•^COVERING'.; THIS-WEEK 3 '' ', TOWNSIMPS OF ••'" HOIMDEL, MAMSO.M • 12'Pages" MARLBORO, MATAWAN AMI M.ATAWVN BOaOUGil One •; Wlt.lloe> Copy Tasra Centsj fc.r'(l©rlal M4TAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1SG2 Subject Of | Schock-To. Join "M.wrli A < Vim Oraniies Corp. Hinke Woodfields May [F&M Batik Staff Get Manzo Sewer j Becomes Active In Development Plans; 1 Vice President Malcolm Leaving ',., 'Tho rapid giowth of. The Farm-\ fH:W^W:Wiliiarn.^Tierney,; formsr cttalrd1 Auth»iK> Ic'ij IMJIH I'icuried * ; : PCS and Merchants National Bank, i ; i-V'-»T-;V;.-th^ii.'- el.! the; .'Matfws-n y Planning I? Maiaiyroi, require.; an expanded :>f- j don^r' in i anmansli (> at\^l Jtart Vjiift'-v';Bpai'd^-ruisi%r;nigjit.attacked ^sj Vicial .staff, Joseph Baic-r, president.. ] !••-11 i & rfcrxnl ti' in Oumi.'icl; P. Viiru lib ( h3r'es St. of hU W^S'Swuar.sUHstic"ta; proposed, .amend*(A ! staled' when he announced the ao- i ':i--' SS^M-irientll^ to:?Qiimg'ordjtiarice which J pointnvjiH of Charles C. Schock. jr. I plans I ir deve fipmn i)«' Woodheids (;> v'/yi-'iy^UlS-perinit.cprisjructipri of gat-.I us an uetive vice president. i section 1 1 i: i Ithvin F Malcoum chairroda ot W::iK4i;f<jeu .aiia rtiTienti),'In the; R-75 ami , "The Farmers and Merchants !.V- -•Bs^JJj^iOO prjme reiHdenUal. zones'. -': {,. Mie Authority for. tlw |)4:>l t.v« ; bos Uouh.'cct in siK-iu the past ,'ime ycais and a member for threes \ -. yiv;S - |ir jhz.^rdioihce^recornreeiioieti: for i; years dtid ;hc''•;>;•«'.•.'& pattern of • p ' ,3jvv''fc<)!isi^efativ>n of-the abrough-CouiV-ji \t*ats iesj; f»d U'e dia.nnjAshtp' 1 the area indicate:; even greater e*- '• List nigit Mi Vjiitolir explained •.^^^Vcll-r-'hM-lweni'lJch^iilujed'-for'.lntrflii. punsion. in the future. Mr. Schock's ! 1 '. M*l< ;<iiic't.ion ;'at. Tu.eSU.5iy . night'* nVtRt-:. IDS conipany is promoting him to » I education and experic-nct.- will be! ] po';l in Columbus, Oni". and he U i5",S'.i;.ilug. 'ftuw-sver; Mayor John W. .An- f i.tvaluable to us in our effort to! I moving to. that city Ai>& I Ik v,i- ('"iSjiW'pl.tjgate ieJipJa^vW-thai''.because'of j furnish the mosl -efficient service \ cati'd th? chair so a successor if'fla'f'Other' boroMgh. biisliiais,;15ita: o,rd,i- ; possible to Ihe residents of .Norih- v : < ; could bt chosen. Harry J. Celst, 8 el'-i<: - -' hanc& could,fr>l' be: Reviewed in i em Monmouth County," Mr. Baier jN'ata'.vun l^d.. was made tlw new U -^i':-,-:^ime by^th> Borough,'Attorney, Ed-. I said ,.-.::• j chairman. ''rfifei;^y(ard yi;G^rrie..:C6uiK:il\wili; oviet :'-"j&::M;^t-an^iidjpurnid session: tomorrow "Mr. Schot:k, who has beuu a di- i Mr. Man/.o told ihe Authority ',.'• S^f/^:consWer-,tha^!H.etidrnsnti;-,;.; -;. rector of The Farmers und Mer- I that hi.' owned a tiaci of land at • r;y*: W; Th§i;zp^ingiameridjriieint:; restricts chants National Bank for over sev- i tlw extension of Charles St., Anna ' "''• "'•: apirttr,,ei\t vednstfu'etion ;iri, -these en'years. Is a member of a. family Avc. and Willow Aw. in th« Wood- '-two. zcin^s t« tracts of at' least, .tlifee that long has been associated, with ] fields seciion which In? wau ct>iv- banking activities in Monmouth sicleiiiiij developinji II? related tfwl i acrea »isd^: lirriits ; apartments? to 1 he was stiongly inclinvd to build -;twd^and-6n«-hal( stories in height.; ; County. An. ancestor rode horseback. r | through a snowstorm to Trenton ; x "packags" sewei pUu tot the t, lt?«l»jVpctividei-th*t only y per new contract, j area'as It was cut off fiom the rest . cent of the'^ndarea may be used ! in 1839 to secure a., charter-for The ( trike at Aico Ceramics Corp., Jackson St., j ment an«t labor over the terms uf a , - . for' actual construction.. ! Farmers firsBan' bunk ko tfo bMiiklli'towe es\'ai>li"hn' i! Keyport. continued Into its seventh week with no i The strike was called by Local 20581, Federal Labor!0' :he township and was unlikely'- Point, tlii <• ed in" Monmouth County and prede-! sign of a seuli-tnent of differences between manaet!- i Union, AFL-CIO when the old contract expired June 8. | '<J '>'- '"eluded many wasibl-i study '^"Pr«|tt(UcW":Tr* .•Wt'.'lntW****'^ 0 > omal1 l vns!l j cessor o! Tim Farmers andMer- j' " ""- 7 " " - " ' w- 'P sewors. Wiwd- : •'•'•"'"'•Mr..- Tierney^ declared the ordi- is closed in by tlii Freneau . nance was "prejudicial to the best chants National Bank. section of Ihe thorough'oh the north Speed-Timor Coming ; ln.tereits" of the borough and that Active In Hanking Affairs i Matawan Resident IV anit east. Lake Lefferts And Madi i' it provided for "unusustUy tevere. ''Succeeding generations always | Cotnmiueemun Sigmund Kow- son Township on the west anil • restricted and.uneconomical use" .,--..... have been active in the affairs of alskl, IVIalHwan lowmhlp, has ! Marlboro Township on the soutlt. ' ot land, He chimed, that under the Mrs. Kathryn L. Mason, 138 Jackson St., Matawan, l» shown stand-1 the bank and Mr. Schock's father, warned a spceit-tlmer soon will Strike At Atco Included In Plan proposed ordinance, no apartments ...... „.....,., „ - • • "--'(Charles, - C. Schock sr.. Edgemere Files Court Suit go into iw on township streets. Thomas L. Opte. of the C i. on her. property with the lour utility poles in the background that Charles- C. Schock sr., Edgemere j j Kuppcr firm, New Market, ««• could be constructed, on desirable e long been a subject o! dlsput'j between her, as an owner, and Mir., was chairman of the board un- Philip Neidlinger lie considers the v;ord will "gel New Contract Talks lots qii Main, Broad and Jackson have around" from (Ills aimoimcument sidling engineers to the Authority, Jeraeley Central Power and Light Co. She has maintained her position ; •'' his retirement at tha end of I9iil. r Scheduled Tomorrow told Mr. Maiuo that inclusion oi Sts. a landowner that the utility had to honor an ordinal aRrcemenl | Mr- Schock jr. is a member ot the Sues 1Lawyer's Estate uatl that drivers will spare them- Mayor Applegata reminded Mr. sehes fines by observing; speed Woodfields in the feasibility pUi> Tierney that the amendment meie- m«de wMh the New York Telephone Co, In 191'2 before either 7he Unlit Philip L. Neidlinger, 177 Main St., limits an posted. Members of Local 20i8l, Feder- for overall sewers in the township ing or telephone companies could come on her land to maintain or! al Labor Union, AFl.-CIO. Monday j was made. The engineer saw nil ly expands the area where apart ! Matawan, an interior decorator. A speed-timer clocks the speed mwt houses may be built. He said remove the pales. But the utility har managed to remove some of' nisht voted to continue a strike of | forbidding problem to a pumping | filed n $58,01.4 malpractice suit in j of (lie car in excess of the posted they already are permitted in theUka ROle«. limit HIKI fine is levied at 51 per. Aico Ceramics Corp., Jackson St.,! station and fo/ce feed line tying in- R-SQ A and R-50 B zones under •Superior Court in Freehold Friday j niilc, for the excess. TIIB license (KeyiKiot. The strike beuaii June 8 I to the sewer of '.lie Levitt-Strath- the zoning ordinance now in effect | against the estate of his deceased j number is taped and the | when a former contract expired. section of Hi" township II j No new contract has been negqtia j some son of easeinenl could. h» which Includes the streets mention- \'attorney. Mr. Neidlinger, who fur-1 tertnl owner of the car is HabK- ed by Mr. Tierney. Trespass Count Two Substations for accounting for its use, by 'i-'d since that time. I gained across lh« Freneau suctiou i mc-rly conducted his business in: Mr, Tierney also expressed con- himself or some other party. Richard Ureps, president oi the I nt Ihe boiou|;h. cern that the ordinance is the con- ! Newark, charged that the lawyer, I Union Beach used a spteJ-tliii- ' local, said the C'imp:uiv's proposals' VIMr". *-'-Maicnh!"~1—n ;inquired how lite e(-. ception in Its basic feature* or Uer- Against Marks For Frcncau Site ; Alfred J. Peer, Newark, failed to; cr"si-ve'r:rr'moiitiiV"ba"ckrvi-i:y ef- 'were e.xplainod asjaiu to the union fluent jrom Mr. Manai's own plant - Mania noted ber and Piincam, Newark, archi- One High-Power Line, j follow throuj;!i on instructions to' fectively lo reduce an excessive ; members who rejected 'An- terms :• would be handled. Mr. > tects for the developer of Muic Mrs. Mason Upheld speed prublem on tinion and I'Tnr- 1 or I ho offer. Mr. iv p.i said mere ; bis subdivision would not b« i Woods. Mr. Tierney said it appear- have Mr. Neidlingcr's business ite-, e „ y chloritut- Ordering JCP&L Off Other Local Supply " ! dared bankrupt in l'lafl. I tnco Aves. I't\a bi-en no clungi; in the com-1 Urgeouu so thaila highly chlorinat ed that the same developer is ap- liaiiy's or liie union's views effluen; r.ouid be safely di». parently the "most interested ap- charged at the foot of Anna Si, into Mrs.
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