Bulletin D'information Et De Liaison 48 (2014)

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Bulletin D'information Et De Liaison 48 (2014) ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE D’ÉTUDES PATRISTIQUES International Association of Patristic Studies Bulletin d’information et de liaison 48 (2014) Table des matières VIE DE L’ASSOCIATION 5 De la part du Président. • De la part du Secrétaire. • Cotisation et Adhésion. • Statuts de l’AIEP / IAPS (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Règlement intérieur de l’AIEP / IAPS (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Liste des membres du Conseil élus en 2011. • Liste des correspondants nationaux et des membres du Comité exécutif. • Liste des nouveaux membres. • Liste des membres, anciens membres et collègues décédés. • Membres par pays. BULLETIN BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE : Travaux récemment parus ou en préparation 33 A. Bibliographie et histoire de la recherche 36 B. Ouvrages généraux I - Histoire du christianisme ancien 39 0. Christianisme et société dans l’antiquité tardive 44 1. Histoire des communautés, des institutions, des périodes, des régions 53 2. Histoire des doctrines (théologie) 68 3. Liturgie et hymnographie 71 4. Culture antique et culture chrétienne 79 5. Hagiographie et histoire de la spiritualité 89 6. Art et archéologie 93 7. Épigraphie 94 8. Codicologie (manuscrits, catalogues, microfilms, paléographie) 96 9. Papyrologie 96 10. Prosopographie II - Langues et littérature chrétiennes 97 1. Histoire des langues et des littératures classiques et orientales 97 2. Genres littéraires 101 3. Vocabulaire et stylistique 102 4. Thèmes littéraires 104 5. Patristique et Moyen Âge 108 6. Patristique et humanisme, Renaissance et Réforme, Temps modernes 111 7. Actualité des Pères III - La Bible et les Pères 114 0. Ouvrages généraux 116 1. Christianisme et judaïsme 118 2. Ancien Testament 123 3. Nouveau Testament 128 4. Apocryphes, pseudépigraphes 131 5. Gnose, manichéisme, etc. IV - Auteurs et textes 135 (ordre alphabétique des noms et des titres latins) 3 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION CRITERES EDITORIAUX POUR LE BULLETIN / EDITORIAL GUIDELINES FOR THE BULLETIN 216 NOUVELLES ET COMMUNICATIONS 218 A. Congrès, Colloques 220 B. Mélanges 225 C. Initiatives diverses 225 D. Instrumenta studiorum (programmes de collection) 230 E. Nouvelles de Grèce 233 F. Dissertations en cours SUPPLÉMENT : ANNUAIRE 2013 - ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 236 Nouvelles adresses et nouveaux champs de recherche 242 Nouveaux membres * * * 4 VIE DE L ’A SSOCIATION De la part du Président / From the President Dear colleagues, It is a pleasure, once again, to greet you from the pages of the Bulletin of the Association. As in the past, this year’s volume attests to the ongoing vitality of the Association. We again owe a great thanks to our National Correspondents for gathering the information recorded in this volume; to our Secretary, Professor Rizzi, and his assistant, Dr Bernardini, for compiling and editing the volume; and to Brepols for publishing it and defraying the cost of publication. We owe a further thanks to Brepols for agreeing to publish the proceedings of the conference to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Association. In February 2014, Carol Harrison, Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, and I enjoyed two weeks of hospitality at the offices of Corpus Christianorum in Turnhout, Brepols, where we began the work of editing the papers to be included in the proceedings. We are grateful to the Director of Brepols, and particularly to our editor, Dr. Paolo Sartori, for a very congenial and productive period. We hope that the proceedings will be published in time for the Oxford patristic conference in 2015, where we plan to hold a small reception to mark the founding of the Association in 1965. In the past year I have travelled to several regions where the Association has members: Georgia, Belgium, Israel, Chile, and Argentina. (I had hoped to be able to attend the 2014 meeting of the Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society, but was prevented by my teaching duties.) I am deeply appreciative of the warmth with which I have been received. The meetings have impressed upon me the diversity and vigour of scholarship in our field. I wish to thank the University of Ottawa for grants enabling me to travel to several of these conferences and meetings. Finally, on behalf of the Executive Committee I must thank our Chilean Vice-President and the Faculty of Theology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile for hosting the meeting of the Executive Committee in Santiago in August 2014. The colloquium which Professor Velásquez kindly organized afforded us an occasion to speak with many Chilean colleagues, as well as some Argentinian ones. We are also grateful to the University of Ottawa, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and Durham University for covering costs of travel to this meeting. I hope that many of us will be able to meet one another in Oxford next year and enjoy such rare opportunities for conversation and friendship. Theodore de Bruyn 5 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION De la part du Secrétaire / From the Secretary Dear colleagues, This year, again, our Association has grown in number: 37 new members, coming from different geographical and cultural areas, from the more traditional ones, like Western Europe and North America, to those where patristic studies have been more recently established or developed, like Eastern Europe or Latin America, without forgetting Australia (see the list on page 26 and their addresses and research fields at the end of this issue of the Bulletin, along with changes in other members’ information). New memberships in Brazil and Mexico are particularly worthy of note: according to our Statutes (article 5) and Rules of Procedure (article 1.b), during its last meeting held in Santiago (Chile) on August 5th, 2014, the Executive Committee has determined that every country or regional area has the right to elect one member to the Council if it counts five to ten members; two, if eleven to twenty; and so on, until a maximum of five representatives for the largest ones. So, Brazil and the Central American Area have reached the minimum required, and a new National Correspondent has been appointed for the former (see page 24 for a complete list of National Correspondents). On pages 28-32 you can find the memberships by country as of August 2014. However, since the payment of dues is still in course, this list does not represent the final situation according to which the composition of the Council will be determined. By the end of December 2014, the Secretary and the Treasurer, on behalf of the Executive Committee, will determine the exact number of members in good standing, according to the Statutes, article 4.b. Then the President will communicate to the National Correspondents the information necessary to organize the election of representatives to the Council. The Executive Committee will also appoint a nominations committee by the end of December 2014 (Statutes, article 8). A General Assembly and the newly elected Council will meet during the next Oxford patristics conference, 10-14 August 2015, when the election of the new Executive Committee will take place. The next issue of the Bulletin will appear after the conference, containing also the composition of the new boards. Finally, it is my duty to express great gratitude to all the National Correspondents for their unique help in preparing this Bulletin, and especially to those who have finished their service to our Association, Prof. Michael Slusser for the USA and Prof. Flavio Nuvolone-Nobile for Switzerland, and to warmly welcome their substitutes, Prof. Mark DelCogliano and Prof. Gregor Emmenegger, along with Prof. João Eduardo Pinto Basto Lupi for Brazil. Marco Rizzi 6 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION COTISATION ET ADHESION Cotisation 2014 Le montant de la cotisation annuelle est fixé à € 18 pour tous . La cotisation suit l’année civile (de janvier à décembre) et il serait bon, pour faciliter le travail des trésoriers que les membres s’acquittent de leur cotisation au printemps de l’année en cours (janvier - mars). Nous remercions d’avance ceux qui n’attendent pas un rappel pour nous envoyer leur cotisation. Les trésoriers continueront à examiner avec bienveillance toute situation particulière qu’on voudra bien leur faire connaître. En revanche, sauf dispense, “sera radié ipso facto , tout membre qui n’aura pas acquitté sa cotisation pendant plus de deux années consécutives” (Statuts, art. 4 b). I - Modes de versement des cotisations Ne pas envoyer de chèque en € tiré sur une banque étrangère: les frais dépassent le montant de la cotisation 1) Nos collègues de France acquittent leur cotisation auprès du Trésorier pour la France en lui envoyant un chèque à l’ordre de l’A.I.E.P.: Laurence MELLERIN Institut des Sources Chrétiennes 22, rue Sala F - 69002 Lyon Les membres résidant en France peuvent aussi verser leur cotisation annuelle sur le compte AIEP France, en utilisant le système Paypal: il suffit de passer par la page http://www.sources-chretiennes.mom.fr/AIEP_France.php 2) Nos collègues du Royaume-Uni acquittent leur cotisation auprès du Trésorier pour le Royaume-Uni: Dr. Carol HARRISON , Department of Theology and Religion, Abbey House, Palace Green GB - Durham DH1 3RS 3) Nos collègues d’Italie acquittent leur cotisation auprès du Trésorier pour l’Italie, Prof. Angelo DI BERARDINO : Conto Corrente Postale n° 71529002 DI BERARDINO Angelo Via Paolo VI, 25 I - 00193 Roma 4) Nos collègues voulant s’acquitter de leur cotisation en dollars US peuvent envoyer leur chèque à l’ordre de l’A.I.E.P./I.A.P.S. auprès de: Prof. Mark DEL COGLIANO University of St. Thomas Theology Department 2115 Summit Avenue, Mail# JRC 153 ST. PAUL, MN 55105 - USA 7 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION Nos collègues d’autres pays sont priés de payer l’équivalent de € 18,00 à leur correspondant national ou régional, où cela est d’usage. C’est la responsabilité de ce dernier d’en transmettre le montant au Trésorier de l’A.I.E.P., Benoît GAIN (Statut 9b).
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