#3 Montana and Regional Publications – Tribal and Other (Compiled by Dorothea M. Susag
[email protected] ) This list does not include many current tribal publications. Please access any tribe’s website for contact information. The Montana Office of Public Instruction offers online resources, and resources sent to schools in Montana: http://www.opi.mt.gov/Programs/IndianEd/IEFAResources.html#gpm1_2 Allen, Minerva (Assiniboine). Basal Bilingual Readers. Hays, MT: Hays/Lodge Pole Schools, 1988. Illustrated in black and white by Hank Chopwood, Frank Cuts the Rope, and Mike Brokie. Essential Understandings #1, #2, #3, #6 Grades K and up Summaries: Allen welcomes both Native and non-Native teachers and students to use these little books. Most represent traditional stories told by elders, but some are based on historical events. Although they are Basal Readers for teaching the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre languages at the Primary level, even Secondary students can appreciate the themes, conflicts, and traditions which they portray. When a Native first-grade teacher on the Ft. Peck Reservation used these books, she read the story in Assiniboine and then explained to her Sioux students that this language represents the Nakota dialect of the language their people speak. The students enjoyed hearing and reading the stories themselves, and then they participated in discussion and drawing activities developed from the suggested themes. -----. “Bandit the Racoon.” (Assiniboine) This story may be used at all levels to teach about the problems individuals experience when they live in one culture and misunderstand the rules of the alien culture. It also may be used to teach about the way individuals are judged by their appearance.