Pointes Every Thursday Mornin9 Gross~ Pointe Ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ------'Willi,,,
2 so C 0 • • s w ..... au PO • "D. $ • • • w • - e, - • • ... w All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Mornin9 Gross~ Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ---------- 'willi,,, .... , s..o." Clo.. ",,"Ho, 01 tho VOL 39-NO. 47 'otl OHI••• f Dflf.il. MI.hl.. " GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSD_A_~~ -_N?_V~8B-~_R _23~j~~~_-_.~_$~=~~o-_P;~~~~~~-~~_-~~.6-Pag;;~T~-S;~s-Seetion _~~ ----_._------------_._--------------------------------------------_._----_._- - --------~----- ----_._------- , I i Group Dedicates New Library at Barnes '!~()d ~oes HEADLINES Agreement Gets 10 (,ahhy4)s of the WEEK City Step Nearer In 6.) Vote As CompUed. by The Four Separate Motions Grosse Pointe NC1\'1 'Zl.datl.0nl, Finally Climax with To Conso Council's Approval Thursday, November 16 after Estimated 90-Minute Dis- AT LEAST 195 PEOPLE Firemen End Their Opposition to Merger with were killed as a chartered Policemen in Creating Department of Public CUSSlC jetliner carrying nearly 250 Moslem pilgrims home from Safety; Will Cooperate in Training Program By Roger A, Waha Mecca crashed in a storm ' Afler an estimated 90- ncar the airport at Colombo, " B~ Susan NoIcDonald i minute discussion, which Sri Lanka, Airport authori. Flreflghters In The Clty have agreed to end I incorporated four separ- tie~ said the leelandic Air- [J their opposition to a merger of police and fire de. I ate motions the Woods lines UC.S broke apart and par,tments in a three-year bargai~ing agreement Council <It' its regular burned after the crash, which whIch was approved by the councIl Monday, No- meeting Monday No- occurred about a mile from vember ZO, '" ' vember 20, voted '6-1 to the airport as the plane was ,~he new c?,ntract IS a slg.
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