A Sensitive Look at Life in the Subways — Pg«..5
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Volume 11, Number 11 College at Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York October 12—26, 1988 Anticipated Dorm Awaits Approval By Kathleen Allard pact of all those projects together, so that every Plans for the dormitory at Lincoln Center, as time there is a major shift in one of the other pro- of yet unapproved, are about to enter yet another jects. .all of the other projects that have the same., phase of New York City's building approval pro- what they call, 'build year'.. .have to change." • cess, according Vice President for Administra- This results in the University having to alter its tion Dr. Brian J. Byrne. plans each time also, in order to k°eep everything "The next key step [towards attaining a "environmentally safe" on the West Side, ac- building a building permit] will be the certifica- cording to Byrne. tion of the entire project by the City Planning Director of Government Relations and Urban Commission," explained Byrne, "so the Affairs Joseph P. Muriana explained the Uniform Land-Use Review procedure hearing preliminary procedures involved in attaining a process will begin." This procedure is a formal building permit, stating, "We had to commis- hearing process that lasts for six months, and con- sion an exhaustive environmental impact state- sists of three 2-month stages where prospective ment that talked about the impacts on the West Mayor of New York City Edward I. Koch builders take part in hearings before the local Side, of the dormitory." Muriana predicts that community board, the City Planning Commis- the environmental impact statement will be ap- sion and the Board of Estimate. proved this month, and Fordham's plans could Koch Speaks at School of Law Byrne stated that at this time "it is unclear then enter the six-month Uniform Land-Use when Fordham will be certified and because of Review soon afterwards. By Paul Brubaker had it been South Africa or Israel? We would that I cannot tell you when we will receive City "There's no reason why we should be re- The upcoming Presidential election, the cur- have been all over those places. Why the dif- approval and because of that I can't tell you when jected," said Muriana. "The project is not go- rent AIDS crisis, and mayoral involvement in ference?" groundbreaking will be." ing to alter the character of the West Side in any foreign affairs were among the topics of discus- The topic of AIDS came up when Koch was dramatic fashion," he continued. "It is not sion when Mayor of New York City Edward I. asked about the recently distributed posters that "With somewhere between seventy and eighty projects on the West Side under construction, due Television City, it's a dormitory." Koch visited the McNally Amphitheatre at the read, "You've got blood on your hands, Ed to be completed, in design development, or in Although he said, "We could start construc- School of Law on September 27. Koch." Said Koch, "You are dealing with a the proposal stage," continued Byrne, "the Ci- ting, theoretically, tomorrow," it is their hope Following an agenda that was largely dictated community that is faced with a catastrophy - the ty is required to consider the environmental im- that the permit will be issued in the Spring. by questions from the audience, Koch spoke gay community - they've seen thousands of gays about the recently televised Presidential debate dying of AIDS. So they're looking for someone between Governor of Massachusetts Michael to blame.." Dukakis and Vice President George Bush. °I ; "Now I'm the most visible political presence thought it was a good debate," said Koch, who in the City. Everybody knows my name," he andidates Strive for College Vote described Bush's political philosophy as "Don't said. rock the boat" whereas Dukakis' is "We have "Everybody doesn't know what we've done significant proportion'of disadvantaged students to'take care' of the people in the water." The to be helpful," he continued. "For example, By Claire M. Sheeran These schools would then be able to use the mayor said that he saw no change in the voters' In an effort to add momentum to their cam- when the federal government was not providing money as they pleased for such things as paigns as Election Day approaches, both decisions about a preferred candidate as a result AZT; we were providing it. And now that'the labojaiory^eqijipnient, library, books or rewards Presidential (^idatesihave attempted to become ; of the debate, "the important debate will befBeP*' for teachers." '^ w^en Quayle and Bentsen," said Koch. '"I think providing it for free," said the Mayor. the front-runner by, among other things, promis- In addition, Bush has proposed further ex most of us are affronted by the thought that He continued, "There's always this ongoing ing improvements in America's education perimentation and innovation within the public Quayle could be one heart attack away from the issue of, 'Does San Francisco do more for its system. Vice President George Bush wants to be school system. He supports expansion of the Presidency. [That is] something awful to think AIDS patients and victims than New York Ci- remembered as the "education President", while "First Program" Fund for Innovation and ty.' The answer is absolutely no. In all of San Governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis about," he said. , Reform of Schools and Teaching, designed to ex Francisco there are 140 AIDS patients. In only hopes to be the nation's "No. 1 advocate for In addition, foreign affairs were also discuss- periment with new programs and maintain high one [New York] hospital, Bellevue, there are at good schools and good teaching". Throughout ed in relation to Koch's proposal to the United performance standards for students and teachers least 140." Nations concerning the. injustices of the Burun- Bush supports increased .funding for the Head- di government, and his trip to Ireland with Ar- The Mayor also discussed domestic city af- News Analysis Start Program that offers help to children with chibishop of New York John Cardinal O'Con- fairs, explaining that, "We have the largest hous- learning disabilities right from the time they enter nor this summer. "Many people object when the ing program, but not for students, in the history school, and he continues to support tuition tax Mayor of New York himself takes a position on of the world . We are spending in a ten-year credits for parents who choose to educate their foreign affairs. [However] it is a very important period $5 billion, 100 million." He continued, children in private institutions. Bush also sup aspect of being Mayor. I happen to represent 175 "Today we have full employment. There isn't ports providing each state with $1 million annual- different races, religions and ethnic groups, and anybody who can't get a job...that will pay bet- the campaign both candidates have offered ly for experiments in such areas as parental when you say something as it relates to a par- ween $3.75 and $4.25 an hour." various proposals intended to improve the quality choice in selecting public schools, merit pay foi ticular group you're doing your job." . On the question of legalization of illegal drugs of education and to make college education more teachers, or schools being open year-round. Koch more specifically affirmed his position Koch affirmed his strong negative position: "I believe that sellers should go to jail for long affordable to everyone Last year the Vice President proposed the crea- when he said, "We have the Iraqi government tion of a College Savings Bond to encourage killing thousands of people while the Burundi periods of time. I believe that the users should be given an option: go into treatment or go to The "Education President" parents to save for their children's college educa- government is killing thousands of people. What tion. This bond would be tax-free if used solely would have been the response of other nations jail. Violate that treatment, you're going to jail." In a recent campaign speech in Washington, for the costs of college. Just recently, Bush en- D.C., Bush stated that, "Better schools will mean dorsed the establishment of five-year Individual better jobs for our young people, and that will Savings Accounts, similar to IRA accounts. mean a more competitive America. To achieve Under this plan, families with income below Faculty Fellowships Raise Questions quality results we must set and enforce standards, $50,000 would be able to contribute up to $1,000 provide incentives and permit the freedom and a year for a five-year period. Interest ac- By Connie Aitcheson To receive faculty fellowships, Tanksley ex- flexibility necessary on the local level to experi- cumulated would remain tax-free as long as it According to College at Lincoln Center Dean plained that faculty members must submit a ment with new ideas. There must be an emphasis remained in the account. At the end of the five- William Tanksley, nine out of eighty full-time lengthy proposal about their desired project. If on accountability - setting goals and changing year period, the funds could be withdrawn, and professors are on faculty fellowships for the approved, that faculty member receives full pay what doesn't work and rewarding what does." then taxed, or rolled over for continued tax-free for a semester, or half pay for a one-year 1988-89 academic year. Nevertheless, the Bush's proposals include performance testing treatment. Bush maintains that the estimated absence. absence of certain professors this Fall was a by states for both students and teachers in order seven million low- and middle-class families who disappointment for students who had planned to According to Tanksley, all faculty members to measure progress, to assure accountability by would use the new savings plan, "will be help- register for their courses.