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3-18-1949 The edC arville Herald, March 18, 1949 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, March 18, 1949" (1949). The Cedarville Herald. 2392. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2392

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- tfS " t —jssasr* * -rggsr CEDARVILItE’ S P E R Y E ^ R ______$1.50 PER COPY...... ______5 c OLDEST INSTITUTION lin e s* 3 t « w l Published in Interes-t of Cedaffiille and Surrounding Community

Volumn LXXHI Cedarville, Ohio, *JfBday,' "March 18,1949 N um ber 15

Pictured here is the recently Advertize for dedicated Grape Grove Church Pre School of Christ Bids on Greene . s Clinic to Be Memorial Hospital ] Held Monday Another step toward construe- ■( Preschool Conference fo r Ce­ tion of the .Gr^gne County Mem- \ darville will he held March 21, be­ orial hospital was taken-hy*build- » ginning at 9:00 a, in. in the aud­ ing commissioners Tuesday when . itorium of the school. Anyone they-advertised for bids t on the - who has a child or knows of a child who will'enter school this $1.214,000*:.project. * . Meeting' here Monday night, Fall is asked to please get the name to Mr. Boyer. the building board, of which My- , ron R. Fudge, near 'Jamestown, At present there is a list of is chairman set Tuesday, April forty-seven but it is felt this is 19, at 2 p. m. as th^ deadline for not complete and it is hoped that receiving sealed bids. ;• The pro­ any additional names will be sent posals, in duplicate" form, will in at once. be receeived at the county audi­ These conferences are &int tor’s office in, the court house -■■ projects of the community and until the final date. ' Health Department for the pur­ The board, will meet immedi­ pose of giving each prospective ately after the deadline to open first-grader a better start by the bids and consider the pro-, ^ having a physical examination posais. Representatives from the to determine what, if any, rem­ state health department will meet | ediable defects are present and with the board at that time. | getting them corrected before Drawings and specifications j- school starts. for the construction are avail- , In the absence of an organi­ able to interested contractors at -t zed P. T. A . group to do the Mg the public health, department's ^ job of volunteer services necess­ office in the court house base- ary, the Kensington Club ‘ lias PLENTY OF PROTECTION HERE FOR EXPELLED WRITER . . . Dr. Anna Louise Strong-, 64-year old ment. Copies of the specifics- '. sponsored the Conference and at writer on Soviet and Far Eastern affairs, had plenty of protection on her arrival in New York. She is tions and blueprints also may be jtimes enlisted the aid of the Mc- placed in Dayton and , , Kibben Bible Class. shown here surrounded by a small army of “New York's finest’' and a sprinkling of federal bureau of in­ building commissioners said. Ad­ Church Services Parents usually are given def­ vestigation men as she arrived at La Guardia airport. -A grand jury subpoena was handed her the moment ditional details on the building Easter Seal Ian Bound to she landed. It called for her appearance before the group investigating Communist espionage in the United plans may be obtained from Dan CHURCH OF GOD inite appointment times, but if States. ...■'gJ gS & B S m A . Carmichael, Columbus, archi- > Elwood C. Palmer, minister anyone is not reached remember tect in charge of the project. ' Campaign Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Grand Jury for you are cordially invited to r* ';w .—» Dates as to the beginning and * David Strohridge, Supt. bring your child to the school, March 21. ending of construction will be * Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Manslaughter determined at the time the bids Started Here Sermon topic, “The Little Foxes.” are opened, commissioners said. ; Children service 6:30 .• > C John Hunter, 51, Yellow Final federal approval of the . A campaign to- obtain funds to Evening service 7:45 Springs, R. R. 1, was fined and Gold Medal project was given this week. This finance work among crippled Wednesday evening 7:30 Un­ jailed for drunken driving and ion Lenten Service in the Pres­ means the government will pay children in this county was ordered held for grand jury in­ r >*.. up to $404,666.66 of the total esti- .' byterian Church. vestigation uner $2,000 bond on mated cost o f $1,214,000. Greene launched Thursday with the open­ Tourney Finals UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. . a second degree (involuntary) county voters, in November, 1947, ing of the Easter Seal sale by CHURCH manslaughter charge in munici­ approved a $950,000 bond issue * the Greene County Chapter of pal court Friday noon. V Sabbath School 10:00 a. m. To Be Monday to provide the county’s share. * the Ohio Society, for Crippled Pleading innocent to both affi­ Ralph A. Jamieson, minister Another meetng of the build- ** davits, filed as a result o f a traf­ The Gold Medal tournament at Children. Supt. Arthur B. Evans. y ing board is planned in Xenia • fic accident in Yellow Springs Cedarville colege moves into the The sale, being conducted en­ Preaching 11:00 a. m. Theme, Friday night when Dr. A. J. Bor- f last Saturday night in which semi-final round tonight (Friday) “ Keeping One’ Faith.” owsky, chief of the hospital facill tirely by mail, will continue Glenn L. Deaton, 66, Yellow while the finals will wind up the Y.P.C.U. 6:30 p. m. Subject, ities program in the state health through Easter Sunday. Letters, Springs business man, was injur­ event on Monday night. department, and members of his “Launching the Offensive.” This each containing 100 seals, were is the third topic under thq gen­ ed fatally, Hunter was found In the first round game played staff will confer with the group ' mailed this week to 12,000 Greene guilty on the driving while Monday and Tuesday nights the eral theme of “ Sharing My on developments of the project. drunk charge on the basis of ev­ scores were as follows: Gountians. Self-addressed envel­ Faith.” Leader, Mickey Carzoo. opes are enclosed in which they Union Lenten Service Wednes­ idence submitted to Judge D. M. Jameestown 33, Cedars 20; Yel­ can return their contributions to Aultman. day 7:30 p. m. in the First Pres­ low Springs Bantams 51,’ Burton Vest Places on ;< The jurist levied a fine of $250 seal sale headquarters in Xenia. byterian Church. Pure Oil 50; Bert’s Beer 70d New All Tourney Team . H. Paul McVay, of McVay’s and costs, sentenced him to six Burlington 35;" Dayton Teddies Store, 17 E. Main St., Xenia, is FIRST PRESBYTERIAN months in county jail and revok­ 62, Xenia Moose 26; Skaggs AG Paul (Abie) Vest, Cedarville ** 1949 seal sale chairman. Of the CHURCH ed his driving rights for five 54, Martinsville 44; Pat Daddy high school center, rated honor­ proceeds obtained from the cam­ years, not subject to reinstate­ All Stars 50, Pleasant Grange 26i able mention on the all-district - 10:00 a. m. Sabbath .School, paign, 75 per cent remains' in . ■ PaqL H. Elliott, "minister ment by the state insurance lia­ Harner Electric 52, Tau Kappa tournament basketball-team pick- „ Greene County to carry on work ■ bility clause; Beta 39; Ballingers 56, Jefferson ed by tourney officials, coaches, James' Steel, Supt. among crippled children and the 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Represented'by Marcus Shoup, Independents 29; Main Auto 66, and sports writers following the other 25 per cent goes to the state Xenia lawyer, the accused paint- Orient Hill Market 18; Wayne event at the Xenia fieldhccse the Sermon, “The Central Question , .... . „ „ .. -in '5Charaoteit”