
626Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1996;61:62-69

Central pain: clinical and physiological J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from characteristics

David Bowsher

Abstract spinothalamic pathway, its relays, or projec- Objectives-To study the clinical and tions may cause central pain,' and modern pathophysiological features of central radiological techniques have tended to con- pain due to damage to the CNS. firm this.9 '" Because of this, and of recent Methods-156 patients (mostly with considerations on pathophysiology,'5 '" the ischaemic , some with infarct after condition is now known as "central poststroke subarachnoid haemorrhage and other pain (CPSP)"'.'7 is not the only condi- cerebral conditions; one with bulbar and tion causing such central pains of cerebral ori- others with spinal pathology) with central gin.' lxII 2' Furthermore, identical pains occur pain have been investigated clinically and after some spinal lesions.- 22 varying numbers instrumentally with respect to quantitative somatosensory perception thresholds and autonomic Patients function. Between 1983 and 1993, 156 patients have Results-Pain onset was immediate in a been referred to me, in whom a diagnosis of minority; and from a week or two up to central pain due to a cerebral or spinal lesion six years in > 60%. For those with supra- has been made. Of these, 112 (64 (57)%'Y spinal ischaemic lesions, the median age male) had a history of a stroke episode (cere- of onset was 59; dominant and non- brovascular accident, CVA patients), includ- dominant sides were equally affected. ing four known to have had a cerebral embolus Two thirds of the patients had allodynia, and two known to have had an intracerebral including a previously undescribed move- haemorrhage; one had haemorrhage into a ment allodynia apparently triggered from tumour (lymphoma). Twelve (11%) of these group I afferents. Most patients exhibited patients were known to have mellitus, autonomic instability in that their pain and one had BehFet's syndrome. Nineteen was increased by physical and emotional patients (63% women) had infarcts after sub- stress and alleviated by relaxation; cuta- arachnoid haemorrhage (SAH patients); 15 of neous blood flow and sweating may also them had been treated by operation and four be affected. Pain occurred within a larger conservatively. Four patients (three women) area of differential sensory deficit. The had postoperative infarcts after http://jnnp.bmj.com/ critical deficit seems to be for thermal for tumour removal (two vestibular schwanno- and pinprick sensations, which were more mata, one tentorial meningioma, and one pronounced in areas of greatest than in cerebellar haemangioblastoma) and another areas of least pain; whereas low threshold three men had had brain trauma (one while mechanoceptive functions, if affected, did playing rugby football, one in a street fight, not vary between areas of greatest and and the other unattributed). One male patient

least pain. Skinfold pinch (tissue damage) had an enormous arteriovenous malformation on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. pain thresholds were only slightly affected involving the thalamus, which had bled on in supraspinal cases, but greatly some occasions. Four patients had multiple increased in patients with spinal lesions; sclerosis; three had syringo/bulbia/myelia; and thermal (heat) pain did not show this dis- three had spinal ischaemic conditions. Seven sociation. patients (of whom six are reported else- Conclusion-The pathogenetic hypothesis where24) had postcordotomy dysaesthesia; six which seems best to fit the findings is that had had percutaneous radiofrequency lesions there is up regulation or down regulation made at C2 for painful malignant ,21 of receptors for transmitters, possibly and the other had had open cordotomy at the mainly noradrenergic, over time. thoracic level for sciatica. Table 1 shows the mean age and the inter- (_ Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;61:62-69) val between stroke and pain onset and between stroke and presentation at the clinic Pain Research for the CVA and SAH patients. Institute, Walton Keywords: central pain; sensory thresholds; phys- Hospital, Liverpool, iopathological mechanisms L9 1AE, UK D Bowsher Methods Since the thalamic syndrome was described in Pain quality was assessed by direct interroga- Received 4 January 1996 1906,' cases with lesions in extrathalamic sites tion, by the McGill pain questionnaire,25 and and in final revised form 21 March 1996 have been described ; more recently it has by free description. Pain intensity was mea- Accepted 29 February 1996 been suggested that a lesion anywhere in the sured by the visual analogue scale. Central pain: clinical and physiological characteristics 63

Table 1 Demographic characteristics ofpatients J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from Postoperative CVA SAH infarct Trauma MS A VM Spinal Total No of patients 111 19 4 3 4 1 6 Immediate pain 41 (+7 N/K) 2 (+1 N/K) 1 3 - - - Later onset 63 16 3 - 4 9y 6 Age at stroke (y): n = 111 n= 19 Mean (SD) 59-2 (9-2) 46-1 (9 6) 95% CI 574-60-9 414-50-7 Median 59 45 38-5 58 30 57 Range 40-78 29-62 35-42 49-70 - 29-70 Stroke-pain interval (months): n = 63 n= 16 Mean (SD) 6-2 (10-0) 4-4 (2 8) 95% CI 3-7-8-7 2-9-5-9 Median 3 4 Range 0-08-72 0-25-12 Stroke-clinic interval (months): n=111 n=19 Mean (SD) 317-5 (36-7) 46-4 (53-4) 95% CI 30-6-44-4 206-72-1 Median 34 27 Range 1-176 2-204

Clinical examination included sensory test- to feel warmth, hot pain, or cold at these tem- ing for all somatic modalities and for the pres- peratures, values of 500 or 100 respectively ence or absence of allodynia-and its type if were arbitrarily assigned. All comparisons present. were made by the the non-parametric Mann- In addition, quantitative sensory perception Whitney method. All measurements were threshold testing was carried out at or soon made at four sites: the area of greatest pain after first presentation in 61 of the CVA (max) and its contralateral mirror image; and patients, eight of the SAH patients (the find- the area of least pain (min) and its contralat- ings in seven of whom were reported previ- eral mirror image. ously26), three postoperative, and two Skin temperature was measured with an syringomyelic patients. Perception thresholds electronic skin thermometer in 42 cases; were established by the method of limits, in all absolute values were obtained and so compar- cases using an average of three readings as the isons were made with paired or unpaired t value, for the following modalities: touch (von tests. In 48 other cases, skin blood flow was Frey filaments); results were expressed on a assessed by means of liquid crystal contact logarithmic scale up to 6-65. Patients who thermography. could not feel this filament were arbitrarily awarded a score of 7-0; pinprick sensation was assessed with weighted needles,27 and results Results were expressed in g. Patients who could not CLINICAL FINDINGS

feel sharpness with the heaviest pin (5-2 g) Table 2 shows the extent of the painful area. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ were arbitrarily awarded a score of 6-0. In almost all cases, there were regions where Skinfold pinch pain was estimated by the use the pain was felt to be "worse" or more intense of forceps coupled to a strain gauge, and the than in other areas. These are referred to as results were expressed in kg. Two point dis- areas of maximum pain (max) and areas of crimination was measured with Weber's com- minimum pain (min). These differences per- passes; unobtainable measurements were sisted despite overall fluctuations in intensity expressed as 5 cm on the hand and 10 cm else- (see below), but sometimes varied over time, where, as actual numbers are required to per- often apparently as a result of treatment. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. form statistical operations. Warmth, coolness, Such broad categories, although necessary, and hot pain were tested with a reversible ther- fail to take account of regions within regions. mode.28 Results were expressed in °C up to Thus two patients with facial pain had only 500 and down to 100. If patients were unable one trigeminal area affected; whereas many with pain in the limbs had either the proximal limb areas or the extremities maximally affected. One man had abdominal pain Table 2 Distribution ofpain together with girdle pain in the T8 der- CVA (n = 111) SAH (n 19) MS Spinal matome; one woman had only the left side of Face +hemibody 23 (21) 4 1 her vulva and vagina involved. It was not Hemibody below face 19 (17) 2 - uncommon, particularly in patients with the Face only 8 (7) 0 - Face + limbs 9 (8) 0 - - cheiro-oral syndrome or crossed () Limbs 25 (22 5) 5 - 3 stroke, to find pain in one site and painless Face + upper limb 3 (2-7) 2 - - Trunk + upper limb 0 1 - sensory change in the other. Upper limb 10 (9) 4 1 2 None of the patients with postoperative Face+lower limb 1 (0 9) 1 - - Lower limb 10 (9) 0 2 1 infarcts or head injury showed any striking dif- Other: ferences on clinical or laboratory testing from Face + both legs 1 - T6 + abdominal viscera 1 patients who had had spontaneous infarcts. Genitals + both feet 1 Table 3 shows the non-sensory clinical fea- Perineum 1 tures of the patients. In the great majority the Values are numbers of patients (%). motor deficit was relatively mild and the 64 Bowsher

Table 3 Non-sensory features ofpatients J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from Postoperative CVA SAH infarct Traunma MS Spinal Total No of patients 111 19 4 3 4 6 Male 63 (57) 11 (58) 1 3 0 - Dominant side affected 57 (54) 9 (47) Crossed stroke 11 (10) 1 6 (5) Dysphasia 8 (7) 3 (16) Hemimonoplegia 9 (8) 14 (74) Hemimonoparesis 32 (29) 3 (16) Extrapyramidal signs 8 (7) 2 Hyperhidrosis 7 (6) _ Jacksonian fits 6 (5) 4 (21) three painful all postoperative; one with painful area Values are numbers of patients (%).

Table 4 Spontaneous pain descrzption Postoperative CVA SAH infarct Traumna MS Spinal Total No of patients 108 19 4 3 4 6 Burning or scalding 51 (47%) 8 (42%) 3 (75%) 3 (100%X) 4 (100%) 5 (83%) Aching or throbbing 37 (34 5%) 7 (39%) 1 (25%) - - 1 (17%o) Shooting or stabbing 8 (7 4%) 2 (11%) -- Painful pins and needles 6 (5 6%) 2 (11%) Values are numbers of patients (%).

patients were ambulant; the six aphasic bright lights (thrice), loud noises (twice), patients were among the eight who had pro- physical pressure (twice), and micturition found monoplegia or hemiplegia. At presenta- once (by the patient with perineal pain). tion in the clinic, 11 of 111 CVA patients Identifiable exacerbating and alleviating fac- (10%) had had what seemed to be pure sen- tors were independent of the apparently spon- sory strokes. taneous fluctuations in pain severity reported Table 4 shows the subjective quality of the by most (but not all) patients. pain as described at interview. McGill ques- Jacksonian fits were experienced by six CVA tionnaires yielded broadly similar results. patients and one postoperative patient at the Table 5 shows exacerbating factors for CVA time they were being treated for CPSP. In five and SAH patients. They were volunteered by of these patients, the fits began in the area of some patients, and from others they were maximum pain and were preceded by a elicited by means of a checklist. Two or more of painful aura in that region in four patients. these factors were mentioned by some Fits had been prevented or were controlled in patients. Other exacerbating factors men- all patients with SAH, and other postoperative

tioned, alone or in combination, included and post-traumatic patients by the time they http://jnnp.bmj.com/ came under my care. Table 5 Exacerbating factors in CPSP after CVA and Table 6 illustrates allodynia, defined as the SAH provocation of pain by a brief and normally innocuous stimulus. was recorded CVA (n = 100) SAH (n = Allodynia in 15) 66 out of 92 (72%) patients with CPSP after None 9 0 CVA, and in 1 1 out of 14 with All stress 46 (46) 8 (53) (79%) patients All cold 48 (48) 10 (67) CPSP after SAH (table 6); and in both All warm 8 (9) 0 with and three of the on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. All orgasm 9 (10) 1 patients syringomyelia Exercise/fatigue 1 1 four patients with spinal ischaemic lesions. Stress + cold 28 (28) 4 (17) Three of were found: cuta- Stress + cold + warm 2 (3) 0 types allodynia Stress + orgasm 2 (3) 0 neous, caused by a low intensity stimulus mov- Cold + orgasm 2 (3) 0 across the in CVA Stress + cold + orgasm 2 (3) 0 ing skin; although eight patients the required provoking stimulus was Values are number of patients (%); "All" refers to all patients more intense and with this feature, with or without others. slightly prolonged, and could best be described as rubbing. In no case was pain provoked by maintained pressure; Table 6 Types ofallodynia in central pain due to various supraspinal causes indeed this was often thought to have an allevi- Postoperative ating effect. Thermal allodynia was caused by CVA n (%o) SAH n (%/) Trauma infarct A VM contact of a cold object (in two cases only, a (n = 92) (n = 14) (n =1) (n = = 3) (n l) warm stimulus) with the skin. The third type, No allodynia 26 (28) 3 (21) -- movement allodynia, does not seem to have All tactile 48 (52) 9 (64) 1 1 All movement 20 (22) 2 (14) been described previously; it was seen in 22% All thermal* 18 (19 5) 2 (14) 1 1 of CVA and 14% of SAH patients, and was Tactile + thermal 8 (9) 1 (7) - 1 Tactile + movement 11 (12) 1 (7) brought about by isotonic or isometric muscle Thermal + movement 1 (1) - __ contraction; some patients felt virtually no "All" refers to all patients with this feature, with or without others. pain if they kept quite still. About a quarter of *In two patients with CVA, warmth and cold; in two others, warmth only; but in all patients the patients with allodynia had more than one with SAH, traumatic and postoperative cases, and 14 other patients with CVA, cold. In 10 patients with CVA and four with SAH, the presence or absence of allodynia was not type. One CVA patient judged to have no true known due to a/dysphasia or inability of patient to respond reliably. allodynia was startled by all stimuli. Central pain: clinical and physiological characteristics 65

Table 7 Sensory deficit on clinical examination in patients with infarcts after stroke or much larger area), had digitally removed the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from SAH ala nasae on the affected side, such that there Postoperative was a gap about the shape and size of a little CVA SAH Trauma infarct Spinal fingernail in the side of his nose. This was the Total no of patients 92 13 3 4 6 only instance of self mutilation ("autotomy") None* 1 0 1 - - Tactile only 0 2 - found. Pinprick only 6 1 1 The results of quantitative sensory thresh- Thermal only 9 0 - - - old perception tests in all patients with All three 36 1 - 1 6 Tactile + pinprick 8 1 - - - supraspinal lesions turned out to be remark- Thermal + pinprick 28 4 - 3 ably similar, so the results have been pooled in Tactile + thermal 4 4 1 - - All with tactile deficit 48 8 1 1 6 table 8, which shows the differences between All with thermal deficit 74 9 2 4 6 All with pinprick deficit 78 7 - 4 6 median values for area of maximum and mini- Skinfold pinch deficit -- - - 6 mum pain in comparison with their contralat- All with thermal and pinprick deficit 68 5 0 4 6 eral mirror image areas; and also a direct All with thermal and/or comparison between values in areas of maxi- pinprick deficit 91 11 3 0 0 mum and minimum pain. The significance of Instrumental examination never failed to disclose a sensory deficit (table 8). differences has been calculated by the Mann- Whitney test. In fact, tactile perception threshold was equal on the two sides in 10 CVA and two Sensory impairment was clinically deter- SAH patients and one postoperative patient, mined in most patients; in a few, instrumental and was unaffected in all patients with spinal measurement alone was used. Table 7 shows lesions; values on the unaffected side were the results. higher than on the affected side in four CVA Only one CVA patient and none of the patients; two point discrimination was equal SAH patients failed to exhibit a clinically evi- on the two sides in four CVA patients and one dent impairment of one or both small fibre postoperative patient; pinprick threshold was modalities. the same on both sides in two CVA patients, There were four noteworthy features about and higher on the unaffected side in four CVA these somatosensory impairments: patients and one SAH patient; pinch threshold (1) The area of sensory impairment was was also equal in three CVA patients, one always more extensive than the painful area- patient with SAH, and one postoperative for example, a patient with a right hemibody patient, but apparently higher on the unaf- sensory deficit complained of pain only in the fected side in eight CVA patients; warm cheek. However, the discordance was usually threshold was the same on both sides in two less dramatic than this. CVA patients and higher on the unaffected (2) The degree of impairment was greatest side in another six; cold threshold was the in the region of greatest pain. same on both sides in two CVA patients and (3) There were evident quantitative differ- lower on the unaffected side in another four; ences between modalities: tactile impairment hot pain threshold was equal on both sides in

was almost always slight, whereas thermal and two CVA patients and higher on the unaf- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ pinprick deficits were much more severe. fected side in five CVA patients and one SAH Many patients showed only a small area of tac- patient; whereas skin temperature was the tile deficit, whereas the areas of pinprick and same on both sides in four CVA patients and thermal impairment were much bigger; and lower on the unaffected side in another eight the latter were often, though not always, coex- CVA patients, one SAH patient, and two post- tensive. operative patients. (4) Whereas change (if any) in large fibre Instrumentally measured thresholds for tac- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. sensations was the same in areas of maximal tile and temperature perceptions were com- and minimal pain, changes in sharpness (pin- pared in five patients with crossed sensory prick) and thermal sensations were less in change (assumed to have lower brainstem areas of minimal than of maximal pain. lesions) and the other CVA and SAH patients One patient, with pain in the cheek and side (assumed to have supratentorial lesions). of the nose (but with sensory change over a There were no discernible differences between

Table 8 Supraspinal central pain: Differences between medians of max and mirror max, min and mirror min, and between max and min Max-mirror max (n) Min-mirror min (n) Max-min P value Touch (von Frey) 1 13 log units*** [40%] (75) 0-71 log units*** [25%] (69) 0-32 log units 0-09 NS Vibration 1 Oum NS [133%] (26) 0-69um NS [56%] (22) 0-31,um 0-4 NS Two point discrimination 3-8cm*** [190%] (26) 2-75cm** [55%] (24) 0 0-36 NS Skinfold pinch 2-lkg** [26%] (46) 2.5kg** [37%] (41) -0-4kg 0-2 NS Pinprick 2-Og*** [125%] (50) 0-95g*** [59%] (48) 1-05g 0-02* Warm 6-2°C*** [17%] (75) 4-1°C*** [11%] (69) 2-1°C 0-02* Cold -6 0°C*** [-21%] (73) -3 4°C** [-12%] (68) -2-60C 0.03* Hot pain 3-1°C*** [7%] (75) 1-8°C** [2%] (69) 1-30C 0-06 NS Skin temperature -0 2°C* [0 6%] (42) 0°C* [0%] (37) - 07°C 0-4 NS Figures in square brackets are % changes with respect to mirror (= control) values. *P < 0 05; **P < 0-009, ***P < 0 0009. In no case was there a significant difference between mirror max and mirror min. Set out in this way, it is easier to see that although all modalities are affected, only pinprick, warm, and cold deficits are quantitatively related to pain intensity; hot pain just fails to reach significance. 66 Bowsher

the two groups to tactile or cold stimulation, pathology in the present series rises to 17%, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from but there were significant differences for warm and further addition of the three post- and hot pain thresholds. traumatic cases takes the figure to 19%. Thresholds were measured in two patients Pain onset is only immediate in a minority with syringomyelia. Both had raised thresholds of patients 37% in the present series for for touch and two point discrimination; skin- CVA patients, only two out of 18 SAH fold pinch thresholds were unobtainable in patients, but immediate in the three post- both patients in the most painful hand; ther- traumatic patients (table 1); it was late in at mal thresholds were unobtainable in one least three of the four cases of spinal infarct, patient and significantly raised in the other. and postdated the onset of other symptoms in Autonomic function was assessed in 42 syringomyelia/bulbia and . instances by measurement of skin tempera- Garcin" comments on the late onset in CVA, ture, and in 48 others the relative temperature which Leijon et al3' and Boivie and Leijon34 15 of the skin on the two sides was measured by found to occur within the first month in more liquid crystal contact thermography. Skin tem- than half of their 27 cases; three out of 11 perature measurement in areas of maximal but patients in the Danish series32 developed pain not of minimal pain, compared with their mir- within a month. It is interesting to note that ror image areas on the unaffected side, showed the median interval is very similar to that pre- the affected area to be significantly cooler ceding the onset of postcordotomy dysaesthe- (P = 0 05; table 8). Thermographic assess- sia. A possible explanation for late pain onset ment of skin temperature, carried out in the is discussed below. With a median onset time clinic, showed cutaneous vasoconstriction in in well over half of all the present CVA the affected area in more than two thirds of the patients of three or four months, it means that patients in whom it was performed. most patients will have returned to the com- Sweat production at rest was measured by munity, often under the supervision of a pri- evaporimetry in the maximally affected area mary care physician, before the pain declares and its mirror image in 13 CVA patients and itself. It is of very great interest that a substan- in the minimally affected area and its mirror tial number of patients reported that their pain image in 10. In the maximally affected area, began as motor recovery took place. sweat production was higher than in the mir- The commonest description of the pain is as ror image area in eight out of 13 patients, and paradoxical burning-that is, like the burning lower in five, whereas in the minimally sensation induced by immersion of the hand in affected area, it was higher in eight out of 10 iced water (47% spontaneously, 73% using instances and lower in only two. the McGill questionnaire; 59% in the series of Leijon et all3). Such a description is indistin- guishable from that given by patients with Discussion other types of neurogenic pain of central It is not known exactly how many stroke (syringomyelia, some cases of multiple sclero- patients have central pain, but the figure has sis, postcordotomy dysaesthesia) or suppos- been put at 1 5-2 0% of all strokes,29 although edly peripheral (reflex sympathetic dystrophy,

Andersen et al3t estimate it as being as high as postherpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic neu- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ 8%. ropathy) origin. However, the words "cold" or What is immediately striking about the "freezing" are not often marked in the McGill group of stroke patients reported here is the pain questionnaire by patients with types of relatively young median age (57) at which they pain other than CPSP, perhaps because larger had their strokes (table 1), in comparison with areas of the body are usually involved in the whole stroke population, whose median CPSP. Paradoxical burning has been age is 75; 69% of our patients, but only 25% reported36 after blockade of cold specific of all stroke patients, are under 65. Leijon et myelinated fibres in the periphery, and may on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. all3 reported 27 CVA patients with a mean age further be explained by the recently described of 62, whereas the median age of the 11 central disinhibition caused by Thunberg's prospectively identified CVA patients of grill of interlaced warm and cold bars.'7 The Vestergaard et al32 was 74. Although it is just principally aching type of pain is also occa- possible that older stroke patients who develop sionally seen in postherpetic neuralgia (espe- CPSP are not referred, it seems unlikely; in cially when the original shingles has been which case there is a genuine and significant treated with acyclovir38), but is more frequent age difference from the general stroke popula- in CPSP. Unlike urent pain, it does not distin- tion. guish neurogenic from nociceptive pain. It is of interest that the ischaemic lesion in The distribution of pain is somewhat hap- some 15% of patients with CPSP followed hazard (table 2), particularly when the area of SAH. This was not just due to postoperative greatest pain is considered, and no clear pat- infarction, such as occurred in four other neu- tern emerges. Maximal (or even only) pain is rosurgical patients reported here, because in as likely to occur in the proximal parts of limbs four out of 19 SAH patients (21%) ischaemia or on the trunk as in the extremities. In some was consequent on non-surgical treatment; cases the area of pain is so small that when it is and a case has recently been reported in a on the face, a differential diagnosis from patient with an unruptured .33 If the trigeminal neuralgia has to be considered- four cases of postoperative infarct in the pre- this happened in two cases in the present sent report are added, the proportion of series, and has been reported previously."' It is patients with CPSP with non-stroke cerebral an astonishing coincidence that all 11 cases Central painl: clinlical and physiological characteristics 67

recently reported by Vestergaard et al32 had ralgia, in whom it was often the cardinal symp- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from pain in the thenar eminence. Leijon et al" tom.48 However, some of the present patients found hemibody pain, with or without facial with allodynia in the hand always wore a glove, involvement, in 74% of their 27 patients, and several of our patients reported allodynia whereas only 38% of the present CVA series caused by taking a shower or being rained on. have such widespread distribution. Cheiro- In CPSP, allodynia was often obtained from oral distribution is emphasised by Garcin 2 only a small area within the whole painful area and might be expected in true "thalamic syn- (which itself was smaller than the whole area drome" as so many neurons in the human ven- of sensory change). Tactile allodynia was the troposterior thalamic nucleus have receptive commonest form, occurring in half the allo- fields in the hand and mouth regions.4 What dynic cases, and could sometimes be obtained should be stressed, as has recently been men- from outside the painful area. As in posther- tioned by Vestergaard et al,3' is that the pain, petic neuralgia,"' it was triggered only by mov- whatever its location, always occurs within a ing stimuli that is, from rapidly adapting low larger area of sensory change. threshold mechanoreceptors. Also as in pos- The right-left distribution was virtually therpetic neuralgia, firm contact (pressure)- equal in our CVA patients (table 3) (54% that is, stimulation of slowly adapting low affected on the dominant side), and in the 11 threshold mechanoreceptors often relieved Danish cases,3'2 whereas it was 33%-67% in pain, and even when it did not, never caused the 27 patients of Leijon et al3' and there was a allodynia. Head and Holmes2 make the point much higher non-dominant side in the 87 that the degree of allodynia is unrelated to the patients of Kameyama."11 degree of sensory deficit; their statement is Ten per cent of the present CVA patients borne out by the present findings. presented crossed sensory symptoms (table 3), An exception must also be made for some without necessarily having pain in the face; cases of movement allodynia (experienced by their symptoms were therefore attributed to one third of patients with CPSP and allody- lower brainstem infarct (Wallenberg's syn- nia): several patients felt no pain at all if they drome). Garcin62' and Riddoch42 point out kept still, but the slightest movement induced that upper brainstem strokes do not necessarily great pain. Other patients with movement give rise to crossed symptoms, as reported ear- allodynia experienced background pain which lier64344; a painless case with MRI confirma- was exacerbated by movement. Movement tion has recently been noted.4' allodynia has not been previously described, The relative mildness of the motor deficit in although Garcin6 mentions exacerbation of most cases (table 3) is also noteworthy, and pain by movement. In my experience it is has been commented on by previous authors, extremely rare except in CPSP. As it occurs on beginning with Dejerine and Roussyl them- isometric as well as isotonic muscle contrac- selves. Ten per cent of the CVA patients in the tion, it may be assumed to be triggered from present series could be classified as pure sen- primary afferents arising in muscle spindles or sory stroke, and only 8% of CVA patients with tendons. and 17% of patients after SAH were hemi- Exacerbation of pain by factors including plegic or monoplegic, and or 13% aphasic dys- stress and environmental cold (table 3), as well http://jnnp.bmj.com/ phasic (7% for the patients reported by Leijon as by noise ("music"42), was reported by early et al3). Apart from main thalamique (said to authors, most of whom emphasise the primacy be present in 25% of thalamic cases86), of "emotion" or "anxiety" (called "stress" in extrapyramidal signs were seen in only 6-5% of table 5). This affected nearly half of the our patients, and 4% of the 27 reported by patients reported here, but only one fifth of the Leijon et al," despite the fact that extrapyrami- Swedish patients,3' although, like the present dal signs were signalled as a criterion in the series, about half of them were affected by original publication of Dejerine and Roussy.' environmental cold. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. However, Davison and Schick3 could find only Autonomic disturbance in central pain syn- five cases with extrapyramidal signs in the by dromes was remarked on by Garcin,2 who then extensive medical literature. specifically noted "modifications of tempera- Seven patients (including one with a post- ture" such as reported here with respect to operative infarct) in the present series had skin temperature. Autonomic instability is evi- Jacksonian fits, five with a painful aura. This denced by the ability to fall asleep easily, has been commented on by Head and meaning that the pain is less when the subject is Holmes2 and Riddoch,'42 and was reported in relaxed, and exacerbation by some of the fac- three of the 12 patients with pain after a corti- tors mentioned above, particularly environ- cal infarct described by Michel et al.5 mental (cold) and emotional stress. However, Allodynia was experienced by two thirds of 11 of our patients volunteered the fact that the patients with CPSP (table 6). This is to be orgasm, representing an enormous autonomic compared with > 90% of patients with pos- discharge, greatly increased their pain; this has therpetic neuralgia (see below). Except for the not been previously reported. It is true, of case of a woman with CPSP who experienced course, as mentioned by Boivie and Leijon," extreme agony when any part of the affected that many autonomic changes, particularly hemibody was touched howbeitsoever lightly cutaneous vasoconstriction, occur in painfree (as in the patient in whom it was provoked by a stroke patients; taking our patients as a whole, fly walking on the face"), allodynia tended to the area of greatest pain showed a just signifi- trouble patients with central pain somewhat cant lowering of resting skin temperature. less than it did patients with postherpetic neu- Contact thermography, when performed, usu- 68 Bowsher

ally showed areas of greatest pain to be colder that paradoxical burning sensation follows J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.61.1.62 on 1 July 1996. Downloaded from than areas of least pain; many of the patients blockade of cold specific myelinated fibres in spontaneously mentioned that they felt partic- the periphery. ularly cold in the area of greatest pain when As reported elsewhere,55 there is a striking the pain was bad; unfortunately it never difference between supraspinal and spinal proved possible to measure skin temperature lesions with respect to skinfold pinch in periods of mild and severe pain in the same (mechanonociceptive) thresholds. It is far patient. It has been noted5" that the cutaneous more severely affected in spinal than in vasoconstriction can be reversed by low dose supraspinal lesions; and this of course has calcium channel blockers, without affecting implications for the anatomy of the "pain the pain. pathway" .5 Hyperhidrosis has also been reported in In this respect, interpretation of even the 85% of painfree stroke patients"' although recent medical literature is often bedevilled by these authors correlate it with upper motor the fact that many authors refer to an un- neuron deficit, which was not necessarily the specified stimulus described as "pain", without case in our patients. stating by what means it is produced; regret- From a pathophysiological point of view, tably, it transpires that "pinprick" is often, the most interesting feature concerns the though confusingly not necessarily, what is nature of the sensory deficit (table 6). One half meant. of the patients have a tactile deficit in addition Starting with Dejerine and Roussy' them- to other forms of sensory loss, but only a selves, and reiterated by Garcin, many minute proportion (on clinical testing only) authors have remarked on the lack of response have an isolated tactile deficit, although this is of central pain to (conventional) analgesics. common in stroke patients without pain.9 This is hardly surprising, as there is obviously Almost all (97%) patients with central pain no stimulation of peripheral nociceptors, and have a deficit of pinprick and/ or thermal sen- lesions of central pathways conducting sations, as noted by Schmahmann and impulses generated in them (for example, Leifer52; and the latter seems to affect warm anterolateral cordotomy) are ineffective in and cold sensations to a far greater extent than alleviating central neurogenic pain; it is their hot pain, as also found by Vestergaard et al.52 action on synapses in these classic "pain path- Because there is no peripheral involvement in ways" whereby opioids relieve pain from tissue stroke, the sensory deficit must be ascribed to a damage. It is an astounding fact that large disturbance of central processing of informa- numbers of well informed authors who quote tion arriving from A3 and C primary afferents, (a) many references attesting that those (wide perhaps particularly the former, which are dynamic range, convergent) neurons in the chiefly responsible for cold and pinprick sensa- spinal grey matter which respond to noxious tions. stimulation project exclusively into the antero- Table 8 shows that the deficit for pinprick, lateral funiculus (see Willis56), and (b) further warm, and cold sensations, but not hot pain, is references showing that anterolateral cordo- greater in areas of greatest pain than in areas tomy and mesencephalic tractotomy as well as of less pain, whereas there is no significant dif- opioids are usually ineffective in the relief of ference in deficit between greatest and least neurogenic pain, nevertheless attempt to http://jnnp.bmj.com/ pain areas for tactile, vibratory (the latter per- explain central pain in terms of discharge from haps because of methodological difficulties), just these wide dynamic range or convergent two point discrimination, skinfold pinch, and neurons. hot pain sensations. In 16 cases of The hypothesis has been put forward else- injury, Eide et a15 have found that the quanti- where55 that the development of pain (or not) tative increase in warm and cold thresholds after lesions in the classic (neo)spinothalmic

was greater in painful than in adjacent non- pathway and its projections8 may depend on on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. painful areas with sensory deficit; but that in the up regulation or down regulation of the case of hot pain, the difference was consid- (probably noradrenergic) transmitter recep- erably less; whereas tactile (von Frey) sensibil- tors; the initial level of such receptors could ity loss was greater in non-painful than in also explain the time course of pain develop- painful areas. ment. It seems, therefore, that the intensity of Whatever may be the true pathophysiology ongoing pain in these patients is proportional of central pain, it has been found that some to the degree of deficit for pinprick and ther- two thirds of patients can be relieved by treat- mal (perhaps particularly cold) sensations, but ment with adrenergically active antidepres- is uninfluenced by the degree, or even the sants.50 (Hence the suggestion that nor- presence or absence, of deficit for low thresh- adrenergic receptors may be implicated.) old mechanical submodalities, and perhaps These drugs are more effective the sooner they also skinfold pinch (tissue damage pain). are prescribed after pain onset. In some cases Asbury54 noted that deficits for cold and pin- in which antidepressants alone are not effec- prick sensations are essential in the case of tive, relief may be gained by the addition of painful peripheral neuropathies. The critical oral mexiletine.5" To obtain maximal effect disorder in central pain also seems to lie in the from adrenergically active antidepressants, it is central processing of information coming from important not to lose time by "trying" the Ad (cold and pinprick) rather than AP or C effect of classic analgesics, which are virtually peripheral afferents; this adds further rele- devoid of action in central and other neuro- vance to the finding of Yarnitsky and Ochoa56 genic pains.57 Central pain: clinical and physiological characteristics 69

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