Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-13-1987 The BG News February 13, 1987 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 13, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4620. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4620 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Spirits and superstitions in Friday Magazine THE BG NEWS Vol. 69 Issue 80 Bowling Green, Ohio Friday, February 13,1987 Death Funding cut ruled for 1987-88 Increase in fees anticipated suicide by Mike Amburgey said. staff reporter Dalton said the proposed bud- get calls for $992 million Man kills wife, The Ohio Board of Regents statewide in educational subsi- has reduced the University's dies for 1987-88, the same friend first instructional subsidy allocation amount funded for this year. A for 1987-88 by $1.9 million, and 4.7 percent increase is called for by Don Lee unless alterations are made in in the academic year 1988-89 Governor Celeste's proposed DALTON SAID given infla- wire editor budget, University students tionary factors, the governor's could face at least a 25 percent budget puts state universities in The manager of the Bowling instructional fee increase, a difficult place. Green Sterling Food Store shot according to Chris Dalton, assis- Matthew Filipic, director of and killed his wife and her tant vice president of planning budgets and planning for the friend, and wounded one of his and budgeting. Ohio Board of Regents, said the two adopted daughters, before "The $1.9 million reduction is budget would mean more of the taking his own life Wednesday based on a formula model de- cost of education would be borne evening, city police said yester- vised by the Board of Regents," by the student. day. Dalton said. "It takes into ac- "The state picks up two-thirds Police Chief Galen Ash said count the number of students of the cost of education (at state James Reeder, 47, of 702 Wal- enrolled along with the mix of colleges) and the student pays lace Ave., shot his wife, Kay classes students are taking." one-third of the cost," Fuipic Reeder, 35, twice and her friend Dalton said since the instruc- said. "Now the student would Laurel Keller, 35, 611 Springhill tional subsidy has been reduced, have to pay for a larger share." Drive, three times with a .45- the board has arrived at a pro- He said he didn 't have any dollar caliber automatic pistol. The jected fee increase for students. amounts of any increased cost incident occurred at about 6:40 "This is a hypothetical model on the students' part, saying it p.m. in the living room of Reed- and it's unthinkable that fees would vary from campus to er's home at 702 Wallace Ave. would go up by 25 percent," he campus. According to police, Reeder said. Fuipic said universities' bud- then shot himself twice and shot THIS YEAR'S instructional Sets increase every year, and his daughter, Ginger, 15, in the subsidy amounts to approxi- le allotments for higher educa- hip as she came down the stairs mately $50.9 million, while the tion in the state budget don't after hearing the shots. projected cut would bring that accommodate these increases. Police said Reeder then went amount down to $48.9 million for "IF YOU have a 5 percent into the kitchen and shot himself 1987-88. campus budget increase, which in the head. "The University gets money is not uncommon given salary Dr. Roger Peatee, Wood from two main sources: state increases and inflation, this County coroner, ruled Kay subsidies and student fees. would translate into a 15 percent Reeder's and Keller's deaths Therefore, it projects a need for increase in student fees, Filipic each a homicide, and James fee increases," Dalton said. said. Reeder's death a suicide. All The board submitted a propo- He said boards of trustees are three were pronounced dead at sal to the governor's office for reluctant to make such in- the scene, Peatee said. funding for higher education creases, but at the same time Ginger Reeder was listed in that was substantially trimmed, the boards are committed to stable, but guarded, condition !>„ . ,. BG News/Rob Upton Dalton said. excellent education. "These two yesterday at Wood County Hos- Demonstrators protest contra aid The University is not alone in goals are in conflict. You will pital, a nursing supervisor said. A demonstrator, carrying a sign protesting government aid to the contras in Nicaragua, marches in front facing subsidy cuts, Dalton said. have an increase in student The other daughter, Marilyn, of Rep. Delbert Latta's office, located in the Federal Building on on South Main Street. See related Other state universities either fees," Filipic said. 18, who police said was coming story page 3. went up or down on the Board of Philip Mason, executive assis- downstairs with her sister when Regents' subsidy models, he tant to President Olscamp, said she was shot, was not injured. C See Budget, page 3. INVESTIGATORS from the police department, the county prosecutor's office and the Ohio Campus lights Bureau of Criminal Identifica- tion and Investigation were at Israel continues air raids the scene Wednesday night, and continued their investigation BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli jets attacked Amin Gemayel on Syrian affairs. yesterday. given priority a Palestinian camp near the southern port of Syria, the main power broker in Lebanon, has According to records in Wood Sidon yesterday, and Shiite Moslem militiamen 25,000 troops in east and north Lebanon. County Common Pleas Court, battled Palestinian guerrillas at refugee camps in The bombing raid near Sidon was the fifth Kay Reeder had filed for divorce But extra-funds request too late Beirut and in the south. Israeli air strike on Palestinian targets in Leb- Jan. 14, charging Reeder with In Damascus, officials haggled over how to get anon this year. extreme cruelty and gross ne- Editor's note: this is the second Do these people have a right to food into refugee camps thatnave been cut off for Shiite militiamen have surrounded the Beirut glect of duty. of a two-part series concerning a better lit and therefore safer three months. camps and the Rashidiyeh camp at Tyre in the Her address was given in lighting at the University. campus environment where Police said two people were killed and nine south throughout the battle, cutting them off from court records as 851 Napoleon they won't be afraid, or is the wounded in the Shiite attacks on Palestinian supplies of food and medicine to replenish dwin- Road, Apt. 45. by Beth Thomas campus sufficiently lit now? camps in Beirut and near Tyre in south Lebanon. dling stockpiles. For years the camps have main- The Seeders had been mar- staff reporter A dozen Israeli fighter-bombers bombed two tained stores of arms and food, often in ried for eight and a half years. These questions are the basis buildings used by the mainstream Fatah guerrilla underground bunkers and tunnels, to see them Marilyn and Ginger, whom Walking aloneat night is often of two requests that have been faction near the ancient southern port of Sidon, them through times of siege. Reeder adopted shortly after avoidable by made to the University for in- police reported. Fatah is led by Yasser Arafat, Fighting flared at the camps despite a cease- their marriage, were her daugh- calling the creased funding. chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organiza- fire arranged by Syria under which the Palestin- ters by a previous marriage. She campus Es- Keith Pogan, associate direc- tion. ians would withdraw from Amal territory they worked as a nurse at St. Luke's cort Service, tor of plant operations and main- Casualties from the Israeli bombing at dawn on captured when they broke out of camps near Sidon Hospital, Maumce. walking with tenance, has requested funds so the outskirts of the Mieh Mieh camp were given as in November. Syria supports Amal and anti-Ar- a friend or he can hire another electrician one civilian killed and three people wounded, afat Palestinian factions. i Police continue their inves- planning not to fix broken lights and replace including two guerrillas. tigation into the Jan. 6 murder of to go out. But burned-out bulbs. There is no known coordination between the IN RETURN, Amal was to lift its siege of the University junior Karen Sue what about He has asked for the money Israelis and the Shiite militia Amal, which is three refugee camps so food and medicine could Hirschman, 22, who was found the times because he has only one electri- attacking the Palestinians on the ground, but they get in. stabbed to death in the living when being cian working on lighting now, have the common aim of keeping the PLO from The truce agreement was reached Tuesday room of her apartment at 818 alone is un- and about 15 lights go out daily. regaining the Lebanese base it lost in Israel's 1982 after reports that the besieged camps were run- Second St. Ash said BCI is still avoidable? Karl Vogt A request has also been made invasion. ning out of food and inhabitants were eating dogs, conducting tests on the two van- The Escort Service is not al- for additional funding for the cats and rats.
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