Citizens Committee for Lullding Plant •(-Way Wllsaad Ta M F*Et

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Citizens Committee for Lullding Plant •(-Way Wllsaad Ta M F*Et A Panorama COVERING Of Local TOWNSHIPS OP HOLMDEL. MADISON People And lAkLBORO. MATAWAN AM> Event* MATAWAN BOROUGH ■ a m M th YEAR — 47th W EEK Nattoaal bSSSh i T l u l l i m MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1964 J m n jij Pni Pr«a Single Copy Ten Cents Board Sets Up PUC Hearing Ends Elect Miss Brown Fam ily Pets Brought To Matawan Township Rubies Clinic. Tha Mala M ile Utilities Cam- Marlboro Election To Mlaaias this m an ia s caacludad a June 2 Election ha art as as MaUwaa TawasMp’a Southern V. P. lcsliea la lava a aaw Lieyd $2,625,000 Bonds tf bride* aeraaa the New Yerk Koyport Woman In Citizens Committee For lullding Plant •(-way wllsaad ta M f*et. Top Fodoration Post A bitter political fight, which had I lw petities la nalatala tha its beginnings Iff months ago, wa* Matawan Regional Board of Ed- “ width at M feet Is Ihe ia> Miss Geraldine V. Brown, 162 Find Artillery Shell settled Tuesday at a special elec* ■catloa m t up the special achool ■alt t l aa asreemeat reached Broad St., Keyport, a member of tion in Marlboro Township which •lection on Bonding June with lb* Msamsalh Cwaty Board the Woman’s Ciub of Matawan, Matawan Township Police Tues­ saw candidates of the Citizens Com* at Monday's meeting of the body, •f FraehaMeta that th* ceaaty Inc., was elected Southern Vice day reported an unexploded World ir.stlee elected to the office of may­ tincent C. OeMaki, board attorney, will taka aver the read far ita President ol the New Jersey State War 1 vintage artillery shell wo>: or und four of the live seats »| read of a resolution by which vot- M tlra iMgtk provided th* width Federation ol Women’s Clubs at found in the Veterans of Foreign stake on the Township Council. a n in dlitricta I, 2, I, 4, I, Mata­ la stabilised. the 70th Annual Convention held In Wars recreation field on Cliffwood A lone Republican, incumbenl wan Borough, vote at Matawan Tawaakip Eaglaaer Karl lietwer Atlantic City last week. Drown Ave. It is believed the shell muy Charles T . McCue, successfully defeated Mrs. George W. Meyer, Grammar School; voter* In dis­ tadlcated this m an ias that ap- have been delivered to the field blocked the neur-sweep of the Citl* Occan Cily, hy 204 votes. Miss tricts I, 2, 1, Matawan Townihip, praaeha> la Ihe bride* may have in a load of fj|J dirt from the Kens Committee cimdldutes to gaifl note at Cliffwood School; voters In la be exttaded. Thelwarlag aha Brown will be the ranking vice Morgan area. Shells from the Mor­ president in the State Federation. election to the only remaining seal districts 4, J, Matawaa Tofcnship. dMermlacd the height af tha gan explosion of 1918 are uncov­ on the council. Mr, McCue wits sec­ vote at Malawan Regional High M jc t , I* fe*< abava tha raflbad, Miss Drown has been a member ered from time-totiine by excava­ ond high man on the ballot, tallying School, and voters in districts I, 7, ta art high fsaagh. No afflcials of the Woman's Club of Matawan tors. Ihe Bomb Disposal Squad of 799. Matawan Township, vote at Strath­ (ism the H ard « F re*holders at- for 14 years. She Is an honorary bort Monmouth wa.s called and more School. The polla will be open lasded tha haarlsg. A deeisioa member and a pist president of picked up the shell. Waiter C. Grubt) jr.. incumbent from 2 to S p.m. •III he haaded dawa by the PUC Ihe Matawan Junior Woman's Club. president of the township council, The bonds will go for construct­ withia SO daya. She has served as a member of was elected mayor with 784 vntev, ing a 14-mom achool on 4t-acres on defeating incumbent Joseph A. Lon* Lloyd Rd.; constructing a 10-room In<|uiry B y State zaro, a Democrat, who polled 741 school on seven acres oo Ravine and Republican Paul F. Chester, Dr.. and renovating the old Mata­ Alarms Voiced At who tallied 370. wan High School building for gram­ Asked In Madison Successful Candidate* m ar school purposes. The board Citizens Committee candidates voted to iasue a brochure which Double Sessions Sample Resignation who joined Mr. MrCtie as mem­ will show the 14-room school to Provokes Broad Move bers of the* Township Council wer# cost tl.UO.BOO; the 10-room school Mobilo Units, Team Norman Janwich and Joseph Brod* $420,000 and renovating the old high Aftermath of lh<_* resignation of l,iak. h,)l11 incumbents, who polio! achool 1200,000. There will be $130,- Toaching Called For •00 for buying the 40 acres: $50,000 Dr. william J. Sample as supenn- « . * » ? Excitement over a report by Lu­ , . , ,, ... Antisell. with 775 and Philip Ar- for the seven acres; $00,000 for 15 ther A. Foster, Matawan Superin­ tendent ol (he Madison township Lolil with 774 •cres on MyrtleAve. for a future tendent of Schools, May I that Over IU dog* were glvea anti-rabies ahols Satur-| Above, Dr. Earl Oslerlield, veterinarian, treats Joan Schools was a request to tiie Stale I Unsuccessful candidates for tha site and 115,M0 for two acres nest there was a possibility of sixth d iy al t special clinic held it the Malawan Township I Jankowski's “ Hlackle” while ‘ 'Tippy," pet uf Joanne Commissioner of hducution. voted (Township Council included Deni­ to the existing Matawan Regional grade half - sessions at Strathmore llose and Chemical Co. Fire House, P ie nnnilwr Moccl, walls a lurn. al Tuesday’s board meeting, for an jocrats George Creevv. 70S; Waltef High. The latter two land purchas­ School next term provoked a two- wa* nearly a IM per cent increase over last yeur. I investigation from Trenton of the; Dunn. «8G; W. Lindsay I.e.Moine. es are in anticipation of further hour public discussion session on .situation surrounding the resigna- j C h e s t e r Jameson sr.. 407 anil achool building within three years. the topic Monday. Mr. Foster fore­ tion of Dr. Sample us superimen-, ||j>nrv Sadowski. r.I. Also Repub- The bonda will retire under a 29- sees a four • room slwrtane at the Transit Meeting deni last week |lieans, Alfred Storer. TJ9; Michael year amortiiation. Thi board lists Planning Board Malawan Man To Dr. Sample had scribed hi* res-j Cnstura. Lester Bond. .TC*8;‘ the lax per year on a house as­ school. Alternatives to Kettinc around Edward Barkauskl, chairman ignahon w h r due lo •‘meddling*’ ; and R Walter Johansen. 412. Aft- sessed at $10,000 at $11 and on a •f the Matuwan transportation the situation were headed off by a from hoard sources wilh his ad-ithony Stafflinger was the lone Citl* house assessed at $25,000 at $27.50 To Defend Suit committee, said an executive Head Stale A.P. rninUtration ol school affairs and j 7ens Committee candidate who lost to support this building program. sugpestion class sizes could be in­ creased from a 30-pupll limit to 15 meeting of the committee has a recent elimination ol the position j his bid for election with 72K. F nH-TImci Prisdpal pupils. John J. Bradley, board Retain Schwarts been called for tonight to meet William Sandford of curriculum coordinator, Iherej After two unsuccessful attempts^ MISS GERALDINE V. BROWN In other action, Martin Dempsey president, observed the Stale De­ For Levitt Case with county and state represent­ Elected To Post weie those umong his supporters I Tuesday's election put a legal gov* was appointed full-time principal of partment of Education draws no tho Board of Directors of the New atives over a proposal to create win) ust*d the term “spying.” When !eminent into office* and ended a the Strathmore School, as of Apr. line against 35-pupll classes. Mr. Jersey Federation in the positions Tha Matuwan Planning Board a major commuter depot and William F. Sandford. 87 Main Si . it was ascribed to the newly elect-ibjuMc hai| ils s,arl lilst t , N o change in compensation waa Foster granted the 35-pupil classes of Junior Membership Chairman, last night directed Township At­ transfer point between Matawun Matawan, Tuesday night was elect­ ed board in e m Im * r s, Charles j Vl,ul- when Democratic member* provided. could well meet the situation at the torney Richard T. Schwartz to de- and Harlot. IhompNon. Richard Pine and R o -^fth e former Township Cnmmilte® Teachers hired were; Mrs. Corresponding Secretary, Financial ed president of the New Jersey As­ Strathmore School, but doubted Secretary and Fall Conference dend it in a Superior Court suit At the .session, Herbert A. sociated Press. The 49-year-old bert Nixon, they derided it on th** j utifmptod to pass an ordinance Charlotte A. P eterson, Wood­ grounds that at leasl, thev do not ; wj,j( }, vsould downgrade lot si/o* from an academic standpoint that Chairman, and has been a mem­ brought against the board and Thomas, executive director of newsman is employed as associate bridge, B.A., no experience, a*. have any relatives working for the fo( u p|aimrd community, similar , single sessions on such a basis are ber of the slate convention com­ township committee by Levitt and the Division of Railroad Trans­ editor of the Red Bank Register. $5200, to teach elementary grades; superior lo half-sesions. mittee for four years, acting as Sons, inc., developers of Strath­ portation In the New Jersey boaid of education.
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