Census ·~F Itjulia, 1931
Census ·~f ItJulia, 1931 ·'PLUMt XII CENTR·AL .PflOVI~CES & BERAR P.AiiT I . :REPORT I DYI W. H. SHOOBERT . .. f }Of THB INDIAN CJYIL SERVICB Superintendent of Cetlils Oper~tions, 'Pentra! Provinces and Berar NAGP{)R GoVlillNMENT hNnNG, C. P. 19J3 AGENTS FOR TilE SALE OF >UBLIC.ATIONS ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL PROVI CES GO\'ERNMENT. ... fNOTE.-Appointments of aU Jfficial 'Age~s in the. U~ted Kingdom and on the Continent for the sale ~ Government Publications have been terminated with effect from the Jst A ml 1925. ~ All publications in future are Jbtairiable ei~her direct from the Hig& CommissiOJiet for India, India , e... Aidwyl\~. Luadoo, W. ·C• . 2, {)r through ~my bookieller.] \ 'DIA 1l . • \1 AKOLA: JUBBoL~tE: The Proprietor, Shri Ramdas Stores, . The Man: · r, General Book Depot. Tajnapeth. .KA.R.ACLI:l • ALLAHABAD: · I . 'The-8tan rd Bookstall. Mr. Ram Natain La!, Publisher, etc., LAHORE:' I, Bank Road. The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot. The Superintendent, Nazair Kanun Rai Sahib M. Gulab Singh &: Sons. HiDd Press. LUCKNOW: AMIL\OTI: The Proprietor; Newtil Kishore Press. · Thakur & Co., Booksellers. The Upper India Publishing House, BARODA. , · Ltd., l! I, Aminabad Park. Mr. M. C. Kothari, Bookseller and . j MADRAS : , Publisher, Raopura Road. ' Higginbot~rn & Co. BILASPUR: r S. Murthy & Co., ·P111tlBox No. 152. Mr. M. A. Subhllll, Bookseller and · Thet'roP,cieU>r,.T.he.City Book Co., Post Publisher. Box Nq; 283. BOMBAY: NAGPURf " D. B. Taraporevala, Sons & Co., 190. Aidan Binzlllli, Proprietors, Karmavir Hornby Road, Fort. Book Dep(lf, Maltal. Radhobai Atmaram Sagoon. G. G. Khot ~ Sons, Walker R:nd.
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