USOO93 09 162B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,309,162 B2 Azimi et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 12, 2016

(54) LOUID-ENCAPSULATED RARE-EARTH (56) References Cited BASED CERAMIC SURFACES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 4,069,933 A 1/1978 Newing Cambridge, MA (US) 4,125,152 A 11/1978 Kestner et al. 4,204,021 A 5/1980 Becker (72) Inventors: Gisele Azimi, Waltham, MA (US); 4,316,745 A 2f1982 Blount Adam T. Paxson, Cambridge, MA (US); 4,503,099 A 3/1985 Chang et al. J. David Smith, Boston, MA (US); 5,083,606 A 1/1992 Brown et al. Kripa K. Varanasi, Lexington, MA 5,154,741 A 10, 1992 da Costa Filho (US) 5,624,713 A 4/1997 Ramer (Continued) (73) Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 10O344341 C 10/2007 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CN 101.269960 B 5, 2011 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 13/741,898 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Filed: Jan. 15, 2013 Allain et al., A New Method for Contact-Angle Measurements of (22) Sessile Drops, Journal of Calloid and Interface Science, vol. 107, No. (65) Prior Publication Data 1, Sep. 1985, 9 pages. US 2013/025 1946A1 Sep. 26, 2013 (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — David Sample (60) Provisional application No. 61/615,184, filed on Mar. Assistant Examiner - Donald M Flores, Jr. 23, 2012. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP, William R. Haulbrook; Alexander D. Augst (51) Int. C. C04B 4L/8 (2006.01) B05D 5/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) U.S. C. Described herein are non-wetting Surfaces comprising rare CPC. C04B 41/81 (2013.01); B05D 5/00 (2013.01); earth containing ceramics. Furthermore, the Surfaces include Y10T 428/24364 (2015.01); Y10T 428/3154 liquid impregnated within a matrix of micro- or nano-engi (2015.04); Y10T 428/31544 (2015.04): Y10T neered features on the Surface. The Surfaces are non-wetting 428/31663 (2015.04): Y10T 428/31678 and can resist liquid impalement, ice formation, Scale forma (2015.04): Y10T 428/31844 (2015.04) tion, hydrate formation, and/or have antifouling properties. (58) Field of Classification Search None See application file for complete search history. 21 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent US 9,309,162 B2

FIG 3 U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 Sheet 4 of 8 US 9,309,162 B2

Encapsulated rare-earth based ceramics b. Baseline - Droplet: Water - Droplet: Water - Encapsulated liquid: Silicone oil - Encapsulated liquid: Silicone oil - Surface: Nanograss covered silicon micro-posts - Surface: untreated silicon with (spacing=15um) sputtered with a thin layer of Square posts (spacing=15um) a rare-earth oxide (Cerium oxide in this case)

Nonwetted case-roll off angle < 2 Pinned state - liquid does not roll off of the surface FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 Sheet 5 of 8 US 9,309,162 B2

U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 Sheet 6 of 8 US 9,309,162 B2


U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 Sheet 7 of 8 US 9,309,162 B2

U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 Sheet 8 of 8 US 9,309,162 B2


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Fig. 8 US 9,309,162 B2 1. 2 LOUID-ENCAPSULATED RARE-EARTH a matrix offeatures spaced Sufficiently close to stably contain BASED CERAMIC SURFACES (e.g., at equilibrium) a liquid therebetween or therewithin, wherein the Surface comprises a rare earth element material. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED In certain embodiments, the liquid is stably contained APPLICATION between or within the matrix or features at equilibrium, the stably-contained liquid being a separate phase from a phase This application claims priority to and the benefit of, and being repelled by the Surface (e.g., the stably-contained liquid incorporates herein by reference in its entirety, U.S. Provi is a different material than the Substance being repelled, e.g., sional Patent Application No. 61/615,184, filed Mar. 23, where the Substance being repelled is rain, ice, sleet, oil in a 2012. 10 pipeline, etc.). In certain embodiments, the surface is textured and the STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT textured Surface is coated (e.g., partially or completely) with a Substance comprising the rare-earth element material. This invention was made with Government support under In certain embodiments, the rare earth element material Grant No. CBET-0952564 awarded by the National Science 15 comprises a rare earth oxide, a rare earth carbide, a rare earth Foundation. The Government has certain rights in this inven , a rare earth fluoride, and/or a rare earth boride. In tion. certain embodiments, the rare earth element material com prises Scandium oxide (Sc.C.), yttrium oxide (YO), lan TECHNICAL FIELD thanum oxide (LaO), cerium oxide (CeO), oxide (PrO), neodymium oxide (Nd2O), Samarium oxide This invention relates generally to materials with non (Sm-O.), europium oxide (EuO), gadolinium oxide wetting Surfaces and, more particularly, to Surfaces compris (Gd2O), terbium oxide (TbO2), dysprosium oxide (DyO), ing a rare-earth oxide ceramic and encapsulated with a liquid. holmium oxide (HoO), erbium oxide (Er-O), thulium oxide (TmO), ytterbium oxide (YbO), lutetium oxide BACKGROUND 25 (Lu 20), cerium carbide (CeC), praseodymium carbide (PrC), neodymium carbide (NdC), samarium carbide Articles with non-wetting or water-repellent Surfaces are (SmC), europium carbide (EuC), gadolinium carbide used in a wide variety of applications. A relatively recent (GdC), terbium carbide (TbC), dysprosium carbide approach in creating a non-wetting Surfaces is to treat the (DyC), holmium carbide (HoC), erbium carbide (ErC), Surface so that it is rough or textured and then coat the Surface 30 thulium carbide (TmC), ytterbium carbide (YbC), lutetium with a material having low Surface energy, such as a polymer carbide (Luc), cerium nitride (CeN), praseodymium nitride or a fluoroalkylsilane. These surfaces, while generally non (PrN), neodymium nitride (NdN), Samarium nitride (SmN), wetting, face material-related drawbacks that limit their use europium nitride (EuN), gadolinium nitride (GdN), terbium in industrial applications, and other applications in which the nitride (TbN), dysprosium nitride (DyN), holmium nitride Surface is exposed to harsh environments. 35 (HoN), erbium nitride (ErN), thulium nitride (TmN), ytter For example, surfaces treated with polymers or fluoro bium nitride (YbN), lutetium nitride (LuN), cerium fluoride alkylsilanes have insufficient mechanical resistance, chemi (CeF), praseodymium fluoride (PrF), neodymium fluoride cal resistance, and thermal stability for many applications. (NdF), samarium fluoride (SmF), europium fluoride While metals and ceramics are often useful for surfaces (EuF), gadolinium fluoride (GdF), terbium fluoride (TbF), exposed to harsh environments, they are generally hydro 40 dysprosium fluoride (DyF), holmium fluoride (HoF), philic and do not provide desired non-wetting, water-repel erbium fluoride (ErF), thulium fluoride (TmF), ytterbium lent properties. fluoride (YbF), and/or lutetium fluoride (LuF). Another drawback of existing non-wetting Surfaces is that In certain embodiments, the liquid has viscosity at room they are susceptible to impalement, which reduces or destroys temperature no greater than about 1000 cp (or cSt), no greater the non-wetting capabilities of the Surface. Impalement 45 than about 100 cp (or cSt), or no greater than about 50 cp (or occurs when an impinging liquid (e.g., a liquid droplet or cSt). In certain embodiments, the liquid has vapor pressure at liquid stream) displaces the air entrained within the Surface room temperature no greater than about 20 mm Hg, no greater teXtures. than about 1 mm Hg, or no greater than about 0.1 mmHg. There is a need for articles with improved non-wetting In certain embodiments, the features have substantially Surfaces that can endure harsh industrial environments and 50 uniform height and wherein the liquid fills space between the that resist impalement. features and coats the features with a layer at least about 5 nm. in thickness over the top of the features. In certain embodi SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ments, the features define pores or other wells and the liquid fills the features. Described herein are non-wetting Surfaces comprising 55 In certain embodiments, the liquid has receding contact rare-earth containing ceramics. Furthermore, the Surfaces angle of 0° such that the liquid forms a stable thin film on the include liquid impregnated within a matrix of micro- or nano top of the features. engineered features on the Surface, or a liquid filling pores or In certain embodiments, the matrix has a feature-to-feature other tiny wells on the surface. spacing from about 1 micrometer to about 100 micrometers. The Surfaces are non-wetting and can resist liquid impale 60 In certain embodiments, the matrix has a feature-to-feature ment, ice formation, Scale formation, hydrate formation, and/ spacing from about 5 nanometers to about 1 micrometer. In or have antifouling properties. The surfaces are useful for certain embodiments, the matrix comprises hierarchical articles that must Sustain harsh industrial environments such structures. For example, the hierarchical structures may be as steam, high temperature, and/or high pressure, while also micro-scale features that comprise nano-scale features there resisting impalement. 65 upon. In one aspect, the invention is directed to an article com In certain embodiments, the features have height no greater prising a liquid-impregnated Surface, the Surface comprising than about 100 micrometers. In certain embodiments, the US 9,309,162 B2 3 4 features are posts. In certain embodiments, the features nal substance from the surface of the article, wherein the include one or more spherical particles, nanoneedles, nan external Substance has a different composition than the sta ograss, and/or random geometry features that provides Sur bly-contained liquid. face roughness. In certain embodiments, the feature com prises one or more pores, cavities, interconnected pores, and/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS or interconnected cavities. In certain embodiments, the Surface comprises porous media with a plurality of pores The objects and features of the invention can be better having different sizes. understood with reference to the drawings described below, In certain embodiments, the liquid comprises a perfluoro and the claims. carbon liquid, a perfluoroFluorinated vacuum oil (Such as 10 FIG. 1a is a schematic cross-sectional view of a liquid Krytox 1506 or Fromblin 06/6), a fluorinated coolant (e.g., contacting a non-wetting Surface, in accordance with certain perfluoro-tripentylamine sold as FC-70, manufactured by embodiments of the invention. 3M), an ionic liquid, a fluorinated ionic liquid that is immis FIG. 1b is a schematic cross-sectional view of a liquid that cible with water, a silicone oil comprising PDMS, a fluori has impaled a non-wetting Surface, in accordance with certain nated silicone oil, a liquid metal, an electro-rheological fluid, 15 a magneto-rheological fluid, a ferrofluid, a dielectric liquid, a embodiments of the invention. hydrocarbon liquid, a fluorocarbon liquid, a refrigerant, a FIG. 1c is a schematic cross-sectional view of a liquid in vacuum oil, a phase-change material, a semi-liquid, grease, contact with a liquid-impregnated Surface, in accordance with synovial fluid, and/or a bodily fluid. certain embodiments of the invention. In certain embodiments, the article is a steam turbine part, FIG. 2 shows a superhydrophobic surface created by a gas turbine part, an aircraft part, or a wind turbine part, and depositing a rare-earth oxide on a Surface having an array of the liquid-impregnated Surface is configured to repel imping textured posts, according to an illustrative embodiment of the ing liquid. In certain embodiments, the article is eyeglasses, invention. goggles, a ski mask, a helmet, a helmet face shield, or a FIG.3 is a schematic of a water droplet resting on a liquid mirror, and the liquid-impregnated Surface is configured to 25 encapsulated Surface having a rare-earth material coating, inhibit fogging thereupon. In certain embodiments, the article according to an illustrative embodiment of the invention. is an aircraft part, a wind turbine part, a power transmission FIG. 4 shows the difference between awater droplet resting line, or a windshield, and the liquid-impregnated Surface is on an untreated Surface with encapsulated liquid, and a water configured to inhibit formation of ice thereupon. In certain droplet resting on a treated Surface comprising a rare-earth embodiments, the article is a pipeline (or a part or coating 30 oxide with encapsulated liquid, according to an illustrative thereof), and the liquid-impregnated Surface is configured to embodiment of the invention. inhibit the formation of hydrate thereupon and/or enhance the FIG. 5 is a series of photographs showing that a water slippage (reduce drag) of fluid flowing thereupon (or there droplet rolls off a surface with textured microposts sputtered through). In certain embodiments, the article is a heat with a rare earth oxide at a tilting angle of below 2, according exchanger part or an oil or gas pipeline (or a part or coating 35 to an illustrative embodiment of the invention. thereof), and the liquid-impregnated Surface is configured to FIG. 6 illustrates a schematic cross-sectional and corre inhibit the formation and/or adhesion of salt thereupon. In sponding top view of a liquid-impregnated Surface that are certain embodiments, the liquid-impregnated Surface is con partially submerged. figured to inhibit corrosion. FIG. 7 is a schematic describing six liquid-impregnated In certain embodiments, the liquid-impregnated Surface is 40 Surface wetting states, in accordance with certain embodi substantially transparent. For example, the refractive index of ments of the invention. the liquid and solid Surface can be matched to achieve Sub FIG. 8 is a schematic showing conditions for the six liquid stantially full transparency. This may be useful, for example, impregnated Surface wetting states shown in FIG. 7, in accor where both hydrophobicity and transparency is desired, for dance with certain embodiments of the invention. example, Solar panels, mirrors, glasses, and the like. 45 In another aspect, the invention is directed to an article DESCRIPTION comprising a base Substrate; and a hydrophobic coating on the base Substrate, the hydrophobic coating comprising a rare It is contemplated that articles, apparatus, methods, and earth element material, wherein the hydrophobic coating is processes of the claimed invention encompass variations and Substantially transparent or translucent. For example, the 50 adaptations developed using information from the embodi coating, or Surface itself, is thin enough to achieve transpar ments described herein. Adaptation and/or modification of ency or translucency. This may be useful, for example, where the articles, apparatus, methods, and processes described both hydrophobicity and transparency is desired, for herein may be performed by those of ordinary skill in the example, Solar panels, mirrors, glasses, and the like. In some relevant art. embodiments, an exposed surface of the hydrophobic coating 55 Throughout the description, where articles and apparatus has a dynamic contact angle with water of at least about 90 are described as having, including, or comprising specific degrees. components, or where processes and methods are described In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method of as having, including, or comprising specific steps, it is con using an article comprising a liquid-impregnated Surface, the templated that, additionally, there are articles and apparatus method comprising: (a) providing a Surface comprising a 60 of the present invention that consist essentially of, or consist matrix offeatures spaced Sufficiently close to stably contain a of the recited components, and that there are processes and liquid therebetween ortherewithin, wherein the surface com methods according to the present invention that consistessen prises a rare earth element material; and (b) exposing the tially of, or consist of the recited processing steps. Surface to a primary liquid (e.g., water or oil) different from It should be understood that the order of steps or order for the stably-contained liquid. 65 performing certain actions is immaterialso long as the inven In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method of tion remains operable. Moreover, two or more steps or actions using any of the articles as described herein to repel an exter may be conducted simultaneously. US 9,309,162 B2 5 6 The mention herein of any publication, for example, in the mustard, yogurt, Sour cream, curry, sauce, avar, curry Wurst Background section, is not an admission that the publication sauce, Salsa lizano, chutney, pebre, fish sauce, tzatziki, serves as prior art with respect to any of the claims presented Sriracha sauce, vegemite, chimichurri, HP sauce/brown herein. The Background section is presented for purposes of sauce, harissa, kochujang, hoisan sauce, kimchi, cholula hot clarity and is not meant as a description of prior art with 5 sauce, tartar sauce, tahini, hummus, shichimi, ketchup, Pasta respect to any claim. sauce, Alfredo sauce, Spaghetti sauce, icing, dessert top Described herein are non-wetting Surfaces that comprise pings, or whipped cream. In certain embodiments, the con rare-earth containing ceramics and that are structured to tainer of the consumer product is shelf-stable when filled with retain an encapsulated/impregnated liquid thereupon. The the consumer product. In certain embodiments, the consumer Superhydrophobic ceramic provides a more durable Surface 10 product has a viscosity of at least about 100 cp at room resistant to harsh environments, while the impregnated liquid temperature. In certain embodiments, the consumer product resists impalement, thereby enhancing the hydrophobicity/ has a viscosity of at least about 1000 cp at room temperature. water-repellency of the surface. The surface is more robust In certain embodiments, the consumer product is a non-New than state-of-the-art Surfaces comprising polymeric modifi tonian material. In certain embodiments, the consumer prod ers such as Teflon or fluorosilane. 15 uct comprises a Bingham plastic, a thixotropic fluid, and/or a Incorporated herein by reference is U.S. patent application shear-thickening Substance. In certain embodiments, the liq Ser. No. 13/302.356, filed Nov. 22, 2011; U.S. patent appli uid includes a food additive (e.g., ethyl oleate), fatty acids, cation Ser. No. 13/428,652, filed Mar. 23, 2012; and U.S. proteins, and/or a vegetable oil (e.g., olive oil, light olive oil, Provisional Patent Application No. 61/728.219, filed Nov. 19, corn oil, Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, grapeseed oil, 2012. Features described in any of these patent applications flaxseed oil, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sunflower may be applied in various combinations in the embodiments oil). In certain embodiments, the article is a component of described herein. consumer product processing equipment. In certain embodi In one aspect, the invention is directed to an article includ ments, the article is a component of food processing equip ing a liquid-impregnated Surface, said Surface including a ment that comes into contact with food. In certain embodi matrix of solid features spaced sufficiently close to stably 25 ments, the liquid-impregnated Surface has solid-to-liquid contain a liquid therebetween and/or therewithin, wherein the ratio less than about 50 percent, or less than about 25 percent, features and liquid are non-toxic and/or edible. In certain or less than about 15 percent. embodiments, the liquid is stably contained within the matrix In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method of regardless of orientation of the article and/or under normal manufacturing a container of a consumer product, the method shipping and/or handling conditions. In certain embodi 30 including the steps of providing a substrate; applying a tex ments, the article is a container of a consumer product. In ture to the Substrate, the texture comprising a matrix of solid certain embodiments, the solid features include particles. In features spaced sufficiently close to stably contain a liquid certain embodiments, the particles have an average charac therebetween and/or therewithin (e.g., for example, stably teristic dimension in a range, for example, of about 5 microns contained when the container is in any orientation, or under to about 500 microns, or about 5 microns to about 200 35 going normal shipping and/or handling conditions through microns, or about 10 microns to about 50 microns. In certain out the useful lifetime of the container); and impregnating the embodiments, the characteristic dimension is a diameter matrix of solid features with the liquid, wherein the solid (e.g., for roughly spherical particles), a length (e.g., for features and the liquid are non-toxic and/or edible. In certain roughly rod-shaped particles), a thickness, a depth, or a embodiments, the Solid features are particles. In certain height. In certain embodiments, the particles include 40 embodiments, the applying step includes spraying a mixture insoluble fibers, purified wood cellulose, micro-crystalline of a solid and a solvent onto the textured substrate. In certain cellulose, oat bran fiber, kaolinite (clay mineral), Japan wax embodiments, the solid insoluble fibers, purified wood cellu (obtained from berries), pulp (Spongy part of plant stems), lose, micro-crystalline cellulose, oat bran fiber, kaolinite ferric oxide, iron oxide, Sodium formate, sodium oleate, (clay mineral), Japan wax (obtained from berries), pulp Sodium palmitate, sodium sulfate, wax, carnauba wax, bees 45 (spongy part of plant stems), ferric oxide, iron oxide, sodium wax, candelilla wax, Zein (from corn), dextrin, cellulose formate, sodium oleate, Sodium palmitate, sodium sulfate, ether, Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Hydroxypropyl cellulose wax, carnauba wax, beeswax, candelilla wax, Zein (from (HPC), Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, Hydroxypropyl corn), dextrin, cellulose ether, Hydroxyethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose (HPMC), and/or Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellu Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), Hydroxyethyl methyl cel lose. In certain embodiments, the particles include a wax. In 50 lulose, Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), and/or certain embodiments, the particles are randomly spaced. In Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose. In certain embodiments, the certain embodiments, the particles are arranged with average method includes the step of allowing the solvent to evaporate spacing of about 1 micron to about 500 microns, or from following the spraying of the mixture onto the textured sub about 5 microns to about 200 microns, or from about 10 strate and before the impregnating step. In certain embodi microns to about 30 microns between adjacent particles or 55 ments, the method includes the step of contacting the impreg clusters of particles. In certain embodiments, the particles are nated matrix of features with a consumer product. In certain spray-deposited (e.g., deposited by aerosol or other spray embodiments, the consumer product is ketchup, catsup, mus mechanism). In certain embodiments, the consumer product tard, mayonnaise, syrup, honey, jelly, peanut butter, butter, comprises at least one member selected from the group con chocolate syrup, shortening, butter, margarine, oleo, grease, sisting of ketchup, catsup, mustard, mayonnaise, syrup, 60 dip, yogurt, Sour cream, cosmetics, shampoo, lotion, hair gel. honey, jelly, peanut butter, butter, chocolate syrup, shorten or toothpaste. In certain embodiments. In certain embodi ing, butter, margarine, oleo, grease, dip, yogurt, Sour cream, ments, the consumer product is a sticky food (e.g., candy, cosmetics, shampoo, lotion, hair gel, and toothpaste. In cer chocolate syrup, mash, yeast mash, beer mash, taffy), food tain embodiments, a food product is sticky food (e.g., candy, oil, fish oil, marshmallow, dough, batter, baked goods, chew chocolate syrup, mash, yeast mash, beer mash, taffy), food 65 ing gum, bubblegum, butter, cheese, cream, cream cheese, oil, fish oil, marshmallow, dough, batter, baked goods, chew mustard, yogurt, Sour cream, curry, sauce, avar, curry Wurst ing gum, bubblegum, butter, cheese, cream, cream cheese, sauce, Salsa lizano, chutney, pebre, fish sauce, tzatziki, US 9,309,162 B2 7 8 Sriracha sauce, vegemite, chimichurri, HP sauce/brown In certain embodiments, a rare earth element material sauce, harissa, kochujang, hoisan sauce, kimchi, cholula hot includes any material having at least one rare earth element. sauce, tartar sauce, tahini, hummus, shichimi, ketchup, Pasta The rare earth element may include, for example, Scandium sauce, Alfredo sauce, Spaghetti sauce, icing, dessert top (Sc), yttrium (Y), lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseody pings, or whipped cream. In certain embodiments, the liquid mium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), Samarium (Sm), europium includes a food additive (e.g., ethyl oleate), fatty acids, pro (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), hol teins, and/or vegetable oil (e.g., olive oil, light olive oil, corn mium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), and/ oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, grapeseed oil, flax or lutetium (Lu). In some embodiments, the rare earth ele seed oil, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, and/or Sunflower ment material comprises an elemental form of one or more 10 rare earth elements. In certain embodiments, the rare earth oil). In certain embodiments, the step of applying the texture element material includes one or more rare earth compounds. to the Substrate includes: exposing the Substrate to a solvent In various embodiments, a rare earth element material (e.g., Solvent-induced crystallization), extruding or blow includes or consists of a rare earth oxide, a rare earth carbide, molding a mixture of materials, roughening the Substrate with a rare earth nitride, a rare earth fluoride, and/or a rare earth mechanical action (e.g., tumbling with an abrasive), spray 15 boride. For example, in one embodiment, the rare earth oxide coating, polymer spinning, depositing particles from Solution includes scandium oxide (Sc.C.), yttrium oxide (YO), lan (e.g., layer-by-layer deposition and/or evaporating away liq thanum oxide (LaO), cerium oxide (CeO), praseodymium uid from a liquid and particle Suspension), extruding or blow oxide (PrO), neodymium oxide (Nd2O), Samarium oxide molding a foam or foam-forming material (e.g., a polyure (Sm-Os), europium oxide (EuOs), gadolinium oxide thane foam), depositing a polymer from a solution, extruding (Gd2O), terbium oxide (TbO2), dysprosium oxide (DyO), or blow-molding a material that expands upon cooling to holmium oxide (HoO), erbium oxide (Er-O), thulium leave a wrinkled or textured Surface, applying a layer of oxide (TmO), ytterbium oxide (YbO), and/or lutetium material onto a Surface that is under tension or compression, oxide (LuC). Likewise, the rare earth carbide may include performing non-solvent induced phase separation of a poly cerium carbide (CeC), praseodymium carbide (PrC), mer to obtain a porous structure, performing micro-contact 25 neodymium carbide (NdC). Samarium carbide (SmC), printing, performing laser rastering, performing nucleation of europium carbide (EuC2), gadolinium carbide (GdC), ter the Solid texture out of vapor (e.g., desublimation), perform bium carbide (TbC), dysprosium carbide (DyC), holmium ing anodization, milling, machining, knurling, e-beam mill carbide (HoC), erbium carbide (ErC), thulium carbide ing, performing thermal or chemical oxidation, and/or per (TmC), ytterbium carbide (YbC), and/or lutetium carbide forming chemical vapor deposition. In certain embodiments, 30 (Luc.). Possible rare earth include cerium nitride applying the texture to the Substrate includes spraying a mix (CeN), praseodymium nitride (PrN), neodymium nitride ture of edible particles onto the substrate. In certain embodi (NdN), samarium nitride (SmN), europium nitride (EuN), ments, impregnating the matrix of features with the liquid gadolinium nitride (GdN), terbium nitride (TbN), dyspro includes: spraying the encapsulating liquid onto the matrix of sium nitride (DyN), holmium nitride (HoN), erbium nitride features, brushing the liquid onto the matrix of features, Sub 35 (ErN), thulium nitride (TmN), ytterbium nitride (YbN), and/ merging the matrix of features in the liquid, spinning the or lutetium nitride (LuN). Examples of rare earth fluorides matrix of features, condensing the liquid onto the matrix of include cerium fluoride (CeF), praseodymium fluoride features, depositing a solution comprising the liquid and one (PrF), neodymium fluoride (NdF), samarium fluoride or more Volatile liquids, and/or spreading the liquid over the (SmF), europium fluoride (EuP), gadolinium fluoride Surface with a second immiscible liquid. In certain embodi 40 (GdF), terbium fluoride (TbF), dysprosium fluoride ments, the liquid is mixed with a solvent and then sprayed, (DyF), holmium fluoride (HoF), erbium fluoride (ErF), because the solvent will reduce the liquid viscosity, allowing thulium fluoride (TmF), ytterbium fluoride (YbF), and/or it to spray more easily and more uniformly. Then, the solvent lutetium fluoride (LuF). will dry out of the coating. In certain embodiments, the In certain embodiments, a rare earth element material method further includes chemically modifying the substrate 45 includes a light rare earth element having an atomic number prior to applying the texture to the Substrate and/or chemi less than or equal to 63 and/or a heavy rare earth element cally modifying the solid features of the texture. For example, having an atomic number greater than 63. With respect to rare the method may include chemically modifying with a mate earth oxides, for example, a light rare earth oxide may include rial having contactangle with water of greater than 70 degrees scandium oxide (Sc.C.), yttrium oxide (YO), lanthanum (e.g., hydrophobic material). The modification may be con 50 oxide (LaO), cerium oxide (CeO2), praseodymium oxide ducted, for example, after the texture is applied, or may be (PrO), neodymium oxide (Nd2O), Samarium oxide applied to particles prior to their application to the Substrate. (Sm-Os), and/or europium oxide (Eu2O). Likewise, in cer In certain embodiments, impregnating the matrix of features tain embodiments, a heavy rare earth oxide includes gado includes removing excess liquid from the matrix of features. linium oxide (Gd2O), terbium oxide (TbO2), dysprosium In certain embodiments, removing the excess liquid includes: 55 oxide (DyO), holmium oxide (HoO), erbium oxide using a second immiscible liquid to carry away the excess (Er-O), thulium oxide (TmO), ytterbium oxide (YbO), liquid, using mechanical action to remove the excess liquid, and/or lutetium oxide (LuC). absorbing the excess liquid using a porous material, and/or In certain embodiments, a rare earth element material draining the excess liquid off of the matrix of features using includes any possible combination of two or more rare earth gravity or centrifugal forces. 60 element materials. For example, the rare earth element mate Rare Earth Element Materials rial may include a first rare earth oxide, a first rare earth As used herein, a “rare earth element material' is under carbide, a first rare earth nitride, a first rare earth fluoride, stood to mean a material with at least one component that and/or a first rare earth boride combined with a second rare contains (or is) a rare earth element material. For example, a earth oxide, a second rare earth carbide, a second rare earth rare earth element material may contain or be a compound 65 nitride, a second rare earth fluoride, and/or a second rare earth with a rare earth element chemical symbol in its chemical boride. As another example, the rare earth element material formula. may include two or more rare earth oxides, two or more rare US 9,309,162 B2 10 earth carbides, two or more rare earth nitrides, two or more As used herein, contact angle hysteresis (CAH) is rare earth fluorides, and/or two or more rare earthborides. CAH-0-0, where 0 and 0 are advancing and receding In certain embodiments, a for the rare contact angles, respectively, formed by a liquid on a solid earth element material is Rd, where R represents one or Surface. The advancing contact angle 0 is the contact angle more rare earth elements in any molar ratio, db represents formed at the instant when a contact line is about to advance, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, fluorine, boron, or combinations whereas the receding contact angle 0, is the contact angle thereof, in any molar ratio, and X is a number of atoms in the formed when a contact line is about to recede. material or compound. Depending on the composition of the FIG.1a is a schematic cross-sectional view of a contacting rare earth element material, X may or may not be an integer. liquid 102 in contact with a traditional or previous non-wet In various embodiments, a surface described herein 10 ting Surface 104 (i.e., a gas impregnating Surface), in accor includes a rare earth element material combined with a non dance with one embodiment of the invention. The surface 104 rare earth element material (i.e., a material that does not includes a solid 106 having a surface texture defined by posts include a rare earth element). For example, the rare earth 108. The regions between the posts 108 are occupied by a gas element material (e.g., a rare earth oxide) may be combined 110, such as air. As depicted, while the contacting liquid 102 with one or more metals or ceramics, including a metal oxide, 15 is able to contact the tops of the posts 108, a gas-liquid a metal nitride, a metal carbide, a metal fluoride, and/or a interface 112 prevents the liquid 102 from wetting the entire metal boride. surface 104. Articles/surfaces comprising rare earth element materials Referring to FIG. 1b, in certain instances, the contacting are further described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. liquid 102 may displace the impregnating gas and become 13/428,652, titled, “Hydrophobic Materials Incorporating impaled within the posts 108 of the solid 106. Impalement Rare Earth Elements and Methods of Manufacture filed may occur, for example, when a liquid droplet impinges the Mar. 23, 2012, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated surface 104 at high velocity. When impalement occurs, the by reference herein in its entirety. Features of the articles and gas occupying the regions between the posts 108 is replaced Surfaces described in this patent application may be applied in with the contacting liquid 102, either partially or completely, various combinations in the embodiments described herein. 25 and the Surface 104 may lose its non-wetting capabilities. In certain embodiments, articles and/or Surfaces described Referring to FIG. 1c, in certain embodiments, a non-wet herein include a coating. The coating includes or consists of ting, liquid-impregnated Surface 120 is provided that includes one or more rare earth element materials, such as one or more a solid 122, e.g., a solid including or consisting of a rare earth rare earth oxides. A thickness of the coating may be within a element material, the Solid having textures (e.g., posts 124) range, for example, from about 100 nm to about 200 nm, from 30 that are impregnated with an impregnating liquid 126, rather about 200 nm to about 300 nm, from about 300 nm to about than a gas. In the depicted embodiment, a contacting liquid 400 nm, or from about 400 nm to about 500 nm. In certain 128 in contact with the surface, rests on the posts 124 (or other embodiments, the thickness of the coating is within a range texture) of the surface 120. In the regions between the posts from about 200 nm to about 350 nm. In various embodiments, 124, the contacting liquid 128 is Supported by the impregnat the weight percent of a rare earth element material in the 35 ing liquid 126. In certain embodiments, the contacting liquid coating is at least about 10 percent, at least about 25 percent, 128 is immiscible with the impregnating liquid 126. For at least about 50 percent, at least about 75 percent, or at least example, the contacting liquid 128 may be water and the about 90 percent. impregnating liquid 126 may be oil. A method of producing the articles and/or surfaces In addition to a rare earth element material, the solid 122 includes applying the coating onto the Surfaces using, for 40 may include any intrinsically hydrophobic, oleophobic, and/ example, Sputtering, sintering, and/or spraying. In some or metallophobic material or coating. For example, the Solid embodiments, an adhesion or bonding layer is disposed 122 may include: hydrocarbons, such as alkanes, and fluo between the coating and the base substrate. The bonding layer ropolymers, such as teflon, trichloro(1H, 1H,2H.2H-perfluo may provide improved adhesion between the coating and the rooctyl)silane (TCS), octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS), hepta base Substrate. The bonding or adhesion layer may include, 45 decafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyltrichlorosilane, for example, a metal, an intermetallic, an alloy, and/or a fluoroPOSS, and/or other fluoropolymers. Additional pos ceramic. Specific examples include indium (In), titanium sible materials or coatings for the Solid 122 include: ceramics, (Ti), (TiN), (CrN), nickel polymeric materials, fluorinated materials, intermetallic aluminide (e.g., NiAl), MCrATY, platinum, nickel, and/or compounds, and composite materials. Polymeric materials aluminum. 50 may include, for example, polytetrafluoroethylene, fluoro Liquid Impregnation acrylate, fluoroeurathane, fluorosilicone, fluorosilane, modi In certain embodiments, a static contact angle 0 between a fied carbonate, chlorosilanes, silicone, polydimethylsiloxane liquid and Solid is defined as the angle formed by a liquid drop (PDMS), and/or combinations thereof. Ceramics may on a solid Surface as measured between a tangent at the include, for example, titanium carbide, titanium nitride, chro contact line, where the three phases—Solid, liquid, and 55 mium nitride, , chromium carbide, molybdenum vapor meet, and the horizontal. The term "contact angle' carbide, titanium carbonitride, electroless nickel, Zirconium usually implies the static contact angle 0 since the liquid is nitride, fluorinated silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, tanta merely resting on the Solid without any movement. lum oxide, , diamond-like carbon, fluorinated As used herein, dynamic contact angle, 0, is a contact diamond-like carbon, and/or combinations thereof. Interme angle made by a moving liquid on a solid Surface. In the 60 tallic compounds may include, for example, nickel alu context of droplet impingement, 0 may exist during either minide, titanium aluminide, and/or combinations thereof. advancing or receding movement. The textures within the liquid-impregnated surface 120 are As used herein, a Surface is “non-wetting if it has a physical textures or Surface roughness. The textures may be dynamic contact angle with a liquid of at least 90 degrees. random, including fractal, or patterned. In certain embodi Examples of non-wetting Surfaces include, for example, 65 ments, the textures are micro-scale or nano-scale features. For Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Superoleophobic Surfaces, and example, the textures may have a length scale L (e.g., an Supermetallophobic Surfaces. average pore diameter, oran average protrusion height) that is US 9,309,162 B2 11 12 less than about 100 microns, less than about 10 microns, less more resistant to impalement. In certain embodiments, while than about 1 micron, less than about 0.1 microns, or less than nano-scale (e.g., less than one micron) textures may be nec about 0.01 microns. In certain embodiments, the texture essary to avoid impalement with gas-impregnated Surfaces, includes posts 124 or other protrusions, such as spherical or micro-scale (e.g., from 1 micron to about 100 microns) tex hemispherical protrusions. Rounded protrusions may be pref 5 tures are sufficient for avoiding impalement with liquid-im erable to avoid sharp Solid edges and minimize pinning of pregnated Surface. As mentioned, micro-scale textures are liquid edges. The texture may be introduced to the surface much easier to manufacture and more practical than nano using any conventional method, including mechanical and/or scale textures. chemical methods such as lithography, self-assembly, and Liquid-impregnated Surfaces are also useful for reducing deposition, for example. 10 Viscous drag between a solid Surface and a flowing liquid. In The impregnating liquid 126 may be any type of liquid that general, the Viscous drag or shear stress exerted by a liquid is capable of providing the desired non-wetting properties. flowing over a solid Surface is proportional to the viscosity of For example, the impregnating liquid 126 may be oil-based or the liquid and the shear rate adjacent to the Surface. A tradi water-based (i.e., aqueous). In certain embodiments, the tional assumption is that liquid molecules in contact with the impregnating liquid 126 is an ionic liquid (e.g., BMI-IM). 15 solid surface stick to the surface, in a so-called “no-slip” Other examples of possible impregnating liquids include boundary condition. While some slippage may occur between hexadecane, vacuum pump oils (e.g., FOMBLINR 06/6, the liquid and the Surface, the no-slip boundary condition is a KRYTOX(R) 1506) silicon oils (e.g., 10 cSt or 1000 cSt), useful assumption for most applications. fluorocarbons (e.g., perfluoro-tripentylamine, FC-70), shear In certain embodiments, non-wetting Surfaces, such as liq thinning fluids, shear-thickening fluids, liquid polymers, dis uid-impregnated Surfaces, are desirable as they induce a large Solved polymers, viscoelastic fluids, and/or liquid fluoro amount of slip at the solid Surface. For example, referring POSS. In certain embodiments, the impregnating liquid is (or again to FIGS. 1a and 1c, when a contacting liquid 102,128 comprises) a liquid metal, a dielectric fluid, a ferro fluid, a is Supported by an impregnating liquid 126 or a gas, the magneto-rheological (MR) fluid, an electro-rheological (ER) liquid-liquid or liquid-gas interface is free to flow or slip with fluid, an ionic fluid, a hydrocarbon liquid, and/or a fluorocar 25 respect to the underlying solid material. Drag reductions of as bon liquid. In one embodiment, the impregnating liquid 126 is much as 40% may be achieved due to this slippage. As men made shearthickening with the introduction of nano particles. tioned, however, gas-impregnated Surfaces are Susceptible to A shear-thickening impregnating liquid 126 may be desirable impalement. When impalement occurs with a gas-impreg for preventing impalement and resisting impact from imping nated surface, the benefits of reduced drag reduction may be ing liquids, for example. 30 lost. To minimize evaporation of the impregnating liquid 126 Liquid-impregnated Surfaces are generally described in from the surface 120, it is generally desirable to use impreg U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/302,356, titled “Liquid nating liquids 126 that have low vapor pressures (e.g., less Impregnated Surfaces, Methods of Making, and Devices than 0.1 mmHg, less than 0.001 mmHg, less than 0.00001 Incorporating the Same filed Nov. 22, 2011, the disclosure mmHg, or less than 0.000001 mmHg). In certain embodi 35 of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its ments, the impregnating liquid 126 has a freezing point of less entirety. Features of the articles and surfaces described in the than -20°C., less than -40°C., or about -60° C. In certain above-mentioned patent application may be applied in vari embodiments, the Surface tension of the impregnating liquid ous combinations in the embodiments described herein. 126 is about 15 mN/m, about 20 mN/m, or about 40 mN/m. In In various embodiments, the impregnating liquid is a dif certain embodiments, the Viscosity of the impregnating liquid 40 ferent liquid (and/or phase) than a Substance the Surface is 126 is from about 10 cSt to about 1000 cSt). designed or configured to come into contact with, e.g., rain, The impregnating liquid 126 may be introduced to the ice, sleet, oil in a pipeline, etc. Surface 120 using any conventional technique for applying a Uses and Applications liquid to a solid. In certain embodiments, a coating process, There are a large number of applications for articles and Such as a dip coating, blade coating, or roller coating, is used 45 parts with the liquid-encapsulated, rare-earth based ceramic to apply the impregnating liquid 126. Alternatively, the Surfaces described herein. For example, articles and parts impregnating liquid 126 may be introduced and/or replen with Such surfaces can be used on airplanes, wind turbines, ished by liquid materials flowing past the Surface 120 (e.g., in and power lines, for water repellency and resistance to ice a pipeline). After the impregnating liquid 126 has been formation thereupon. Such surfaces may also be used for applied, capillary forces hold the liquid in place. Capillary 50 reduction of scale formation and anti-fouling properties in the forces scale roughly with the inverse of feature-to-feature desalination and oil/gas industries. Furthermore, Such Sur distance orpore radius, and the features may be designed Such faces may be used for reducing viscosity drag in oil pipelines. that the liquid is held in place despite movement of the surface FIG. 2 shows a superhydrophobic surface created by sput and despite movement of air or other fluids over the surface tering cerium oxide, an example rare-earth oxide, on a Sub (e.g., where the surface 120 is on the outer surface of an 55 strate having an array of posts (e.g., spaced-apart by a dis aircraft with air rushing over, or in a pipeline with oil and/or tance from about 10um to about 30 um) which were textured other fluids flowing therethrough). In certain embodiments, with nano-grass. Here, the array of square posts was fabri nano-scale features are used (e.g., 1 nanometer to 1 microme cated using a standard photolithography process on a silicon ter) where high dynamic forces, body forces, gravitational Substrate. The posts were arranged in square arrays with forces, and/or shearing forces could pose a threat to remove 60 width, a, about 10 Jum, height, h, about 10um, and spacing, b, the liquid film, e.g., for Surfaces used in fast flowing pipelines, about 15-30 Lum. To grow the nanograss, the posts were placed on airplanes, on wind turbine blades, etc. Small features may inside an inductively coupled plasma chamber with a con also be useful to provide robustness and resistance to impact. trolled flow of etching gases (SF/O). The average width of Compared to gas-impregnated Surfaces, the liquid-impreg the grass wires was about 100 nm with spacing of about nated surfaces described herein offer several advantages. For 65 100-200 nm. After this step, a thin layer (about 200-350 nm) example, because liquids are incompressible over a large of ceria(cerium oxide) was sputtered on the nanograss-cov range of pressures, liquid-impregnated Surfaces are generally ered posts. The resulting surface is superhydrophobic with US 9,309,162 B2 13 14 advancing water contact angle about 160°. The Surface was Referring to FIG. 6, a schematic cross-sectional view and then deep-coated with silicone oil (10 cS) to obtain a liquid the corresponding top view of a liquid-impregnated Surface encapsulated Surface. that is partially Submerged is shown. The upper left drawing FIG. 3 is a schematic of a water droplet resting on the of FIG. 6 shows a cross-sectional view of a row of cone liquid-encapsulated Surface described above having a rare shaped solid features. The projected Surface area of the non earth based coating. The Substrate may comprise, for submerged solid 602 is illustrated as shaded areas of the example, a metal (e.g., aluminum, iron, copper, titanium, tin, overhead view, while the remaining non-shaded area repre etc.), a metal oxide (e.g., aluminium oxide, iron oxide, copper sents the projected Surface area of the Submerged liquid oxide, titanium oxide, tin oxide, etc.), a ceramic (e.g., nitrides impregnated surface 600. In addition to the projection surface and/or carbides of boron, titanium, aluminum, silicon, etc.), a 10 composite, and/or an alloy (e.g., steel). The Surface of the area of this row of solid features, other solid features placed in Substrate is structured (e.g., with microposts or other geomet a semi-random pattern are shown in shade in the overhead ric feature) to retain the impregnating/encapsulating liquid, view. Similarly, the cross-section view of a row of evenly and this structure is textured (e.g., with nanograss, nanowire, spaced posts is shown on the right of FIG. 6. Additional rows or other texture) then coated (e.g., Sputtered) either partially 15 of well-patterned posts are shown in shade in the overhead or completely with a substance comprising a rare earth ele view. As demonstrated, in some embodiments of the present ment material, for example, an oxide, nitride, fluoride, car invention, a liquid-impregnated Surface includes randomly bide, bromide of a rare-earth metal (e.g., Scandium, yttrium, and/or non-randomly patterned solid features. lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, Samarium, In certain embodiments of the present invention, p is less europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, than 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05, 0.01, or 0.005. In erbium, thulium, ytterbium, or lutetium). The thickness of the certain embodiments, cp is greater than 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, rare-earth material coating may be, for example, from about 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, or 0.20. In certain embodiments, cp is in a 200 nm to about 350 nm. The liquid may be, for example, an range of about 0 and about 0.25. In certain embodiments, cp is oil such as silicone oil, or other hydrophobic liquid. in a range of about 0 and about 0.01. In certain embodiments, FIG. 4 shows two photos demonstrating the difference 25 cp is in a range of about 0.001 and about 0.25. In certain between a water droplet resting on an untreated Surface with embodiments, cp is in a range of about 0.001 and about 0.10. encapsulated liquid, and a water droplet resting on a treated In certain embodiments, the liquid-impregnated Surface is Surface comprising a rare-earth oxide with encapsulated liq configured Such that cloaking by the impregnating liquid can uid. FIG. 4b shows a “baseline' example with a water droplet be either eliminated or induced, according to different on a Surface of untreated silicon with square posts at 15 um 30 spacing and with a silicone oil encapsulating liquid. In FIG. embodiments described herein. 4b, the water droplet is in a pinned state and does not roll off As used herein, the spreading coefficient, S is defined of the surface. as Y-Y-Y, where Y is the interfacial tension between the In contrast, FIG. 4a shows an example of a liquid-encap two phases designated by Subscripts w, a, and o, where w is sulated rare-earth based ceramic surface. The photo of FIG. 35 water, a is air, and o is the impregnating liquid. Interfacial 4a shows a water droplet on a surface of silicon with square tension can be measured using a pendant drop method as posts at 15 um spacing and with a silicone oil encapsulating described in Stauffer, C. E., “The measurement of surface liquid, where the silicon Surface is textured with a nanograss tension by the pendant drop technique” J. Phys. Chem. 1965, (via the treatment described above) and sputtered with a thin 69, 1933-1938, the text of which is incorporated by reference layer of a rare-earth oxide (here, cerium oxide). In FIG. 4a, 40 herein. the water droplet does not wet the surface, and rolls off the Without wishing to be bound to any particular theory, Surface at an angle less than 2. impregnating liquids that have S less than 0 will not FIG. 5 shows a series of photographs demonstrating that a cloak, resulting in no loss of impregnating liquids, whereas water droplet rolls off the surface described in FIG. 4a having impregnating liquids that have Sgreater than 0 will cloak nanograss-textured microposts sputtered with a rare earth 45 matter (condensed water droplets, bacterial colonies, Solid oxide at a tilting angle of below 2°. Surface) and this may be exploited to prevent corrosion, foul In certain embodiments, the liquid-impregnated Surface is ing, etc. In certain embodiments, cloaking is used for prevent configured such that water droplets contacting the Surface are ing vapor-liquid transformation (e.g., water vapor, metallic not pinned or impaled on the Surface. vapor, etc.). In certain embodiments, cloaking is used for As used herein, emerged area fraction (p is defined as a 50 inhibiting liquid-Solid formation (e.g., ice, metal, etc.). In representative fraction of the projected surface area of the liquid-impregnated Surface corresponding to non-Submerged certain embodiments, cloaking is used to make reservoirs for solid at equilibrium. The term “equilibrium' as used herein carrying the materials, such that independent cloaked mate refers to the condition in which the average thickness of the rials can be controlled and directed by external means (like impregnating film does not change over time due to drainage 55 electric or magnetic fields). by gravity when the substrate is held away from horizontal, In certain embodiments, lubricant cloaking is desirable and and where evaporation is negligible (e.g., if the liquid impreg is used a means for preventing environmental contamination, nated liquid were to be placed in an environment Saturated like a time capsule preserving the contents of the cloaked with the vapor of that impregnated liquid). Similarly, the term material. Cloaking can result in encasing of the material “pseudo-equilibrium' as used herein refers to the same con 60 thereby cutting its access from the environment. This can be dition except that evaporation may occur. used for transporting materials (such as bioassays) across a In general, a “representative fraction' of a surface refers to length in a way that the material is not contaminated by the a portion of the surface with a sufficient number of solid environment. features thereupon Such that the portion is reasonably repre In certain embodiments, the amount of cloaking can be sentative of the whole surface. In certain embodiments, a 65 controlled by various lubricant properties such as Viscosity, “representative fraction' is at least a tenth of the whole sur Surface tension. Additionally or alternatively, we can control face. the de-wetting of the cloaked material to release the material. US 9,309,162 B2 15 16 Thus, it is contemplated that a system in which a liquid is changes in form and detail may be made therein without dispensed in the lubricating medium at one end, and upon departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined reaching the other end is exposed to environment that causes by the appended claims. the lubricant to uncloak. What is claimed is: In certain embodiments, an impregnating liquid is or com 1. An article comprising a liquid-impregnated Surface, said prises an ionic liquid. In some embodiments, an impregnating Surface comprising a matrix of Solid features spaced suffi liquid can be selected to have a S. less than 0. Exemplary ciently close to stably contain an impregnating liquid ther impregnating liquids include, but are not limited to, tetrachlo ebetween and/ortherewithin, wherein the surface comprises a roethylene (perchloroethylene), phenyl isothiocyanate (phe rare earth element material, and wherein the article includes nyl mustard oil), bromobenzene, iodobenzene, o-bromotolu 10 the impregnating liquid between and/or within the matrix of ene, alpha-chloronaphthalene, alpha-bromonaphthalene, Solid features, the Surface coming into contact with a first acetylene tetrabromide, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis Substance different from the impregnating liquid, wherein (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (BMIm), tribromohydrin 0