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The BG News February 13, 1987

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 13, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4620. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4620

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A for 1987-88 by $1.9 million, and 4.7 percent increase is called for by Don Lee unless alterations are made in in the academic year 1988-89 Governor Celeste's proposed DALTON SAID given infla- wire editor budget, University students tionary factors, the governor's could face at least a 25 percent budget puts state universities in The of the Bowling instructional fee increase, a difficult place. Green Sterling Food Store according to Chris Dalton, assis- Matthew Filipic, director of and killed his wife and her tant vice president of planning budgets and planning for the friend, and wounded one of his and budgeting. Ohio Board of Regents, said the two adopted daughters, before "The $1.9 million reduction is budget would mean more of the taking his own life Wednesday based on a formula model de- cost of education would be borne evening, city police said yester- vised by the Board of Regents," by the student. day. Dalton said. "It takes into ac- "The state picks up two-thirds Police Chief Galen Ash said count the number of students of the cost of education (at state James Reeder, 47, of 702 Wal- enrolled along with the mix of colleges) and the student pays lace Ave., shot his wife, Kay classes students are taking." one-third of the cost," Fuipic Reeder, 35, twice and her friend Dalton said since the instruc- said. "Now the student would Laurel Keller, 35, 611 Springhill tional subsidy has been reduced, have to pay for a larger share." Drive, three times with a .45- the board has arrived at a pro- He said he didn 't have any dollar caliber automatic pistol. The jected fee increase for students. amounts of any increased cost incident occurred at about 6:40 "This is a hypothetical model on the students' part, saying it p.m. in the living room of Reed- and it's unthinkable that fees would vary from campus to er's home at 702 Wallace Ave. would go up by 25 percent," he campus. According to police, Reeder said. Fuipic said universities' bud- then shot himself twice and shot THIS YEAR'S instructional Sets increase every year, and his daughter, Ginger, 15, in the subsidy amounts to approxi- le allotments for higher educa- hip as she came down the stairs mately $50.9 million, while the tion in the state budget don't after hearing the shots. projected cut would bring that accommodate these increases. Police said Reeder then went amount down to $48.9 million for "IF YOU have a 5 percent into the kitchen and shot himself 1987-88. campus budget increase, which in the head. "The University gets money is not uncommon given salary Dr. Roger Peatee, Wood from two main sources: state increases and inflation, this County coroner, ruled Kay subsidies and student fees. would translate into a 15 percent Reeder's and Keller's deaths Therefore, it projects a need for increase in student fees, Filipic each a homicide, and James fee increases," Dalton said. said. Reeder's death a suicide. All The board submitted a propo- He said boards of trustees are three were pronounced dead at sal to the governor's office for reluctant to make such in- the scene, Peatee said. funding for higher education creases, but at the same time Ginger Reeder was listed in that was substantially trimmed, the boards are committed to stable, but guarded, condition !>„ . ,. BG News/Rob Upton Dalton said. excellent education. "These two yesterday at Wood County Hos- Demonstrators protest contra aid The University is not alone in goals are in conflict. You will pital, a nursing supervisor said. A demonstrator, carrying a sign protesting government aid to the contras in Nicaragua, marches in front facing subsidy cuts, Dalton said. have an increase in student The other daughter, Marilyn, of Rep. Delbert Latta's office, located in the Federal Building on on South Main Street. See related Other state universities either fees," Filipic said. 18, who police said was coming story page 3. went up or down on the Board of Philip Mason, executive assis- downstairs with her sister when Regents' subsidy models, he tant to President Olscamp, said she was shot, was not injured. C See Budget, page 3. INVESTIGATORS from the police department, the county prosecutor's office and the Ohio Campus lights Bureau of Criminal Identifica- tion and Investigation were at Israel continues air raids the scene Wednesday night, and continued their investigation BEIRUT, (AP) - Israeli jets attacked Amin Gemayel on Syrian affairs. yesterday. given priority a Palestinian camp near the southern port of , the main power broker in Lebanon, has According to records in Wood Sidon yesterday, and Shiite Moslem militiamen 25,000 troops in east and north Lebanon. County Common Pleas Court, battled Palestinian guerrillas at refugee camps in The bombing raid near Sidon was the fifth Kay Reeder had filed for divorce But extra-funds request too late Beirut and in the south. Israeli air strike on Palestinian targets in Leb- Jan. 14, charging Reeder with In Damascus, officials haggled over how to get anon this year. extreme cruelty and gross ne- Editor's note: this is the second Do these people have a right to food into refugee camps thatnave been cut off for Shiite militiamen have surrounded the Beirut glect of duty. of a two-part series concerning a better lit and therefore safer three months. camps and the Rashidiyeh camp at Tyre in the Her address was given in lighting at the University. campus environment where Police said two people were killed and nine south throughout the battle, cutting them off from court records as 851 Napoleon they won't be afraid, or is the wounded in the Shiite attacks on Palestinian supplies of food and medicine to replenish dwin- Road, Apt. 45. by Beth Thomas campus sufficiently lit now? camps in Beirut and near Tyre in south Lebanon. dling stockpiles. For years the camps have main- The Seeders had been mar- staff reporter A dozen Israeli fighter-bombers bombed two tained stores of arms and food, often in ried for eight and a half years. These questions are the basis buildings used by the mainstream Fatah guerrilla underground bunkers and tunnels, to see them Marilyn and Ginger, whom Walking aloneat night is often of two requests that have been faction near the ancient southern port of Sidon, them through times of siege. Reeder adopted shortly after avoidable by made to the University for in- police reported. Fatah is led by Yasser Arafat, Fighting flared at the camps despite a cease- their marriage, were her daugh- calling the creased funding. chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organiza- fire arranged by Syria under which the Palestin- ters by a previous marriage. She campus Es- Keith Pogan, associate direc- tion. ians would withdraw from Amal territory they worked as a nurse at St. Luke's cort Service, tor of plant operations and main- Casualties from the Israeli bombing at dawn on captured when they broke out of camps near Sidon Hospital, Maumce. walking with tenance, has requested funds so the outskirts of the Mieh Mieh camp were given as in November. Syria supports Amal and anti-Ar- a friend or he can hire another electrician one civilian killed and three people wounded, afat Palestinian factions. i Police continue their inves- planning not to fix broken lights and replace including two guerrillas. tigation into the Jan. 6 murder of to go out. But burned-out bulbs. There is no known coordination between the IN RETURN, Amal was to lift its siege of the University junior Sue what about He has asked for the money Israelis and the Shiite militia Amal, which is three refugee camps so food and medicine could Hirschman, 22, who was found the times because he has only one electri- attacking the Palestinians on the ground, but they get in. stabbed to death in the living when being cian working on lighting now, have the common aim of keeping the PLO from The truce agreement was reached Tuesday room of her apartment at 818 alone is un- and about 15 lights go out daily. regaining the Lebanese base it lost in Israel's 1982 after reports that the besieged camps were run- Second St. Ash said BCI is still avoidable? Karl Vogt A request has also been made invasion. ning out of food and inhabitants were eating dogs, conducting tests on the two van- The Escort Service is not al- for additional funding for the cats and rats. No first-hand reports on life in the loads of evidence taken from the ways open, friends are not al- actual lights and equipment by IN WEST Beirut, a prominent pn>Syrian Chris- camps are available because reporters cannot get apartment. ways available and some trips the offices of Public Safety and tian politician, Jean Obeid, 50, was abducted through the Amal lines. Some of the testing proce- absolutely have to be made. Plant Operations and Mainte- testerday. Police said gunmen in a white BMW dures take up to five days. Ash Having to walk alone at night nance. itercepted his chauffeur-driven limousine on the The Palestine Red Crescent, similar to the Red said, adding that the police de- through dark parts of campus KARL VOGT, vice president seafront Raouche boulevard, fired at the occu- Cross, says food and medicine also are scares in partment is "verv comfortable" can be a scary experience for of operations, said that while pants and dragged him out. Chatilla. It reported an "alarming increase" in with the pace of the investiga- University students and faculty lighting is a top priority for the Police woulanot speculate on reasons for the typhoid, skin and intestinal infection in the camps tion. members. Q See Lighting, page 3. abduction of Obeid, a former adviser to President and called for "an end to the genocide." Friday News in brief

D Pros and cons of the divestment de- bate: See page 2. Thinking small for success Weekend weather watch D Area activists picket Congressman Del Five people who have been successful working representative from Bowling Green, will form a Mostly sunny today. Highs between 30 and 35. Latta's Bowling Green office to protest with small businesses will take part in a panel panel to discuss "Alternatives to the Fortune Increasing cloudiness tonight. Lows between 15 U.S. aid to the contras: See story, page 3. discussion on working in the small business 500" Tuesday at 7p.m. in the Bryan Recital Hall and 20. Cloudy with a 20 percent chance of snow world Tuesday night of the Moore Musical Arts Center. tomorrow. Highs in the mid JOs. D Moscow security agents resort to snow- Skip Reardon, owner of TLB of Findlay; plows to control demonstrators: See story, George Howick of the University's Management The program, which will deal with the pros and Sunday through Tuesday: page 6. Center; Charlene Kerr, of Poggemeyer Design cons of working in a small business and the Fair Sunday. A chance of rain Monday. Fair of Bowling Green; Al Caperna of Central Mar- future of small businesses in the American Tuesday. Highs through the period in the 40s. D The Falcon icers need a sweep in Kala- keting Services of Bowling Green and Scott economy, has been organized by the University Lows from the mid 20s to the mid 30s. mazoo this weekend: See preview, page 8. Jameson, a self-employed pharmaceutical sales Placement Office. - Associated Press Editorial BG News/February 13,1987 : Safety on campus is Profit: worth all other costs? shared responsibility by Richard L. Moore If we look at the issue from a advantageous position if the sys- these companies will go to raise strictly conservative standpoint, tem in South Africa allowed all their profits - selling govern- The other day I began to think a whole new light is shed on the people those same unalienable ment secrets, sending comput- about the shanty which sits in Dark Continent. By conserva- rights that they receive in our ers to the Ruskies. How far will The University has always shown concern for the the middle of the circle in front tive, I am speaking of those of us country. I think you will see that they go? safety of students on campus. Last semester's of the Union. I had forgotten who remain true to the basic the only reason that these The fact that these companies about it. The shanty arose out of values upon which this country "American" firms are in South are in South Africa raises two installation of blue lights marking the emergency a wave of interest in Bowling was built: the love for freedom Africa is that they reap the other importan* questions. phones on campus attests to this fact. Green's investment in the South and democracy which our presi- benefits of a cheap foreign labor (1) How many lobs have they However, a threat to student safety exists on this African government. The struc- dent is using as the foundation to force. Obviously, the values this taken from the American campus that must be addressed promptly by the ture now stands as a target for build his "New America." If we country stands for are not too worker? (2) If these companies administration: insufficient lighting. weekend vandals and a symbol look at the issue from this van- great a price to pay if their are manufacturing and selling of some mysterious problem to tage point, we can see who is profits increase. The Sullivan these goods in South Africa, does Public Safety Director Bill Bess has cited a lack passers-by. really the villain in this tragedy: Principles do not change the fact this not add to our already enor- of lighting near the Centrex building, the Business the so-called "American" com- that these companies are still mous trade deficit, or at least Administration building and South Hall. Another The shanty, I assume, is sup- panies who rob our workers of reaping the benefits of an anti- not help to lessen it? area that is poorly lit is the southwest corner of posed to symbolize the jobs and help increase our trade democratic system. I am not an economist, but it campus from the Administration building to harshness of lite in South Africa deficits. Yes, these are the folks The reason these "American" seems only logical that if an McFall Center. for the blacks in that country, with the black hats in this west- companies are in South Africa is is over there and the reason for divestment. I ern, those companies who take not that they feel their presence it cannot create Jobs over here. Compounding the problem of lack of lighting in believe the problem lies in the away American jobs for cheap will help the black South Afri- These companies deny every- some areas is the need for maintenance of existing marketing of the issue. The tar- foreign labor. can-their reasoning is purely thing that this country stands lighting. Keith Pogan, associate director of plant get audience, for the most part, I admit I am not aware of the economic. The Constitution in for - freedom, justice and equal- operations and maintenance, said he has one elec- is not concerned with morals at exact figures on how many this country does not allow for ity to name a few - in order to trician to work on the estimated 15 lights that need this point in their lives. For a black South Africans work for exploitation of anyone, and increase their bottom line. The large number of us, our minds which American companies, these companies must take their worst part about it is that repair daily. Sadly, much of that repair is nec- are on future success, and we and I really don't think that is business elsewhere because our they're doing it at the expense of essary because of vandalism. must be fed a stronger argu- the issue. The issue is whether Constitution stands in their way American workers. ment than one sugar-coated with or not these "American" com- of making a buck. The question On the second question, it We realize the University is doing as much as it morality. panies would be at the same must be raised as to how far again seems only logical that if American goods are Deing man- can under the current budget, but perhaps the ufactured and sold in South Af- question should be raised why money to pay for rica, they are no longer exports, additional staff and materials wasn t requested as they would be if they were sooner. manufactured here at home. As Campus police records show there were 19 re- such, they can't help to fight our already increasing trade deficit. Srted assaults from Aug. 19,1986 through Jan. 31, These are questions which seem j*7. Yet November was the deadline for request- only natural to ask. ing an additional electrician. Wasn't the need for As a business student I can see assistance apparent by then? why a lot of people have trouble But in addition to lighting, students must act dealing with the simple fact that it's morally wrong to be in South responsibly. Existing lampposts require $1,100 Africa. After all, morality and worth of renovation before they can accommodate business don't mix, right? more efficient and brighter sodium lamps. This As a citizen, however, I have money goes to waste if the lamps are broken by to question the economic effect vandals. And to make more break-resistant lamps that this has on our country. When these so-called "Ameri- costs additional money. The University should not can" firms invest in South Af- have to pay that extra money. Students must rica they are in fact divesting remember that the "small" crime of damaging a from the good ol' U.S. of A. campus light could pave the way for a far more By taking away American serious crime later. jobs and helping to support an overwhelming trade deficit, these villains of democracy are only helping to weaken Ameri- ca's position as leader in the world economy. Divestment won't Moore is a senior manage- ment information systems ma- help S. Africa Letters jor from . rule. by Chris Kennedy The results of their assuming a leading role in government The fight against apartheid is would be economically delete- pose was its tendency to accuse, agency. We are not a political fit his students by teaching a an admirable cause and worthy rious since they are not pre- UWC serves all try and convict without gather- organization. class in which he has no inter- of attention. The divestment pared to administer the highly- ing all available evidence or As a citizen, I agree with Ms. est? movement's interests are well- complex economy of South Af- As an undergraduate who has giving the accused the right to Darrow's views that a casual I can't help but think that intended, but the course they rica. received tutoring at the Univer- be heard before trial and convic- view of "Hitler, white suprem- David Thoreen is a classic ex- seek will not resolve the prob- If they follow the path of Zim- sity Writing Center in a field tion. We feel that Ms. Darrow acy, genocide and hatred" as ample of a bad teacher. His lems facing blacks in South Af- babwe, we can expect nationali- outside of English 110, 111 or 112. didjust that to us. mere historical artifacts is attitude reflects anger and frus- rica. zation of other socialist policies I was quite disturbed to read The "collectibles" sale was "dangerous." As a faculty mem- tration as a writer. However, his In seeking quick political free- which would stifle economic your article about the Writing sponsored by the Ad Club as a ber, I am disappointed that a attitude is so pervasive he can't dom for South African blacks, growth. The South African econ- Center's "revamping" (Feb. fund-raiser. We publicized it for member of the administration help but turn his frustrations to the movement is neglecting the omy, which is at present a mar- 12). Several points of consider- the company which brought it would attack rather than sup- innocent students. complexity of the issue. Divest- ginal first-world economy, ation lead me to question Dr. in, in exchange for a percentage port students who generally A student pays for a teacher ment will not serve as a means would quickly decline to third- Morgan's motives for such a of proceeds. We were told the make a constructive contribu- who is excited to teach, not one to an end; it will only further world status. decision. collectibles were authentic tion to the campus. who is arrogant and self-serv- increase . Therefore we should not seek First of all, it is my under- movie posters and political but- Martha Rogers ing. If I spend $300 to take a The primary result of divest- an immediate and complete standing that the University tons. Thousands of items were Ad Club Advisor and Assistant creative writing course, I'd ment will be white South African change, but instead emphasize a Writing Center is geared to- offered for sale. The owners of Professor, rather not take it from an imma- firms buying out American cor- longer term and more stable ward writing assistance in all the company assured me that Department of Marketing ture "serious" writer with an porations. In all likelihood, this evolutionary process. It will be a academic areas. And, even the swastika buttons date from attitudeproblem. will result in employment prac- slow process but it is in the best though Dr. Morgan stated that W.W. II, and thus could be clas- Mr. Thoreen must think his tices even more discriminatory interest of all concerned. "no one will be turned away (in sified as genuine antiques, and intellect is huge: "the larger the toward blacks. This would ob- American companies should other disciplines)," I cannot not, as Ms. Darrow suggests, Writer selfish audience, the smaller the intel- viously be detrimental to blacks, maintain their interests in South help but feel that "until we fig- newly-minted symbols for the lect," he says. An intriguing but the real harm will come in Africa. They can serve as a ure out a way around it" is neo-Nazis. David Thoreen should be theory which handily explains Americans losing their leverage catalyst to foster the creation of behind that statement. As their adviser, I am proud of pumping gas instead of teach- his publishing failures to his own to fight apartheid. a black middle class through Second, if Dr. Morgan is sim- these 90 young people and their ing. He d be performing a con- egotistical mind. Since the limited steps toward fair employment practices, in- ply bringing the Writing Center accomplishments which have tribution to society more John Steinbeck, William Sty- equality have occurred largely cluding managerial representa- in line with the other laborato- brought recognition to BGSU. valuable than wasting students' ron, and J.R.R. Tolkien all have through American corporations, tion. ries on campus, why is Dr. Ver- The organization is primarily money and time. wide audiences. Good writers it would be unwise to destroy the Since political power often fol- nice Cain losing her job on June directed toward career devel- Thoreen is a teacher who work hard at their craft to, only positive force acting in the lows economic power, the cre- 30? This makes no sense, consid- opment and public service. (In doesn't want to teach. As a stu- among other things, become country. Divestment does just ation of a black middle class ering the fact that the other labs fact, our next speaker, the direc- dent at Bowling Green State recognized by prospective edi- this. would also be the creation of a on campus have directors. tor of the BBS's Children's Ad- University, I am frightened by tors. Thoreen's "starving art- new political class. Again, I can only conclude that vertising Review Unit in NYC, this attitude. I am sure that ist" attitude is old and dull. How Even if blacks gain immediate This economical approach will Dr. Morgan, and others, are will be addressing an important there are other graduate stu- much longer will he use it as an J dents who would have been over- excuse for being a poor and' full political representation, the be a slow but orderly transition hiding something. ethical issue from the consum- : results for the economy of the to political freedom, but we Third, I find it appalling that er's viewpoint.) We compete joyed to teach his Craft of defeated writer? Teaching is country would be adverse. The must not relent in our pressure Dr. Morgan and her superiors successfully in advertising com- Fiction class. Did he trick the certainly not the answer. black majority in South Africa is on the South African govern- have taken it upon themselves to Etitions, visit ad agencies and University English department Gloria Good a class largely consisting of less- ment for full political equality. act in the best interest of BGSU ve an active student ad into thinking that he could bene- Richard Prochaska educated, low-wage workers students and faculty to "re- with little or no managerial rep- Kennedy is a sophomore pro- vamp" the Writing Center to SOCICDV by David Harris resentation. For the tune being, duction and operations major cater to English 110/111/112 stu- their group is unprepared to from Cincinnati. dents. What she (and the "oth- ers") failed to realize is that those of us who came to the Writing Center did so because it THE BG NEWS was University-wide. I don't Edsttr Ron Fritz Aest Friday Editor Diane Wonderty think I'd feel comfortable com- ManaoingEdsor Mm Stewart III Chart Copy Editor JohnNemec ing to a writing center if I were AMI Mm Ed UcOavray MM Copy Mr* Beth Murphy of secondary importance. NewsEdtor M... MrMtyrn Copy Editor KavtnHammat Finally, the University" in EdKvWElHor Ron Coulter Copy Edrtor Kim Oam University WritingCenter is not SpomEdKx KerlSmaTl Copy Editor JudlKopp redundant, as Dr. Morgan AMI Sports Editor Jell McSherry Copy Ed»or Bam Gafiart stated. For those of us who have AMI Sports Editor Mitt Wkftetohn CopyEdWr JuMBai survived General Studies Writ- Wire ECHO. Don LM Prod. sopY Oava Kuhar Photo Editor Prod, sup'r Wendy Sarwy ing, it is a descriptive title which AW Photo Ed** Bob Upton Prod eup'r Soon Sm«n makes us feel comfortable utiliz- Friday E(«or Ctrotnrt Lang* ing the services of the center's BLOOM COUNTV by Berke Breathed j tutoring-in all areas of aca- Tna BG News la publahad defy Tusaday through Friday durtng ma academic year and demic writing. SWKJUST OH. lTHMHT man. fix weeUy duflno tha summat session by the Board ol Student PubscaOone ol Bowing Qrean Name withheld upon request ffUCKUP mnwet, m Seats university iMfKxmm C/KSXCWN! HMxcANsano OaMona e«preaaed by ookmnaMs do not necaasaity reHecl the opnone ol me BQ fKomte HKMOfimsaxr News crmm. The M News and Soaring Green Stats University are equal ooporMilty employer* and do not rJeatnanats in hang practices Ad Club defended mmwmr The BQ Maws *■ no) accept sdvemeog mat a deemed rjeamnslory. degnttng or svne neu*mg on tha be* ol race, an or national origin I was disappointed to read MNtOBV oopyrtghl 1968 by the BG New. el rights reserved Susan Darrow s unfair attack of OH TV* Feb. 11 on the Advertising Club. ■ Ones EcStortei Olttoe The organization does not. as 214 West Hal Pit: (4)1»)372-2»0! 210 West Hal Ptl (4tg) 372-2803 Ms. Darrow implied, support the Sowing. Green Stale Unrversrty Ku Klux Klan or neo-Nazis. Bowing Green ONo 43403-0276 In fact, one "terror" of the Hours 8 i m lo 5 p m Monday through Friday Third Reich that we would op- Local BG News/February 13,1987 3 Budget D Continued from page 1. he is concerned about the pro- he is concerned about possible posed budget and the problems fee hikes at the University, but it poses for University students. does not expect increases of 25 ''I'M CONCERNED that edu- Protesters criticize Latta percent or more. cation isn't receiving priority at "I can't envision the president the same time other depart- and trustees moving in that di- ments within the budget are rection," Mason said. seeing increases," Gardner by Miiell Stewart III be left alone." others how to run their countries," she said. Mason said he and President said. managing editor Bowling Green resident Elizabeth Schus- "It makes me mad... and Latta votes with Olscamp will be spending a lot of The Ohio General Assembly is ter organized the protest, with assistance Reagan all the way down the line." time in Columbus trying to influ- scheduled to meet the first week Members of several area activist groups from members of the Toledo Area Commit- Marcia Bedard, assistant professor of ence legislators to work out a staged a demonstration yesterday in front of of April in Columbus to hold tee on Central America and the 5th District sociology at the University, said funds being solution to regain the lost in- hearings on the budget, Gardner the Federal Building in Bowling Green to Committee on Central America. Students used to support the rebels could be better structional subsidy. said. He said a number of other est Rep. Delbert Latta's support of from several campus activist groups also utilized here at home. State Representative Randall legislators don't agree with the dent Reagan's administration policies participated. "We've sent hundreds of millions of dol- Gardner, R-Bowling Green, said proposed budget. in Central America. ANOTHER CONCERN of the protesters lars down there in military aid but there are The participants charged that Latta, R- was the so-called "Montgomery Amend- hungry and homeless people in this country Bowling Green, supported the president by ment," which allows the president to deploy that could use that money," she said. Lighting advocating increased military aid to the military troops, including state national "Funds being spent there can help get our L, Continued from page 1. arepurchased. contra rebels in Nicaragua. Latta's local Crdsmen, at will for training exercises, own people on track." University, the requests, made "I don't know where we're office is inside the Federal Building. ional Guard members may be sent on Latta was out of town and the only person in January, were too late for the going to get the monies to ac- Dan Koppel. junior physics major and co- exercises without the consent of state gover- working in Latta's office yesterday was an 1967-fl8 budget. commodate it," Vogt said. president of the Social Justice Committee, nors. office employee. Despite this, Bedard said He said the salary for an elec- He said the funds might be said the Reagan administration supports Nora Dandar, of Tiffin, said she was she believed the protest was successful. trician would be about $17,000 provided by redistributing some terrorism. concerned because she has a son in the "Whenever people show they're con- and the requested materials funds within the department, "I believe they're doing things in the National Guard. cerned, I think it means something," she would cost about $44,100. but the money definitely will be wrong way," he said. "It the people in said. He said the request specif- provided in next year's budget Central America want to run their own "I don't want my son to go down to Central A Latta representative reached by phone ically asks that the electrician because it is an important prob- government in their own way, they should America - it's not Reagan's privilege to tell yesterday had no comment. be lured before the materials lem. Sfc:S:::;:::::::;:;^^ I MEADOWVIEW COURTS 352-1195 214 Napoleon

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For more information contact the Office of Public Relations, 372-2616. BG News/February 13,1987 4 Program revived Student campus security officers assist police

by Jared O. Wadley tinned five years ago due to lack "It's something different be- staff reporter of funds. cause it's not repetitious," Tay- Sherry Gibson, senior French lor said. "It's better than Many of the 113 burglaries and Russian major and one of working in a cafeteria or in the reported to the campus police two women working as CSOs, library because there you do the within the last six months were said Public Safety worked hard same thing day in and day out." the result of students not locking to revive the program because it their rooms, according to Bill helped officers with some of Gibson said she thought it Bess, director of public safety. their duties. would be interesting to be a CSO. But for several students, not Roger Swope, a corporal in She said she wanted to make locking doors could make Uni- investigations and security serv- more money, so she applied versity buildings susceptible to ices, said the students work once she saw the job posted in burglary or vandalism. These three hours every day, patrol- the Office of Student Employ- students are helping campus ling the campus with radios. ment. police with some of their duties Two groups of two walk around "I feel like I'm doing some- at night. campus locking buildings and, thing worthwhile - that's what I These campus security offi- patrolling the area. like most about the job," Gibson cers lock buildings and assist said. "Also, you have to be trust- Public Safety officers so that Gibson said the students never they have tune to patrol and walk alone. If a CSO is absent, worthy because you have access take care of other business. his partner works with the other to many offices. We are the eyes Ralph Bratt, investigations group. To avoid confrontations, and ears of the department, but and security services lieutenant, she said they are discouraged we are not spies." said the CSO program started in from following a pattern when they lock buildings. SWOPE AND BRATT meet Sheiry Gibson, senior French and Russian major, locks the doors at University Hall BG News/Pete Fellman November after it was discon- with the CSOs frequently so that She said this prevents con- they can discuss any problems 'COUPON*------^ frontations because if people or comments. Gibson said the CSOs receive many compli- Zotos "Design Freedom" don't know their schedule, they | UV€ AT POLLV€V€S won't try to take the CSOsr keys ments about their work, espe- (Sunday • The Uncalled Four PERM SPECIAL or try to jump the students. cially from other officers. with John Bradford BEFORE LOCKING a build- She also said CSOs may open $ ing, CSOs shut off lights, check buildings if the program re- (Monday • John Bradford for hazards such as leaking ceives more funding. Gibson » 30 {&. pipes or open windows and ask said CSOs have done other work Tuesday - Gorman & John Bradford people to leave the premises. besides locking buildings. Thursday • Patrick Boyd "They are saving the Univer- They patrol parking lots for Exp. Feb. 28. 1987 sity money by locking windows cars that have been vandalized. | All Shows 9pm-lam 440 E. Court St. and turning the lights out," Also, CSOs assist officers if they Bratt said. "They are very con- need help. They are told to call Hair scientious, and they do a good officers if necessary. job." IHotttyt Fashions Gibson said if CSOs see some- "In the future, we will be one breaking into a car or build- WHERE DO Y U VJV-J • We carry Paul Mitchell 8 Nexus products fortunate to have another group ing, they must report it OPEN 8 TO 6 • WALK INS WELCOME like the ones we have now," he immediately because they 124 W Wooster BG Ph. 352-2611 added. "We couldn't be happier should not get into any con- and hope it continues." frontations. TO BUY A YUGO? Stephen Taylor, sophomore Some CSOs, including Gibson, social justice and criminal jus- helped with the security during tice major and a CSO, said he Vice President George Bush's FALCON BASKETBALL was interested in the job be- visit in October. She said she FOR ONLY ^iJcf DOWN cause it appeared adventurous watched one of the University and it would help Public Safety Union doors to make sure unau- DOUBLEHEADER officers. thorized people did not enter. 99 per month vs. emmc^is CALL BALL STATE ITOPPERI?y 352-0077 5:30 WOMEN 8:00 MEN YUGO to the dealer outstanding in his field Wed. Feb. 18 SEND YOUR no DISHOP VALENTINE.A FORD-NISSAN YUGO * Come out and see the winningest "HEART-SHAPED" 203 N. Main Rt. 25, Bowling Green, OH Women's Basketball Team in School History. <, PIZZA 0 353-5271 * Support the Men's team as they go FREE •O MONTM IIH»MCIttO, tin AMOUNT tINANCINO {4714. TAX, IIT1I IXTBA for the MAC Tournament. You con order any size plna In a DELIVERY heart shape at NO EXTRA COST! <0 Orders sent to a second oarty GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILIBLE TO must be prepaid. Voted Best ALL-SPORTS PASS HOLDERS TODAY Pizza in B.G. VILLAGE GREEN A CALL FOR DETAILS 352-6166 * ' r Say: "J Jov. you" i on Valentines Day with Wfem^^^8^MMMk^^MMMMMMia m one of Cupid's specials from PUT A LITTLE The Flower Basket FLORIDA SUNSHINE #4* IN YOUR LIFE 4H* win a FREE UAO Sunbreak'87 ft ft Trip for two ft to #■£ "The finest in apartment living 2i fashioned for upper graduate lifestyles.' Oaytona Beach ## • CANDY KISS ARRANGEMENT #.+$. Many Appliance Extras Roses, Carnations, Daisys & Candy U • STUFFED TEDDY & BUD VASE Contest begins £3. 'Dishwasher Roses & You're Special Heart Feb. 20 and 4*4} 'Disposal • CERAMIC TEDDY BANK runs through ## »Air Conditioning Balloons & Fresh Carnations Feb. 27 • STUFFED LOVE BEAR HOLDING Recreational Extras Carnations & Daisys Get complete details in your •Private Pool Basketball Courts** • LOVE MUGS & FRESH FLOWERS favorite dining •Club House Volleyball Courts ££ hall. • BOXED ROSES & MORE •Picnic Areas The Flower Basket FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Sponsored By: Office open any time by appointment 166 S. Main 352-6395 University Food Operations, ORDER NOW! the Florida Citrus Commission DELIVERY SERVICE and Lykes Pasco, Inc. a

with job search by LeWonnle Belcher bers of her group got together to Loiselle believes that a lack of when students do learn where reporter try to come up with a problem, a major response is due to stu- their money is going and how ".. .everyone in the group com- dent apathy and not enough in- much the school is profiting, placement office go through a What is starting out as a class plained about the prices of formation. She cited the student they will then want to respond to by Maria Kromei number of workshops and semi- project may end up saving stu- things on campus, so we decided legal fee as an example. the problem. staff reporter nars that help them obtain the dents a lot of money on their to do something about it." Two dollars doesn't sound skills, competence and attitude bursar bills, said one member of THE FIRST step the group like much, but $2 multiplied by "At the end of our survey we Every major does not auto- to compete successfully in the a group called "BG Vice." took was to write a letter to The 16,000 students really adds up," have to come up with a recom- matically turn into a corre- job-search process, as well as Christine Loiselle, a junior News asking students for their Loiselle said. "Most students mendation for solving the prob- sponding job position, and the provide interview skills, Kroll interpersonal and public com- input on the money circulation don't know they really don't lem," she said. "If the response placement at the University. have to pay that (the legal serv- is large enough, we will go to the office is I said. munications major, said the Students can go through the Soup of concerned students was Loiselle said she has received ice) fee. University officials. If the stu- available to workshops before interviewing rmed as a result of a class some responses from students, The members of the group will dents aren't happy with the re- help students or simply interview without it, project in IPOO 203: "Small but not as many as she expected. also be contacting University sults of the surveys, we will try find employ- but those who do go through the Group Communications." The She said most of the students officials to get their input on the to do something about it and ment oppor- seminars receive first choice in group will try to determine how surveyed are more apt to re- situation. help the people. t u n i t f e s, signing up for interviews, she much of a yearly profit the Uni- spond when asked directly about according to the situation. THE GROUP is going to talk Students can contact the Jo Ann Kroll, said. versity is making from student Kroll recommends everyone expenses. She said those students who to someone from parking and Soup at OCMB 6270 to discuss director of I use all the services available Instructor Edith Churchman responded believe the Univer- regulations, some officials in the eir feelings about the money the office. JoAnn Kroll sity is using the money inappro- dorms about group billing, and circulation. "It's in- however, for within the program told the students to form their a student creates a credential own groups, find a problem that priately. Instead of statues and to someone about the texts and cumbent upon students deciding file which can be mailed directly exists in the Bowling Green various paraphernalia, she said meal coupon books to determine "People reacting to a problem where they want to go and hav- to potential employers who don t community or on the University the students want more parking where the money is going, she is whal really provokes a re- ing an idea of the kind of work have formal recruitment pro- campus and come up with rec- lots and better funding for said. sponse and a solution, " Loiselle they want to do," Kroll said. grams on campus. ommendations on how to solve groups like the Escort Service. Loiselle said she believes said. "We help identify job prospects, The on-campus interview is theproblem. facilitate contacts between stu- the most visible and easiest way The group decided to focus its dents and employers and assist to get a job, Kroll said, but jobs concentration on the parking during the evaluation." are not always found through fees, meal coupon book prices, For most careers, there is not one-to-one interviews. Referrals textbooks, drop-add fees and $fiBtererV(£labieux/i1i8 Cnfcrj's 'Juiteba a direct one-to^me correlation to have been made beyond the on- group billing. what one studies in school and Loiselle said when the mem- one's job title, according to campus interviews, she said. Kroll. Job openings are in broader career fields, and stu- FINAL CLEARANCE dents can apply their expertise CHARLESTOWN to jobs not directly labeled as SAVE 50% - 60% - 70% their major, she said. APARTMENTS As an example, Kroll said a Krson majoring in romance REGISTER TO WIN A NEW iguages could possibly find a MID AM MANOR job position within a business, SPRING COTTON SWEATER and the placement office can help direct the student to the opening. Choose from choice apartments within TWO TO BE GIVEN AWAY Students who register with the walking distance to campus—Summer 1987 and 1987-88 school year. NAME B.O.S. RENTALS 1 or 2 bedroom, furnished or ADDRESS. unfurnished, gas heat & water included, 101 N. Main PHONE _ • Apartments air conditioning 352-0204 352-0499 • Houses & DEADLINE FOR DRAWING 3-1-87 sleeping rooms Resident Manager, 353-1336 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. 510 E. Wooster 352-4380 352-4497 Yes! We do 352-9814 allow pets! Delivery 11-2 & 4-Close Minumum *4" WeBahowiBanh 7ieAh DaJfy. ▼ -—V Valentine's Day Specials

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MOSCOW (AP)-Security agents beat ble for breaking up the protest. tenced in October 1983 to seven years in protesters and used snowplows to drive However, it was clear at the scene that the prison for "anti-Soviet agitation and propa- embassy guards ihem off a Moscow street yesterday, the Kinclothesmen were not teen-age vigi- ganda." fourth day of rallies seeking the release of tes. They were well-organized and were Authorities did not interfere with the Jewish activist Josef Begun. backed by uniformed police and snowplows. demonstrations on Monday and Tuesday, Police briefly detained 14 people, includ- All of those detainer - seven at the protest but on Wednesday plainclothes agents WASHINGTON (AP) - The the Quantico Marine Base in ing Begun's wife and son. site and six on their way there - were re- shoved the protesters off Arbat Square. Marine Corps has recalled at northern Virginia pending The agents, who wore civilian clothes, leased after a few hours. Six were fined $77 Yesterday, the demonstrators lined up least five of its U.S. Embassy completion of an "adminis- also roughed up reporters and for "petty hooliganism." Police also briefly along one side of the brick-paved mall which guards in Moscow in the two trative inquiry" that bore no television crews covering the protest, which detained a Western correspondent. runs through one of Moscow's oldest dis- months since another guard relation to the probe of Sgt. drew about 20 people at Moscow's Arbat THE PROTESTERS, many of them Jews, tricts. Within minutes, they were sur- was charged with spying for Clayton Lonetree, the former shopping mall. had been gathering daily at the Arbat mall rounded by about 50 plaiiiclothesmen. the Soviets, Pentagon sources Marine guard who is now Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady since Monday. They demand to be allowed A small snowplow began circling the said yesterday. being held at Quantico on Gerasimov later told reporters that young to emigrate and call for the release of demonstrators, forcing them to move back The transfers do not involve espionage charges. toughs, not security agents, were responsi- Begun, a Hebrew teacher who was sen- and forth across the mall. allegations of espionage, but ''THE MARINES are rather charges that certain looking into some violations military "good conduct" reg- of military regulations," said ulations were violated, offi- one official. "No charges cials said. have been filed against any- Reagan to keep consulting allies on SDI One source, who demanded one yet and nobody is being anonymity, said the recalls confined to quarters." WASHINGTON (AP) - The "let us know why they don't like She said the Reagan adminis- in conflict with the 1972 treaty. had been prompted by allega- Robert Sims, the Penta- State Department differed yes- the broad interpretation." tration had made "a serious Defense Secretary Caspar tions that some of the guards gon's chief spokesman, de- terday with U.S. arms control But the State Department said commitment to consult" before Weinberger and some of nis had allowed an unauthorized clined to discuss the transfers director Kenneth Adelman on "we fully intend to continue to any steps are taken on Star senior advisers are pushing for a visitor into their barracks. yesterday or say how many the need to consult the Western consult closely with the allies on Wars research that might affect broad interpretation of the That report could not be men had been moved. But he European allies about the "Star ABM treaty issues, as well as the allies. Secretary of State agreement to clear the way for immediately confirmed. said none of the moves in- Wars missile-defense program other subjects related to SDI George Shultz had made that new experiments with Star War The sources were also un- volved spy allegations. and on a major arms treaty with (the Strategic Defense Initia- point clear, she added. technology. able to say precisely how U.S. Ambassador Arthur the Soviet Union. tive, the formal name of the Star Shultz told a House appropria- many Marines had been Hartman, in an interview Appearing before an Ameri- Wars program)." THE U.S. SEARCH for a de- tions subcommittee Wednesday transferred, putting the num- with The Washington Post, can Legion group, Adelman said Phyllis Oakley, the depart- fense against missiles has that the administration was ber at between five and eight. said the investigation of Lone- he doubted the allies "have any ment's deputy spokesman, sparked controversy in Con- studying "a large and difficult The sources said the Ma- tree "had revealed that other qualifications" to interpret the stressed she was stating "the gress, Western Europe and the record'ron the ABM treaty and rines had been transferred to things were happening." 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile policy of the U.S. government on Soviet Union. Critics assert that would make its interpretation Treaty and they had already this issue." testing or deployment could be available to Congress. BG News/February 13,1987 7

Extended Medicare News Digest coverage proposed COTA takes ruling to court State examiner arrested COLUMBUS (AP) - The tended during an afternoon MANSFIELD (AP) - Less she would be the Democrats' Central Ohio Transit Author- court hearing that Williams than three hours before local likely choice to replace L. WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- White House spokesman Marlin ity yesterday asked a judge to was not bound by an earlier Democrats met to choose a Norman Walker. dent Reagan proposed yester- Fitzwater. "There will be a disregard a state labor State Employment Relations new director for the city's Walker resigned Jan. 30 day that Congress protect 30 lively debate but I expect legis- board s ruling and extend a Board finding and could grant scandal-ridden Finance De- after pleading guilty to two million elderly Americans lation to pass, and I think the back-to-work order against a 60-day injunction forcing partment, police arrested the counts of theft in office. "from the worst tear of old age" Reagan plan will be the basis for striking bus drivers and me- the 630 members of Transport leading candidate on charges Fenton, 33, is accused of by enacting insurance covering that legislation." chanics that was to expire at Workers Union Local 208 to of aggravated arson and theft hiring an unidentified man to the devastating costs of cata- midnight. remain on the job. by deception. set fire in January 1984 to a strophic illness. SEN. DAVID Durenberger, R- Franklin County Common SERB, created under Richland County Prosecu- Mansfield duplex she owned. Overruling conservative oppo- Minn., the ranking Republican Pleas Judge Frederick Wil- Ohio's public employee col- tor John Allen, who approved Fenton also faces a charge of sition, Reagan recommended on the Senate Finance Commit- liams was expected to issue lective bargaining law, de- the charges against Debra theft by deception in connec- that the government cover all tee's health subcommittee, said, his decision at a hearing last cided that the strike did not Fenton, acknowledged that tion with an $11,900 check she hospital and doctor expenses "This is by far a better way for night. pose a clear and present dan- the investigation had been cashed from the company under Medicare after a patient people to protect themselves Attorneys for COTA con ger to public safety. speeded up when it appeared that insured the duplex. had paid $2,000 out of his own from catastrophic expenses.... pocket. The extra coverage The most serious criticism that would add S4.92 a month - $9 can be offered of this proposal is Mich, pesticide suit settled Stokes eyeing mayoral post annually-to Medicare recipi- that it is far too little." GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. agreement filed Wednesday CLEVELAND (AP)-For- I will run. I don't anticipate ents' $17.90 monthly "Part B" Led by Attorney General Ed- (AP) - Five migrant farm in U.S. District Court. mer Mayor Carl Stokes said any changes, but we are deal- premium. win Meese and the budget direc- workers who said they were In a lawsuit filed last year, yesterday he will run for that ing with human events," he The program, the result of tor, James Miller, conservatives sprayed by pesticide while the workers said they were office again in two years un- said. more than a year's debate had fought against the plan as it working in a field have planting celery on a farm less the current administra- The Democrat returned to within the administration, would was being developed, arguing agreed to a $20,000 settlement near Jenison in June 1965 tion improves or other Cleveland politics after a 12- not cover long-term nursing that it relied too much on the with a crop-dusting opera- when they came in contact promising Democratic candi- year absence when he won home care or expenses such as Sovernment and not enough on tion. with pesticide being sprayed dates come forward. election to a four-year judi- prescription drugs and eye or le health industry. Rajshekar Muruliah, head from a helicopter flown by Now a municipal judge, cial term in 1983. He plans to dental care. "The proposal I'm announcing of Byron Ag Aviation in By- Maruliah. Stokes, 59, was the first black run again for that office in Reagan's announcement pro- today is a giant step forward in ron Township, agreed to pay The lawsuit alleged the he- mayor of a major American November. vided momentum for an issue helping those who before now the money to be shared by licopter sprayed them again city when he became Cleve- Republican Mayor George that already has widespread would nave had to make a choice Maria and Eloy Martinez and less than a half-hour later, land mayor in 1967. Voinovich is in the second backing on Capitol Hill. between financial ruin and Letticia, Arabella and Alicia and contended the workers "Unless there are changes year of a four-year term that "I think there is a very good death," Reagan said in a speech Amara, according to an were visible to the pilot. in the two conditions I outline, expires at the end of 1989. chance of legislation,'' said to junior high school students. Sports BG News/February 13,1987 8 BG chases WMG and CCHA title reaches agreement with Orioles by Tom SkernMtz is several posil sports reporter attributes they possessed before the Spartans defeated and tied (AP) - Ray Knight wanted a chance to play ey 1 BG last week. regularly and to feel needed. He got both, but paid a price to get 2 record, a national ranking and GONE FROM the Falcons is them. a home-ice berth in the first their Central Collegiate Hockey Knight, who rejected an $800,000 offer from the New York round of conference playoffs, Association first-place slot, a 16- Mets after being named the Most Valuable Player in the 1986 the word •regroup' might seem a game winning streak and the World Series, accepted a $475,000 pact Wednesday for a one- bit unorthodox. confident spirit which they hope year contract with the . But according to Bowling to regain tonight in Kalamazoo, By reaching various incentive goals, the 34-year-old third Green's 'word-of-the-day' list Mich. skating well and try to regain points by a NCAA Division West baseman could come close to matching the $645,000 he made taped to its locker room wall, "We feel we skated our best first place." defenseman. The senior cur- last season, and add an option year. 'regroup' is exactly what the game of the season (last) Satur- THE BRONCOS should live up rently owns 226 points (40-186). Knight started his postseason negotiations with the Mets by squad has decided it must do day night, but State to York's billing as a 'tough Gagne is not alone when it seeking a two-year guarantee of $2 million. He later scaled after last week's series against also skated a great game," BG game.' comes to lighting up the down his demands to $850,000 a year, but the Mets balked and Michigan State. coach Jerry York said. "Now we WMU's 14-14 CCHA mark puts scoreboard, though. then declined to offer him salary arbitration. The Falcons enter this week- have four tough games left and them in fifth place - one point BG's Paul Ysebaert remains Knight, who now becomes the first World Series MVP not to end's series against Western we're going to nave to keep away from fourth place Illinois- in the hunt for the CCHA scoring return to his team the following season, thought he could and a home-ice berth in title along with Michigan State's recoup on the free agent market. To his dismay, the offers AX()»AXl)«AXn»AXn»AXl)»AXH» AXO«AXO«AXn«AXn«AXn- theplayoffs. Mitch Messier. With 68 points, were few and the deal from the Orioles was the best available. The Broncos' incentive to the Falcons' junior center ranks Baltimore General Manager said he pointed out overtake the Flames combined third in scoring behind only to Knight during their negotiations that, at least in the The Sisters of Alpha Chi Omega with their billing as last season's Gagne and Messier (71 points). , no other clubs were in need of a third CCHA playoff champions should The CCHA's most prominent baseman. make the series more than just a freshman also meet face-to-face "He was a perfect match for us, and we were a perfect match Congratulate their prep for the upcoming post-sea- this weekend. When the votes for for him," Peters said. son games in two weeks. the league's Rookie-of-the-year "The incentives are very fair," Knight said Wednesday night New Initiate Several individual battles are counted, the names of in Springfield, Mo., where he was attending a sports banquet. should add further interest to WMU's Paul Polillo and BG's "And, although it's not as much money, it's seemingly a more the series which BG leads this Emerson should appear solid situation. I'll play everyday, and really, that's all I had season 2-0. most often. hoped for." Amy Blank Broncos' defenseman Wayne Polillo has the edge on this The Mets had indicated that Howard Johnson and rookie »AXl)'AXSi»AXSi'AXH'AXSl'AXli'AXQ'AXtl'AXl)«AXfl»AXli Gagne leads the CCHA in scor- season's highly-touted group of Dave Magadan probably would share most of the playing time ing with 74 points on 11 goals and freshman. The center leads all at third base in 1987, dimming Knight's chances for extensive a whopping 63 assists. Gagne rookies with 59 points on 16 goals action. needs only three points to sur- and 43 assists. He is also eighth He should have no such problem with the Orioles, whose 10 pass the mark for most career D See Hockey, page 10. performers at third base last season committed 40 errors and NEWLOVE drove in 50 runs. 7t -X- *x* 'I* "T* -T* "T- *T* •T" T* T* ^ •T* *T* *^* Knight batted .298 with 11 home runs and 76 RBI last season. * "I'm really not sure about changing leagues," said Knight, RENTALS * Remember Your who has spent his entire career in the National League with Most tax refunds * * Cincinnati, and the Mets. "But it's really a nice feeling come on time ... Valentine * to be appreciated and wanted." * * General Manager of the Mets said Knight CLOSE-TO-CAMPUS But if it's been 10 * with a Gift She'll even inquired about coming back to the Mets on May 1, the date weeks since you filed * Treasure Forever when unsigned free agents are allowed to rejoin their former 228 S. College your tax return * teams. * * "But we felt all along that we would be sending the wrong and you still haven't signal to Howard Johnson and Dave Magadan," Cashen said, • FREE heat, water, & sewer received your refund * * "making them look over their shoulders all during spring * * training, waiting for Knight to arrive." • 1 bedroom apartments check, find out about it. * * Call the special phone * • furnished & unfurnished number in your tax * * * PEUBY DAYS * SX DERBY PAYS • • brand new carpet forms package and the * * t-i IRS Automated Refund * x Service can check the * * * U STOP BY OUR OFFICE TODAY status of your return. * Congratulations m * * 3D 328 S.Main 352-5620 * * * to the winners of A*ki*M, ton**of W»NM i * We also have a * D •fc beautiful selection of: * [IB* I1H* MB* I IB* IIB* IIB* IIB* IIB* IIB* I IB* IIB* IIB* 1TB* HB4» flB* TIB* IIB* HB* IIB* * > t * a FLOATING * B HEARTS • DX DERBY DAYS X * c * PENDANTS * * EARRINGS p * * nB$ * i * I4K GOLD CHAINS 5 * * KKT -1ST PLACE OVERALL * * Bs * * ■6- * Mk * — Beaux and Arrows * * ArA -2ND PLACE OVERALL * * * X * B * ♦ X * * AXti • DERBY HOUSE WINNER B DATE PARTY * FREE VALENTINE • * X * B * GIFT WRAP * # * ArA -SPIRIT AWARD x * 192 S. Main 352-1646 # B * Peggy C Oonnie FamG Joe Beth G Tom $e************3|c$ x SAVQ AflH3Q X3 » SAVQ A9H3Q B Annette C Joe Bear G Commando Peggi G George • x Lor; 5 Tom Sprout G Boohey Pam C Dan - * Tanya C BUI SarinaGBick Debbie G Drk X B Patty G lorm Amy G lick Maria G Joe & x Linda C Buckethead fancy G Brian Lori G Rich - Lisa C Tim Melissa G Unrtn •e- Dm (Mike Tracey G Sean KAPPA SIGMA Monica C Slimebone Kris G Bill Kate C Serin Alison CChio Carla C Fat Christie G Clueless Announces the Biggest and Best BGSU Gina C Tom Bobble G Kyle JMilllcutte Sally C Mark Jenny G Kent Fraternity Pledge Class for Spring, 1987 Monica G Gary Flo G Phil Donna G Bennis JodiGEmil Beth G Tom lathy G Shawn Scott Buchheit Chris lenz Kevin Studer Janet G Tim LeeAnn G Bandy Rob Dickinson Tim Tordoro Dm G Mike lathy G Chris Croig Dieckhoner Kevin McCammon Tom Triscori Amy S Gordy Chris G Lane Mike Holler Tony Schneider Soul Tucker Beth G Whitney Carrie G Boomer Mork Harvey Todd Stratford Ron Ulerz Elite (Paul Micki G Mark ToddHerzog Ken UUoldron Julie S Todd Bisser G Dave Marcial Ingol Brian Zottou CarynG Steve Bichelle C Soy Julie G Dyadic Encounter Terri G Fete Karen G Flak Debbie G Jon G Grog Michelle G Tim Rebel G Loopy Congratulations To Our New Initiates Maria GCevln Karen C Steve Dm G Steve Tarns G Mystery Date Karen 6 Barry Laurie C Penance Slg Ep Angle G Save AnnS Bill Susie G Marty Sue S Boug Jamie Newcomer MikeDrosos Jim Fantozzi Beth G Rich Mary Jo C Fat TomMoJou TonuGiamo Mork Zadel lurse lellie C Marcus Welby Trad G Dualne telly G Larry Cathy G Gregg Todd Snow John Clausing JanleGBex Terry LUft Amy C Trevor Dean Bishop JohnPanase Kevin Thomas FEBRUARY 13, 1987 MorkRamge

riB4» HB* riB* ire* riB* riB* IIB* nwim* ro* nra rm* ire* rra* rra* ife* IIB* riB4> nli" BG News/February 13,1987 9

Swimmers travel for last MAC meets Sports Cap

Men also to host intra-state rival OSU HOCKEY: The leers travel to Western Michigan (or a pair of 7:30 p.m. games tonight and tomorrow. Trailing Michigan State by a point with four games left in the regular season, the Falcons can ill-afford anything but a sweep. by Al Franco MAC conference meet March 5-7. has a overall record of 5-4 and are 2-2 in the sports reporter The OSU tankers have an overall record of MAC. WOMEN'8 BA8KETBALL: The cagers carry their school-record 5-1 but have lost to the only Big-Ten oppon- The BG women's swimmers will travel The Bowling Green swim teams wind nent they've faced. with the men's team to Ball State. The 20 wins to Kent for a 5:00 p.m. matchup with the Flashes. Now down their season this weekend before gear- BG and OSU have faced a common oppo- women's team, currently in second place in 20-2 overall and 11-0 in the Mid-American Conference, the ing up for their Mid-American Conference nent in Kent State. BG beat KSU by the the MAC, has an overall record of 6-4 while Falcons are making a strong bid for a top-20 ranking. meets. score of 126-66 in five-place scoring, while carrying a 3-1 mark in the MAC. The BG men's swim team has a busy OSU beat them 80-24 in three-place scoring. The BG women tankers faced the BSU MEN'S BA8KETBALL: The fourth-place Falcons attempt to weekend. Friday, the squad hosts Ohio State In order for BG to win, they have to put the squad in the To--., Stubbs Relays held at gain their second road victory of the season at Kent State University, and Saturday they travel to wraps on OSUs' Mark Bimbrach. Bimbrach Cooper pool in October. In this non-confer- tomorrow In a 7:30 p.m. contest. Muncie, Did. to face Ball State. has done everything but sell popcorn in the ence meet, BG outscored BSU 213-152. The tankers have an overall record of 5-5 stands for the Buckeye tankers. The Ball State women's team is 6-6 and 1-3 MEN'S SWIMMING: The tankers host Ohio State today at 4:00 with a 2-3 mark in the MAC. The 6'6" 195-pound junior from Columbus in the MAC. p.m. in Cooper Pool. Tomorrow they will swim against the The meet against OSU starts this af- owns half of the top times on the team. He After the meet at Ball State, the women Cardinals at Ball State. ternoon at 4:00 p.m. at the Rec Center's has swam in eight different individual will prepare themselves for the MAC confer- Cooper pool. This will be the last time the events and three relays. ence meet at Ypsilanti, Mich. February 26- WOMEN'8 SWIMMING: The Falcon women also travel lo BG tankers are at home before they host the On Saturday, BG faces the BSU squad that 28. Muncie, Ind. for a dual against the Cards.

WINTER CLEARANCE ^ Give Your Uileotine U the Cupid SP«CUI MARK'S 40% - 50% • 70% OFF Balloon bouquet with bubbly Large 1 Item Pizza I non-alcoholic champane. $ I Delivered by Cupid or Jingles ONLY 4.00 I Jeans 'N Things the Clown! In-House Only with Beverage Purchase Call 3S2-3351 for Bowling Green's Quality Pizza I Balloon Busters IXP. 3-15-S7 J 531 Ridge 352-8333 352-1269 MSTUXMD THE BROTHERS OF PHI GAMMA DELTA GR€€NBMAR INC. FOR ARE PROUD TO INTRODUCE QUnLITV. LIVING OUR SPRING 1987 PLEDGE CLASS PO€ ROAD flPARTM€NTS Brian Allen Scott Makin (215 €. PO€ RD) Tyler Baesman F Chris Miller 1 B€DROOM & €FFICI€NCV flPTS. FURNISH6D & UNFURNISH6D Ken Capell Tom Miller 1 B€DROOM. FURNISH€D Paul Chambers I Gary Rine FROM $260/mo to $300/mo 1 B€DROOM, UNFURNISH6D FROM Sean Kelly Chris Schuff $245/mo to $285/mo Sean Slovenski €FICI€NCI€S FROM Dan Knapke J $180/mo to $200/mo Adam Lenhoff Dan Whipple 224 €. WOOST6R 352-0717 I AND OUR NEW INITIATES BARNEY'S Chris Halbert Kevin Moorman Mike Kelley Eric Ruhe Now Showing: Craig Leone Kevin Rush Running Scared J.D. Timmons llnirilHirii|fflffiW^3« CONGRATULATIONS MEN

Coming in March TOP GUN! RENTAL RATES ***$PICIAl$*»* Same Day 90* Sun overnight 99* (MuM t» n Mtora 5 p ffl ) Toes overnight 2 lor 1 Overnight 1.99 ThurstoMon '3.49 Video Recorder* '5.99 Sat. to MOB. *M 1093 N. Main bohlnd Convenient S1 334-1401 i Moct-Thjs 10-9 Fri-Sat 10-10 Sun 10:30-7 ■■J American Exprett. Phillips 76. Union S3\

home's , PA ft DEPARTMENT STORE BUYER TRAINING PROGRAM OFFERS COLLEGE GRADUATES: • Formal claitroom instruction • Superviied job experience • Job rotation • Performance evaluation • Career counseling • Early recognition • Responsibility • Success/reward IF YOU OFFER: • Ambition • High energy level • Intelligence • People skills • Desire for leadership

HORNE'S will be interviewing on Campus on March 3. Interview sign ups are Wednesday, February 18. Or send a resume to: i HORNE'S, Executive Placement, 501 Perm Ave., Pillsburgh, PA 1522 BG News/February 13,1987 II Bengals, Reds squabble over scoreboard McEnroe continues Reds want new one, Bengals have different idea CINCINNATI (AP) - A judge Bengals there, from issuing per- video replay scoreboard that the scoreboard and advertising pan- search for new glory Thursday urged the Cincinnati mits to allow installation of the Reds want to install. els that the Reds want to Install. Reds and Cincinnati Bengals to new scoreboards or removal of "There's no reason it can't be The city has offered to add resolve a fight that prompted the old ones. He said the order resolved if the dry's willing to those IN seats to a lower seating MEMPHIS, Term. (AP) - "He plays well," Connors him to issue a temporary order will expire Feb. 26, but that he Si some, the Bengals are willing deck for Bengals games. John McEnroe says it will be said of the young Russian. "I preventing installation of new will consider extending it an- go some and the Reds are "The question here is money. several more months before think he'll get more experi- scoreboards or removal of exist- other 14 days if the dispute is not willing to go some," Winkler It's the sale of those seats. It's a he's playing at his best. ence and he'll play better. ing ones at Riverfront Stadium. settled by then. told lawyers for the three par- revenue-generator," said James Seeded fffth in the U.S. In- It'll come." Winkler, who has presided ties in court Thursday. "You've McCarthy, an assistant city so- door Tennis Championships, McEnroe, who lost to Tim Hamilton County Common over previous lease dis- got a major-league stadium licitor representing Cincinnati. McEnroe said he has yet to Mayotte in the final of the Pleas Judge Ralph Winkler is- agreements between the two right now and a minor-league Under the existing lease recover fully from last year's U.S. Pro Indoor in Philadel- sued a 14-day, temporary re- professional teams, urged them scoreboard." agreement, the Reds own the nearly seven-month layoff. phia last week, said he has to straining order to prevent the and the city to resolve the squab- The Bengals went to court to scoreboard and have rights to "Maybe some time in April quicker starts on the court. city, as operator of Riverfront ble. The judge said the fans obtain Wiakler's order after the receive the advertising reve- I'll feel like I should really "GUYS ARE more ready to and landlord for the Reds and would benefit by having the new Reds moved cranes into Riverf- nues. Hamilton County owns start to be on my game. It's play me. They're really ront Stadium on Wednesday to Riverfront Stadium and leases it taken more time than I ex- pumped up," he said. "They begin tearing down the old to the city, which subleases it to Sected," McEnroe said always were, but maybe they scoreboards. the Bengals and Reds. 'ednesday night after beat- sense that I'm not getting out Get a head start on your tan! The Reds want to install state- ing Paul Annacone 8-3,6-4. quite as good." Mike Brown, Bengals' assis- of-the-art video replay In other second-round play, 4& Visit our new tant general manager, said his scoreboards, saying they and SECOND-SEEDED Sergio Casal of scored a team has made a settlement the Chicago Cubs are the only Jimmy Connors also posted a 6-4, 6-3 upset of countryman proposal to the city and Reds. National League teams that second-round victory in $315,- and doubles partner Emilio Brown declined to discuss the have antiquated scoreboards. 000 U.S. Indoors, beating An- Sanchez, the tournament's plans. The Reds say they can no longer drei Chesnokov of the Soviet No. 6 seed; and Eliot The Bengals say their stadium get some parts for their Union 6-1,6-3. Teltscher scored another up- lease with the city gives them scoreboard, which dates to 1970 The matches were the first set by defeating No. 15 Milan authority to approve stadium when Riverfront opened. tournament appearances this Srejber of Czechoslovaks 6-2, jf \ Your first visit Is free! structural changes. The Bengals Work had already been halted year for McEnroe and Con- also object that the new Wednesday because the work nors. TOP-SEED Stefan Ed- 10 visits for just $25 scoreboard would block the view crews lacked a building permit "I can't walk off winning berg of and No. 4 from 151 upper-level seats the the city says is required. McCar- like I did and say he really Brad Gilbert won second- Perfect Touch teams sells for its home games. thy said the work would likely caused me any problems'' round matches Tuesday. The Bengals also contend they remain stopped until the city's Connors said after his match, The tournament continues should receive a portion of ad- building department reviewed "but his game is a good at The Racquet Club of Mem 1084 S. Main 352-2812 game. phis through Sunday. Courtyard Square — next to S. end McDonalds vertising revenues from the new the plans. gggffSS:-:;:;^ Hockey D Continued from page 8. in the CCHA in scoring. Emerson, BG's speedy center, Enjoy Good Living in '87 with G€T VOUR FULL HOUSING notched his 21st of the sea- son last Saturday against the FROM Spartans. He currently owns 50 points, second-best for a fresh- PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO. man. 835 High St. — Rentot Office GR€€NBRIfiR INC. Located at Chmrrywood Health Spa THE FALCONS' -kill- ing unit will be pushed to the Phone 352-9378 O00-4 30 Mondoy — Friday limit for the second week in a § WILLOW HOUS€ APTS. row. Housing Openings for Fall 1987 803 4th STR€€T The Broncos' power play has I 1 B€DROOM. RJRNISH6D AND UNFUflNISH€D clicked at a 29 percent rate - the g same percentage the Spartans HAVEN HOUSE Features of Apts: APflRTM€NTS left BG's Ice Arena with last 2 bedroom — carpeted S furniihed Saturday. PIEDMONT — 8th & HIGH ST. FURNISH€D - FROM $270/mo to $325/mo Gat haat — gat cooking After giving up two MSU BIRCHWOOD PLACE — 650 SIXTH ST. riwer-play goals last Friday's 6- s (Landlord payi gas) UNFURNISH€D - FROM $255/mo to $280/mo SMALL BLDGS. — MANVILLE BETWEEN loss in East Lansing, BG al- laundry aroat in each building lowed another duece the follow- 6th & 7th Residents pay only alectric 224 €. WOOST6R 352-0717 ing night in the 3-3 tie. 707 SIXTH ST. Lots of closet space Tonight's game starts at 7:35 818 SEVENTH ST. IM bath and wul be broadcast on the PASS cable network. Tomor- Special Features row's game begins at 7:30. tssetstsna H?*OtttW>O'0t* *Oi&tOK>*0+0+0>+OK> All residents will be granted membership to the Health Spa. A new facility which has been built features the following: UNIVERSITY VILLAGE & UNIVERSITY COURTS 1 • Hydro Spa Whirlpool • Sun lamps • Shower Moiiog* • Indoor Heated Pool • Metot Sauna • Complete Exercise Facilities and Equipment APARTMENTS i Other Rentals Comer of Clough A Mercer (Behind Wendy's) Houses, Efficiencies; 1 bdrm. THE MOST CONVENIENT LOCATION IN TOWN! CLOSE TO THE REC CENTER, MOVIE Furnished & Unfurnished THEATERS, INTRAMURAL FIELDS, FRATERNITY ROW, BANK, FAST FOODS, AND ICE ARENA • Gas heat, net wotm and cooking •In house laundry centers Included, tenant pays electric only •Plenty at storage area (small menthly electric OH II •Now excepting applications lot •Scaotom 2 bdrm. opo furnished summer and neat toll mmmxmx mm&& • fa* dependable U hr maintenance

>igma Kni & AlphaPhi Rental Office located In Amherst Village Present 1520 Clough Phone 352-0164 (Behind Wendy's)

W^WON Florida Fling '87 m HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE THAT.. Saturday, Feb. 14. 9-1 A.M. Moni

•MISS BGSU- MMaM Deee Oases: CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS LOST It FOUND 'BRIAN RAY and KEVIN LOVELL' Toledo Photo Show From MAINE and COLUMBUS you both rjd •MISS BGSU- I'm an AJpha Gam in "hot pursuit Sunday. Fab. 16 coma, to venture the Pi PHI data party which •MISS BGSU- and the one I went la you '-ASM MEETING" $25 REWARD FOR RETURN OF BRAND NEW Rameda km-Southwyck w»beNo. I' We i on* some beer have lots of •MISS BGSU- Ba ready to party, drink some bear Speaker: Robert Babu. UNISYS SONY WALKMAN LOST 2-1D-87 IN WEST 2240 S Reynolds Rd fun. and dance al nfte For both your weekends ■MISS BGSU- and do what you want to do. Mon.,F»b 16. 7 30 pm. 121 Wwimi HALL LECTURE X-MAS GIFT -CONTAINED Buy'Sei'Trade wl ba out of sight" Love, your favorite PI Pins - P.8. Happy Valentines Day loo-1 love you! •PATSY WILEY Forever, Karen ■ATTENTION EDUCATION MAJORSI- JIMMY BUFFET TAPE -PLEASE CALL Everything Photograph* NANCY and MARIA »3 adrnlsa-on Happy 20th BktMay to a great Mend and AMOCHWI lor Chedhood Education 362-5266 roorraell Do you real old yet? Better yet do you ATTENTION THE CHOSEN MEN OF DELTA More Into (3131884-2242 1 would eke to srvtle you to our meeting 'CMReVPflYOR' real mature? (HA HA') Hope you have a great TAU OELT/ -• Moo. Fob. 16 at 7 00 weekend! Love. Jinny and Jute JAJME, TOOD, LANE. CHEO, JOH. BARRY, 300MoMloy SERVICES OFFERED DONT SAY THINGS UKE ANO HONORARY OELT D MCrjrLLrCUTTY Bnno a Friend" -SIGMA CHI-ALPHA GAM- NO PEACH SCHNAPPS David. John, Mart. Mate. Scott K . Scon O t NODANCtT WIL YOU BE OUR BEAUX? ATTENTION ELEMENTARY ED MAJORS ANO Pregnant? Conoeme? Free pregnancy teal, ob- Chrta ALPHA CHI PLEDGE CLASS: NOSINGIN' ELEMENTARY 60 -SPECIAL ED DUAL ANO kKaVa aitorrraMuri By appointment or wafc-m The) la «. tonne's ate night YOU HUNG IN THERE ANO NO OBNOXOUSNESS LOVE. YOUR PI PHI ARROWS. TRIPLE MAJORS" Final day to apply toe Fa*. Cal NOW 354-HOPE. Gal ready to party, lei's oo n up rlghtl 1987 MEP Thursday. Fabruary 12 Apceca MADE IT THROUGH THE PROGRAM. CAUSE I CANT WATT Friday me 13tn • finely hare CHrWTY. ALLISON. BOB8I KAREN, tton lorms ara available m Room 529 Ed BWQ WOMEN'S CLINIC CONGRATULATIONS ANO WELCOME FOR SATURDAY NIGHT but with an AGO youl have nothing to lee/ CHRIS. MONICA. AND DEBBIE DONTFOnQETIl 2700 Monroe St Toledo Ollerlng TO DELTA TAU DELTA We're peyched lor tonight (hope you are too) gynecological services a pregnancy termavjtlon LOVE. YOUR DAY-OEE cut THESE Gammers ara In HOT PURSUIT ol ATTENTION SENIOR PHI ETA SIGMA by scensed physician Including: prenatal, MEMBERS"! YOUII Be? obstetrics, pregnancy tearing, Pap teat (for oar- - 1 r YOU PLAN TO ENTER GRADUATE OR PRO- •CtaDY SOCHA Love. Your Secret 1 Not-So-Secret Dates To someone I can always talk to. vlcal cancer). VD screening, birth control Into . How wl the library survive without you next •ALPHA GAM--SIGMA CHI- To someone who's always there tor me, FESSIONAL SCHOOL IN FALL 1987. YOU Tubal UgaOon termination of pregnancy up -CONORATULATIONS- MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A NATIONAL DAVEDEWEY year? We can't wall to nan your NERD image Saying Happy Valentine's Day nut wouldn't do through 10 weeks (special ratea for students I and change your taste In men1 Love yal Kety I had to write R down lor everyone to see SCHOLARSHIP FOR MMRfc INFORMATION On your PI Kapp pledging ■TRACY FRANK- By appointment 1*241-2471 Thanks tor your friendship CONTACT LORI PREBEVSEK -353-0129 OR I'm looking forward to the data parties" andDeama You Dae Gee Sisters ajet want to let you know, Smei STEPHEN BUEHRER 372-8430 LOCAL Wordprocesslng-typing done, tree dlak I LOVE YOUII ' DeObte Bowmen • you have al of our support betore. during, and storage, cal Sue In Maumee 803-4188 1 DEAOUNE IS FRKJAY. FEBRUARY 20TH NO Love. Today's the day you turn 21 after the show Hope ya have tots of tun In the EXCEPTIONS' Tana Are you reedy for Iota ol Ion? Mlaa BGSU Pageant' CALL THE KEY FOR SENIOR PORTRAITS! Aim STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. HALLt, Tonight you're entrusted to our care ABC SO WHAT ARE YOU SAYaN"??-- And youl ba wealed never leer" BEING SHOT NOW ANO OREEKSII PERSONALS Can are mat laugh what are SO ways to lose Ill only be a few weeks tejsn' In a big way, fel. CALL 372-eOsa Ba a part ol Charities Waak (Fab. 2 J-2t> and Youl paaa out, a bucket by your bed your dale? WHO SAO THAT?? Get psyched for Bee- Bee. ma thmga. CaMne T. beat friends. And wake up with a pounding heed1 hold your fundraisers or service protects during KfTZES. encode- decode. CS 205-yuck. Ma weekend So get prepared lor your c-g night mo weak To be included In Chanties Week CahSn, Ice In the cafeteria-ootta kjv N, What the Love. ABC CAMPUS ESCORT SERVICE Because you're gong to publclty. cal Beverly at Student Activities (406 h-7. Beetles. eke KNOW one ease, NEEDS HELP GOOD ALPHA PHI'S be such a sight" Student Services] -372 2843 tsvlcut?. those curls".my eyes, your heart. Be 3 HOURS PER WEEK IS Aa THAT IS ASKED! WITH We love you Dab-boo, Al Campus Independent Freshman mala Pool BE A OIVER-YOt) CAN MAKE THE OaF- seem' ya then, so much fahhfully. So what I'm FLORIDA FLING The Toy. Oopie and The Shack Queen Toornament. Ragiatar today by calling FEBENCEI saytn'». LOVE. 372-1741 or 372 2959 Registration la S2 Carolyn Jean taje* THE BROTHERS OF DELTA TAU DELTA -I tose you BG News meeting tor volunteers-writers and - and closes Feb 20 Awards wl go to 1M and Happy 2tst vassnrjne BaThday Luv-Ma •MISS BGSU SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT photographars--every Sunday. 8 p.m.. 210 2nd place Al proceeds go to help fight Muftipto You're the beet MeOme friend ever FEBRUARY 12. 13, 14 West Hall For further information call •••ATTENTION"- Sderoels Love vs. Deanne 7:30 P.M. 372-2803 Dave Wertdn and Oave Vsner KOBACKERHALL Al Campus Independent Freshman mala Pool Tht pursuit anda tonight so gel CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION Tournament Reglatar today by calling CHERYL STARR psyched to party in dawn wrm your Meeting Tuesday Feb 17 at 8 00 pm In 302 372-1741 or 372-2959 RegaMration la »2 TOfStOHT. TONIGHT, TONIGHT •MISS BGSU SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT- Henna Guest Speaker from the FBI wM lecture AJpha Gam Dalaall end doses Fee 20 Awsrds wi go to help light CALICO. SAQY « THYME FEBRUARY 12. 13. 14 re Finely Hare. Lars Have A Mumper Sdarosle SuperSTARR TIME INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION HAS UNIQUE GIFTS FOR YOUR 7:30 PM '••Good Luck Tracy Dregar"' Meeting: Fabruary 17th at 7:30 pm VALENTINE K08ACKER HALL Alpha Gemma Delts Your FLU Cruah Where: Assembly Room of McFall Canter REPRODUCTION ANTIQUE JEWELRY Usa MM Pageant Joan Qsrsci Therms for the super CO you did •Love, The Slstara ol PM Mu* (212) FLORAL HEART WREATHS aa Alpha Gamma Delta President We ap- Chi Omega's SILK SPRING BOUQUETS •MISS BGSU- Speaker Mr. Alan Slnith ol Marathon preciate al your work 'GET LIT- betore you Heart Attack' •MISS BGSU' OMF'The Wortd'a Business Is Our Business' STUFFED ANIMALS "•JOHNiZABO"- •MISS BGSU* Cm-0 MrCHELE RITTER rrs PLAIN TO SEE School ol HPER Saturday recreation Program MBMJM •MISS BGSU' Happy 20th! Gat peyched lor tomorrow night-- YOU'VE CAUGHT MY EYE Congratulations Bridget Toomey on your pearl tor youth with diaabanlee Director Dolores A. •MISS BGSU- fust remember -revenge M SWEET' Black BUT A GOOD FRIEND TOLD ME mg to Mark. We're so happy lor you Alpha Gamma Darts Love, Saturday, 2-14-67. 11 am to 12 00 pm group YOU'RE A UTTLE BIT SHY -MISS BGSU- Pern, Char. Triaha, Amber 1 at Roc Center. Group II at ice Arena All ON VALENTINE'S DAY •MISS BGSU- assigned students to attend Visitors am THERE'LL BE NO TURNING BACK AMI LEMASTEB THE BROTHERS OF DELTA TAU DELTA YOU'RE DESTINED TO BE THE VICTIM •MISS BGSU- Chuck Chapman wetoome. WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE The FU CRUSH DATE PARTY la here' Have OF A CHK) HEART ATTACKI •MISS BGSU* you guessed who your date is yer? Thank God Hare's the paraonal you begged for! Con- STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY THE NEW SPRING 1M7 JUJAN •MISS BGSU* grstulstions on your pnntng to V.CK, lor Pan 201 and '■GETTING WITH THE PRO- Spring Semester Edition ALPHA PS! PLEDGE CLASS. GRAM " Tonight wH be a ragM not to lorgel Your brothers. NOW AVAILABLE m 405 Student Services "Good luck Suaan VanDonneel" "MISS BGSU1 Watch out lor the gaued donuts1 GETnNG LIVE The Lambda Chat THE 'MAJOR' EVENT Mlaa BGSU Pageant •MSS BGSU- AT PHI GAMMA DELTA IS COMING- "love, The Slstara ol Phi Mu" ■MISS BGSU- -your CRUSH OATE Congratulations JUST FOR YOUII •MISS BGSU' John Morehart and Wiley Marina -MISS BGSU' WE WILL NOT BE BEATEN Fam presentation "JOHNPANASE" Andy and Rob on your leeching fobs In WANT TO TRY Ecuador! on domestic violence Tuesday. Fab. 17, 7:30 Laal year Heart Attack came and went Emergency' 'PUB-GRUB' pm. Faculty Lounge. Union Leom about Unlortunatery we never made II The pulse rate a cambtng OR ENGLISH LAGER?? women experiencing the difficulties of trying to To the event •MISS BGSU- A heart attack at perfect timng. FIND OUT ABOUT ITI! Congraruistlons PAM FETE and JOE WASSEM escape a battering situation Discussion lad by But Ms year's going to be dmorent ■ •MISS BGSU- What batter way to spend Valentine's Day than on your PI Ptv Theta CIS Lavaaartng. The Beat EVERY WED. EVENING at 7:30 IN Shoes Dorst of the Child 1 Family Abuse This year's going to be fun •MISS BGSU- In a epmed Chi Omega way' ol Luck to you both! 411 SOUTH HALL Prevention Center and Jordan of the Cause CM o Heart Attack is No l " •MISS BGSU- Love-Marge and Jodi Love, your PI Beta Ply Setters Sanduaky Vaeey Comestlc violence Shelter wH Love, Your CIS 0 Cruah •MISS BGSU- loaow Al welcome, no charge 1 Ann Boyoe-Thanka so much lor your support CONGRATULATIONS Love, Kappa Kappa Gamma paat officers HEATHER CHASE Annual Leadership Conference Gamma PIS Beta cwtatarKkng Pledge' Otscorer lha Challenge You've given ao much, thanks lor being such a Annuel leadership Conference specks' friend Your big loves you' Feb. 20-21 SOUTH THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Love and much PKE. Amy Beth Coke. Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Annuel Laedershlp Conference Olsowsi the Challenge Annual Leadership Contsrenc. DAN SHANKS ^^ I "") C Sprite, Mello Yello The night betore Valentine s Fab. 20-21 *>■-•* ■ ■—^ ■—- £^ 6 12oz. cons only I. Merjc wi be n the air Our vary flrat data party Frito's 11 oz. only 1 ,m Annuel Leadership Conference LaTs aae how we fair Comer of Main and Napoleon Roads 352-8639 Discover the Challenge I'm an AGO IN HOT PURSUIT Annual Leadership Conference And you're the one I chose to recruit Feb. 20-21 Wei drink and drink Hour eyee rum pink And wel have lots ol fun APB from en AGO to Bob Just Bob' lenerd Whsl do you Bank? thai mvttee has entered Into a meratretloue con- tract in return for food and the occaasionai Date Love. Jennie Pery The ame haa come lor another Intentional loss of rapacity and a night ol negsgence Pur Deris Hslnes sue wk reasonable care. Happy 20th Birthday Horn I hope I'm with you AGDMA long enough to lei you that at least 80 more times' I've tied a wonderful three years together I love you forever REBJr. APB from two AGD's PS Heppy Valentino's " 10 out dates Jay and Nick: Hope you're ready for the 'Hot Pursuit' up route 25 Gat Psyched lor tonight' DAVE WILD Your Alpha Gam Deles Yea. ma la a paraonal for you- No comment neceaaary SHUT-UP STEVE! Stay out oo lha ATTENTION TC drkiking tountatne at date party-OK? HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I'm raaty locking forward to Heertattack I aura hope you are as exerted aa I am. LOVE YA' HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY JUUE Love. Amber I'm SO glad you're going to be my Valentine ATTENTION 'HEART ATTACK' DATES: Gat peyched for a night of wad abandon al PI Phi Beaux and Arrows' 'HEART ATTACK' al drawing near. Al the symptoma are very deer Love- Do not panic, do not Mar. Ekzabeth The CHM3 paramedlca wi soon ba herei Happy Valentine s Day1' Happy Valentine a Day! Looks aka PI Phi 'Beaux Attention Kenny Thompson snd John and Arrows' date party (and true whole weekend) la posig to be one big very spaces'

VouYa our nates wa think you're hot Love Jansa PS Tanras Anyone? on we I party a lot Wei dance and laugh and drink al night because our dates ara out ol sight Ware two Alpha Game In hot pursuit of you two guys, who are so cute Love, your Alpha Gam Deles. Continued page 12 Liu and Stephanie

Press hereforagreat data processing career. The right time.The right place. Blue Chip. Green light. State data processing equipment You'll State Farm is hiring. Farm is one of America's leading go as far and as fast as you can. It you're a senior with a data insurance companies. Through You couldn't have a more solid processing, computer science or innovative marketing and a proud base to build a career on. math background, there may be service tradition it has become Contact your campus a very special career opportunity the nation's leading auto and Placement Director about waiting for you in one of the homeowner's insurer, and one of State Farm today. largest corporate data process- the top life insurance companies ing facilities in the country. in the country. Or visit the State Farm Re- There are actuarial and audit- You'll receive expert training. cruiter. Our representative will FEBRUARY I4.W87 ing jobs open, too. You'll work on state-of-the-art be on campus 2-20-87 STATE FAfiMIWIJ»W»CECC*»AJ^Srtora Classifieds BG News/February 13,1987 12 Continued from page 11 SEND YOUR Tiaoty MM Janny Davte. You've dona a tentaeoc tob aa MARKCOCHRAN Last semester wee a real daaater FOR SALE PR Charman lor the Mies BOS U Paoeentl Dear Jvnmy. HAPPY VALENTINE S DAY VALENTINES So at s Matt Ha one off new. Want vary proud ol youl LI T.B.. your «phe 1 nurd It through the grapevine LOVE, MINOY 353-5014 AFTER 4 00 I'm an Alpha Gam In Hot Pursuit That there ant no mountain high enough' to PhiSatfere 79 VW Bus. 26 MPG. no mat clean Great lor And tha one I'm anar a you! Spring Break $2495 352 5953 alter 5 00 kMP ut Iram hntng ■ thrl at KD Big CM SENIOR PORTRAITS Wal have tons of lun So hare's me lowdown on HO Motown You me Scoot* Queen' Good Wcfc In Miss (OSU And when Ihe ntght'a dona Bar Lights lor Your Valentine Any Beer Brand hoodown Happy Valentin*. Day! I'm sura wal hhd something lo do' Aiatttlll 354-1813 Wo know you'll do great ■HOT NOWI Tha time we won't be Beach Boppm. but w.I We Love You1 I can't wsltl Love Shelly We tore you, CALL 17240M FOR Fleher cassette deck: Ootiy. Metal-capable, M poach schnapprn So Da dye your panes, md Love. Men/, Julia, Parti YOUR APPOINTMENT The* Capn-Oood kick with the Mas BGSU son touch controls, black finish. 1 year old. $80 gjt ready to dance H youre ready to cause Your Anderson Buddkss •ontocommotion. Thanr secondthatamooon'' NOWI Pageant! or offer l need to se* before Valentine's Day' 'Signed Sealed Delivered MICHELLE HROSOVSKY Love, your Kappa Sisters Alter 5 pm 352 2939 __^__^ Joarma Sweeps. I'm Youra' Tomorrow night la your right to cm- Shety K«l*n Turtle King Dong > Skin-head IIKT For Sate 2 red mini couches, dorm room sire ConrjratuJeeone on your Qamma PM actMatbnl Tonight a our nght tor FUI Crush Your Alpha XI eaters wtah to uoiyaliiaie you Thanks lor the ride, you saved our hide GYour good condition Asking $35 each Cal You are the grialiil and I'm ao happy to have omgta. I hop* you're aa ready al I am. and Shawn Armatrong on your ALPHA XI-SAE friends In 401 Dunoar 353 8503 after 5pm you aa my grandma Happy Valentine's Oayl Tl tonight the mystery FUI avatottng I leave me lonely' Love. Annan* Typing and Word Pioceealng S*rvlc*e and Need lo gel m shape tor Spring Break? SUEpe Heaumaa. The** and dissertations A to Z Data- Want to keep In shape In your dorm room? MKE ALOHA, Gat reedy for a TRULY across torn Uhtman'a, 362-6042 How about Olympic Weights (ISO ba) A curl JOANNE TROPICAL TEA tonight' bar? Worth $170. lor sale $90 phone Here's to the sweetest girt on vatentr'a Day I UAO SUN6REAK '17 Oat peyched tor Saturday Night SURFS UP' 364.7633 Ara you bored? LOVE YOU A LOTI SPRING BREAK IN Wa'll hava a greet ttmal Lova, the GAmma PM* Let's go gat a ootal Love. DAYTONA BEACH'" Happy V-Oayl Aaron Your ChtO Heerutucker $225 ONKYO TURNTABLE PS Check your maabo. Ckar leg Epa Doug, tan* and Tony STAY WTTH THE BEST AT BRAND NEW CARTRIDGE Dinner In London?? These KD s HEARD IT THRU TM GRAPEVINE THE PLAZA!!! 354-1215 RANOY. AFTER 5:00 An evening In Parie?? That there a a IAD MOON RISING on February SIGN UP TOOAY -UAO OFFICE JOHN BcNNER S5 aaaasaSS For more info.: I'm looking torward to 14 Valentine cards, gltta. allckers. Portable or home atereo. Will separata ROi TOPOLESKI Youl gat GOOD LOVW « tha 411 South Kail Tha Big CM with youl mugs, candles, sweatshirts, tramaa. Everything • mo* old. Remote control Sony JEFF NEK IC Kappa Delta Btg Ctm Date Party Wad. nlor.li at 7:10 I love you Knatm paow esses and much more! lunar, tape deck, squallier, apeakers I tow We're aura youl SECOND THAT EMOTION Jeans N Things 631 Ridge r*c*lver-$460. 41OW Sounder all am an A VERY SPECIAL WISH TO KD Motown *. Mich***. Kna A Mary amo-»350 1S0W Pioneer digital epaakere- Do you n*ed an ntamahlp thta summer? JOHN SOLECKI THE MEN WE LOVE THE MOST Valentine Duet NEW-M50, sell tor $490. Boat otter. Scott WASHINGTON CENTER INTERNSHIP AP- ThanU tor al tha great tmea wave had a night WELL BE FOREVER VALENTINES See Cathy 1 Deve I BREAK VACATION $71-1*7$. PLICATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 15TH Don't wth you just cant ba bed! AND AT HEART ATTACK WE'LL TOAST! at Dry Dock Tonight 1 Deytona. Ft Lauderdale or South Padre TX. mas out So get ready tor tomorrow night- LOVE. JUUE, TWIN. ANO KLEP Sola, lovesest. chair, good Mndltton $175 or Starting at $130 7 Nights Quad occupancy Vslenllnes csrds--sticksrs--mugs--frames 231 Admin Bldg . 372-8202 CHK5 HEARTATTACK w* oa out-ol-slght! baal otlei Cal 353-3034 Transportation packagee anaatflla. For Intonna- pillow casea--bears--penclla"PinS"Candles-- OS. ton cal I 800 222 4139 STUDENT AGENTS notecards -etc . etc Stereo-2 acoustic speakers Marantz turntable, DON'T BE LEFT Meet me In Breckenrtdge Saturday night WELCOME Jeans N Things 531 Ridge Sansm receiver $250 or beat otfer Cal OUT OF '17 KEY. JOHN. lova, your beat Mend 353-3034. Spring Break Hurry! United space avaaabie at SEWOfl PORTRAITS BODYSURFING OSU MPA... these number on* colagaai beach and akl VleR the Dry Dock BEING SHOT NOW! 00 BUCKSI THE BUT 6 YET TO COME My Phi Pal Ground hog dealtnatlona. South Padre Wand. Dayton* On Lover's Nlte-Tonlghl CALL 372-*OM HAPPY V-DAY You Drought back my betel In dreams. I Lova Beach. Steamboat Springs. Marni Beech Fort Free Carnationa to lirat 50 Women FOR APPOINTHENT LOVE. Youl Happy frsr Valentines day! Lauderdale Mustang Island-Port Aranoaa. ANNE Your daring. Garveeton Island and Fort Walton Beach. Cat FOR RENT "It Shouldn't Hurl to Be a Chid Donl Forget Your Valanttne Dana* Sunchaee Tours Central Spring Break Tot Free Help support Ihe Kappa Delta Connections. 518 E Wooatar 352-5148 Jut* SOeb-Conoralulanons Hot Una Today tor n formation and raaarvattona Shamrock Prefect on March 14 Fn 10 am-8pm. Sat. IOam-6 pm on your peering to Mall Fifty* NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE DEADLINE 1-600-321-66111 CARTY RENTALS Lova. your Kappa Sisters FEI 20TH 23 Appicaflone Already m Spring Rush" Apartments "Joy to the world DOUG DON'T MM* OUTIII Data Zeta Houaa at 5 00. Friday. February 13. For 3-4 students Al you KD datee HAVE YOU SK3N60 UP FOR UAO'S SUN- KT 231 AiMn BHg . 372-8202 Come vail the house by Ihe wtnonVJ Office hours 10 a.m.-3 pm Joy to the Itshes BREAK '87 YET? ITS ONLY $225 A THEY'RE Happy valentine's Dayi Located 316 E Merry. No 3 STEVE $LONE In the deep blue sea STAYING AT THE PLAZAII Lova, AT New Officers of Kappa Kappa Gamma- For more tnlo or appointment SPIKE GET EXCITED FOR TOMORROW Joy to the Kappa Da**" Wa wtah you the beat ol luck' I CAN HARDLY WATT Phone 352-7365 anytime Also summer rentals rum Hi Lova, th* ok) oncers HEART ATTACK WILL BE A BLAST Dry Cleaning Service Can't wait M the tea tonight. WITH YOU THERE AS MY DATEI Jeans N Things the night before Valentine's Oayl LOVE. USA 531 Ridge In red A white wa may bel NOWI Lova. the Alpha xi's WANTED SENIOR PORTRAITS THE EXECUTIVE STAFF OF MISS BGSU JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Dry DOCK Dart League NOWI WISHES THE BEST OF LUCK TO OUR Aeaortment ol many apis and duplexes 1 roommate needed Close to campus ToMght-8 15 pm Karen and Vicky SENIOR PORTRAITS CONTESTANTS tor summer 6 fall rentals Everyone is Welcome Thanks for everything NOWI Furnished, own bedroom Spring Semester CALL NOW tor choice apts. DEB BAER TRACY FRANK You guys are tha greatest! Cal: 353-5913 or 353-8407 HMHI MARY ELLEN BALASZ KATHY FRANKS Happy Valentine's Oayl Office located at lit E Wooatsr. ERIC AOtlSCH USA BECKER NANCY GUUCK Buying Basebal Cards Love, PATTY. MICHELLE t LAURA Rosas are red BRENDA BLANCHARD JENNIFER GUBA 353-8508 Deborah YOU'RE THE BEST PALS THAT I COULD Vtoieta are blue GINA BUROO AMY HUTCHINS EVER HAVE ASKED FOR. THANKS FOR PUT You don't Know me and I don't Know you WENDY CHARLES JOHANNA KITT TING UP WITH ME MIDNIGHT NOVELS'. Female laaommatt Needed But 6 00 Saturday Youd beat not be late KATHRYN MILLER AMANDA CLICK MARY BETH LOAN THURSDAY NIGHTS AT DOWNTOWN. AND $120 per month To Marks to fmd your Cht-O date?? A FEW MORE HOURS TIL THE M CRUSH. USA DAVENPORT MARY POTTER THE INFAMOUS RAILROAD TRACKS HAVE Cal 353-1407 1 A 2 bedroom lurnlahed apts lor summer S DO YOU KNOW WHICH FUI HAS A CRUSH ON SUSAN VAN DONSEL STEPHANIE PJCKER FUN AT THE AGO DATE PARTY-ILL TRY ANO 1967-88 school year S A V Rentals First A« YOU TRACY DRAGER JAMIE SUGGS' HAVE FUN W-O YOUI LOVE YA LOTS! Male singer needed tor eatabashed rock band 362-7454 Fab 24 < Fab 26 SECRET LAURIE FOX AMY YEDINAK DIANE Cat Ken at 372-5029 or Brian at 372 5498 1 badroom house and 1 bedroom apt lor sum- State Room 6:30-10.30 p.m . Fee $15 FEB 12 13. 14 7.30 P.M. mer 1987 and 1987-88 school year Sign-up In UAO Omce KD Spirit KD Spirit PHI DELTS KOBACHER HALL 1-267-3341 Big Cm Date Party MM KD Spirit Kd Spirit HELP WANTED 2 badroom apartment Newty redecorated Free Carnationa to tint 90 Women WHAT A COMBINATION! Tha lung inverted seldom lorgotten Formal 10 Avaaabie Immeoalery 352-7454 at Dry Dock Tonight! Looking torward to our finely hart. Tha Alpha Data and trek oatee Lover's Nne-tpm • 1 am Kan, Tim and Jan. tsa I on Kj lit don I ne^l Econ to know nvs lormel wt surpaas 120 COUNSELOR AND INSTRUCTOR Apt for Contact Meadowview Apts POSfTONS AVAILABLE Private Coed Summer To our ZBT, Phi Tau. and Sig Ep datee. Lou*. Tha PM Hue al others hi good ttmas and happy rnemoriee Attractive 2. 3. A 4 Bdr Houses Very Good Tha ALPHA DELT formal promises Camp In Pooono Mis.. PA. Contact Cayuga, Friday. 8 pm in Often Towers Seeyoulharat Condition. Close to Campus. 1987-88 year. tobegraatf P.O. Box 234BG Kantworth. NJ 07033 WALL STREET SCANCEL PI KAPP CAPTURE Fun.. Cal 353-7547 anar 6 00 p m With you aa our escorts. TIMMUZECHUK I201I-276-01O6 Dance with Superdancers To Carol. Chile, Detrdre ( Term. al we: he right. The party w* start Bun Apts. now renting tor 17-tt school year $1 Donation tor MDA Cen-nHiaHnouni-A person who eats th* flesh at our pace at seven. AIRLINES CRUISEUNES HIRING' Aa we dance and party and tamaiar 17. Completely lumiehed 2 of human beings Hope you're each looking for- AltarawMa Summer. Career! Good Pay Travel. on Saturday night' Cat tor Qutoe. Cassette. Newsservice' bedroom spts, rant la SSeO par month during ward to being captured by your PI Kapp Wal al be in heaven. school year 17-61. For lummer '87, rent Is GAMMA PHI BETA-GAMMA PHI BETA GET PSYCHED lor a SUPER TtMEu (916) 944-4444 Ext 2 PERFECTLY PLAID Janet. Kanbartyn. and Cathy CtvO Heert Attack * the place lo be $500 per apartment tor Ihe summer. Call Tim GAMMA PHI BETA'GAMMA PHI BETA PI KAPP CAPTURE We're gonna party n we lust cant see at 352-7112 or atop by al 1470 Ctough St.. PERFECTLY PLAID So gat psyched. g*t ready Attention Marketing and Management Apt. Fi. KevmGripp. PI PHI ANGELS For the greatest night Students Interviewing students for summer Roaaa are Rod. My heart la blue For rent-very nice etfoency for summer term. BEAUX and ARROWS Date Party Cur you Know the Cttt-O's work. Mike $4400. Invaluable experience and GIRL SCOUT COOKIES Tommon-ow night could've bean special, mat Great location Close to campus PLEASE CALL Has Finely Arrived Gat Ready »e al alight' cosege creolt Leave name, phone no . address Contact Campus Gal Scouts me and you. 353 5616. To Dance and Party tha Ntoht Away! P.S. Donl lor get to bring Jimmy! rOCMB6180 372-3327 Look tor me out Lev*, Hooter Furnished Efficiency piPHr"PiPHi Be s campus Know-Know Love. Blue Eyas Complete with color T V . Cable and HBO. Al JOIN CAMPUS FACT LINE Government Homes from $1 (U repair) Oeah- To Jule (Cherry) Applcatione for positions beginning utaYttes pad Ideal lor uppeiclassmen or PSSSTI Spring Rush la coming Take a study graduates. Semester leases. B.G s finest quent tax property Repossessions Cal Kevin Hortan A belated congratulations on becoming next Isl are now avaaabie tn tha Student Emp 805-887-6000 E«1 GH-9849 lor currant repo You don't know me break and coma meat the sisters of Alpha Dana apartment value $320 per month Phone PI Next Monday and Tuesday nights at 9 15 CHERRY M.06SOM FESTIVAL PRINCESS OnTce Open to al trash 4 soph Only 100 ■at But I can't lorgel you 354-3182 or 352-1520 p.m We're looking forward to meeting you. FOR 1667.C Good luck In Washington O.C. apps aval For more mlo 372-2616, PR Of- Wa mat last Apr! OREO IELIHQ hava fun wtth Rormy and Nancy and send lot House tor rent: 1-4 buYm apt summer only That's your tret csje Ralph and Mfce 'Chewy' them oar tows. and 1-2 bdrm. apt., summer and-or fall Low DISEASE MALARIA Bookkeeper Receptionist futtlme position, Heart Attack is near Make out you're WILLS and wo I SCRUB up Lova Arweya. summer rates 352-2932 evenings SYMPTOMS CHILLS. FEVER, DIZZINESS needed immediately to manege office, keep By then it wf De clear because once you GET LIT you are going to Aataon, Julie. Tracy, Colleen and Kim ETC You're my Cht-O crush hava a HEART ATTACK! business records, typing and computer skits Houses A Apts dose to campus tor Summer CURE CHI OMEGA HEART ATTACK And who I am won't ba ao hush-hush Wl you survive? Saturday youl receive your necessary Sand resume lo PO Box 904. Bowl 1987 snd 1987 88 school year 1267 3341 WARNING TOO MUCH FUN MAY BE HAZAR dagnoaia TO LH KIM SCHNORF rigGrccn 0" 4341);' DOUS TO YOUR HEALTH Sieve Smith Apartment Rentals- Houses and Lova, Arm* A JB rIAPPY VALENTlVES DAY SWEETHEART YOUR DYING' DATE KEVIN THOMAS and BRIAN PALMER YOU'RE SUPERII COULD YOU BE A Duplexee lor 1987 88 school year 352 8917 NANNY? A couple ol Alpha Gams ara In 'HOT PURSUIT KKG LOVE ANO MINE. Subteese 1 bedroom apt. furnished, close to of youl Can you guess which one*?? RANOY OEMUESY Are you a loving, nurturing parson who enktys Happy birthday Tom Ludt TRACY campus Cal Linda at 364-1502 alter 8 00 To da lunneet Heart Attack Data: spending time wtth children? Live in lovely, and Doug Toman" p.m Saturday raght wl soon ba here suburban neighborhoods enjoy excetent The women ol BG •OHIO- you (?)! Kuna, Pool. Boohar. and Patanch We'I have a blest, so never fear. To my Sigma Chi date Bobby. salaries, benefits, you own Irving quarters and Two bedroom, fumiahed apartments tor the You guys ara the best roommate* anybody Hava you picked up your FREE Student Dai- Wa"! begin the pro-party and n*v*r turn back. Gel peyched tor a super time Saturday Imtad working hours Your round-trip transpor- 87-88 school year 352-2683 could hava. Thanks tor everything, you guys' count Card at SMITHS HALLMARK - So* you Buddy al Heart Attack! Lova, your Cht-O Heanattacker tation la provided One year commitment Lova. 01 downtown Leva, Cindy P S. Donl forget to bring your comb necessary Cat or write: Mrs Fisch. CheYJcare Placement Service. Inc ICCPS). 149 T* oar data party datee Tim and Soon HEATHER TELZROW, KYLE MAFtRERO- Buckmnster Rd . Brookime. MA 02146 (617) Tonight la the raght I've been waiting tor. You Rtc Boggs A Bran Lanz We're peyched tor tonight. Happy Birthday Honey' I love youl 566-6294 ara my VALENTINE What more could one aak hope you ara too Here's a tip ... Kathy Cause Fit the 13th • gonna tor1 Friday the 13th la finely here, with an Alpha GO WEST THIS SUMMER Make $I460~S Gam youl have nothmg to Nari We i party be the raght tor you month. Leave name, address, phone number a lax Tip. HEIDI SCHUESSLER LAST SESSION tonight Yea. mats what we'l do cause Partying and fun ■ and cosege mekx In OCMB 2075 TODAY' Congratutttone to you and Bemie on your tha mine ol the game Don't Pass up the opportunity to 1 FOR SENIOR PORTRAITS there's an Alpha Gam In HOT PURSUIT ol you! Gradual* Nuratt engagement I couldn't be happier lor you Hop* you're reedy to do the same get Tree information on ■ NOW Southwest General Hospital la a 325 bad Could Sv han Sir nan Karthan be In the near CALL 172-eOM Sara and Carol. Alpha Game In Hot PursuH numerous tax subjects IRS has WB you be our Valentines? genera scute care lectty localed m Middeiborg future??? FOR APPOINTMENT! Den Ice end Donna over 100 special publications to Lova. Bi and Fred Hts . a suburb ol Cleveland, Ohio. Founded In Jute 1920. rt has become a major medical Institution answer tax questions. In fact. LAURIE FOX To our Ptui Patients serving S. Wast Cuythoga County. Pub. 910, "Guide to Free Tax P S Take care of the cyst' SCOTT 1 VIC Good luck n the Miee BGSU Ants. Brew. Body. Tony, Man. and Bob Wa corrjafy Invite you to attend an open house Services," describes all of the Thanka lor coaching ua to our VICTORY' pageant! Wa Know youl do greet lor graouste nurses on Sunday. Feb. 22. 1987 free tax services available. Call -And specwl thanks to tha Brothers ol Sigma Hay Soon- Love-Your Gamma Phi Sailers Wa heard the! It wee lun you lack. from 11 00 a.m -3.00 p.m. l-800-424-FORM{:.676)orthe Put on your dancing shoes Chi tor making Darby OAya ao much tun! Lova, So wa sat and thought how to gal it backFW* RSVP a requred Cat coeect (216) 826-8026, IRS Tax Forms number in your There's no time to lose Saters ol Kappa Kappa Gamma thought al night, Laveme Hummel, Personnel Dept Southwest phone book to get a copy. We're going to hava fun LAV Ctnatne I T» we got it right General Hospital 18697 E Bagtay Rd Mkt- Why? CongnmaeOone on going active! Scon and Rath And then we atked you to 'HEART ATTACK" dleburg Hit., OH 44130. 'Causa you're going to the formal rm ao proud of my baby Ma! To the cutest, sorry, second cutest couple on Gel psyched' with an A D PI' I know you w* ba an outstanding Interested in s summer tob? campus Happy V Day Good luck They paid Love. IgfflE^ Summer Camp positions ara avaaabie tor col- Mane assistant standarde chairman Your CHFO Datee Lova and Loyally. dak dear. Scon Scon, thanks tor being such lege age men and woman. Akron-Canton area a good friend v' ju know what we mean Big Amy Salary range S80-JI20 par weak. Cat MURRYI Love. Laa end Sieve To our Sig Ep Big N LI Dates" 352-4617 DON'T K LEFT PS. y* gotta km that clean underwear Valenbne'a Day la drawing anar OUT OF '$7 KEY UaatOMna Crv-O Heertattack wt soon be here Uvt-tl CMdcar* position In our Boxtord MA SENIOR SECTION I'm so esdled you're my smM Gel psyched for home {30 mm. horn Boston) for three and a hat 'Most tax refunds Scott and Baoca The 14th a special, and magical too SENIOR PORTRAITS NOW! lormat-.lt wl ba great" year ok). Light housekeeping required Attrac- Happy V-0 I mean V-Oayl Sol my Ixother? We lust can't wall to share it with you come on time ..." CALL 372-aOU LtL Ctv-Oe I Sig Epe wl party el night tive quarters wtth private bath. Car provided ■tana Good luck Ha semester-4 0'! Bee Psych Cal Alter 6:00 pm 617-362-7683. But if it's been 10 weeks since you lorever Love those overheads' Btg-LI combos always do it up right' filed your lax return and you still N'a Lover's Nile el Dry Dock Love. La* Lova. Your Cht-O Big N LI Datee Make hundreds weekly maang circulars' No Free Carnations to first 50 Woman quotas' Lnvts' Ruth tat addressed stamped haven't received your refund Open • pm-1 em CN Omega Heart Attack - Big-Blow Out' envelope AM-MAR. 256 Robertson. Dept P6. check, find oul aboul it Call the SCOTT BUSH TO OUR AhlCA^YMOUS PI KAPP DATES it's the eat one, Honey Btvarty ft. CA 90211 special phone number in your tax GET PtYCHED FOR SATURDAY! We cant we* lo be CAPTURED by the lour ol JEN-NY I LOVE YOU. Jorms package YOUR CHkO HEARTATTACKER you Saturday ragntl NANNIES We're ao incompatible i can't stand it' Lova tha Gopher (Mole) Lova. Carol. Datdrt. Chrie A Taml New Jersey snd New York famaee nre seekng ind the IRS way our voice* carry'! Sorry' Karmit lorever •venn care lor thou children Room, board, and , Automated You ate cordaaty mvtlad I'm hare tor you. lor Sean, you ma Sojieh-Pea airts/e prowled Beatles $150 week and up Lover's t*Me at Ory Dock To the beat big: Refund anything You're the best roomie avert 8n Lara see tM vanaa shake No fee. Opentnga available lor persona wtth Free Carnations to mat SO Woman Yvette Mendler ^Service forever Lova ya-Bacca. Scon, and Lies creative chid care skis Contact CNk) Care Openl pm- I eat Thanks tor al the great tmaa. can Lova. Leeee Reeourcaa. 609-883-9595 Lara make Ma the baa) date party check ever He*) BOATI OVERSEAS JOBS Summer, yi round Europe. the I CHI-O Love and Mme 8 Amor . Austral*. AM Al tlekts $900-2000 [status mo auhttllklj. Fret stto. Write UC. PO Bx of your 62-OH3 Carona Del Mar. CA 92626 return. AI fry Artprice TO THE MAD MASHER OF MARKS (SCOTT SUMMER JOBS avaaabie st Girl Scout Camp owomus tOCHHETT) -THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT Waterfront Stan (WSI) and Counselors cal UJILL YOU UH,- GO OUT WITH WECNE80AYSI 352-2352, 353 2535. or 1 800 233 4846 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. SWEET6. LOVE. UIOULD you UH,- Tht Upward Bound Program Needs YOUI!' YOUf TRACY LIKE TO UH,- AhlNOUNCtvG TO THE WONDERFUL MEN OF PI KAPPA PH. Summer Emcfcryment Working With High THANKS FOR ALL THE MEMORIES. YOU School Students 0UY8 ARE THE GREATEST! HAPPY VALEN In The Areas 01 TkNES DAY FROM THE BONEHOLE. LOVE. Dorm Coordinator DEB (TRACY AaeeXant Dorm Coordmetor Tutor-Counselors Tony, Main Instructors Akhough we are eo far apart Ccmmuntcatono Inatruclors You *■ hold a pace n my haart 3oc*l Stud** Inetiuctors I hope you have lun hart at B.Q. Further Wormatton and Applcatlont st 301 Gat psyched tor CNO raanattack wan ma! < Hayes Hal AppacaBona due by February 27, ~1±_ Suzy 1967 &tes~

Joson returns p.4«« University haunts p.6 •• Lucky charms p.8 Fridou/Februorv 13,1987 2 Campus Comments What bad luck have you experienced on Friday the 13th? Friday interviews by Denelle Jonei Friday photos by Chip Thomson

Lara Fish, sophomore economics Scott Qeringer, sophomore bust- John tarts, senior IPCO major Irom Lisa Flretto, sophomore diatetics major from Sylvanld: "My pet worm ness major from Medina: "I have two Virginia: "I ran out ol gas once In high major from Strongsville: "None. I died." tests and a quiz this Friday." school." really don't believe In superstitions." Colonists' fear fueled witch scare

by Karln Nevlus "America hadn't become Its own country yet. ... economic group. Old ladles living alone were I Mlay rejJOrter Whenever society goes into a change and people frequent targets," Santino explained. are feeling as though they're losing control, a Skaggs agreed that social deviance attracted Superstitions have been the cause of mass hyste- reaction occurs. The outbreak of witchcraft was this the accusations. He defined hysteria as "a reaction ria In different periods of history. The witch scare ot reaction," Santino said. ol relatively powerless people to the forces that American colonial days represents the worst out- An economic shift was one of the causes ol stress were readjusting their community from the outside come of widely held superstitions. in Puritan society, according to Skaggs. "Medieval world." Children, and servants, who had Considered a unique period of America's history, attitudes were that money-making is evil, and the least control over their lives and destinies, fed the witch scare actually had been raging through- elements ol Massachusetts society had become the hysteria. out Europe and before appearing In the involved In International commerce," he ex- Old family grievances and animosities displayed American colonies. Jack Santino, professor of pop- plained. The economic equality of people was themselves in accusations. "It was a way to put ular culture and folklore, said that It Is speculated upset, and obvious differences between rich and people In jail." Santino said. that hundreds of thousands ot people were killed Skaggs emphasized that there were not deliber- for witchcraft In Europe. "With their beliefs In the supernatu- ately false accusations. "The concept of false In contrast, "between 28 and 32 people were accusations in the 17th century is not there. They killed as witches In America," Santino said. The ral and the other social circum- honestly believed," he stated. year 1692 is the year remembered for America's stances, the witch trials were a witch trials, and also signals the near end ot the This unquestioning belief In the supernatural Is witch hunts. logical extension"— Jack Santino the key to understanding this period In history. Colonial society and Its ability to believe so Many social, economic and political elements stridently In witchcraft was described by Santino as poor became apparent. "Modern capitalism upset combined to create an uncertainty about the basic Puritan society. "They were closer In mindset everyone's place," Skaggs said. "Commercial future, and people reacted by trying to control to 1420 and medieval thinking than 1776 and capitalism replaced the attitudes of the medieval something with their old and trusted beliefs. rationalism," Santino said. The people did, in effect, village." "With their beliefs in the supernatural and the literally believe In the supernatural and the influ- The result was accusations of people who were, other social circumstances, the witch trials were a ence of the devil. in retrospect, probably Innocent. "It's conceivable logical extension," Santino said. Richard Skaggs, professor ol history, stated that that people were practicing witchcraft," Santino The preoccupation with witchcraft gradually there was no question that the people strongly said. "It's doubtful that they were the ones ac- faded as the 18th century advanced, but similar believed in witchcraft. "The question is whether or cused." hunts occurred In later history. The Red Scare - not those accused were guilty of witchcraft," he The people who were accused were marginal In accusing celebrities and politicians ot Commu- said. society In most cases. "People who were outside nism - led by Senator Joseph McCarthy In the Society at the time was undergoing changes. the normal social realm .. usually of a lower 1950s is a recent example. Friday prod' sup'r Dove Kuhar editorial oss't Chris Smith Word Search woes Magazine The word search puzzle in last oss't editor....Diane LUonderlij week's Issue was produced incor- rectly, which rendered II unsolva- cover by Pete Fellmon ble. Friday Magazine regrets the error. editor Caroline Longer frktaj Magazine Is o m—ley supplement to The BC Neva ol rights reserved ' '•i'TfT'nm¥ . ii.nih . _v!~ •.:,-,■ • . -. ■ • • • •■ ... .V.V/.Y. .-.W.V FrWou/F«broorv 13, 1987 3

Superstitions harbored worldwide

be superstitions surrounding birth and is sure to be the master. What hap- take hold of the middle linger, or else by Jenny Hudson children. To prevent evil spirits from pens if she gets In with a bag of Frltos the spirit ot the person will haunt Friday reporter taking possession of a baby before and a diet Dr Pepper and has the them. baptism, the Chinese throw a right groom hand her the remote for the A personal favorite comes from Friday the 13th is here and once shirt-sleeve or left stocking Into the VCR? Jamaica and says that one should again the citizens ot the most power- cradle. In Belgium, a little heart of red also dictates that In never kiss a dead person on the lips or ful nation on Earth are running or blue silk is hung around a baby's Sweden, the bride touches her naked their teeth will fall out. (The kissers, not around like crazy people knocking neck to protect It until It Is baptized. body, while sitting in the bridal chair, the dead persons.) No problem there on wood, avoiding block cats and One other little gem here: When a with as many fingers as she wishes throwing salt over their shoulders only baby Is born In Albania, its face Is children. It a journey overseas is on the to get It In someone else's breakfast rubbed with an egg so that It may Death Is also a heavy-duty topic lor agenda soon, check out these words cereal. of advice. When setting out on a trip But what If someone sold they In , it Is considered bad luck to couldn't clean their boots on their feet Australian aborigines gash themselves at a fune- hear the chirping ot a lizard. An old because it would bring unemploy- ral until the grave is covered with blood. This Is to Bavarian custom for a father going on ment, couldn't make a sketch of the a trip Includes drinking a glass of building they work In or they would be strengthen their dead friend. wine and then throwing a few drops discharged, or couldn't add a piece over his shoulder to ensure a safe to their house or an old person would never blush for Its actions. superstitions throughout the world. return. die? The myths surrounding love and Australian aborigines gash them- In Oriental countries, to meet a These three superstitions all happen marriage also contain some Interest- selves at a funeral until the grave is camel on a bridge Is said to insure to be from the island of Jamaica, but ing practices. In southern India, the covered with blood. This Is to good luck tor the remainder of the Jamaicans do not hold the copyright bridal couple swear eternal fidelity to strengthen their dead friend, but what lourney. That Is, ot course, unless the on strange practices and legends. eoch other by pouring milk over each It does for the mourners and the camel spits In someone's face and The various nations of the world all other's heads. squeamish is up for debate. runs them off the bridge. have an odd belief or two regarding From Wurtemberg. Germany In Mexico, It is unlucky to permit the In , if a person meets a camel what Is lucky, unlucky and what comes the superstition that If the bride parts of a body to be separated after and doesn't say "God preserve us," should be avoided at all cost. gets Into bed first and makes the death, and in , each person the camel will shortly fall and break its A good place to begin here would groom hand her a glass of water, she who goes to see the dead body must legs.

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Friday the 13th: Part... Slasher moviemaking never-ending sequel just business as usual

while proving to be the ultimate In by Deb Gottschalk and the innocent girl Is no more by Mickey Molnar coitus Interrupts. Friday reporter afraid ot him than she Is of her own f-ndoy reporter The third offering was filmed In 3-D dog. For the police officers who which brought Jason's vast array of When entranced in a movie, guard these sets, and for all others Arguably the most repulsive and weaponry Into your box of Goobers. especially an action-packed ad- involved In Its production, "That's brutal slaylngs In motion picture his- Our crazed slasher sports his trade- venture or horror film, It Is easy to how It Is," Moyens sold. tory occur in each "Friday the 13th" mark hockey mask as he dishes out get so involved that the actors on And with good reason. Remem- Installment. What they do to the plot Is but also receives his fair share of the screen seem to really be suffer- ber the lake that the boy In The Inhuman. slashing. ing, or experiencing life. Andy Grlttlth Show walks around, Yet slasher (Mm aficionados are not Jason seemingly dies for the sec- Sometimes It becomes difficult to while he carries his fishing pole interested In Intellectual stimulation- ond time In "The Final Chapter." Did separate "real life" from the mov- and whistles? According to but rather In the amount ot suspense- this bring the series to a tragic end? ies. Moyens, that Is the same lake In ful gore-laden murders. The plot Not quite. In "Part V: A New Begin- which the girl in Friday the 13lh simply serves as a medium between ning," a plnch-killer assumes the role There is one |ob that destroys skinny dips. one human carving to another. of Jason and continues his consec- these Illusions and keeps real life In While the story line has basically ullve teen killing streak. focus. That Is the job of guarding The lake the boy In The remained unchanged, these low- the sets to movie productions. Andy Griffith Show budget films have reaped millions at Slasher film aficionados Arno Moyens, member of the Los the box office. The Ingredients of a Angeles Police Force, often guards walks around, while he "Friday the 13th" picture Include In- are not interested in In- television and movie sets. Instead whistles Is the same nocent children, camp counselors tellectual stimulation- of seeing actors and actresses as lake in which the girl In with hormones In overdrive and more real lite people, being chased by alcohol and mlnd-alterlng drugs than but rather in the amount villains or robbing banks, to him Friday the Thirteenth could be found In any Geraldo Rivera of suspenseful gore-la- they are "very real people doing Part Three skinny dipt. special. The setting Is Camp Crystal their jobs." where homicidal maniac Jason Voor- den murders. Now Is It scary? hees gives a new meaning to the In the latest film of the series, "Part Take tor example, Friday the 13th Obviously she didn't think so. Not word dissection. VI: Jason Lives," our slasher returns as Part Throe. Those who viewed the only did she swim in Franklin Can- a zombie and eventually gets film know that many people In the yon Lake In North Hollywood, an The first Installment "Friday the trapped underwater at the film's con- audience let out a few screams, area owned by the City ot Los 13th" (1980) features Jason's mother clusion. Since the censor's ax is often and many eyes were peeking from Angeles Water Department, she avenging his death 20 years ago. bloodier than Jason's, an X-rated behind hands. got paid Cose to $5,000 for that Jason drowned in Lake Crystal while version may soon be available on Heart rates had a tendency to one scene, Moyens said. two camp counselors were engaged videocasette. While Jason ferments, speed up when the Innocent girl This was well deserved since the in Intense sexual maneuvers. the script for the next episode Is being was fleeing from Jason, regardless movie was filmed In November, a In "Part II" Jason substitutes for his considered. of the fact that he biologically cold month even in . decapitated mother whose head he The series is expected to conclude should have been dead three mov- While the production crew stood has placed on a bizarre altar. In 1993 with "Friday the 13th: Part XIII." ies ago. under heaters and Jason had a Throughout the film, Jason stalks the An appropriate title would be "The In reality, Jason Is lust an actor, wetsult, It was bare skin for her. campgrounds wearing a burlap sack Sequel That Wouldn't Die."

'Alpha Delta Pi Black Diamond Ballt B February 14,1987

Amy A Jim Slierri & SOON Harlxe & Ken <1 ltniul.1 « Billy Dawn & Sieve It. "I l"kked Mm" Lisa ft Jell Kimlieriyn & The Narc Joanie & ch.K In JIIIII & John Cindy & Gordon l.on & Cupid Nancy & IMS) h.ilis PBM & Tiie Puppet Tiie Bridesmaid Artie & Scon Susan & Jim & Tiie Groomsman B Pally «. Jell » Dianne & Nick Kim & Tim Heidi & Hcrnie Jixii & Her Valentine Mk-hek- & The Boy i«iinn & The Bread Man Helh & Mike Julie & Ken Mulx-lk- Ik Todd I & The VI'. of W Germany Mi -In ic 1.1 & I i HI The Jules & The Nik' Sue & Lard llsa & Paul « m u me 1.1 id Chris Rke cakes & The Quaker Debby & Rich Cindy & Kevin i is, i & Kirk l.ynn & Terry Eugenia & lilzgerakl Joan & Jim Deb & Rlctl B Rome * chris Beth & Stephen Janel & Ken Mary Jo & Dan The Ski Bums Michele & Sean Ciianna & John Super Mel Caihleen & A Koala Bear Calhy & Jeff & The Delivery Man Sheryl & Larry I iiicI,i & 11,iil- Debbie & Tim caihy & Ed « ium & George Madge & The Fag Debbie & Tim Daddy's UllleCilrl Wendy & c;raig B & The Guy He Knows Atxxil Kim & Mike AS *v*s *V*&*OAZ*V AS mzfmMG> w®&^4&mn Fridov/Febrvorv 13, 1987 S

Pathways to love Sci-fi subculture

mainstream. You feel different, but not and say the alphabet at the same by Lisa Lattimore different In a bad sense - different in by Donna Scenna time. Whenever the stem rips off It's FnOay reporter more of a superior sense." Friday reporter supposed to be the letter of the boy Strange enloys gathering with you like. Faithful followers of shows like "Dark friends to watch "Dark Shadows." She A surprising amount ot college Scream "padlddle" whenever Shadows," "Twilight Zone," "Dr. Who" first remembers the show when she students practice beliefs concern- seeing a car with only one head- and "Star Trek" are interested In was very young. "My grandmother ing love and relationships, accord- light and steal a kiss from a date. much more than the limited special wouldn't let me watch It because she ing to a study completed by a If your car passes under a yellow effects, bad acting and flimsy props. said It was too scary. It was scary then. Harvard professor. light three times In a row, you're These fans leel a definite community It's certainly not now," she said. Superstition Is an Irrational belief suppose to touch the celling of sense with one another. Now Strange watches the show for In or notion ot the ominous signifi- your car. Supposedly, a date "Part ot It becomes just a point of the humor rather than the horror. cance of a particular thing, cir- should be In your future plans. Identification with a big group. It's like "Their special effects are Just Incred- cumstance, or the like according having automatic friends," said Laura ibly awful," she said. "And everything to Webster's New World Dictionary. Try to peel a label completely off Goosetree, graduate student In popu- is overacted." Still, fhe show Is very There are a variety of games a beer bottle. If you're successful, lar culture. "It's Just another type of popular and even has Its own fan students can play that pertain to then you will get lucky that night. subculture. The thing that makes It club and newsletter. their future paths of love. Since Take an empty teacup and sau- unique or more Interesting Is that It's Strange and Goosetree periodi- today Is Friday the 13th, why not try cer and turn the teacup upside based on mass media rather than an cally attend science fiction conven- some ot the following games? down. Next, lift up the teacup and If ethnic or religious subculture," she tions. "Confusion," the most recent Tear the petals off a daisy and there Is a continuous ring that added. convention they attended, took place repeat the words, "He loves me, he person will have a happy mar- Most of these science fiction fans In Plymouth, Mich. These conventions loves me not, he loves me" until all riage. feel they are set apart from the rest of usually Include a guest of honor who the petals are torn off. The last petal Finally, get ready for Sadie society. They refer to those who aren't Is an author or artist, discussion pan- will reveal If his love Is true. Hawkins Day. The first person you Into science fiction as "mundanes." els, masquerade balls, a continuous Take an apple, twist the stem see will be the person you will According to Judy Strange, also a video room, and a hucksters" room marry. graduate student In popular culture, which sells all types of science fiction "It makes you feel apart from the Items.

|iiiiiHittfi«mi) HOUSING 352-HAIR EDITION niiimtiiitiifHUiHuiiiiti•,■■■■ M.Q«Q,J of THE BG NEWS JACK IS BACK! Monday, March 2, 1987 Jll'k WHITE • Making the move 10 of (-campus •Cooking for yourself for | living the first lime •Your legal rights as a lenani • Budgeting your money efficiently • On-campus Housing Options ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Thursday, February 19, 4 p.m. ll.ooo distributed at all regular distribution points on and off campus JACK WHITE BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT Monday, February 16*- Thursday, February 19 In the Buckeye Room, University Union Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 372-2601 214 West Hal! JACK WHITE - Is an internationally known Pocket BHUard * Trick Shot Artist . Mdou/F«bfwofv 15,1987 6

School spirits: University ghosts

graduated midway through the semester and was night and his Christmas lights and by Deanna Griffith returning to accept the University's "Actress of the decorations were shaking." Friday staff reporter Year Award" when she was killed In an accident. "When he looked up he saw a greenish figure of As the story goes, "Alice" lives In the rafters of the a woman floating around the celling and disap- the University Is home to many things: faculty, theater looking lor her award. peared through a vent." Brooker added that the students, animals, ghosts, Insects and plants. In order to have a good performance In the resident "still believes today that he saw the ghost." Ghosts? Yes, the University Is home to at least four theater, producers of plays must appeal to "Alice" To most residents of Prout Hall, the ghost Is more a known ghosts — because ghosts are not easily to help their production be a success. detected. joke than serious business. Brooker commented that The University's third ghost Is known to roam the "whenever a light flickers, they soy 'It's lust Alice One ghost Is said to reside In Shatzel Hall. Until the halls of Prout Hall. Some people believe It's the walking the halls' or 'It's lust Alice taking care of late 1950's Shatzel Hall was a residence hall, at ghost of Alice Prout, for whom the hall was named. business.' " which time the residents ate meals In another According to John Brooker, Prout Hall resident, Chi Omega Sorority house Is home to the Universi- campus building. "Whose ghost Is really roaming the halls is question- ty's fourth and most active ghost, known to Chi According to campus folklore a student Omegas as Amanda. No one really knows who who lived In Shatzel Hall was having dlfflcul able." The most recent known encounter with Amanda Is, but there are two traditional tales. ties In all aspects ot his life. While everyone the ghost happened two years ago. One originates from the time In the University's else was at the other building eating, the Acordlng to Brooker, "One of our history when the area where the sorority houses are student hanged himself In a second reputable residents woke floor room. located was still a park. According to Margaret up In the middle of the Kelley, Chi Omega's past president, "There was a The ghost Is said to reside In the Bowling Green woman who loved to come to the room where the student took his life. Again, according to campus park. When she died she came to 'live' at the house although she wasn't a Chi O " folklore, the cleaning staff has re- fused In the past to clean the The other tale originates from the 1950's, premises at night when Amanda was planning to pledge Chi because of the O. The night before she could pledge, she building's un- was killed in a train/car ac- usual resi- cident. Her desire to dent. be a Chi O was so strong It is ru- in o r e d that a sec- ond ghost resides In the rafters of the Eva Marie that her spirit came to live at the Saint Theater house. (main audito- Kelley didn't know If the soror- rium) In Univer- ity houses were built In the '50's. sity Hall. She added that there "are a lot The myth says of different Amanda stories." that "Alice" was Some of these stories tell of an actress at the Amanda "turning on stereos and University several years ago. She See Ghosts page 7

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now the area has an ethnically mixed after the communist take-over of his few unusual superstitions ot its own. by Dave Buehler population. People of Romanian de- homeland. The number "13" was actually FncJay refx*t>»r scent comprise the majority, while That's Hollywood. If the movie indus- thought to be a lucky number. Also, minorities include those of German try can produce a president from the the villagers believed that If a girl Where on earth has anyone not and Hungarian heritage, Vlncze said. set of "," why not washed her face In snow In March conjure up a lew "old" legends (snow being rare there In March), her heard ol Dracula? What serene place One might expect Transylvanlans to about garlic and wooden stakes? could boast ot Inhabitants so fortu- be a superstitious lot If one had seen skin would become talr. The right nate as not to be plagued with a many Dracula movies, as Transylva- Incantation sung at the sight ol the Actually, the Dracula myth does first swallow In spring would rid a girl spine-quaking dread ol Friday the nia is usually the setting for such films. 13th, full moons or the werewolves As a little boy, however, Vlncze have origins In a real Romanian of all the wrong freckles. they supposedly produce? never wore garlic around his neck to prince: Vlad the Impaler, who had thousands of enemies "Impaled" by Vlncze said one ot the local cure- Where else but Transylvania? fend off vampires. Nor did he pack one mean wooden stake to keep the running poles through their bodies alls worked for him. He was about 4 Lahos Vlncze, sociology protessor fang-some fellows at bay. Actually, he and letting them dangle from those years old when a neighborhood dog at the University, grew up in a peasant had never even heard of Dracula, let planted poles. But Vlncze read of this bit him. He was terrified ot the animal village In Transylvania — yes, the alone carved a lew notches Into that only after he left Transylvania. afterword. By order ot Vlncze's grand- place actually does exist. stake for vampires who lost the draw. "The Hungarian peasant is not reli- mother, though, some hair of the dog So who is responsible lor all those gious and Is not superstitious," Vlncze that bit the boy was burned, and Transylvania is a district of Roma- rumors? Vlncze said he tirst learned ol said In regard to all the monster lore Vlncze was held so the smoke rose nia. Hungary, however, controlled the Dracula by watching a movie In Bue- mistakenly attributed to them. How- Into his face — to cure his tear of the region for more than 1,000 years and nos Aires, where Vlnce Immigrated ever, the village he grew up In had a animal. "It worked," Vlncze said. Ghosts cont. from page six

tans." Kelley told of an Incident last BGSU Theatre year In which two girls would set their alarms and the alarms wouldn't ring Presents... |^Jfe£ "The times were right, and they were In different plugs, but they just wouldn't ring." In 1979 Amanda was professionally detected by demonologlsts Ed and IVERYMAN Lorraine Warren. According to Univer- sity archives, they described Amanda as a good-spirited ghost who has a FEBRUARY 11-14 AT 8 P.M. leMlsh for mirrors. She has short, brown ^<»•^S!irO••*)i«e^*o«<«•'<»e, once oners 'om x^ ■"■ JOE E. BROWN THEATRE hair and is wearing a long skirt In the style of the '50s. The description given by the War- rens matched that ot Chi O sisters who had seen Amanda in their mirrors. Kelley commented that "having Amanda around doesn't really bother anyone. I think the unit directors are a little apprehensive about Amanda, until they get the whole story." Kelley added. "The things I've known and heard aren't anything that would cause injury. They're tunny." According to campus folklore, If Amanda Is talked about a lot she'll start to do things just to let you know she's around. As a final comment, Kelley added that "It's a house tradition to Include Amanda In our composite. This year someone forgot." It's said that every other year is an active year tor a ghost. Well, let's hope this is an Inactive year for all campus ghosts, especially Amanda, because she was "forgotten."

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Students lead charmed lives

nlcatlons education ma|or, followed by Betsy Smith rituals before every high school base- Friday stall reporter ball game. "I was a pretty good baseball player In high school, and When Friday the 13th comes before every game I had to do these around, superstitious people are at rituals," said Splcer. "If I didn't do their peak of tear, and good luck them and something went wrong, I charms are definitely part ot the dress knew It was because I blew off the code. rituals." Some of these rituals In- Good luck charms date back to the cluded skipping his last two classes early years of the wandering tribes. It and listening to Bruce Springsteen was believed that If one had a charm right before the game. In his possession It would bring him Joe Notaro, freshman political sci- good luck and success, according to ence major, always wore plaid shorts the book Magic by Hutton Webster. on the day of his football games In Often rituals were part of the tribes' high school. "They were my grandfa- good luck charms. Ihey would do ther's and they brought me good "/ was a pretty good baseball player In high school, and before every game I had to do these rituals ...If I didn't do them and something went wrong, I knew It was because I blew off the rituals"-Mark Spicer

dances and sing chants to protect luck," Notaro said. themselves from the angry and evil Some people have personal Items gods. as good luck charms. Jewelry and The Indians of also small trinkets that are family heir- had rituals and carried charms for looms are often used. Jim Howell, protection. Their charms consisted of freshman marketing/sales major, uses bones of animals, secret potions, hu- a key chain as a good luck charm. man hair, and stones and pebbles "My sister gave It to me and I always trom sacred rivers. carry It. It's like my sister Is with me," Today good luck charms are a little Howell said. different. There Is the typical rabbit's It Is hard to prove II good luck toot, the four-leaf clover, a horseshoe charms work. Their effectiveness Is and the penny, if picked up with the Invariably in the mind ol the users. If head ol Lincoln facing up. People the charm Is missing and something also have rituals they believe are goes wrong, It is usually blamed on necessary for success. the fact that the charm was gone; fate Mark Splcer. sophomore commu- has nothing to do with It. Friday photo by Rob Upton P5

.•SUBQilrW* Sandwiches & Salads mxmmWTVRESJHOH TUESDAY TWOFERS Buy a Footlong and Medium Drink TONIGHT! in the LENHART GRAND BALLROOM and Receive a Footlong 8 & 11 P.M. m oni $2.00 ..HCr*W FOR ROCKY HORROR VIRGINS :jj Free v Survival Kilt with most R.H. Props on Sal* Tuesday Only In tha Union Foyer Today! No Coupon Needed \ 9** Only $1 today or at tha door. Not Good With Any Other Offer Every Tuesday In February OFFER GOOD AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION 1 109 N. Main 352-8391 • Mdov/Wxworv IS, 1987 9 Dodging misfortune's bullets

luck all day." "In some ways I guess I am supersti- ring he gave me. I took that as a sign by Meg Hanczrlk Because Sabolsky can rattle oil all tious," said Dave Wlnslead, freshman to break up with him, so I did." Friday staff reporter these superstitions, one would wonder sport management major. "Nothing Another student who considers her- whether he Is superstitious. He replied, goes my way on Friday the 13th. I self superstitious Is Cheryl Radelott, Stevle Ray Vaughan and Stevle "I'm not superstitious, but II I see a have to work that day and I know sophomore Interpersonal and public Wonder both sang about It. Some ladder I'll walk around It." something will go wrong. It always communication major. "Whenever I people strongly believe In It, while does." take a test, I have to wear my lucky others are skeptical. Are superstitions Jeni Eyestone, senior music major, Wlnslead thinks he is cursed with Goofy pin. Since I always pass my test a tarce or Is there really something to believes that even those who claim having bad luck on Friday the 13th when I wear It, I'm afraid to take a test worry about? not to believe In superstitions have and "will probably trip, tall, and without It." According to Dan Sabolsky, sopho- something they question sub- break dishes at work." more pre-medlcal major, many things consciously. "Everyone has some su- Janet Ensor, junior American stud- will bring a person bad luck: walking perstition whether they know it or not," Reading a Starscroll is something ies major, never thought she was under a ladder, breaking a mirror, she said. Carolann Cahlll. sophomore business superstitious but is beginning to won- having a cross your path, Eyestone said a popular supersti- major, strongly believes In. "I always der. "On Friday the 13th when I go knocking down a salt shaker, and tion Is to say something like "My car read it because It's always true. If my home, there will be a full moon and stepping on a crack. hasn't broken down yet" and then Starscroll says that something is going my car will turn over 66,666.6 miles. It's "II you knock down a salt shaker, knock on wood. Knocking on wood Is to happen, it usually does." kind ol creepy." you'll have bad luck unless you throw supposed to protect one's luck be- Cahlll can be considered supersti- Ensor said to be on the safe side, some ol the salt over your shoulder," cause by saying something similar to tious in other ways as well. "One time she will leave school so she is able to he said. "Also, It you find a penny and "my car hasn't broken down yet" is when I was thinking of breaking up gel home before the lull moon comes put It In your shoe, you'll have good the same as asking lor trouble. with my boyfriend, I lost a stone In the out.

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Ohio lottery craze in tull swing

each ol these payments, which will decrease the attempting to beat the odds. He said some people by Kelly Rose annual payments to $761,905. That still doesn't draw numbers out of a hat while others use birth- Friday staff reporter sound bad. The winner will also have to pay state days, anniversaries and ages to pick their numbers. and local taxes on his winnings each year. Don't Besides the two lotto drawings, there are also the Last Saturday one lucky lottery player correctly forget that Inflation will severely decrease the worth dally 3-dlglt pick and the 4-digit drawings four times picked all six numbers In Ohio's Lotto game. This of the $20 million jackpot. a week. Winnings In these are substantially smaller player will receive 20 annual Installments of $59,613 Those still interested In playing need to know the than the lotto drawings. These are broadcast every lor choosing the numbers 14. 16, 29, 35. 39 and 40. rules of the game. Ohio Lotto players may either evening, except Sunday, at 7:29 p.m. The lottery craze has begun In most states with mark the numbers chosen from a possible 40 on a "Cash Explosion" Is the current Instant lottery several forms of the game appearing. Ohio has 3- bet slip, or the player can have the sales agent let game. Players rub the covering oft the ticket to dlglt and 4-dlglt drawings, the Lotto, the Super Lotto Aulolotto pick six numbers at random. reveal six prize amounts. Match three amounts and and Instant Lottery tickets. Participants can play two boards for $1 and up to you win from $2 to $500. If the word "entry" appears Once people buy a ticket, the money goes to the 10 boards for $5. After a bet has been.placed, the three times on a ticket, the holder Is a seml-flnallst lottery commission. The state has claimed special sales agent will give the player a ticket stating the with a chance to become a contestant on the earmarked funds from lottery earnings, such as numbers selected, amount of the bet and the weekly "Cash Explosion" television game show. education, which receives 30 to 38 percent of the drawing date. The drawings are held every Satur- From the eligible tickets received each week, money made. Usually, 50 percent of the gross day and broadcast live on television at 7:29 p.m. seven finalists will be selected to appear on the revenues goes back to the vendors. The rest of the The odds ot matching all six winning numbers Is show. One ot these finalists will win $50,000 and money Is used to pay various administrative costs one In 1,919,190 If a player beats the odds, he will each of the remaining will win at least $1,000. The such as promotion. receive 21 percent of total Ohio lotto sales plus any llrst "Cash Explosion" game show was broadcast Stores which sell the lottery get a carryover Irom previous games that did not have a last Saturday (locally on WTOL, channnel 11) from 5 percent commission on each ticket. The stores winning ticket. As the amount of matched numbers 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. WTOL also broadcasts the dally also receive an extra commission on winning on the bet slip decreases, the winnings also de- number drawings. tickets which It sold. This meant that when Bowling crease. There are now nine different lottery bills In Con- Green's South Side 6 sold a ticket with all six winning Ohio's Super Lotto is played every Wednesday gress to establish a national lottery designed to numbers, It received a large commission. with a live broadcast at 7:29 p.m. Super Lotto uses benefit lederal government operations such as In this case, three players had chosen all six 44 numbers Instead of the 40 in the regular lotto. Social Security. It also could be used to reduce the numbers correctly and split the $1.5 million jackpot. Participants can play one board for $1 and up to 10 federal budget deficit or offset the need to raise The owner of the South Side 6 spill the $10,000 boards for $10. lederal taxes. A recent Gallup poll showed that 62 commission with three other stores. Not bad for a Players who match all six numbers receive 35 percent of those polled support the national lottery few minutes' work. percent of total Super Lotto sales plus any car- bills. But how much of a jackpot does the winner ryover. More people play this game and there are actually receive? Suppose a person won a S20 more numbers to choose Irom. The odds of match- Lotteries are not unique to America. More than million jackpot. This person would have his win- ing all six numbers are one In 7,059,052. 100 countries offer some type of lottery. The modern- nings divided Into 21 annual payments of S952.380. Larry Mantel, manager of South Side 6. scld day lottery began in the early 1970s The Internal Revenue Service will take 20 percent of lottery players at the store use many methods In when the 3-dlglt game appeared. NSnflHABEWH 3L^L>S^


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AM,, ,-. 0* — Fridou/Febfuofv IS, 1987 11

Theater traditions set folklore

while making an entrance, he will a good performance. And contemporary life continually by Keith Cornelius surely miss a cue or forget his lines Cats are good luck In a theater adds to the list. Friday reporter during the performance. unless they cross the stage during a One reason that theater lore thrives Another common belief among performance. Is because of Its Isolated environment. stage folk is that the final dress re- Never use real flowers In a stage As with local superstitions, most the- Good luck Is bad; Bad luck Is good; hearsal should not go well, ft Is con- performance. aters develop their own repertoire of Say "break a log" and It's under- sidered to be a bad sign If dress The tag, or last line of a show, legends. Often, these local legends stood. This duty remind* us of one age- rehearsal is close to perfection. should never be spoken until the are carefully protected from the prob- old tradition practiced In the theater: These traditions ol the theater were performance. ing outsider. tell an actor to to wish him once strongly held beliefs. Each most Some of the superstitions of the A common tradition revolves a successful performance. likely originates from a specific, yet stage are carryovers from traditional around a theater ghost. Most theaters The theater, more than any other long-forgotten incident. They grad- folklore. The number 13 Is still unlucky. are believed to be haunted by at single Institution, has become a ually lost their power over people and A rabbit's foot should be kept In all least one spirit. Usually, although not breeding ground for folklore and su- became simple lore that provided makeup boxes. Peacock feathers are always, this spirit Is said to bring good perstition. Due, In part, to a lack of actors with a scapegoat for the Inevi- evil and should not be kepi anywhere fortune If certain guidelines are fol- permanence within the art Itself, the- table mishaps associated with any In the theater. lowed. ater traditions are passed on from live performance. There are also superstitions regard- Often, the stage manager will ap- one generation to the next as a living Today, these superstitions have be- ing the work of Shakespeare. None of peal to the ghost to watch over a testament of its own history. come as much a part of the theater hit works should be recited production. Failure to do so Is be- language as "knock on wood" has backstage. Macbeth Is considered to lieved to lead to Injury, Illness or But, where do these superstitions become common to everyday con- be especially unlucky and some ac- tragedy during the run of the show. come from? And are they really taken versation. These ideas have come to tors avoid any connection with the These superstitions of the theater seriously by those Involved with the- represent luck, either good or bad. play. The ill-fortune associated with have become popular traditions in ater? // is bad luck to whistle In a theater. this play derives from the Witches' today's world. Few actors still believe The phrase "break a leg." for exam- Especially In the dressing room. Song that Is recited In the text. It Is said In these superstitions. However, adher- ple, stems from an old belief that if an Never have three candles lit at any to have evil powers. ing to the "rules" provides a sense of actor falls while onstage, the produc- one lime on stage. It becomes difficult to pinpoint the reassurance that can greatly reduce tion will have a successful run. If, H an actor's shoes squeak while origin of most superstitions since va- anxiety found in this high-pressure however, the actor merely stumbles making his llrst entrance, he will have riations appear throughout the world. environment.

13 FEBRUARY 1987 CALLING ALL CARS, CALLING ALL CARS... 8:30 p.m. ALPHA GAMS in IftWPURSUIT of: Mark Hosfeld Kenny Thompson John Rice John Bollinger Kevin Thomas Mark Mastro Jeff Kirsh Tim Maugherman Mike Kraemer Duffy Dan Shanks John Loveless Pete Bodonyi Chris Hyatt Eric Pezzo Scott Omaen Tim Kirk Brian Sanders Bob Schweizer Scott Mask Brian Tietge Mike Young Ric Boggs Chris De Giralomo John Sultzbach Steve Peters Kevin Hetrick David Baker Mark Fishwick Scott Korpowski Chris Cheuvront Dave Werkin Dave Ulmer Nick Esber Scott Schneider Dan Wallace Matt Specht Matt Ekey Dave Gates Corky Thein Brian Smith Bob Tedquist Mike Duty Jay Stelzer David Martin Craig Tumbleson Mo Sachs Brad Lodge Brian Lenz Tracey Sehnert Chuck Whitecar Jason Hill Jim O'Brian Jeff Lance ...En Route to Paragon Room Sid Barcelona Don Blandenship REQUEST BACK UP! Scott Uwers Fffctav/febfuory 13,1987 12

* * Critic's Corner * * Boomtown — David and David Alice Cooper: still crazy deep and moody, but sometimes by Mark A. Zimmerman their brightness belles the message of Friday reporter the lyrics. after all these years The songs on Boomtown are all Southern California has long been likeable, but none of them are des- PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) - Singer Alice with the imagination." a haven lor talented studio musicians. tined for number one. Therefore David Cooper, who built his reputation In On stage, the tall, lean Cooper These musicians form a pool of estab- and David does not run the risk of the 1970s on ghoulish makeup, gory twists heads off Barbie dolls, spears lished artists and producers that oth- over-exposure on the debut. stage props and high-volume sound, other toy dolls with swords and per- ers can use on their protects. From David Baerwald and David Rlcketts is making a comeback at 39 to prove forms with 19-foot pet boa constrictors time to time, a group of musicians will wrote the music and lyrics for the that shock-rock Isn't dead. draped around his neck. form a group ol their own and reach album and handled all Instrumenta- "I kind ot semi-retired at 35 and I got The persona of Alice evolved trom out for commercial success. Oavld tion but percussion and additional bored. I really missed the road," Coo- the alter-ego ot Cooper. "He's a liter- and David Is the latest band to do so lyrics. per said in an interview before a ary character to me. I can talk about In the classification that has become Producer Davitt Slgerson presents recent concert at the Arizona Veter- him like Dr. Frankenstein talking about known as Rock. the album in a clear, straight-forward ans Memorial Coliseum. the monster. Alice Is my creation. He's This genre Is perhaps best rep- fashion. The half-spoken vocals are "I'd watch MTV and I'd see all these an absurd character that can't possi- resented by bands such as the Eagles pushed up center and seem to be heavy-metal bands and I'd say, 'I can bly be true and I'm not him." or . However, a comparison of emphasized by the music. do better than that.' But people In the Cooper was born Vincent Damon David and David to either of these As for Its content, Boomtown paints music business told me, 'You can't Furnler, the son of a minister. He grew bands would be unfair. The Eagles a bleak picture of life. The album is shock an audience anymore. It's all up in Phoenix and listed "a million- was made up of moderately talented filled with images ol lost loves, lost been done.' To me, that was a direct record seller" as his life's ambition In musicians who happened to be over- lives and lost dreams. This Is not the slap in the face. I said, 'Oh, we can't?' achievers and Toto Is one made of record for someone who needs They said. 'We've already had the Sex extremely talented players who have cheering up. Pistols and we have Ozzy Osbourne "I'd watch MTV and I'd no soul. David and David has neither now.' I sold, 'Ozzy Osbourne scares see all these heavy-metal of these problems. The world according to Boomtown me as much as a paper bag. I'll give bands and I'd say, 7 can There's something not right with a is a dark, desolate place. One where them something to be scared about.' I band that sacrifices Its own musical the bad outlasts the good and all one took It as a challenge." do better than that'" Integrity lor the purpose of mass con- can do Is endure. The MTV hit, "Swal- Cooper and his new live-member — Alice Cooper sumption. Sometimes It Is necessary lowed by the Cracks," tells the story of band currently are on a seven-month for a band to concede to certain three friends who lost their dreams to American tour dubbed "The Night- the 1966 Cortez High School senior standards to get airplay. How long a tough world. This Is In spite of the mare Returns." It began last October yearbook. He legally changed his has It been since the Ramones were fact that they swore it would not with the release ot his "Constrictor" name to Alice Cooper "because It heard on commercial radio? happen. IP, and the stage show is more sounded so sweet and was the direct It seems so much more respectable Even the song titles are shadowed graphic than ever. opposite of what we wanted to por- to play the music like they want. On with bad feelings. Titles like "Being "It's high-tech, state of the art gore. tray on stage." Boomtown, David and David appears Alone Together," "All Alone In the Big We use the guillotine again. But this He got back Into music after his to be one of the lucky bands that City," and "Rivers Gonna Rise" reflect time when the head comes off, It's retirement when MCA Records called achieve radio success without sacri- the emptiness and helplessness with anatomically correct and there's still Cooper to see If he would be Inter- ficing their Integrity. which David and David (III this record. life In it," Cooper said with a sinister ested In writing the title track for Boomtown is a good, steady debut. The new single, "Ain't So Easy," Is laugh. "I went out and employed "Friday The 13th, Part VI: Jason Musically, It Is dark and richly-tex- the desperate plea of a desperate some people who worked on 'The Fly' Lives" - the 1986 Installment ol the tured. are the apparent Instru- man to hold on to the woman he and 'Aliens.' I wanted to put together blood-splattering series. ment of choice, and they are loves. He wants to make it all better a show that would really shock peo- Cooper, who watches three horror tastefully supplemented with mando- with a kiss, but he won't have much ple. We had these Ideas back In 1975, tilms per night, Jumped at the chance lin, piano, harmonica and an under- luck since he has to soy "Sorry about but we |ust couldn't do It on stage. and wrote "He's Back (the Man Be- stated keyboard. Most of the cuts are your eye" In the first verse. Now, the technology has caught up hind the Mask)."

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Rivari Friday tha 13th Horror ' nan John Mop* (-an.ho ( lurad Tha Stathw Btolhara. Ala- 0 ALL CREATURES GREAT 0 FACTS OF Lift Man from 0 STAR TREK Show" Scheduled Vmceni Pnce. iha U S ova" nghta movement bama Roaanna Caah Wayton AND SMALL II Iha woman's past raturn on Va*- 0 TWILK1HT ZONE Anthony Parkm* aCIOr Bob IBco (Pan 2 of 2). g Janmnga. Mai McOanaH and tha 0 NOVA Witrvn tha ram to* anwva • Oay. In ataroo Q 10: SO FEBRUARY IB 1B67 cut GoMlthwart paraptychoiogiat O MOVIE **'= Batch Nitty Gritty Oal Band Nil O* Bornao. scwnnsts bva m SWAM OP THE STARS 0 FACES OF JAPAN Tha Thelma MOM in II«K Blanket Bmoo 11965) Franks* S) YAN CAN COOK traM among iha orangutana to PLANET EARTH An aaarnr- Naw Ganar acton" (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER Avaton. Amene Furvcealo (TMCt MOVIE ** li-.-.* Study thasa human Uk* apas m nabon of how a ccaaaion with a 0 TWILIGHT ZONE ffi MOVIE ** Tartan And tor* 119861 Patrick Reyioida ihav natural habdat Q 11:38 comai cocM haw* cMtroyad iha 11:00 Tha Loat Safari (1967) Gordon RoyDotiica 0 THROB 2ach obaKia to San- 9 MOVIE * * M Dv*g dmoaaurs. mass axtmclions poa- S00 NEWS Scott, yolanda Donlan dy halping a 69 year old mgar Room Only H9731 OomlMth SCO srbty caoaad by a daath atar a NATIONAL Q (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER land an audiiron mar. floaa Martm Dmg» follow* 0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL ■Our of tha sotar tyatam (Rl Q MTV TOP 20 VIDEO SATURDAY 12:00 when a wftitm s husband disap- Ragonal covaraga of Alabama at 0 STAR TREK 0 MOVIE *** Tha GIMB CC«UNTTJOWN O 0 DAYTONA BOO Flag pears m tha weehroom of a daigv 12:30 Loura^na Siaia Of UCLA at Soulh- IE8PNI SPORTSCENTER Shop* M955I lMl*Caron Mi 0 COUNTRY EXPRESS IM lo-ftag covaraga of iha 29th run d>na> OSKI BASE arnCal (Lnra) SATUROAY chaaf Wilcfcng Prmca Charming lurad Harmy Rogars LM (man nmg of thta pfMlrgnua NASCAR 0 ONE ON ONE 0 PBA BOWLING S150 000 6:30 saarchM for iha young lady who 12:00 wood Gary Morns Randy Trawa auto raca hom Intat national SKIDD VIDEO Miita* lua Claaaic from Miami O CBS NEWS anchamad him at a royal ban O GOOO ROCKIN' TONITE Maria Osmond, and Eukt Spaadway at Oaytona. Fla (Lwa) PUTTIN- ON THE KIDS lima) O THIS WEEK IN PARLIA- 0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL mi»rtw( with Tha Georcaa Sa- 0DYNAMAN O MEETING PLACE Ray Am 0 VICTORY GARDEN Bob 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS MENT Oh«o Siata at NorthwMtarn (Liva) lable* and Stryper want by 00 TO 6 Hrckay officiaiaa at aanacaa bom Thomson leHs how lo gat early Country Muasman and m«lti-m- 0 HCE HAW Co-host Gtan 0 MOVIE * * '1 Iha St V* Deep Purple Semanthe <<>■ (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- Hofy Roaary Roman Cathoac Pat- Butt* Boys and "on Maiden blossoms and want Iha Royal ■ir^maniaMi laon Ruaaan a*nga CampboH GUMI* Goorga JOVM •m.na » Oay Massacia 119671 BALL Stanford at Waahmgion Horticulture Sof-rty GarrJan m T.ghtiopa Lady Bk«a and A Jody Rodman Jason Robarda Gaorga Sagal In «hatSt John t. NH (Rl wirmart ol iha Crftdereaa tnvw SUMV) 0 HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ England "i Song lor Voo funga> -gurtaritl 0 NBC NEWS tha 1920s undarworld kmgp-i Al OMaUM fTMa MOVK ** Momma 0 NOVA Wiffan tha rsan tor- IE OHIO OUTDOORS Siava Earla pariormi Gviar 0 RUNAWAY WITH THE Capona siagM iha bloody war* 0 DUKES Of HAZZARD ()*ars