Check List 2007: 3(1) ISSN: 1809-127X NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Transcontinental (Metretopodidae); Ephoron album (Say) range extensions in western North America. (Polymitarcyidae); and Siphlonurus alternatus (Say) (northern) (Siphlonuridae). In addition to W. P. McCafferty1 these transcontinental species, there are a few M. D. Meyer2 others that are disjunct East and West species that are absent to a considerable extent in central 1Department of Entomology, Purdue University. regions of the continent. West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47907. E-mail:
[email protected] Based on our recent studies of mayflies from the 2Department of Biology, Chemistry, and west coast states of California, Oregon, and Environmental Science. Christopher Newport Washington, and the western intermountain USA University, 1 University Place, Newport, Virginia states (esp. Idaho), we are able to establish eight USA 23606. additional North American species with continuous transcontinental distribution patterns. In keeping Among the 631 valid species of Ephemeroptera with the trend among families shown above, six of (mayflies) that are presently known from North these species are in the family Baetidae, and one is America (McCafferty 2007), relatively few have in the family Caenidae. We also demonstrate this been known as having more or less continuous distribution pattern in the family Pseudironidae (non disjunct) transcontinental distribution patterns for the first time. New western state records that from the east coastal provinces of Canada and or substantiate the transcontinental patterns are given east coastal states of the USA to the west coastal for each of the species treated below, followed by provinces of Canada or the west coastal states of pertinent commentary regarding their distribution.