"י ד אלול תשעד”  Tuesday, September 9, 2014

מועד קט כ”ט OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT 1) Death Departing words at the cemetery הנפטר מ המת לא יאמר ל לשלו אלא ל בשלו -R’ Chanina and R’ Yochanan offer parables to ex plain the pain of death. T he Rif and Rosh quote this Gemara as the halacha, 2) Taking leave of another as they write that “those who accompany the deceased as it says ’,( בשלו ) R’ Levi bar Chayasa records the correct languages to to the grave should say, ‘Go in peace use when taking leave of someone who is alive and some- (Bereshis 15:15) ‘And you shall come to your ancestors Sefer Ateres Avi explains that “’.( בשלו ) one who is deceased. in peace The sources for these two teachings are presented. this does not necessarily mean that it is required for R’ Levi emphasizes the value of going from the Beis those escorting the deceased to say this phrase. Rather, Haknesses to the Beis Midrash and then back to the Beis if they do wish to make an appropriate remark, they ”. לשלו —Haknesses again. R’ Chiya bar Ashi cites another teach- should say “Go in peace’ and not “Go to peace ing about tzadikim not finding rest even in the World-to- Nevertheless, Beis Yosef (Y.D. 376) cites the Kol Bo Come based on the above cited verse.  who writes, “After the burial, those present should say,

Go in peace.’ They should then fall onto the grave, and‘ הדר על ואלו מגלחי kiss the grave and the dirt in a respectful manner.” This -suggests that the crowd should make it a point to de וסליקא לה מסכת מועד קט clare this statement. Darkei Moshe (#6) writes that we    do not practice these particular customs today. The Shulchan Aruch omits mention of these customs, in- cluding the reciting of these parting words. REVIEW and Remember Aruch Hashulchan (Y.D. 403:6), and Chochmas also mentions נטעי גבריאל .Adam do cite this halacha 1. How does R’ Yochanan characterize the pain of this halacha, and he points out that the expression used death? when departing from a woman should be adjusted to ______לכי “ : reflect the feminine gender. The words should be 2. What is the correct way to take leave of a living There are .” בשלו , ותנוחי בשלו , ותעמדי לגורל ... person? ” לק הימי “ different opinions whether the phrase ______should be said at the end.  3. What is the reward for going from the Beis HaK-

%ִ#ַע הַ"ָוֶת לָנֶצַ ח מָחָ ה ה ' אלקי +ִמְעָ ה מֵעַל )ָ ל 'ָנִי nesses to the Beis HaMidrash and from the Beis HaMidrash to the Beis HaKnesses? ______Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated 4. When will scholars have the opportunity to in honor of our 15 th anniversary, rest? Elchanan and Ruthie Abramowitz ______

This week’s Daf Digest is dedicated by the family of מרת חנה בת ר ' דוד "ע,ה רובי Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated in memory of my father, Mr. Harold Lane, by his son Jerry Mrs. Ann Ruben o.b.m. Lane, Oak Park, MI מועד קט כ”ט– Number 770 Some additional points: • Based upon this reasoning the Maharsha 6 proposes that HALACHAH Highlight this concern applies only to the one traveling. However, the Proper language in parting expressions one traveling is able to bless the one remaining that he be in peace) being that the intent is to the place in which) בשלו ואמר רבי לוי בר חיתא : הנפטר מ המת לא יאמר לו " ל לשלו " .the person is already residing אלא " ל בשלו ". הנפטר מ החי לא יאמר לו " ל בשלו " אלא " ל לשלו ". ". • One should maintain this caution even when praying for (And) Rebbi Levi bar Chayata said: One who parts from the deceased 7 should not say to him “Go to peace”, but rather “Go in peace.” One themselves . who parts from the living should not say to him “Go in peace” but • This apprehension exists for parting statements in other 8 rather “Go to peace.” languages as well . • One who mistakenly said the wrong term should repeat 9 R av Shmuel Eidles, the Maharsha 1, explains this passage. the statement in the correct form . 10 During the entirety of man’s time on earth, he requires peace, However, it should be noted that some commentators meaning success and tranquility in his activities. When one note that there is no ill effect from these terms for one who is says “Go in peace” the indication is that the act of going, that not concerned by them.  .1 מהרש" א חידושי אגדות ( ברכות סד ע"א ) ועוד . is the travel, should be in peace; consequently, it is implied .2 עי ' "מג (א סי ' קי ס" ק ט ) ובמשנ" (ב ש ס" ק יז ) שהעתיקו דברי הגמרא . that the arrival and future sojourn in the new location would .3 פרישה ( "או ח סי ' רל ס" ק ג "ע) [ ש בהגהות והערות אות ו ]. not be in peace. Thus the living should be blessed with “Go to .4 בראשית ( ,כח כא ). ). peace.” In contrast, the dead have no activity in the grave. .5 שמות ( ,יח ).כג ).כג Therefore, for the dead it is only the journey to the grave that 6. מהרש" א חידושי אגדות ( שבת יב ע"א ). וראה בזה בס ' אהל באמית 3 2 "פ( ח הערה יג ושוב בסעי3 כו ). -requires peace . Yehoshua Volk Katz utilizes this explana .7 בס ' אהל באמית "פ( ח סעי3 יד ). ושבתי בשלו אל :tion to clarify the statement of Yaakov Avinu 4 .8 ע ' ס ' אהל באמית ( פרק ח סי" –ב יג , עמ ' עד ) ובס ' תורת הדר (and I will return in peace to the home of my father) בית אבי ( הלכות והליכות פ" ה הערה כו , עמ ' סח ). and all of) וג כל הע הזה על מקומו יבוא בשלו :and Yisro 5 9. ס ' תורת הדר ( הלכות והליכות פ" ה הערה כז , עמ ' סח ). this nation to their place, they will come in peace). Why would .10 "ר  ונמוק " (י ד3 יח ע" ב בדפי הרי 3" ) כא . ודברי הנמוק" י הובאו בדרכי משה "יו( ד סי ' תג ). "ע ש . וראה באורח מישור על דרכ" מ הארו ס( " ק ?in peace) for the living ) בשלו they utilize the term of 'ב ). "ע ש . וראה ג בהגהות מהרש" לברכות ( סד ע"א ) ובס ' אהל , However, being that the statements regard the return or arrival באמית ( פרק ח סעי3 כה , עמ ' עז ). ובס ' אהל באמית ש כתב ( הערה which includes the future sojourn, and not the journey, they כט ) שנראה שא עכו" אומר לו ' ל בשלו ' אי צרי להקפיד כלל . "ע ש .  .bear no ill intent ally fall asleep?” spring out of bed to check the source so The bochur answered, “Between that he wouldn’t lose his momentum. STORIES Off the Daf twenty to thirty minutes.” Then he would resume his recital until he The Restlessness of the Tzaddikim The seemed very satis- fell asleep.” -fied to hear this. “How fortunate you are! But even while asleep, some tzad " צדיקי אי לה מנוחה לא בעול הזה ולא ,In the time it takes you to fall asleep, you dikim have no rest. Rav Shmuel Rozovsky בעול הבא ..." have the opportunity to review about zt”l, would often get up from his sleep, O n today’s daf we find that the right- twenty pages of Gemara!” wash his hands quickly, and sit down to eous have rest neither in this world nor in Rav Landinsky was a person who record the chiddushim that had come to the next. Why are they beset by this rest- really didn’t have much rest in this world. him while he was sleeping. lessness? It is because they are always as- One student told of his experience staying When Rav Rozovsky had to travel to ,with him after the Rosh Yeshiva’s wife Boston to undergo a dangerous operation . ה ’ יתבר cending level after level to .he was unconscious for twenty four hours .ה ’ ישמרנו ,One of the bochurim in Radin once passed away approached Rav Moshe Landinsky, zt”l, This bochur recalled, “Rav Landinsky Those who accompanied him noticed that the Rosh Yeshiva, with a personal prob- was always learning. It didn’t matter he was mumbling something to himself lem. “Rebbi, I have trouble falling asleep where he was. Even in bed, I could hear while under anesthesia. When they bent at night. Perhaps you have some advice him reviewing Gemara and Mishnayos by down to listen, they heard divrei Torah! for me?” heart. It seemed as though he had an The Rav whispered even while uncon- Rav Landinsky asked sympathetically, open book before him! Sometimes he scious, “What does the Rashbam say? “How much time elapses between the would get stuck on a word, and he would How can we explain the Beis HaLevi?”  time you lie down and the time you actu-

Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HoRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rov ; Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben.