Wlt.lloe> Copy Tasra Centsj fc.r'(l©rlal M4TAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1SG2 Subject Of | Schock-To. Join "M.wrli A < Vim Oraniies Corp. Hinke Woodfields May [F&M Batik Staff Get Manzo Sewer j Becomes Active In Development Plans; 1 Vice President Malcolm Leaving ',., 'Tho rapid giowth of. The Farm-\ fH:W^W:Wiliiarn.^Tierney,; formsr cttalrd1 Auth»iK> Ic'ij IMJIH I'icuried * ; : PCS and Merchants National Bank, i ; i-V'-»T-;V;.-th^ii.'- el.! the; .'Matfws-n y Planning I? Maiaiyroi, require.; an expanded :>f- j don^r' in i anmansli (> at\^l Jtart Vjiift'-v';Bpai'd^-ruisi%r;nigjit.attacked ^sj Vicial .staff, Joseph Baic-r, president.. ] !••-11 i & rfcrxnl ti' in Oumi.'icl; P. Viiru lib ( h3r'es St. of hU W^S'Swuar.sUHstic"ta; proposed, .amend*(A ! staled' when he announced the ao- i ':i--' SS^M-irientll^ to:?Qiimg'ordjtiarice which J pointnvjiH of Charles C. Schock. jr. I plans I ir deve fipmn i)«' Woodheids (;> v'/yi-'iy^UlS-perinit.cprisjructipri of gat-.I us an uetive vice president. i section 1 1 i: i Ithvin F Malcoum chairroda ot W::iK4i;fl t.v« ; bos Uouh.'cct in siK-iu the past ,'ime ycais and a member for threes \ -. yiv;S - |ir jhz.^rdioihce^recornreeiioieti: for i; years dtid ;hc''•;>;•«'.•.'& pattern of • p ' ,3jvv''fc<)!isi^efativ>n of-the abrough-CouiV-ji \t*ats iesj; f»d U'e dia.nnjAshtp' 1 the area indicate:; even greater e*- '• List nigit Mi Vjiitolir explained •.^^^Vcll-r-'hM-lweni'lJch^iilujed'-for'.lntrflii. punsion. in the future. Mr. Schock's ! 1 '. M*l< ;& I Ik v,i- ('"iSjiW'pl.tjgate ieJipJa^vW-thai''.because'of j furnish the mosl -efficient service \ cati'd th? chair so a successor if'fla'f'Other' boroMgh. biisliiais,;15ita: o,rd,i- ; possible to Ihe residents of .Norih- v : < ; could bt chosen. Harry J. Celst, 8 el'-i<: - -' hanc& could,fr>l' be: Reviewed in i em Monmouth County," Mr. Baier jN'ata'.vun l^d.. was made tlw new U -^i':-,-:^ime by^th> Borough,'Attorney, Ed-. I said ,.-.::• j chairman. ''rfifei;^y(ard yi;G^rrie..:C6uiK:il\wili; oviet :'-"j&::M;^t-an^iidjpurnid session: tomorrow "Mr. Schot:k, who has beuu a di- i Mr. Man/.o told ihe Authority ',.'• S^f/^:consWer-,tha^!H.etidrnsnti;-,;.; -;. rector of The Farmers und Mer- I that hi.' owned a tiaci of land at • r;y*: W; Th§i;zp^ingiameridjriieint:; restricts chants National Bank for over sev- i tlw extension of Charles St., Anna ' "''• "'•: apirttr,,ei\t vednstfu'etion ;iri, -these en'years. Is a member of a. family Avc. and Willow Aw. in th« Wood- '-two. zcin^s t« tracts of at' least, .tlifee that long has been associated, with ] fields seciion which In? wau ct>iv- banking activities in Monmouth sicleiiiiij developinji II? related tfwl i acrea »isd^: lirriits ; apartments? to 1 he was stiongly inclinvd to build -;twd^and-6n«-hal( stories in height.; ; County. An. ancestor rode horseback. r | through a snowstorm to Trenton ; x "packags" sewei pUu tot the t, lt?«l»jVpctividei-th*t only y per new contract, j area'as It was cut off fiom the rest . cent of the'^ndarea may be used ! in 1839 to secure a., charter-for The ( trike at Aico Ceramics Corp., Jackson St., j ment an«t labor over the terms uf a , - . for' actual construction.. ! Farmers firsBan' bunk ko tfo bMiiklli'towe es\'ai>li"hn' i! Keyport. continued Into its seventh week with no i The strike was called by Local 20581, Federal Labor!0' :he township and was unlikely'- Point, tlii <• ed in" Monmouth County and prede-! sign of a seuli-tnent of differences between manaet!- i Union, AFL-CIO when the old contract expired June 8. | ''- '"eluded many wasibl-i study '^"Pr«|tt(UcW":Tr* .•Wt'.'lntW****'^ 0 > omal1 l vns!l j cessor o! Tim Farmers andMer- j' " ""- 7 " " - " ' w- 'P sewors. Wiwd- : •'•'•"'"'•Mr..- Tierney^ declared the ordi- is closed in by tlii Freneau . nance was "prejudicial to the best chants National Bank. section of Ihe thorough'oh the north Speed-Timor Coming ; ln.tereits" of the borough and that Active In Hanking Affairs i Matawan Resident IV anit east. Lake Lefferts And Madi i' it provided for "unusustUy tevere. ''Succeeding generations always | Cotnmiueemun Sigmund Kow- son Township on the west anil • restricted and.uneconomical use" .,--..... have been active in the affairs of alskl, IVIalHwan lowmhlp, has ! Marlboro Township on the soutlt. ' ot land, He chimed, that under the Mrs. Kathryn L. Mason, 138 Jackson St., Matawan, l» shown stand-1 the bank and Mr. Schock's father, warned a spceit-tlmer soon will Strike At Atco Included In Plan proposed ordinance, no apartments ...... „.....,., „ - • • "--'(Charles, - C. Schock sr.. Edgemere Files Court Suit go into iw on township streets. Thomas L. Opte. of the C i. on her. property with the lour utility poles in the background that Charles- C. Schock sr., Edgemere j j Kuppcr firm, New Market, ««• could be constructed, on desirable e long been a subject o! dlsput'j between her, as an owner, and Mir., was chairman of the board un- Philip Neidlinger lie considers the v;ord will "gel New Contract Talks lots qii Main, Broad and Jackson have around" from (Ills aimoimcument sidling engineers to the Authority, Jeraeley Central Power and Light Co. She has maintained her position ; •'' his retirement at tha end of I9iil. r Scheduled Tomorrow told Mr. Maiuo that inclusion oi Sts. a landowner that the utility had to honor an ordinal aRrcemenl | Mr- Schock jr. is a member ot the Sues 1Lawyer's Estate uatl that drivers will spare them- Mayor Applegata reminded Mr. sehes fines by observing; speed Woodfields in the feasibility pUi> Tierney that the amendment meie- m«de wMh the New York Telephone Co, In 191'2 before either 7he Unlit Philip L. Neidlinger, 177 Main St., limits an posted. Members of Local 20i8l, Feder- for overall sewers in the township ing or telephone companies could come on her land to maintain or! al Labor Union, AFl.-CIO. Monday j was made. The engineer saw nil ly expands the area where apart ! Matawan, an interior decorator. A speed-timer clocks the speed mwt houses may be built. He said remove the pales. But the utility har managed to remove some of' nisht voted to continue a strike of | forbidding problem to a pumping | filed n $58,01.4 malpractice suit in j of (lie car in excess of the posted they already are permitted in theUka ROle«. limit HIKI fine is levied at 51 per. Aico Ceramics Corp., Jackson St.,! station and fo/ce feed line tying in- R-SQ A and R-50 B zones under •Superior Court in Freehold Friday j niilc, for the excess. TIIB license (KeyiKiot. The strike beuaii June 8 I to the sewer of '.lie Levitt-Strath- the zoning ordinance now in effect | against the estate of his deceased j number is taped and the | when a former contract expired. section of Hi" township II j No new contract has been negqtia j some son of easeinenl could. h» which Includes the streets mention- \'attorney. Mr. Neidlinger, who fur-1 tertnl owner of the car is HabK- ed by Mr. Tierney. Trespass Count Two Substations for accounting for its use, by 'i-'d since that time. I gained across lh« Freneau suctiou i mc-rly conducted his business in: Mr, Tierney also expressed con- himself or some other party. Richard Ureps, president oi the I nt Ihe boiou|;h. cern that the ordinance is the con- ! Newark, charged that the lawyer, I Union Beach used a spteJ-tliii- ' local, said the C'imp:uiv's proposals' VIMr". *-'-Maicnh!"~1—n ;inquired how lite e(-. ception in Its basic feature* or Uer- Against Marks For Frcncau Site ; Alfred J. Peer, Newark, failed to; cr"si-ve'r:rr'moiitiiV"ba"ckrvi-i:y ef- 'were e.xplainod asjaiu to the union fluent jrom Mr. Manai's own plant - Mania noted ber and Piincam, Newark, archi- One High-Power Line, j follow throuj;!i on instructions to' fectively lo reduce an excessive ; members who rejected 'An- terms :• would be handled. Mr. > tects for the developer of Muic Mrs. Mason Upheld speed prublem on tinion and I'Tnr- 1 or I ho offer. Mr. iv p.i said mere ; bis subdivision would not b« i Woods. Mr. Tierney said it appear- have Mr. Neidlingcr's business ite-, e „ y chloritut- Ordering JCP&L Off Other Local Supply " ! dared bankrupt in l'lafl. I tnco Aves. I't\a bi-en no clungi; in the com-1 Urgeouu so thaila highly chlorinat ed that the same developer is ap- liaiiy's or liie union's views effluen; r.ouid be safely di». parently the "most interested ap- charged at the foot of Anna Si, into Mrs. Kathryn t. Mason. 138 Jack Four objectors appeared at the j The lawyer died last year. I)e- ' Tha company, claiming it has plicant' for garden upai (meats. hearing Monday before the Matu- ; fendanis are his wife, Mary. Short }Jakor Brook, leading into Lake Streets Repaired wn St., Matawan, Thursday scored loat iiioiu'.v for llu: past su: y^uts I.«ff«rts. wan Borough Zoning Board of Ad- ; Hill.;, a:id two others, Mary r.llj Palawan KOC and is un.ibie to meet competition, Councilman Warren Kutchinson at least a partial victory in hnr Mr. Opie found'ii was a quustjoa . seven-year struKgls with Jersey justment on the application of Jer- j ; Pee r, Millburn. and Dr. l.yn- wants in • plicu the lllc- pressing (continued 'in page four) sey Central Power and Light Co. (continued on page four) Centra) Power Light Co", over the I don A. Peer. East Oriiuite. All thiee department on an around-the-clock to use a 145 acre tract they own Is Official basis. The company also want.', to! .1 ight, of company rsqreje'ntatives between Wilson Ave. along the! of the estate. Ac- to cfima on her property when ju- Freehold'division (racks of Ihe CRR i neco'.iato H couir.ict for at lea>( Conflict Talkr to Mr. Neidlinuer's atior- Granted No. 5324 lh:ve vejrs. Doctors' Offices liin Marks, 7 Frunkliu St., Mata- of N.I, now zoned as R-75 reside,!- '• ney. kemu-th K. Juel, Keypnrt, the wan, a maintainence-of-way supcr- tial, for locating two substations. 1 By Supreme Counci No i'arl nf ".Swing Shift" trouble startetl in illfi'l when Ihe Stiikin:; etiij)ioyt'?> Ii ti ,v i! v ': r, Seen Pointless vib'ir for the company, was found One w o II I d be u major sub- j tleooriitor di-;i'overed his aei-tiunts In Matawan Twp. guilty of trespass on the Mason station of 2;ifl KV rating on a liif;li Th- new Matawan Coin i)1(. f w.tnt uo put', of wha' they " tension line to he run from the Al- j bar of the Sine id N^.v Jersey and about $20l).Q0i) short. He chai'seili "111-' shift" in tin- til" pre.'.s- Apartments Measure property Juno 4. his secretary. MIrs! (JeortiUnna Knight:-, of Columbus ha* r.-ooiv:-a | j.i^ \l"i^'rt,rl"i^. in 'addi'tion'," ihe Variance Asked For :iiisappronnalm-|i,i ,,rfic:i:*l status hv rcceiviii- ; , .,| - ,, ,,, -. ',.-ui contruct. A second complaint, alleging abu- 1( c w ms le V Professional Center Board's Own Ideas litejis saitl iiuiny families sive talk, was dismissed by Acting 1 -ed at tlii pLint, \wiuUI la.:e ser-1 . v,r,.,iu:e from the strict - Calvin Boll, chairman of the Mat- Magistrate Seymour- R. KIcinbci'K. ; difficulties if the swing shift ! |,|£ ( ' „; awau Borough Planning Boaid, yes- called to the Matawan Bnmufth a H m if the residential zone lim- e put into I'flett I it?tions is to he souglu tonight of terday derided liia suggestion by a court especially for this case ho- bezlct c, ; ««. spectatoc at Tuesday night's mutt- cause the law firm of which Ma'.a- nany - „ over a contract to i ;!•„> Mala'.van Towiishin ZouiuR f hih M' wan area. missed, hut she pleaded guilty to j .„ m(.,nbt,rs wi|, v,,,,. 011 ,„, <„(,. -.„.„ wan Magistrate Ralph S. lleuser greatly interested in improving 1 .settle liv; stiikt: were continued | Uaard of Adjustment by the Mala- -I?",S cit meeting that a "conflict of In- A. N. M. Nelson declared ample JO ciHtnt?; ot lorgei' .' ami. an .June, . , , . terest" existed because the board jr. as a member onco had repre- hanking and, as vice piesident in l: luinu ln l-'tuLiv airl Saliirit.iv by lu>ili man-•-,v,m Township I'rofess'i'ma! Ass* clearance was being loft from tin- 15, lillill. was sentenced to Clin-1 '''' ' u<--i-.ini|>:uiy Hie (oun- agument ami labor wills Rohtrl | ciation fur a piofesjlonal ImildiiiB has used Alfred Pancani jr., New-1 seated Mrs. Mason charge of education of The Vlon- oi y ( bounds of Ihe property to the site inoulli Chapter. American Intitule Inn Reformatory tor Wtmieu. | 'il Number 51121 .at the next inect- Walsh, a federal mediator, "1 hi? j and pharmacy on a three-acre tract ark, an architect who alsn has. done The signal point of Mrs. Mason': of the stations. He gave assurance Pressed by Creditors I ing lo '.)e hel.l Wednesday evening. work for Howard Siegel, Livingston, court triumph was that Mr. Marks ; of Hanking, tins developed an exU'ii- next talks are scheduled teuutsvely i oi\ ihe north side of Church St. there would be no noise or inter- Meanwhile. Mr. Meidlinger claim- ! at K:P,0 p.m. in St. Joseph's School! !o> tomorrow ! neat the Levitt Sch'wl. a developer in the borough as awas found guilty as a represenla- ed he was being pressed by i-redit- ' Cafeletia, Maple IM., Kt.-v|Hvri. A ' ronsultatil. He pninted out the] ference with television ill Hie area. bankers foi the year intil-B'2," Mr. Kutering the seveutli week of the | Otto 1". Wolke. J7 Miiuta Dr., ivo of Jersey Central Power & Mr. Nelson also related that tin: urs demandini; SiS.OIS and engug-'nominatin; g aumn'ttee »ili be up-1 bo,tr(i members' own ideas uf thei.ight Co., not as a private indi- Uaier concluded. litiinted til .select he slate of offt-1 .strike, the company Monday an-; .Matawan, has wiili'tid tho npplicj- company would want to store elec- ed Mi. Peer to file bankruptcy] ! needs of Matawan, from living in idual. Acting Magistrate Klein- Mr. Schock and his family an- on pniL-eeiliiiHs. or make other ar-; c.eis and il.u.-s will be announced noumvd "the factory is ruiinini{; Him lor the variance for ihe pra- \\\f (own, had to be a controlling trical fixtures ami steel on thea short vacation but he expects In hern noted that Mrs. Mason testi- property for a period. l-'irmet") ' ''in.'.ements, sn that bis bills could! for tin- First and Op-r.ing IVgn-e of about !!"i P'.'r cent of normal atul • fesblnnal association. Rohei'i E. L*- (actor. led that in March 1M0, she had assume his duties at 1'• • settled from existing business | ,|ie new council new workeri .ire beina atlik'd! Mura, Matawan, alliirnuy for ths Mr.' Bell emphasized that Mr. notified Jersey Central Power & Mr. Nelson recounted the 230 KV Ian d Merchants National Hani; about daily." Tin! i-oi'itiiiw assured thai j applicants, reports nil reactions (A Pancani was wholly paid by the ight Co. to keep off her property. station would involve a sniull 10-1 Any. 15. ' :•'•-'- ' |,,;l,n (aVor- hntough for Ills advice to the hoard Mr. Klcinbe'rg observed that an loot-liy-liO-foot seven-fool high con-1 ' . tlia «<< a designer of garden apartments iwner does have the right to bartrol building. The .H.a KV station ' bring; approveppvdd in m municipalitiep s of higgh jicrsons given specific warning in he found a replica of one now exist- Wide Spread In in building standardsdd . ThThe boarbdd advance from corning onto a ing at Koines 520 and 79 in lirade- chairman pipointetd out a Master property. The magistrate found (continued nil page four) ure PPlal n hha s nott yett b been contracted ihai Mr. Marks was in trespass un- School Bus Bids in- for by the borough, so the planning ly In that he Identified himself June 4 as a Jersey Central Power Competition For board did not have a professional Low Bidder Fourth estate responsible fur his indehted- and Light employee. The court - Dr ...ivinj. the plant I'.ck.-is are P'T ] ^' l'V^m"^."" wUh'" an "(iftico 1« planning consultant on whom to call nirss and al-o ask?, punitlvi '- , A. tril:u found there was no testimony Mr. Drum, Bugle Corps mitt.'ti at Itve dineienl locations al K,ansl)U . .„t l l)m, ,„, „,.„,„, M when drafting an nrdlnancu to pro- Of High Some Routes aues wan Marks ever had been' served notice tb.' st.u.k pluu und,', the terms : ,)(1/U,t ,,!' „,,„.,, ,„ ,,„ „„„ Vide for garden apartments, A drum and bugle corps compe- Columbus Day Hall to keep off the Mason land as a IUI H'l.nd of 1-tlti- nl ihe courts Older , (||. 1|u|u|illti proposed will hav« It was then necessary tn retain Miitawun The tirst soiijl e\-enl of the nf.v private Individual. tition and color miaul contest will . ,, , ••• , , i ,. ,1 One Holmdel Route Keypnil I'olice wc.ie called to Ihei .spact: for adci|iiatL- clinical and an architect uf known experience eouiuil will he a Cohtnihu: I.),iy •.Iiuck plant Tuesday niiihl when speci.il nu-dical services, it i.i llot- In the work. Any architect retained " N^ledTosiay Of. Properly I * •»«$ ^^^i SAM \ 1*%^™™^^ Hall. Th • allai'- will In; lu-lil S-tliii- For St. Benedict's a nii'Ju [oiciiiin r-unit'-'l fin.iin;; nt In addition to doctors' oflicen, •Iso might hnvo been retained by 1 ilay. (in. III. in Hi. Jnsi'ph's SiTitnil person i with Interests In 'building Mrs, Mason opened her case by J I^r^oniored bv In" Uniiln I «" ^T' T I'"" "" 'it'"" nl "oi ,i "Mol'ilov ijicklail ' lieiii-atli an j dentist. nplometri->t aad otlior testifying that early in the morning , |it,a(.h ,;,,!,, ,-, ,,n,,,, D ,-v m ! lllnM,, idmo year 11K- bid > In view of a repnii by a spt-fla Ainliiorium (Tutiird Hnr,',,:i Will (continued on page fnur) (•mplnyi-i-'s en in tli'.' p.irkinu lot. ; health service specialists will h4 she had tmllfind a parly named ! ,.irp„ s I,„n acnnjiinciioi,njum.'|l0ni wilwinh . ,„„:.,,•,-hl. .„,,-.. Joh••••n• Knt>[- , (.ln[wo.id »as, n-. • lor ,11 Ilif K.niun Tuwiisliip Hoard ' serve ai ui-neral iTi.iirinnn HIKI hv ; ( ; m u (ieniTje Scrivam told polii-i: Ii"; piovideil for. TTi,! applifauts Iw- Spratfnrd she did mil wiint a Jer- of Kdiiailiou iiiei'tin^ l-iiday lh.il ' will he aiMsh'd liv Iiank Maiutli, sey Shore Aie:i Drum ( nrps ,, r- \i ..,...,,, ri,, .i.i,.. lomul il larj'.i1 .-i'ltl.i bolile, filled ; lievn thai the expansion in the are* sey Central Power & Light crew ! c !lir 1 M t kJ lm ti.tnspiirtatitin was ln'iiu: piovldeil Ceor;;,, Cinr.idinu Willt.nii Collen William Levitt Jr. To 1 Council. IT,e iucl,,in,t will he by the ••"' ''• " >' '' '« ^ "' ""' ' ' with c.Ktiiini! and slupped with Jit" conii! wilh ilm luvill develop- vnrking nn Ravine Dr. tn conn Naiinnal .1 ll il (! e s Associalioi, of i "• "iitractm- the past feu years :,s I St. llen-ilit'l's chiiiil. llellmnv IT ano tliltl Waller Sakuu- 'I' Mo riti! bent-.ith ii lion slnkiiii! wiirki-r's ' menl as well as the general ()<«•• Start Own Realty Firm until ht!r property, William Kninvl- I'hiliHi.lnhlii Iwe " as lh"s" |lf lw" "llur I'"'LI' IS' I Utl , tipeiiin^ this S''|>liup,h-r in Mis. l-fank leiut'ihke and c.u I'lihc.- said ill,- eml nf t|,,: : ulatiiin tiiowlii of tlw townslilu us, Anbury Park, JCP&L all.irney, 1 M"artLlphld' i C.W..lainison, lt.ib.!il.:\ille. ii'itl K-. ll'ilintli'l 'lir.vnsliip, iiujillr»- 'A I:> Chillies (I Haie ..ill si-ive on the cloth hml Ih-i'ii ii'.uili'd mid then | »i;ll;'- " injuiiicioiH for thu inunlcl- William J. Levitt Jr. is rcsignim; charged Mrs. Mason with failing to Tlu-re will be music, m in hin^ \ Ilt'l(ru:h and Suns. WVst Ki',iir,iuii|: tnailc this week oi lii'Oijtt' S. Kin- derm alums t iillimillci', ,., . anil color guards. Th<; proit'i'tls .ipjiaienlly siuufi'd otil •||iiililv to lie :>;»>• loimiir wilhout t vice president of Levitt and .show the utility had any such em Thi' iiitls v/i-ie SIHK'.III in t'.\n kaile, Iliilmdel txiaril set n.-liny, Th- Ki'v Willi.nn H.iiiM-h is i h:i|) I inetlii ,il 'iicility ployet) or tlint, if It did have he ' I'euli/eil will be u>,ed In defray t'x ( l trl. s, Inc., to head his own real es- f< it ins. for Si'vni louli-s on a basis': ihn.i! an',iii .;' Mi.'nts I'm such [r,in> I.m: nf Ihe ii-u" i-uuii'-il lie will iUl tate investment firm with head- wns unipoweredd t o tnktke ddirectionsi ! peiue of einiipmem for the Union i wht-reby one Ims would m ik>' imlonlvv iln-,. Hie m-moi-it :u tin- AUK- 1 fur a work crew. I IJeach Fiio Itepartnienl's (nips In j om.- trip per morniti;' iind ,ilie.- I CD Hecids, Red Cross, Notice O'- quarters In Truntun, it was an Mi. Klnkiiilu intlicati-il il alf.'cl.-, iiict'i tr:t Ilut when Mrs. Mason's daiiahler-1 event of rain the cnntesi will In-'HMU . .1 id an .ilii'iii.itr.i' 'ha sn lm Tin neM ri-RiilJily sr nnunct'd by company president Wil- niiiy the HIIICK'SI S.Tinnl tun as I'liin-. fttr tli- wv- lev ii;"i-iiir;s 1 he liusi -, to "diiidili: ttip' ll >H iiiti^: Map Disuster Plans Ml' .'Mil,: nf ll,': H.ialil nf Uetlllh Ot Iliini J, Levitt. Tin) resignation will Ill-law, Mis. Julie Mason, .said ihn j lieltl the fnllowiiin ilav, Sund.iy, ai Htliciesi Scli'iol. a |iulil.i- .scliuttl. o liicliiil': a ini->i •s-, -...^siiiii ami ,i bucdino pffiH'livi! Sept. 1. Mr. Lovilt man liail all tin- equipment nf a : - P-m mil afli rnoon, as is ilitiii lit Midi- ihe I'o'.vinlup of MUIIIWMII will lw 1 liif.iti'tl iilfiiii I mill ti'i-i liiiin Si vit I,ll In hcl|i I "llll'M S I) 'Illill' M* wn,hip to iictii :•-!: .1 )ii-i'fiors nf ( ivll De I'll,- Ullfl IH-I.I in, Monday, Seplfnilier 10, Jr. will continue on •tin hoard nf ili llneni.in anil enmrKcil Irom ;i; s'lii T'. H' •,va!l. tiiini I'.i'lH'illlT S. l-.ip ".Illlli-llU Will In' ci p-isuiin-l t'r'Uii III- llfll liltM'll l'ii;2 at S-IKI p in. rectors of tins 33-ynar oltl liontt .KT'fil. liuik, (In: ma.nishali: ui- | DuncinK r:ifiiit'i- h.itihn^ of pujM ml. a tilil Manor l-.s'ii .-, ai..I th>- ll.i.1.1 , t'l-M'il (l::i • snct.il limn Alti-r 1 billl corpora I ion. smaller iiiiniln'i' ot (HIS'1', Tl ' Inn: I nl Miiltiiinlllli I'n mi', IIU'I Un,- IC \"e:i/ul, cepted the fslalilislinienl of iinllll-j Cut 'N ITddle .in',i In tin:Iti.i tl.liiiii:', p'lim al iil-lli I'S iU nil.i t,il .Uwiiis ol five ami iliit UK • pel it ,i|.u with I »''t>t11>• t iiintv Co- S'tcii:i uy cation lo Ihe utility ennv nt the | I riil.iy nml Hiiiurilay ni|;his, Hub llnlimlt'l Ud S<.nit l |;,.'t ll.lll,||.|il;l- 'Illl I"- nulled illi'i'iiiilive only t II I'.T nl niillnaliM Atllnii Vaullii.l.lil. nil )l|i- ml'. J'i In Take Out .scenu not to trespass. The court i liniilisli Iliiiul I.eslit- lli>nk ai the ll.lti il llt'SiJ'.ltill l| (II Jlll'llll S'lllif 111 II. .1 I '.Mill till V •11 niuli's MM H|l Hu li.ii'l A Kill)', Iti-ll t I"-, Itli". Ch'ircnul ciiirk-'n, frlml Shrimp htilds Mr, Knowlcs ileriamlinli piano Wednt'stlay nl^lils ami Sim iiilit'i- tinvnship oliunl tiiail llnilil .1 sp. : Lull lm I In' mt-i'iiiu: V. .1 , Illl til- I'U i./ tint it:; •if a ! .I- fi."-,•",,,<., Tb.'l), iai.l fiiuilil III" ,lli .III 'O fill i :;:uu,m w r/f, ;i i', I ' I' I \ I' \< I I- i.i,. nnii'll lie; - • • "f ,.> ..nit i th- ' Now GSP Ramp Knllo l'ii-.I lluusu ti'itiniiiued ! '.vjfp ,i,lv •>.'! ,, I,.- . II ,..! ...-'. i:upt I- 1. Vi-I,' pi , -hli'd ill .i li.ii I'll, III till' ,»II-. 1 .i ml.' n.Ilin- II I! Il Ml ll ill .1 .'i'l 4 T'ht- N'-w Ji'ist'}- Mij;lr.vu> All- -Sl'lll |li' - tiiu'i' |I htiti: l: li.l, Jorsoy Cyclonos Mi Km .nl.' :, I|II.I'..,I lliiiiil. Inn iiuiiiiunceil plans lor New \\vi\\ FIHIUIK Office Of Malumin Firm is '.\Tillf • ih,> mhi'i Iml'l.' 'il In I'li'liin Compote In Events lint I'onstiuciiiiti uf u Miulhlmiiiftl Illl .1 p,-l dli'lll ll.lsls -mil -. fr. Mil IMII-'I MM I'l '. I, .11! i-illianri' liiiup In the (Jiinlca i.liiin.i I lllll H I 'I Hill Stiili- i'tiikwiiy frnm LJUM-III:4 'ii.: nl bus III. Dili' -in.I lin.:l- ' II" l-ll III I' II ti'lu, Iliirhtn Ittl. .t.ljiiinliin ( lire»i>. MI :'.t ll-ui' •(-.'I -'"I.I Sovera Storm I'v-ir . .tin, p.i llli'' I|UI|EM' StatL- 1'iirk, lii.', ,- i'l I. .1 'if Ii-,i si.mil TTit' pri>|t'L", will iiiovii!* illiect At till 111.' n: t I'.".I II.Illl. 1 .Seven' I'li'i'lrlrnl Moini'i si link • ill I ' In l|. .a. uah'il ih.i ii'ti'ss In Ihn I'arkivay'a ','Mt*' - II.,;1: School, I'.ttil i I- i -Mtm d llilt iirt'ti iMtiuiliiy und ItiiMighl -."I .i. .lli.i I ooiiud liiiii-i fliim Id Inlrrrhunuii mil tit-ll ;:"' hill, I'.'d II.nil. ihe liopt! (lull a dtiiuglit nf nioii' -M in,; i on I irlll I I i- I.'i - - il in.I [ I.'O til l.iiuient-13 lltirlior itil. In I' illnil c III v • it I tl'. i in I III.ml.''' Ihnn i» mtinili ni.ty l<" I'muiitj; in 1 I- I. i,'.!< slltirp HghliiliiK nut! heavy llitiit i.ii y toil I ll ''II mill liuiti ('hi-e«iM|Uitke .SlilJ |).|liU t'l Ii nil."I. Il ilt'i' wt'i't' ai'i'tiiiipiinii'il hy high Ill It- >MI.I|.'|i T '•- .Iti' •'1 .11.' Ill .,'• I'.nl. - ill lltl .1 lol ll ill II |IM... ii i! . wliiil.. heavy nilu anil hull. ,i a.H'-.n .un 'II 111,1 |H<>vlT"J liy Itlth on ihi* riiiHlt in linn co.a* , luy m'hnol ml.'it In I' '.I Hi Mam of Hit' hail sltnii", »>'i- us i... tin s who 11 .ill an1 ID hu nici'iii'il by I til I ill..lil I I IIII i'l in Ilinlli ' ( liiigt' as miitltlt'H nml stniic ptMipf'' ii th it i'\ -: AulhtiiTly Hi lit Atliiiinlslliiilnii \ I .nidi it! lm, -. II.' I'epiirled -fi'i'liii', hiiil iilinn-,1 >-< -i|iiiui iiiinlv !liiliiliui; In WIMIIIIMI,I((I' on Aii|{. il. ...Iv.'.l Lul(i' us gull li.iIts, liallli- \s.•. I Mill .in. ill, r. I'l,nn i,ill fin I'liiiipleiliin uf Id* stopped lilt' n sliotl Illllii Its lht< ii.i', ,.|av n a, 1 • !HM I ti -t'li' milled ramp l>\ luli> l.ill. |it'lllli|! hail .1 'til In lilt' Ihisht's tn To Install Pastor Ml ."i.il Ima Ill,' I'lllkWily liili'rcliaiiH'- af llghliilng ph't'i"! ol lei' ' 'mill In- I hull 'I I III I I' I tin In, I. A. if I iiiirrm'tt IliiiTuir Itil, mm prn- M'I'H eiivt'ilni! tin' sii > -I-, HI I ! I,' . • I vltli's II simililiniiiitl cJili mid « IIIWIK I ll I I II'MIIIIHIIIIIII .'illi.iu- • i;,,.| .,|i JJ si,mi- 11 rr limit. .iii'.i i 11 •*, fl'.l.'l Ii ikfl p II liiiin' tlwet- mlli'i HIM III uf I*. wlii'v wern Itliiwu diiMh, luil In II ly vi-v I'l" ,li-:-i I 1.1 I' Ii tl t i h, INu SllJlki" ! liiii.M. fii'ijiii'til dill'/ iiiti wlii from li'r<-h«ii(>« IU, which iiervm till Ciiunly Iliii' Ciiiiilriii'lliin nnd Suiiplv Ctitii, (Pill spill' III Illlj ,; mi in :l.'ii i-l-'iii * dill | llnll.i'4 C'lintililli-ri hiiy ID trip cent uf Ihe linn* ate .lo«e|ill Iliinkl, Joseph llul.in mi ri'|imU u( iti;i|nr il.iiii.-i;ti' were •it H p HI II Ml ' cliuicli I'-. .'Hull-.' •A ii.l II,-n-l I'.i.il Hcnli Coo. w»r* p recentlyly mi Rniilu II,V tIVtnl- I lioiilw nml »i I |-.i; I'-lh'iil! call I manMI wll m llm ti"w rei'i'lvej ii iil-il i,.l ! I ,l|fl'i|.| •wan, I'IM building •)•« bwni UUt » intlla tittletl * uf f •oil Uimeil WU Vi|l,» ' Jtlv k IUU. > Itjii Xsj IMIX via 1HE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, J. Thursday, July 26, 1962

You Q64 !h* bett buy* ot yous friendly Acrr.s Market* , . . Plus S & H Groen Stamps . . . America'! Mo*t Popular end Most Voiuoblt Stamp Plant FRESH PAN-READY For Better Tosh.,. if HOT! Keep it CQlbi THERM-O WARE S£ H GREEN Ft ee 100! STAMPS

With C | or !nor« fir Only PorthnfB of J Coupon Below

With $5 Purchost & Cojpon

3 colds—one each Whole week. I his week'* color—TURQUOISE. FREE! 100 S ft H STAMPS Build a complete set Exclutive of Fluid Milk and CigareHef now! You scve 71c C In Addition to your regular itamps with on each tumbler! Se« oil colors now Purchase of '5 or More VAILUI on display! Nome Address. Limit tint Coupon p«r Shape ig Fjim ly jnmnrnnffin^"] 6UARAN1EED H THIRM-O-TUMBLER ' • Dishwasher safe o. .... i,». on. w* »s r,,.,... gH • Unharmed by LANCASTER BRAND o *3t tiki.u

CHUCLoncaster Brand K ROAST 35 BIO DOLLAR VALUESI Limr UntU Al fletuUr fikfti . 17-«. $1 (Ban* In) LIBBY'S PEAS 5 cam CHUCK STEAKS 39' TOMATO LANCASTER BRAND BONELESS Free! 30 S & H Green Stamps LIBBY'S JUICE •P cant •Vilh th« purcri i»« Of Solid White) 7-o.. $|00 SEALTEST Multi-Pock STAR KIST TUNA 3 cant I CROSS-RIB ROAST 69 COTTAOI CHEESE 1 •*. $100 Lancaster Brand cant | MUTT S BRINKS 4 Crv.-Rijhl TOMATO SAUCE V cant I RIB ROAST 59 HURT'S 1ST CUT! tHOHTLY HIQHIR IDEAL 29-0,. $|00 LANCASTER BRAND '" ""' PEARS Bartlett 3 cant I IDEAL APPLE SAUCE Fancy CALIFORNIA ROAST 59 Fiee! 30 S & H Green Stamps LANCASTER BRAND SMOKED SHANKLESS letzil, 10-ci; Gcltlcn Fruit Cookie* $ With lh« purttiaia «l 2 7'A-oi; Sprlnkltj. 1ft-ai- Choc. SUNSHINE HuB0el«, 7-oi. YOUR CHOICE 4 r FULLY-COOKED HAMS "••••" .53' » .59' CANTALOUPES Elbow 16-ox. *J|*t BUK.II!, Rolled Shoulder LoDLaiter Frozen MUELLER'S Macaroni 2 pkg.. ^^f Nonie — . Toilet VEAL 59* Dinners 2 . 89 SWANEE Tissu* 4 S 39' A 1 Bacon \"» 69c Pish Sticks £,' ';kr pioyB y Ccrn&tun c r Boclhj DOC FOOD ° 6 :.:: 89' Bacon jBb•*!••«•% Peeled, D«v«in«*i 7-&i OAfUY BAKERY 39c Hadd*ck Dinnsr ?".'.': 2 ^ 79« Cream Cheese V>V; I prlf, •lf.ct,», W«( ll.ru t»l, Jul » |. „ W. ,«,,v. Ih. n. Enjoy Acme's Ready-Ground PIES Fresh Jersey Sweet Club Apple «JB^ m t 2 or French 'J WAV Choose Spread ,! 69c Appli OBI «wB |mporl«d Swiss Slices 1 *£:89c Orange Iced Lauella Pflzt Chiffon Cake 39e Vlcur <% Bread M c •uHer ITif c .^r. 69c White M w FREE! 30 BONUS SIH GREEN STAMPS EgftZ?^ "•• Itii•'"i "r«t*l CORServe v.ilh famousN Lnuella Winne123r of o^er SOD pnzei 9 : FROZEN FOOD FIXTURES BANANAS : »12' SNOWCROP °^f 6'". 99 $ WATERMELONS ".. 4' SPL-CIAL BONUS COUPON WORTH GRAPE JUICE ' • 8 *:: 1°° S fr H tireen Stompi In Each Bag b Can I Gel 40 Stamp! 10-ox. NECTARINES . -19' with Coupon Irom Mb. Ideal Con I PEAS" • •'• ':;:Fk8. • 10c 20 HOWARD JOHNSON HOWARD JOHNSON LEMONS : 6 29* Cocoa nut- Cake , . ovc L. , bl trudge Cake * lie I 30 S & H Grern Stf.mpi With Purchase ol 2 rnntaloupi.1 0 Coupon ol Rlqhl. vli n iM hi LliDI [ '•••« W ••»o« SAH 6r««n Stampi ASCO Z. 35c I wlth__PurrlirjB cf Club Alu.-n.'nu-n fr Coupcr tt Rljht SI M.i.l, Uil.llf.i Golden IOII I 11(11 *, SAVE'/, .. Vx Ib «on iDSAL : in »t I HI 1.1 .10 S 4 H L,,,n fiU, , , WitkFiOdPurchjsu Clul) Aluminum n r ON Hammercraft Waterless Cookware 1 *T||>, I'wihnlr ill r...i.i. r. Ivory Soap^T ^-25c o • 5svt fooil.,, Sevt Hover I'/t ql, cov#rid IOUC* pon $5.95 J2.9S Fioe! 30 S & H Green Stamps ...So». Futl J ql. io>n»d iauc« pun .6 95 3 99 1 1 Anacin ,r?0 59 With IM ruith«t« .1 M» >»•»•!• 1 -*S- • Cen fey redlivlf With 3 ql. «vered muce pan ,7.95 A.99 Ivory Soap't : 3«- 29c • AT.n.'Q..I,i.N.mel. •%-open f.y pan . .JW 3.W Hiilitnt lit, I ttiiiwit In ANACIN CMU«I* JO1 «p.n l/y pon . ,3« 2.9V *m \n,i,, Hi || , t, ,,| /I,,, ffa • Uilt • L,l.ilm* *f C 4Vi qi. Dutch oven V95 S.W tnh JKOfl DfODOWKI 's" °*°l (ov«r«d tootlir IV.93 7,99 Ivory Soap',T 2 " 31c jrchkl.enr.yef. 1195 o VV 30 10" 1»M»"i

PLENTY OF FREE PARKING -;- ROUTE 35 AND 36 r Jk*ty 26, 1962 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag® I" — j who wa* » ftunuxtn 0 \ During tf'.e two-week jKrin Rumson. residing ou I tr«l ai»j water survival. I:i addition, I , • I Oakes 3-i . aiul Mr. Bruce has a j they pafiicipat-wi in H vl-orous t Jdug'ileti Mri Beck, who reside.!, j physical finiess HTid iuililary. drill j Ksypori, is serving abojrd tb» Otir country has bwn shskirn byfKgin; ami i«i rha *''..•»'i-', »W!« turniMg the )J"lk t0 dliCoull"8e furniture* mav have come from viptrn cjiiipletiyn of •:!»; training i •• pftK« we see the Pu-sident tiylng Foi tne.r part m tha victory the i B| b H r, h,ch wa onM a period, rhe reservists lelu.'n^i to! Hiw abaui biisiccss cafds? to fwjst dough into a pretrei shape K 1 heir local Nav.il Reserve units. ! Wu can supply •hem quickly at a Pepjisylvisi'n Dutch t<^i,iv »* coui"WC t Ci>caswe 3al Albany m 1*1', moie letters, mrore and mo.i'8, ques-1 Th« story goes back tluough 15 because JochtMn Wessels sold yiet- tiuns, moi* ftnd ,mo;'« answers' I centuries when a monk created zels to ths Indian* road? of In* be.»t hov/ tiue, ' Heaven first taught W-1 the "Pieuel" to gjve a- a repaid lluui, while a poorer pride was ters for some wi etch's aid." So in ' to children for learning their pray- usoa in the btcad fm Ilia wt'leri. this, 1 ths wi»tchl Big Discount Day ers; th» name cam? (rpm the Latiu, r.u In this year of 1962 the ccnlen- Answers "pretlola" meaning little gtn, the mal ol the foundwsj of tlw "Pret- S 1 Bownu - Ryder Evidently your 3 now Matawan. Thi> I they 1 leu in the faith of their founding New Jersey and Monlmuith County \ Rvder does no appear in the list fathers? will never changa thilr age old tra- of' names in sVs "Rose Hill" Ceme- Food-Soft Drinks-Golf In history UX) the "Pretzel" has ditions. • tsry (Matawan) but 1 3»KKe.st that been iinport»r«t, for it was In 1510, Anfc»for 5»-l thft enquirer get In toucii with On The Best when the- Tuikt bwiesed Vien- All tho names listed on yom fur- someona from Matawttn « perhaps Plus Hundreds na, trying to tunnu! beneath the ni'uro »re Rumson namei A. A. MM Mabel Brown of the "Jour- Kiddio Rides w*U$ o! the fortress, that (he "Fret- McKay WAS * ininls'.^i >fi '.'.a Pres- nal" would >>» able to help, also at- isel" baKers, vvorkt.iK by night, byteiian Church; U. P. Bruce coidl»i4 to the phom; book there •« On The of Free Prizes he^rU the strange sounds of the I mentioned i« probably J. ? Bruce still a family of Ryderj living Jersay Shore in Balloon Mri. Francis V Drucker, 'jhrevvoburv, sealed 15. SenliiK with Mrs Drin"k»-r are Mrs. Vincent; 9 cculer, lit'Hc!.'. the conunittt:i! planning the annual Ki-uper, Aibun Park, seuteil Iclt, and Mrs. Frank j Shower at summer luncheon and tall fii'ihlon show ol the i'amliy M SII)U-\, Hi'd Bank, rl«hl.. StaiulinK are Mrs. | Major Rides and Children's Service. lnv.> *o( Monmouth Couniv. X. S. Sinilh, Humsuil, special Kills chulrman; Mrs. { This Is ItlFeigenson 's... Th« lashlon show will \tv jjlven by Hoop's of East Charles C. Schm:k |r.. Sea Girt, formerly o( Mata- 10c 8 P.M. Orange and Sprint; Lake. The event will be held at wan, president of the bouid of dlreclors; Mr!, J. the Sen Girl Inn at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, AUK. William IVocttr, Little Silver, ticket chairman. Also For Complete Family Enjoyment thare, and F. Howard Lluyd, Main no one dared breathe — 49, 5U, —j The 24-year-bld soldier, son of Arcades - Bingo - Swimming Pools St., an old resident, may" in able i silence, no one stired, silence, then ,\ir,. Sophie Scofi, 622 Washinginn PENNY to help. There was an Andrew! the old familiar tick, tick, tick, im Ave., Union Beach, attended !Oy- Safe Bathing Beaches - Nit« Clubs Bow.*, 1875-1911, burled at "Rose ) and on for yearn to come. By what Kill" proving thai Matawan looks skilled hand had the clock been re- port High School. Ho was employed Skill Games - Games of Chance One like the right area. A.P.M. Colts ! paired? by Mapes and S|)roul Sieel Co., Neck Answer 45-1 Acker Farm. Tiiis UniiHi, before euttiring the Army. With Beautiful Prizes 5-1 - Clinton • Lyons I have only farm has been passed down through His wife, Helen., lives in F.llerslie, v---.-- Penny SALE Iwen able to gather that the (armthe Morford family, Thomas (1) in G». FIREWORKS DISMAY FRIDAY, JULY 27th AT *:M P.M. was in Tennent. somewhere near! 1617 received 113 acres and in 1676 On Suhmtrlnii Tender the railroad, the name does not ap- j 120 seres; we learn that hi* wife James Scalley, fireman appren- pear in Old Tennent Cemetery. One i was Susanuah-piobably Susannah tice. U.S. Navy, son of Mrs. Thom- KEANSBURG BEACH, IN. J. Clinton ancestor was Charles El- Leonard, it was passep d on U> bis as F. Scalley and the late Mr. Seal- liot, born 1859, whona grandson, son ThomaTh s (5(5 ) whh o marrieid LdL.ydiai - ley. 803 Shore Rd., Union Beach, DAYS ChCharlel s EllEllioti , llivei s in NNe wB Bruns- (lidl(l.idla)) WallWll, andd secondldl y SaraShh is serving aboard the Atlantic Fleet wick now. A.P.M. Colt!) Neck Stillwcll, their son wan Thomas (11) submarine tender USS Howard W. I *35> Question X who married Baster or Hester Gilmore, operating out of Guan- Can you supply the name and ad- Biiwne in l7-")2. The next owner was tanamo Bay, Cuba, in the Curiu- dross of a professional genealogist William (20) who marriud I.yilia bean. 1576 Sana in 17R8, their son was Deacon who could help me trace my branch 'i'ho .ship is engaged In underway of the Rue family, or can you iilias Norl'ord (39) who inherited WOMEN'S next ha irarried Fanny Taylor training a»d refresher exercises. place me in touch with anyone who "' In early Juno the ship complet- PAIRS might have compiled a record of \ *nd "«>• h«(i « s«n William K. who the faniilv? W.A.R. Kearny, N..i. I married l.-.mma L. Pike, their child- ed a .teven-muiith Fleet Rehabili- „ ren were Fanny, Alfrida Charles. tation and Modernization (FRAM) j „., , • .i P,M The next owner was Jacob Wikoff iivprbaul al Ihe Charleston, S.C., Naval Shipyard. SHOES m to Acker. Where thp Ackers came Th« major item in the conversion j Jl&E! '^IK!« &!15^ ^friini ^is obscure «». "" "- '«« *work provides tho Gilmore with i You Pay Only Middletown, of two Bownes whose nuclear-powered submarine repair bodies were removed from ihe plot Siillwclls "Illsturiciil and Genea- capabilities. in the Village, can anyons tell why logical Miscellany." these bodies wore moved and from Receives Reserve Training j which plot? E.M. Red Bank. Raymond J. Quirk, son of Mr. ONE PENNY and Mrs. Thomus Quir^:, Columbus | The following anecdote lus been NEWS OF AREA St., Cliffwood, completed two j COMMUTERS submitted by a Middlolmvn cones- FOR A 2ND PAIR iMindcnt, just for fun, they say. but weeks of annual active duty train- ] fur those who believe In haunts per- ii\« Julv 7 at Ihe Naval Training SERVICEMEN Center.'Giwat lakes, 111. haps we may havo a comment. KEYPORT This family in in* possession of a Linroln-Bowno clock made in Pennsylvania when the Lincoln In Hxertisu Clear Lake • 3 DAYS ONLY family moved acnins the river from U.S. Army Sgt. Arthjr L. Scofi. , soa of Arthur F. Scot!, 61! Camp- | DIRECT TO New Jersay, ii is u giauUfutlisr bell St., Rail Bank, recently part- • clock that must ha wound twice n ; Thurs., Fri. Sat., July 26-27-28 day becau.se it has only onu weight icipated with other personnel from YOU'LL FIWD IF BUT Port Authority Terminal for both the works and the strike. tliQ Second Infaalry Division in i OUROILVOl/LLTRV, When tho faniilv moved to Mid- THE Sf?ADE, AWD NOT if THEPRICgJSHiSH/ he found to tackle the job of re- pairing it. As the family moved in ! Clear Lake, which involved mor-; FElGENSOIf S SHOES one member said "What will you i tiian 7001) Army and Air Force per-: do If the house It haunted?" That ' noimel, was designed to further 43 West Front Street, Keyport d.ty the clock was set In place, with ! develop the ability of U. S. Strike MINUTES! the liowna graveyard just a stones • Command units In function as u Open Till 9 P.M. Friday Nit* throw away, It would not run: the I '''ani capabl* ol immediate com family retired after a busy day. 1 ual deployment to any urea of the CHARGE YOUR PURCHASE WITH EASY CHARGI Suddenly, In the small hours of worlil in meet any niluation. Book of 10 Rides the morning there was a rustle ind | Sgt;; . Scofl,, a squaq d leader in Comm - the long silent clock began to pany B of the division's ItRth In- strike. All the family wa« listening, fantry at Kort Burning, Ga , enter- one. two, three — on to » 19, 20, 2l,ed the Armv In August 1955. That's right we mako mire you get the be.it fuel oil and the most reasonable price possible. The service U SEALY GOLDEN SLEEP SALE friendly, too. around to Hullo Bui Terminal, Hwy. U and I Con. StuLTlJr, BUY IT, TRY IT YOU MUST BE 100% SATISFIED OR 213 BROAP SI \\] WE'LL BUY IT BACK! Personal Loans To Fit Your Budget

W» make Personal Loan* on tha ba»U of th* borrower's ability to repay convaniantly In monthly Installment!. Anyono with a regular Income and a t good credit record is qualified to apply for « loan.

f This service is prompt, friendly, confidential. If a loan would help you to solve a financial problem, f Seoly's como Jn and sat* us, Golden Sleep mattress with '59.50 feotoresi, only Tlik lnaitroB.i U all nunllly—ovon to Hie cover, formoi'ly uuuil on Buiily'a $79.(50 Po«luro|iuilli . FARMERS AND MERCHANTS You h* the judge, Buy it; try it. If you oon find n 1mlUr mulliuiiri in n inonlh for tho flams or K-- NATIONAL BANK mousyi buy il mid rol urn I Ills (ioldon Slwp mnt tri' lor full pui'fliiifw! |irii'». liny rtiul try It toilii.vl Matawan phone's a i«al whiz when 1 : It ooinei to gutting a lot dunj u,'!Hf!i IIMI iiiii.r, IINLV iiiiniii;i JI.ALK'5 iintniN '.tifi . Si }j\ practically no tima. Answer- ing questions, settling dalnila, pldcnsyou just can't VWEST to yoursnll -tlmro's iilmosl mi IIIIIII tn Ihii w.ivs yiiir |)li(in»» CMM lii!l|) yjii r'.^l tlirouali li'i'jy FUKNSTUKE CO. days. Holy on it olttin. KEYPORT NEW JERSEY Bf-LL Opan Man, a

?.partn?«nto clearly »howe5 il em-- iEhmx else thai * imbsliUion w.ouiri \ with or without the owner's braced the independent ideas of Ihe [be we "hiuhfcst and best us*." iiii 'mission to mam&atn thfrir t.*t Democrats Show members of the board jusi as much j noted . the xsi'.tozi riKlK-of-vvay [ lines. £5 any advice by Mr. Fa/icani. Oih- someAiiaf. tlimmishtd t'ie resident- Shows Ownership- er borough official* v«vre also call- iai appeal of the area, but pro- .Mrs. ?^ason, in her turn, u Marlboro Force ( i ed - n for advje* vn particular ! vided a natural rotile in and outto show ownership by reference to] An attenrftuice of nearly 200 at a taints. too. it was Jiutcd. , i of the station -.irfa for' lhe hi;!ha right-of-wuy agr'.'t'iTi^nV d ««9r» "Aimdii ** Kejrport.. MoniiiouUi Ccunly, »J, J. •itirM Mr. Sieg^l's interest in building j u-n^iori Km.1*. Mr.: Nelson epiphy. BROWN PtiBUStWNa AHB PRINTING COWFMi* I dinner-id'Mme dstage d by hth eMl1 her lather, lhe late H. P. 'Lisle, by I lioro Township Democratic Ck;b! garden apartments in or* area of | sized the substuh'on would be a lhe Ncv Yo! k Tei*-p!ionir O.t.. in Editor, Bi»*«, Kditor — G«fi«idln« *. j was st'ijn by Joseph A, Lacaro, his Marc Wood", development on I valuable i«x ratable i'or the bor-i9l2. Mr. Knowkvs objected s'rung I CAN'T UNDERSTAND the State Di-piirtrnpiit of Health. ; Democratic .coinmUteeman in the the , Sia"'> ''-9't was disposed by i ough and thil it was a vitally need-' : ; •'.•'•'•'1lr», 'Wi«t*«r»» JourilaU t» '«• i»w»(wsp*r "ol KM pcop!*MODI*,. to•by •th• » ptojiit, iy to lhe intnidncliwi or, jmtima- j lately .. . . raiser.! the dickens when Kt-yport and M;• ihs jr«opi«." 11* »!m 1» 4a MI'YI UM'¥*«A Interwt•• i o't M»»iiat iw vnt (fi« .!>»«» oi U». weefc - sitlioat eluI»B>. nru: ursjutlk'v j anct of -the two-parry sysicnf in j board meeting of 2 U-*ter lo the tir.ui'y of electrical service fur I'vvi're tttivniptiiij? to I real more iewnge »i ihe dispo^d lha.In. . »:-.silence I h^ conn .sustained liiin. 'lio "• akin. 'I*»i)«. "con»«rv»tlva'ni«O!nr, rwiWcUna Sine rnuiiicipality..He and Robert.E, board from the Federal Housing secf.ra.experiencing gresc i»f.a,a- | ,. , ,, .. ,,, 'Cteur ciU»fi«i andSAhtr^hjfraHiring ii»tt *orlhjr « U.n they could .»d«iiiaU;ly iuuidip . . . la fact, (hri'iii- H.aMnrSj Democrntic steering com- Administration' informing'-1 h i lion frowtn. : -jtefOTd-clMii. rotMijt' p»M''MMitUvftiii, Kew Jgwr," Imitlee cha-irman, expressed grati-jbosrd eight lals on Malawan Avc. A t l i n ii Magistrate Klemberg i ciit'd both bor&ii({h s with Iftgal action and penalties . . but Clarence U. Klulu, who si.att-t! hi" iIimnd that where specific word has! jus; shiMi^s Us shuuldery when the Union Stacl) Bwd vl .'icai.ion at (hi;', size of the turnout, In Marc Woods would hs withheld ;r^'iiO.rl 12 serfs of lam) tttlioijiinj.1, ] """'*"aiwi'fiSTE'Xw,. tjt5ir«ik.'.e«l won U limits* to.tkt co»» (J *»i ir» been j'iven by an owner <., an ,iv j Ueahh ;.(,p()[.|s U|m> an{, Ume agnin th(.rt, h ^^ (>)nk i no'ing thfit » polUical party that from approval oi building Joans un- *y:«u^i>j# •••••-, in Matawan Township, protested j dividua, or ,0th t a.^,m ,,n(1 rt.p,t. i had ceased !o be an clfe'clive'force til the effect of the -garden apan- that the utility had cleared the. she waste and untreated sewage carrying in to. the Raritar, Buy f OITOHIAL iip its wmmuiiity could hardly ex - i merits: on the surroundins area was seritalivcs ol :t comptiny or tir^ani-1 HAtiONAt of. lhe substation bare of lit'.'.'S /aiioti to stay off » property, trc»- j and or. some slreeix . . . What giv»;.« anyway Ol>«Y»»t loHhtn .Ut»! „,..». I'pect' such .* t»vorsbl« response, j noted,, ft WAS'commented (hat this which would serve uj a shield lo , . . . , .,..• Probi.biy *»«>• Mwir - •••'••• - Both welcomed "those liberal Re- rcvtjallnK IctUr was 'duly rtmi us vltw it. Mr. Nelsor. disputed him pass aoes occur if the owner is de- j using the same logic as the Highway Di'uartnierit . . . elijni- |piib!icons- in the township who at- ? corniuuniration in the open meet- on tJiis. .Mr. Stultit » ;!nothpr. To Kip that, it clans to ii.isiali another at Pooie (.--!-• •.-. .--•/.- • '.f _-,• ... ''_.,'• . I matters of community interest de- • pioniistd it would be cleartd o-.:t. \ .Vlark.i had been abusive. Bui he i ^ r< „ i • ' ,i i i . i i * m i Alfred Friti, CollreUs Rd., 8ra'W-1 spits the strong feelings'that must i is Mav I Otto Dietrich, New Brunswick i did conclude Mr. Marks had had!fve- • • • Gov'- Hiia.its is a rather bu.s.v person but he mi(jot j parents: also lhe Frit* s pUer vhe enEendefed'by political conflict, i • Ave*., expressed misgivings sb'jiil I inlormation about Ihe nc.tii'icHtion •; have some aidu. Ipuk into the cause for such, lugic ah ;vv ve [•JS'fM children, Elsine, Evelyn and|Mr. Lamaro expresseit the confi- (continued from page one) j the uje of the properly, but Mr. in the niatt(;r...Mj-. Manzo j r Ml Mrs. Mason to Jersey Central'seen lately. ijanst.-- •'-.•••-,••• ,-.- • •,••-.-•' idence there would be a tood num-, -, . .-•- N '.'lsf>n bt*lir!Vyd this owner was | Prnwr•&. l.-m to stay off her prop- i ODDS -N" ENDS '. . , Trii(nc on RouUh % lasl wi;ekend foj. ber of Repuolicans who would find• expressed tne wish to get under Mifficlently removed that it was! 1 the Democratic Party's nroaram way. with his development in sixnot likely lo be « bother, to. him. Ier'v. 1 hi inu'.'t found Mr. iviarks i , , . t .. , TT . „ . , Lawrtncs • Jfressman, ...Cotltrell's m bh^^M(k,ircinktewlcit,(Q, 1 MaiM n "taxes-municipal ""<^ «> * >;«»;•• Mr. Opie adnul- .v.nV..-!i..-t nf the. irt.si.-3ss on his .'"wing t!,e opening of Sanely Hook Park WHS real ruggert_. . ?tl, h.iE returned to work at E.I.ideas oh the lh Letier of Protest i VAH words ihnl he had a!«',iys kept ., Sjpotswood, Jylonday i night *d "'" " would be much too early and they haven t yet provided .sufficient' jtarkiiig"-space fiT ; Dupoht'8, Parlin, after ..enjoying needs situation" a-desirable new A letter of pro test was received: "01* font on the .siilev..u!v' hut that:iiioscf :jnited)eR;ittd')vRs;thc;:driye^Vp{;y a xar thro? weeks vacation.'. •:• ' approach. for township sewers in WoodfiekU.! ho wa;ite: Wood- I01' Fri-nuim Ave. reathing b.-K-k to. niiltv ruling on trt'spass •id i mess from the middle nf tuwn ... A lot of oliicial orders and •eaitjlng, dcaithi-: by' auto,':; rei-'kless directives from the town ... a lot oi oh sure';; from lhe p;;.- ."•: driving, and leaving the scene of an it*K c-onvenied . and .still nothing . . . The Matawan Town- : : "~ •pc.WentJ.:A-ii!;. J;'u'^•1:'^.,-:•....'..; . '.•••„:," ; ; ship Coiiiniiltee is using good common sense when il "i|;ret'S ^ !!:-'fi>eiecMye'.-;Sgt. : William Voikert the supervision of the boys, :j|.«fiid Mi, /iMarciiikiewio^.bid In n ':ilirg€ wooded.area\near;the scene Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, Cot- •'}Cel,' the accident-allday before glvV trell'a •','-Rd., recently celebrated P ipgr:htmseli up atHpolice'headnuar-, their 16ih.".wedding: anniversary. ?:: fers , about: 6 Vpi.m, ..>; Sgt. Voikert Sunday School of the Church Of :S i»«id MrV Marcinklewlcr. had emerg- Our Saviour, Cbcesequake, enjoyed its '-annual'- picnic at, Thompson I.anzaro, the party's two candidates Kovv.ilski advised him to.present his' cinie from Louis Nai;;', 76 Wilson matter. Mrs. Mhson alleged l:iat written all over it plus some souvenir common is. from »c- •i-."ed Irom the woqdSi telephoned some _ permission Branttd New York |.-l.-- Lake, Jamesburg, on Saturday, for township'committee-man at the jttea;; to the plannin' g boiod ' Ave. lie .said his home was rijihl ; g-- •••• ^ - -— - miairn '"'•'• ' and met, thein in-R soda I t b h f 1912 hd 1 1 hlmwif uri !. Mr. and Mrs. Victor O'Brien coining general election, GeorgeK.• ., xillllee uuilboar,ud ittoreceivemd a report the ! next door to the site and that hr ! pl-'mc Co. by her father in 1912 had 'M"" " h P Creevey and Walter S. Dunn, and ! acwagc treatment plant [or the Lev- • had had experience bein|> located | devised u> » successor subsidiary, \ 'N THAT . . . Why do youngsters seem at an utter . -.._ . . "vyounOun^g maVnann and daughler, Deborah,; Col.rcll's Rd., ipent the weekend at the home a county com.miltvemann , Nicholas j(1 developmwu was in final form j by a substation. He lokl the board I the New Jersey Bell Telephone Co., ! loss concerning what to do when it rains in the summer '..'. >- C *' *-* • *# * i"^ t Tl^tiinffikH JitlfT celebrated her 12th birthday last But, Mr. L.anzaro said, that as October for the first occupancy nf thai it was•reductive of "inter- i "erect, maintain *nd remove" I ent when they flit like iiies from one mess-muking expedi- -truck. Mr. Dalton was pronounced ! the gathering was primarily a so- homes in Stralhmore. Mr, Opie re- ference with irlevision programs, i poles from the N.J. Bell Telephone j tj to another when confined to tffe house . . . Thai's life :p *«d:»t St, Peter's Hospital. week. •.:':-• • •'• •' '• on ported it was obvious the Levitt [ Decision wax reserved. iCo. without her having been called | By t(]e Wiiy; ;lavt yuu noticed the way the Monmoulth v;;;;:.'> !••'••;.' Two Injured ,... A double birthday I in lo sign off under the original I' ' ' program on sewers had run imo a road crews have beer, spreading the puint uruuml ! Also injured when the car struck not a part of thei "hitchtch" or two. John Anthony, Lev-Lev-1 rp ^ /'i . IM12 permission agreement e.stab-1 v^OLiiily Wi! Ham Fritz mid her fai Can't yo up a quiet little lane anymore without follnw- ' Uie truck were Charles Bond, ft, Fritt. both of the dinner, dancing itt sy ,ihe OW Bridge First Aid. He pi?"1- .. . I ment on was truly a company em- TAKE NOTtCK day party held in honor of their Use Of Police H-Jiinl i.l t!lf Ti'.<: del l?d. has increased almost four-fold, now that inotonMs : «ut'fered frorn shock and neck in- cousin, Charles Dean, in South Am- ployee was far fetched. .juries. Victor Boski, 38, of. 495 Hard-' boy on Tuesday afternoon. ! of Mr. Malcolm at lii.s final meeting: a'l' • i.-1-l.ii.'k '!' M' cannot u.se the Telegraph Hill interchange (the one the I as chairman. It was noted that the Mrs. Mason declared she return- B-alldlni;. Ut l.".'.ci . ing Rd. who w»» working with the Form Questioned ed to the Ravine Dr. side of her N. J. shall Garden State Parkway sex isn't there) lo travel to Bell Labs /Victim loading the truck also was River Gardens plant had heen K- A test of a policy declaration o(, t .d under his leadership, that yard later to find Mr. Marks com- i iieai-nut |.rova_t oi pjciimni-lj,IU| ottii-.- points . . . Seems the Parkway has nothing heller ^Injured; police said. s on e h Sox Vs. Tigers the administrative director of the i (h Levitt sewer program had heen iny, ™^P™V "ijJS e^'H<™}\in^ do than lo cost Hohmlel moiu-y which otherwise wouli! e :'•'•:;." Sgl. Voikert quoted Mr.Marcin- she accosted him and warned him L I courts failed to come about before \pu t u 'l","'^not have to be spent meeting Ihe new trallii- demand. X kleyi'ici assaying hepanicked when Magistrate ; •:he::saw,Mr^ Dalton lying on the For 8-12 Title awa •road behind the truck, and ran iu- . : la the>oods. Sgt, Voikert said the The second-half title in "'the Mat- f young man admitled visiiing sever- awan 8-12 Division's baseball com- • »i taverns in the area since early petition was clinched Tuesday night ; Sunday night before returning to by- the Ked Sox With a 16-2 win over the Terriers. The Sox mana- the parking lot of the Sunset Tavern wood Beach, charged Kenneth Po- tn his knees." The younjU'i Mrs. iiiakh and'getting into his car. jger, Ed Harris, recently a-medical . , , , . , • .Musun confirmed this and also Ill-v '.'•!. Ui!7 ntlit rt-i'ii meroy. 1006 Wondmere Dr., Cliff- I'liiliini-ul'i l".ii"i'v Ck'lk': The accident happened one block P»tient at Monmouth Medical Cen- wood Beach, with starting al anreported that streets in the sewer; , , h ,|f ,,„.„, vvc,.p s(,|m|. • k ter, rejoined the team in good Vie uillnn prenusfi. ;:; from the parking lot. Mr. Marcin- health of the «aim• In which ihev excessive speed. When the case was i slnlctiocontracnt areCoa. .hel Eas|d b-y Orange the l.ri,u had Cor., jng i]|M(,e ,he |)r()|)!,r(y lj|K. healthlathhh tofo r tnhe ggarn i in uniohinh ine yhy n , Kirnr,n n.,i,r Nn,v R..,,,,,. .„„ -....j ,„ u,. :..%....:„.. Ihp.'U-e Ml Norlh 2«' 01* \\v. kiewici had been drinking with two Bahr, New Bruns- been repaired to his satisfaction Threatened With Arrest ;it!iie>HKl Vin H3 ;*k!t 946 M other men and had been to n diner took second half honors with a 10-0wick, defense attorney, asked to The borough hud threatened the She then was threatened with ar- of I83»:i a-i-t tn a ii.n.-u: i!« before returning to his car, Sgt. irecord. see le summ011s rest by Mr. Marks. Mis. Mason de- pi $5 4(1 .Nt.rri :tti *Y I'.At-l antl M'.C.M. NOI'ICb. will meet ihe Ti-! " - He noted it was firm with termination of conliact 'linm^h ;i moiui:n'-(U Ui.il is M /eel SI'KC'IAI. THANSl'OllTM'lOS said. He said the man ap- hud the stret-ts nut been returned clared. She considered ihis abusive, the s s II-2UB h-t-in Oie bt-KliiiiiiiK uf t;ie tmui^e. ii ISMAI.L VEIHCl.Kl plied his brake* before the accident- " " called lo the attention of the court to their origin;:', condition by .luly too. When she and her daughter-in- SI1ERIF1'"S SALE Ii lulal dii-tance cit ;IM.6:i lt-i-1 ii|i tne the criminaiill statute. As ffo rM MrSIKH I'Ot.ING »ml K't'MKt. I'Ot.lNO, j i-eritin of i.aul lutick a disianre u/ 70 Sptt'Un aMmis and bid lonii', tor llit Madison Township Jor two years. SKOSO to run Ihe line behind the M virtue o/ a u ril ci/ rxecullu In «itli auoUier binok; Ilit-nce 161 still tioimalre to be a'lswereri b\ ilu bid- lie wai 51. Born in Orange, son homes. $5523 to run them down be- del' ma> be secured from Uie OHict ule.wh.ch they expect to conclude fof disorderly ,ssaults and lhcneath a sidewalk in front of Ihi-plaini against him defective as Mrs. ! im alidvo t-latnl ariiou to meill. In it Suuthue!-t''i-|\ direction and along 1 of Ihr lute Harvey Dalton and the -U.rl I HII expi>se fur pull- the cciMer of the soetnut BliKik. itr of the Seeietar.. Mcmnru S-hcnil, by Friday of next week. Mason had nol located the property j "; a C'-urv'h Sllect. Mataw.tn. N J. I*.- late Mrs. Marcella (Leach) Dalton, like. homes and $10,435 in the public ll<™ l at Uie Comt II meai'ideiinfj course;,, iiui^in* ,,{ i:'^,i Only two rained-out games re- that it could be known when one less, to .Tn nngle m yakl Heen Uie lumrs of J' iKi ^M nnd he wai the husband of Mrs. Edith Magistrate Sherman advised Mr. right-of-way in the street. the I i>( Freehold. Ci fret. 4:0'i P M. cl.iliv >:Mi-rpl Sall.'dM tnll main of the regular season's va nd ne w a s 11,. New JI-I-KO.V. M IM'i.. schedule, and they cannot affect nd lh had day ii( Aliens;. IM nl t Other survivor! are a son, Stan- could not be granted before hoar- Mr. Boyd's figures only included I f -" *)* ™} "labl.slieil •• o'clock«?• . 1'. M. I'ri-vBillilf! T'lli totn'sfs. r^-'i Icet. mure or less, tu a \ The bi'md K^lucat.on reset vw ley Dalton, a duiihter, Mrs. Bar-the outcome. The makeup contests ing. But when the complaining wit- half the distance to be serviced in j llci: r.'K1)1 "' ;!w".ershlP- . Al! lite iirteiirtmiW iij;i»t. 1. piiint along Van Rtakttf Huacl, v,.'iith the ]eel i.ny andalt b»I«. intcics!. .f .nu, in inic! to Iht iwjir.t i" also tiloJiK tJic existing ciKci't Edward J. Sculhi . bara Foligno, both of, South Or- are slated for the latter part of ness failed to appear within a rea- that area and council asked Ihe en-1 . *,!"'; 'l^ls, ., J^'einoerg re- aeros< said Var; Hrakle Hi>»d. thence ange; a iliter. Mrs. Dorothy Rus- this week. sonable time, the matter was ginecr for a clarification. ! 'ect,cd, fsmlssa • He '™n(l lh« Btl" 181 Noiili B'.l ' 4C Wesl AloilK VB.I of Kfilll-ilUfill quashed. ln Iod lon Hi-akle ltoail » illsumo ut W.93 te«t ala tli Itei'ioual lilano, Westfield; a b r o t h e r. Requests for additional street i ", K ™ntacls of Jersey ten- Coiintv of MuitiniititU. kiul Stalt tint and place nt rih'.GINNING. SchiK.I Dut. Krank Dallon, New York. DlfmldM Complaints al Pm ver k Ll ! New .icr-vev. rmil (tpM-t iberi iis (ullt Chuiih Street MHS Class Of 1952 ligh^ and police surveillance i M"m . B " «'»h Mrs. Ma HKGINNING HI a pinnl alemi; CONTAINING 10.13.1 «cn'<, iiiiiie IM I Funeral services were held at The court dismissediidd counter com- gainst speeders on Middlesex Rd. *«""••"<•• t» establish a suppo- llrHkle Ituiiii. >i\ho knuiMl an Ihv : lesi,. M.l.n.an N. J. |..i;ni^ «? uciaiiii h« \i«r;> Unr.-ic i i..i.__ i J..: aj. j Ml ion "of ownership. And the court Premises hie lucalec (in Van B.-akie ' |2€ t p.m. Wednesday, at the Mason- Plans 10th Reunion plaints of assault by Marie Morris, I were taken under advisement Iriim .Murrlsvillr U) Mount ^lea^ Wilson Funeral Home, South Am- Cliffwood Dr., Cliffwood Beach, and was a request for lhe hard surfac- nol find the property describ- ed in issue hard lo delineate as boy, with the Rev. William Web- Plans have been completed lor Edna Basile, Seawood Dr., Cliff-1 inK of Oak Lane. Earl Evans ro- the 10th year reunion of the Class wood Beach. The latter complain-1 ported » leak on Washington Avt'. it was bordered by sidewalks and ster, pastor of the Laurence Har- curbs. at GENERAL ELECTRIC, \ht ACCENTS on VALUE! bor Community Church, dfticiat- of I9.V2 of Matawan Hi^h School. A ant was assessed $10 court costs. I and complained Ihe garbage con- j Inji, Interment was In Beaverdale dlnner-dtncdid e wililll be hlheldd a tP Petert - Roy D, Zarkivach, 1.10.1 Route X, tractor is not replacing disposal Put on the stand. Mr. Marks ad- Memorial Park, Hamden, Conn. son's Buttonwood Manor, Mata- Union Beach, lost his license for I cans or lids where he finds them. !I milled he had threatened Mrs. Ma- : son with arrest for unduly upbraid- wan, Saturday, Aug. 18. at 7:M) p.m. 10 days for operating a car on the j : The ,Jack Richard Combo will Garden State Parkway with ex-1 ing him. But. he told the court he provide the music for dancing. pired plates. had unl gone on the Mason prop- Fritz Infant Is There are still two members John M. Stanko, Newark, paid $5 Wide Spread In ; eriy, hud at no time taken one fool of the class who have not been and $5 costs for having no license ; oil the sidewalk. Me accused Mrs. (continued Irom page- one) Mason of shoving at him. but she heard from and an effort has been i in his possession. Keyport State Po- reckonings placed the Kopf bids at1 Christened; News denied she had more than put a made to locate them. The where-; hce summoned him. about $12,750 [or the one-bus runs ; hand on his shoulder trying In bar William John Fritz, son of Mr. abouts of Donald Lawton and John I Also dismissed was a complaint and around $15,700 for the double him from her lands. and Mrs. Wlllium A. Fritz, Cot- Brennan are unknown. |, b,y Mr.«. Marly.^n Therkeldsep,. 'II runs. Mr. George's figures arc trell's Rd., Cheesequake. was Anyone having any information j pjne St., Keyport, against her es- j comparilively in the area of $21.- Had Differences christened on Sunday at St. Ber-about Mr. Lawton or Mr. Brennan j tranged huiband, Chris, River | (100 and $r.','5(Kl. Mr. Helfrich bid ; When Mr. Knowles sought to put ; a ne.ighhiM' across the street, Mrs. nadello's Parish, Old Bridge. God- may contact Angelo (Dutc)iy) Seal-; Gardens, alleging cutlitif; her car i only on four alternate routes and 1 parents were Mrs. Donnld DeSilyn, no, 103 Ravine Dr., Malawan, who ;off when driving near it. , his quotations stand in a lixeil per- l-.li/.aheth HuKirt. 12 Ravine Dr., Newark, and Walter Harris jr., was the class president and who! , c r. n I a g e relationship lo Mr. o,n the stand, Mr^ M.isun protested Lakewood. Following the ceremony is serving as general chairman. I ' George's. %2'2.W lo Jlil.M for Route Mrs: . I In 1 v.> ii and she hail hnd dif- a buffet luncheon was held. Guests ! I. S45.80 tn $:iS.lili for Route 3. I Ilerences over another mat let. t.o were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris This week, why don't you Ila/Jct Fail $'J7.S(I lo $16.75 lor Route 4 andth. e resident acmss the slf'et would ir., Lakewood; Mrs. Mac Eber- look through the windows of : $2.1.90 to $12.20 for Route 5. not speak l:iiily. hardt, Isclln, nnd Mr. and Mrsyou. r church . .from the inside. I Second On Alternates Mrs. lltilsart denied this. The Opens Friday Mr. Jamison is second to Mr. , ;court ndmitled her testirnony and The 1962 Annual llazlet lii emeu's ; Kopf on alternate Route 5 at SlO.litl ;; '•he \erified Mr. Marks had not Fair will open at the Koutt' ?»5 lrair • per diem and alternate Rome 2, at i :g»)ne tin the Mason property while | Grounds on Friday night, il was$15.;i!! l per diem, otherwise Mr. ;>\\v was watching. She claimed her : amuwncc-d today by .lames Culh'n, George is second low bidder. alieiituin luul heen dra\sii lo Ihe ! ialkinp logeiher nl Mis. M;i;.on iiiul company president. Martin .1. Fnrd j The bids are being submitted lo ! • Mr. Marks because of "screclrli- I it rhairman ol lhe fi'ir this year. ; the State Department of Education ring." She claimed lo ha\e hcaid i Special teatuiTS include an t'X- jus in their suitability, as siaie-nidi-d • Mrs. Ma.Miii calling Mr. Marks I hibit from lhe Esso Slundard Oil Itransportation enters imo them. names and Mrs. Mason declaring j Cnmpaiiy. a military display from I Raymond F.ulo, a township mem | the Naval Ammunition Depot al | she "would park her suitcase and ber elected lasl l''ebiuitiy, submit- , go lo juil." \ HHrle, tm well as |Ktpular ainti.st*- \ ted his resignation, explaining lhal , \ inenl rlilcs lor childri'ii and ailulls. ; ihh' lo business necessity he had ' [ Two Jersey Central Power lit ! I anil (ire 11tick rides. Othi'i features been unable lo Httenil meetings. l.iglil employees In lhe wink ctew ' will be games and frrr (liim'iii;; 1 Th« hoard look his staus under across the streel thai day lestilud. ; nignily to the music nf lhr Ram- adviseini'iil nflcr he had failed lo Koberi killers, (ill Washington ' rods. i'.ltend three regular meelings by A\e . I'nion Heach, nrul Alheii Ntu June und let him know he w;is sol) la. 325 Park Ave. Union lleai h. ! l-lrenifn's nlghl will he held 1 Ttifsiliiy and lirst aid rnj^lit v.ill jert lo HCl on removal. \erifietl parls of the ihinj.'.s Mi . he Thursday, Aug. 1. All companies 1 hi' board lined three teachers Ihtl.'.arl upmied Arlinr M.ifr. and mixlllarlcs urc invltnl. l'n;."s nit tiie iiM-onunendaiion of Luther 'rate Kti'inliei(: i|iiesliuni-il Iheui ;il COUNTER-OIEP ; will br IIWB nlrd. A. F iul( I. Mipeiintentlenl ul It'lijilh if Ihev liiid heen "pi fsviM 11! " I0NIT 11 IHCHISI Area inerchitnls wlio aie (iiiri MIIIKII. They were' Robert A. Mil: l.y Jersey ('Viitiii' Power K 1 ight FITS UKE A 1 in. In ,ip|ir,u as wiiues'j's I.HIII Iwmsli'is this yt'.ir uu'htdt' Mils ' ler, Melhlehem, Pit.. Kul/iown Sun- KITCHEN BUILT-IHI shoie Si.'iti « IM IMI). fumi^ '<""> vl tUI(i»» difficult to meet the terms of your present home ;« Drivt-in. Miniiiv's S|tni I Shop. Air I nice; s^thny $.V,'ll0. William liison pult he. t B-YIAR PROTECTION PIAN ol cn. lim.l SrllAl AttlVAIQr'*' WA5HIUO ACIIOH-. loan, why not come in and invc.sU|;nlu rcfinrjic- Idiriliin tiaiiiiMi. Riilhlii R. l.iiwlor. Colniiiii. Si Ion II,iM. U k on ihf iml tti ii m i hi Ihdievgh, cinlli, oi" «lolK«» dur-doxn ilionl flUM-PiQ il /, , fii-ik >.< Ii I I • !>••!•> ii>K tu luuut jjicic-'it r.ceib? ll|'i' Mime I'i'il" Inn * 1 •!'!!> \|<>t IS; Mitnn'* ' IMIV "MI \r,il'; ^ill i.,HI Athd t '* lirifllAl f HSItM—ilmil *•<" iiii««i<* -••'• ••"'" • • • IT'S. W I). .Srt.iil.il, ','.' S Wnl1 •»•• I . liel iM'i ic I lie |IIII|I IlllltllCS lumi linl, IOIIJ, loop numl T«o voih i)it«d»--iioiiml f«f tki.ni. ll Vi*r When you refinance your payments nro lower. YB t'ollni:!' Iniii S''iii'o.isl I Inor ti Oil ',1111)111,1111111, \ll IMIHW Irs i!r or lumm, * fer d«i«« li / lUl In • tliiretl the riiinpLiinl v n1; itilnlur T*f Your budget JJOM fnrihur. Even If your home • rflitiiitil 4 litr PtMt ipln nmd T»-n v/oih i,(l.i—normol oml n ilc I|MIIIIMI l| til tHM'"l»Vt1 (III* I \ in lhat lhc iie^pics \\, V*»mr,lT li'p'i il l !'' loon Is with another typn of in.itllutlon, you inny Substations pi upri iv on /•t m ti'i jou0 I w-illin Ki"i»l|. Auto I rls. | In Ilil', I' Ii' I III I III lit) A jlW ill lli'il I iniiiliiiiieil linm p.i)i' one) .IIMK'MII SI Hut Miii'i inilc li'li tn .qualify. Got complete details todny ... without 'Ihp iiinil pii/'' lo I 1 on I'lf IInil nitihl will '.I'll. Mr. Nel'im di'i'larrd Ih.il In 11: i liiiliit hint on Ilu fnt iiir-ii . NO DOWN PAYMiHll bty obligntion. (.Lull f"f Ihn 'US HV would lie njui \\ in ClievioliM Hel Ah ni liixil iiif lhe iiililn-'. nl ;i l Crm ,il I -In trii lienlri fur | • -"i hi', ','.'1(1 KV '.liilimi until I'Hi-t the IX HI'. f Ihr I.UMI OIMIIII MnM III 11,nl Slnee Itljn lr.it ly iil ul Ihr Mi S'I'IMMI v.inl the 1 ii!lip;lir. ei -hip I i| n| im llBERAI BuilDIHC & loAN AsSOCIATiOK Talk , I i . i •. i ! I • I i llM'll 11 nin p.Iff I'ltr I > t, i ills i;ni n i Illiei III ry I wt A/ I ij'hl < II 159 Main Slrc«l - 'lulawan M lilt' |iiH itll|'it, It «t|* (Xlilill'd 1 , I 'i Mi 267 MAIN ST., KEANSBURG Mi'inliriN* lilt'iii JHU'IIY nl i inn tin fill dull \,i Knnul Ini mil, / MT llrll piihilffl out lhr "inn - Niiiin 1 lheinn i lhe i mn in liiilke tinv it'lelenir In ,1 |' in I PHONE: 787-1100 1 in mil nf the Imimil'li, Wii i t'lnliu ui iliiMuiiii I Illl- IllllilV ( ;rN mid Innviilliiii" iiimli in II" I ij. Mi!i(»l)i!i f 1 c'li'fcll',H(JriM! 'l,bfip 1 ill lift of ihr utillnnni.r im (iiiiileiWnu u (fit irnt ly mimved Imtii fvciy. ]tn M'lid ini'ii nnlo Ilir Mi.'.nn Imnl. I •THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, i. Fiv* To-Honor Gold Hard-Working Willie Beauty Academy Gtad | Mi < Gull lo«aii), djiiytiter itl

| Star Mothers Feted At Shower 11% F t in it. DUcJ., v nff.«wl B<-ai)i, & M.?,s. johu Gargiuto, 8. The Gold Swr Mothcrn of Mon- A »'ui j);, adu ileii f i » m I o • , '"^.S' ! mouth Coupty wil! be honored Sui i: ,....r,vj,t!$vA Matt-won, velfr , held juily !'i at the ,>]P.£ of Mrs. ]vVfsi !i>j.rrv W, l.ockwood, Dania, j Mrs! Joseph Mahoney.entertained | diy. Sept. Iti, at Buck. Smith's Riv- j iki their Mtl.i.wisif.diBg.an.tiver-; Wilbur L iti<-: r tt-AVi. 1 1 p)a| was a gjiest. last week of her j the ..Jersey Share Chapter- of 'Clipt.- i taurant, East Kf.-ajisburg, A ^ and vsis h nui a a d uii on: July J4,-::.nt thi> Oak ot j bv her fn.nlj its Fire. Hpiise, Matawan. The brothf!' and sister-in-law, Mr. and \ Wing' on Thursday evening in her i roast beef--.luncheon will, be scr )J tm>t!t SaturdairtioVy >fo' r i-Mf,s'..Rl>.bwl ™:ams. "'"L^I I the Monmouth County Council ' i sire?;, Matawan, W&i'-tlw co-host- \ , ,Th<2 diniiei-JWtif.'giyen:;by Mr. and .theif r burnt i.rtKteiea.h, I-'la ..after j :-. Wilmington •• - <>—, . Del--.—>.. . . wer• - e weekend i the Veterans oi Foreign Wars aiid TM o Secretaries UCS S oi M : and Mrs. Gargiu!>>'s 'eh.i!c!.t?n.. Mr., and Ivisit «il!i, Mr. and . Mrs. Harry |8 * Mt' -. and *?•". .Fvancis the Sixth District Ladles-Auxiliary j Miss MciCecn will bvci>nio the Mrs: Johii-Gargiulo ]r.;:South.Ani- j i Haley., ^ .,-'-,••'• of the Veterans• of, Foreign War, bride ot Charles Biovn, Ravim: ; Miss Datlene Tro-ak. Gloucester. '.boy-,: r^t:. f,nd,Mfs.!N'ell Qar.0la. ; Mr. and' Mrs. .h^C., W--;K1 and' Holghls.,;>s visiting her uncle; and . Cieorgf Bi-aioii, CliJfwood Bt-'ath, |Di., .'Mutawa:i. on St-pt. 1G, ii»(i^ .MatavmoV.and Mr;. and,:Jifri*. .'Antlt-I...,.,/son,. Charles...... s;;v-m.(J, Mis.', A'ta Uwis I ' Mrs;. Harvey Lam- Senior Vice Commander o! the 1 al ihr First Mcthitdist Church ol 1 opy C«g!iat-p,Y Keyport..,,. y ':-'A';%:i ui)j M t wi j Monmouth County Council, «nd <• - >'lj!awui;. ' V.our.uiilh 1 s-3 ..ecretarlej ; ; :wcre••Siinday. visitors-Pi. Mr. ana beram, Center Ave. , • \Tho.se- att.en'diiiK.,wei;i N!i:,i - auid jMrs. J.Uarenca Lewis. Mair-ficld. - Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas member of Guadalcanal Post 474S • Gilts wc-ii.- a; ranged urovind .-a r As>*-oc.ijtio.i lu-id H-, Julv niAtL.ig, :-'ijrt;t;'.)P.'J-Gargiuloi''-'.Mn-;. and." JVJrs.11 : Qa Slind ay I of 'Matawun Township, is general j i w'w.r and blua '-';wish:r,g- -veil, j TI'U.rsJ.K. i-v >:,mii, at the Cjioniiad* Jiylr.-and.-Mis. Arthur.Da'ea; Tay- 3;, F.esnk jr.. Edgfcmeie' Dr., en- '. whit:!i had streamers wiluched so it j j-.,-.st.surjn' iri the Mo/ut.f iith jivjv ••.••.jS/'Aweri-aV-.Jvlr&^-^^iliJitwijI.'^pd.' ior'.Rd., entertained at ^ _cockt.avi [attained In celebration of .- their chnirniMn. Mrs Richard- Nebu*>, ;i daughters, iviiipifcyanil W-Kriu-cgs;; son^EHcV 'fbT'birthdav Th"r Koyport, Senior Vice President of-| ' and-a wwid.ns bell suspendep d over, nii),, CviMU Latni tow>l > and barnwt!e party, July .15 in cc!- i pi'ig k Norl,ti •.';..-B'erisE-ija ,.Mr,V -anflvMrir.'".'.^.-! ebration-'of their 12th wedding an- 1 1 ! it. Buff retri'shnienl:-; were ""lioreiMO.1 we5t-'Ne'iv.-y6rkv':!VIr.;and...... _ guests wefe Eric's, maternal giraiid-1 ^ «**.• P^iL^i^*^K«y|X)r. ."t i! j served. •. j i. Belmiir. fMrs.:r Lei}. Kal&'a,^nd,!;- children, nly'et-sary. Their j-ues,is were Mr; parents. Mr. and Mrs. -Walter P. i '*•?• «.:o;ctiaU • ! Guests were Mrs. Schneider, Mrs i will rcp.iHjnl ihe Monmm tu thap- and Mrs. Joseph Krlschker. und Swanson,-:Mr. and Mrs. William H! j "M ;:i^iciiaii:pal£yj-.li»:qr-d/Giry;' Mr; ; m j Lorts-sUvet, Mrs SV. Oliver OiRBin. | n-t at Ihe 11th Ai.nudl Lonvrulioti ; Louis.G. ,We!sel, Belrnar; .-.CtBov-ic ! May jr. ^nd 'children. Jean and ?-n- v and Mrsij; ^wJgliri.,'..Mr, riud Mrs-i : Miss Patricia MclO'ftn, Mr:>, Gar-! tt ,v,u ^T,. nnni *,, , e. .tll % P. ZiftK'.er: and Miss Mary. T. Mo-j Billy and Eric'? brothers. .Charles 100 Af Last Year's Affair rits 3wV ra: 1 ; ; i : han. Highland Park, and Edward . and" Douglas. .' , 'More-than 100 Gold Stiir Mothers | ' Schnsidcr; Mrs. Charles Brown, | ]","*" ,^ '"q ",/_ u 1"".^'' jj j.'lL' j- --::-'•.•' 'Kafv?ii;fcic: '-and Mrs/'Dqjiald Ahlers, Tiiito.WoO'Jbridge; I 'William K. Craig.-playt-d iij, th« attended last year's luncheon... A p , Mrs; Stiwkton Hopkins-and son, j goif •oi.irriamont Saturday and Sun- ,.-„_... boo. . k,. i,s. planuw-, .. on John Scott.: spent Thursday and r i Mrs." Richard Wikon, Kevi>orf, K, ' i " vf ' ° , « ' ' " ' : : : .Friday:a ,,™j_.-.i t!i, e -1-tl Fair .held'a-.. -t the Club as.a jjuest of Milton Gunkle. isemann, Post 474, i, are co-chair- S^eiyMr: aiid Mr9. ,WiHer KaljetuV Freehb1d%:Rai;eway;.,Mri. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs,. Craij; attended tli-s j'rncat of ads'and-boosters. They !-Mrs. .-reutnan Berry, Mis. AV! ^^it'S^ n^'^I , wvv- Brunswickp Mr," and Mrs.'' A. !I v ; /i/is.as .ann equestriaequstn Jleader in the. Va- coc--••'-•k tai• - l part•"-»•y• Satusdao~'..«r-..y; nigh«i.-.st. and»...i! i ,i, aV(; umiounce..d. th't-ii'-•»-•'•-•'«--•' deadline " •: j5kislak>j(K:i»nd 'c'hlldrcni:: Jinuny queros\4-H Horse Club. the buffet, supper Sunday al - the j Sept. I, • »|ld;Ktithyf-EastErunswick... " : •Mr.:and Mrs..William Matihaey Club.' . : : ATre: H-irrv- Kern, Junior Vice entertained at an outdoor co-oper Mr, andMrs, Frank fi. Bliss al•-! j i p™?^"J, the Sixth District, •': teiv Barbare; • Mr.:"ahd Mrs.; John" picnic.Sunday.dTri: Theiri , i-uens | -^«:'he .wedding ' Saturday of l and a member of Unit -17-15, will 'L'apa..Snyreville;• ^Mi-..and Mrs. •»e"Boif; Alfred Smith,! MrM^I^^^'il^^^.T^lMrv. Mlss'-Joan KIIIMJI to" Joseph A. V e as puhHclly chairman, John Burdak, -Mr.' and, .Mrs;! N. 0 half siiniiMors, putting In aver .1001) hours of work, and he. has never Willis Applegaie jr.. Mrs. be.-n received from over 400 mi*m- •,H6wlKy,and;ic,hl|dien,- Kathy and and "Mr..,'Fred, CI-olewir,Ski ^nd^l^^^LS'y,^™. -^!!^ Other committee nv.-iv.b'jrs are "Vj'!"' bers repiesuittng 221) chapters Zoh'ir-Dr ami Mrs Mark-Mis-Hn Forest Hills. L.I. The vecep-.ion Other c, oskl (l fcr Thpibaull, Lakewood; und N.icky.''A, ,Skisiuk;., Steve Kalicta, car^^oh^'Key^rt;tir. - .at -he*** to Hot,,, Ne» | ^^ County Cammuntloi'l ' overtime. ' i!-ioii|;hout the Unitul States, Puer- : S .4 Mrsl;/S3' Kal)?V? afland; children; Dolly, drfh, CHffwOCKi; Mr, and Mrs. An-1 c^'e"n ^c .'j^,\^ N C former District Auxiliary President. ()'- nnd Nirs. Tom Deun. i 'Ihe application (or nT-mbership ..Harry, "aiid. .Billy,. .Mr. and Mr.",.' j2TJSr?&S^aS at!' c^i: ffli SSS&". -e S I ^on-Major OnX _«*. .M-J. Girl Scouts Hold Day Camp I m tlit' Monmouth Ch.mtei of Mis, : John Mansmatin'and children, Billy friemli and relatives las: week in Lewis,-Quartermaster of the County I t>dlly K l'a'ryinple wa-- accepted. Maiawan and Keyport. . I Council, Eatontown Post; (.harks Present New Radio I Hie next board maotmij will b» ?*jd Mrs;- Thomtii* Larkiri^ Haziot; Mrs. Nellie Richards and daugh- Mrs. William Rabei entertained i Norman, County Junior Vice Girl Sccut Day Camp of Disliict, M's. .Su-phen Lancos, X>rs. Arnold j on Ihuiida;1 Aug 9, at the hom« 'W: Kalieti, Soiith Anitoy: Mrs. M,-ter, Mich'ole, Red Bank, and Miss Friday night-at. bridge. Thu win-Commander, Manasquaii Post WS; ; ||. Monmontli Couiiiy Council, has I I'-.-pe, Mrs. Steplien Zcc/kouski mid Series Over WRLB-FM I o! Mts Ham Hains Manosquaa. Mi ftr.-w: Flo uruntbor, Belford, were Sun- Klita; Mr* aiid Mrs; J. lliiaiio ners were Mrs.. Leroy Sifkels, Mrs. Mrs. Lewis Mebus, East Keans- j just completed Ms sixth year iit j Mrs. V/illiam Whttacr't, Ha/lei, und 1 day Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerard Devlin and Mrs. Freder- burg Unit 1953, j C:heescqualie .State Kirk. 1'hc Girl! Mrs. John Borne, Union Heach. "A Walk Down The Street," ai new radio series over Stereo- ,Sta- : Middlctowh; Mr; and Mrs: A; Kul-Lewis. ick IX'dertok. Other guests were Thi held | Scouts spend eiylit days at camp. I Two senior Boy Scouts, l-'rank Sebers Entertain fpui*. South - Plainfield..,; - ;. :>;}:. > Miss CarolCaroCg, Craig. New York, Mrs, Frank H. Bliss, Mrs. W. Oli- Saturd: i: spent lasltt week -wlth'-'herwlth . parents, ver Diggin, Miss Palricia McKeen, Mr 'iC.!ftS"Wcr !> The.soh of Mrs. William Brldge- p "Christmas, in July' Saturday eye-1 T,)a ,u0(| |he Mir,s ccoo( k al cnmniM?s B re)| e"iire.s"t-d hcr appn?!-ia'. i '''"esday at 11 p.m. and Saturday } Patruia, Miss Arlene OelberY, the maii and the late ,Mr. Bridge-nan ' Frederick Dederick, Mrs. Richard ning in the Veterans of l-orci-iii! purchase. id „„(.-each, ,day by women I tion to all ihe volunteers who help- i al * l'-nl- over ^•*ler.e". Station ] Misses Jean and Rltrt Si-ber, Ro- Mr. and Mis. T. J. Carter and Erdmann, Mrs. James U. Neil and js pui chasw )aj j a has been assigned to the/John'Bi- son, "T. J., Bradentpnd , Fla.Fl , arriveid Wars Hall, Cliffwood Ave., Cliff- voluiiteers. They were Mrs. Joseph | ed make the camping period sue-! WRLB at 107.1 on dial- l)erl Slcven ncl Glll- •' silone Pl«tdoa.» The 3qhn Baiilone Mrs. Elmore Kattner, Matawan. wood. Th« dinner - dance was spon- " i ' * Selwi. Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. Also Mrs. John Eggleston, Holnidi-1 McGurrin, Hazlet, nnd Mrs. Mike | ccssful. Platoon" Is -miii up of » Mnall B. Carter and sons, Mark and sored by the Veterans of Foreign Cirossmann, Union Beach. Mrs. H.; At the closing day of camp, the group who: meet ipecial require- Rick, Lakeside Dr. They were all and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt, Brielle, Wars Guadalcanal Post 47-15. Ihe and Mrs. Mary Myers, Middletown lloinjock. Cliffwood Beach, was in j ndjan dance dub ol Boy Scout i'tnents'. Seveaty-six boys from As- spectators Saturday at Yankee Sta- Ladies Auxiliary, Memorial Home charge of a nursery group al the Troop 5ti and Explorer Post 5C, Un- biiry Park, 'New Brunswick and dium. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T. Township. and the Corps Mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brehme, | camp. ion Beach, ppresented ceremonial Jersey City have been assigned to J. Carter and son left for Coopers- Taped recordings of Christmas Unit Lenders 'the jplatopn, rnerhbefs of which town,:N.Y:,iwhere they attended Largo. Fla. Mrs. Robert Smale and I dances. The boys, under the leader- son, Robert Smale, Washing- music and carols provided the Unit leaders were Mrs. William ship of Harry Breil, were Sam weVe iworn in at' tipeiiial ceremon- the ceremony that admitted their Christmas atmosphere during (lie j Slnver, Mrs, John Olski. Mrs. Ad- ies at '(Hi municipal building, Som- friend, Bfli'-McKechnie, to the "Hall ton, Mich, nnd Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Weir, John Bezak, Joe Cauliield, of Fame" on'Monday. Lelms, West Palm Beach, Fla. Yankee pot roast dinner. rlan Mets, and Mrs. William Kunz, John Massotti, John Niola, Gerald , ervilleji at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Bob Rudders Music Rascals pro- Keansburg; Mrs. John I'-'ulco and ClfilCaulfieldd , Bill SelaSlh and FFrank • Parents were Invited to witness were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mrs. William Gade and children..,_,„.», , Dominick during the week. vided the music for dancing from Mrs. Richard Joyce. Maiawan; Breil. the ceremonial. . , Lorna and Jim, were Wednesday 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. with such novel- Mr. Bridgeman attended Me- guests of Mrs. Robert Slauen-1 *Sikki ]A°y | Itoberlsville. Anyone interesied mav contact Ihe chairmen. State University, Phoenix. .. THE MATAWAN BANK San Francisco, Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Mary Kapushy, 5-IB Jersey You'vt nmr had Insuranct likathis! and Hawaii. While in Los Angelesg , Ave., Union Beach, celebroled her MATAWXN, NEW JERSEY she visited Mrs. Harvey Hunt, a birthday on July 18 with a party Urgent Appeal Return From Cruise • 10WKT riMTHn MMUAl lormer Matawan resident. al her home. Decorations were van-colored und Ihe table center- Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bi-a and i fOMIIlC COST Mrs. James Ai rosining. 71 Bay- WtCOUNTt piece was a large lighted birthday view Dr., Laurence llnrlxir. public son, Charles jr., Cliffwood, have re- ' • AUTOMATIC • TM 0UALITT Mrs. Ryburn And Son cake. welfare chairman of The Woman's turned home from a week's cruise 1 up Ihi! Hudson Kiver on (heir r-ruis- M0TECTI0N Given Bon Voyage Party Cjuesis wen Mr. and Mis. J. Club of Laurence llarhor, has an- .Ma/.uroski and daughter,. Barbara, , nounct-tl the great need fur maga- ei, Chicabti, a Coast Guard Auxil- fAYMMTI iary (ariliiy, having put in al- Cro- On Thursday n bon bovage partv i • ••••,an d ••;•-Mrs-. Georg..-•e Kapush. •„,,.-y „,an„d •z |m.Si used clothing, jewelry, and "rank and Karen, ' «i)id puzzles for the p'alieiils IUM' Bay. "I'l-ck'-kill Yacht Club. was held at the home of Mr and I chiUlr.-n. t.^.i^.-. Irank ;.ncl Kar.-n. (:ro3s Thl* GOLD KEY AUTO POLICY Is written by GOLD New Hamburg. Saugerties and and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kapushy , al Mar||,,,r,, Stale Hospital. Any Mrs. Joseph Saralmchello, Rome and chlldu-n, Joan, Sleven and ; haung any of Hi'- aiikk- ("at.ikill II.IIIMM \!I HIM is a ini-m- THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, famous 114, Matawan, in honor of Mrs. John une (or fair, fist settlement ol cliimi tine* KEY lane. Keyport; Mr and Mis. Al- [0 donate may loulact Mrs Aim- b." ill the F.<-y|x>i I Yachi Club Ryhurn and her son, .lames Paul. hert Kapushy and children, Mary- | t;, for pick-up and deliverv and Cia-it Guard Auxiliary I'io'iHa 1853, Facilities In tvery idle. Also present wr-n- Mr. and Mrs. 1 s rMI| laiiinnc* Certwrallo* - fc4»fd Imm To jet ill th« money-living facts — md ami. .lunice, Albert und Ihomas, ,„ ,|H. ||,JSpiinl. 21. Moig.ui AUTO j John Habnsky. and sons. Ralph Judith and Cinrtly Citok, Matawiui; ; — further Infoimatlon on additional features i and John jr., Miss Alice Morris, Including »5-yeir continuation ureemenl, I Morgnnville; Sgt. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mr-i. R. Richaidsmi IMHI I phom or come in today! POLICY Cupp nnd children, Sue and John-! children, Thomas. Sheri and Kl.en nie, Furt Monmoutli. Joan•. Port Mnnmoiilh; Mrs. It. RliAI. INSURANCE Mrs. Ryburn and son spent a! Richardson. Helloed; Mr. aiul Mis. ISTATF. PROPERTY week with their godmother, Mr--. I '• Knilivy and son.'Kickie. Mor- I.ONDS VANS AGENCY MGT. Ssuabuchellii, and Mr. Sarabuchel-I ganvilh-; Mr. and Mrs. I). Angt-lit John H. Florino, Broker lo. On Friday they left by jet from j and chlldrrn, Donna and Susan, Idlewild for Frankfurt. Germany, | Mrs. R Riedenpi-r. Union Beach, 267 Main St. LO 6-1881 Matawan to join Sp/5 Ryburn, U.S. Army, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulick nnd chil- who is stationed in Germany. dri-n, (iron and Joyce. Mrs. ,l. Sal>o, Canerel, and Mrs.K. Olsen, Rarilan. The Morganville Woman goe« Entertains; Newt NOW OPEN! around Mi:,. Knymond Brown, Murgan- vlllc, f-nli-ruini-il r

Mr ami Mrs Frank Smilh nmt sons, l-'ranK and Inlin, Ni-w.uk, vis- Hod Mr. mill Mrs Muriin Smith ir. on Siituiiluy. A Complete Una of Mr, ami Mrs Hulu'ii ()wi-n-i iiuil OPENING clilldn-ii, Vr,ii-u nnil lluhby, alh-nd- ed a livliiti-d ;• t:i< 111.<[11111 parly on SPECIAL Modern Beauty Culture Satunliiy fur T<-H'-:I W.illlng. Mat- itwiin. Keg. ll.i.ti) Hr Milady. Ladies AIIMIIIIIV <•!>'J ilu- uni, uf thi! Miirii.invilli- Volunli-i-r lire Co. .iliuiuli'ii llw iiiiiuiiil f-ilr "I l'r«l Permanent di'nl I'nik mi Wi'iliii-iiliiy itli'.lil. • Your lntp«ct!on It Aid Sc/io/arslw'f) fund Wave t Pontiac Tempest Tin- Wnniaii'i I lull "I M.iliuv.in j Warmly Invited. .-pilllSIMl'll II liH-.HH' |M"V I" liUV | Liimliiitiln'ii IMi.tilHi- Ixliiiul nt, $10 ('ompli'ti' i Junes lli'iii h, I.. I , mi lulv It I'wn '• \IHWS l.li ilu- II.II! : •'"• .'1 Lull' i i ami llm.nl ,

60 j£r IHE &1ATAWAN JOURNAL, N. X , July 2©; 19*2

jisHntptft Una m tit* 1WM4 cf a&janwir.j reudcwt'tl st»a *Vcr> '»-1 luviJert so p»rr!<>i>*!e m th s qjai ten (" i.f"s*y Hf.ihr.i«n Ifcl&tait. cluduihtuw DeUTvwohont Lib i"iy mfttmg heitlofcie, (hut; \J«I I at O end SIIJ.-1> r. «nnf Hie- .-'iii.m ;itf .n niarjt o! Contract have fawn held on |)IK; in •» ,'• euir! V,t bv ') v ' sh<.« ibonty cmtrmw, eud Or. John B. %??"!" ft*!"*"'* * ' ™ rtt>>t? thun a diO.rjcl in ! »_ * • * i fiC I • w^i J72F llkrB in ihairmtn, .Feature Ar Fair M LvaiiK L'>i-Cii> Hew Interchange | Taout comnn&'SiCnc.a »!\o wilt' 1m *on!rnet !w construe- I., wd. ii w;ii i>* ntitied, Anantic Highlortds nll n ! 1 la".. S.jh'u.M n. >..'» kid bxli-bnsof i..-1-r.ty, m ***»* Jayw#$ Set ConH«» land i'.kri fluiwr, hayiiurl ami B-!! , '•'• *•"'* '«'• -' * ' «-t*n | i n fid '• . £' NIH )(.M fctw o? s G«/-<5« $f»'e Parkwsy In- 1 Alifj. J, j Mcddutk, Kfansburji, h«|i! a p.jn Sn..n!av Se|>l ^1 -H. ;( mv S.in t 5|'tri»n»". tK ' Assw .i'i«n di s-nJ ;"< jilt N -A fi'.-i n.p.-..iiptnl of Aj(- teK-l*i»(j» *l a<«l Hi!) Sit . K*mule2 ct llt!1 b* i been the MI i* Tos Atlantis ]li|;h!xi»]s Junior j i' mtelms si Mr > ynii i honit i (I iv Si:-' '(3 »i Irraiwi ;•, |KL.IO( 'in- Ni >. Ji''.'» ,\(j:(i'!lii Hr>ei!"i'', r'tiil'niL k,-r,i>it ! oiin.nl F'rtt tin} MtddJetotvn TovvnihijM \u; of ronuovurisy rmtfiln; oc ""iCh«ml«r oS f.'o!P.»i'«'rr« has oi.- ^JiA1'.'IS> >ii Si i> * *•'«'BUI.».I 'j. !.:M>r«dA*. y H°itoi >J .VI "" 1 "• " "' >' "•! ucmnced Iho opeiiiHj; uf compe'i- "i cherjje of ttxp'ortx i oinid Jablij, i of ^^Ii'-r ^lfc Tins i'<-n.JJVI ti'*ti j arilgfit! Ct «'\.'«.\.iM ((rT tVii's.t.i) i.,' lli< Co ii !i,r i-' :'sl< i..' i S f Hll sl •'ll hs'j- « h «-^ V'Vi«,;' aaflf.fil"rr .a" AP'V^'ltioconfer- j ^onn foforr Misf,ijsss J-ycfepJaycfe <>f f GrealeGreateti AtAt-- ;-"*• "l pmeiiP.r«Wlt*.f o"n tht v|a(f sc l-orf-on-.t! vvh'i 1>'<.Hh atailnitjilfdl vv.il, nr aa fefeww htvthtvtii !M!MSS '' op opi 'ii'i\'ii'i\cc UU • idfif•( ' *.<.«i'"ift (in of , 7 '.".r"" i(e i*rih county and Ifical officials | ii>ntic Highland1!. 'Iht' rcii'.e:,'. JK j ti.rrj; liivr.t ReactvntiiM 1: n e;»-j t'ro'Mi m mv ot ihe IA; jit • I I'lii.nie • i •• 'V.II.'J | Re. croji»*s ovtt the parkway Wiien coinpliinl. lhci« vill b? a Uipen to all tingle girls, wh IB ' P««fd that he »ili be hotie to tal'i'! Ani"ira. «..t! ;>w «\h'nitnr*, ull| Siheduin A,w/.i(ls j /"* Sk Sp W H fe HolrntM and to (w» cent loll chatgt' iar couth !:cyn(! through 25. i|>*il !a tile pro^'am un A»g 2,\ '"' wl.t'ti t-iMiil vi/cfi.i.i'.m at'lifif l I| j,, |(|,j,iul) ;,> !hs k^ntui't'l | Cj5 A&. ^ '- '«nvinp Hie parkway m R«i Applications must be submiUei!. ~- Ii Ptm« lh* pn/ci, , i!ltt j,,.., „„,,,, M,. ll(!llu f,, a AIR 1 1 I , tf.Y ^DJ. |. llie Job in K'uwlultsd foi j^ntrring5 thve p«rkw»pflrKKfiy ihtJ't'ihem. rtqucstfd !o er.close her pitturc.i - '™ ' Ai its'MUS'Ml! l^ieil^tiee ivill btbe? r'm\(i\i«.,i»n i».,i»ns ' tdurittdunl LL : dll ^'.r f ,nu.i;u! cL(f iinlyv hhtu Js 1*.' '.v MBtpiiftion by ChrietniM. TheZIm- ~ ' - •• • I ..ir •• I f.iv " Ihifiehangf will lerve « B,,j pertinent isiiia nhc wi-njiit, ! tn, /lyrslmts, Bn'»n Swiss Ci.i'.'ii- 'liif S' * Slll-Fl Ml "Al V.OMK ^7.777. w»~^»i.-T.'^-^™- I jicisili, iiervntiw» ant! Economu DCM:1- ISTIMATSS etl. ' ffirncnt, has anr.ojiic*-(J cnnrJitKuLil IN CLIFFWOOD IT'S J. BILLS Prvliniinariea- will be htld on ] ippiovpi i.f iocnl [MIK 4.its «•, J.H-I I Aug. 12 and 19; finals *n Aug. 26 I0' l»c C:r«-en Acres I'rojsiam niw & SON |Ai| candid»tM mown for Ihe |>re-! 'r' VtW-'±'> 10 «"t a<-uJe wgi-miv A. C. liitiin^rie* VMl!! be Lbnlai-ti'Lbiilai-ti'd by 'ho inviiuli'-tiKud ianilamhn lofor consor\glioconsor\giion urnurnli j GAS HEATING 1 For f(inimiti(?«. A variety of pr'/cs ] itffea'ioii, Moiuno'iih Coc.niy will awaits ihe winner. AppIitMicns 1 oisrtiripate in ihe local phase i'l the ] ',- • Residential • Commerrii>f should heij^ - 9 Industrial il« Higtil«nris, |«iit.ins'e. A '.olal of i33 acieb m Monmouth Phone Explorer Round Table Coiiiily v-ti'iipiiM-i ateas in Tuikcv LO 6-2652 Swamp \m| tht' ilulmrlcl 'lr( the .inai will de- penp d upop n Laliifiictoiyy mmpletinp n Far Any Fm^rgeuv Tli* first Exploier Round Table lit apprAi.sh!&, cerlifw fi'iiin o! litle IF IT'S ruettinv; 'or Chincnrora District, slid bdiinflar.cs, end iifi'rmnu .mJ i Monmaulri Coitncil, Bo> S 1. <> u t s aulh.oi.zation of miikning siati USLIE PAHLiMAN & SON of Arrierk'8. will he li'ld AUK 2* <" payments GAS-GAS-GAS-GAS the home of Jumts F Klynn, 127 4* Compfon St. Mfotd Ravine Dr., Matawati Hi K p m. All GAS HEATING Chinjarora r.xploif silvisors, its- inciate mlvi.M'rf. anil coinniillee Are DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER GAS HEAT OPTOMETRIST — Spocio/isfs — CALL N»w Jarity Natural fias AnttMriiidl Sal** and Service EYES EXAMINED OFFICE HOURS y y CIHfML JERSEY GAS APPLIANCE SERVICE I A.M. l« « P.M. GOETZ rrld»y» | A.M. (c I P.M. S. L. CERMANN & SON OM*4 AIS Diy Wedaeidayi GOHl PLUMBING A HEATING HEATING 30 W< Front St., LO 6-338S K*yport 992 Wcodmece Drive Cliff wood B«ach 235 Main St., Keyport COIfax 4-0350 «3I itTUNIIC AVIMUI - MAIAWDN COKax 4-2020 irVDRO-'HSEKM CALL US AMERICAN STANDARD HOT WA1ER WARM AIR INSTALLATIONS LOwtH 6-2695 Our Service Is At Your Service '. DAY mi NIGHT = Throughout The Bayshort Area W. F. DWYER FUEE OASLIGHT uuri VOST FULLY 1NHTMUUED IMPORTANT! IV US AS OFFERED IN 6AS CO. AD BONUS


I" ! ^Certified HEATING ESTIMATE OFFER This offer Is one of the most fobuloir we have ever- Jka timfii ping foa made; It means that based on a survey of your hom«,; we will issue you a Certified Heating Estimate, >rvhich; states a specific dollar figure as our estimate of the cost of heating your home by Gas for ! one year. If, at the end of thot time, with your home converted to clean, silent Go* Heal/ $o htiter gtt 9*nrs ' the cost exceeds the amount which we have quoted, we will: I. Refund To You tf>« Coil' : of the Gos Heating Equipment. 2. Refund to You the Cost of Installing the Gas Hooting ! Equipment. 3. Reinstall Your Old Heating Equipment At Mo Cost to You! • It Is a very (Simple matter to convert most heating plants to Gas, Actual^ thfs conversion to Got Jtybe they're M!I can take as little os two ond one-half (214) hours, with no Inconvenience to th« hous«K 3 hold Existing forced olr ducts or radiators ond pipes can be useu no IwuS yv'Ji* hor'svc- ?ft 06M! Ihe efficient, ecorkomlcol way, by Gos.

We proudly snnounM ttM FREE GASLIGHT om'ilotion of ten yenrj H proylrliif {«^ »nvlc» l» We uia ulatl to be nlile to vjjvr as a flnmoruu* puiiMiini n-& Sussmsn, Engagements KtVfir', SIIS HumSlintcp, Hail CUrk Pe^rsm "S fwJ, ' u in I11 s ' (< ii a Hand )"d M» Pm' Vlrs "ftoi« hi, iy>air>aAs o* ''w >* Stained Mtuiday l»ly 21, ! Iport, was married Saturday, July t!au<.hter S \h ^ I' w< h j W , h 01 Bandy aid la*"i hat, w j Rank Presbyterian Church on Tow- ! hat I son U /uhn I | tr Hill. Charier, Wood'was organist. JI.TI vi V'IO lied I ut da J'lyi ^J(v| ', f\5c. Clark gave hia (.'aoglittr in "If in l'ie >Vest Pi fjson Hosp ffi*-<-J Mrs Bt'ijamm Demus, Ketpor*, .«! Pftll tl llML lllKsv S^™ # | "iiai ria^e. Shi; wore n fuli-ltnmh w iiie nVroii •>' honoi SI.e »on I gown t>' embroidt-rt-d silk orf,an?a H<- I'.dt D 11 i Nt \.llk and M'l ' • pink oigdiuu itietl-leuglh (trtc-s j I ovi;r taftrta designed'with a sabri- .< lied Hi lirnc\p for fe^ \ ^'S with s blue hat and a-icf,sor,ei and 1 na neekiine, belt t:kirt and chanel- l!c rtviiit1 ^,i Jt r son ".dtiu'nun A a Mirs.a)><' *' p'"k wcfihtMrt rose*, I lenglh '.rain. A crown of orange n ' IS) jiitti 2i i l t,und»l Ic" er '' For thtir veddw trip to fap«- I Mass., was motron t»»tf i\mfautiu>ns When tnc-y Humphreys, Tair Haven. | er Suniuel Ki^r, .'5 i aritana Aoy, iftiivn, liny will reside nt 171A I The honor attendant wore a urwn [Liuinri HirL t-g ^fp^CiV-'* •*••'- |i maids were in yellow.. All ttara r ul ' followinj, a long i'ln'ss liut.nunt' Mr^ Samuel ('lark MatB\\«i.-OI4 r i and Cost ActoiintMiB DeiMilment of •'; ,' i"?,ii-'t'^,"''*i *'"* '' ,'v bouquets of daisies, carnations jv,." n tht *\~ ipton I akts Cime i Br ripe Rd Bt.ittntDHn Hnnvi) - Vnr.Win.kle - Munn'iij! Cn , ,'. *'' \i M,£ f /'i v *'.''"_ ' " babies'-breath; I ^ Tn» cenmony will be (yerlorrued l&ciauan Mi Uullcr Is retired i'l. .. '. J- ' •£' V r' .'.i "• j "* ' James Pnlmer PaltonPaUon. Red IBank brother- of the bridegioom was Mr Klin, 12 fojrmeilj olPomp jSaturda> Aufc 18, 1%2, at 3 W ton Lake"' s wa" s hor' n i~n "Newar k'' pis in the First Presbyter aa best man, Ushers were John Hre« j He wai a carptnter hv I J-Ie and p Sin, Red Bank; Donald Richard was empiojtrt by the Boiough of Cuirch N'atav.un Births MRS. AU'HONSE CEkRElO JR. Beverly, Mass.; Robert Molchkiss MR., MRS. WILLIAM VELGE JR. Pompton LLakeke s prior !to his relire- The coup'e w carried colonial Iwu- High School graduate, received hi« Mr. mid Mrs. John E. King. 41 Afnboy Hospital to Mi mid Mr*. ed the ceremony and celebrated was Ihe best man for his brother. Maple Ave., Keansburg, have nap queti of yellow rosm and carna- Bachelor of Arts and Master of Charles Mauicr, 4G0 Cliffy-ond The Rev Sianley Unandeski Arts Degrees from Rutgers Univer- the nuptial mass which followed at Ushering were Norman Velge, East Wills Filed nnunced the engagement of their Ave , Clilfuood Bench, on Sunday, pt rfoi Died the iiuUulc ring leremo- lliOllSi ; sity where.he was a member of 10 a.m. Brunswick, brother of the bride- daughter, Maryannc, to Charles R. luly 15, I'ii ny . Bstktr H,,.).. 'ne bm'.e was given in mariiage will teach physical education and Francis Perry, Trenton. She wore Beach, brother of the bride. Wil- Lone, 144 Suntet Ave., East Keans- Dillon, Keyport, and John lanne, a ballerina-length gown of lace and Dr. Sidney D. Becker, Keyport, »•>"• by her faiher She wore a flcmr- coach freshman basketball, base- liam Gorhan, Union Beach, was V.1K> died Mtr. 18, left household burg. .'.'•- Mr Port Monmouth nylon organza, designed with short the ring bearer. snd Mr- Arthur J Roche, . „ „, „, (ac, Hntl b|lk ball and soccer at Hutftra College, goods, furniture, piste, linen, jew- Miss King attended Middletowa A reception followed in Buck sleeves. A shoulder-length veil of After a receptiop n in Ihe Liberty tln> patentImmisi l)o!i ,* Odaughterh BrulRf, , horirne , ,ne fl|t , l) °". Monday. Lloyd; two daughters, Mrs. Rudolph many mul had lived i»- Union itM I'antlac, 4 door bard lv r man R. Rilcy, pastor of St. John's who died.May 20, left her estate ltd, in Riveivicw llcpual. Brown Rd, Morgiinv)|l» are the '» ". »«, , he I iirksnns are Methodist Church, Raritan Town- Hedel, Matawan, and Miss Diapa Ueach 25 years. lop, full power Kit parents of a son. born Satinday, ""• P'1"'1'1' »f tllre«: othe'Unldien, Gould, at home; a son, Pvt. L. Ro to her son, Francis W. Stanhope, ISM Ponllac, Safari slatloa Inn boys ai.d a (!irl Hie baby rss ship, officiating. Interment was in Surviving arc hi» wife, Mrs. and also named him executor. Wagner J.lull y 2121 , 1M218R2, in TitkiFk n HtHospitall . |«° 'w »'orn in Italy and had lived villo. Funeral services are being held j culrix. Valley PI., Hazlel, arc the parents Medical Center. in Union Bench (or 12 years. She Highway 34 DeRata Thursday from the Day Funeral Alice K. Bcha of a il«u(;hier, born Tuesday, July Voorhen was the widow of Vincenzio Sinuira. Mrs. 1-auriU Smith 17, 19H, in Rlvrrview Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Pat.ty DeRosa, Home, Keyport, at 6 a.m. At S Alice R. Belin, Keansburg, who A daughter was born Monday. She was a member of the Holy Mrs. I:mma SundqiiiM Smith, Matawan 907 Route 36, Union Beach, are Ihe Family Church, Union fleacli. !I3, of 37S Shoi eland Circle, l.r.u- a.m. a high mass of requiem Is be- died June 25, left her rslote to her Ktarpball parents of a daujihler, born Mon- July 23, l!l€2, in Monmoulh Medi- ing offered it the Holy Family husband, George Bthn, and named cal'Ccnter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Surviving lire two sons, Frank, rence Harbor, died Saturday, July LOwell 6-4239 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Marshall, day, July 23, ISC?, in Monmouth Union Beach, and Rosario, Italy; Church, Union Beach. Interment him executor. Crine Rd., Mornanville, »re the Voorhees, 12 Warren St., Keyport. 21. V.i(\7. in Penh Amboy General Medical Ctnttr. three daughters, Mrs. Angeln Bou- Hospital. She wai the widow «f wilt be private. f)»irriit8 of a son, born Tuesday. signove and Mrs. Thomas Ranipan- .Tilly 17, IS62, in Rivirview Hospi- Reher Lauriu Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beher, ti, both In Italy, and Mrs. Frank She was a native of Sweden and Ul. A daughter was born Sunday, Ju- Didio, Union Beach. A brother and Studios Hazlel, are the parent; of a ton, lived in Fords for 55 years before Funeral Services ly 22, 1962, In Moninoulh Medical sister, both in Italy; 20 grandchtl in Center to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald born Friday, July 20, 1962, in River- moving lo Laurence Harbor. She A son was born in Patterson view Hospital. dren and 10 great-grandchildren. was a member oi ihe Grace Evan- Belir, 503 Florence Ave., Union Funeral services were held Mon- Benjamin Marinulsteln CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY Army Hospital, Fort Monmautb, lo Beach. gelical Luthtran Church, Perth Funeral services were held Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Guttorm- Fallianl* day at 8 a.m. at the Day Funeral Ambny. II MAIN ST. TEL. CO «4SW KEYFORT Home, Keyport, and at 9 a.m. a nesday, July 18, 1962, in the Wiirricn ten, 33 Mountain Avc, Hazlct, on HagMy A daughter was born In River- Sui vivliig ire two daughlerc, Fu.tsral Home, LIIIIJ; Branch, for Mfiuday, July It, 1M2. Mr. and Mic. Paul tfagnry, S64> view Hospital on Saturday, July reguiem mass was celebrated in the Holy Family Church by Ihe Mrs. Marie Hollman, Edison, and Benjamin Marmulstcin, 61, of 71 Kruet«l Wocdmere Dr., Cliffwood, are the 21, 1.WJ, to Mr. mid Mrs. Vincent Mrs. Gertrude Jen.wn, Metuchen: Keyport Rd., New Monmouth, who parents t>f a daughter, born in Fatiganle, 7 Galewood Dr, Haxlel. Rev. Joseph G. Fox, pastor. Inier Mr. and Mrs. Civorge Kru'B'li men', was in St. Joseph i Cemetery, four sons, Carl Sundquisl. n retired died Tuesday, July 17, 1962, at his Perth Amboy Hospital. home. Rabbi Alexander Graubart, 3M llarr}sun Ave., Union Besch, Crawlcy Keyport. member of the Woodhridge Police TAILORING ' •re Ihr parcntmf a dauchttr. burn Department; John Sundquist, Long Branch, officiated and in- Yanuizelll Mr. «nd Mrs. Ilioinas Crawley, Francois E. C'agnon Fords; Lauritz and William Smith, terment wan in the Red Bank He- Wnlnvsday, July 18, 1982, in River- A son was born in Penh Amboy 197 Miln St., Keantburj;, are the Francois F-. Uagnon. (2. of 152 i, . . || bor; 13 grandchildren View lloi.pital. aur( nL e ar brew Cemeiery, New Shrewsbury. *ND ALTERATIONS Hospital lo Mr. and Mrs. James parents of a daughter, born Sat- McKinley Ave., Laurence Harbor. and 21 greal-grandrhltrirpii. Mr. Mnrnmlslein vns born in Po- Yamiuclli. 171 Norwood Ave., Lau- urday. July 21, 1962, tn Riverview died Thursday, July l». 1962, In land. Ihe son of the late Mendel and MEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S APPAREL y rence Harbor. Hospital. Perth Amboy General Hospital. Funeral services were held WVd- nesday nt 11 a.m. »t the Flynn nnd Sarah Mmmulsiein. He came lo Mr. and Mis. John O'Miillry, 17 Mr. Gagiuin was liorn in Canada DRY CLEANING „ CM, ^ Collins St., Keansbuig, are the par- Amat* ~ L'ulhhertsim Son Funeral Home, Kords, with the United Stales 411 years ago and had lived in Madison Township nnd lived first in Red Bank, moving •nls . Strphen Ital("* Ki" " niemher July 22, 1()«2, in Riverview Hospi- Olir Wallace^ the direction ol (he bay Funeral «' '-""V of Hun|i»ry (..lurrh, tal to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony l)a- Home, Keypori.. Perth Airhiiy. garese, 8 Appklon Dr., Ha/let. \ She is stu vised bv two daughlers. Robert E. Gardner ! Mrs. Magiliilene llnndrik, Terlh I'lnseehl Hubert K. (jaidner, VI. ^•j Amboy. nnd Mrs. Margaret Farkiis. Mr irnil Mis. Raymond Piaserhi. I South Main St., Keypoi'1, die Mdison; luo MIIIS Sleven »nd Ro Semi-Annual ,2 Falrview l.ane, 'lla/lel. me the I Thursday, July 19. \%1. nt hi--, l;ert. both nl Cliffwood Ui-arh: oni purenls of a son. born Monday, home. Horn In Keypori, hi- was Ihe brother; Iwn sislei», mid /is r July 23, !Wi2, in Riverview Hospi-|«»i "r J"hn H- Gardner, Keypori, [t,i; liind the late Mrs. Nellie (Cullrell) j I'lini-rnl .sci\iies n e r r heid Gardner, ; Tuesday tit !) a in. ill the Milruskii ' Cnlhoun Mr. (iardncr was a \rlemn of I Fiini'1'.il lliinic. f'i'ilh Amboy. fol- A dimgliter was hum in I-'itkin World War II. i lowed by s h!|>h in;ir» nl iciiiiliin Hospital on Monday, July 23. I!IB2, In addition to hi> I'nihtr, lie I al !>-.10 a.m. ot l)«r I.ally of Hun 1 20% OFF . lo Mr. and Mm. Jiinit ! Calhoun, suivived by his wile. Mik. Amelia |Klliy nnirch InU-nri-nt waj in ll.e 260 Giernvillc Rd., Mnrfiinvillr. (Aigns!) Gardner; s »ti-pdiiu|thler, | (.|u,rt.), t-i-iTitti-ty. Miss I.mule Ciellis, lit hmiip, mill n Mm. Wnllrr Niiylnr ' Married !n Fnalttnrl briillier, John C Gardner. Kiy|»»il. Mm. Theresa (I II|>|MI-) Naylur. ['..i),.r-.'l iff tr».« HMTM iit'lii Sun 7- •• " , r-,...!.,.1,1 K.I M ..i. dliv itlli'i IKIIIII in Mil' Hedlr I iul"i hnni iii'.tiisliiii, iliiil Siu,dn\. lulv I Alrnuin Second Clnss Robert Li. 1 SALE Home. Keypiul. wilh tin Hev Iliu 22, )'*til. in Muiimuulh Mi'ilii ill t'rn Webb, sun of Mr. mid Ml*. I rank IV R. I'ine, pimlor nl f'n'iviirv Mi Ib- Webb, Keypoil. UMA luatiied in lei, vlii'ii: flir liiwl liein » patiriil oillsl ('IUIH)I, Ki'.vpoit. iiffK'iatliig. for tiw da\». England on June Id, l%i, to MIM „,„.,.,, „.„, irl sh«rrland Ann U IIL,I ,1 nitulil,.,' itf Mi, A,,ii i ,•• . .. > . Mii« r*iiylor wm limn in f'outily Ann Blnke, dniiKhlei' of Mid. Ann Ha/lel Blake, LciMon, Iiii):land. Aiiiii.in Anliitii, lieliuid. She »w t h » Famous Brands Webb Is * ftrmluitlo of Kivpoil Mrs. David Bullock IIUIIKIIIIT uf Ilie Ule Sylvester and High 5eliool. Mrs. l.illie llulliuk. (>t>. dird I-'r \leiy (Mi f.'fl) Twisl and liud I '. n! dav. .Inly 2". l!i«J. «l her h Uillli I I,.! I! • I..' liillnwid hy M'i\ !•-•••- I\* I uinisliluAK MriITU . WIIHmn D. Murray, Ilir foniifr Miss Carol U'f hflimlilt, Mid KEYPORT Ottowmi, win nmriled lu Mr, Murray on .Siilurilny, July 14, 1M2, /a Ihe flu- Wic htt Mi-nini inl I Inn i M i-llli Shoe) 1 Trlnllf f.ullicr»n I'vunndlcsl Church, Hed Dank, Hit- cciipli the Ri-v ( nlvin Vviiitds, pii'iini, nl 1 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9i00 I* live In M Hi II «an following * w«ildiaj| l/lp Iv tin New JJigliiml liMiiiIni' HIIHIII wns in f.llilv,n>, H , Irunl HI. Krrixirl F and Ciinnilii. IGIMII t'einelirs, Mnlin>iiii. IdUM 'THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, J. Thursday. July 26, "5962 Spacious Gvms,For Basketball lu New Maiawai),. Ilariian, High Schools Skcs, 'own '6-2 I s'ren,',i.n.reJ rheir

vve"e I'p.citiig nir- rti'iilMcs 15 i | Matawan -Kams ! Oi1 ! ie Ai.ient HI ilimori si'ii» jf Ousted By Trenton I JWanager Esi Ivliddielo,. -. Mori Ii>Ju"n'P^ t *L K'>^*" Vt*s | Sacs ran their soason reooid i<> *;•/•' ".uitjiii'd a J.'i'rnji -.-l^atk to 'hi'f ! Trtatnu C«pitols OU»IMJ trie B'.y j u-j *'* "r^i^"'tM *"rf.j j en fatiaigbt wins Sunday i^h^n ih<-> iMJsrvi p vvl'tn ' >" R -I) '- 'is ry and Bob Rank! <.-onin>i!«t J-{(1A'.' . in) % r 1 latives fiom lh.u art* in HIP istatf* I u-sV j situation for t":ie winners. |tne Kaii 'AM :M>', SHUUM! UAJ * {J BabU Ruth l?«i*baU :uuni»y ;J mi, '( a !I; ! jd :i. i ••,' '.in- J' ojl, j 'Hie Sacs squandered a -iv,..\." nf' l.n\Ki.i;4 Co» ' i-d.'.i'.rd- HJV's Th« Ba> slime rontingcnr h,jd < hits to gH their six runs It l.Mk'.'il <;' ii"i),: p.'. h-i. rKi iin11 "uunij .N :'» ! bad for thi?in to the fifth innm^ 1 sLimln^red Woodondge Nfrlionsli Jacob? 2 i ^ >. in,, hiiM,' ' s,)j:^ivi hv Hav- tho c!.i>mpjp:is of ths Psrtn A'-.ibuv ! They scored a run in the top oi the i 1 1 ev C'liwi-ii'' h-iTiL' ,i .ii M'tdt-Mt DJVIMCM, the ni"ht btfp^, 6 J, in &Vngo'l u j second on Rank! * lwu-b.ii{t:i.v anJ fr 1 'jl J'l!' . Ii'o hal '. ' '" ti '••C'-.'-.m gam* at Keypoit High ficlf' lUrr (l j Dan Hourah.tii's single. J3i,t iN ' c ; Rams took over (tit: lead u> ihoir' 'lien rann- O'i loi M'L M.IIJ.I">I» Tha demise of the JOCIJSI w tlx* sKcompliiheil by trie strong tight ' half of ihc frame when Rich SmiTit | N j doubled with 4 man aboard and .IUIX^ition al \t*\\ \ i* 'V Ha'^ki Ktm (ft ireulonW Joi} PtfVl'o. 1 'I'.TJ Pa'uo!" |» "ilii.iy ,\r'i'i'id i<>< ,He frontal IV ol Ian BaynhorB bat- i rode him o;i Duke KlUson s suif;! -'., n fr 1 Ft u*,t»i I Sr.iokchal! S:nitb, pU'.h1!!:; foi | ;lie s''"!^ , \MI. n t ; Mjwks.. ters (Att nifvrr le! an opposing h,:w- Pjul I'mini n t i ii,fi\'Iji^y;1 , fiinnar gi>( past '>eu>ud Best DavU j the Kams, kept, the Sacs in c'icck , tn the 'fifth when Bobby )i."k'on wiiri lu «>avh^ li>acli*d

s!)oj'e side- w) Iho lull Bam- T'ail- wnh, we out in the top of tin R Brown forcti. He was siiorificed t'lOi'.^ and ' first, Savty Chlccu .valued And broujjht in the tyin^ run on Cnii'it', IP ; SO wlu'ii il'i'v unu" In lut I'I II.1 lutto.li of l!i» f fih tii- Slacks ffittdii, se'-cjid when Al Partyka, Vathingtons single. The Sac; ki-r" ' 1 Tl«n.Mh "ihoi-tBfep, dropped "she U KOir.s us .lack .Yate.x {lou'ili"! in' scoii-d fue r»n- AIIIMIII u.'f.ir. ; i hi', in' 'hrt'e enurs, u»o *vn!k"» ? - fftro^r on a foice play at second - Itj 1 fir send Wdihingtim to third tht"i t on Stevti Russell's bunt But De iTi (or Biou hds ihu bask»(i i.i place, but theMatawan High will ha\e an ,iu\lllar\ gym ivhcro Ircfshmrq or iiiiis 1 in* b^isinai d'i'l an 'ttie!>.' ojt A workmen h.ive joi to finKh uii the floor Hie collapsible seats arc team? can practicu while the v.irsili and junior lai-sity squads are George Morrctl crashed ji '. n lint ' r yj'a bore down to fan Kon David h NtN single to sewfi them both and pu' Ion c shpe main gym shown above, 'lie now -scrimmaging or playing at the main gym above. , ut^d mik'H.K' io iht.1 Mjra^ap vu"1- (Mkd e«t John Medolla w. an caw . ,' I)\ douhle brought in Morrell and the Ilorv Sli." c Ki '.sell's irim. ! in tho SJCS hid their seventh win scweJ • boitorn of tne sirJh oiupi'il Ilia Pitches Scat Wienie >,--:-'- doti'.UI! of the Slthlhandet Al Jublonski worked j wT . „ 1 . nau lUwki for the Btiysliores. He pitched tlic I n 11111 K§>'Jr'h U /I b«t garp* of his career, tannins tJIlHMI WLrtlll 7-1* (even and walking two, while matching the tv,o-hit perfoi munce lit DeVlto, Errois by his kupportint: IOver Allcntown cast decided the Issue again1-!, mm.)

Alleniown previously ' Cbet had eliminated the F rrrhold Na-' • Trentop'g free-wheeling barerun- ttoiuls, so had burn f.ivoied in the i neri. rounded the turns fast, .lacobi Same. Nartk-lll, 2I> l<.arlnj< and Glenn vending up »t ClUrco. Ib For a while it appeared the ad Jahl.visl.1. Jli third Jfthlonbki thci- bnia down to Cohr-'i, strike out the next two batteis, vahce pied.ctions would hold true' M»»>n. •:. l-t but Medolla, Bayshore catcner. as AHontown pulled out >. I strike.' and Glenn skipped home toy.ii hurler. haJ the Beaehui I* i * PJ home min ^mej whilo thi taTs FroFromm ouwhilt ea tth firste rna. n «ra« be,nK thrown ith e (aim (0'untryy had loufh(f,dh UJdJ UJ out »t first. ^ Jf^iiniu JimmJmmyy Tan-senluiiM-iiTas ,, Uniouniu/U ni BeacoeacBuhh hiumu h- Tho»e niris weie the bat! game, | lerl . fof r threh e runs by the end of •• DeVito never ga\e the Bay- (he third lni.tiig Intdiiti had crack-' PAL Takes Ovci ! -c* '.and second with two out Mo-j Beacher Manager Ld Pilecki | Rarilan lownship High's shiny new gym has been compared wilhi the Rockets' fields are read), the Key port lli«h haikelhall team will j n l Oil 1 (or «'sfr sharc ppl niounjey for rh wae this cud out oftf j made a pm.h hit substitution in the Neptune's for the wide spaces available around the playing court and j play home games »l the Karitan court next winter under « scheduling: |i'i by the Union Beach board of strat- clinch Ihe honors. mouth Park season, the $50,000 add- erine Raible's Nalee. slakes winner KIM NOVAK Hart, Chester, Pa., modified driv- «d Choice Stakes to be run Wednes- at Delaware Park, is another pro- the lead ths PAL hurling nee re- i renowned pitcher, Joe Beyeis, was egy with a pinch hitter, Bobby Lar- ers "orphaned" from local auto If the Cardinals win Ihe second oski. It was the move that won the day by three-year-olds at a niiic- minent prospect for tha Sorority. quired. aot to be feared racing when both Wall and Old ball outright, they will go Into and-a-sixteenth. Beyers was tapped for the runs game for I.aronki slushed out a best two out of three series Others rated possibiliiiea are Ad- The Matawan JAMES Budge Stadiums deserted NASCAR Another stakes event Ihe coming to make the game a cinch for Man- double to clear the bases and put with the Bears next week for Ihe miral's Dancer. Batleur, Carchan, and signed with the independent week is the $50,000 added Sorority ager Frank Dowd's Bayshore the Benchers ahead 5-3. And hits right Io play the Malawan 8-12 Ironically, Night Scene, The Play- drivers association, are making the for two-year-old fillies, an event ers and Star Attraction. TONY RANDALL charges in the bottom of the second. by Janscn and Jim Flynn before trip together tn the Canadian specd- league winners in the K-M "world the inning was out. mounted the series." for which $100,000 is guaranteed be- A hit by Mrdolla, a walk to Ken Iway, one of Ihe mure famed auto cause of the vast number of entrv Siyarto and a single by Mickey score to 7-.1 and made li sure for I racing centers on this continent, The Bears still can lie the sec- Union Beach. fees paid when horses considered Cohen inadr it 2-0 for the flav- ! With auto racing now being dc- ond half. In which case they possibilities for the event were JSL Season In "jhores Beyers then got the next I.aroski delivered another hit Insriibed in this area as "open" hy would play a single game with named two ycais back. But neither two batters, but Chieco ha safely the sixth to help run up the score. the managements of the tracks and Ihe Cardinals to decide Ihe sec- this event nor any other event with ClNEVASl'OPE 1 MtlMOCOlOp tor another counter for the Dowd Jansen recovered his best pitching "outlaw" by those remaining ond half winner. If It should be the possible exception of the Mon- Closing Week forces. Russell cracked out a throe- ktride with this show of batting tup- NASCAR drivers who refuse tn Ihe Beart, no further action on CO-HIT bagger, lha icore mounting to 50 port and kept the Allcntowners in take the lure offered by repeated the Keyport side would be needed mouth Handicap with Carry Back \ This year's runaway race In the j CROSBY their place for iiie loi of the game. phone calls to Join the new ranks, and the Bears would havi: and Kelso come.i near in colorful i Jersey Siiore League passed into I "13 West Street" fnr the* Bayshorm. With David background io the Choice. ! | \ weekend when Old | HOP pitching iteadily as a clock, the He ntnick out ID men. th» first full weekend of drivers clinched ihe right Io play Mata- Ih s rec<)ri M Crimson Satan has been the i.i j, House clinched the league '• \m COLLINS Bayshores needed no more. Szyarto The victory left Union Beach with association racing was accomplish- wan. , n )n two more games to win to get Into ed the three nights of last weekend. •hard luck horse of ihc year, be championship and the rest of the stung Beyers for a homer in the in;-, set back in both the Preakncss the Monmauth-Ocean finals. They Tha two big agitators for the season became only a process of third, but ths Woodbridge hurler, and the Jersey Dnby lor his were slated to tangle with Wall break with NASCAR, iJoit Stumpf. playing out the schedule. too late, gained his usual mow-'em- "roughing" of other horses in Township South, Tuesday. The Wall Rldgefii-.ld Park, and Elton llll- ' down form. Beyers produced the Fuller Wins "A" th« way he would hear out. lie had Matawan A. C. lumbered along j CARTOON team eliminated Asbury Park. Vic- dreth, Bridgeton, cnplurcd the Wall lone Woodbridge run on his own io he pulled to the side when he inward the end of their first season ; torious in this one, their next game and Sunday Old Bridge features re- hit in lha third inning. . had thu llelmont Slakes in his grip in the circuit. They weni down 4-1 i CARNIVAL would be tonight when a cm-o-van spectively. Pete Frazee, Rahway. before thd B"lniar Knights Salur- \ This is.the second year the local At Sea Isle City because ho was unmanageable for would be scheduled to leave Me- in the'"open" ranks now, ran sec- day. Vern Havens, one-time Point | league has participated in the State Members of the local Central ler- hi.i jockey. And a final stroke (it morial School at 4:30 p.m. for theond to both these winneri In the Pleasant High pitcher who hurled Babe Ruth Tourney. Last year Ihc sey Outhoiiid Racing Association ill-fortune fnr hij owners, Crimson Starts Sunday game. Ths final round gams if feature events. Ihe Garnet Gulls to a Shore Confer- South Amboy entry eliminated had their best day of the ynar Sun- King Farm, was Io be notified two 1 JI-.RRY LI-.W1S HIISI Saturday. ence championship, showed he had the Bayshore Americans in a quali- Leads Local Contingent day at I hi; 10th annual regatta of days after he had won a $7.i.000 Unlo« Heach (») event at Delaware Park last month lost none of his pitching art with "Delicate fying, round game, Paul Nagy doing ••••.• ik Wally Dallenbach, East Bruns- Sea Isle City. Four of the local lha passing ol time in the way he the pitching for the victors. This J. Flynn, wick, led the local contingent in drivers finished in the prize brac- that they would have Io give the Huwo. It money back becausu his trainer had muffled the Matawan bats, Jack Delinquent" year the Americans gained revenge both features, finishing fourth at kets, Prank Fuller, Union Beach, Mandiyo, administered an illegal lmm|uilu- McCnrmack did a c i e d i t a b I e — Also — on Nagy in tho opening ound of Oslervirii, at • Wall and third al Old Bridge. Me- in the A stock hydros; Boh Let- ing drug to Crimson Salan in ad-mound job fnr the AC, but noth- play, but faltered before Madison Petkcthl«y. Hi chanical I roubles knocked out both wenskc, Union Beach, in Ihe C. "The Sad Sack" Wenzcl, MI Bill Chevalier, Sayreville, and Jim Utility; Petti Andrews. Malawan, in vnnce of the running of the race. ing to equal Havens'. Park, the team the Daysliore Na- Breintng, Mi The trainer was suspended for the tionals defeated to gam the distilct JtMirosan, rf Hoffman, Robertsville. the B Utility and Ray Hammond, Carmen Davino and Steve Fedele IjraskJ, rf balance of Ihe year. combined hits in the fifth for the CHILDREN UNDF.R 12 FRI-H tourney, McMlUlau, afe Bob Voorhees, Springfield, enn- Cliffwood Beach, in the A Utih'v tinued to dominate novice racing Ill-Tempered Biter lone Matawan run. ' There was an outpouring of 150jnriAffn, p 1 Fuller made the. top showing. He fans from this area supporting the at both tracks against the best cf- j ran first in the A stock hydros and As for Jaipur, he gets streaks of On .Sunday the A.C. batters fat- Bayshore Nationals in their game • 11 forts of Tom Green, Bordentown, j look Ihe national champ, Dili Hut- being an ill-tempered biter. The tened their averages against the Allrnlown (4) last-place Martin Rubber team. I at Trenton Saturday. and Stan VahRrunt, West Loin; chins, Miami, into camp. Fuller mix)d was so bad that he had to he Pat Urzezniiik, given a 111 run lead I Bayikor* N'ulouili (•> . Branch. shot home second in one heat and j .scratched from the Kentucky Der- 1 all r. h Matabmy, i Tommy Grnac jr.. Franklin first in the next in Ihe light course by. Run in the Preuknuss, he he by the end of the third inniitj , could ! J. Pangbom, at 4 11 Tucker, 21) coast out ot Ihe game on the pitch- j DO-IT YOURSELF Ohlfco, Mi 4 12 Infantl, p Township, took the 20-lap jalopy j on tho Inland Waterway. There came contrary in the middle of Russell, .111 SOS Hetlf. .31) feature race Sunday with Jim; were 17 contestants jammed into thi> race and virtually slowed Io a er'.s mound. Hits by Billy Collins David, p 3 0 1 Floyd, of Brodbeck, Keyport, second in the j the course of long straightaway walk. Thi.-ii lie reversed himself in and Til Mynn gave the A.C. an , GRILLEWORK JnMonsW. u ]0n Lyons. If early run. 'Mien walks filled the I NEW! twice halted event. runs coupled with hairpin turns at tin; Jersey Derby and ihe IMmoni P. £ 10 0 Hrora hy nouncing 4200 attendance .Sunday, in the A Stock hydros hy running ; in each event, Bui, right after Ihe mil of the Ixill (jiime quickly. I Union Boa h 000 to emphasize the beneficial effi.'cis second to Al DeSiali). Greenwood Alloiltuwn of the break with NASCAR. Hut big race at Helnionl, Jaipur be- ll'lnur (I) I DECORATOR oil Lake, in the A Utility class. The 1 Waudl>rMs< Natlnnali (I) i a m e suddenly M:mamiKc.ihle all r li | all r h NASCAR drivers decried thn size nf season has been full of disappoint- PATTERNS again. His invner, (ieorgi- O. NVidi'ii- 1 imlmkl, 'Mi 10 0 the fields in the features and saw ; m(.n|S f(), j-,, r uniil now, but in i SlL'HM ? >, If bieou, 2b 1 1 Registration For • •r retired him tn rest, lest lie I ilavu.md i-t , only Ihe driver's association us ()|ll. jf[,.,nuOioin he made up for Kir.irJir.1 S:r>iwiclr, rf 3 I) 0 bite somebody in a tantrum. I rit/p.uri- •U. Ill Konoulcz, M 1 0 0 Matawan Falcon* having rid themselves of compi.'li- everthing. \\ ivsiph.il , 1- l.auiihkrdl. o 0 0 I lion against out-of-slale drivers So, if the volatile pair, Crimson , Hehrin.tn, :«> OhrUU*. !H> 0 0 Outruns Five Rivals t Registralion for tha Matawan I with whom they could not rope. Satan and Jaipur, snow up Wed1- Tayl'ir, i Ssalnielcl, tb • Wai IIMI. Baiiran, ol 1 n Falcons team In the Pop Warner Boh Howard, Wall proinotnr, Bob l.elwenske outran a field of nesday, und am sufficiently re- 1 V. HHV#MJI, » 0 I) Football League will be held Fri- went confidently ahead with a 100-five rivals in the first heat of the strained in their dejxirlnient. es- Veil, if o o day from 6 to 7 p.m. at 45 New (' Utility division, but in the second pecially in each other's presence, ' Lnpi-.ITt, V o o lap race for this coming Saturday, i M (II By«M, o i Brunswick Ave, and .Saturday from confidenfid t of drawinpdi t a promisinii g heat ii was something el.se again. the Choice could be a top race of • ii Auittn; 10 to II a.m. at the Recreation field. Dick Rees, Pottstown, Pa., dial-1 ,MC y,.ur fnr three-year-olds. ) VottH, 2li .1 i Field, Middlesex Rd., Matawan. lenged l.etwenske for every leg ol | or'the more .soberly self-coniained WWUIK-T I i I 3 1 i •"<"•'' •• "' i KEYPORT Beerit St. I Agony Acres Team only to have t.elwenske pick up"'' | Derby-Pieakness stamlmit. ll» has !;,' rimiim-ii,, Tin: Falcons will have Iwo teams Ihe turns and r"n out of them wil'"'t ' I won threu stake* events ai Mon- ' ilnn.ir.,, rf thi.,„»s yearyc.r,, th...ec ,>„«««Midget»s anud mthee ,-ee-, , l-«'»yf"e look the measure ol more prime necHeratinn. It 1 A c mouth, tho Select, the Lamplighter !?/"'"'/• ',' this way that Lcnvi'iukn shot piisp l wees. Both teams will have the I A*in actio"?,.n . thi[«;s pas'•"t • weeken'^' «• 5.TPJTd in Nil: ' and the Runison llandii'aps us well ! M','^'..™.'.'.-!!! \ same opportunities. Tin! Midgets Kee.H on thn final turn Into the .is Hie Siiranac at Mclmout tills take in boys from 10 In 13, weighing Rariian Township VIP Snftlmll home slrfKch and glau'd off thr summer, l.iku Kelso, (iieen Ticket AIR CONDITIONED from 1)5 pounds Io 113 pntinds, und Leagueg . Fighting im uphilp l battle, 1 111 i>>, laM riririri A A Pnltslown racer tu the finish. was litih known or considcriid .it A A rtls «• H bll 1 imn IJI>I ooo (.JLJkJkJ the Peeweet Include 'lnose"iron""9 8"."y , V ««• Hie ball game al llaniiiiond, a new nuMnhci of the linn' of Ihe ruiiniiiK of Ihc Derby ll.liciu 1,1, Mi « NOW TIJRU SAT\ to 12. weighing up Io 95 pounds, \M, lnlllc. "'I' "' "e s«v(Ml11' lnni"K Ihe club, in only his second outing und Pri'iikiU'M lor hit agn gionp. IV.in V hhave Lafayettel posl t the .Mt C :,irk A Hvenlng Feature 6:52 - 9; 23 TThh e hoyh s wililli hhav e newfo uniform s I ^ '? at 5|M'eillxmt racing, grubbed him- only Inter to blossom out AI out- Matinee Saturday 2 P.M. • his year in maroon, while , '• j clincher mi .lolin White's homo run self a third In thn liighly compell- standing In ill II field In I lie bottom of the sumo frame. Jfold. livo A Utility division, even pirns- Other F.ntrlej ROOM DIVIDUI WINDOW rillCMI CABINET CHILLIS In other action, New Wondlnnd ing Fuller for n while in one of the rt' SlIDINI DOOM KAOIATOR COVER* Park downed Cornell, 7-2, ami Old At for oilier entries in Ih.' noon SCDUNI heiitv Choke, it uppeiint thu! Fred W. Khu 'V-imil.iiul pnrk Inprwil I'leetwnnd, *••'!'-, Ini-I >U>> unliiiitpv pvwr •'•-•••• ''tW 11-7. 'Ihi1 lluccanccis kept pair with Hmmf't'n Admiral Vnvaj'.e. nrrli rl- I M*<';itMu ience of geldiig se(oml;i III the two vnl HI .Lupin AIM! I Minsun >h.iii i,,inf, \ rn l.ufnyetto by defeat Ing The Old • il"' Men, 13-7, Thin weekend, Lnfuycllp flnnl heats of the II Utilityy division, In both tlm Jersey Deiliy und the ' il.iriii.i'n. Now thru Salurduyl meets.Cornell whllo New Woodland onlly ti> go bucbkk Io thirhidd In th 'fi finall llelmont SliikCH, will n.-iiinni In i hi/uniiji v'llii ago fin ill'} llliliilux of lllir i Bob llnpn — Ding Crnihy Park cliMlies with Ac.ony An-ei sliliiiling biTiiiiM' oilier driven lu % 1 ihu 17 lioat field IHHI outrun him Ami rir;in Di;i!)y An, ;, i llirti'it' M'llln "illfC ROAD IO | Sunday's activity plln Old Woodlmid (I) Choice of convenient sizes. * SPEC! A I; I Park ngiilnil Ihu Ilui'cnnrri-s nnd in dm' qualifying lieati. John Di Viiuv Fnnn'i David K,, n rei't-nl , • t r HONf! KON(J" itllkft 'Alnnei «l Aillli'dilit, .ll'.o Is »VN. - MON. - THUS. Fleetwo'itt ngulnit The Old Menlelnii. , wiliiiiiiglon, \)f\ , llio nu t D Framing and other accessories. 11 i n • C/IIUE Continuous Sunday morn likely tn run at ChliMgn Hurt Lancaster STANII1NUS llonnl cliaiiipion, Ill'd tilings pretty | i • CUv*r PANELAIRE grilliwork Starting 1 P.M. Audrey llophum (IKCnnil IUIO inucli liis own way In taltluK honors I Other lop porfonni-i i who hiue lH, * l Fe«,ture3!30-4:S0-7:ln l:M T.i ill W L In jlils group. been mm.'* cllglbli) inrliidn Ho JulllKyon, U i i hai hundrtds *f dseoraflv* vi*l , y6 •TIIF. UNPOROIVKN" WIIIU, ll • Lou l.i'l'vensko, South Plain- b''il Li'htunn's I'l'iigo, winner nf tlm ll 9 thai mnVt It poi»'bl« far yd' H> x // CHILU aiuiMmw I himiiiKii; Cliil.itlunii Slubln'i Cy W, , { K fluid, declined to ..ikn tlm course a Sun. • Mon. • Tufi, In Ilm l> mirk hydros «» thn counie i line, the DWVIT vicliu. .Inclyu Sin O'MllflltV. i t Qlvt yw' liomt thai iniort "cuiiom inly JO4 Nva V,'..(HII.IMI I'aik $ mmmmvm JaniM glrwarl Old Mf" illil not allow for a proper turning bin's Noblit Iny, first In tlu< K<-nl; IcaV, quickly and Inoxptrnivolyl Ohl WIXHIUIHI I'Jlk I'. A Oihsiiin'.'i Gunliliif! Wind, vlr I Mnlin-.iii A l: |iM Maureen Oilara Col 111-11 nidlim for n bom of lila Ivpe. ! Johnny SCIHIIXMI, I'hllndvlphln, n (ur In the Wiiitht nnd llu> Ohio Dec- ' i\',,,'i',i,, i mi "MR, IIOIIUS TAUI'S A rill : Klynn, IIIIM, driver long piuqlced mi tho Sen :hy, mid l-raiili E, I'OWIMN Vlmy' ••• I VACATION" sirui-k ,ni hi- Itrri-m (I, l),iuilvi.i { Drinking and drivliijc do nut mixIsle t'Hy ciiuiNc, 'inndc n onn ntnu jHldg», who ii'OM'il In Ihe Seniiioi Wulk In ni/,-/nl«h IJM Julie Nowhinr If urililiMiU ur< I" bn nwiidi'd, »hmv of llili event. | "'nil'. i I'lirin weiu nlnt1 nrvldrnla I'IIIIHIMI Two local 'Millk" lioiiei lu the Ni»* W Hill Illlle to ,lll\r|l[,,' CONOVER LUMBER CO. 1 lliiine iiiiiivd ni'lli'lgi (ol i,lh' MUtMIAl.i .(i().|l((llM) ' UII Ihu NP\V .fcf-n-y TvnnjiiL" in thl'; iii'i' HIM Mis I llnn'Mi liiiiid -! Die NEXT WIJI'.K vi'Ji'b [lut half liy ililvii ivlm V/c ran supply tln'in

Hire-id ^!:s£ for "i!u>.)**> woe- and they *'»{<*" tlieii frhmg | will b»B4 for th« f ampui »t W«M , i-»'ch«r for St ti KtS 1 dei>,"ii b« kurt 1-4. He sl!ow-ci »£*'JI6t Ihc Ci«fl>.ackf. )(>v&y t A •mlorsment this l 1 latiis Baiter, c« a 3 I pil-h To:n urnn, nevtr having a corntoilable (in outtx>ard racing nest spring .ing hrhmtl *h*- <\L ^hi.r ' Ml V tHrfi *>» «-l!l JM . have fts *':? Critker* got only o'ie ex- jsiar's, Tim and Terry Magee. in A'"-H^OPIS of ctA'i ft ha>eba!l «mx IJ ' wt* Ui the Zir'jt ^.x n\"ath> «f (Taffy) Baker explains this Is the l 1 seatou, for.the W*M i Ill J,, I MS dr.vers aiwft^s be ^Jeit to fort the date for storting football OUR TWO PITCHERS in pio- *allop" hitter,' the 'opposing tlonyated center, on MHS's I Liiflg Branch coi!»,vge ivilt be Lou, H.'v? }ou nfh<^ ih* *i liens ufO'j end c!r,ve 1 K»£li«i, , Sept. I *n<) me reportinreportig ~.»l bastboll arc continuing pitchers &n- wtl! a»arc e! this, viirsHy l>h*kt;ibull. teHir. iaat winter. Nanna jr., llaziet. Hv starred ts a a-Ji' KM. 1 • MIJ of tl>c tearhirhi g slaflfl, so It wouldld) l0 « ttrll Clais "B" baseball moi b** Worth »hiic tor the team 11 '•»<* recn'mnemlod foi Ai«-v •o Bpo!t *«h«n pitch*.-, by the manager W mentot r is cm.hdtnhdt t thaVthth th*« »>"! "w~ Cl»™"«" "D""""" lvDuMin-1:- , •"p**- WHAT'STH£ "SPEGALTY OF THE HOUSE"AT A*F? PLENTY OF GOOD FOODS.. » «,ili l>f changed so that con- f»"n club lot which In now • dithwins exercises under (he dim- pi'rn=* The ex-KiiS li-ithnmicr '>• tion of roaches V.IU be primmed >»* has . ;.5 ttcoiA and was "' " W Aug 11 In 19tt tor N«w jHsey dioseri as one o. the r>nHin fclxfe school teams, the sunw d« playtn "ro play in the lcagut's MOW wcist* in Penrn.ylv.wia. Tbe sll-Har gsms "art w«k. Tnn i« K«J and White gridden then ran ] »" outstanding achievement, for u return w (heir pr*-«eaK>n moun- hrst.ye*r player w be named (or taintop workouts. The tnkeotf into | the sll-sUr gsn.e ol the league tbe mountain* removes heat pros-1 A» for Harold Dem, Mntana.i, URtion menaces in early drill; such | »i(l» the Atlanta club in the POPUUR •r re»u!t«l in the Bennett tragedy Triple-A lnimwtional U?»ue, u Oakt'rebt .Regional early !»«.( the tormer MHS r'slvhanilcr teabon. JUypori and Barilan play- ha* returned to Ins regular place ers me making up for the lick yfi of rotation as a staidnp pitcher mountain ton conditions by woik- «fUr filling in for tvo weeks as o Ing u«l evenings on (heir own when "short older" relief :ole horler the temperature is amenable so for an emergency period .Imi Rich opeiations. As there is no law Bauta, kent Jown frum ihc St. '\ oa the statuit boufcs which makes Loins Caidinais, had 10 have » -.U unlawful to play football on any ten period before t;ikinB over this Siile in the >c;ir, neither the Shore ! usual role for him and Dciiz did .• Conference "nor the N.J. State In- > the fill-in ,ob The iviuin to rcuu- *'• tPrsch^.laJtic Athletic Asbociation I lar duiy for D';itz was witnessed >t disqualify Miy plajer for | by his pa enlj, Mr. and M's. Har- •»is. Tbe desirability of pre-se.ison i nld G. DaU, at Richmond Sun- In the Pouonos received I day, but again it was a wise of

You'll enjoy saving both money aiul stamp. — nil tlie wliila? yoti'ro enjoying llie Swwt 6h»rkiw goodness-of A&P* dependable quality foodk. Renu*.inl)pr, toti, tliose vatnnlilo giflgiviiig "PJlAID'STAMPS are No: ,1 In Tlie New York Arta . . . by far".

M. Jar "Sup*r-Right" Quality FULLY COOKED \3

4«||, !•„.«, •a« ' ' • tan • • SMOKED HAM COM* SH,,, YPH'U Save at A&H tjbt/ e*wr fwr /artWfr rtu//» w/M • tiimili Fmi FruH% mud V«g*tabf*tf sa!! riikl mr. urjusnuu WhoieorBther r, , Butt IM, Hlit Heif-FuiiCut Shank «h»k Watermtlon Y.llo«Clin, f In. «Zg Portion Slic.d * tan, *« ,c Portion Ytlltv—Nttrkjr Farati MOTORS 49 C Sweet Corn 6"25 YOUR AUTHOR12EI) Hudson W»»l«rn Orekird* Genuine Spring Lamb! lb c Table Napkins Sweet Cherries 39 BUSCK -ndOPEL Lard* Silt 2 5= IT g Whole ar DEALER Quality Either Half Fresh Tomatoes "Better Buy" USED CARS Billttmii—S«t*l, liliy Blus Ribbon LEGS « LAMB SALES and SERVICE Bartlett Pears COIfox 4-4000 Fatial Tissuos Resiisr Rlirtr fumi Style ? Ufi CAfl 'AAY Hlel ON Jit* 1 M« 491 Pascal Celery Foil ti )«!•« at BEDLE RD." KEYPORT M Soottissuo Smoked Tongues 49 •Ib. Flank Steaks * 95* Seedless Limes SMOKED V/hlta *r C.lcr.J e Nam Steaks C.ht., Cut* Veal Cubed Steaks 95 Quick-Froi*n Seafood 1000 .n..t Beef Short Ribs 45! UWllWl WflMVI | , „ i,^ < ,1,,, Swift's Sausage Links lt KInf Skrimp Ortele •.«»«.- »j Soft's BROWN 'N SERVI I/, Ik. * mt d B4I«I.. . 99 i ITAMl-MIYIR FrtMl Olamt - , Bovoragos AllFlavcn Parker Baked Fowls! •IviDapailt k.tilti DUTCH APPLE KELLOGG'S w°* r c^ -; OwMt OUanttr f BREAKFAST COCKTAIL <%]«! With CKU.In.l B MONET 1 PiE M 65' • V« OriRge-Aprkit llendil Julci IrM Mt (Mi • 14.,. \U Hk.» /..».Jli C»l M) t'.ilra Hnnua I'l UP M'AMf'S xiih W> ~ MM MB •• Dutrh Applf Pic inn wffk. Cniipon on paig. BOUNTY KIST PEAS 4 iz 59' Spie I Span CRUMB SQUARE F»r clttnlnq painted iurf*c«i COFFEE SCOT TOWELS *fiW 2-371 ' Cinntinu 14 n. Ctccnut T>My 15% 01. Oilmial l( ei. »«B«r-MI|lil Irind—11 /, »i. •*»• llt.«Q« • Ik. 1.1. Mf CAKE C costs less to pay bills with a) 1 Nabisco Cookies .' 37 Corned Beef Hash 3 85* G#t 35 EHM Hotut* I 1.A lit siANii^ *nli Crumh 5(]itiif OVr ihii ttrrir. <'('ii[ioii tin l'ii(t:B|c d C Ice Cream Ann.>.r:r::, :„,.V. 79 Margarine Lttilii 10 .. Gold Square rcrn* lied 45* Ittnihln* MtlllM Graham Cracktrs pi, Kraft Furies fin* Sccnf—All furpoi* Dit«r4*nt .O...JJ, White Bread it.i 25" Knbler Crackers P....C,i.p '""('"W Burry's Cookiee c.n(.i...iyNU«. k> riRSONAl CHICKINO ACCOUNT Lis B Y D! L». •• L.I V3" Froxen Food Piilsbury Ceokiet in Daitf C*t«) pig *** Biscuits " , r0 .,;;c»:r" J;;;;. »• All fl...n 21 pt uf^ooa k Bktltt •( 4 Flavor* Yukon Club bolli.i 29" Blue Bonnet Mariarlne ^ ; ^27* A Popular First Merchants Service uD 7 p J 8 1 '• *> Tidi Seneca 10 !.*: 89 ChocolatiDriiir'IniUn' ""f Mil J3 Strawberry PrMerves *••'••• '^SS for th« Umily w»iti «nd diih»» v 1 NOW AvailabU to Customers At Sunkitt L«mon luiee 2 '*;/ 23° Marcal Paper Napkins 2 »lto 21* Salad Dressing *»•'••• ;r 53 io...««« ilk. i'/, .1.77, Bole's Pineapple Juice 2 ',;:, 39« Bonnie Fluff W Ih IO< oil l"? 3:lvo23« Sterling Salt "•< your budget • NO MINIMUM IALANCI RE- Oxydoi Detsrgsnt T...l.r ••• 10° QUIRED • NQ CHARGE FOR DEPOSITS • Your F«r lh« family waiK Sunnyffieid Waffles'- Dit 25 Extra Stimpi with puroKut il »>i. cancelled check li your receipt • YOUR NAME Sliced Strawberries CODFISH CAKES '••« "^5 ^V PRINTED FREE ON EACH CHECK • Open on Dairy Confer Buy$/ 15 Flirt Slampi with p.ifrhiu ct A»P'5 Own Rrsnd sf account with any amount • |ust $2.00 for J.0 Ul1 Urand—W»oo,.iln e C I FILLET n.^"'" •"""••' ::55' INSTANT TEA checki • imoll monthly maintenance charge Joy Sharp Cheddar V.39 '< i 'P Th.illy dc<> It wltli Ati'i Liquid Detergent C 25 Extra Stampi with purohm ol nww (\*r rv.n ifnt»ni rinl Sliced Natural Swiss — -65 BEACON FLOOR WAX 89° Duvil/ti liultnlly m hoi M II fluid f>i 9KA t r' ' ""^' C*5 cold wnter, taiiri g.eit ft Victory Cream Cheese,!'*;;; 27" «tl*f »»yl Tty 'I > r c >w ... r-i-.ii*. * ».." Q...I r.i. Domestic Muenster • « > 59° 15 Extra Stmtipi with purohni tl l e Clorox Bleach Mild Ched-o-Bit r;:;::;;; .J ;*,75« IPIAJNINVELOPK "1V'39 Cl«a..l anj Un.lo.il.1 Bordens Cottage Cheese Price* tfU'divo through Saturday, July 28lk ' •••• "J7o y, v»i. in Supar M»rk»li and 5«lf-5»i»leo i»or«i onlf, Ul. Burden's Gruyere Cheese uper J^arkets •II l.iUn, r,,..lr,|.. ] )„!.! M,H. ,..HI Alcc.|l.,|l« ' Honmouih County, I SiflMiil•• |wk-'$0 Yoin Conllnuout ierticc Mi'iia i nrmtitu »»» MIMIUII .tmci IIII Kraft'sCheei-Whiz ";::: Hiwmi.rf. i>..,,|.i hull, ri,ii.| ^IIIIM/I iiildk ' ' ASBURV PARK •JUDJWNIL* HANAfQUAN • MIB H4VIH' ftT, M A'l Bit SON *VI'.. rOHl MONMdlilll Kf. H AI I'OOI F: A\T., nAIUTV. IfWN'"IHr * f VI AI MAIN IT ^«^rl|irF|fl|FWf^=«-W Tv*a. • *nl • Hum., (Inlll I I'M. hut. Hid. • tlniii. I ..hi V I'M. ,(r,. Int.-. . IV..', rburi., Until 1 F.M frlda* Until II I'M. Mldnv Until 10 I'.M. I rtdal Ur.lll It !'.M. *•*-#; m. u AI cui rw(H>n AVR,, tunmmu i»«,. w>ti. n>un,, ua«ii i *^ Jotll It r M. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

,i , ^ta<*aw>imn )*•'»• I. UNSKILLED HELP <$«te «p««irtgs fo? both ro«n vetnan In « 1! )., inboard. Call CO 4SS94. itELFOKD — X, !b«(lroi;>nis, UinJ,. ftvtinings. bath, attached garage, Venetian ROAD MATERIAL EXPERIENCED SEWING blinds, washer, tlcyer. refri^catot. , 1 Non Vei only $400 rjiown. ROOF SHINGLES, |t.75 « bundle. 3luo sto«e cmilers, grave!, sand, OPERATORS j OFFICE.'. SPACE, 81 West Front included. Varga plot. FHA ap- '•:.' : St. Kiiypoil, available now, in- UNION BEACH roll roofing $150 and up. Asgrits- , road (travel, fiil dirt, ate. Gl proved. JtW cash. fl2tl monthly bestos and Vkrk riding. $14 pec (JANSWRE MfQ. CO., iiuir t ui building any tinv.v -wj&i nays intertst, principal.-taxes, awl No ten Payment ... r. Housekeeping ' .iquara. Finer Roofing Supply, Old AEROMAKtNE BUiC. j (JAS STATION on Rqu'e 'H, can b? i Hi 42 Monthly, principal and lo-le., p.g $$th Anniversary Bridge Road, EnBtiiphlown. Call BEST TOP SOIL LOCUST ST., KEYPORT used aa a repair stiup, two miles j terest. Imagine owning thK »t-uiate. Truly * sacrifice price.-- Oibsou a Mil ,wJ3i) • •.,.•'• - AND ••'•. ' CO 4-I4f» wijji north of Mulawun traffic liyiii. For j tractive ranch. CHICKEN MANURE ) Also 3 repossessed homes in Mat*-;;ft BOTTLED GAS • • *•- I information telephone 1.0 6-3.875 or i HviitK room, diiting roo I wan. Lo'.v down paytneiU,' ).'>w in- REGISTERED NURSE; 11:00 P.M. j l.o 11-9832. '••• wjtt | sim potvh terest ralrs. Phone for details. SELLEBRATION to VM AM. COlfax 4-21H7. wjti I-—-r~ : — — p,,|| p,-^ MOSrUSEY & WALKER AGENCY : For » YD.. «yllnd»r users; uvory BULLDOZING m lW6 nt 1 St Maiu and Church Street* Sth cyllode-r free wirth qur low " AND Position open Marlboro Township j,."" ' P "^. ?! ** ,^" " ; Noi> Vot only «250 dowa Xeansburi;. N. i. pricsd plan — pick up prices as BACKHOE SERVICE school system, interested, patties | ^ansburg. U|! S42.170J. - _wjtf AT THE PIRATE SHIP Phone 787-0001 ..•".•'• low M It SO par cylinder. CBH us shall secure application form from ! J j ,,.,. Grading, excavating for collars, REUEr ORATE[> mom Bpa ROITE IS . ; U—-J&': m«, •'.' Kobert A. Sona, superintendent of nianl in Keypiirt, e»|>«ciftliy do- CL1FFWOOD UGACH. N. S. I BUYERS WMTlNG —r \omea in all pooli, jeptfcj, Ia.tem.l3, tanks, foot- schools. Central School, WlckftUmk, OPEN 7 DAYS ing*, pips lines, stc. Fr»» eeii- sirnlile for nswly married couple, price ranyes needed it> Mat«w*n , < ENGLISH N. 1. wj2ti available Aug. 1. Call CO 4-3485. I LOWELL 8 IXWI LOWELL 6-3900 , WI»K 'o Middleiown »roa. List youf';' SKI AGENCIES »«"«* ACrot75nTN~TEACHER"r"capa"ble . ——' Iwjna vvith us. Set! some real ao» "• oi handling • tew pJ.auo itudents. j —•-— tio>. SINCE im\ STANDARD PROPANE ECKEL'S TRUCKING Call. Mr. Barton, CO 4-7575 Imtwsna 1 HOUSE, 4 rooms and b»th. In- HOMETOWN AGENCY" quiro «20 Columbia Ave., Union WOOU.EVTOWN UP. 3 9. ;; GAS CORP. wj;:s jW HOMETOWN AGENCXl; MeninouHi entH fttapfo, R«cCr» room. Wltfj " END TABLES, bureau and other JO. Write Bon C In c«r« of this Beach or call COlfax 4-7465 between g | , p __ FREK ESTIMATES ON newspaper. wj2S K p.m. and 8 jj.m. wj26* furniture In good condition, res- boarroomd, radlaton*un porch, ,attache oil iutid garageba««-1MATAWA. Electric Nstpva —, Tw«aaj famltheat, y clouhomcja 'j ; FORD • l%»& THUNDERBIRD ALUMINUM •onabie olferi. Call COlfa* 4-4236. 2 AMBITIOUS woman want an In-APARTMENT, J large roonw at(d I school nr.d It.R. Station. All • COMET' WINDOWS-DOORS _ „ ^J ? teresting mid profitable part time new bath, elcutdclty, heat, hot FULL PRICE $9,200 mentonly. _Cail LO tJ-137». -j • MBTEO* KELVINATOR refrigerator, top job? Sell AmerlcK'n must bcauti-! water incltidsd. Call COIfa* 4-3450. MERCURY • MONTEREY SIDING freezer cheat, blue interior, good ful tav.«. Earn ISO to $100 a week. condition, $30. CaU LOwetl 6-6292. Call 787-M32. \vj26 I 1'HRF.E furnished bedroom*, tel«- BETSY ROSS" |p NO DOWN PAYMENT vl.iiou, private sntrance, avail ALL BUYERS KARL FRANTZ - CO 4-140} 1—(MEN or woman school Janitors able now, gentlemen preferred. In- $1,800 DOWN BEFORE you Buy or tign/i Cos- wjtl 18' BOAT, 80 h.p. outboard ami I (6). Full time $1.70 start, regular quire. 172 Main St., Keyport. wJ26 tract for a housa call u» *md conv LINCOLN CONTINENTAL trailer, sxcellent condition, in the increases. Pension, insurance, hos- OFFICS EQUIPMENT; unlimited SMALL apartment, all utilities sup-1 Bo first to »e« this 3pankiiig new pars our General Contract price W Myingi on new and ui«d desks, water, WM. Call COlfax 40872. pltnlUation plans availabls. Apply Matawan Higlv School office. plied, business couple preferred; 11 bedroom ranch, living room wilh others. W_» will build,_. yoii}. » cui- chain, tile*, shelving, parti bins, Droad St., Matawan, July 30th and Immediate occupancy. Call COl- j built In booki.-asa and knick-knack iOm housa, not a prefqMrj' drafting equipment and etc. Ralph MAYTAG wringer type washer, fax 4-1247. wilti shelves, dining area, built In wl- house, on. your lot or ottrst. to $25! also reel type power mow- 31st between 10 a.m. and 12 noon wjlB j sneives. uumig area, nuiu in aci-1 house, on your lot or ours(, to yOUC *V '^-T Mocci 299 Washington Strset, or 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. wj'iB I kitchen. x»s dryer, basement I eiricatio«iH. Law down piymenU. Kayport. Call COUHK 4-15W. wtl er, good condition, $13. Call I.Owell TWO bedrooms onco spe 6-5685. __wj36 PAINTERS, "experienced. Call fei iftd. Inquir.ins,e genUemen pre- «tor»ge attic, and larga one and j $.w ^ , sale prese Jly uaiiii 946-4275. _ __ w]]2 [K>rt. or call COlfautre 5x4 -1-0734Mam .St. w)2, Key6- .leape„ haldf extrcara garag l»r(;ee lot OK. fully l»««-, construction. Call COKtix 4-16/9 ALUMINUM EXCELLENT paper rout*. Call COItax-1-0734. w)2b senped extra l»r(;e lot. lor 1137 wjit COlfax 4-T285. vvj'Jti FRESH'SIUTsi INC. lookinn" for WINDOWS Industrious women to work full HOUiilJ, 5 riniij and both, lu- FULL PRICE $17,990 MATAWAN, 3 bedroom contum- SWEET CORN, HII season, whole- ju r part time. For Interview cali quird Joe Thomas, 17fi Jackson porary ranch; cathedral beamed 6 FOR $75.00 .sals and retail. Coll COlfax I coifux 4-8837. WJ26 St., Matawan. wj'JS ceiling, living room, idlning room. 4092-t. w|lf PROFESSIONAL MEN INSTALLED WAITRESS over 21 years old, Rood KEA.NSBURO, 3 nice iwms and kitchen; l'/2 baths, bawment, msny TRIPLE TRACK position, steady work, Call COI- bath for couple: unfurnished $75 sbado liens. Priced a! $19,900. Call TILT TYPE WANTED TO BUY Spacious brick Colonial tm main _LOwell 6-5271. \vj2« ! [i-JJi: per month plu.t utilities, I year artery of Kcynort, ideal liicatlon |."——'—-'-'-"—-— WEATHER STRIPPED lease. Chateau Realty, Real Es- WE BUY ANYTHING i GIRL over 17 to assist in kitchen, and layout for home and office. | DilSiRABLK location, 8 year old 3 no experience noecloci, t> hour tate. 787-5H84. wJV6 | bedroom ranch, laka privileges.. CRAWFORD CROMKY Tools, stoves, furniture, cut glass, clocks, lamps, pictures and frames, day. Apply Stewart's Drlvc-ln. Cnll after Friday evening, LOwell PHONE 787-2406 Maij^SL.JimteJBjMajnwan. wj'ib' APARTMKNT, 4 large ulry rooms PRICED RIGHT uewing machines, typewriters, "Id ti-177.1. wj'JS wjtl u 7 7 fi 1 IIIKI Inuh. unfurnished, adults uu- B. J!i. _?a!L ii- '-™i - J-i ? ROOirT MAFTfor^estirbiished dry i Iv, Cilll COlfax t-0118. wjl'ii cluuning nnd laundry route. Good WE DARE YOU TO FINO Bring Your Roller* SHARES in tlia Matawan Bnnk at HOMETOWN AGENCY FROWN'S opportunity for ambitious man. Ap- ANOTHER $18. Writs Hox K in enre of this Busincgg Opportunities :u HIGHWAY 'M SH 1-7509 ply Keyport Cleaners, 13 Division J7M down with low monthly pay- COMMKATION u MATAWAN, NKW Jr.RSEY ments to qualified FHA buyer. To _} i^mSSL . T-« st:. Keypnrl, or call COIfa>: -1-lUOl). " MESH PLAY PKN. Cull I.Owell i wjM s ". f-'OK Ri-lWl", wilh bedrooms,1 ful( 1IJlI cellarVbllMI , garageO *» ,t lot<*'• . ; livin••••••gQ room••»»••»»#, dininBVIV^II-Bg^ roo* m1 au<-" JJ $39.95 _" ._ * InstrumentInsiriimem, , reniarentall feee plupls mslu- yr V8. Call COlfax 1-62119. wj2« I"". Call LOwell 6-1242. w]28 i kilrhen, 2 car garage. \M 75 X HERE'S THE ALUMINUM COMBINATION woman will care for jem discount deducted If instru- '•'= Appraised at Jlli.aOn, uwnur children or eldarly by Imur or i , i | purchaKeil. IMOR LOST n en a KICANSHURG, new custom built 2 \ s.-icri[icln« $15,000. $1500 down for With tha purchase of 10 welded " LallLOIfux4-iw.il. WKO (o sign. No insutam.-e to pay. IIIK I>"-™»»~, ™» «• i ,• i oinllflpd liiiver Casuv's Aeencv corner Alcoa Aluminum combin- LARG•X manila. envelope contain-1 mTDrrmS^r—^"of.ny i Musi,: Snot, « Bn.ad S, acn)?s bedr- tHp. Ud. Urg. l.vmg ; ^Xr B,de' " H& M and KEY TO ... h r •, *-.' ation windows at $12.93 each. Total li'K bowling records. Finder | type. Cull LOwell U-IRID ami ask iron. Village Television. Call C()|-! '""'• j.."'"" |1 "" ""'; "',f . '^.: ! l-leclwoud Drive, Ilozlet Call 281- w|lf ! prlca for (39.95 door and 10 win-pleasaa call LOwt-ll 8-8124. wj'28 for Bill or I.mi. wj'ffi-lfax- 4-5!«l!l. __ ! Ynrl In.Vl'inV only$ii9')« Cnali'au »•!«. fvenings 56(il8M. Open eve- dows $129.50. LIMITED OFF1TR. ^••^•••••••••••ir«««ll»»t«Ww>«rC«><»ll*»«l«l«t»«»»t»inrritTTTT----*-- , Realty. Ri-ul l-sl.ile. 'hHw. wj2S ' '""^ nnd Slillda^: .W!^ Nu money down, first payment De- """""""""" • | QUICK SALE, yeay r around home,, cember. SERVICES rnom.s, oil heal, all electric GREAT PROWN'S 2.'0 near overyihinn; furnished or SH 1-7500 USINESS SERVICES BAY ROOKING CO. \ unfurnished. Ri;lurniii!! to l-lnrid«, ;<2 Brond St. Rod Bank GUTTERS, LEADERS ' in-, I'm \iiur gain. Call owner, USED GAR BUYS w|2fi 705 BAYVIF.W AVE., ; COIfus •! li.HS. wj'iti' .B no d : ATilf.ACI IVI-" two bedioom yi'Ut UNION BP.ACH ! IO'.IIUI bmni' i" Laurcice Harbor, 'M VALIAfVT VIM 4 Or, Sdn., RtH, W Wall*, condition, $4."). Call 1.0 8-38011. Top Soil I Maintenance IConfractors COLFAX 4-1997 : ( um|ilrii'iv furnished, IHIRS cellar, Green, Sid. Tr*n«, ,, $1293.(1!) cily si'urii pi'iiilmit l'rii'8 $fiSIW MOVINO,, oddi i»hs, large Iro's nnd (.AI'.l'i-MliK Jtwl building contrac- 1 1 I'ARKIilt lltiurdiiii; Homo lor aged " \f,y, TOP SOIL slirubht-'rlbh y r.'movc'ill, ulticjli , eell lor,,)l) . 0. MiitsRerMt , FlorencFlncee Ave.Ave , 'M CADILLAC Sedan DeVilic, Full Power, Fully men and women; 21 hotii super- In. , Kr.,1 Esiiim l.lruki;rs, CO Equipped and Air Condllloned, Tan ,. .Priced Right Trenching and hullitn/.inK, drive- l.us and y.irds cliMn>-d. LaiiiUrup- Keyimit. New homes, gaiuues, »ll vision; individual ifiiiK. Sin.ii! DIETRICH BROS. ]'l"|l)M-\fi 'KEARNr'.Y Mtiluv.iin libhl. lllrfln .11; oppo i REALTOR 'M FOHD GnlHxie Town Sedan, 8 Cyl. Slandurd, NEW BRUNSWICK AVK., PLUMBING & 1IKAT1NQ silo Vriii'o Gain Inn, Call LOwoll ! M HWY :ui •- KKYI'ORT, N. J. MATAWAN Gl'.NI'itVl. .->!:lt\'H I'.'i CO. Rill, Coral and Whllo %\m.M l.o.'.i'l! ii ll'l 3tJ(J ,Mr>pl« Place fi-Otill. |H ; COLI'-AX I I'MH I.OWIil.l. ii,!!)'li - 2 u|it j K(.-y|tnrt '31 CHEVROLET Impulji Convurlihle, White, SIS Cu. In., wjlf I ~"~l I'reo Intimates CO 4-0798 HACK I [OK WORK ; A vr.-iv lumfurliilili' lioine indeedl V8, Sid. Trani., R&H, W. WalU $I«»5.M I Two >.nn v i ulnni.il, 'I biMlrooms, up- I Television ' .'.HSDNRY. liii, I. in Al I. IYPKS I i'i thi' iniiiuic kiiihi'n, dining room, '17 CHEVROLET Bel-AIre 2-Dr. Sedan, 0 Cyl., Aulonmtlo TRUCKING , fli-p! u cs iiml II' • Ii'. inu iDuiM \MII; fiiepi.irc, (Km, Trans., R&M, Blua und Whiie, W. WulU .. f ilK.OO 1 1 AND DON'S TV SIsUVJCE p ill 1 I ll.'l I '• I): Vi.l 11,1/1"! 1 id-: ." iII:-IO I ... binln, ci-lhir. 1'jiii^i.*, curiier W|H LAI'I'MA! S •- l-'.Xi'AVATIi-.Q 'M OI.n.SMOniU: SS Holiday Couiw, Automatic, Kill, I-"(ir fiiql Mficlcnl nidln and (cle liclgu and Wnllo, Whllo Walls I 693.00 EXCAVATING visi.in i/'ivi"! (,J1I I O.vi'll fi-.IH* 1 rs IK i't* tii'lr i im. (ir.iiiin bull' '38 RAMBLER, Custom 4-Dr. Station Wugmi, 8 Cyl., I.III.I I TV SIOHVICH (.1) . I K.\l I'OHH 1 h, l-:iif In ii. (hi i^, liviiiji Why Kulil Yinir Ilnlr Will. c 'ii IN -; i! Sfundard, K&H, Gray, W. Walls .. SI00.1.0U (op soil, fill illrt, in,ii- ijiil;. f ull ."llii, n '58 CHEVROLET Del-AIro 2-Dr. Sedan, 8 Cyl., Aiilnmatlo llomv l'l'mmiH'iil Wave? M 1 J M1 r.I'M SIDINO I'M, ni' <• i:ily 'J'lif. liVCK H0N:;'JN INC. -- if ADI Kf MA •-Mil il-i jiht ci, .si'v.t'r; TrHni., KSII, Turnuolsa and Whlto $1005.00 KCKKL HROTHK 1 ! MAIAWAN IS. ll'til > .'.-ilil!. -l' 5|K,'.(. I| '38 f'OUD J-Dr. Station WiiRnn, RAH, Standard ...... $ 5!)3.0(l TI-".SNI :;i ui) Mon(i-\'i\ 8PIKML 'EitSfiN.M. Sl.ltVICI' W Yl'S II' VIJ . l'.-lvlll.ll) I.ll-'S LOWKLL n-lsi : At Ceil's n;u.::n.i i ra SUPER Sl'ECfAl! ••••••^ W\l I CAI'IIUM.I s1 It'jiil I'M I ', M I ' -il lilt, I' II III till hi'llli |! '59 TiM i: I'M 1 Bi;uuty MIKI I ••'ui, 1 Htll ill'' M.TV CD Ililc-ii bnic, Chliiii, (il:i39, Dull MMl :| HWY M.VIAWA.N 71i# Abov« Cari Am Sold With A M-Day Uncondllixnal «uar«nlp« T icw.iliy, U. S, mill l (nillni| A..- I or Sale Or Rent Muluwan UNION UV.M'U ;.i!i n.-.'.l CONVKKTIULK TOPS tor, M»ln A XI, II 1 s CM i I'Oit ,\i'rtti.vi-,ii:*;i 1 Lanzaro' '-'. • n •• li-' 'lll ." 111 TO IS IMO.YIIIH T(l I'AV .11 I I IT., I. '! 11' Mum i. i,II (i lm.(, ill 'il'.l ',-i t"•>•*-•• • nil illy I i llnj I.J.V.I;/ II ll I l.ll (III I AX 4 MM I|IIH k *' i v i • • • :llul l.Mjuil.lllli. Ol'KN liVKNINJiN TIL I I It ind Mi.i.II."..' I'.'l . M ilii-.', i i UHl Cl'|i>n'i> <>•)! (.He I I'l Ml!,l, I • I i\v Iliiiiiii H.'i.'.li SIM ynul .1*11 LO 6-2224 1 . * v.ill jilla> you. U.ill l.u.'.fll ij-|i||ii Ui« 141, Ke/o-jft. 1HE MMTAWAN JOURNAL, Jy3y 2*, 1961 A public Bible U'tuir* will be $iv- I Xutfeersis CJja»'«h iycut:g nixing, ft p.m.; ! en ai 3 p.m. Sunday,, a/I tr which j ev;;n.i/ig gospel service, 7 p.m. i wi!i t-i- lhe "Vs.'chio'ver Dibit: sluijv j . Rev. !';fcdcr:ck BOUJ, paster Midweek etayer. sod Bible Stut^i Church Services Announced For Bayshore Area • al 4:15 p.m. ^fhe lesson for this j Church services tjn Sunday Are is hdti tutry Wcfliicsday mi fe.'iO • week, "Foretelling Him ki Whom I held at, £:I18 s.m., ?»:45 a.m. amip.m. i Aii People's Obedience Belongs.'' ifiill a.m. Church tthcj! zneeSJi «! The Hoiijide! CLurch j 9:45 a.m. Morgasvlita iVIetbudJif Ctnut!j Chunk OK Seiwtflei *t 4 VJ a m. «.itk ctaisM, for aii first Baptist Church ! a graphic tribe .-by-tribe U'lriy of Mslu tui'J W. Third St*. Rtv. Andrew V Burlitmr-it, Pastor MorganvtDe M Broei* It., 'In* Rev. Jan:ts Unenay. retired i the 11 tribes <;! Israel, ir.tl o< Ja.- j Sayre Woods BaptUt Uturcfc Rev. Frto >5. Bowea, Pastor ' ATIIJI chaplain, Aill be ihe jjue.si i cob's mostimportant dcatiibvd pro- j , Roui«. * Hrqwotcwn Rev. M»un>;e W. Pb:lllp«. ( speaktr Cuiiday ?• thi> 10 a.m. wor•- , .... . • , ' Key, Ronald. Rooiiuwn, Pastor Church s»fvjce» art beld on Sun- j .ship service. day «,t 8 a.m. *n, • Christ Jiroujjh the r,oyal line of Ju-11 rf^s jor eftch member of (hemeet: at 'H> » m. I The R*v. Richaid fcastbum, who Irl*Sty ! dali. farsily: morning worship, U I works with the Y.M.C A. iii Hrnla- Mtia St., Mataaaa 1 BiuiC iUiuies Arc held at S py'rt. depend* en p Youth Fc'iowsrop meets on ! (fclpliiu. Pa., v.ill be the giiesl m Youth Fc'iowsrop meets on ! on-*erinon (fnti RfCtCT I homes Iii. effect smaller groups and of »!! tlicsf U y*urs-ot-aj !t itr_ - y •.it. . svuiiahle_.... f l«* l«t ^ . *f*\Th» e^ HtvUKHI . filMrl r. bralf'l Friday at 8: Tit) a m. I tio/i v\illi other groups meeting in Ross WV Mighan ^ Scriptural fwus«(j« will include t j g .. jfottew verses from J'rowrbs (4): U>'» Kenwicit, Whiting. , Ea»tbura -»--»ll The Sixth, Sunday after Triniiy. j the homes of' Franklin Anderson i p.m. eerviw. maims will be at ': W a.ni.; Holy i and John Gondoly, Matawan: Nils •"* "Let ihint *ye« V)ok ri^M on. araj seivice will be held h>. thine eyelids lock straight be- Ci>niD>u»inn. 8 am; Holy Eu- i Nelson, Hailei; * Thoinaa Morio, SAVE with SAFECO fore the?, ponder the path of thy TWrd St., K««p»rt in the chapf.l. (bansl, W am. • Cliffwnod; Arthur Palmer, North feel, ami let all thy wnys V« dM Cljurch bratwl Tuesday si S a in. i pon Moninouth, Is Closed." Church school convenes JO* q( ta t KSV. Richard Let Scc.lt. Pastor Boy fTcuut I'r oop 232 meets i Si. Mary's Enlicop»i Cirarcb A .citation lo be read from "Si'i- at 9:30 a.m. "Make My Copidencv j *i prehenhdd mure, w« must put iintt o I prayer, at 7:45 a.m. and lloly C9.n1- m can «vuM buy Hwd: a; • t'akw Beach practice what *v already know. We Rev. Eldrich C. Campbell j munior.. 8, 9 and 10 B.rn: must recoiled tha,'. Truth is diiin- Sunday kha for 33 fooilikt. he held at Pastor I The A.A.'i will meet Wednesday wstmbie when understood, and U 9 p.m. that good is not untffmtood until ot Power is held 'Inurjday | mcj«!etonk Bathin- .g„ Beach Club. Woislup services will b« held at | demonstrated." at 7:30 ^m. Inc. A bus win loave the tli'jrch 9:31; and U am. Sunday. Church 1 'I'here will be no weekday ber- for the vcicoiion of Your Dresrr.s The GoiUen Text is !ro«\ )1Tiim»- Suoiray church school meets at I a! S a m. and rsiuin aiound 7 p.ir.. scrioo! will meet st 9-30 a.m. Aviccj s during the jnoiuh ol August. 9:45 a.m.; morninj! wo<:>h>p, 11, The Sacrainfiit of Huly Conimun nuiser/ 15 piuvided lor Doth church 1 1 thy (1): "Study to shew lhyse(! ap- It John • McthodUt comult witb ua proved unw God, a workman that a.m A iiursery is provided and ' i«n will be o'oserven Aug. 5. SAFETY* South Mais St., "SAVE ueedeth not lo be ashamed, rlghily children's church in held for preI- Second BaptWt Church bclort you go , . , dividing the \vord tf? triuh.' school youngsleis. riitt Methodlit Church narilau Township 1 20S Atlantic St., Keyport 147 Main St., Matawan Rev. NorinsR R. Riley, Pastor The Prescription IT* Fnlth Vtlorm«d Chureh I Rev. Nicholas J. Tate. Pastor You have the fun , . . )M»r>»t4 Cburch ol Keyport Rev. Frank E. Sweeten, Pastor Sunday worship services art ws do the planning Warrea St., Keypcil Mtudla Rd. a»d FM9« AVC i Ihe Women':. ProgieMive Club a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 1' a.m Center ! will .vponsor n bake sale Saturday Divine ViCibhip services Sunday and arranging. Whal'i Rev. John H Sharpe, PASIOI Haxkl more, tide's no extri OPP. POST OFFICE i from I lo 1 p.m. in the church ' ,arc ai W> ii;,d II n in. with "A ' Church ichoo'l meets at S:30 nnd The Rev. Josepii t. Ferry jr., Rev. 11004016 C. Muller, l>«ak>f j Prir.cr W;th Grul" us lhe pastor's j 11 a.m. The evening service is .ielt' cost tor p'tir ssrvicei. KEYHORT linden, will be the guest speaker mt nt PHtriin, Youth Fellowship picnic jI 'C,I.,I,- V «,-h.,ni mnvniK ii « m | si'imon lopic. At ihe first service! at 7:30 o'clock. Intermediates metl Fr«e Delivery - CO «4W Sunday at ttw 10 a.m. worship ser- will be Saturday at 4 p.m. Valler wi in^S^hn ll.m'i* " '"""" "B«iW. Thee Ifor . tte sixth, ievCnth and eighth HtalA h frktUu, vice. His topic will be "Difficulty Sunday School, classes for nil ages evTi'.'ing seivice, 7:30 p k " \ ^°"-. Slaltly Mansions' by An- j ^ . . Brown Travel Bureau tr.d Opportunity Go Hand in grad(; J 6:4J p m Senior Mclhod Yet Costa Ltss Than Eytr. art- held ie>t minister will be Pwyei scivice is nn 1-ildny fiom | Roblsr. b. siamcr'" A supcrvis- MlddU Kd.. Hazl«t the Rev. William E. GnMon. pastor ) of tin-. Trinity Reformed Church, ,-30 umil 8:30 p.m. The publicly lllirll,lv ls iw I ^ :.: Q'%ial'li-> ( No MtHf ai .:.•,—:: :. :- - -- . pmai su».iu .m vr. "' rrlloui.liijj is cam'.uiling n hymn announced •l*: ul 7 p ni. to «h;rh cvetyone The SITVICCS i.f the Prayer Bund is invited. me al !he disposal of Ihe i(im- 1 AN ANNOUNCEMENT munity. An)one desiring prayer Pinvi'i linn is hi Id Thursday for the aped and ill. may contact I m 7 :iu p in in l.'iu lecture room; L- study in ihe Gospel of John, p i.i. bt'is of the church. WALKER & WALKER Bayvlew Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church Clllrxowl Beach • Realtors and Insurers • Route M and rraakll.i St.. Rev D,i\id L Bui 11, Pastor Matawan j 'Ilit- Rev. Da/ill 1.. Bucti, supply Rev. Chester A. Galloway, MUH, will pii'iidi on the tupic, With To Announce Pastor „ j ""Counting Ihu Cost n! Christianity" Relocation "Elijah and The Gieat Coitist at ihu SuniLiy worship serivce at will he the pastor's sermoicrmon topict I a. ,h(, Sllm|aj MOnhip service at 10 at Hit1 10 am woisi ' Of Their s.up se,\'(pj a m rjmjuj, (j^, sl.|Vli;t. a nursery Pre-Season Savings Now Northern Monmouth Office Stories And Their Modem Day Laurence Harbor (.onimuiiHy To The j Meaning." Sunday School meets lit Church 110 a.m. Nursery rare is provided Laurence Harbor East Sid* of Rout* 35 | for children under three vears-of- Rev. W.lliam li \Vtbstcr, Pastor I ;t[;e every Sunday inornni)! Al ' F.verett L. Slew ail will be the MiddUtown 1M5 a.m parcnis of children to Iguest p. i-arhc Sunday m the 10:50 be baptized must meet v>'itli the ,a m. sen ice. Mr. Stewart is it sen- Approximately 1000 it. North oi pastor for « class on lhe meaning j No Payment 'til Oct. 1st. ior nl Lirew Seminary, Madison. Middlelown Shopping Center Sunday School will he conducted at Vacation Church School starts ; 9:30 a m Mondoy morning fiom 9 n.m until On All Heating., .Also Installations Our lv«'Mmpttcat tale* ftf** ar« ita4y and aWc t« atrv* .12 o'clock noon. The theme will he Jehovah'i WllMtaca "The Bible - Living Values for the Id* paMie M in (h» pad. Keyport Ccagregalioa TIAWW Ask about Se«r» Modernlitng "Ji Space Ate!" Young people, njie Xiagdara Hall, U Dlvldcn St. VA lour through lhe eighth grade, aic JlU MJ\9VVN Credit Plan ... W mouth*to p*j. >OII PROMPT SERVICE CALL invited to attend. Those unitiuu I A u nllcn review un material cov- with the church by confession i»r ered in lhe past four weeks' meet- rcalfirmation of faith must meet ] ings Hill be the feature of the Miri I^-l Sean «rriing« u low OS 1-2126 -OS 1-3311 with the pastor on Monday at 7:31) jistiy Srhiml. which begins at 7:25 Coupon for Fre« HrntJnc Etlimale. Alto, U'» H«rtk pm. and those joining by leiter of pm. Thursday The service meet- I coil Initallallon. Atk G«l • Free ISO lovarti jour parcku« of CcnUtl Alt UMH transfer must meet at 8:15 p m ing follov.s at 8:30 p in. for a free eitlmate ,.. V Thermometer dilloln durlac tkU Sab. Limit ot on*. / and a Fr«» CALL CO 4-6300 C«l!mnt« of your Ntme. heating rcquIremenU IV» Fabulous — And at Seart, — EITHER WAY — ""tSas Basement Furnace Systems ITS MONEY Incltidea: Our Deit "600" tenet cat top collar* tnd dampen; fifteen baitment furuice 80,000 BTU 6-inch f.lbowi; one 36x96-inch aheet (A.G/A. approved); W«rm and return metal; two 8xl6-inch rMunt'air diicta air plenumi; Thermostat with tub- with end cap and lUrtinf collar; two liaae and wire) 75 feet of 6-inch warm 5 inch imoka pipe* •nd elbowi. Nil IN YOUR POCKET! Tom's Ford, Inc. air pipe; fire etch of 6-inch connector*, ' rtgiiteri or gat maim. Thorn»t I.ytllt, Vm. AT TOM'S FORD YOU CAN GET , cash Atomizing FABULOUS DISCOUNTS ON NEW CARS - Iliiinhiifirr trtt, tUflncmxcnt fnrrace and reeou* If you buy a Atct to existing registers. Broom homo. OR OVER ALLOWANCES ON YOUR TRADE. "600" tytlom M dar!nn thlt Salt. Om FURNAOB SYSTEMS. Bhnilar system but with oar tot oil 84,O0<) Btil fitrnkce. LCM teak • COMPANY OWNED DEMONSTRATORS! 6r nttlngx. C««h fSM.OO. • EARLY MODEL CLOSE-OUTS! Gas Baseboard CASH BACK PLAN WE TRADE UP or DOWN Mot Water Systems Even if you owe money un your pie.sent cur we 1 If witir I^VHHM' ,iii »ii' l>it"li jtiul (tilHrull l.i ii'i'i'pl your car in trade and pav off lhe hnlannv T liirliiilm: l.uu.|iiei« "CCd" tutiu Cii.lll.lthg JT-ilpi ( P tO ^00 >/II!BM> II yum nude in is wnrih more ihnn Ihe ricjuind ftieel -• \M nill liiKe smir liir in li.ujr -- pn> i>lf liuMAKI •l-MTiimi Kim licit iv«tcr ttel of conm'tor rxlinlion; jilni »nc!< In iKiilor (A.fJ.A. nji|iroicil); 'i'cuiper«- into pipe am) fitting! for an averag* (null. down rnnilrl with lilllt' nr mi nioiilhly piiymi nlf. tiirr-iui'tiiirA Raugc| Limit control. 2•room home, The gas main it with rein)-; 'J'tiriiniiitAt ivilli wirej Ail new miterialt uiei). -.••;' Equity Your Trade CASH eash BACK A.ldllloaol muterUl* •« w«U M Down Payment On New Car cowpItU Iniiallalionj can ht EXAMPLE arranged. Fr»« Alomlnn|j fJASEBOABO Vm WATBR fVS You Get In Cash or lluiiiltliflrr If VKM for •vcrnga broom ho you huj • "600"

i'j' H» ll in r' > ^ ri" i vjj a p«> 1 •» 1)' Ai ii i it Vir I t i,i n-M .i i • U54 UJI ,-ar ll'j ,« t ,1 Unu 'j h Up Sharply Over 1960 Summer Session Si vs T i *•, li | lull stur<: *>? in? s*vri;'"ii J Momn-mi'i UW'dlit1 II n i' f llibution n?rthotls W 1 O liavi* jr ?fci dent of Mny sliowid hi'/e ", ueiit te de I ilon dollar, n New J^is«-v Ubt 1 Irent M S?jt C Mt f J u' the miiik»t[)Uce whi'ih-! uejr Etjiwiiliiiv* uf »hr 21 tuJii i VM-L-IC ' u sSffti S?djot, Ca., M>t*wan, «f J f f l «!ri"Sf/ w,ou!i} ttpjWi! a Fedd -. S.- „o.i ..»., tl,e tv,0 lor oi? of'fi Hi!lH' o: xivjrf 5 -21 «!) W a lopCojnirjislOf». "p!it dur. ttue bargain .« qinliiy pauit " T.lr i c-nt lutims'J oi"i tin" i'"'li "i'l 1V1 t',rei- », HUTH'I se-^ion. -. J. I i i','i I Davj aidfij ! lo »' of JW -»"' 3<-L"" "> *-'" ' ' '".^ mcnu'c o 11 Us yiai ani i j Son ,chatt«mging itft (ra-f tiiir.al Mltl Vxr is i 1 . '1 , "Jjjjy, Ou^ . Qei One Free' offer 'M f) dav «]« ii.'lii.iliu I ,,[!,,,.!,• lilmJ wuroiist ji>-i i," I'l'A "'#•} aW co(! ^lagrd that, >iw 0 S 11 of Appeals w.H ^iiituiu «t" 'I' liiivniod li'a s'foL' Iho reason; siawd ui lo nn),,mei t recor I 1 1 'i'aJ in p'o^'MiU'Pl ffi-jn pinion of PIC <"<>m Iica. , it NUr'O'jrj "il iJ H'spiiit, Elmaii" Una w-i^rsi'OMx; cuits hy ship(iinj C ['Hi-I ' u il "i I'u e/°i, twi ^olirii*-*-' Jtiporu*J in J >o p^r v'i' ip f*1-*!' {>^t' ^n ^^M^ ' Jii,e;i to fcaier-> In jfompin/owi »i"U Own, Ml tt.KP- the. (jj tiuci f'csi, *ivl ii opojaki. al jc,^d t^la! cxp(rilitu>''ls !a^t year i,j,|od 'avt suiannlr I'l- /'-.' ^, )lr' liwjd Bcavii Jiad KoVil sist'*iit our 'i»w-' a, mjniniuin ul pliint m\&tmwi ,io [.Mi hid dtuLVseS Tii« la' UIOP. ut siiuurKM MIII'TIS HI II ! 1|J , j 7 1 1 . Culhns V Kt.Jnit)Ui>; Fair From July 27th Througli August 4th Mr, Ojnib conch'd- ip.clL.iled liucisitn w\h a thr^**^} Ljios» ( nio»iid liurn If ' itt'ii'tr ^ •C?. (i?iU decline Hml.ng"'jn, e.sli i's *«-oss IV New Baya Named \ r D<"r cont i'id \Vbojje»th,ft>bojje»t value o? ourj ,,eaieaq jmco suiting ui bu'/uwv , df<.T<«e5 ieflecle-1. -i(,e |a,t summer ic'mn ttl, n ' Inuis llcn^on h.\s bti n ap,)» II'KJ , &?ip^e o%r eonlBsted' Jw ft f p 1 oitUyi, r..l,hei fun ,- ue,n, mitodu' eel foi t(.i fir, pnrtlus n;; b'j'.oi, Dunv>ml Ml.ili State Highway 35, Hadet 'tduction oi v.ip-.-ralmj; buut'Kts, it I „,,„ t||("iMr ReN ,,h,|(,, va, \,,, ', „ l u Ji>n"s dhcuir -H pn li ond luns thiough at-pi il >Vi'h (lusin«, has a'lnouii'••! \1< li'-n . njta ultimate eff<:(;t wa~ evpUmed lit ikikwi t CyCounty, , p Lhriv M.mi. «i session, x i« ufli'i STO ii-pij-i- r W 'librmk who rur?s last ye*r IntaWW $1$11,071 9 OU ed al Aionmnuih loliw sbiiJenb ' 'i o beo.i tun ti-ire in "'"• 1 nov arf nbl" tocwnpl» l • [out JLUS lit'paitnii.-nf P'U),- 10 n, nt'% at. , , ? of 2U pjr cij'it 1 h" i , , , LI,,,.,, . i | pimct Mr II -nsnn -i is c'niplo,' ^figg the, "•S.^ovsh):nw 0 COUH r n vr ars X1 Amusements — Dancing HXpviidiluies totals <\rn c* ! — - ! ported from compilations hemp j nviife by the Mew J>isey Tatpav-1 DRUM CORPS COMPETITION Refreshments Beit Rating Awarded To. Fo.estburg Camp, and COLOR GUARD CONTEST Sea Tha Special Attractions for tha Children, including Ex I Mijnmauth Council, Boy S' Sponsored by Ihe Fire Truck Rides, of AmerjviAj . U> proudlpy y fljinjgg tlw Nationall Council'Cls' "A"A'' perm in1 i>l tha I orcstburg Scout Ri'wrvjtion, FIRESIDERS DRUM CORPS N Y , lo slgntfv Hut the camp hn Union Beach Firo Depi, AMUSEMENT RiDES FOR CHILDREN AND ADUilS been rated as onu of (he top Boy SCOJ camps 111 the country The (fn conjunction will, th, Jerse\ Shore Area Diunt Corpj Councili presentation of the iv,ard was STARTING JULY 27th mttdft !,et.Pntly !ollov/ing an inaiy- sij of the caimp's {a';i'ities and oporahon by Regiona! and National SATURDAY, JULY 28, 8 P.M, Scout officials date Sumliy, JuV >. RARHAN O\R«rE < 1 Rl lONP'S GREEMIOUSC week RAIUBONr.'S GIRIGG SCIUMK FUtL OU PLUS ,9i A MULE Senior Drum Corps HA/.tr.T swrr.i SHOP HEINKE'.S MUATS SHORE POINT INN 1 F. KCLLY AU1O PARIS Revofce licenses Spotswood, N. J. HiS JERSEY SKA SKIFF S1RKUB MOTORS Valentine lonlel, 5"i, of 3 Brad (ord Rd , Old Bridge has had his licenso revoked for 30 days by (lie RENT-A-CAR Division of Molor Vehicles under tlw GO/70 Ltcessivs Speed Pro- gmm In this aici the' follow IUK 6 1Q pf A MM* SaMth of Junction Routes 9 4 34 licenses lime bean suspended under Madison Township the Point Svslem Fames S Gan- non, 2S, o( 5b7 Lloyd Rd Matawan, one month, Frank DePdlmi 3/, (4i!l For Weekly & Monthly Rates RD 1, Box biA, Keypur(. two months. Leo S. Ohhelskie 22 of '112 Wilson A\e, Matuwan, four HA 7-0479 months, John W Hamlin, 1^ of i 24 Bedle Rd , Hailet 20 days

RIB STEAK 69 SIRLOIN STEAK STAMPS! GROUND (HUCK 69 PORTERHOUSE 100 STAMPS BEEF FOR STEW° 69 GROUND ROUND lOPSIIllOliSIEJll" T with this coupon and i gf J5 00 or man CflLIF ROAST 5» FLAI1EN RIBS 59 FLAHK STEAK M nc.,M. ,,,t it,, J,I j,ir ]|,cjM CLUB STEAK r .T' HEJT101F •:, .65RIB' MAST w-ss..« 101001 BMUr - .99' ||MiyiHSinWBa^|w CHUCK ROAST ••• .41 I,,. -• CHICKEN STEMC^ .99* 6R0UHD BEEF ,49< lOrSIBlOIIIOHSl- .99* SHASTA S0DA_ "We invested in a Gold Medallion Home with PUTlSEif •• .23< IOUND EOAST •, - 89TOP ROUND ROAST- 95< uiamimrZARix' FRIJTT"SYRUP CHUCK STEAK-•» . 79* SHORT RIBS 49' IUIPRMST- 95 . m»-J PINEAPPLE PIE electric heat because it will be up-to-date (IOSS MB MASH". 89<, CALIF. STEAK - - ,. 69< SKIRT STEAKS 95 DRINK :.• for years to come/' say the William Taylors of Brielle SHISS STEAK \.mwmwtrM, HEWPOIT BOAST ,9* MAYONNAISE GROUND SIRLOIN ,9» f-BOHl STEAK 9* BONELESS BfilSKET. 69< "Wo realized that « n«w homo would probably IM Iho luijgoat HIORII invi'stincnt wn would uu-r nuke," continued Mr. Taylor, "no from Hit' glart WO ward dalonniiwl to huilcl iho very l)"«l - SHRIMP .ui ,"«r^DRISTAN «V.!.',»M M..MV a Gold Medallion Hoint} coinplulo with t'littrlc WITH l»U"".M»St Ol SWEET - FLAVORFUL - LEGRANDE boating In tlm vvnv w) li^mo to protect our BA'N"DE6D6'R'ANT invoilmeiit li} nwnniii o homo llin' nil alwoy* 1. , >, r. ii,. i ilil." IPANA TOOTHPAST "Wo 8ro both working, mid Mm Ti I ir, n I rcnlly iipproi'inlii (ho clonn cli'ilrii: hunt, which mnkixi my II>>IIM ,1,'imnifi >i much oiniiir nml PAPIR HAPKINS cnalil*lin lo mvuliy tin limit il'iwn Mincuf I'"* 10,, 39' ONIONS ^3., \9 room thi.imoBiaU whil»- oleclrk rnngo mid tonvoniont dinliwuilinr. W.| RITZ CRACKERS UWUU »r« certainly tnjoyinft our (iold Modnlliiii llonm iiiil,t now," conliiiiiod MM. Taylii, ' Imi wn'ro looking forward to oiijii>iiii( lf T""i '"•>"> CAKE u our limily growl into it and «• imkn an lundy And/ •ven (ronlar IIM of til il« oli-ilcii il oomfot'i Srewed Tomatoo$ 3 '^ 47* Vim AJAX CLEANSER IWUHUJfl Mid oMilvi anAvr srrif ciiorns _/. V.,,'<>MKUIU irii>nipiiii>nrnu>< w ««- Cfil Grand Dog Food 5 ", '\9" Boorhnut Baby Food 6*oi Ad Dolergonf ,.•-,. 62' D«foie you Imy or btiilil, plun l'i proi^rf yo'lf TVDIHMERS.-.,-» t, S5 rmiiPAK <>. mwi*uno«(oru(ic,[Nr m n ton** invoilnu'iil II,;II.Uit Ihu [iilurn h/ living ln:IMr C tlmtricilly ui * (.old Mmliillioii llmni SALAD OIL -33 DYNAMO K^ ^8^ Condonso

Alior a limy il«y. Hn 'I'.ijI'Ui HIIIUL'I'IIU Iliu H|KH>.| C nlfil l',in« * IJ«lit Killl whiili llmir ulfchu- r/iiitiu ph-yiiH ,l,nii ir »i"l HID MIHI whKli iktit vliHiUio ihtkiuhtt dmuw up HAZLET GRAND UN ION - OPEN EVERY SUNDAY Vllil TrlpUS