.°° off Full Service Haircut per week are available on the following shifts: <5.°° off Any Color • 6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. • 2:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m. or Permanent Wave PLUS All of these fun, exciting opportunities offer: • Attractive wages FREE • Liberal merchandise discount Hair Consultation With Every Visit • Excellent benefits package N€$US EBASTIAM For consideration, applications are available at the Student Employment Office until May 1st. Successful applicants will be called in for personal interviews during the weeks of Check out the New Opening May 2 May 11th and May 18th. CAMPCIS CUTS call now for appointment VICTORIAS SECRET MAIL ORDER for Summer! 354-09400f 354-1077 ext.205 EOE Appointments Not Always Necessary OFFER VALID INDEFINITELY »NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALj BG News/April 24, 1987 C

The Sixties: decade of change

To close the University celebration of 'Sixties Week,' the- News will present a brief retrospective of the times. BG students active in '60s

by MUell Stewart III prevalent at the University, particularly sort of useless to go out and get killed," he managing editor during the late '60s, Edwards said. "There said. IVlV B was sort of a begrudging respect between K^ The term "student" at the University did the activists on the left and the right because "This young lady was picketing in front of W ■ not always indicate "radical" during the at least they were trying to do something, Moseley Hall saying 'Resist the draft! Stop '60s. regardless of the activity - or lack thereof- the war in Vietnam!' " he said. Shortly Campuses like Berkeley and the Univer- of the rest of the student body." after, she handed her picket sign off to a sity of Michigan became famous for being He said the number of people who were classmate and walked into the building. hotbeds of liberalism and anti-war protest. considered activists numbered around 30 The University was not isolated from this percent. "You're kind of talking about a Several days later, Edwards said, he saw trend, but a University professor notes that majority of a minority," he said. The main the same student in the Union preparing to the situation here during the decade was thing was that students did not want to go to attend the University's Military Ball with an more relaxed. Vietnam." ROTC cadet. 19 Bruce Edwards, assistant professor of "The intelligentsia was telling them that it "I asked her afterward why she picketed economics, said the current preoccupation was the right thing to do. It was a silly war to stop the war and then went to the ball. She with student apathy also existed years ago. ... and they didn't like the idea of being told me that she did not believe that going to "The stereotypical student of the last 50 drafted to go someplace where many be- the military ball had anything to do with ,• ' k §5 Jears has exhibited an outlook of semi-in- lieved it was a mistake." protesting to stop the war in Vietnam. She >^^rt ormed apathy," he said. "They know a During this time, a rather unpopular didn't see anything wrong with it." ''&' little more than the average person - but feature of the News was its publication of Edwards said students also protested the TW^^ p" j most of them don't care very much." the latest round of draft lottery numbers, existence of ROTC on the University cam- KTP Edwards began teaching at the University which determined which men would be pus. In 1966. A self-proclaimed activist, he added called up for military service. "At the time, I think the military people that the mood of the nation, as well as the "The student anti-war protesters were that were assigned to head up the ROTC , 4 r University, was more liberal than it is now. playing to the emotions of the people who were intelligent. You didn't have any people kv. A Both left-and right-wing activism were were going to be shot, and they said it was picking fights," he said. Bruce Edwards BG News/Rob Upton 20 years ago McDonald split faculty Twenty years ago this week: the Interfraternity Council for U Donald Cook, then Ohio Controversy gave professors greater policy-making role O Tickets went on sale for a attempting to "raid" freshmen state liquor control director, Greek Week concert by the Lo- pledges within their residence said selling beer on state univer- vin' Spoonful to be held in Me- halls. sity campuses would not be such morial Hall on May 11,1967. a bad idea. by Kate Foster "The people who made the revolution Q Plans were announced for a staff reporter created the foundation of the kind of Q Alpha Chi Omega sorority "spring weekend," featuring an D Members of two labor The 1960s was a time of re- University that exists today. The was recognized as the chapter ice cream social, an all-campus unions visited campus in an at- birth for the University: birth of having the highest total grade hootenanny and a beard-grow- tempt to organize non- the faculty charter that exists University wouldn't be nearly as liberal point average. ing contest. First prize for the teaching University personnel. today, a greater faculty and and condusive to education as it is latter was a case of beer. Representatives of the Ameri- student voice in setting Univer- D ... but along with the good, can Federation of State, County, sity policy. Yet in reminiscing today." must go the bad. Phi Delta □ Long-stemmed roses went and Municipal Employees about this time, faculty mem- Theta and Phi Kappa Tau fra- for $5 per dozen at Myles' Flow- union, along with the Ohio Civil bers also stress the long, bitter — James Graham, professor of history ternities were reprimanded by ers. Service Employees Association, battle that preceded the 1960s, a proposed unionizing classified battle that divided the faculty - pants, the prohibition of alcohol standards served to the better- staff members. a battle whose remnants still consumption by students even if ment of the University, they linger. they were in their own home. ultimately resulted in a strong O During the celebration of Between 1951 and 1961 the McDonald strongly opposed stu- faculty opposition to his policies. "International Fortnight" at the University followed the rules of dent demonstrations and even During the spring of 1961, Mc- White Lustrium Rings University, a group of students one man whose name goes down expelled a number of students Donald fired a philosophy pro- protested the inclusion of South in history both as the most de- from the University for protest- fessor who had defended Africa in the festivities, saying spised and loved University ing. students' rights to demonstrate that apartheid "projects to the president: Ralph McDonald. Faculty freedoms were like- on campus. A group of faculty ON SALE! world an image of hate and Dictatorial, monarch-like and wise limited. A number of Uni- considered this the decisive bigotry." tragic are some of the terms versity duties which are move in McDonald's downfall. faculty use when referring to dispersed amongst various com- Shortly after he fired the phi- D Bowling Green jackets and McDonald's administration. mittees today rested solely in losophy professor, more than SO sweatshirts were on sale for Some of the regulations he the hands of McDonald during professors, including Platt and $1.98 at the Student Book Ex- enforced included a strict dress his reign. Perry, drew up a petition pro- change. code which forced female stu- He did the hiring, firing and testing his actions. dents out of class for wearing salary setting of faculty staff During that same year, Mc- and administration. Donald promoted 93 faculty Some faculty remember his members for the purpose of - strong bias in promotions. Platt and other faculty mem- "He rewarded people arbi- bers speculate - gaining back trarily. He acted like an abso- faculty support. However, in Meadowview Court lute monarch. If he liked you. June of 1961, McDonald resigned then 'bins,' you knew it," said from his position of University 214 Napoleon James Graham, professor of president. Bowling Green, Oh. history. Ralph Harshman acted as "People felt that faculty were president for the next two years (419)352-1195 S'ven promotions and raises on and was replaced by William e basis of favoritism and sup- Jerome in 1963. Jerome re- Housing Opening 1987-88 porting or not supporting Mc- mained at the University until Donald. He knew who his friends 1973. were," Joseph Perry, professor After McDonald resigned, a of sociology, said. "faculty revolution" emerged. Efficiency One Bedroom At the same time, McDonald's A group of more than 50 faculty, unfurnished S210 (Bldg. 4 & 5) opponents and supporters alike including Platt and Perry, cre- recognize the positive things he ated a charter giving faculty a furnished $235 unfurnished $210 initiated for the University. He voice in setting University pol- furnished $235 improved the overall quality of icy they never had been afforded JOSTENSAMERICAS COLLBGE RING' the University, academic pro- under McDonald or previous One Bedroom gress and salaries of the profes- administrations. (Bldg. 9 & 10) Two Bedroom sors. But McDonald supporters con- Date: 4/27 & 4/28 unfurnished $280 Virginia Platt, past history tinued to be divided from those unfurnished $265 professor and present trustee, who had opposed them through Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. furnished $285 furnished $285 said McDonald's intense love for the '60s and today. the University eventually be- "It was a bitter and tense fight Place: University Bookstore came an obsession that proved and it lasted a long time. Some The complex has its own laundry facilities, a detrimental to the University. people who had been dear Student Services Bldg party room with a kitchen and bar, a sauna "He became so enamored friends never spoke again," and swimming pool. with the University that he Perry said. wanted it to be perfect. He be- "The people who made the Up to H» off on any Gold Ring came a dictator; it was a tra- revolution created the founda- ALL RESIDENTS ARE GRANTED THE PRIVILEGE OF gedy of academics," Platt said. tion of the kind of University USING CHERRYWOOD HEALTH SPA located at Perry remembers McDon- that exists today. The Univer- 835 High St., Bowling Green. ald's demand for the highest sity wouldn't be nearly as liberal !E caliber instructors to serve and condusive to education as it « . . "his" university. While his high is today," Graham said.

Maybe there is a substitute for experience.

SubKnbe u, TV Wl Stun Jrurraj. and mm «udn* wvinfp of up hi S4H TrBtV gun, a hanpm. npmiily whm * i anudn whit K rwlty rrfmrrfe TurtintTthrmJwnrlrJ Elsewhere BG News/April 24, 19871 4 Senators warn airlines to upgrade services WASHINGTON (AP) - A string of The executives from American Air- gested a periodic reporting of the make meaningful choices" about com- percent last year and the delay prob- senators warned airlines yesterday to lines, Continental Airlines and Delta information to the Transportation De- peting airline services, acknowledged lem has continued into 1987. Com- shape up, improve services and cut Air Lines told the Senate panel they partment. Thomas Plaskett, president and chief plaints about airline service to the ; delays or face possible re-regulation are prepared to make on-time flight The federal government, which once executive officer of Continental Air- Transportation Department have ■• or heavy government-imposed penal- information and other consumer infor- kept on-time statistics, has not done so lines. Continental has been cited as a soared in recent months. ties for shoddy operations. mation available to travelers if other in years as part of the overall move by leading target of traveler complaints. "The airline industry in its zeal for air carriers are required to do the the Reagan administration to reduce But Plaskett, Crandall and Murph The cries about poor delays, lost competition has gone absolutely hog- same. government paperwork. No airline has Dullum, vice president for govern- baggage and poor flight selections wild," declared Sen. J. James Exon, Robert Crandall. chairman of Amer- offered to supply the information inde- ment affairs for Delta, said that if have been loud in Congress as well, D-Neb., during a hearing where senior ican Airlines, said he would agree to pendently for tear of being put at a consumer information is made avail- prompting the introduction of a flurry executives from three major airlines put the information into the airline- competitive disadvantage. able by all airlines, the competitive of airline passenger protection legis- ' acknowledged a consumer backlash owned SABRE computer reservation marketplace - and not government lation, most of which would require because of the rising number of delays system, which is widely used by travel "CONSUMERS DO NOT currently edict - will improve airline service. increased disclosure of consumer in- and other complaints. agents. Delta and Continental sug- have the information they need to Airline delays increased by about 25 formation by the air carriers. Bills may ease prison crowding Bongard to testify against Warner judge would have the option of COLUMBUS (AP)-For the swelled to 150 percent of capac- philosophy is wrong. We are (AP)-Burton gain after Bongard's conviction Bongard, a former Home State last month in Hamilton County giving Bongard a sentence to be second time this week, the Ohio ity and will become more coddling prisoners. The easier served concurrent with his state House approved legislation yes- crowded despite a $636 million, we make it on them, the more Savings Bank president con- Common Pleas Court in Cincin- victed of state charges in the nati. Bongard is appealing that time. terday that could facilitate the long-range construction pro- recidivism we are going to The federal indictment, release of certain inmates in a gram now under way. have." thrift's collapse, has agreed to conviction, which brought a 10- However, McLin, who has plead guilty to federal charges year jail sentence and an order charged Bongard, 45, with con* bid to ease the state's over- McLin's good time bill, after a and testify against former Home to make $114 million in restitu- spiracy, 13 counts of wire fraud, crowded prison population. flurry of debate, went to the served as chairman of the and two counts of interstate Senate 62-25 as the House wrap- state's Prison Inspection Com- State owner Marvin Warner. tion. But Rep. C.J. McLin, D-Day- U.S. Attorney D. Michael Crites said the government is movement of fradulently ol> ton, ran into inmate "coddling" ped up work for the week and mittee, said opponents were tained funds. He agreed to pl«i«l charges with his proposal letting adjourned until Tuesday. The overreacting because his bill Crites announced the plea bar- ready to prosecute Warner next gain yesterday, saying it would month. He said there has been to the conspiracy and three more prisoners take advantage Senate, in recess this week ex- only reduces the time before a counts of wire fraud, prosecu- of so-called good time programs cept for some committees, also Sirisoner's initial appearance be- help in prosecuting Warner dur- no move to arrange a similar ore the Parole Board. "Most of ing the federal trial next month agreement with Warner. tors said. The other counts will under which they can earn re- reconvenes that day. in Ann Arbor, Mich. Both men "I'VE HAD no discussion with be dropped. duced sentences with good be- them are not released after their Bongard is scheduled to enter: havior. REP. RUSS Guerra Jr., R- first hearing anyway," he said. already face prison sentences Mr. Warner or his attorneys," and millions of dollars of court- Crites said. his plea Monday in U.S. District On Tuesday, McLin won pas- Englewood, who voted for the Under present law, inmates of Court in Cincinnati before Judge. sage of a companion measure emergency release bill, told col- state reformatories can earn up ordered financial restitution Under the agreement, Bong- from their state convictions in ard will plead guilty to four Charles Joiner, who has the op-' that lets prison officials in emer- leagues that McLin's proposal to 12 days of good time a month, tion of accepting or rejecting it. gency situations release certain goes too far. If the House contin- and prisoners in adult institu- Home State's 1985 collapse. counts of his 16-count federal tions can qualify for eight days a "I think it's very important to indictment and cooperate with Bongard and his attorneys al- prisoners serving time for less ues to pass such bills, he the United States case," Crites the government. The four counts ready have signed tin,- serious offenses and nearing the charged. We not only will ease month. agreement to cooperate in pros.-- of their terms. overcrowding, we will vacate The bill generally would apply told a news conference. "While carry a maximum 20-year it is beneficial, it certainly prison term and $253,000 fine. ecuting Warner, but it could be' Both bills were recommended the premises." the eight-day maximum to both, withdrawn if Joiner rejects the by the Governor's Committee on Reps. Robert Netzley, R- although it empowers the De- wasn't imperative that we have The government will recom- partment of Rehabilitation and his testimony." mend a sentence for Bongard, agreement or if Bongard Prison Overcrowding, which Laura, and Steven Williams, It- Crites said Bongard and his based on the degree of cooper- changes his mind and decides to says the penal system, with Lancaster, sounded similar Correction to adopt new ways to stand trial. about 22,800 inmates, has warnings. Netzley said, "This earn additional days. attorneys offered the plea bar- ation, Crites said. He said the

If you thought the '86 KEY was good . . . Wait 'til you see '87

DJ from 12-2:30 BOWLING-GREEN -STATE -UNIVERSITY LIVE BAND WILL PLAY 2:30-6:30 60's Music by CITY HEAT in conjunction with UAO's 60's Week

Carnival sponsored by RSA - dunking booth yfr - mini-golf - games

- NESTLE'S games and give-aways sponsored by COCO - COCA-COLA wagon selling chips, soda, ice cream all day -Volleyball tournament organized by USG

Food Operations SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1987 serving from 4:00-6:00 between Harshman & Kreischer Quads CAN USE FOOP COUPONS NOON 'TIL 7:00 • Rain location: Northeast Commons Special thank, to co-sponsored by: COCO the University-City Relation* Committee Association *m@ RSA ...Dart Board SCU... Kite Show Prout... Goldfish /Raffle WSA... Milk Can Toss BOOTHS: Founders Quad... Picture Booth Commercial Airbrush T-Shirts Harshman Quad... Button Making BG News/April 24,1987 8

Physicists challenge SDI plans News Digest Experts say scheduled 1994 'Star Wars' deployment a gamble' Highway Patrol crackdown reminds drivers of 55 limit WASHINGTON (AP) - Challenging Rea- ment in the early or mid- would be "a such weapons if and when they are de- DAYTON (AP) - The Ohio automatic, not realizing it has San administration assumptions about gamble." ployed," Patel said. Highway Patrol says almost to be approved by the states. Star Wars," a group of top American "Even in the best of circumstances, a The Pentagon's Strategic Defense Initia- 500 motorists found out the Ohio has not approved the physicists said yesterday that at least a decade or more of intensive research would tive Organization, which directs Star Wars hard way that the speed limit change. decade of research is needed to determine be required just to provide the technical research, said in a statement that recent in Ohio still is 55 mph during a "This operation, really, whether highenergy lasers and particle knowledge needed for an informed decision breakthroughs have brought some high-en- recent crackdown in the west was different from any other ergy devices closer to the weapons stage. central part of the state. we had conducted in the beams can De usedto knock down enemy about the potential effectiveness and survi- past," Dutton said. "I just missiles in space. vability" of lasers and other "directed en- The report played an immediate role in A total of 543 people were In a 422-page technical study, 17 members ergy weapons," the report said. congressional debate on President Reagan's ticketed on Interstates 70 and think a lot of people looking at of the American Physical Society delivered A PENTAGON critique said the report's request to spend $5.8 billion next year on 75 between March 30 and the speed limit... wondered the sharpest scientific challenge yet to ad- conclusions were "subjective and unduly Star Wars. April 10, Lt. Larry Kobi, com- why we were insisting on 55." ministration plans to deploy space- and pessimistic about our capability to bring to Members of a Senate Approprations sub- mander of the Dayton patrol However, the task force, committee raised it in a closed session post, said this week. Of those, which involved up to four ground-based ballistic missile defenses as fruition the specific technologies needed for cruisers and an airplane pa- early as 1994. a full-scale development decision in the yesterday with the head of the SDI Office. ♦65 were for speeding, said "On purely scientific and engineering 1990s." Air Force Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson, said Lt Don Dutton. assistant trolling the interstates at any criteria, one would not make a decision on But Patel and others rejected that view at one congressional source, who declined to be commander of the patrol's one time, was planned long early deployment. But in the international a news conference. identified. District 5 at Piqua. before the congressional ac- arena, there are other forces," said Kumar "In spite of the progress that has been THE AUTHORS of the report, "many of He said many people appar- tion, Dutton said. Patel, a physicist at AT&T Bell Laborato- made, a substantial amount of research whom have important roles in developing ently thought that congres- Besides the speeding tick- ries and co-chairman of the study group. remains to be done before an informed those technologies." received classified sional approval of a 65 mph ets, 64 people were ticketed Another author, Jeremiah Sullivan of the judgment can be made about the effective- briefings from Defense Department offi- speed limit in rural areas was for not wearing a seat belt. University of Illinois at Urbana, said deploy- ness and the reliability and survivability of cials, Patel said. Korean university students riot SEOUL, South Korea testers, but campus sources (AP)-About 700 students and press reports said at least Panel hears radon testimony hurled firebombs and stones 6,600 students were involved. at police yesterday in clashes Witnesses said at least five WASHINGTON (AP)-Seve- The U.S. Environmental Pro- ing to dangerous levels. values. at Seoul National University students were taken away ral homeowners described their tection Agency recommends re- "There are a lot of people that after a memorial service for and three others injured in a battle against the invasion of medial action if radon levels MARK HUBBARD, of Mount are ignorant of the problem of a student who died after po- three-hour clash at state-run radon to a House panel yester- exceed 4 picocuries. Airy, Md., told the subcommit- radon," said Hubbard. lice torture, witnesses said. Seoul NaUonal University day and indicated that Ameri- Massaro said he had not tee that radon levels of as much Both men said they knew of Protests against the gov- that followed a memorial cans fail to appreciate the risk known that the area had a radon as 120 picocuries were detected families in their neighborhood ernment also were reported marking the 100th day after posed by the cancer-causing problem and felt that his family in his basement after he decided who had kept dogs in their base- at 13 other universities. the death of dissident student gas. was in danger. to conduct tests himself before ments, and the animals had died Last week there were cam- Park Chong-chul, who died Jay Massaro told the House "It was particularly upset- remodeling. of cancer. pus protests almost every after police torture on Jan. 14. Energy and Commerce hazard- ting," Massaro said. "Our chil- "I was very shocked, sur- "I don't think people really day, but intermittent rains An official investigation ous materials subcommittee he dren had spent long hours prised, scared," said Hubbard. appreciate the risk here, espe- this week seemed to cool the found that Park died after his discovered high levels of radon playing in the basement in the 'i didn't know what to do, who to cially if they have small chil- situation until yesterday. throat was pressed against a gas in his Centerville, Ohio, winter." turn to." dren," said Massaro. There were no overall esti- bathtub during a police inter- home following a study by a Attracting attention only in Both men said they later in- The EPA has estimated that rogation. local air pollution agency. recent years, radon is a color- stalled ventilation systems, as many as 20,000 people die mates of the number of pro- Massaro said the tests indi- less, odorless radioactive gas which reduced radon levels to each year from lung cancer cated that radon levels in his produced by the decay of natu- below four picocuries. They also caused by radon. And the basement were as high as 48 ral uranium deposits. It can said they notified neighbors agency has said as much as 12 'Dead Head' concert on ballot picocuries per liter, or the equiv- seep through cracks in homes about the problem, but that percent of the nation's houses TELLURIDE, Colo. (AP) - make a hobby of following the alent of smoking more than two and other buildings, often be- some apparently chose to ignore may require remedial action to The "Dead Head" issue is 1960s band. packs of cigarettes a day. coming trapped and accumulat- it for fear of hurting property prevent entry of the gas. O to the voters with die- "The issue is really more Grateful Dead fans po- whether the town needs an- litely campaigning to bring other big festival," said Car- their favorite rock group to ole Chowen, who organized an this mountain hamlet. opposition petition drive. She Rock impresario Bill Gra- said bluegrass and jazz festi- Third liver transplant ham, who owns a home in vals held each year attract a SUMMER RESEARCH Telluride, wants to hold the maximum of 8,000 visitors. concert in August. Opponents After a standing-room-only POSITIONS say this town of 1,200 cannot town meeting Tuesday, the perfect' for Fla. boy handle more than 10,000 con- town board decided to let certgoers, including hordes of voters decide May 22 whether (AP)-Seven- "It went very smoothly, and "Dead Heads"-those who to permit the concert. The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy has year-old Ronnie DeSillers, fight- they're calling this organ a per- several funded undergraduate research positions ing infection, pneumonia and an fect fit," Cardillo said. inflamed pancreas, came "He looks absolutely wonder- McEwen files for Senate bid available through its Academic Challenge Program. through a third liver transplant ful. His color is great," Ronnie's This program is designed to give qualified WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. candidate in the eyes of the "with flying colors" yesterday mother, Maria DeSillers, said FEC. undergraduate students the opportunity to obtain after his mother told him "you yesterday. She said Ronnie Bob McEwen, R-Ohio, filed a research experience in the anticipation that such statement of candidacy and "They are the first official can't keep a winner down." looks "remarkably better" than organization yesterday with steps taken by the congress- students will consider pursuing graduate studies in the "With every obstacle he en- he did after the first two tranps- the Federal Election Com- man," said Charles Greener, pharmaceutical sciences Students with a minimum GPA counters, he just comes back lants. mission as part of his ex- McEwen's administrative as- of 3.0 after at least six quarters of university work are stronger every time," said Sue DeSillers, 31, said she learned pected bid for the U.S. sistant. "We anticipate ... encouraged to apply. For further information and Cardmo, a spokeswoman at Wednesday evening her son Senate. announcing sometime late application forms contact: Children's Hospital in Pitts- needed another liver. Tests The seat is currently held spring or early summer." burgh. showed "a lot of damage to the by Sen. Howard Metzen- The brief statements desig- The boy, whose desper- (second) liver, more than they baum, D-Ohio. nated the campaign commit- ate need for a liver won support had ever expected," DeSillers The filing does not mean tee as McEwen '88 and THE OSU COLLEGE OF PHARMACY from President Reagan, re- said. that McEwen has officially indicated it would be based in 500 West 12th Avenue ceived the liver of an unidenti- WHEN SHE TOLD Ronnie announced his candidacy, but Hillsboro, Ohio. James Cald- fied child during a lOVhour about the the impending opera- well was listed as treasurer. Columbus Ohio 43210 operation yesterday. tion, her heavily sedated son rather that he is legally a (614) 292-2266 The transplant, his second in could not speak but grabbed her less than three weeks, came on hands with two fingers and the heels of two operations to cried. Building collapses, kills 10 Deadline for receipt of completed application is correct abdominal pain and in- "I told him he needed to be BRIDGEPORT, Conn. He said about 40 workers Monday, May 4,1987. ternal bleeding. He was in crit- stronger than ever, that nobody (AP) - A downtown apart- were believed trapped when ical condition following the could keep a winner down," she ment building under con- stacks of concrete flooring latest surgery. said. struction collapsed and steel beams collapsed at yesterday, trapping up to 40 the L'Ambiance Plaza pro- workers under tons of con- ject at about 1:30 p.m. Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • Phi Mu • PhiMu • 3 crete, killing at least ten peo- Rescue workers "have to ple and injuring 12 others, lift the rubble before they can authorities said. actually work." Walsh said. Police Superintendent Jo- "The state police have their PHI MU BERMUDA BLOWOUT !i seph Walsh estimated it could dogs here. We have sounding • 3 take a week or more to clear devices. We have everything. 3 c the rubble and find all the But it's a question of taking 5 i victims. time." Z 3 a. APRIL 24, 1987 ■ I Cari & Bryan Stacey & Jeff ! Diane P. & Michael Kim G. & Jeff } Q. * ; Heather & Sandy I5M fnf^ni rS\ Deb & Bill Beth Anne & Rick Kathleen S. & Dave LOOK NO FURTHER!! r S Kathy & Mark Kathleen L. & Scott We have your apartment | Kiki & Tim wmk Cheryl & Pat > for summer & fall I DeDe & Bob Dawna & Kevin :g | Ar^sjkL W/il - Dawn & Chris Patti & John 1 707 Sixth St. /nrir^v Gina & Jeff 1 Monica & Mark 1 818 Seventh St. Anita Jo & Tweedle Dee iMJ//m Lori & Chris * • Two bedroom opts., furnished 1 Alicia Sue & Wendy & Dave M2^W I • Landlord pays gas heat, water and sewage i Tweedle Dum Wm\ Tina & Steve • Tenant pays electric a Kristin & Craig Michelle & Mark 1 Janna & Tanner Kim M. & Gary ? Lesli S. & Jeff Susie & One Hot B.G. : Preferred Properties Co. • Ann & Andy Jill & Randy Polly & Jon Male n 835 High St. 352-9378 T £ Beth M. & Gordon Pam R. & Dominic Sara & Mitch Maureen & the Second r Vicki & Scott All residents will be granted mem- | Josie & Dancin' Dan Ann Marie & Brian Hottest B.G. Male • berships to the Health Spa. The f What's her name? & Connie & Mike Susan & Tim Grenda & Tom ? facility features Hydro Spa Whirl- c pool, Shower Massage. Indoor % Studmuffin Audrey & Mike Kim B. & Steve Lisa W. & ?? Heated Pool, Meto» Sauna, Com- Leapy & Shammy Amanda & Tippy Adele & Jim Karen & Tony plete Exercise facilities and Equip- I ment. . Lynn & Mickey Mouse Meg & Scott Pam M. & Bob Gwendy & Scott 3 2 • n n s:. nW md. m md . m ud. m ,ud, nwHW.nwmd.nniUd.nn !Md • rw Wd • V1 !4d • "rN !4d • nw IUd • "W !Md • nw Md • W 14c Sports BG News/April 24,1987 9 Wayne State fell faltering Falcons


***•»» <*M> mi m ii !>**••<



Bowling Green senior Tim Hatem dives safely into second base during yesterdays loss to Wayne State. BG News/Rob Upton by Matt Winkeljohn 13 hits surredered. and at least a Both teams scored a run in the innings away from falling to 13- these Division I schools." and play well. Last year, We assistant sports editor couple bubbled balls that did not first inning yesterday before the 19. Wayne State, a Division II didn't play at our place, they §o as errors cost the Falcons Tartars parlayed a Richard Wayne State An- program, now has a 1-5 record beat us 11-3." It's the little things that have a early. Head coach Ed Platzer Norri.s wild pitch into a run on §elo Gust said it was nice to see against Division I teams. The nastiest habit of messing things said he had no idea his team was the power of centefielder Brad le shoe on the other foot. Tartars are 19-13 overall. Offensively, shortstop Tim up. The Bowling Green baseball about to play as poorly as it did. Silverstein's double. A single off "Hey, we've found ways to Not everyone with Bowling Hatem had a triple and a pair of team is familiar with this ax- "I didn't think before the the bat of Ken Berezinski then lose games all year. I'm used to Green ties was unhappy with RBI's in the Falcons' three-run iom. After dropping a double- game there would be a problem. picked up Silverstein. seeing these things slip away. yesterday's results. Tartar as- ninth inning. Also, Matt Oestrikp header at the University of We appeared to be ready to play. BG scored a run in the bottom I'm glad our regular third base- sistant coach Rich Korkizko, a and Kevin Ward had two hifc Toledo Wednesday, the Falcons We had a good round of batting of the frame to draw within one, man had to stay at school and former graduate assistant at apiece. fell, 1M, at home yesterday to practice, and a good infield but the Falcons drew no closer take exams," Gust said. "You BG, was pleased to see the Fal- the Wayne State Tartars. exercise before the game," as Norris was on his way to talk about cringing when a ball cons send five pitchers to the The Falcons host league-lead- Three errors, a passed ball, a Platzer said. "That's not what losing his first decision of the is hit in the infield. It's nice to mound. ing Central Michigan in a pair of wild pitch, seven walks issued, happened in the game." year and the BG was seven finally win one against one of "It's nice to come back here doubleheaders this weekend.

Kappa Kappa Gamma HOST*™ATTACHED? Consumcr Aware„ess Week SPRING FORMAL $ Student April 19-25 $ Consumer presents . . . Union Consumcr News $ a panel of experts Landlord-Tenant Agreements Barb Fabrey, SLS Attorney Credit Ratings Ed Hanlon, Credit Bureau of Toledo Insurance Bartlett Insurance Agency Friday April 24 12-1:30 Off-Campus Student Center Twenty Fourth of April 110 Moseley Hall Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Seven Come and ask your questions

*«is««i«s=«=»«s* Cruz With An Alpha Delt April 25, 1987

Nancy A Paschalis Patti A The Shadow Lynn A The Long Lost Sailor Cindy A Kevin Juli A The Man off the Street Melinda A Lou Anne A Scott Julie A Scott Deb A Cary Michelle A Aaron Bambi A The Brat The Pirate A His Maiden Nancy A Steve D. St. Puli Ctrl Coil A Lustman Beth A Darrin Caroline A Todd Karen A The Man Nobody Michele A Sean Amy A Jim Knows About Heidi A Bunie The Whistle A The Ref Me A The Cyprus Celebrity Jan A Peter Brady Beth A Mike Isabella A El Greko Debbie A Mr. B.G.S.U. Lori A Joe Michele Hi A A Lucky Man Lynn A Mike Colleen A Scott Mary Jo A Dan Gretchen A Rob Pricilla A Elvis The Fan A Mr. Perry Debbie A John Joan A Stas Annie A Scotty Jodi A Dan SherylALarry Kimberlyn A Bachelor 13 Leslie A Brandon Little Nut A Squirrel Spaz A Ding-A-Ling The Brat A The Beast Man Julie A Kurt Daddy's Little Girl A The Guy Debby A Jeff 1987 Carol A Russ He Likes (Finally:) The Invisible Princess A Brenda A Billy Bill The Invisible Phi Tau Sherri A Scott WwmiA PI BETA PHI Judi A Clint The Teacher A Mi) Kathy A Chuy The Administrator Judy A Jeff Sue A Craig Dude H1 fiti* Julie A Rambo Janet A Dan Spring Formal Lynn A Doug Wendy A Eric |il| Ski A The Creek Cod Curious George A The Man With Lisa A Todd The Yellow Hat Gianna A Mike Cathy A Ed Bon Voyage! BG News/April 24, 1987 10

Buckeye star receiver BG faces Chippewas Let's be honest. Things just They have made 74 errors past two seasons. don't look too promising for thus far for a .929 fielding BG, on the other hand, has the Bowling Green's baseball average. CMU is second in dwelled in obscurity. The Fal- Carter gets suspension team as they head into this the MAC with only 35 errors cons have won only one con- weekend's matchup with Cen- and a .957 fielding percent- ference championship (1972) COLUMBUS (AP) - A day af- World Sports & Entertainment, he said. "It (will end) when it's tral Michigan. age. in the 41-year history of the ter suspending All-America Inc. National Collegiate Athletic worked out. Obviously I didn't But the Falcons' woes don't MAC. wide receiver Cris Carter from Association rules forbid under- give much thought to that. What- The Falcons are at or near stop there. Leading the Falcons offen- the Ohio State football team. classmen from signing con- ever seems to solve the problem the bottom of every category Pitching has been another sively this season are first Buckeye coach Earle Bruce said bracts with or accepting money in the Mid-American Confer- sore spot for BG. They are baseman Greg Lashuk who is he was sorry to have to take from player agents. Cris Carter had been under ence. BG owns a 13-18 overall seventh in the conference in hitting .315 and designated such a step but felt it was nec- Butch Carter said that Bruce investigation by the NCAA after mark. Meanwhile, the Chip- earned run average with 5.14 hitter Ken Ospelt (.293). La- essary. suspended Cris carter because reports that he had already pewas are at or near the top ERA. The Chips, on the other shuk also has ateam-leading "What can I say? I'm disap- "he does not want him associat- signed a contract with World of every conference category. hand, have the MAC's lowest 15 RBIs.Teammate Joe Muel- pointed that it happened; I'm ing with George on the campus Sports & Entertainment. CMU is also 19-7 and 7-3 in the ERA at 2.99. ler leads BG in home runs sorry it happened. I hope that and he wants George to stay But Carter denied that and a conference and the defending Despite these stats which with four. everything is worked out. cor- away from the other Ohio State subsequent investigation by the MAC champs - BG finished tilt the scales heavily in the The Chips boast the talents rected, and we get on with it," players." Ohio State athletic department sixth in 1986. Chips favor, BG has won four of designate hitter Mike Bruce said Thursday prior to his cleared him of any wrongdoing. The BG-CMU four-game se- conference games. It may not Weatherly who leads the team's spring practice session. While refusing to comment on "(The suspension) has got ries will begin Saturday with be the prettiest team on pa- MAC in hitting with a .450 Carter, who will be a senior the reasons behind the suspen- something to do with (the al- a doubleheader beginning at 1 per, but the Falcons do find batting average. He also this fall, was unavailable for sion, Bruce said, "Right now, if leged relationship between Wal- p.m. Sunday, BG and CMU ways to win. leads the team with 16 RBIs. comment. you violate team rules, you've ters and Cris Carter)," said will play another twinbill set That's all that matters. Shortstop Kip Southland is On Wednesday, Bruce dis- got to pay the penalty. He's got Butch Carter, a former Indiana to start at 1 p.m. Last year, CMU defeated hitting at a .378 clip while closed the suspension of Carter, to pay the penalty like anybody University and National Basket- Statistics don't win games, BG in three of four meetings. third baseman Mitch Bonn the leading receiver in Ohio else/ ball Association player, cur- but they sure do look impres- BG won a 9-8 decision, but lost has a .335 batting average. State history, citing "a violation Carter, a 6-foot-3,194-pounder, rently the head coach at the sive - at least for the Chips. 7-0, 8-1, and 5-1 to the Chips. As a team, CMU has hit 21 of team rules." caught a school record 69 passes Carters' alma mater. Middle- CMU is nothing less than a home runs with eight players Bruce, beginning his ninth last season for 1,127 yards and 11 town High School. "We have a After 26 games, the Chips powerhouse in the MAC these with at least two round-trip- season as head coach at Ohio touchdowns, all Ohio State re- brother (George) who might are second in the MAC in days. They are coming off a pers apiece. State, declined to detail the rea- cords. He also owns Buckeye have been involved (with Wal- team batting averageby bit- 43-16 season (254 in the con- The pitching of CMU is also sons for the suspension when career marks with 168 recep- ters) in some way." ing at a .292 clip. BG, on the ference) and are shooting for quite solid. Doug Noch (3-1) confronted by reporters at his tions and 27 touchdowns. He other hand is last in the same their fourth straight confer- and Dan Rambo (3-3) are Biggs Facility coaching office. needs just 68 yards to become Asked if the suspension could category with a .234 average. ence crown under head coach ranked second and third re- the leading OSU career receiver be the end of Cris Carter's col- The Falcons are no offen- Dean Kreiner. spectively in the MAC with "I think that's personal," in terms of yardage. lege career, Bruce said, "I don't sive machine, but defense Kreiner, in his third year at ERAs of 1.14 and 1.41. The Bruce said. Although it had been reported know about that. I think that any doesn't appear to be their CMU, owns a 100-42-2 record. Chips' Tim McDonald is sec- Butch Carter, an older brother Wednesday that Carter had been suspension from a football team strong suit either. He was also chosen MAC ond in the conference with a 4- of the Ohio State split end, said suspended for the remainder of is serious business. I'm con- BG owns the conference's Coach of the Year and Mid- 1 record. He also owns a 3.28 on Wednesday that Cris was Ohio State's spring practices, cerned about it. I hope that the lowest fielding percentage. east Coach of the Year the ERA. being suspended because of his Bruce said Thursday that he had thing can be worked out to the relationship with another not decided how long the suspen- satisfaction of all." brother, George, who works for sion would last. Ohio State concludes spring Trask an agent, Norby Walters of "I haven't looked at that yet," practice May 2. CRim£ =1-K CALL leads Team unhittable ?eth

REGATTA (jamma f-^ni dSeta CreAcent Ztormai Jlprit25, 1987

APRIL 25 1987

GET PSYCHED FOR OUR LAST BLAST!! xperience true eleeaance ., . Classifieds BG News/April 24,1987 U-

Kitchen Equipment Sale LOST Kodak camera. Friday the 10th et Alpha Phi Regatta • Alpha Phi Regatta Be * Part or the 37lh Annual CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS in Hie Living Canter ol the Home Ec Bldg Stadium during Football Scrimmage It lound PERSONALS HOT MIKE STEVER Delia Upallon Bake Race Monday April 27th pieese cal Sara at 353-2240 Thai Bast month has been lots Ol lun B.Q.'s Oldest and Most Grueling Event From 1-7 But now the school year « almost dona April 25, High Noon In Iron! of MSC DWg Only 1M7-M Mortar SaoRl Announce. Sponeorod by Future Food Prof. Fled with memories in never forget- the Strong Will Survive its officers Lost Large, wea loved Okie lean aacket left al And many more to come Preetdent-Betsy Smith Howard's Thursday, April 9 2 ID a In pocket So Saturday lust wait and see V. Pros. Tspplng-Kathy R.igl. Student Consumer Unarm REWARD. PLEASE cal 354-4406 No quea Htl 3 7th Annual Delta Upeiton Bike Race it wd be a blast tor you and me' V. Pros. S*ectlona-U< Rica Consumer Awareness Week boras asked Cant wart ti tomorrow' Happy Hours S-t at I Love You" Treoturer-Jtrn McCrave Consumer Panel -Questions-Answers Hope you're excited Uptown Frl. April 24 Your Deytona Playmate Secretary-Tammy Slack Landlord Tenant.Credit Ratings.Insurance F Alpha PM Regetla'Alpha PM Began. Public RelatlonB-HI.todan-D.ann. Grltlllri day 24 12-1 30 Help tupport BO's otdaal and moat Homacoming Chair-Diana Hudson Off-Campus Student Center Moseley LOST: PAIR OF GLASSES ml TAN CASE grueling event. Bike Rece Happy Hours University Ball Chair-Baity Gardner SOMEWHERE BETWEEN BATCHELDER ANO ANNE SKUCE Friday, 5 to s, al Uptown Mariana Lowrty MOSELEY IF FOUND PLEASE CALL DENISE Thanfce tor being euch a wonderful bag aieter BIKE RACE HAPPY HOURS T-Shkl Comm. Chelr-Wendy Bridget AT 372-3972 and a very special friend! We are going to Tom Batancon The BOSU Qoapel Chew presents its annual miss you very much neitt year! 1 Fund-Btlllng Chair-Julia Saarlotl. Kim Shut Spnng Concert on Sunday Apr! 26. 1B87 at WANT TO TRY We love you Your littles, Connie 1 Ktthi BIKE RACE SanWr Week Coordlnalor-Tarata Petry 4 00 PM First United Methodist Church 1506 PUB-GRUB' DELTA UPSILON Eaatar Saala-Collaan Ca.anauQh East Wooater Quasi chors wil Include The BIKE RACE RIDES OR ENGLISH LAGER?? Are you tntereeted In an excrtmg new hear-cut? II Let's an paychad (or lha baa) Mortar Board Sendusky High School Gospel Choir, San FIND OUT ABOUT till SAT. APRIL 25TH NOON dusky Ot*) and The University ol Toledo so. you can receive your new look Iree by being MM EVERY WED. EVENING at 7:10 IN a hBarcuttmg model lor us at System Seven-Trie Gospel Choir. Toledo. Ohio Need Ride, need to gel bed back to Euclid 411 SOUTH HALL Havstyvng Place Cal Susan at 352-6516 Booklhrrlt for Bookkwera" Tickets are available Irom al BGSU Gospel () will help pay coat of van rental. ACCT CLUB SPRING STEAK FRY SOS OFF gumt book sale Choa members lor SI SO or at the door lot Desparatety needed!! Pleaae call Karen ATTENTION BG MEN' Free to members 5 30 PM - ? Upstairs and Downstairs al SBX $2for more inlormatlon please contact anytime 351-6113 For a Good Time Come Monday April 27th at Wage Green SBX. 530 E "rooster Stephen L Bnanham at 353-0576 or Lorl To the DAZE OF ROCK tomorrow 12-7 (Lehman Ave near boa station) Crafter at 354-1860 '"Alpha XI Dana Formal"- Byron. SERVICES OFFERED Attention ATTENTION Phi Eta Sigma Inrtiales Get excited lor Saturday' Party at Jan and Tana's postponed lo Friday. The Inttiatton ceremony win be held on Sunday. April 25,1M7 Alpha Phi-Regatta at the See UNDERGRADUATE ALUMNI ASSOI May 1 Chaos beams at about 6 PM Free and April 26th from 4 6 PM in the Eva Marie Sami What a blast it rf be' MEMBERS open excrtemenl lor al Theater in university Hal Hope to see you Don't forget the picnic! SCHOLARSHIPS. GRANTS, AID available lor On the Arawana Princess Love. 1 there 5 30 Monday, 27 April ccaege graduate school Scholarship Matching ATTENTION BG: PkXEFEST IS HERE Becca Center. 1-B00-USA-1221. e FOUND Love. Taml obstetrics, pregnancy testing. Pap test (lor cer- Saturday Apr! 25-3 00-1 00 am 1000- FUN a GAMES vical cancer). VD screening, birth control into GET YOUR TICKETS NOW GET PSYCHED FOR ALPHA XI FORMAL1 LOST-one pair ol nice red sunglasses Fn night Tubal bgahon. termination ot pregnancy up tor more alto cal 353 4418 or 353-0824 CHAD- I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT TIME in either Yuppi's. Downtown, or Howard's 11 through 10 weeks (special rales lor students) Get Psyched lor a great weekend Alpha XI UAO is proud to announce the organization ot LOVE YA-llt lound cal 372-3084 Thank you. By appointment 1-241-2471 Formal only a day away) Good luck with your their new GAMES COMMITTEE It you are m ATTENTION MEN OF BG Rugby game tereeted *i planning tournaments, contest and LOST A SET OF KEYS NEAR HAYES AND EP Al aboard to Cruz wrth an AJhpa Deft' For your Gel paychad lor Chi Omega s White Carnation expositions, contact Lisa Rlbar at the UAO Love PLER COMPLEX PLEASE CALL 3540252 IF Wordprocessmg typing done, free disk evening pleasure expect laughter, dancing tun. Spnng Formal Your dales are looking forward otrlce-372-2343 FOUND 1 Chnatine storage, cal Sue in Maumee 893-4186. and excitement Bon Voyage lo a greet time in Detroit'

CHRIS CONKLIN Congratulations on being selected Vice Pre* dent ol Operations lor the Young Executive Club" Good Job' Love A A O T YOUR KD SISTERS


CONGRATULATIONS JOE. CHRIS ALAN a SBX JASON on imaly getting dales for DAZE OF ROCK 530 E. WOOSTER Jarr A waie afterwards Pam A Mekssa

353-7732 Congratulations to Bubbly Hashmi on her Alpha Xl-Ashland Kappa Slg lavakenng to Dave Kan ney' Congratulations lo Deora Sue Krenk lor winning the EK3 Krunchofl. and lo tmauts Pam Howard Ji Mutet. and Cnsty Agnes Your Chi-0 sisters • Spring Clearance Sale • are so proud' DEATH NOTICE FISCHER Ryan Keith Fischer, ageless wonder ol Watowick. beloved eon ol a b—-. real sone ol Sat. April 25 George and Sandra Fischer (but they won't ad- mit tl). devoted brother ol Randy (who also won't admit it unless he's getting money in the will, and fist a genera) brother to Jay. Kraig. and Jeff lather ol many unknown illegitimates across tins great land Cause ol Death What being attacked by eleven year olds who mistook 20% off All Merchandise in the store rwn lor Emmanuel Lewis, he was struck a blow on the top ol las head by a three loot Pigmy who cowed him who cares as long as he's dead', so we can party • Soft Goods (shirts, t-shirts, sweatpants, rugby shirts, Roommates and neighbors (Decrepit bunch they are) vr* receive Iriends. hostile enemies. and any gorgeous females wishing to come running shorts, socks, BGSU hats, along, at the SWAMP aka 324 Bromlield on April 25. 1987 at 7 30 pm Services will oe hooded sweatshirts) held at 8 30 pm. resurrection wet be three rranutes later (party to ensue afterwards) Roommate suggests contributions m honor or • All textbooks Ryan to be made to his walet • Backpacks, shoulderbags BYOB Dinner In London?? An evening In Paris?? • Calculators, walkman-radios For more Into.: 411 South Hall • Fine selection of Cross Pens Wed. nights al 7:30

• Art & school supplies DO YOU PLAY VOLLEYBALL' Cal the USG office & Sign up for • All non-textbooks - 50% off the DAZE OF ROCK Voeeybal Tournament


Enc Ackerman. ♦ It al started with Dale Dash last year Saicethajn BOOKTHliFT we've been to Beach Club Crashed and Burn- I ed. Danced with the Dead Crushed at Christmas and we've gone down in history at FOR BOOKlDVERS the first Monmouth Duo Kappa Formal Is finely I here Whet a way to end a wonderful year' Let's Come join us at oar eitraorttory do it with style Love. Amy 51% OB glut hi sale. ERIC ROUSH. There's only one more day until Alpha Xi Formal This is a sale Booklovers can't afford to miss. Get reedy lor a great time m Toledo' faoosands to choose from. Love. KM

Good Luck to the Phi Mu learn in the Deris Up- allon bate race on Saturday Pedal your hearts Upstairs & Downstairs at SBX out' Love. Your Phi Mu Slaters


Government Homes Irom SI (U repair) Dean quent tax property Repossessions Cell 805-687-6000 Ext GM-9849 tor current repo 1st HELEN MARKETTI Happy 22nd Birthday' That weekend is gonna be PREMO1 LeeArm and Beth

Hey Phi Mus It's floaty here A super data party to and the year STORE HRS. Jama t-slarta and shades wet have on Monday - Friday 9-5:30 Dancing laughing and partying hi dawn They're yours at Half Price The peace sixth and high the time ryjva to one Saturday 9-5:00 Pra Mus and dates get paychad lor run And when It's over there I be no doubt What a oaaal we had al Bermuda Blowout' Hey PUantle) Man: The leal month haa been the beat time ol our avea and Cruang with an Alpha Das) wa) be no Spring Buy Back Starts April 29th (MasterCard) exception Get psyched lor an awesome IJma Love. Angel P S No more bets JAYS LOZJtiAK • ALL SALES FINAL • Have a great 21at birthday, roommate Margaret VISA MASTERCARD ConoratuaBtona on being brother ol the week — Parking in Rear — The Brothers ot Classifieds BG News/April 24,1987 12

Continued from p. 11 Many Enter. Few Last. THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SUBLEASE Ever thought ol working in a beautiful resort? Twin bed. mattress, box 4 Safe The Delta Upellon Bike Race WISH TO ANNOUNCE OUR NEW HOUSE HOUSE FOR SUMMER (PREFERRABLV Having lun ft making a lot of money while you're 1 years use Cheap Cal 354-0625 JUNKWSN JUNIORS!! JUNtORSII Get a nml Only The Strong Survive SWEETHEART -TERRI POHLMAN WE LOOK FEMALE) NICE HOUSE. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. at it We have a arrnled amount of positions open Han In your |ot> warch! Come to lha JUNIOR FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR YOUR OWN BEDROOM CALL DENIEE In our marketing division ft in activities It you PLACEMENT ORIENTATION MEETING on University Approved Loft $100 3520176 think you have something to offer ft would feke to Atari Video Game System (with 25 cartridgesl Monday. Apr! 27. '00 PM Lenhert Hal. Menu* The slaters ol Phi Mu would like to ssy Con- see what we have to offer cal 419-994-4828 2 (ornate roommates needed (or summer to $30 7 tool couch-bast offer Cal Greg or University Union Learn lips ori how to start your Congratulations' Gosh, do we have to caj you gratulations to all our graduating seniors as ft ask lor Mr ONen lob aaarch thle summer Receive a hetplul "Mariuja. Sir" now? Lookin' forward to Buffet they move Into the 3rd dimension. share 2 bedroom apt on 4th street Cal Lisa or Scott 372-4282 career search workbook Complete STEP No tree summer We're gonna rmss you' But you'l We'll miss you'" Margaret after 5 PM 353-1649 Fematee needed for cleaning and checking ren- 1 towards the Advanced Job Hunters Club" only be a "hop. skip, and a lump away!'' tal apartments weak of May 9. Phone WE LOVE YOU" 352-7366 between 4-7 PM Sponsored by University Placement Sanrloaa The sailers ol Kappa Kappa Gamma would like Desperately Need 1 or 2 people to sublease a Wendee) and Veronica Kappa Delta Sprit' Kappa Celts Speltl to congratulate Sherd ReatHo on her pearling to 1 bedroom apt. Furnished. Air Conditioning, GRADUATING SENIORS ft QUALIFYING FOR RENT Kappa Dana Spirit Sister ol the week Tom Schioemer' close to campus RENT NEGOTIABLE Available JUNIORS! Laura Oorman MARTY LEWIS May-August Cal 3645106 Interested in a career frying high performance The sisters ol Chi Omega would bke to con KD Spirit' KO Spirit' JUST WANTED TO SAY THANKS FOR THE mevtary aircraft m the Air National Guard? Cal gratulale CHRIS SC HONING on her election ol FEMALE NEEDED to sublease house tor sum- GEORGETOWN MANOR BEST OF TIMES' DG FORMAL. TELEPHONE Dave Prfer (419) 866-2035 Vice President to BGSHEA mer 2 blocks from campus $200 plus utilities 800 3rd Street MAN'. A MAD DASH BEFORE CHAPTER. KAREN MARIE METTI Robin 372-5176 Futy furnished 2 bdrm apts lor BETA. KROGERING. SAMS. "THE FINER There Is s fine Una between Here it a. the last hurrah Marketing--Sales 1987-88 Free heat ft air cond THINGS'. RUNNING AND THOSE MANY bravery and Insanity. The Delta SUMMER JOBS Reasonable rates 1 ft 2 bdrm units 01 our freshman year FOR SUMMER 1 Person to sublease 1 NIGHTS AT MARKS' YOU'RE THE BEST BUD- Upellon Bike Race Is right on this Una Our top Coiege Student m 1986 earned available for summer 1987 FREE AIR I hope you go back to OSU bedroom of 2 bedroom apt Close to Campus DY ANYBODY COULD HAVE' I LOVE YA! UTB. $7,500 and gained valuable experience If you CONDITIONING CALL 352 4966 saying wa parly Hke Buckeyes' MARY April 25, Noon, MSC Building $130 a mo. Call 353-7503 Gat psyched for the weekend and have a dependable car and can be located m don't explode your kver FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE the Toledo. BG area this summer and have not Only the Strong Will Sunrise. And as for this summer My"? SUBLEASE FOR SUMMER. CLOSE TO secured a good summer Job. cal Perma-Craft in C town and Hilton Head wa I wi always be your Romeo fuel as I w4 always CAMPUS CHEAP' CALL 353-2347 Toledo at 1-882-3712 Aak lor Mr Welch never be the same1 love you' THETA CHI PARENTS AND GUESTS Training pay and base salary offered to sharp aggressive individual JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Let's have a blast (at usual) ROMEO Gel ready tor an eliciting and memorable Graduating-* Found a (ob m Toledo? Need a and condition me for yet weekend at Friday Madness and Parents Ataortment of many apts. roommate? Wanted Roommate to share 2 Need a Job? another OSU road trip m May' Formal ft duplexes lor summer ft NANCY BARRATT CONGRATS ON YOUR DU bedroom apt with mate 23 yrs old Call Associated Temporaries located in Toledo A I love you'1 Helen Brothers ot Thais Chi fall rentals. CALL NOW LAVAUERING TO ED I AM SO HAPPY FOR 665 9453 betwn 611 PM Maumee wi be recruiting on April 27 from 9 for choice apts. 354-2260 AM to 3 30 PM in the Tall Room of the Student YOU GET PSYCHED TO PARTY AT FORMAL' Help' I need 1 nonsmoking (emate roommate Office located al 319 E. Woosler Union thrrd floor H you are looking for tem- KARENS BOOMER LOVE ALWAYS. TRUDY TO THE MOST WANTED KAPPA SKIS ON (or 87-88 Big apt close to campus Call WAY TO GO K B I YOU'VE BEEN THE BEST' CAMPUS porary employment of any kind, but particular- 372-4351 or 372-4533 1 WE COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER ROOM JIM E . MIKE H . JOHN C . MARK Z JIM S . ly eecreiarial or word processing. BE THERE PI KAPP GREG RICHARDS MATE WE'LL REALLY MISS YOU AND ALL RICH P„ DAVE T . a KEVIN S THESE ARE Resume is hetplul Associated Temporaries has Cheer and beer, your birthday is here THE FUN WE'VE HAD REMEMBER 10 NIGHT THE INGREDIENTS FOR A FABULOUS LOOKING FOR one mate roommate (or either customers al around the metropolitan area in- You waited so long, but now must be strong, OUT STREAK. OONT FALL OVER THE RAIL- FORMAL (al semester ol all year. Spacious apartment- cluding Bowling Green We can keep you busy 1 ft 2 bedroom lurnished apts (or summer ft lor tonight you win party and do It up right, ING OR HIT THE CONCRETE (WVU) HEY 1 MUST HAVE A GAMMA PHI DATE reasonable rent Cal Scott 2-6329. John Associated Temporaries 1987-88 school year S ft V Rentals and sjsl the*, lormal rs the very next night 2 BRIGHT AND EARLY HEAD TO CLEVELAND 2-3537. or Doug 353-2146 531 9413 • 691-0818 SHOW US YOUR? DAYTONA CONOOYOU So enfoy your presents, and hope you are 352-7454. 3 CATCH THE INDIANS-YANKEE GAME Not an agency-never a fee PARTY PIG WHY WERE YOUR CLOTHES smart, Mate roommate lor summer. Cheap and close 1 bedroom apt lor summer Furnished 128 S ALWAYS WET? TAKE ANY SHOWERS LATE- 4 WINE. DINE a DANCE AT THE BOND MFH-EOE to always remember you're my sweetheart' to campus Cal Donnte 352-7002 Summit No 3 1-267-3341 LY7 2:00-0faNK' ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? COURT HOTEL Happy 20th I Love You. TRUD Need one (emate roommate lor summer. WELL THAT'S THE BEST TASTING 5 AFTER HOURS IN THE FLATS Painters Wanted 1 person sli needed 'or 2 bdrm apt for Located on E Merry $88 per month, al utilities PICKLE CAN WE HAVE A RIOE? (NICE 8 AFTER. AFTER HOURS ? Ful-time. experience helpful sublease tor Fal semester 1987 or the entire RANOV ROOF paid Please cal 354 4406 KNEES KB) STOP THE VAN BOYS NOW" IF YOU FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS THE Cal 352-2707 Anytime year Cal Nancy 372-3266 HOW WAS THAT UPSIDE DOWN RESULTS WILL LEAD TO THE MOST 2 bdrm apt for summer sublease qu-et, furmstv MARGUARITA IN ? MEMORABLE FORMAL EVER' NEEDED ONE FEMALE TO SHARE FURN ed, A C and Iree utitrttes Available May 10 Cal WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! LOVE. ELAINE. LAURIE. CHRISTY KATHI. Perfect summer jobs for high energy, fun-loving APT FOR 87-88 AT 320 ELM CALL KATHY 353-0309 between 7-9 PM BY THE WAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY' DONNA. JUUE. AV.v BETH. 1 SUE! ft exciting individuals Al positions available Ap- SBX Spring Clearance Sale AT 2-7740 FROM 8-5 OR 353-4720 AFTER 9 WE LOVE YOU ply in person after 8 PM Tues through Sun at 2 bdrm furnished apt summer 105-215 Sat. April 25 # PM THIS YEAR HAS BEEN THE BEST" Buttons. etec 805 Thurstin No I 354-2807 20% OFF al merchandise in the store To Whom It May Concern YOUR TWO FAVORITE ROOMIES NEEDED PLACE TO STAY IN CLEVE AREA Those flowers you stole on Easter Sunday from Student wanted (or temporary position on safe- 2 spaces available m house this summer CASSAN AND VICKIE FOR SUMMER BREAK WILLING TO SPLIT outside ol Onenhauer East were planted there ty belt program Primary responsibilities include (female) On Wooster across from Rodgers P S CONGRATS TO YOU TOO CRAK3' Selby-actlon, COSTS BECKY 353 6805 as a romantic Easier wish to 8 very special distributing incentives, contacting businesses. Many extras ft tow rent Cal immediately SEE YOU GUYS AT THE PARTY!'! Hera's to 22 years ol crazlness and many more friend You succeeded in ruining a very special One (emate roommate needed (or 67-88 ft collecting data on salety belt use Position to come' Have a wild day. Grace' Hounddog' 353-0010 moment I hope you're happy" school year, 4 person apt on Second St available from May 1987 through September •Your Partner in Crane KAREN SCHADE Reasonable rent Cal 352-3115 lor more mfo 1987 ; Approximately 30 hrs per week Own Todd. Congratulations on finely Decomng a 4 bedroom house available for summer of 87 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR KAPPA transportation and valid drivers bcense re- Kappa Sig I can't wail until tonight It will be the One Male Roommate needed lor 87-88 school Great location II interested. Cal 352-1159 SIGMA LAVALIERING TO RANDY ROOF' I SmeJ refrigerator Good condition $50 Call quired Please send resume, including best one yet. because weekends are made lor year Share apartment with two others Win- LOVE YOU GUYS' WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I Anita or Lora at 372-4983 references and hours available lo Wood County throp Terrace Apts . Nice Place Call James KNEW IT' Hearth Department. 541 W Wooster. Bowling 521 E MERRY One 2 bdrm 4 person apl Student Consumer Union Love always. Mehe-lobe 353-2441 LOVE. MARY Green, resume musl be received by May 4. $500 per person per semester plus gas ft etec Consumer Awareness Week One or two (emate roommates needed lor sum- 1987 EOE-EOP Cal John Newlove Real Estate 354-2260 April 19-25 Watch lor sidewalk specials mer only-large house close to campus we are K«nberfyn and Caroline. SUMMER JOBS IN AKRON S CLEVELAND Jeans N Things easy to get along with Cal 353-9309 Gat ready to set salt on Alpha Deft Cruise Hope The Ohio Pubhc Interest Campaign. Ohio's Apartment lor Summer Student Consumer Union 531 Ridge your Bachelors are ready to party tool ROOMMATE WANTED CHEAP RENT SUM largest consumer lobby, has summer ft ful-time Quiet efficiency close to campus Sublease Consumer Awareness Week LaL. Amy MER ONLY OWN ROOM' MEADOWV1EW openings on its campaign issuf staff Local 4 May 15-Auguat 15. Rent. $ 160 a month 602 Consumer Panel-Questions-Answers COURTS CALL TOOD 354 1678 slate wide campaigns dealing with nuclear P S. I wonder II Mr Perry is ready. 100?' Landlord Tenant Credit Rahngs.lnsurance We. the DAZE OF ROCK Committee. Second St No 5 (Stop by in Daytime) or cal cower-electncrty rates, insurance rate rip-off. ft Friday 24 12-1 30 Invite the Entire Campus to K>in us URGENT" Need 2 Mates or Females to share (419)422-1939 environmental p'olection $225-wk To arrange Off-Campus Student Center-Moseley on APR 25 for FUN and "City Heal huge apt. (or any or al o( summer Close to KITES! KITES! KITES! personal interview or lor more info AKRON downtown bars Very cheap rent 353 8108 Go fly a Kite at (216)375 0000 CARTY RENTALS Hou set-Apartment s-Room s Daze ol Rock SWEETY ST ANTON WANTED CLEVELANO (216) 861-5200 STUDENT CONSUMER UNION 3 month leases lor summer only The past 7 months have been great Houseboy (or a university sorority Anyoee in- WANTED Phone 352-7365 anytime presents FLY AWAY KITES And now s the time to celebrate' terested cal 372-4408 demonstrations sales SUMMER JOBS At Chi Omega Formal tomorrow night For Sports-Minded and Hard working students Aprs 25 12-7 We'll have lots of fun-itl be out ol sight' 1 Female roommate needed lor lal-spring m Excetent Location WANTED IMMEDIATELY Openings m most parts ot Oho $200 per week Lacrosse Tournament Haven House ApertmenU CAB Kim 372-4389 2 bedroom apt m house available this summer 1 NONSMOKING FEMALE ROOMMATE TO and up Twelve weeks or less guaranteed Kant stats. Michigan. Case Western 4 8.0. or Jennrler 372 4283 lor 4 people Utilities included low summer The Alpha Dells have booked all reservations SHARE 6TH ST APT FOR FALL 67-SPR 88 Transportation necessary For more -nlormation 12 00-5 Sal April 25 rate 304 E Court St Cal 352-2932 for their Curz tomorrow evening We apologue 1 lemale to sublease nicely (urn apt lor sum- APT IS FURNISHED LOW RENTI CALL US come to Student Union Forl Rm Thursday April Intramural Fields by the Stadium to those unable to attend Maybe on our next mer; low rent call Laurie 372-4412 alter 7 pm WE 0 UKE TO MEET YOU' KIM 353-0580 OR 23rd ft Friday 24th at 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, or Ui Meraten and Chris Man- cruz KAREN R. 353-2144 4 00 PM Sharp FALCON PLAZA APARTMENTS 1 Next to Aspen Wine Restaurant Good Luck on Pommerette tryouts We're THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 1 non-smoking lemale to share newly lurnished 11 2 bdrm -lurn ft unturn behind you as the way WOULD UKE TO CNOGRATULATE MILT LEVY apt with 3 others tor Fal 87-88 school year Wanted-1 female roommale lor 67-88 school SUMMER JOBS IN OAYTON Cal Tom 352-4673 days Love a AOT. ON HIS PINNING TO USA HANSON CON 2nd and High Cal 353 1767 or 353 3630 yar Cal Lisa or Mtcheee 2 5907 Ohio's leading environmental lobby seeks pro- 352-1800 eves Your KD Sisters GRATULATKONS' gressive women & men lor summer ft tul time WANTED ONE FEMALE TO SUBLEASE 1 Staff positions Cal OHIO PUBLIC INTEREST BDRM APT $500 FOR SUMMER. WHICH IN- CAMPAIGN hrs 2-10 Pay $225-wk Travel FALL • 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments CLUDES UTILITIES CENTRAL LOCATION, opp Formfo or interview 513-228-6880 CALL 354-2810 EVENINGS Ctooe to campus Cal 352-5822 The Porthole Restaurant is looking lor Wanted 1 or 2 persons to sublease 1 bedroom bartenders & barmaids lor me summer Send FOR RENT- Need people to share house wrth lurr*ehed apt (or summer Very convemeet. th resume to Porthole Restaurant, P O Box 13. FaW-Sprtng Cal Joe at 352-3429 DSS the street from Kohl il interested can Ketys Island. OH 43438 The 37 Annual Delta Upsilon 354-3209 after 4 PM Furnished Efficiency Complete with cotor T V , Cable and HBO. Al Wanted 1 non-smoking roommate tor 1 .FOR SALE utilities peid Ideal tor upperclassmen or bedroom apartment, next (al. Cheap Rent graduajiee. Semester leases 8 G s finest 353-9707 apartment value $320 per month Phone '77 fuel Injected VW Rabbri 354-3182 or 352-1520 WANTED 2 (emate roommates lor 87 88 AM-FM casaett. new bras, good condition in- Acrossslrom campus Excetent rent Cal HOUSE AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER side and out Firm $1,000 CAJ 352-1748 Becky or Cheryl 353-6805 729 4th St 3 or 4 people needed $150 per month per person ft utilities WANTED 2 SUBLEASERS FOR SUMMER 1980 Chevy Citation. 2 lone, red and beige, cal 354-0438 or John Newlove Realty BIKE RACE AND 87 88 SpACKXIS 2 BDRM FURN APT 354-2260 good condition. 4-door automatic, AM-FM BEHIND ASPEN WINE SHOP HEAT. WATER & cassette, power brakes ft steering $1900 or FREE CABLE 192 50 A MO CALL NOW FOR best offer Cal Yung at 352-2173 One bedroom apt. available tor summer Fur- Fraternity, Sorority & AN EXCELLENT LOCATION 372-1687 1988 Camaro IROC Z. red, grey interior, load- niihed. air cond . close to campus (517 E WANTED 2 females lo sublease (or summer Independent Races ed, nice, tow mileage Cal 372-1183 Reed) 352-9620 Own rooms, great, new lurnished apartments Room For Rent Cal 353-1406 78 Ford Station Wagon. Good Condition. Very Reliable Cal 353-9102 Price Negot Male-senior-grad Wanted Non-smoking roommate to share a Kitchen, private entrance large mobile home near K-Ma/1 $100amo tor 3 blocks Irom University summer 3520779 Can you buy Jeeps. Cars. 4 X 4 s Seized m Phone 352-7238 drug raids tor under $100 00? Cal for facts lo Wanted one (em roommate for Fal-Sp 87-88 day 602-837 3401 Ext 299 cozy-close lo campus $118 per mo-tree heal Steve Smith Apt Rentalft-9 ft 1 2 month leases th Cal Monica soon at 353-8808 aval 1987-88 school year 352-8917 262 : Happy Hours: Friday, April 24 5-9, Contemporary couch ft 2 love seats, earth lone 12 Troup-2 bdrm. duplex $310 A uM 530 colors -$200 353-1654 Manvtse-3 Ddrm has. $310 ft uH 605 Fifth Si HELP WANTED Apt. A-4 bdrm trvptex $450 A uW ENJOY THE FRESHNESS of the country and SUMMER - 2 bedroom house Close lo cam- the expansrveness ot northern Michigan without 120 COUNSELOR AND INSTRUCTOR pus Cal 362-5822 driving six or seven hours to a weekend retreat POSTTONS AVAILABLE Private Coed Summer A three bedroom double A trame with all ap- Camp in Pocono Mts , PA Contact Cayuga. pliances, pool, bam and paddock situated on Summer Apartment to Sublease PO Box 234BG, Kenirworth. NJ 07033 Uptown 32 acres, affords you the serenity and the quali- Furnished, with very cheap rent Close to cam- l201)-276-01O8 ty of He you deserve Peace of mind is ensured pus, with pool and air conditioning Cal ACTIVISTS Summer robs in Toledo This sum- because this home has a CENTURY 21 Home 353-1071 th mer get -nvotved In progressive politics Protection Plan, you get al this and more (or on- Leg-slative campaigns on environmental issues ly $98,500 Cal CENTURY 21, Eshelman SUMMER Apt lor Rent. $200 a month lor 1 Race: Saturday, April 25 12:00 noon S irfsurance-utllty rate retorm Ohio Pubac In- Realty and ask for Dick Knepper or cal Dick at bedroom apartment, on Napoleon Road near terest Campaign has summer-fun time positions home 332-1894 Main St. Laundry facilities and swimming pool on community outreach staff $225-wk lo Cal 352-4404 start. Cal 1 -241 -9093 tor interview appt (in front of MSC) Going out of school sale-couch (puts out into Business expanding to Spain and Italy. Need bed) VCR (remote, new. warranty, great lor Summer Rentale Spanish and Italian contacts Please can Letterman). Weights (150 to. Olympic set and 3 month leases 352 8789 or 1-636 5503 curl bar) Al Prices Negotiable 354-7833 Apartments starting at $180 per mo Ph 352-7385 CrvHd Care Naadad IBM compatible computer with Pal monitor. Teenage boy needs sueprvtslon 2 afternoons a DOS. CP-M. printer cable and manuals SUMMER 2 bdrm apt. to sublease week Starting June 9, ending Aug. 13. Prefer $600 00 Cal 352-3099 1-8pm FREE heat, waler, cable, A C special education major Cal 352-7143 after 6 LOFTS FOR 8ALE Cal 352 1872 Race Sponsors: PM $60 372-1892 COULD YOU BE A LOFTS FOR 8ALE Three mates seeking a fourth roommate lor (al NANNY? $65 372-3754 semester Cheap Rent, very spacious, caff Are you a loving, nurturing person who enjoys 372-1292 spending tine with chadren? Live in lovely, suburban neighborhoods, enjoy excellent METAL DESK AND SWIVEL CHAIR FOR SALE Two bedroom, furnished apartments tor the salaries, benefits, your own Irvmg quarters and DESK HAS 3 LOCKING DRAWERS DESK PAD 87-88 ached year 352-2683 ■anted working hours Your round-trip transpor- INCLUDED. EXCELLENT CONDITION $120 Unfurnished 2 bedroom apartments $500 lor HUFFY OR BEST OFFER FOR BOTH CALL 353 2508 tation la provided One year commitment summer. 834 Scott Hamilton Cal 352-5822 necesaary Cal or write Mrs Fitch. Cratdcare BICYCLES Placement Service, Inc. (CCPS). 149 University Visage Apt tor 1987-86 Smote Bed Loft lor Sale Vfc- Buckmlnater Rd . Brookfcne. MA 02146 (617) School Year Groups ol 3 or 4 $46 or Negotiable 5666294 Cal Darrel 3724775 3520164 All Donations Given to the Villages Inc., Home For Unwanted Orphans Raleigh Trl-Lite to be raffled off; compliments of Purcell's

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* Kicking back with thoughts of summer


Hard work, long hours A creamy, cold and Cool car, hot shades, 1 and big money p. 3 refreshing treat p. 4 rockin destination p. 6 Frktev/flprii 24, 1987 2 Campus Comments f ndoy photos by Mkh«N« ThorneiueH Friday interviews by DeneNe Jones What's your favorite summer activity?

Jennifer NowMn, grod student pub- Robon Rou, senior family services Shoyne Boumton, Junior political Marh Hanson, sophomore educa- ic odmlnlstrotlon mojor from Florence, major from Huron. "/ the to ploy science mojor from Umo, "Just being tion mojor from Toledo. "Phulng bos- South Corolno. "Going to the pork. It Fhsbee In the pork. It's good exercise with mu friends, flf mu friends ore In ketbol outside. It's o good wau to relaxes uou ond wot/ con get away and a good way to meet people." school and the summer Is a good time work on a suntan." from your worries." to see them." All University colleges Health and fitness to offer summer programs goal of Rec program

tion from professors. "You can get a brary, the planetarium or the art by Donna Scenna class over within five weeks rather by Deanna Griffith department. Friday reporter than 15 weeks." Abbott said. Friday staff reporter The second hour, according to a The maximum amount of hours un- brochure about the program, "will Normally about 7,500 students en- dergraduate students can take for the This summer, the Student Recre- encompass education about or roll in the summer program, accord- entire summer Is 18 hours, while grad- ation Center will be hosting Its participation In a health or fitness ing to the director of continuing uate students can only take 12 hours, seventh annual Youth Fun and Fit- activity." Some of these activities education. according to Donald. ness Days Program. According to may Include trips to the fitness trail, Carole Schuler, senior art therapy Tamra Summers, assistant director Home Economics building for nutri- Judy Donald said the University major, said, "I recommend going to for the program, "this year's pro- tion or children's aerobics. summer school program consists ot summer school. Everyone should go gram will be more fitness- The third hour Is reserved for courses offered by all six undergrad- at least once. It's a different aspect of oriented." swimming. This may Include water uate colleges: Arts and Sciences, the University you don't get to see sports or water aerobics. Business Administration, Education, during the regular school year." The Youth Fun and Fitness Days The program is open to children Health and Human Services, Musical Program was created when the of faculty members, and Is avail- Arts, and Technology — as well as the Chrlssy Posewitz, senior elementary Rec Center was opened for faculty able to community children If Graduate College. education and LBD major agrees, "It's use. It was decided to open the space allows the week before the Donald sold, "There will be nine a very easygoing and laidback atmo- center to faculty children through session begins. terms offered this summer, with some sphere. You get to meet a lot more the Fitness Days Program. The program Is open to children of the sessions overlapping each people because of the decreased According to Summers, "the In first through sixth grades. The first other in order to get all the terms In." number ot students attending the goals of the program are health, session will be from June 22 The schedule Includes four five- University In the summer." fitness and to help explain to the through July 9, and the second week, three eight-week and two ten- She said the social life In the sum- children what goes on at the Uni- session runs from July 20 through week sessions beginning May 18 and mer Is different from the regular ses- versity." August 6. Grades 1-3 attend on ending Aug. 14, she said. sion because more activities are This year Summers hopes to "get different days than grades 4-6. Sue Abbott, senior fashion mer- outdoors, such as spending the day away from the day camp concept Summers said that "In the past It chandising ma|or, said, "I think sum- at the Portage Quarry, going to drive- to a health, fun and fitness con- has been a place for children to mer school Is something that ins and having dinner and drinks on cept." get dropped off. This year we're everyone should experience at least the patio at Sundance. The hours of the program are 1 changing this Idea. We're gearing once." "It offers me a chance to meet p.m. to 4 p.m. The first hour is the program toward the children She said there Is a relaxed atmos- more people and to Invest my money devoted to exploring the University. getting to know about the health, phere In summer classes, which en- In Sundance," said Bill Stambaugh, This may Include visits to the li- nutrition and their bodies." ables students to get Individual atten- senior advertising major.

Cfifif\ll editor Caroline Longer prod' sup'r Dave Kuhor V oss't •dkor....Christopher Smith cower by Pete FeUmon Magazine editafktl oss't...Deb Gottscholk ftxtoj Mogonrm * e w»«*J supeWnM to Tht BG Htua cttiftttituntd Fridoy/Rpril 24,1987 3 Construction is a hardhat job

doesn't leave much (ree time, but the on the Hashing arrow boards, replac- and jeans, Darr comes home smelling by Karln Nevlus money's worth It," she said. ing the barrels on the road and flag- ol diesel fuel after working overtime Friday reporter Darr heard about the job through ging traffic. hours fueling up the road equipment. her lather, who Is a foreman for one ol "You move around on jobs. You "I work long hours. You know you're Alter working lor 12 hours In the hot the crews. She telephoned another might be doing three different jobs in getting paid a lot and you also know sun, all Karen Darr wants to do Is take foreman and found out that she had different companies," she explained. that you deserve that money," she a shower, go to bed early and pre- to join the union before any training Darr said that the Individual crews said. Her summer wages help her pay pare to rise early the next morning tor could begin. made the difference In how much she University bills. another day ol hard work with the liked the different jobs. "The guys on construction companies around Fre- Her first job was as a watchman the crew last year were funny. Ihey "It bothers me watching my friends mont, Ohio. and she worked the midnight to 7 didn't treat me any differently be- going out during the days when I'm Darr, junior family services ma|or, is a.m. shift. "I had days off, but l slept cause I was a girl or (act) like I working or sleeping, but It's more anticipating her tourth summer work- mostly. I came home at 7 and slept couldn't handle the job." she said. Important for me to have a good job ing lor the road crews. until 3," said Darr. Being the only girl on the crew In the summer. My turn to have lun Is "I've worked as a watchman, Her job consisted of driving a pre- motivated her to work harder to prove during the school year." driven a state truck on the turnpike, scribed route every hour to check lor her worth on the crew. "I didn't want This summer will tlnd Darr on the (lagged cars and been a laborer. trouble. "I liked driving the truck," she to be the one to drag the crew down. roads again, working hard and sacri- Wherever they need help, the union said. "They'd give me the route to II one person can't do the job, then ficing her social life for union wages sends me over," she said. Darr's usual cover and I could be on my own." the reputation of the whole crew "I do like the job," she said. "When schedule Is working from 7 a.m. to 7:30 She was switched to other jobs as suffers. I always want to do a good I'm through working, I'm tired but I p.m. on weekdays and she frequently necessity required. Her job last sum- job," said Darr. know that I've worked hard and works one day on fhe weekend. "II mer included changing the batteries Dressed In her ever-present hardhat earned a good day's wages."

states. The Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio by Karln Nevlus territory hops and spins to Ukrainian, Yugoslavian, Scandi- ' ricJay reporter navian and Italian varieties ol polkas. Hit polka tunes Include "In Heaven There Is No Beer," In the 1830s, this form ol music and dance was consid- "Pennsylvania Polka" and the ever-popular "Beer Barrel ered dangerous lor the youth and condemned by the Polka." This last polka, incidentally, was the (Irsl polka to Polkafests: church elders ol European society. Since this is loo early spread the music beyond ethnic circles into the public lor rock and roll, it must be: The Polka! spotlight, according to the New York Times. The polka began as a Bohemian round dance and The newest innovation In polka mania Is "new music." swinging gained popularity in the later 1800s in Vienna, London The Times article explained that accordionist and com- and Paris. It arrived In America with the Polish and Eastern poser Guy Klucevsek Is creating an avant-garde project European Immigrants In the latter part of the 19th century. called "Polka From the Fringe" which Includes new polka summer compositions Irom "new music" artists. Records were recorded in the 1920s, and Frank Yan- Locally, annual Polkalests are celebrated by hundreds kovlc won a Grammy for his 1985 album, "70 Years of Hits." of people and radio stations offer solid hours of polkas. events In a New York Times article published January 25,1987, Napoleon holds a Polkafest every summer. the polka is described as a thriving nationwide dance Polka albums are available In record stores, and dance craze. clubs gather regularly to dance to the boisterous music. Ohio itself is included in the Polka Belt, which originates An exercise video Is even available to melt those pounds in New England and spreads to the upper Midwestern down through vigorous polka-lng. EN • EN » EN » EN « EN » EN » EN » EN « EN • EN « EN » EN » EN » EN THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA NU BARNEY'S wish their 1907 Bike Race Team GOOD LUCK Now Showing:

in Hie 37th Annual RENT 2 MOVIES S QET 3rJ FREE! ml Mill ad Delia upsilon Bike Race •t Barrwy'i Video (expire* 5/31/87) riders: 7\ Dive Marshall Jay stelzer Andy Slupeckl Chuck Brunner We have 2 VHS cameras and 11 VCR'S available for rent! CB Bechtel John Schwarz RENTAL RATES * ••SPECIALS*** Same Day 98" Sun. overnight tfr Mike Slupecki Bick Beechy (Muet M m b.l«. 5 p m I Tues. overnight 2tor1 WedVCR t2.W Bob Tedqulst John Downs Overnight '1.89 Thurs to Mon . *3.«9 Video Recorders '5.98 Sat toMon $2.98 catchers: 1093 N. Main behind Convenient Store Nell Kocianic Bave Schwartz 354-1401 ™ Mon-Thurs10-9 Fri-Sat 10-10 Sun 10:30-7 i Eric Rathburn Frank Nagy HH American Express. Phillips 76. Union : EN E EN .--EN EN-» EN N EN EN 1 T■2i ■Vrs'» i ••m J'*V«v'«t*nK'..!?ll..tfi. iifft ■!'...■:■.■.' » ♦ riimoimiwi'iiii « « ■W'S ..■' ' Fridov/flpril 84, 1987 4 Chilling out eating ice cream

Baskln Robblns Is known for its 31 flavors. Other Being with family members Is always a popular by Kelly Vaughn places seem to be Increasing their selection, too reason to Indulge In Ice cream. "I smashed my Friday reporter The flavors range from bubble gum to peanut brother's nose In a cone once because he tried to butter and chocolate to mint oreo to butter pecan lick my cone," said Jeff Wallace, junior accounting I scream, you scream, we all scream lor Ice and pina colada. major. Wallace eats Ice cream after his evening cream. To add to the flavors are toppings that comple- classes because "It Is cool and refreshing and It Is Students often scream tor Ice cream during the ment the Ice cream. Hot fudge and caramel are good for me." summer months, especially on hot and humid days. old standbys, but peanut butter Is gaining In Ice cream can be bought In many shapes, forms They have their choice ol buying hard or soft Ice popularity. and quantities. Cartons come In pints, quarts and cream with natural or artificial flavors from a store Montina Forman, junior sociology mo|or, said, "I half-gallons, so the uneaten portion can be saved or from the home Ice cream maker. There are many love any Ice cream that has chocolate In It, but I for a later day. But not everyone saves It for another places to find Ice cream when the need to cool off won't eat It If It doesn't have any. My favorite flavor time. Tim Wllhelm, junior elementary education Is present: grocery stores, family reunions, birthday Is chocolate fudge brownie nut from Baskln Rob- major, said, "I ate a whole half-gallon of block parties, restaurants, dairy aisles and Ice cream blns." Forman and two of her friends ate a sundae cherry ice cream In one day a couple years ago. I specialty shops. one afternoon with seven kinds of ice cream and couldn't stop thinking about It until it was gone, so I New uses for Ice cream are being developed all chocolate, hot fudge, strawberry and peanut butter kept going back and eating more." the time. It Is used In desserts, pies, milkshakes, after- toppings on It. Frozen yogurt Is cropping up as an Ice cream, dinner drinks and cakes. It Is eaten on a cone, In a The reasons, or excuses, for eating Ice cream substitute tor those with a weight-conscious sweet dish, straight from the carton or In a rich, gooey keep expanding, also. Linda Lloyd, lunlor elemen- tooth. Lloyd gets It after lying In the sun before she sundae. tary education major, had the same reason for goes In to watch "General Hospital." "I like it better Junior computer science major Martin Loveless treating herself for several years when she was than ice cream. TCBY is the greatest. I go there has eaten Ice cream with potato chips, and with younger. "When I was In grade school, my dad every day In the summer. I eat It because It tastes root beer schnapps to make a more potent root used to take me, my sisters and all the neighbor good and It cools me off. It also saves me from beer float. His favorite way to have ice cream Is In a kids out for Ice cream the day before school started having to cook a big meal," Lloyd said. Blizzard from Dairy Queen. He gets vanilla ice to end the summer on a cool note," said Lloyd. This summer will be the perfect opportunity to try cream with a chopped Heath Bar stirred in. Forman also ate Ice cream with her father In the all the new Ice cream flavors that have been "Vanilla Ice cream is my favorite. I use the summer. "When I was eight, Dad and I used to go to Introduced In the last tew months. Whether It is Blizzard to reward myself once In a while," Loveless Dairy Queen every night after all the chores were homemade, soft, hard or drowning In hot fudge, Ice said. done," she said. cream Is a great way to cool off In the summer. ,__ Jiv.er (ae*liv*ar) vb, fr. [L. de+liberare: to liberate] 1) to set free 2) to hand over, conveyc

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FREE DELIVERY 352-4600 176E.WoosterSt. ..*.. iM~tAu*.*Mi.,i... > Friday/Apr! 14, 1987 5 Island draws tourists, workers

"It's a great place to work. The pay day visitor, Lattimore said, "The Is- the busiest days when people head Is good and our housing was pro- land's more fun at night." Overnight lor the island by ferry, private boat or by Keith Cornelius vided," Lattimore said. The area has guests stay at one of the two hotels, plane. Yes, there Is an airport on the Friday reporter many seasonal positions available campgrounds or In one of the rental Island. and attracts a large population ol cottages on the island. Boat owners Two ferry boats service the island. Billboards throughout Northwest college-age employees. often sleep onboard their boats which One leaves from Port Clinton and the Ohio encourage travelers to "Put an There Is plenty to do on the Island, they dock In the large public marina other from Catawba Island. The Island In Your Life" by visiting PuMrv Including tours ol wineries and Island near the downtown area. Goodtime II transports passengers Bay. caves, Lattimore said. Lattimore recommends making from Sandusky. Not an Island Itself. Put-In-Bay Is a Lattimore recommends a trip to the overnight reservations In advance On Sundays and Mondays, the Ar- town located on the north bay ol top of Perry's Victory Monument, a tall since "they can't let people sleep In awanna Queen takes guests from South Bast Island, the southernmost granite monument dedicated to the park anymore." During the sea- Toledo to Put-In-Bay, ottering a Lake Erie Island. The town Is com- Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, who son, vacancies fill rapidly. glimpse ot what the pleasure cruise posed mostly ol the Island's tourist stationed troops on the Island during One ot the most exciting events ol was like at the turn of the century. The attractions. The eastern and southwes- battles on Lake Erie. The view ol the the summer Is the regatta, a two-week Arawanna Queen provides meals, tern areas ol the Island are resi- surrounding Lake Erie Islands Is festival of sail and power boat activ- live entertainment and "cruise ship" dential. breathtaking on a clear day, she ities, said Lattimore. "The whole Island hospitality. said. Is a zoo during the regatta." Boats Once on the island, many visitors The main tourist season lasts from A wide variety ol gift shops and come from all over to participate. travel around on bicycles, said Latti- Memorial Day to Labor Day, accord- restaurants ofler something lor every Boats anchor all around the Island. more. Businesses rent bikes, mopeds ing to Lisa Latllmore. junior public taste. Shops sell everything from kites "They are all tied up together and it's and golf carts by the hour or by the relations major. Lattimore has worked and Viking sweaters to T-shirts and like a huge party," said Lattimore day. Some people prefer to walk and lived on the Island lor the past nautical souvenirs. Restaurant men- During the day there are races and since the Island Is not very large. two summers. One summer she us Include cuisine from barbecued other activities planned. Putin-Bay's attractions Include min- worked In a gilt shop and the other chicken and Ice cream to steak and Except for regatta weeks, weekdays iature golf, waterskllng and relaxing was spent In a local restaurant, The seafood. are fairly quiet on the Island, said with a cold beer — the makings for a Crescent Tavern. Although there Is plenty lor the one- Lattimore. Fridays and Saturdays are good mini-vacation for all ages.

your house." by Donna Seen no Formals are commonly held around Christmas and and Amy Klzer during the spring. However, many of the fraternities hold their formals In conjunction with Homecoming. Throughout the year there are opportunities for students Chip Thomson, a junior photojournalism major, Is a to dress up for an evening of dining and dancing. member ol one ol these houses, Kappa Sigma,"One Various campus organizations and residence halls reason I look forward to formal Is because it brings back sponsor lormals throughout the year. They range from an past memories ol good times. The alums come back and evening In Bowling Green to an elaborate event held at a you get to see people you haven't seen In a long time. Formats provide posh downtown hotel. You're with the people you want to be with," he said. "Formats ore a nice change ol pace. They are different Many organizations have a special committee thai opportunities for from typical date parties," said Sigma Alpha Epsllon organizes and plans the event. "We have a formal fraternity member Pete Potenzlnl, junior sport manage- committee and anyone can be on that committee. My dining, dancing ment major. chapter votes on the best possible date and price range Mike Mover, a member of Phi Kappa Psl and junior so It's not Just the committee making the final decision," social work major, agreed. "It's nice to gel away from said Phi Mu sorority member Nancy Glanvllle, senior campus and see everyone dressed up. It also gives us a elementary education major. chance to spend lime with thai special someone." he Favors, such as (luted champagne glasses, T-shirts or said. picture frames, are often given as a remembrance of the Alpha Chi Omega's Anne Connor, a senior broadcast evening. In addition, a photographer is usually present journalism major, explained. "It's tons of fun to get all and pictures can be ordered with the event's name and dressed up, have dinner and dance with the people in date printed on It. ^CHARLESTOWNzz Bowling Green State University Theatre Presents APARTMENTS MID AM MANOR

Choose from choice apartments within walking distance to campus—Summer April 23-25, 8:00 pm 1987 and 1987-88 school year. Eva Marie Saint Theatre 1 or 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, gas heat & water included, air conditioning Guest Director, Roger Robinson Resident Manager, will play the 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. lead role of 352-4380 Othello.

{&&!SRttWM^ Friday/April 24,1987 6 Cruising tips make 'cool' trips

Cruising, however, Is also a great technology major, agreed music Is a word "gorgeous." by Amy Klrer way to spend time with one person of must, and added, "Summer Is the best There Is one more thing you should Friday reporter the opposite sex while looking for the time to go cruising because you can remember. At no time should you perfect picnic spot. roll down the windows. Vou go out .drive with both hands on the wheel It's the time to take to the road — It's Where you cruise Is also a factor. about 10 o'clock at night with a like you did when you were In driver the time to go cruising. One goal Is to be seen, so choose bunch ot friends looking for things to education. It's Imperative to look re- But belore starting, carefully con- your route carefully. do and seeing who's out." laxed. sider each element ot cruising. Some locations are better than "You have to have a convertible — Finally, here's a simple checklist to others. Parking lots aren't much good, even though I don't have one," ex- follow the next time you go cruising. Most Important, of course, Is the but any main street or anywhere near plained Steve Honlngford, senior pub- Remember: car - without It, you'd be walking, a lake or river Is usually a good bet. lic relations major. "A warm breeze 1. The car which wouldn't be cool. Also, make and nice starry night are also a ne- 2. The shades sure your car Is In good working Certain towns are also more condu- cessity," he said. 3. The music condition. It's dellnltely not cool to fix cive to cruising than others. Colleen Boldt, freshman interna- 4. The food a Hat while everyone else Is driving As Chip Thomson, junior photojour- tional business major, was even more 5. The friends, and by. nalism major, said, "To cruise In BG Is specific In her car choice. "It has to 6. A sense of adventure The company you're with Is also like picking corn In a cornfield — It's be a red convertible. You also need Leave behind Important. Consider your motives be- boring." great weather and a cooler full ot t. The map lore choosing whom to take along. He explained, "No matter where food and drinks," she said. 2. Your parents It you're looking (or a Friday night you go cruising, however, you need "The Idea Is to look for gorgeous 3. Any younger brothers or sisters, date, keep the car occupants limited good music, a fast car, and you've men — don't look for anything else." and to one sex and spend your time to- got to have sunglasses." Men, of course, can break this last 4. Anyone who Is much better gether looking tor the other. Julie Gecowets. junior medical rule and Insert "women" after the looking than yourself.

NEW YORK (AP) - It was the year of the sitcom as "The with an average, prime-time rating of 17.8. CBS' averoge Cosby Show" and "Family Ties" helped carry NBC to Its was 15.8 and ABC's 14.1. That was a 1 percent Increase lor second straight season as king of the ratings, while CBS NBC from last season, when It averaged 17.5. suffered its lowest season average ever. CBS and ABC were down 5 percent each and NBC, "Cosby," the highest-rated prime-time program for the which was In third place only four years ago, beat second season In a row, and "Ties," No. 2 for the second- second-place CBS by even more this year than last, when consecutive season, also became the two most-watched CBS had an average rating of 16.7 and ABC 14.9. series In history, the AC. Nielsen Co. said Tuesday. It was CBS' lowest season-average rating ever and "Cosby" and In the season ending April 19, situation comedies had ABC's lowest since 1954. the highest three-network average rating — 18.2 — of all NBC Entertainment President Brandon Tartikoff, In a "Family Ties" tie program types. Sitcoms made up 18 percent of the telephone news conference from Burbank, Calif., was networks' schedules this year, up from 15 percent last already looking toward next season. year. "Going Into next year, we're going to be highly selec- up top spots tive In what we'll add to the mix In terms of situation Action-adventure series take up the most room on the comedies," he said. schedule, 24 percent, but had an average rating of 14.3, Though NBC finished the season winning three nights - lower than news-lnlormation shows, which had an aver- Monday, Thursday and Saturday, Thursday night was the age rating of 14.6. key. NBC won It with an average 12.5 rating point lead The rating Is a percentage of the nation's estimated 87.4 over Its nearest competitor, CBS. million homes with televisions. The lowest-rated, regularly scheduled series Included: According to the AC. Nielsen Co.. NBC won the season "Sidekicks," "Starman" and "Twilight Zone." i ui» FIJI •i-ui» FIJI » FIJI » FIJI » ri.ii» rui»i in « rui» FIJI» FIJI TUI » FIJI» FUI » FUI «FIJI » FUI » FUI « FUI « FUI • FUI » FUI « FUI » Fur Rob & Carolyn Rich & Jodi

Terry & Barb • • • Chris & Trisha Ross & Dawn Chris & Laurieann Dave & Jennifer Fiji Rob & Mary Dan & Pam Craig & Sue Steve & Mary Pat International Dan & Kellie Scott & Sallyann Mike & Celia Jeff & Mary Toga! JD & Jenny Scott & Michelle April 25,1987 Michael & Toni Adam & Marlie Geoff & Maria Kelly & Michelle Rich & Ami

111:1 . iru« in.i - irtri»iriii«tar* irn »iru . in.-i»inn »trid « irn» ia-i »iu-i «.yu » iriH-«.ina.».K'M » ""fcJ * 'A-' *.tfu » ""M * ifu « tfid IIUJ fridov/flpril 24,1987 7 * * Critic's Corner *

you realize that she Is not truly respon- by Mark A. Zimmerman sible tor her condition. Friday stall reporter John larroquette also puts in a solid "Blind Date" performance as the lilted ex-boy- Bruce Willis' motion picture debut Is frlend. His Is the character that holds not lust any debut. He plays the ma- Walter Davis (Bruce this film together. He Is unpredictable cho/cool David Addlson on "Moon- Willis) the morning after and lustful In his quest for revenge. lighting," and the question now Is Perhaps the most attractive feature whether or not he can take his charm his friends fixed him up of this film is Its subtlety. A great deal and charisma to the big screen. of Its humor only makes you chuckle, In Blake Edwards' film, "Blind Date," with Nadia Gates (Kim not roll In the aisle In laughter. Willis does |ust that. He plays the Baslnger), My favorite scene happens on the career-oriented Walter Davis who morning after. In a rage, Walter ap- needs a date tor a very Important pears In Nadla's bedroom. After he business dinner. pagne In a cozy recording studio. The In "Blind Date," he continues to kicks and breaks the foot of the bed, He agrees to take Nadla Gates (Kim evening Is all downhill from there. detail what happens the next day, he continues to berate her for her Baslnger) as a blind date. He is given At the restaurant, Nadia Insults the when Walter has decided that he has behavior the previous evening. one warning: Don't get her drunk. It guest of honor and convinces his wife fallen In love with Nadla. Her bed is lower at one end than seems that Gates loses control while to sue for divorce. As a result, Walter is As Walter Davis, Willis has chosen a the other and she finds herself sliding under the influence of alcohol. fired. David shows up and picks a role that is drastically different from down the silk sheets and pulling her- At first appearance, Nadla seems fight with Walter, causing everyone to his role In "Moonlighting." Walter is self back up the entire time he's there. like the perfect blind date. She's be thrown out of the restaurant. straightforward and business This is not something one notices at young, Intelligent and attractive. She Each time Nadla appears to get oriented. As such, his character Is first glance, yet It adds substance to and Walter hit It off well, and both are everything under control, she finds more believable. an otherwise actionless scene. expecting a pleasant evening. something else to drink. Walter ends Willis Is able to carry his llkablllty to Once on the day after, the movie At an art exhibit, they run Into her the night In Jail lor attempting to shoot the big screen. This movie works be- drags a little. The manic pace of the psychotic and overly Jealous ex-boy- David while In the parking lot of a cause the audience Is able to appre- blind date does not hold out after f rlend, David Bedford (played by John high-society party. ciate Walter's situation and Walter gets out of Jail Larroquette) He makes It perfectly If the movie had ended there, It empathize with what he Is feeling. A few of the chase scenes seem to clear that he still loves Gates and Is would be a very short, one-gag film. It Kim Baslnger gives a complete and be extraneous and overdone. Some concerned about the context of her does not end there. Blake Edwards solid performance as the Cajun Na- ol the twists In the story also leave relationship with Davis. has always had a flair for taking a dla Gates. Hers Is an understated role some gaps In logical thinking. But Walter and Nadla continue the seemingly shallow plot and following that gives little room lor critique. It Is these minor faults do not mar an evening with a few glasses of cham- Its natural progressions. also easy to feel sorry for her, once otherwise entertaining adult comedy. on the previous release. by Mark A. Zimmerman A five-year lapse has followed the 1982 release of Friday staff reporter Mirage, an album of tracks that should have been B-sides. Wa'ner Brothers Is calling the new record, Tango In the The current lineup of Fleetwood Mac, formed in 1975, Night, "the second coming of Rumours." (Certain rock combines the best ol British blues rock and American pop. stations In the area are calling It the same.) They became one ol the most successful rock groups to Tango In the Night contains all the same elements: Fleetwood Mac last through the '70s. Llndsey Buckingham's songs of lustful longing, Stevle Their first three records helped to set a standard by Nicks' meanderlngs into hallucinogenic Imagery and does best work which a large share of subsequent albums are ludged. Christine McVle's basic uptempo love songs. The music is The second of the three albums, Rumours, also set a basically the same, but It doesn't traverse the years well. united as group standard by which subsequent Fleetwood Mac records Rumours was filled with the broken-hearted anguish of a are Judged. band In turmoil. With two romances within the band None of the following records ever approached the splitting during production, the emotion was raw and heights reached easily by Rumours. The band was afraid powerful. The members are chums now and the music on of falling Into the trap of trying too hard: Tusk was a conscious effort to avoid the trappings so skillfully utilized See Tango page 8 Howard's Club H 210 N. Main No Cover

Thursday, April 23 Friday, April 24 Saturday, April 25

Nike 1 kinkcs 1 Greet co»M Great p*opt« Katon 113 Railroad St (behind Dexters) 354-3977 Howard's is a designated driver participant mmwmmmmtm Fridou/Rpril 14,1987 8

biggest Influence: Brian Wilson. These tracks con- soulful organ styllngs Is nonexistent, and even her Tango continued from page 7 tain the same flavor as the Beach Boys' psychedelic beautiful piano numbers are now cold electric era in the mid '60s. keyboard. Tango In the Night reflects It. On these cuts, Buckingham overlays one track This Is exemplified on the single "Big Love," The content ot the songs has moved from direct with another until one can practically float aim- where she Is assigned to play the same synth-chord conflict to the remorse of a departed loved one. lessly In the mix. This also holds true to a lesser (that is often mistaken for Nicks' moaning) every The emotion Involved is distant and unlnvolvlng extent to the other cuts on the record. measure during the refrain. A great deal of self-pity exists on this record and Pete Townshend once expressed his respect for The result Is distant and unexciting musical It all becomes a bit tiresome after a few rotations. Stevle Nicks. He didn't cite her Incredible talent; he contributions from the formerly perfect Ms. McVIe. The members of Fleetwood Mac have always was referring to her ability to grow as a person and The high point of Tango In the Night Is undoubt- worked better within the context of the band than not allow It to reflect In her music. edly the coupling of Buckingham and McVIe. His as solo artists. Alone, Buckingham Is nervous, Nicks The point Is, Nicks' music today sounds as It did pessimism and her optimism make them the most Is self-indulgent and McVIe Is lust plain dull. 15 years ago. While that Is some feat, It's also very ideal collaborators in the band. Their "Mystified" Under each other's Influence, and with the help uninteresting. Her three tracks, "Seven Wonders," and "You and I, Part II" are the two most engaging of one of the finest rhythm sections In the business "Welcome to the Room ... Sara " and "When I See cuts on the album. (and the band's namesake), Mick Fleetwood and You Again." sound like outtakes from her last John McVIe, Fleetwood Mac can rock with the best. record. The overall effect of Tango In the Night leaves On Tango In the Night, the differences between In the last 10 years, Stevle has obviously lost an the listener with mixed feelings. Nicks' tracks are the principal writers is anything but subtle. When octave from the upper part ot her range. This is dated, McVle's are lazy and Buckingham's are listening to the album, It becomes painfully obvious extremely Irritating on "Seven Wonders" when the self-conscious. who wrote what. melody calls tor her to take the vocal Into a higher II this record had been released In 1978, It Llndsey Buckingham, the unofficial leader, Is the register and she backs off from It Instead of attack- might be considered comparable to the almighty truest star of Tango. He co-produced and wrote or ing It. It is a sad fact that a band's only soprano Is Humours. But too much time has passed for that. co-wrote seven ot the album's twelve tracks. outsung by the band's only male vocalist. Instead, Tango In the Night Is only an example of a Some of his contributions, "Caroline," "Tango Christine McVIe has apparently graduated Into great band with no Inspiration throwing slop on the In the Night" and "Family Man," pay tribute to his the world of synthesizers. The presence of her once charts. • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta •

Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta • Alpha Gamma Delta . Alpha Gamma Oefe.*:Wpfe?m.JW* ' Fridoy/flpHI 24, 1987 9

DAYTIMf (TMCI MOVIE (MON TUE, 0 WORDPLAY 0 UPSTAIRS. DOWN- (ESPNI INSIDE THE PGA 8 30 border without any trouole but be FRO 0 LOVING STAIRS (MON) TOUR (WED) O ■ POPCORN KIO Brown comet *tranded m a »loopy Teiae MORNING MO 0 EDUCATIONAL PRO- 8 FORSYTE SAGA (TUE) (ESPN) TOM MANN OUT- encounter* a robber who it miffed town when hat car breeke down O MORNING STRETCH GRAMMING COUNTRY MATTERS DOORS (THU) et the meegar content* ot the H MO (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET 9 EDUCATIONAL PRO- (WED) (TMC) MOVIE (MOW. TUE) theater * safe 11 00 IESPNI 110 LEAGUE BAIL (THUI GRAMMING (MON. WEO- 0 GEORGE ft MILDRED Cfi AMAZING STORIES A Cfi Cfi Cfi Cfi Cfi NEWS FRII (THUI horror movie Ian becomes trapped Cfi SNEAK PREVIEW DHEAMS SPOUTS MAGA- 10:00 FRIDAY O MOVIE 0 SQUARE ONE TELEVI- m a tcene from the Hitchcock IB OARK SHADOWS ZINE 't Hli ■ • S26.0OO PYRAMIO O I LOVE LUCY SION CJ irtncwr Ptycho IRI (In Stereo): J Cfi LATE SHOW Starting ««PNI ACTION OUTDOORS SFRED PENNERS PLACE APRIl 24. 1987 (ESPN) GETTING FIT 0 3-2-1 CONTACT CJ Cfi Cfi WALL STREET WEEK Joan Rivers Guett hoei Howie WITH JULIUS BOPIOS (TUtl SALE OF THE CENTURY Mendel Scrteduted com* Lou Di ItSPNl SPOHTSLOOK (TMUI OB SALLY JESSY RAPHAEL (TMCI MOVIE (WEO-FRII OSCOOSYDOO EVENING WITH LOUIS RUKEYSER 0 SMURFS ADVENTURES 9:00 not (In Stereol (TMCI MOVIE (WEOI CS >O0 CLUB 1:00 (ESPNI LPGA GOLF IMONI 600 Cfi LATE SHOW Starring hit O O MARKETPLACE (FRII O Cfi MOVIE •** Do YOU OSS NEWS Remember Love' (1966) Joanne Joan Rivera (TMCI MOVIE IFP.I) (TMCI MOVIE (WEDI 0 WILD WORLD (MON I 4:00 O WILD KINGDOM (TUE) 0 LOVE CONNECTION O NEWSDAY Woodward Richard Keev At the 11 30 6:30 10:16 8 FIFTH ESTATE (WED) O ROSIN'S NEST (THUI Cfi PM MAGAZINE height ot her potential a bO-yeer Cfi MOVIE ** Trog M970) BAG DAY Q FRIENDLY GIANT (MON. 0 MAGNUM. P I. W ROD r. REEL o*d cc4ege professor and >e- Joan Ctawford. M«hee< Gough «»NI AEROBICS WED. FRII NATURE OF THINGS (THU) 9 DIVORCE COURT Cfi MACNEIL/LEHRER nowned poet n ttneken with Al The Army steps in altar a primitive O CURIOUS GEORGE 6:00 9 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 9 TRANSFORMERS NEWSHOUR fheftmer * cktetete which creeture escepet from an anihro- (TUE. THUI O CBS MORNING NEWS 9 ALL MY CHILDREN 9 0 SESAME STREET (Rl Cfi Cfi DIEF RENT devastatmgty >ob* her ol her me- potognt and goes on a lampege 91 PATCHES AND POCK- 10:30 0 DUKES OF HAZZARO STROKES mory creativity and personality Cfi GOOO ROCKIN TON ETS IWEO. FRII O S 1,000,000 CHANCE (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- 0-TMUNDERCATS Q (ESPN) SPORTSLOOK no ITE Host Stu JetfrBtt Rntarviewt ■ THREE CHEERS FOR OF A LIFETIME BALL (FRI) HJ Sil V?HHAWKS 630 O THE PROFESSIONALS Bryan Adam* Honeymoon Smte LIFE IMON1 O MR ORESSUP (ESPNI TENNIS (MON-THU) (ESPN) ROLLERMANIA (FRI) 0 CBS NEWS Cfi MIAMI VICE The vice and Corey H4rt CfiMOVIE*eV, Ai^nFactor IONE ON ONE (TUEI 0 CARD SHARKS (TMCI MOVIE (MON. TUE) (ESPN) CBA BASKETBALL O NBC NEWS tojued a tnvei i>r)*tion ot >keg at ALL THINGS NEW (THUI 0 BLOCKBUSTERS Cfi ABC NEWS g aim* buyeri lead* them ttre>ghl to 119781 Tom Griffith Don lerfert 1:30 (MON) OB © CNN NEWS 0 LOVE CONNECTION Cfi NIGHTLY BUSINESS a powerful kith terromt or gem re A spaceship horn another planet 0 0 AS THE WORLD (ESPN) FlSHIN MOLE (TUE) 03 JIM ANO TAMMY © MORNING BREAK REPORT Mm IR) (In Stereol ciaahet on Earth, looting itt tern TURNS (ESPN) WRESTLING (WED. IESPNI GETTING FIT (ESPN) 6IQ LEAGUE Cfi GET SMART Cfi MACGYVER MacGyvar and tysng pateengert O MAN ALIVE (FRI) THU) OREAMS MAGAZINE Cfi FACTS OF LIFE a pool friend go to Central Amenta Cfi TONIGHT SHOW Hoot 6:30 O VENTURE (MON) (TMC) MOVIE (WED) (WED) (ESPN) 7TH ANNUAL to 'etcue a botemet m denger (R) Johnny Carton Scheduled ac- O (D TODAY S BUSINESS Q THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 4:30 (TMCI MOVIE I MON I JOHNNY WALKER HI HO tress Ten (ieri comic eclor Chevy O CBS MORNING NEWS (TUE) O DIVORCE COURT g BOARDSAIUNG CHAM Cfi DOCTOR WHO Chaee (In Stereo) 0 NBC NEWS 11:0O O FOCUS NORTH (FRI) 2:00 PIONSHIP From the* V»g.n If Cfi MOVIE **• The Sea Cfi NIGHTLINE [J ffi CD FARM DAY O 0 PRICE IS RIGHT O SHARON. LOIS * O FIVE -o land* (Rl Wolf H941I Edward G Boom- Cfi MYSTERYI Cover Her S3 CHALLENGE OF THE O SESAME STREET BRAM'S ELEPHANT SHOW 0 ANOTHER WORLD 7 00 ton John Gerhard * brutal, teem- Face 'he town it fuO) o* tutpoon GOBOTS 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNE (MON) 0 O CBS NEWS mgly haarlleii tea captain Hies to after Seky Jupp t death and the IESPNI NATIONS BUSI- B FAME FORTUNE ft RO- QVID KIDS (TUE) 0 LA VERNE ft SHIRLEY O VIDEO HITS deitroy everything end everyone chraf super in tendent teerchee lor a NESS TODAY MANCE O WONDERSTRUCK (TMC) MOVIE (WED) Cfi WHEEL OF FORTUNE around him crue to knk the murdart together (TMCI MOVIE (TUE. WEOI 00 3-2-1 CONTACT g (WED) 2:30 Cfi ENTERTAINMENT TO Cfi MOVIE **• The Legend 6:46 0 BEWITCHED O WHAT'S NEW? (THU) O 0 CAPITOL NIGHT i"i*v-»w acior Awe of i nnf Borden 11976) Ebrabeth Cfi NIGHTLY BUSINESS ID FARM REPORT (E 700 CLUB CD PEOPLE'S COURT 0 HIGH FEATHER (MON) Gumnets I In Siereol Montgomery frit* Weaver A REPORT OB GO AM. WEATHER (ESPN! SPEEDWEEK (FRII ffl HE-MAN ANO MAS- (ESPNI JIMMY BALLARD 0 HISTORICALLY SPEAK- Cfi NEWLYWED GAME women it eccueed ol the eie mur (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER 7:00 TERS OF THE UNIVERSE GOLF CONNECTION IMONI ING (TUE) (DM ASK, g Cfi MACNEIL/LEHRER dart ol her father and stepmother 1200 O CBS MORNING NEWS 0 I DREAM OF JEANNIE NEWSHOUR (ESPN) TOP RANK BOXING IESPNI LPGA GOLF (TUEI CD G I JOE SB DUKES OF HAZZARD ■ TODAY 0 BRADY BUNCH Cfi CONGRESS WE THE FROM . NV Bert (ESPN) N6A TOOAY (WEDI (TMC) MOVIE (THU) Cfi MOVIE **• Lett Scare ■ GOOD MORNING (TMCI MOVIE (TUE. THU. (TMCI MOVIE (THUI PEOPLE Cooper vt Boone Pulll m e crut Jattca To Death 11971) Zohre AMERICA 4:36 O GIMME A BREAK er weight bout scheduled lor 10 l empert Barton Hoy men FRII 3:O0 ■ O NIGHTLY BUSINESS (TMCI MOVIE (FRI) ■ M-A'S-H round* Live) 11:30 0 0 GUIDING LIGHT (ESPN) SPORTSLOOK REPORT 6 00 (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER (TMCI MOVIE ** Summer 8)SCRABBLE O DO IT FOR YOURSELF 12 30 (S DENNIS THE MENACE Q PEOPLE S COURT (TMC] MOVIE **VJ ConiH Renier (1985) John Candy. Hi 0 WEBSTER (Rl (FRII O MOVIE **r -fayj Hanged HS FLINTSTONES O NEWFOUNDLAND OUT- r*nl»lO..(W 11981) John Bek> chard Genna An overworked a*- 0 0 READING RAINBOW Q CORONATION STREET Man I1974I Slave Forrest C» (TMCI MOVIE (MON. THU. DOORS (FRI) »h. Bleu Brown A Crwcego ne-ert- 11a"., controllar and hit family (FRII (MON. TUE! meron Milchek FRII O VIDEO HITS (MON-THU) paper copjmnni novels !o ihe heed lor Florida 'or a intte rett n 0 MADAME. MERCI ET O TO BE ANNOUNCED Cfi FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS 7:30 (D BENSON Rockies to escape some political •eieietion that turn* out to be ce- MOU (MON) (WED. THU) On Stereol a ■ MORNING PRO- CD FACTS OF LIFE heat and interview ■ leclutive ne tatlrophe n calamity PG-13'Q 0 EDUCATIONAL PRO- 0 SANTA BARBARA Cfi STAR HUSTLER GRAM CD HOLLYWOOD SQUARES turalrtt PC 10:00 GRAMMING (TUE. WEDI S GENERAL HOSPITAL Cfi ODD COUPLE 9 9 CAPTAIN KAN- f9 © MISTER ROGERS a rock con- 'or commerciel nuclear plants, Cfi COMEDY CLASSICS IESPNI SPORTSCENTER MOU (TUE) O MIDDAY aito a look et the ril-leted Cherno- (ESPN) DRAG RACING (TMCI SHORT FILM SHOW- 0 VOYAGE OF THE MIMI 0 RYANS HOPE 6 30 O TOMMY HUNTER byl lacikty Q NHRA Wmtton All-Start From CASE (TUEI (WED) 0 TO 6E ANNOUNCED Q JEFFERSONS SHOW Cfi NEWS Dallas (Rl (TMCI MOVIE (WED. THUI (FRI) 0 READING RAINBOW OS) NEWS Cfi ROOMIES At college. Ntcfc 10:25 1 30 (THUI B:00 9 0 EDUCATING THE fl) THREE S COMPANY sees an old Manna recnetmenl OJOURNAL Cfi MOVIE Ml Scavenger O HEATHCLIFF a B Q VALUETELEV1SION SPECIAL CHILD (MON) 0 M A S*H him wtwch benga back b-ttarawaal 10:30 Hunt (1979) FUchard Banfttmm 0 GHOSTBUSTERS ■ OPRAH WINFREY 9 THIS OLO HOUSE (TUEI Cfi THIS OLO HOUSE (FRI) memoriae IM Siarao) Q Cfi EUROPEAN TELEVI Ciena Leechmen (ESPN) KICK BOXING (FRII mDONAHUE 0 BOOYWATCH (WEOI ED OHIO BUSINESS OUT- Cfi DUKES OF HAZZARO SION SERVICE 1:45 OQEDtFRI) (ESPNI SWIMWEAR -«7 LOOK (MON) 9 HOUR MAGAZINE Cfi Cfi WASHINGTON m MARK RUSSELL CO 0 MOVIE ••VI The Return (MON) OB Cfi) EDUCATIONAL PRO- 0 EDUCATIONAL PRO- Q BOWLING GREEN FO- WEEK IN REVIEW Q MEDY SPECIAL Poincei 01 Jesse Jemet II9501 John he- GRAMMING (TUE) IESPNI TRUCK AND TRAC- GRAMMING RUM (TUE) CfiGUNSMOKE •atvrat Mark Rueae* pokea fun at lend Ann Dvorak. TOR PULL (TUE) (DALLAS 0 EDUCATIONAL COM- m ART BEAT (WED) Cfi MOVIE **Vi people end placet m cunent ev 2:00 IESPNI SKIING (WED) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PUTING (WED) Cfi TIME OUT (THU) ButM II9B0I Jamaa Coourn enta Cfi MOVIE (ESPNI TENNIS (THU) flD SQUARE ONE TELEVI- PRAIRIE (D ASK DR. RUTH Omar Sharif. A ameMnme pool hua Cfi WKRP IN CINCINNATI Cfi NEWS (R) IESPNI COLLEGE 6ASKET- O BEVERLY HILLBILLIES (TMCI MOVIE (MON, TUE, SION L? liar mutt rawa $20 000 and ft* a (TMCI MOVIE •*') When (ESPN) AUTO RACING FRII 6ALL (MON, TUE, FRII (ESPN) AEROBICS Cfi BRADY BUNCH big tournament before ha can heva Vou Comm Back Red Ryder'* Kenny Bemeiem eiptaine Drag ■SPNI TOP RANK BOXING ISlOO 3:30 Cfi GOOO TIMES a tamatch with an old opponent 11979) Marroe Gortner. Pole. Racing (WED) 0 B YOUNG AND THE O EDWARD AND MRS. (ESPN) SCHOLASTIC Tan of the world's greatest pool Frth A psychotic dope tmugglar 2:30 ^•PNI SKI WORLD (THUI RESTLESS SIMPSON (FRII SPORTS AMERICA (TUE) ptayera appear manage o to croae the Meucan (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER Q JR VALENTINE'S T Breakfast Specials Daily •> From«l.»J2.99 U jffi»^whoi»f Breakfast Buffet for 2.59

Scrambled eggs, trench toast, bacon, Mixed Bouquets fresh fruit, danlshes, & much, much, W more! $3 Cash & Carry Phone Aheed For Carryout 352-7333 1% typ Hours 6AM-10PM 14S0WoosterRd. 428 East Wooster Street H^fet \MtR. 35*T-I47; ^.Front^opjtej. ... 353*1046_,,,., Fridoy/ftpril 24,1987 10

CA iL.va) (TMC) MOVIE Twenty Eight 6:30 • BEST OF THE NA- 11:16 • JOHN MCLAUGHLINS (TMC) MOVIE *** Another Up 119641 O CBS NEWS TIONAL GEOGRAPHIC O TO BE ANNOUNCED ONE ON ONE Country" 119841 Rupert Everett O THIS WEEK IN PARLIA SPECIALS 11:30 • FAME APRIL 25. 1987 300 Cokn Felh O SPORTSWEEKEND MENT (ESPNI NHL HOCKEY D*v» O MOVIE •**• Cn-na- (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER 4:30 AFTERNOON Scheduled World Cup man a and ■ HEE HAW Gueata Lorstte •*onaiF*narsGeme4 Teams to be lown (1974) Jack Nicholson 12:30 O HYMN SING Musical selec women % marathon from Seoul Lynn (co-host) Mrcfcey GJkty. The announced (live I FayeDunawev During the 1930s • WILD KINGDOM • MEET THE PRESS tions include Herat One 12:00 Korea Embassy World Pro Whites George Hamilton IV. 8 30 a private detective investigates a Show Ma Thy Way*' and snooker horn Sheffield England Steele Family Cloggers • SWEET SURRENDER caaa that reveals a trad of corrup • PORTRAITS O MOVIE ** SheCnedMur Thanks Be lor tha Wonderful der 11973) Lynda Day George. • PRO BOWLERS TOUR O NBC NEWS Kan and Georgia decide to choose Iron mcest and murder • ADAM SMITH'S MO Thmga (R) TeWy Sevaiae Coverage of the S250 000 Fee 0 PUTTIN ON THE HITS someone as a prospective parent • MOVIE *•* 10 11979) NEY WORLD • MCLAUGHLIN GROUP O REAL FISHING SHOW stone Tournament of Champions O MAMA'S FAMILY Tha for thee children m the event of Dudkey Moore. Juke Andrews A (ESPN) LEGENDARY • STRINGER Myron Gttmger 0 ONE ON ONE .s featured from Akron OH ILrvel Harpers race to the belting win then death (In Stereol Q successful songwrt-er cfcttuTbed WORLD OF GOLF a 1930s freelance newsreel ca- • LAZER TAG ACADEMY m AUSTIN CITY LIMITS dow when Mama has via-ons of 9:00 about reaching mioca* age. de- 1 00 meraman is profead (In SlWMl © FRUGAL GOURMET winning horses • •MOVIE** Follow Vour cides to chase after a beautiful gel O O NBA BASKETBALL 5:00 m ABC WEEKEND SPE O NEW GIDGET Gidget and (ESPN) SCHOLASTIC Dreamt (19831 Kathleen Oum on her way 10 her wedding Playoffs Fust Round Teams to be O OEGRASSI JUNIOR CIAL Columbus C*ck» A group Jeff become involved in Denni end SPORTS AMERICA lan David Keith An independent • SATURDAY NIGHT announced (Lnrel HIGH Wheels has to deal w>m Of hi* play »n outrageous practi- Gari S (I* Mjydn) videotape pro (TMC) SHORT FILM female photogtapher decides to LIVE Host W.fi.em Shetner Q COUNTRY CANADA •us feelings about his adoptive par - cal joke on thee snobbish n»tfi- SHOWCASE give up everything she has to real Musical guest Lone Justice (R) Featured the horsemeet industry ents and questions has identity bor IRIQ • 61 JOE REVENGE OF 7 00 ite her ambitions and rise above On Stereo) • BLUE FRONTIER when hrs biological father Sud- • VAN CAN COOK COBRA An.rn.jied Gl Joe trav- O TEEN ALCOHOL AND the limited hornons of her small • AUSTIN CITY LIMITS • COMMUNITY CLOSE* denly shows up ■ MODERN MATURITY els around the world to stop the DRUG QUIZ New Mexico iiometown O WRESTLING UP • FAME ©MOVIE** Bunole of Joy I evil forces of Cobra (rum destroy O GZOWSKI & CO. To- O GOLDEN GIRLS Blanche • INNOCENCE LOST The • • WASHINGTON (1956) Debb-e Reynolds. EdOe ' CA (Ri Creek Country Club m Austin TK SATURDAY •t uncovered O WRESTLING WVvf Super (ESPN) MISL SOCCER Dallas polo Larry Magmen and Linda (TMC) MOVIE • *', Hatch (Lrvnl (TMC) MOVIE **^ "Hatch (TMC) MOVIE **,1 Twieem Stars of W«estlmg Sidek-rks at Baltimore Blast (Live) Gray attend a horse auction a day M9B5I Chevy Chase Wo Don • OCEANUS IRi 11985) Chevy Chase Joe Don a lilatene (1985) Gene Hack m STAR HUSTLER (TMC) MOVIE *** Never So at the track with Michael Douglas Ma €9 MAGIC OF OIL PAINT Baker An l A reporter with an man Ann Margrei In suburban • MOVIE ** Unholy Ron Few Il9f»0> funk Siui'.i Gma Walter Matthau and other celebri 1 00 ING array o* disguises attempts >o on a working class famrly s ers 119721 Claudia Jennmgs lnanbrigrd.1 O BODY TALK 0 STAR TREK •avel a plot involving a wealthy placid enstertce is shattered when lows Oumn 2 00 5 30 O INSIDE LOOK 4 30 businessman who contracts his a 50 year old laborer felt m love 1 00 • MOVIE **• Summer of © EDISON TWINS Paul da 00 AMERICAN BAND • WIDE WORLD OF own murder (In Stereol PC. Q with a barmaid and leaves his wife • My Germ.ni Si*Hi 119 '8) Ktisty des to embark Or* a movie STAND Quail s*ng« Debra Al SPORTS Scheduled U S vs 7 30 (In Stereol R Q (ESPN) ROLLERMANIA McNK!hol Brm e D.»isun making career wh.ie Tom and ten I Talapathy > USSR m women s gymnastics O SMALL WONDER On 9 30 (TMC) MOVIE**** lenny 89 MOVIE *••'* Fantastic Anme investigate a videotape Q FRUGAL GOURMET Ml from Kentucky Derby Thanksgiving Day Jamie learns • MEANDMRS Cfveryone 11974) Dust-n Hoffman Valerie Voyaqe I VHifel Stephen B.iyd which threatens lo rum the reputa Stereol Trial a mile race tor Kentucky the importance of having a family If busy making plans tor Mrs C S Perrtne Edmond OBI*II tion of a family friend Q THIS OLD HOUSE Q Oerby hopefuls from Church* n birthday not rreii/mq She is maft 1 30 • • GREAT PERFORM (TMC| MOVIE •*'< Conn • WHAT'S HAPPENING Downsmlouisville Ky a preview O FRONT PAGE CHAL mg plans of her own (In Stereo) • CHRISTIAN CHILD ANCES Dane* >•> America Al nental Divide 119811 John Belu NOW" 01 the Kentucky Derby ll-vel LENGE • MOVIE***! ChemL*ghtn REN S FUND .HI Alley American Dance Thea Shi BLw Brown 1 15 • OCEANUS O CASH EXPLOSION mg (19501 Humphrey Bogart • MOVIE * Vftrng Hours let The dance theater performs • MAJOR LEAGUE BASE E) TONY BROWN'S JOUR O SMALL WONDER On iieanot Parker Greed almost 119821 lee Grant W*lliem Shel Blues S.-te fe-ei Swamp EVENING BALL Games to lie Announced NAL Thanksgivmg Day Jem-e learns cotts a iet pilot his honor and his and R*nh.iw Round My Games (-Hifr-t .<( Hi.. T ir.P a>t (ESPN) GYMNASTICS The important* «>t having a larmly 0*1 500 ShouUtei 6 00 Now York Yankees ai Cleveland McDonald * lit*-national Mined O CHARLES IN CHARGE 10 oo OMOVIE**'? BorntoWm • TELETHON 19B' Arthntis O CD © NEWS Indian- - ICO Giants Parrs From Norfo* VA (RI Charles advises Jamie to gel a K*> • HUNTER Sporty James gets 119711 George Segal Paula Pren Telethon Host S.eah P>a«.HI Co O RIVALS OF SHERLOCK 41 B-.iv'. a i.i*l 500 so she can afford her e«penvve greedy after he witnesses a mur liSS tmsi Pat KhMifl HOLMES 1 30 • BIX LIVES clothes dr» and tt-es to blackmail a "«■ • NEWS 3 00 © LIFESTYLES OF THE ©DATELINE ONTARIO ® GED COURSE • 9 TO 5 drug dealer who was responsible • NEWS IRl • SB VAN GOGH IN RICH AND FAMOUS e O MOVIE *•'» lie God • OREAM GIRL • STARMAN Sterman and Playoffs Fast Rourv.1 Teams to be search mto the causes ol homo O NATIONAL CJ SUNDAY child H974I Jack PaUnce Jack Scott encounter a p*tol who s • MTV TOP 20 VIDEO announced tLivel seiuaMy War dan EVENING trying to complete erechca! project COUNTDOWN (ESPNI SPEEDWEEK 700 APRIL 26 1987 O LAND & SEA her father was working on *ust be • COUNTRY EXPRESS Bfl 4 00 U 0 60 MINUTES S COLLECTIBLES 6 00 fore he was parelyiad by a stroke Stereo) • GOLF liberty Mutual le O FRAGGLE ROCK Gobo do 0 WINDSURFING OOO NEWS tRI Q • AUSTIN CITY LIMITS AFTERNOON gends Imal round from Onron cides to befriend Doc and Sprocket ©FATHER MURPHY O SATURDAY REPORT • WONDERWORKS ©LIMELIGHT Creek Cc-Kitry Club in Austm TK ins! as they decide to leave f 'aggie (ESPN) AUTO RACING 87 • RUNAWAY WITH THE Room to Move Cared must • RUNAWAY WITH THE 12 00 (Live! Rock (RI Q American Racing Series RICH AND FAMOUS choose between track or her new RICH AND FAMOUS O KOJAK • GYMNASTICS U S vs • OUR HOUSE A school 2 30 • ALL CREATURES love bane i (ESPNI NFL FILMS PRE O MEETING PLACE Rev USSR men s lompeiition teacher writes a negative charac OFINE SCIENCE GREAT AND SMALL II • MOVIE Clarence the SENTS Demetrios Perttetat officiates at H n tar reference thai could prevent © COUNTRY EXPRESS (RI • NOVA The pros and cons of Cross Eyed Lion 11965) Marshall (TMC) MOVIE •• . Scare- services from St George 1 Greek ■ AMERICAN ART 85 A Kns from attending tha Ae Force (In Starao) test tube babrea are ckscusaed IRI Thompson Betsy Drake A cross crow 11973) Al Orlhodo*. Church *n Vancouver V«w horn th» Whitney Academy IRl (In Stereol Q • COLLECTIBLES Q eyed Mm who can t focus on h>s Pacmo A gruff as con and an as ■ HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ • TOLEDO SCRAPBOOK • MOVIE Oav.lendMa«Dev (ESPNI 1987 BUDWEISER • IT'S A LIVING Nancy pre- pray whan hunting it brought to a seaman m search ol the wife he BOWL This local ser.es celebrates Tole i.n 119811 Elliott Gould Bai TRUCK AND TRACTOR pares for the arrival of a restaurant study canter of animal behavior *> had deserted sit years earlier share • NOVA The pros and cons of dot 150th bethday Cosby A man is given a chance to PULL CHAMPIONSHIPS Africa a senes ol adventures while travel test-tube babies are discussed (RI (ESPNI AUTO RACING B 7 live again if ha can recruit three From New Oik-ens IA IRI • STAR TREK • STAR TREK mg across America) R g IMSA GTP Senas From Rrvers.de innocent people to prom.se the*

OPEN: Mini Mall Salon Mon Thuri 6*«m 9pm Fii.6*iml0pm The , is your ticket to ... Sat 84m I Opm Sun. 8am 9pm Copy Shop W1S. M.I. B«wu»f Greta. Ml 117 E. Court St. 3524123 Bowling Green. Ohio 43402 Manicures (next to Varsity LauMsi (419) 352-4068 Saturday Special Steak & Shrimp S6.95

B.BQ Chicken & Rib combo S5.95 Haircuts $6 Includes all you can eat auys & qais Perms $2(1.-$75. soup, salad, and dessert Buffet plus choice of potato. Printing and Imprinting 190 S Main ttnu M Bride Walkway Call us about our Trophies, Plaques 3527658 TtTTfttrftfrmnrr & Certificates Mdou/Rprri 24,1987 H

souls lo the devil A Disney Sun vie I ■ escape from 0 MOVIE •aa'i Body circulates a rumor about her rale (ESPN) 1987 NFL DRAFT day Mov« presentation Cp curity Alaahan prison only to find Heat (19811 Wekam Hurt Kath- tionihip with a htgh-tchool jock REVIEW themselves taking refuge on a m WONDERWORKS APRIL 27 1987 leen Turner A smalltime Florida APRIL 28. 1987 the 1 tutoring (Rl g 11 00 Room to Move Carol must braketsss tram haadad for cartain lawyer is persuaded by his lover to 0 0 SHOAH mierv-awt with O 0 0 0 NEWS choose Mt—n neck or her new Disaster Ft EVENING murder her husband EVENING particpants and witnesses d>t O NEWSFINAL love, ballet g 9 30 8 30 tuttiont and current tite images 0 BOWLING GREEN ■ BODVWATCH The latest 0 • DUET 600 O 0 MY SISTER SAM Sam 6 00 document tha horror of the Hoto- FORUM « Clay actor Jack Wagner lln Stereo) 7 30 STAIRS Whan Sarah return* lo NEY WORLD consummating a lelattonehap with © MACNEIL/LEHRER burgh Alan Bates A dedicaied 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED O BEACHCOMBERS A.. Eaton Place and i* snubbed by 01 MACNEIL/LEHRER longtime lamily friend Lori Mo< NEWSHOUR wife and mother finds a new set (ESPN) INSIDE THE PGA Out of work logger •■ SuSpfiCtr-fl ol Rosa tha cuxns psych* powart NEWSHOUR gen (In Stereo) Q O 0 DIFF RENT awareness after her hutband of 16 TOUR arson when a series Ol forest IrM in ordar to imprest everyone OB m OIFF'RENT (ESPN) NHL HOCKEY Stan STROKES years confesses that he s m love (TMC) MOVIE *** Another ravage Ihe peninsula (HI CJ • NATIONAL AEROBIC STROKES ley Cup Playoffs Nornt or Smythe (ESPNI SPORTSLOOK with someone else Country 119841 Rupert Everett • WILD. WILD WORLD OF CHAMPIONSHIP Hi!mill m (ESPN] SPORTSLOOK Division Fmai Game 04 llrvel 6 30 8 30 CoknFeth While ostensOty work ANIMALS tha individual mtiad pee and taam 6 30 900 0CBS NEWS 0 SLEOGE HAMMER! A mg for the British government at a (ESPNI NHL HOCKEY Sim caiagoriat partorm aerobic rou 0 CBS NEWS O 0 NEWHART The town- 0NBC NEWS group of women led by a fanatical boarding school two man act as lay Cup Playoffs Adams or Patrick lines balora a panal ol ludges that 0 NBC NEWS speople decide to let the loudont 0 ABC NEWS g fitness guru threaten to blow up spies lor tha Sovwi Union m the Oivition Final Gam« ©4 (Livat includat JsjfStCise founrJar Jut* 0 ABC NEWSQ head up a drive to tave the local 0 NIGHTLY BUSINESS the city g 1930s PG (TMC) MOVIE ** Summer Shappard Mutett Alto an miar 0 NIGHTLY BUSINESS horary (Rl g REPORT 900 11 30 Ranlal M985I John Candy R. view with actratt and litnatt au REPORT 0MOVIE Desperado 119871 0GET SMART O0 MOVIE** The Other O TAXI thor Raoual Walch Hotti Alan chard 1 '••mi An overworked a* 0 GET SMART Ale. Mr Arthur David Warner A 0 FACTS OF LIFE lover H985i Lindsay Wagner 0 TJ HOOKER Romero t traffic controller and hit family IhKha I Growtftg Pam* I T*n 0 FACTS OF LIFE cowboy it caught in the middle of (ESPNI NBA TODAY JeCk ScBlie An assignment turns gelfratnd it killed *i a murder at heed lor Honda lor a hllla rest n A.(-,t." I Knot! LanAng ) (ESPN) ACTION OUT a land tktputa at a mimng town t 7 00 mto an assignation between the tempi targeted lor Hooker (Rl lalaiatKm thai lurna out to be ca m WASHINGTON RE DOORS WITH JULIUS BO corrupt le Jers eiert pressure on a O CBS NEWS married marketing director al a 0 TONIGHT SHOW Guest tastropne n calamity PG 13 [J PORT ROS local mar* (J jus up hit property OCOUNTRY REPORT publishing house and Ihe author host Garry Shanrjhng Scheduled 800 10 30 700 (In Stereo) Q 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNE she represents IR) g musical group tha Commodores O VENTURE O O MURDER. SHE O CBS NEWS 0 MOVIE i Want to Lrva 0 ENTERTAINMENT TO O NEWHART The towntpeo lln Stereo) WROTE JMSWI investigates m KENNETH COPELAND Q MONITOR I19B3I Lmdsay Wagner Maim NIGHT interview wuh Sherman pie decide to let the Loudont head 0 NIGHTLINE g murder under lha r>g lop when her (ESPN) NFLS SUPER 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNE Balaam The fact bated ttory of Hemtkty I Amen I TV s hone*! up a dnve to save the local Irbrery 0 MARK RUSSELL CO STARS Doug A*** brother m law a clown it an 0 ENTERTAINMENT TO Barbara Graham who despite romances (Part 1 ol 41 American (Rig MEOY SPECIAL Po-tical sate accident plagued cecut con 11:00 NIGHT Monty Hall protest game continual pleas o* innocence wat and foreign game thowt IPart 2 of 0 GIMME A BREAK Nil ist Mark Russell pokes fun at peo lasses lo the cnme (Part 1 olIIQ a a s NEWS thowt on American and foreign convicted of murder and sent 21 (In Stereo) travels to Alabama to help save pfe end placet m current events O GREAT GATHERING Al 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED television iPart I of 2) (In Stereo) enced to death m the m.d 1950 t 0 NEWLYWED GAME tha church where her father was 0 NIGHTLY BUSINESS a ir route lo Waliar Homburaar 0B SISKEL Si EBERT ft THE 0 NEWLYWED GAME (Rig 0 MACNEIL/LEHRER pastor im Stereo) g REPORT managing de-actor o> lha Toronto MOVIES 0 MACNEIL/LEHRER 0 MOVIE ** In the Cuttody NEWSHOUR 0 MOONLIGHTING l>M (ESPN) SPORTSCFNTER Symphony Orchestra artists horn m AMERICAN PLAY NEWSHOUR Of Stranger* (198?) Martm 0 WONDERFUL WORLD Spool of The Temmg of Ihe 11 35 around lha world gathered ai Roy HOUSE 0 10NDERFUL WORLD Sheen Jane Aleiandar A restless OF DISNEY The Biuegrett Shrew fee lures David and Madrke O MOVIE *• Slenrkng Tad Thomson Hall m Toronto on March 01 CRUSHING SEASON OF DISNEY EKegoBeca Tha and f«gh strung teen ager erretted Special A young gel (Devon Eric at Shakespeare t warring couple 119781 Robert Fortter Lesda Thit documanlary aiammat " the South 1*4 with hardened crenmalt hr- ability at a lockey and the rac 0 MOVIE** The Pronuse of racted lo a terror campaign when m RAGS TO RICHES Oiana hardshpa tacad by Naw Vorh wast who manages to solve the (TMC| MOVIE •••• lenny mg potential ol her a tempered love 119801 Valerie Br-tmr.il, he refutes to marge rut Spread • newly kcensed driver. gala eilo a Slat* grapr giowart and win* most difficult ol cases (1974) Ousim Hodman Valerie horse Co start Celetie Holm Jameson Parker An 18 year old with that of a powerful and ruth car accident lln Siarao) Q mafcert IR) O GIMME A BREAK Perrme Celebrated cornarjian and Waham Wmdom woman attempts to iebu.ld her Me less man m • NATURE Tha natural da m TALES FROM THE 0 M'A'S'H sonal commentator Lenny Bruce 0 GIMME A BREAK after her young hutband >s tided in 12:00 cay ol an abandonad gardan * ttu DARKSIDE Ehiarra .....,-i (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER Diet to speak freely within the 0 M'A-S'H Vietnam O KOJAK rhad (In Siarao) CJ ancaa occur whan a MtW gal ra (TMC) MOVIE •* Alee t Ad conttremtt of Ihe 1950s and 60a (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER (TMC) MOVIE **V> fsttch 0 DUKES OF HAZZARD • m MARRIED WITH oannvt a dbahouta ventures in Wonderland (19731 legal system R (TMC) MOVIE **V> Tw-cam (1985) Chevy Chase Joe Don 0 FLAPPER STORY The hfe CHILOREN Paggy and Al it

ceuet (Pan 4 ot 4) g Giernbona and Krtwood investi- 2:00 • TAXI Jaws during the Holocaust .s tokf bovt achedufcsd tor 10 rounds. from Davenport Iowa (Rl 0 GUNSMOKE gate the accidental murdsv ol a • NIOHTWATCH • DATING GAME IRI • WE LOVE LUCY Thraa epr- young modal. • NEWS • TOO CLOSE FOR COM • WKRP IN CINCINNATI (TMC) MOVIE **'-■ "Rune- way Trarn (19861 Jon Voght. todaa from "Tlve Lucy-Oeei Co- • TONIGHT SHOW Hoai (ESPN) ARM WRESTLING FORT 10:55 medy Hour" which itarred LuCsee Johnny Carson (In Stereo) • THREES COMPANY OJOURNAL toe Roberts i 6:00 ' ■ • • NEWS (ESPN) FISHIN HOLE 11 00 Ball and Dow Amu: "Tha Caeabr- • NIGHTLINE C3 • PM MAGAZINE ityNent Door 11967) with Te*u- • NIGHTLY BUSINESS 8:00 O • • • NEWS WEDNESDAY • BODYWATCH The mantel lah Bank head Lucy Makes Room REPORT O • NEW MIKE HAM • ART BEAT (R) and physical problems that affect for Daddy 119581 with Danny • LATE SHOW Starring MER • DARK SHADOWS APRIL 29. 1987 child at hie lea are i inched Joan Rivers Scheduled actress • HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN • LATE SHOW Starring Thome* and Milton Berte Hides • MACNEIL/LEHRER A TV paraonaitty n asked lo be tha Joan Rivera" Scheduled. Ameri- APRIL 30. 1987 Out at the Ricardoa ' (1969) JoBoth W*ama. Pee wee Her NEWSHOUR WEEKEND adopt >wa fathar of two orphans ca's Cup Skipper Denms Conner Hosts Lucia Arnef Betty White. man (In Stereo) • • DIFF'RENT AFTERNOON ,ni d" Siarao):; Iln Sl-reoi DAYTIME MOVIES Ann Jelujn 11:36 STROKES • PERFECT STRANGERS • TO BE ANNOUNCED 8:30 O MOVIE ** Ser-or Yaw" (ESPN) SPORTSLOOK 1:00 Larry trees to determine the causa (TMC) MOVIE **** ■ Lenny MORNING • FAMILY TIES Sloppy raJta (1974) Gary Frank Gtynn.s (ESPN) NHL HOCKEV Stan- 0 Connor A young couple is of Bahi s msomrue (R) g 119741 Duelin Hoffman. Vataret 6 30 m love with one of MaHory s lev Cup Playoffs II rwcMUry. • • SHOAH Interviews with Perrme Celebrated comedian and 5:00 • CBS NEWS fnende (in Stereol g forced to accept adult responsible Adams or Patrick Division final - • NBC NEWS participants and witnesses, dis social commentator Lenny Bruce (TMC) •• The Tartars (1962) 9 00 ties when tragedy str*es 0 ABC NEWS g Game 0*) Teams to M announced cussione and current site images lues to speak freely within tha Orson Wells. Victor Mature O • SIMON ft SIMON Two 12 00 and alerting time is temat-ve iRI • NIGHTLY BUSINESS document the horror o* tha Holo constraints of the 1960s and 60s 7:00 hoods, whom the Senon brothers • KOJAK REPORT 4:00 ceust (Pail 3 of 4) g legal system R (TMC) •* Alices Adventures once helped put behind bars, stall 0 OUKES OF HAZZARD (ESPN) WRESTLING • GET SMART • GUNSMOKE 11 30 mWonoarland 11972) Prone Fuf- the detctive duo at a marine park 0 FRONTLINE The bach- 5:00 • MOVIE *** Daath With O TAXI lerton Michaet Crawford 0 FACTS OF LIFE IRI ground ol tha Islamic Revolution it (ESPN) WINNER'S CIRCLE (ESPN) AUSTRALIAN 119741 Charlaa Bronson. Hopa O NEWSFINAL 9 OO O MUSIC SPECIAL eiemarved HORSE RACING MAGA RULES FOOTBALL 87 Langa Attar thraa hoodlums mut- • AODERLY Adderry looks af- (TMCl *•''» Coniinanial Div • CHEERS Sam and 0 hn wrle and leave his daughter the of ide 119811 John BehrShi. Ble> ZINE (ESPN) SPORTS CENTER ambassador (R) Brown ITMC) MOVIE *•• Never So (In Stereol Q 12 30 EVENING m a stala o* spaachlass shock an few (I960) Frank Smatra Gma enraged New Yorker sals out on a • TONIGHT SHOW Host 11 00 0 JACK AND MIKE Jack and 0 LATE NIGHT WITH (TMC) *** SOB (19811 LoUobngada A tearless officer M*e a Separation puts a sir am on DAVID LETTERMAN Sched- 6:00 one-man vangaanca campaign Jottnny Carson IRI on Stereol • NIGHTLINE :; Julie Andrews Witkam Motden leads 600 men m sabotage efforts thee personal and profess-nnai uled rock group Huey Lewis & Ihe U O O) NEWS 8:30 against the Japanese during World hves (Rl g New* li« Stereol O NEWSDAV • HEAD OF THE CLASS • CRUSHING SEASON Th.s documeniari AFTERNOON War II 0 MOVIE **.Vi The Rus- • MOVIE *** Run Seent S) PM MAGAZINE Charlia gives has studanis pointers sons behind recant 7 00 sians Are Coming the Russians Run Deep 119681 Clerk Gable 0 WILD AMERICA A o>ve>s on how to play vo*eyt>a«1 111 g 12 30 O CBS NEWS Burl Lancaster ity o' beds ere portrayed including (ESPN) NHL HOCKEY Stan hardslvpt faced by New York Are Comeig (1966) Carl Reiner • e-aV? Better a Widow O CROSSFIRE an Arctic Tern * Roedrunner and a lay Cup Playoffs H necessary State grape growers and wine AianAikm Cape Cod residents be • ODD COUPLE (19691 Wna LISI Peter McEnery O WHEEL OF FORTUNE come involved m an international IESPN) SPORTSLOOK congregation of 10 000 shore Adams or Patrick Orvrsion Final makrxs IRI 0 ENTERTAINMENT TO turds whaling and turning in un< Gama OS Teams to be announced O NIGHTLY BUSINESS 1 00 incident when a misckrected So 12 40 NIGHT An miervww with ector and Starting time is tentative REPORT ITMC] *a* Another Country wat submarine appears in thee O MOVIE •* Murder on DAYTIME SPORTS 0 NOTHING IN COMMON RULES FOOTBALL '87 (Rl REPORT teas Blake that C«v a] Ben s son 1 Ihe Midnight E -press 11975I (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER (In Stereo) g (TMC) MOVIE f»*V* 'letch • GET SMART Jack* asks Nuk Kimoe" to stay ' Judy Geeson Charles Gray MORNING 7 30 1000 (1985) Chevy Chase Joe Don O PM MAGAZINE m FACTS OF LIFE away fiom her moth*- I or ever g 12 30 8 30 00 KNOTS LANDING The Baker (ESPN) INSIDE THE PGA 0 MOVIE • • Meteor 0 LATE NIGHT WITH (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER O THIS WEEK IN ON Mat Ken/ ie household is m a stale 1 05 TOUR (19791 Sean Conner, Natalie DAVID LETTERMAN Sched 900 TARIO 01 shock over Anne s disclosure to 0 COMMUNITY OATE TMCl MOVIE *•• . 28 Wood Amerit ..n jiul Russian SO ugh ana ara now see" wading vanad w>, rrajd nrigrjf jon V»phi 0 COMMUNITY DATE JOHNNY WALKER HI HO (ESPN) NHL HOCKEY Stan • 20/20 Scheduled Bob 2 00 bvat a* adults NB fur Ron-it-. Iwi. drw—ate con BOOK BOAROSAILING CHAM ley Cup Playofls If necessary Brown profiles television personal O NIGHTWATCH 7 00 .ids escape hum a manmum se 12 40 PIONSHIP From the Vigm Is Adams or Patrick Division Final ity Room Leach tj 0 NEWS Curity Alaskan prison mily lo find O MOVIE *a (,.,1 Stalks Th-s lands Game 06 Teams io be announced • NEWS OCBS NEWS (ESPN) SPEEDWEEK 0 COUNTRY CANADA themselves taking ie