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FOREST RESOURCES OF RAIGARH DISTRICT OF MADHYA PRADESH LCkhCL*,:s.9~) -=-= ___...,. FOREST SURVEY OF INDIA. CENTRAL ZONE N.A.GPUR 1989 fOREST RESOURCES OF RAIGARH DISTRICT OF MADHYA PRADESH (~ VtVt~~·s~~l.\..) FOREST SURVEY OF INDIA CENTRAL ZONE NAGPUR 1989 India's forest wealth is diminishing very fast due to the pressures of population. It has become necessary to have an accurate picture of the remaining resources and therefore. Central Zone of Forest Survey of India carried out inventory of forest resources of Raigarh district of M~lhya . Pradesh during March to June, 1985. This report is essentil~lly based on the data collected during the survey. It covers two forest divisions in Raigarh district namely Raigarh forest division and Jashpur forest division. These forests formed a part of former princely states of Raigarh. Udaipur, Sarangarh and Jashpur. These forests suffered badly during the long period under princely rule due to lack of scientific forest management and proper protection. These conditions have changed now and systematic forest management has been introduced in these areas after merger of the princely states and there is considerable improvement in forest stock during the last decade as revealed from the survey done by us in 1985 and the one done by the State forest department in 1975-77. On the basis of the inventory carried out by us the tota1 growing stock in the district is approximately 2.926 x 10 6 cu.m. which works out to 60.098 cU.m. per hectare for 4868.39 vegetated area of the district. Sal contributes nearly 46% of the total growing stock. Raigarh district has bamboos over 1020.96 occurring along with other trees. Total growing stock 7 of the bamboos was found to be 118810 tonnes (3.412 x 10) which works out to 116.37 tonnes per hectare. Though the results of the survey conducted in 1975 and the one conducted after a decade in 1985 are not strictly comparable on account of 1975 survey being confined to 4008 of area and 1985 survey over the entire forest area of 6029 Sq.krn., there appears to be considerable improvement in the growing stock of both the· trees and the bamboos in one decade. According to the 1975 survey per hectare volume of trees was only 40.926 cU.m. as against 60.098 1985.Total growing stock7 of bamboos was 7.396 x 10 culms as compared to 3.412 x 10 culms in 1985. This is surely a good sign and the credit for such improvement goes to the Madhya Pradesh forest department for ensuring scientific management of these areas once these came under their control. / This report has been campi led by Sarvashri M.D.Singh S.T.A. and Anil Biala J.T.A under guidance of Shri S.C.Gupta, Joint Diredtor, Forest Survey o~ India, Central Zone, Nagpur. Their work is appreciated. 'r hope that ·this report '{Quld be of 'use to all 'who have interest in forest resources of the country in general and of Raigarh district of Madhya Pradesh in p~rticular. Yo'r J.B. Lai Director Forest Survey of India 25-Subhash Roa.d Dehradun. TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------~--- Paragraph CON TEN T S Page No. No. --------~-------~----------------~----~--------------- ----.--- Hap of India shov/ing Raigarh district of Madhya Pradesh - The survey area.. Detailed map of Raigarh district. CHAPTER -1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 General 1 1.1 Situation and Boundaries 1 1.2 Admini stra·ti ve units and area 2 1.3 Climate 2 Diagram showing monthly variation of temperature and rainfall in Raigarh district of Madhya Pradesh. 3 1.4 Topography 4 1.5 Drainage 4 1.6 Geology 4 1.7 Soil 5 1.8 Minertd wealth 6 1.9 Land use pa-I;'\:.ern 6 1. 10 Socia-economic conditions 6 1. 11 Infrastrucuture 8 1.12 Forest produce and Forest based industries 8 CHAPTER - I I.: THE FORESTS 2.0 General description 9 .2. 1 Forest types 9 2. 1. 1 Sal forest 9 2.1.2 Mixed forest 10 2.1.3 Grass lands 10 2.2 Damage to forest 10 2.3 Rights and concessions 11 2.4 Forest management 12 2.5 Wild life 13 CHAPTER - III:RESOURCES SURVEY METHODOLOGY 3.0 Objectives of the survey 14 3.1 Area considered for survey 14 3.2 Inventory design 14 Diagram 1, 2 and 3 showing inventory design and layout of sample plots 15 ( 3.3 Location of plot on the ground 17 3.4 Format for dat.a collection 18 3.5 Field work 19 3.6 Fi e lcl checking 20 3.7 Maps and plots 3.8 20 Consistency checking 21 CHAPTER -IV: DATA PROCESSING 4.0 Sampling design 22 4.1 Data 4.2 22 Data processing 22 4.3 Area 4.4 24 Sample tree volume 24 4.5 Local volume equations 4.6 25 Enumerated tree volume 26 4.7 Plot volume 4.8 27 Stand tables 27 4.9 Stock tables 4.10 27 Sampling error 27 CHAPTER -V: INVENTORY RESULTS - AREA. 5.0 Area 5.1 29 Forest area by land uses 29 Map No. 5.1 M showing land use pattern of Raigarh district 5.2 30 Area by crop compositions 31 Map No. 5.2 M showing location of forest types(crop compositions)in Raigarh distt. 32 5.3 Area by crop compositions and topography classes. 33 Map No. 5.3 M showing distribution of topography classes in Raigarh district 34 5.4 Area by crop compositions and slope classes 35 Map No. 5.4M showing distribution of slope classes in Raigarh district. 36 5.5 Area by crop compositions and soil depth classes 37 .\ Map No. 5.6M showing distribution of top height classes in Raigarh d{strict 38 5.6 Area by orop compositions and top height classes. 39 5.7 Area by crop compositions and size classes 39 5.8 Area under crop compositions by canopy layers 40 5.~ Goverm;nent forest land uti 1 isation pattern 41 5.10 Plantable area in govt. forest land 42 5.11 Soil erosion 43 5.12 Regeneration status 43 5.13 Fi re incidence 44 5.14 Grazing incidence 44 5.15 Bamboo occurrence 44 5.16 Comparison of area results with the inventory results of Sfate~ s survey 44 CHAPTER - VI: INVENTORY RESULTS -GRONING STOCK ilJlE.E.fil 6.0 General 46 6.1 Total number of stems and stems/ha: Stratum- Sal 46 6.2 Tota'l number of stems and sterns Ihn: Stratum -Miscellaneous 47 6.3 Total volUlfle and volume per hectare: Stratum -Sal 47 6.4 Total volume and volume per hectare: Stratum -Miscellaneous 48 6.5 Combined growing stock ;Stems 48 6.6 Combined growing stock :Volume 49 Map no. 6.6M showing distribution of volume per hectare(M')3 in Raigarh district. 51 6.7 Standard error 52 6.8 Mean volume per hectare by topography and crop compositions. 52 6.9 Mean volume per hectare by slope classes under different crop compositions 53 6.10 Mean volume per hectare by soil depth under different crop compositions 53 6.11 Mean volume per hectare by canopy layers under different crop compositions 54 6.12 Mean volume per hectare by top height classes under different crop compositions 51 6.13 Mean vulume per hectare by size classes under different crop compositions 55 6.14 Comparison of results of growing stock with the inventory survey of the State's 56 Table no.6. IT(/\) and 6.1 _T_{_jll; Distribution of total number of stems and sterr13 per hectare in Sal st.ratum. 57 Table no. 6. 2T(Al ang 6. 2T(B): Distribution of total number of stems and stems per hectare in Miscellaneous stratum. 58 Tabl~ No. 6.3T{A) and 6.3T(B): 3 DistributiOIl of total volurne (M ) and 3 volume per hectare (M ) in Sal stratum 59 Table no. 6.4T(A) and 6.4T(B): 3 Distribution of tota1 volume (M )and volume per hectare (M 3 ) in Miscellaneous stratum 60 Table !lQ..,_ 6.5T: ( Combined growing stock -Stems 61 Table No. 6.6'f: 3 Combined growing stock -Volume(M ) 62 CHAPTER VIr INVENTORY RESULTS: GROWING STOCK -BAMBOO 7.0 Area 63 7.1 Bamboo area by density and quality 63 7.2 Clumps per hectare by qual i ty and clump size cla.sses 64 7.3 Mean number of bamboo culrns/clump by age 64 7.4 Mean number of bamboo culms/culmp by soundness 65 7.5 Mean number of bamboo culms/clump by quality, size class, age and soundness 7.6 Mean number of bamboo culms/hectare by [tge 67 7.7 Mean number of bamboo culrns/hectare by soundness 68 7.8 Total number of bamboo culms by soundness 68 7.9 Green bamboo stock by soundness, quality and clump sizes 69 7.10 Green bamboo stock by· qual i ty, s i z e classes,age and soundness 70 7 . 11 Comparison-of results of bamboo growing stock with the results of State's survey 72 Annexure .::.l. Glossary of l ocal and Botanical names of common trees,weeds, climbers and grasses found in Raigarh district 73-75 Annexure -= 11 Bibliography 76 MAP OF INDIA SCALE:- I ~ I~, AREA COVERED IN THE REPORT fllllllU IlI llll unr ROAD MAP OF R A I GAR H DISTRICT .( MADHYA PRADESH) 840 I SCALE: I: 1000,000 SURGUJA OIST RICT .. f n....~· ) - --"' ( l .,__,./ \ ORISSA BILASP R ) DIS leT t -..r .