WASTE WATER Solutions HUBER Report

News for CustomersInternational and Friends of HUBER TECHNOLOGY May 2012

Major international trade fair for water, wastewater, refuse, recycling CONTENTS EDITORIAL Sludge Treatment 2 –3 HUBER exhibits at IFAT ENTSORGA 2012 Mech. Wastewater Treatment 4 - 7 and forums will be organised to com- IFAT 8 - 9 plete the program. Every two years Munich is the centre and pivotal point Heating & Cooling with Wastewater 10 - 11 of international environmental tech- Filtration & ReUse 12 – 13 nology.

Green Building 14 - 15 From 7 to 11 May 2012 everything in the city will be about environment Stainless Steel Equipment 16 again. HUBER has exhibited at IFAT Global Service 16 for many years and always presented one of the biggest stands. This year, HUBER will show its product portfolio on an area of more than 1,100 m2. With its worldwide reputation, the Dear Reader, trade fair is of great importance also National and international experts for HUBER. IN BRIEF and thousands of visitors from all Sludge Treatment HUBER is opening new markets in the over the world will come to Munich fields of “Green Building“ and “heat again in May to visit IFAT ENTSORGA, the most important international tra- Due to the great response we receive from wastewater”. IFAT is the optimal de fair for water, wastewater, reuse, from the market to our RoS 3Q Screw platform to present further develop- and recycling, where they can see Press units we have developed a new The HUBER stand at IFAT ENTSORGA 2010 ments and novelties. For easy orien- and discuss new products and soluti- RoS 3Q model with a higher tation on our stand (no. 333, hall A2) throughput capacity. The new RoS 3Q IFAT ENTSORGA is the most important ducts and innovations for sustainable ons to be applied and implemented in without spending too much time on size has a 620 mm dia. screen basket international trade fair for innovati- water management in industrial nati- the coming years. It will certainly be finding exhibits or your contact part- to allow for a sludge throughput up to ons and services for water, wastewa- ons and adapted technologies for exciting again to see which new tech- 15 m³/h. With our Ros 3Q 620 we aim ter, refuse, and recycling. More than developing and emerging countries. ners, you will find a site plan on page nologies and trends show up or have at the target group of wastewater 2,700 exhibitors will show their pro- Conferences, symposia, workshops 8 and 9. established themselves. Two sub- treatment plants designed for up to jects, which have also been the focus 50,000 PE. of our business in the past years, will definitely be the centre of attention: Page: 2 Bavarian State Minister Marcel Huber speaks at official opening closed water loops, through utilisati- on of heat energy or decentralised Utilisation of wastewater as wastewater treatment for example, a thermal heat source and improved integration of mecha- Official opening of sludge2energy nical systems and communication technology for maintenance and con- New modern buildings prevent the trol. Beca use practice is always bet- loss of heat to a great extent but project at Straubing ter than theory alone we offer an enormous amounts of energy are still place in 2008. To cut a long story excursion to WWTP Straubing where lost through wastewater pipelines. A short, the modern HUBER plant pro- you can experience live our innovati- special heat exchanger is required to duces heat and energy from sewage ve ThermWin system which utilises recover this energy. We have therefo- sludge. The plant dries and incinera- wastewater heat and our re added the HUBER TubeWin Heat tes all the sludge generated on the sludge2energy system for thermal Exchanger to our product portfolio. WWTP. The energy set free during this drying and incineration process sludge utilisation. On more than 1,100 m2 stand area (hall A2, stand Page: 10 is available to be used to operate the no. 333) we will show you innovative waste water treatment plant. products and solutions of the high Filtration & ReUse HUBER is therefore right to promote quality for which HUBER is known. We this decentralised solution for energy finally wa nt to stay your reliable part- The HUBER BioMem® filtration unit is self-sufficient sewage sludge utilisati- ner for a long time to come and provi- an addition to our portfolio of MBR on. Also mayor Markus Pannermayr is de future service and maintenance solutions. This smaller counterpart of fully convinced of the benefits the for what we sell today. Comprehensi- the HUBER VRM® Bioreactor has been plant offers; it produces about 1,400 ve information is available in advan- designed for smaller throughputs and tons of phosphorus-containing ash ce on our IFAT internet page is therefore ideal for decentralised per year from 10,000 tons of dewate- ifat.huber.de. Additionally, we would The guests of honour symbolically pushed the start button. applications (housing development red sludge. The phosphorus content like to use this HUBER Report issue to give you a taste of what you can areas, hotels, small industrial compa- of the ash is even high enough to The sludge2energy plant for the reco- the new plant. The guests of honour expect from us at IFAT 2012 and in nies, etc.). think about a phosp horus recovery very of energy from sewage sludge, symbolically pushed the start button the years to come. I look forward to solution. Page: 12 the first pilot project of its kind nati- for a project that is a role model for seeing you at our IFA T stand in May on-wide, was officially inaugurated the world. The plant consists of a HUBER belt and will be pleased to hear your com- on 27.01.12. After mayor Markus Pan- “Sewage sludge is nothing that dryer, a grate stoker furnace and ments and suggestions for improve- Industry nermayr and Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans Huber should be spread on land, this is also micro gas turbine. Presently, It is suc- ment. We want to do our best to ensu- had held their welcome speeches, cessfully operated by HUBER itself. re you can rely on HUBER as your Exploding city populations are the position of the Bavarian State Bavarian State Minister for the envi- Probably at the end of 2013, when partner also in the future. demanding new ideas for water government”, said Dr. Marcel Huber ronment and health Dr. Marcel Huber and appreciated the HUBER showca- the economic efficiency of the s2e Very sincerely yours, recycling solutions. HUBER have res- spoke to the invite d guests. Dipl.-Ing. ponded to this growing demand with se project. Previously, almost all the solution has been proven, the munici- Cristina Pop, head of the city’s civil the launch of the ‘smartMBR’ range sludge generated on WWTP Strau- pality of Straubing will take over the engineering office, expressed her of wastewater treatment & recycling bing had been disposed to agricultu- plant. The municipality will then appreciation to economy and science systems. ral land as common in many places become independent of the sludge before dean Erhard Schmidt and dea- before the groundbreaking ceremony disposal market and profit f rom long- Page: 14 con Dieter Rein gave their blessing to for the sludge2energy project took term cost certainty. Georg Huberb Sludge Treatment Page 2

Continued from page 1: New RoS 3Q Screw Press size: successful continuous operation test News Screw Press size for high throughputs integrated in the local system so that it can be operated 24 hours. After RoS 3Q 620 Centrifuge intensive briefing of the local opera- Rotary speed of compacting screws / drum [rpm] 0.2 – 1.0 2500 - 3000 ting staff they have operated the screw press on their own. Throughput capacity [m³/h] 5 - 14 8 The results of the 8-week opera- Solids load [kgDR/h] 220 - 320 360 tion period:

The screw press has been operated Dewatering result [% DR] 23 - 29 23 – 25 both during the day and, without any operator attention, during the night. Specific polymer consumption [kg/tDR] 10 - 15 15 After optimisation of the press opera- Berching tion by the local staff the unit achie- Installed capacity*) [kW] 2.2 approx. 20 ves the following results: Specific input power*) [kW/tDR] 4 approx. 40 The continuously operating screw Specific output related to solids load press needs a specific polymer dose 0.007 - 0.01 0055 of 14 to 15 kg/tDR to achieve dewate- [kWh/kgDR] ring degrees of 27 to 29 % with a *) dewatering unit only throughput of 9.5 m³/h and a solids

The new machine has been tested on load of 260 kg/h. Operation with the ➤ Comparable dewatering results a real wastewater treatment plant to same throughput but a significantly with a significantly lower polymer prove its qualities under continuous reduced polymer dose of 10 to 11 demand of the RoS 3Q screw operation conditions: kg/tDR has resulted in a dewatering press degree of 23 to 25 %. ➤ Problem-free continuous ➤ The energy demand of the RoS operation even at the capacity The performance data of a mobile limits centrifuge unit are listed additionally 3Q screw press is by a factor of for comparison. This centrifuge was 10 lower ➤ Competitive dewatering tested for several weeks just before efficiency our RoS 3Q screw press. In addition to the above performance data the new scre w press excels with ➤ Minimium energy consumption The test results of the RoS 3Q virtually noiseless operation and 620 are a complete success: minimum wear – the same qualities ➤ Easy to operate ➤ Problem-free continuous for which our well-proven basic RoS The mo bile RoS 3Q unit is continuous- operation managed by the local 3Q models have been known for ly operated on a 70,000 PE wastewa- operating staff on their own years. The very simple maintenance ter treatment plant where the unit concept of the RoS 3Q 620 shows that dewaters digested sludge with an ➤ Significantly better dewatering the focus of our development work organics content of approximately 65 results than a centrifuge with has not been limited to just increa- %. The mobile screw press is fully Continuously operated RoS 3Q 620 unit comparable polymer doses sing throughput capacity.

Drying the sewage sludge of more than 120,000 PE Two-stage HUBER Belt Dryer on WWTP Balingen – first operating results The rest of the heat required to cover the total energy demand is provided by a boiler which can be operated with the biogas from the digester or with natural gas. A part of the energy (up to 260 kW!) is extracted downst- ream of the dryer and returned to the WWTP’s heating system so that virtu- ally the complete exhaust heat from Balingen the WWTP is utilised with a minimum input of primary energy.

After start-up of the gasification plant in spring 2011 the belt dryer success- fully passed the performance test. The wastewater of more than er installed at Balingen is therefore The plant was officially put into ope- 120,000 people is treated on WWTP the first HUBER Belt Dryer with two ration in September 2011, which was Balingen, Baden-Württemberg, Ger- different temperature levels and celebrated with an Open Day. The many. The generated dewatered additionally insulated head pieces. HUBER Belt Dryer has proven its effi- sludge, along with other sludges from ciency right from the beginning. Even The dryer is divided into two tempe- Belt dryer on WWTP Balingen with two temperature zones for efficient sewage that region, is dried in an innovative difficult to treat sludges from five dif- sludge drying HUBER Belt Dryer. rature zones to ensure the higher dry- ferent external sewage treatment ing velocity at high temperatures is plants have been no problem, neither The heat required for the drying pro- adequately used. The low temperatu- for the dryer nor for the pelletising cess is provided by the thermal post- re zone is supplied with the approxi- system developed by HUBER. combustion unit of a sewage sludge mately 90 °C flow from the block heat gasification plant and a block heat and power plant, while hot water No wonder Dipl. Ing. Joachim Hölle of and power plant operated with diges- from a synthesis gas burner of the the engineering office Dr. Götzel- ter gas, with the result of two diffe- sewage sludge gasification plant is mann+Partner (Stuttgart-Balingen) rent temperature levels. It as defined utilised in the high-temperature and Siegfried Sauter, manager of as primary goal to most efficiently zone. Thus, most of the energy requi- WWTP Balingen, have only good use these two heat sources in the dry- red for drying can be generated from things to say. They are fully satisfied ing plant. The HUBER BTplus 2-2 dry- dried sewage sludge. with the dryer performance although they had some doubts initially if the HUBER feeding and pell etising sys- Input Dewatered sewage sludge with approx. 28 % DR approx. 5,700 Mg/a tem would be able to handle the external sludges. Now they are espe- cially happy that the results the dryer Output Dried sludge with approx. 85 % DR approx. 1,885 Mg/a achieves even exceed the guaran- teed performance results. Furthermo- re, they have never experienced any Capacity Dewatered sludge throughput (28 % DR) approx. 880 kg/h dust or odour problems.

We would like to use this opportunity Water evapora- Water evaporation (28→85 % DR, 6,500 h/a) > 3.815 MgH2O/a to thank the engineering office Dr. tion Götzelmann+Partner and the Balin- gen association for sewage treat- Thermal energy Specific heat demand (28→85 % DR) < 830 kWh/MgH2O ment for their per fect cooperation in demand the complete project. The vision of the Balingen association for sewage Electric energy Specific power demand incl. all ancillary units < 100 kWh/MgH2O treatment is an energy self-sufficient demand wastewater treatment plant. We are proud to contribute our share with Technical data of the HUBER Belt Dryer on WWTP Balingen HUBER products. Aerial photo of WWTP Balingen, source: ZV Abwasserreinigung Balingen Page 3 Sludge Treatment


Targeted marketing of sewage sludge utilisation plants HUBER and WTE plan to found new sludge2energy GmbH In cooperation with WTE in Essen HUBER have used their experience to develop the sludge2energy system as a turnkey solution for sewage slud- ge utilisation.

The comprehensive expertise of both companies in the fields of sludge Essen treatment, sewage sludge drying, incineration, and manufacture and Berching operation of plants has been used to develop a cost-effective and reliable modular system which meets specific customer requirements.

The planned joint enterprise slud- The sludge2energy system has been ge2energy system is a cost-effective ge2energy GmbH will based in Ber- well known among experts for seve- and sustainable solution which provi- ching. It will develop and implement ral years already as an innovative des security of sewage sludge utilisa- customised solutions for sewage HUBER solution for decentralised tion. sewage sludge utilisation. Our initial ➤ Sewage sludge is utilised in a idea to utilise the waste material The two managing directors of the new sludg2energy GmbH: Jörg Köring (left) decentralised system on site. sewage sludge as a resource has and Harald Plank (right) become reality: The sludge2energy ➤ The energ ontainedy c within sludge utilisation and offer them on GmbH are Mr. Jörg Köring (WTW) and plant in Straubing has operated suc- sewage sludge can be used for the global market. Mr. Harald Plank (HUBER SE). cessfully since its installation. energy self-sufficient plant S2E operation. The sluge2energy GmbH provides Both have gathered broad experi- The demand for thermal sewage sludge2energy sludge utilisation is rising worldwide engineering support, manufacture ence over many years in their mother ➤ The ash from mono-incineration by HUBER & WTE because landfilling and agricultural of sewage sludge is rich in and operation of turnke y products companies and will for the first time use of sewage sludge is not allowed phosphorus and therefore a good and financing of sewage sludge utili- represent their new company at the any more or will soon be prohibited in source for phosphorus The logo of the new company: S2E as sation plants. The managing IFAT 2012 (hall A2, stand no. 333, and more and more countries. The slud- recovery. abbreviation for sludge2energy directors of the new sludge2energy hall B1, stand no. 155).

Solar dryers are in demand worldwide even for big and medium-sized wastewater treatment plants Sludge drying with solar power Colombia. The dryer handles a waste- functions, reliability – these were the water flow in excess of 5 m³/s. High reasons that convinced him of our solar radiation combined with an product. additional heating render it possible to process up to 60 m³/s press sludge The biggest HUBER solar dryer pro- on some days. Four type SRT 9 machi- ject is presently under construction nes are installed at Cali to dry the at Zagan in Poland, located between sludge directly at source and use it as Berlin and Wroclaw. About 1000 t dry fertilizer for the production of sugar- mass will be treated on this site with Tooele cane. Previously, the sludge had to a cost-optimized technical solution. be transported to a landfill by trucks, Three SRT 11 dryers will be installed which was quite an expensive soluti- in about 120 m long greenhouses. on. First tests seem to prove that Wheel loaders will feed the sludge hygiene standards as high as Class A but the system offers the option for can be met even under such tropical easy later automation. Also at Zagan conditions. Sludge feeding at Cali has the sludge will be dried with solar been automated – a elegan t and eco- power alone. Cali nomical solution even for large In all three projects HUBER coopera- plants. An about 50 m long conveying tes with local contractors who build belt has been installed to transport the greenhouses and adjoining or the sludge from the existing dewate- ring building to the new greenhouses auxiliary buildings or carry out con- where the sludge is distributed to crete work, foundation work, wiring Solar dryer under construction at Utah – a reasonable solution even in climate individual treatment lines to be pro- and installation. HUBER supports the- zones with cold winters cessed by the HUBER machines. In se contractors with technical draw- ings, check lists and consultancy to Solar drying of sewage sludge is a this way the fully automated solar automatic dry sludge removal should complete sludge treatment sta ge has ensure problem-free pro ject executi- technique that is increasingly used drying system could be integrated fail. The sludge bed in the greenhou- been redesigned. HUBER supplied on to the satisfaction of all parties by operators of medium-sized and into the customer’s existing system. se would then grow and serve as a not only three SRT 11 dryers but also involved. More than half the invest- large wastewater treatment plants to buffer. The dry sludge, reduced in two RoS3 dewatering units which are If maintenance work needs to be car- ment costs for the projects relate to reduce sludge disposal costs and at mass and volume, is hygienic, usual- installed directly beside the green- ried out on the conveying belt, each local work. This percentage is even the same time protect the environ- ly harmless in hygiene/epidemic houses. The work on site is still going line can optionally be fed with a higher where feed and discharge ment. Previously, primarily smaller terms, and easy to process because it on, plant start-up is planned to take wheel loader. At the push of a button automation is provided by the local sewage treatment plants and particu- is a stable, free-flowing, pea size gra- place in spring 2012. The combinati- plant control can be changed from contractor as it is the case at Cali for larly plants in Germany and France nulate. The dried sludge has become on of screw press and solar dryer automatic ’ by slice’ feeding to example. have used solar sewage sludge dry- a v aluable resource. After intermedia- offers the customers some advan- wheel loader feeding to process big- ers. Today, even operators of medi- te storage the dry sludge is further tages: The number of interfaces is ger sludge volumes. The system All three projects show that solar dry- um-sized and large wastewater treat- transported by trucks. minimized. The long operating times remains operable even if individual ing works in very different climate ment plants from all over the world the screw press offers can be used aggregates should fail temporarily. Another HUBER dryer is installed at zones and under very different condi- order solar dryers. fully because the solar dryer can con- After 100 m in the drying bed the Tooele, Utah on a dry high plateau tions. Solar drying can be an econo- tinuously take up dewatered sludge. For more than a year a HUBER solar sludge is all dry and automati cally near Salt Lake City. This medium- mical and sustainable solution in all Both processes are well matched. dryer has been in operation in a tropi- transported to a storage tank. Again, sized plant removes 1,000 tons dry regions of the world. The HUBER sys- The distance to be covered by con- cal climate zone at Cali, a large city in the dryer remains operable even if mass a year from wastewater. The tem provides flexibility in the level of veying systems is short. The solar automation, it can easily be planned dryer operates independently, dryer and installed by contractors. Also all feeding is started by starting the the inquiries we receive from diffe- screw presses. If the operator starts rent countries indicate that solar dry- the screw press, he can take away ing on medium-sized and bigger was- dry granulate at the discharge end of tewater treatment plants can be a the greenhouse. At Tooele the sludge reasonable sludge treatment soluti- is dried with solar power alone, this on. With our exc ellent core products gives of course the best eco-balance. we are able to offer HUBER solutions The energy consumption of the sys- for any application. tem is so low that it can be disregar- ded in the total cost balance. The cus- Solar sewage sludge drying is the tomer had informed himself in detail same simple principle as drying clo- about the solar drying systems avai- thes on a line: It is easier to use the lable on the market and in the end power of the sun to remove the water consciously selected the HUBER solu- from the sludge than to apply com- The sun makes sludge a valuable resource: the solar dryer at Cali produces fertilizer tion. Quality, long life, robustness, plex technical systems. Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Page 4

New TrashMax® screen for the reliable removal of bulky coarse material Sturdy screen for coarse material removal


HUBER is in the fortunate position of back cleaned screen and then with having a wide range of screens which the behind front cleaned screen. This allows us to offer every customer the avoids the accumulation of material perfect solution for his specific requi- in front of the screen and even ex-tre rements. This guarantees our custo- mely bulky objects are reliably remo- mers problem-free plant operation. ved by the screen rakes and trans- On the basis of the function principle ported upwards out of the channel. of our multi-rake bar screen we have As the screen rack gets more and developed the new coarse material more blinded, flow resistance increa- screen TrashMax®. The TrashMax® ses and consequently the water level screen offers all the benefits of our in the channel in front of the screen multi-rake bar screens and in additi- rises due to the accumulating materi- Schematic drawing of a TrashMax® screen on an extra sturdy design for the al. The HUBER TrashMax® screen is removal of coarse material. The able to remove this material very screen is ideal to be used in pumping Both ends of the cleaning rakes are its versatility and flexibility. Due to ensure continuous bar rack cleaning quickly and thus reduce the water stations, as first treatment stage of connected to robust drive chains. Two the screen’s compact design its with short removal intervals. The level within a short time. The Tras- wastewater treatment plants or wear-resistant rollers on each side, height above floor is very low. Also lower part of the TrashMax® consists Max® achieves this with its cleaning industrial plants, and in the inlet to running in lateral guiding tracks, screen installation length is very in the steep conveying section follo- elements. Attached to the chain sys- power plants. It removes coarse and ensure true and smooth running of short as the screen can be installed at wed by the upper part, the flat disch- tem, these elements can easily be bulky material a nd therefore protects the rakes as they move upwards with angles between 70° and 85°. In short: arge section with a small inclination. adjusted to different requirements downstream systems. the result of reliable intensive bar With this screen type, solutions can This scre en design guarantees the and are therefore able to reliably rack cleaning. Each chain is driven by be provided for virtually any applica- reliable discharge of screenings into An important functional element of remove even heavy loads and bulky a sprocket on a common shaft and a tion, even and especially with given a downstream transport or disposal the screen is its bar rack which screenings. As the cleaning rakes can gear motor. Frequently, screens need hydraulic and constructional conditi- system. With the development of the retains the coarse material. The be variably adapted, removal capaci- to be adapta ble to specific site requi- ons. new TrashMax® screen HUBER has screen rakes of the TrashMax® screen ty is then adjustable. The benefit of rements. Especially with given successfully added another innovati- mesh with the rack bars at the bot- high cleaning efficiency is especially hydraulic and structural conditions As described above, the screen rakes ve coarse material screen to its pro- tom dead centre, at first with the favourable for high solids loads. the TrashMax® screen is ideal due to attached to the chain system reliably gram of screening solutions.

30% increase in screening surface with star-shaped screen drum Further developed ROTAMAT® Rotary Drum Fine Screen with increased hydraulic capacity: ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate Screen RPPS-Star These screens with a two-dimensio- tion depends on to what extent hairs nal perforated plate rely on the uni- and fibres must be removed to meet que system of HUBER ROTAMAT® the specific requirements of the machines which combines screening, downstream clarification systems. washing, transport, compaction and dewatering in a single unit. Additional Two-dimensional perforated plate advantages, such as shear-force screens achieve a high removal of resistant and wear resistant screen hairs and fibres, i.e. two to four times surfa ce cleaning and a high frequen- the amount of solids are removed cy of screen surface cleaning per than one-dimensional screens are minute, guarantee maximum effi- able to separate. The significantly ciency and operating reliability. Perfo- increased separation efficiency is rated plate for two-dimensional accompanied by a high level of Berching screenings is primarily used for screen surface blinding and requires screens with apertures > 1 mm. For larger dimensioning of the fine finer screening < 1 mm we use the screens compared to other common- newly developed ROTAMAT® Mem- ly known wedge wire screens. Con- brane Screen RoMem with filter ventionally, a screen basket with big- mesh. HUBER ROTAMAT® Perforated ger external dimensions is used to Plate Screen RPPS units are equipped achieve larger dimensioning with the with 1 to 5 mm perforated plate. The result of significantly increased selection of the mesh size or perfora- investment costs and even building On the basis of the worldwide known and well-proven system of HUBER ROTAMAT® fine screens with wedge Star-shaped screen drum of the ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate Screen RPPS-Star wire screen basket we developed the ultra-fine ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate costs as a bigge r channel is required. ’traditional’ machine fit for the future. Screen RPPS with perforated plate. We have solved this problem with our We are well prepared for higher futu- The two-dimensional screen (perfora- ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate Screen re requirements related to separation ted plate) ensures the reliable remo- RPPS-Star: The perforated plate of efficiency and hydraulic throughput. val of hairs and fibres and avoids the screen basket is folded in axial The extensive experience gathered that: direction like an accordion. The zig- from real size installations is reflected zag folds form the star-shaped screen in the continuous development and ➤ fibres and hairs hinder the stable basket (RPPS-Star). This increases optimisation of our fine screens. operation of membrane plants the screen basket surface by about and increase maintenance 30% with still the same nominal dia- Compared to one-dimensional wedge requirements, these materials meter. wire screens, the two-dimensional tend to entangle on the perforated plate screen achieves a membranes and lead to reduced The filter drum of the ROTAMAT® Per- significantly higher separation effi- membrane plant efficiency forated Plate Scree n RPPS-Star is ciency. Due to its star-shaped screen cleaned by a water jet spraying drum the ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate ➤ these products form tresses in the against wastewater flow direction. Screen RPPS-Star has a by about 30% wastewater treatment plant, this This ensures that fibres and scree- larger screening surface, with the would impair oxygen supply to nings are reliable washed from the same small nominal diameter and the aeration system with the drum surface and removed by the with the result of a significantly result of problems occurring in centrally arranged conveying screw. increased hydraulic throughput capa- the sludge treatment line Two-dimensional screen basket of a ROTAMAT® Perforated Plate Screen RPPS With this innovation we have made a city. Page 5 Mechanical Wastewater Treatment


HUBER USA successfully placed the company´s largest HUBER RakeMax® screens to date into the market in Loisville, Kentucky HUBER project in Louisville, USA flow to the City’s Morris Forman Was- tewater Plant located a few kilome- ters west of Louisville. When maxi- mum permitted flows are reached at the Morris Forman Wastewater Treat- ment Plant, additional flow is diver- ted to the Derek R. Guthrie Water Quality Treatment Center where up to 13,1 m3/s will be treated through the HUBER RakeMax® screens.


The plant in Louisville, Kentucky HUBER USA successfully placed the south of Louisville, Kentucky, 136 company’s largest HUBER RakeMax® meters above sea level. Each screen The expansion of the Derek R. Guth- the HUBER RakeMax® screens will go screens to date into the market in is rated for 7,6 m3/s and this installa- rie Water Quality Treatment Center to into service. HUBER is now an essen- Louisville, Kentucky. The three Rake- tion is part of a $850 million Integra- handle wet weather flows will benefit tial part of a large effort to improve Max® 22300 x 2752 x 13 screens ted Overflow Abatement Plan inten- everyone in the Louisville community. were installed at the Derek R. Guthrie ded to improve water quality in the Large wet weather flows will be trea- water quality in the greater Louisville Water Quality Treatment Center in greater Louisville area. These impro- ted and discharged to the Ohio River area and all parties involved with this Louisvill e, KY with official startup cur- vements are mandated (but not fun- rather than allowed to overflow into order expect the project to become a rently scheduled for spring 2012. ded) by the United States govern- the region’s streams. This project reference that will generate follow-up ment (EPA). represents the second largest capital orders. Along with the growing awareness of expenditure in the Louisville Metro- the reliability and robustness of During dry weather the Derek R. politan Sewer District’s history and is Facts and Figures HUBER products in the USA market, Guthrie Water Quality Treatment Cen- a major component of a federal con- the inclusion of our equipment in lar- ter receives approximately 0,88 m3/s sent decree to clean s treams, elimi- ➤ 3 x HUBER RakeMax® ge-scale projects has become increa- of wastewater flow. All sewers that nate sanitary sewer overflows, and singly popular. As evidence of this serve this plant are separate from the minimize combined sewer overflows 22300x2752x13 trend, HUBER USA received the order water system. However, a por- in the Louisville area. to supply 3 RakeMax® size tion of the greater Louisville waste- ➤ Max. flow per machine: 7,665 l/s 22300x2752x13 to the Derek R. water collection system utilizes a At the planned start-up date in spring (175MGD) Guthrie Water Quality Treatment Cen- combined sewer system and, during 2012, the improved Derek R. Guthrie te r which is situated 30 kilometers wet weather flows, those areas direct The plant in Louisville, Kentucky Water Quality Treatment Center with ➤ Start-up: spring 2012

Tertiary filter stage to upgrade wastewater treatment plants with insufficient effluent quality HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen as tertiary filter stage sludge are the most frequent reasons why wastewater treatment plants are sometimes unable to reliably meet today’s minimum requirements on the concentration of filterable solids in the effluent. The overflow of flocks increases COD, BOD, N and P loads in the effluent and receiving water cour- se with the result of increased disch- arge fees. A HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Berching Mesh Screen as tertiary filter stage is able to guarantee a virtually solids- free WWTP effluent. Due to the gravity flow through our RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen and its low pres- sure loss the screen can easily be integrated into existing sewage treat- ment plants. Due to its small space The HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Mesh ves effluent quality and thus substan- requirements and modular design Screen is a quick and efficient soluti- tially contributes to the protection of the RoDisc® Micro Screen can be tai- on if you want to upgrade your was- our waters. lored to suit any specific site require- tewater treatment plant and ensure ments and keeps the structural alte- to produce a virtually solids-free The installation of a filter stage ration work required to a minimum. effluent. Upgrading is especially downstream of the secondary clari- required if the secondary clarifier fier is an efficient and inexpensive An ineffectively working secondary does no t work effectively and flocks option to upgrade a wastewater clarifier is however not the only rea- pass into the channel. Our micro treatment plant. Insufficient tank son for upgrading a wastewater treat- screen prevents concentration of sus- depth, high hydraulic loads or the ment plant with a downstream micro pended material, significantly impro- poor settling behaviour of activated screen. Especially the accumulation RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen for the retention of activated sludge flocks

of the nutrients phosphate and nitra- systems for example need a virtually te in surface waters can lead to eutro- solids-free flow to work effectively. phication, growth of algae and water Frequently, activated carbon powder plants, oxygen depletion, and to fish is used to reduce organic trace sub- dying and death of other water ani- stances to release the load in our mals. Combined with precipitation waters. Reliable removal of the acti- and flocculation the micro screen can vated carbon power laden with the reduce phosphorus to a very low con- removed organics is then required. centration. Pre cipitants transform the The HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Mesh orthophosphate contained within the Screen ensures that virtually all sus- wastewater to hardly water-soluble pended materials are removed from materials. Flocculants transform the the wastewater so that additional produced micro flocks to macro flocks downstream treatment stages can be which can be removed by the micro operated. Investment and operation screen. costs for micro screenings are usually more than compensated because The HUBER RoDisc® Rotary Mesh micro screening saves the money for Screen meets not only the require- additional plant components. Micro ments of today but sets the course screening substantially contributes for the future. Many of the methods to the protection of our waters, today for advanced wastewater treatment and in the future. So, the option of a which are increasingly used today, filtration stage should definitely be such as disinfection and reduction of considered when planning to expand organic trace substances, require or upgrade a wastewater treatment 28 RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen units with 24 discs each treating bout 8.5 m³ wastewater per second prior micro screening. UV disinfection plant. Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Page 6

What should a good grit washer be able to do? Separate the wheat from the chaff Separation efficiency: would lead to the loss of the fine sand spectrum from 200 to 350 µm. With The separation efficiency of a grit the use of our patented organics washer depends on the feeding discharge solution heavy organic par- arrangement, surface loading and ticles are simply removed at the end effluent q uality. But what needs to be of the washing process to guarantee available as well is a separation an always optimal room for sedimen- chamber, i.e. a water volume which tation for all particles. Berching allows the solids (here grit and organ- ics) to settle quickly. An efficient grit Washing efficiency: washer achieves a constantly high separation of organic material. We Although our patent gives us compre- have carried out measurements on hensive copy protection and prevents When we launched our COANDA Grit our own test stand. Both our results completely uncontrolled copying, Washer in 1994 and started its suc- and external measurements at a uni- each of our competitors tries to cess story it was not long before com- versity prove that central feeding somehow get around one distinct petitors came up with their own grit through a vortex cham ber and a patent claim. But, in the end, all grit washers. In the beginning, most of COANDA Tulip provides optimal pre- washers have a conical tank with an them fortunately did not know what inclined grit removal screw, a pressu- conditions for good separation exactly to think about our product. re probe and an organics discharge results. This advantageous feeding But as the demand from the market installed on the tank, without kno- arrangement, combined with a large increased all our ’friends,’ one after wing what it is actually good for. water surface (low surface overflow the other, became active, at first in rate) and a circumferential overfall Germany, the ‘birthplace’ of this Some have tried to replace the stirrer weir, significantly reduces the veloci- innovation, later also abroad where with pressure air without taking into ty from the inlet to the outlet weir so there are often no scruples to copy as account that the pressure probe will that grit particles > 200 µm are reli- we all know well. not deliver cont inuously stable mea- Picture 1: Do you want to separate grit or waste space with empty containers? ably separated. The use of an over- surements any more. Former collea- 1:1 at least in appearance but unfor- meter full material. Due to the low But no other grit washer would even flow weir avoids the suction effect, gues have tried to install only distri- tunately have neither the required relative velocity and the massive come close to being comparable with i .e. the acceleration of outflow water. bution channels in the wash zone know-how or any clue about proper materials used we can guarante e a our COANDA Grit Washer in terms of However, even the best dimensioned where we use our patented perfora- control of grit washing processes. service life of about 20,000 operation function and efficiency. There are grit washer will not achieve satis- ted plate bottom solution. Their sys- hours. some factors that always must be factory separation results if there is tem cannot create a steady fluidized Wear protection: taken into account to evaluate the not enough room for sedimentation. bed with the result that their plant Conclusion: quality of a grit washer: separation It is generally known that a lot of sometimes washes but sometimes by Grit is a very critical material and efficiency, washing efficiency (quali- heavy organic particles settle with far fails to achieve the guaranteed causes wear especially when it is If you are interested in buying a grit ty of washed grit), wear resistance. the fine sand which can only be loss on ignition of < 3%. Others have moving. After all, complex grit traps washer, check offers for the features HUBER has meanwhile sold almost ‘blown out’ of the plant if the velocity tried their luck with a fas t running are used on many sewage treatment a good grit washer should provide: 2,000 COANDA Grit Washer un.its is increased. But this phenomenon stirrer (40 rpm) to achieve fluidisati- plants with good reason to improve ➤ low surface overflow rate on and wash the grit. At such a speed, the service life of pumps and pipe- lines. That is why we attached great however, the pressure probe in the ➤ circumferential overfall weir tank is not able to deliver reliable importance to wear protection right measurements and there is also enor- from the beginning. We avoid high ➤ separate organics discharge mous wear. relative speeds of the rotating aggre- gates (stirrer, screw) of our COANDA ➤ grit washing and removal even Most competitive product do not at all Grit Washer and the grit removal during feeding care about a homogenous fluidized screw has high-quality journal bed but stir the settled solids without bearings on both ends (silicon carbi- ➤ washing function / fluidisation interruption. This may work as long de / chilled cast iron bearings) so that ➤ grit removal screw supported on as there is hardly any grit to wash but the auger does not scratch the trough both ends if there is more grit the removal screw walls. Welded conveyance bars, plas- will discharge the grit along with the tic shells or cheap bearings should ➤ high solids throughput organics like a classifier or the grit have no place in grit handling sys- will leave the plant via the outlet, and tems. The stirrer in the COANDA Grit Rely on our expertise in grit washing. it all ends up again with ‘There is no Washer always operates in a homo- You can be sure to be in best hands grit!“. There is a litany of how compe- genous grit fluidized bed so that the (pic. 2). We do not want to sell some titors try to wash grit and it would go fluidized grit offers only little resis- hundred kilos of stainless steel to our beyond the scope of this article to tance to the stirrer arms. But as some customers but provide them with a mention them all, except that some wear cannot completely be avoided technical solution that really helps Picture 2: Superior function and grit yield of our ‘smart’ international competi- all stirrer arms of our COANDA Grit them to save a lot of disposal costs. tors copy our COANDA Grit Washer Washer units are made of 30 mm dia- We are true to our word.

Maximum benefit from HUBER Wash Press WAP with more than 4,000 mm feed through length installed in Finland Continued success of HUBER Wash Press WAP are operated continuously, a wash ➤ 1 x Ro 8t be considered that a 3 mm step water amount of about 3 l/s is ge ne- screen is able to achieve comparable ➤ 1 x WAP/SL size 2 rated by the spray nozzle bars of the separation degrees provided impoun- Jyväskylä two screens. This amount is easily ➤ 1 x RoS 2 size 4 dage level and filter carpet formation handled by the Wash Press. are optimal. The 6 mm HUBER Belt Screen Esca- Facts and figures installed Max® with perforated plate increases It should also be mentioned that 4,200 mm feed trough length has machines: separation efficiency and generates therefore twice the amount of scree- proven well as maximum feed trough ➤ 2 x EscaMax® 5,000 x 1,552 x 6 nings of a 3 mm step screen. It must length for WAPs size 4.

➤ 1 x WAP size 4 with extra long feed trough 4,200 mm

The increasing demand for economi- cal machines produces a variety of innovative technical solutions, such as on WWTP Jyväskylä for example. Jyväskylä is Finland’s seventh largest city and located in central Finland.

In summer 2011, the two 3 mm step screens previously installed on site were replaced by two HUBER Esca- Max® screens with 6 mm perforation. A HUBER Wash Press WAP with extra long feed trough could successfully be used for the screen’s discharge width of 2 x 1,552 mm. The size 4 Wash Press has a feed trough length of 4,200 mm and is able to handle the maximum screenings throughput of 4 WAP with extra long feed trough up to 4,200 mm maximum has proven well for Success ful installation of a WAP 4 with 4,200 mm feed trough length for 2 m³/h. If the HUBER EscaMax® screens size 4 with standard guarantee values EscaMax® screens, size 5000x1552x6 Page 7 Mechanical Wastewater Treatment


Unbeatable also in Spain Sewer grit treatment system on the Iberian Peninsula lities of Irun and Ondarribia. Once they knew that the HUBER plant material comes mainly from the It goes without saying that the was- is able to produce recyclable material sewer system of San Sebastián and hed grit has a loss of ignition below Just a year later the municipality of from sewer grit, the municipality of from several of the municipality’s 3%. The treated grit is stored on the San Sebastián, only about 30 km San Sebastián issued a public invita- pumping stations. Via a separate line WWTP to be used as secondary buil- west of Irun, was also faced with pro- tion to tender at the beginning of the tanker vehicles press the liquid ding material. blematic sewer grit – which nobody 2009. It was the company Aqualia phase directly into the RoSF9 wash wants to have. It should be noted by that won the tender and was commis- drum. This reduces odours and signi- With this sewer grit treatment plant the way that the Atlantic coast in sioned to execute the project on the ficantly improves the hygiene situati- San Sebastián found a quick respon- northern Spain is one of the country’s basis of the Irun example. Of course, on for the operating staff. The solids se to the rising disposal costs in Spain. Even the local TV station most beautiful tourist regions. For bigger uni ts had to be used due to in the tanker vehicles are then emp- reported about this great, innovative this reason, and in view of ever high throughput requirements (3 tied into the RoSF7 acceptance tank solution. Half a year later HUBER increasing disposal costs, it seems m³/h raw material) but this was no with a storage volume of 16 m³ from Spain received the order for another not reasonab le any more to landfill problem with the modular HUBER where they are discontinuously fed to complete se wage grit treatment sewer grit. The municipality of San system. Aquilia ordered the machines the treatment plant. The RoSF9 wash plant for WWTP Arazuri at Pamplona. Sebastián contacted therefore Servi- and electrical equipment in June drum (1,650 mm dia.) removes and The machines supplied to Arazuri San Sebastián Irun cios de Txingudi and they carried out 2009, HUBER supplied the equipment washes out all disturbing material have meanwhile been put into opera- trial operations with the material already in October 2009. Also the bigger than 10 mm. Along with the tion. from Aguas del Añarbe on WWTP installation time was very short so screenings this material is transpor- Irun. Aguas del Añarbe is the name of ted to a landfill for further treatment. that the complete plant could be put Advantages of HUBER sewer grit the plant operators in San Sebastián. A cantilever pump delivers the grit into operation in December. treatment plants: The HUBER sewer grit treatment sys- Test results were positive as we had fraction in the underflow of the RoSF9 tem RoSF5/H has instantly had the expected because our system com- Since that day up to 80 sewer wash drum into the RoSF4 grit was- ➤ All contents of tanker vehicles can success our German, national foot- ponents are designed to treat such cleaning vehicles a month discharge her (3 t/h throughput) where the grit be treated in one place ball team has been running after for critical material. their load into the HUBER plant. The is separated, washed and dewatered. years but somehow cannot seem to ➤ No water or sludge hinders solids reach: It came. It was seen. It won. transport

The first sewer grit treatment plant in ➤ No annoying puddles of water at Spain was put into operation at the the deepest point of the tank end of 2007 in a pumping station of the town Irun. Irun is located in pictu- ➤ Big aggregates ensure reliable resque scenery directly on the Atlan- material flow and easy operation tic coast and on the border to France. ➤ No installation of different The sewer grit treatment plant con- metallic materials (no carbon sists of several well-known standardi- steel) sed HUBER grit treatment products: RoSF7 grit acceptance tank, RoSF9 ➤ Best clarification results for safe wash drum, RoSF4 grit washer. The utilisation plant is installed underground and absorbs virtually everything coming It is a pity that the financial crisis from the sewer. The owner oef th inhibits important investments into plant is the company Servicios de environment-tal protection also in Txingudi which is in charge of water Spain. But time never stands still, supply, wastewater treatment and sooner or later customers will invest waste management in the municipa- The acceptance area of the sewer grit treatment plant at San Sebastián in our treatment technology.

Cost-effective screenings treatment for any application Increased gas yield with WAP/SL Use a WAP/SL to increase diges- ter gas yield by up to 38,000 Nm³/a

Finnland The HUBER Screenings Wash Press WAP/SL is able to achieve a virtually complete washout of organics from screenings. This returned carbon load is available as an additional source for digester gas production.

We ha ve proven in both laboratory and practical tests on a wastewater Bavaria treatment plant in Bavaria that this effect occurs with significant intensi- ty also in practice. This 18,000 PE wastewater treatment plant has a rather short sewer system and the load of faeces contained within the Germany’s energy turnaround is a this ambitious goal: save energy screenings is very high. The faeces reason for many wastewater treat- and/or increase own energy producti- washed out from the screenings con- ment plant operators to try to impro- on. This article describes how to pro- sist primarily in organic carbon. The ve their energy situation and take duce more digester gas, and thus microorganisms insid e the digester great efforts to cover the electric more regenerative energ y, through transform this organic carbon into energy they need themselves. There optimal screenings treatment with a methane. After every wash cycle of are two approaches how to achieve HUBER WAP/SL Wash Press. the WAP/SL the sludgy wash water with its high organic load is introdu- ced into the channel downstream of the screen. All settleable material settles there and the sediments are passed on to the digester as primary sludge.

Results The wash water with its high carbon load is returned to improve denitrification Results have shown that digester gas and gas yield yield can be increased by up to 20% with the use of a HUBER Wash Press When evaluati ng the economic effi- form of gas, power and heat. The WAP/SL, which means an additional ciency of screenings treatment the HUBER Wash Press WAP/SL is an opti- gas yield of up to 104 Nm³ per day. As focus has previously been on on for sewage treatment plant opera- the produced digester gas is used to weight/volume reduction, which is up tors to take another step towards an operate a block heat andpower plant, to 70% with a WAP/SL, depending on energy self-sufficient wastewater more gas means also more energy DS content. Volume and weight treatment plant. If we take into and heat. The additionally produced reduction reduces both the volume of account the costs that can be saved power can be used on site or fed to screenings that require expensive through reduced disposal costs and the power network. Up to 15,000 disposal and the number of disposal the additional money that can be ear- euros per year can be saved in this transports required. But a holistic ned with the additional energy produ- way. evaluation of economic efficiency ced, the payback period of t he invest- HUBER Screenings Wash Press WAP/SL units with powerful high-turbulence The benefits of screenings treat- should also include the advantage of ment can significantly be revised washing for throughputs up to 12 m³/h installed in Finland ment with a WAP/SL Wash Press an increas ed yield of energy in the downward. IFAT Page 8 Page 9 IFAT


HUBER exhibits at IFAT 2012 from 7 to 11 May in hall A2, stand no. 333 Novelties and innovative products on the HUBER stand Our stand at the IFAT 2012 Innovative solutions to increase water and energy efficiency Climate change, demographic deve- trough the streets and annoying the d HUBER TrashMax® – a screen lopment and ever scarcer resources people living there. But the situation of the special kind including water have more and more is getting even more dramatic when They normally do their job unspecta- impact on water management. New both occur together. Bad smelling cularly on all of their 24-hour work challenges have to be met in the field sediments in sewers hide another days: Year by year, screens ensure of wastewater disposal, wastewater potential risk that however remains problem-free treatment of wastewa- treatment and treatment of the resi- invisible: They are perfect food for dual materials generated in these vermin and rats. That is why sewer ter on sewage treatment plants. It is processes. Particularly efficiency of cleaning is obligatory in Germany only possible to develop a screen resources and energy as well as ener- and is preferably carried out with which is sturdy enough to do this job gy recovery are aspects that have to high pressure. But due to their high if specialist knowledge in wastewater be taken into account when develo- fresh water demand these techni- engineering, many years of experi- ping intelligent and innovative future ques are not state-of-the-art any ence and the expertise of smart solutions. more. In addition, they lead to extre- design engineers are combined. The mely unhygienic working conditions. Membrane HUBER SE have responded to these new HUBER TrashMax® is a perfect Screens new challenges and developed seve- The newly developed HUBER Power result of such cross-discipline coope- technology ral innovative products. These care- Flush® is the technical solution that ration. fully designed solutions are easy to now defines the new state-of-the-art What is spectacular, however, are the technology. The HUBER Power Flush® Screenings and install and operate and provide high screen’s innovative details. Its high- economic efficiency whilst maintai- with its flushing gate removes not grit treatment quality design minimises the energy Industrial ning the high quality , long life and only existing sediments very reliably d demand of the screen rakes which technical standards for which HUBER but even prevents future sedimenta- solutions remove all coarse material contained is known. HUBER will present these tion. Due to this innovative solution Micro screens within the wastewater and are able to solutions and their complete range sewer flushing is even independent take up big volumes of material com- on 1,000 m2 booth area to the visi- of storm water impacts. In addition, tors of IFAT Entsorga 2012 which the frameless flushing gate has been pared to competitive products. takes place in Munich from 7 to 11 designed very carefully to prevent Even bulky objects are removed reli- May (hall A2, booth no. 333). the formation of plaits or tresses. ably and completely. Efficient and The special challenges the design reliable bar rack cleaning ensures engineers were faced with were to high operating reliability, the choice a HUBER smartMBR – a new ensure the system can be retrofitted of the right materials for the machine range in the service of water without interrupting sewer operation, recycling combined with its operation principle the stainless steel flushing gate can ensures that its reliability remains at In the world’s ever growing cities and b be used for all sewer sizes, and the the same high level for the complete in many touristic regions water shor- system can be operated even with a product life. Equipment tage is assumi ng alarming proporti- minimum of energy – and they have ons for the people living there. Reuse done excellent work and could solve for sewers of treated high-quality wastewater is all these problems. e HUBER Screw Press adds therefore the order of the day. Trea- value to sludge Green Building ted wastewater is frequently the only Service c a reliable source for service water as it HUBER TubeWin – for heat Sewage sludge is increasingly beco- is a resource of calculable availability. should not be flushed away ming the focus of energetic concepts when it comes to produce energy Limiting conditions are in most cases IMore and more municipalities realise from organic solids contained within limited space, expensive land, the the energy potential that is hidden in requirement of noiseless and odour- their wastewaters but runs off wastewater and excess microorga- less operation and use of treated through the sewer system and is lost nisms not only in the form of biogas. Energy from wastewater without any health risk. while they could perfectly use it to Careful separation of water and slud- wastewater The only modern wastewater treat- heat high-rise buildings or large ge is therefore required as first treat- ment system that is able to meet the- office buildings. That is why HUBER ment stage for later sludge drying e se requirements is the MBR system. successfully launched their RoWin and incineration. Already at this sta- HUBER have responded to this Heat Exchanger recently. The HUBER ge the demand for energy and opera- c demand with the launch of the RoWin Heat Exchanger is designed ting media decides about the ecologi- for installation outside the sewer sys- ‘smartMBR’ range of standardised cal and economic efficiency of tem. wastewater treatment & recycling downstream treatment steps. systems which provide cost-effective But in some cases there are limiting As the composition of wastewater and economical solutions for small factors which make this efficient out- can differ greatly, sewage sludge wastewater volumes. door installation impossible: limited Sludge behaves very differently when it is The smartMBR systems have been space, sewer situation, availability of mechanically dewatered. Many years treatment carefully designed so they are local heat utilisation. The HUBER of experience are necessary to deve- attractive looking and simple to engineers have responded to this lop technically mature high-perfor- install and operate, whilst maintai- situation and developed a modular mance products with a long life and ning the high quality and technical heat exchanger element to continue Stainless steel products standards for which HUBER have the triumphant success of ‘energy low demand for energy and chemi- been known for many years. The recovery from sewers’. cals which are able to meet the high smartMBR systems come in 6 stan- The HUBER TubeWin Heat Exchanger requirements of specific sludge pro- dard sizes, ranging in daily treatment can very easily be installed in the perties. On the basis of the HUBER capacity from 10 m3 to 74 m3. They sewer, irrespective of sewer shape Screw Press RoS 3Q which has been are intended for worldwide use in and diameter. It is continuously successful in the market and well apartment buildings, office buildings, immersed in wastewater whilst pre- known among sewage sludge experts hotels, etc. venting sewer clogging caused by for many years, HUBER have develo- The standardised systems offer best materials contained within the waste- ped the RoS 3Q 620 model which value, quick tra nsport and installati- water. The complete process of heat offers all the features for which on, and easy start-up. The units are exchange takes place in an intelligent HUBER screw presses are known and completely made of stainless steel to way inside t he sewer. The system in addition meets the demand for length can easily be extended to ensure high product quality and a simple maintenance in an optimal meet specific installation require- long product life.. way. ments. Furthermore, the RoS 3Q 620 model A heat pump ensures that the energy b excels for its high dewatering degree, HUBER Power Flush for plea- extracted from the wastewater flow is low operator attendance require- sant smelling sewers heated to a useful temperature of 35 The population is decreasing in some to 55 °C. Expensive energy from sho- ments and minimised power con- European cities, dry periods are las- wer and cooking wastewaters can be sumption. With its throughput capaci- ting longer and longer and occur returned to the heat cycle of the buil- ty of 100 to 300 kg DR per hour it is more and more often. Each of these ding. This is not only a benefit for the the optimal solution for all wastewa- factors alone can cause severe pro- environment but also easy on the ter treatment plants designed for up blems with unpleasant smells drifti ng purse of building ope rators. to 50,000 PE. Heating & Cooling with Wastewater Page 10

Continued from page 1: Recovery of heat from wastewater: HUBER TubeWin Heat Exchanger HUBER TubeWin Heat Exchanger already. The thermal energy contai- A heat pump works like a refrigerator ned within wastewater has previously just the other way round and using been lost for the residents of houses, the energy of wastewater instead of a flats and apartmens once the waste- cooling room to generate heat ener- water had disappeared in the depths gy with a temperature of 35 to 55 °C of the sewer system. This can be for the heating systems of houses. In avoided with the use of a HUBER this way up to 80% of the available TubeWin Heat Exchanger. With its energy originate from municipal was- tewater. Such heat recovery saves heat exchanger elements, which are money and protects the environ- Berching mounted directly on the sewer bot- ment, both substantial arguments tom, it is possible to transfer the high when it comes to the question of how thermal energy of municipal waste- to achieve climate policy goals. water to a carrier medium (usually water). This special technique achie- Another advantage is that the heat ves that the energy can be used by a exchanger elements do not need heat pump. extra space as they are installed Hot water is required in houses, apartments and public buildings all the year round. In addition to its use HUBER TubeWin Heat Exchanger in test operation for heating in winter hot water is required for showers, cooking and inside the sewer. The cooling water The optimised flow inside the modu- laundry washing throughout the who- pipes up to the heat pump are instal- les ensures that the flow coverse th le year. Even if excessive heat losses led underground and supply the entire surface and minimises pressu- to the environment can be prevented Ub pump with the required energy. Anot- re losses. The cooling water flow is through labour-intensive heat insula- her advantage is that several HUBER ideally adapted to the heat transfer tion of exterior facades and triple gla- TubeWin units can be installed in unit to ensure the constant transfer zing, an enormous amount of energy parallel or in seri es. The system can- of energy to the heat pump. still escapes through wastewater Ua not only be adapted to sewer shapes lines – energy which has been gene- All components are made of V4A but also to specific wastewater para- rated with the use of scarce resour- stainless steel for a long product life. meters. As all lines are inside the ces and precious fossil fuels, such as The use of a HUBER TubeWin Heat modules, sewer cross sections oil or gas. Exchanger represents a sustainable remain virtually unaffected. Due to and reliable solution of heat recovery A new approach must therefore be a HUBER TubeWin Heat their flat and compact design the from wastewater. Also this system found: Recycling solutions are requi- Exchanger installed in the heat exchanger modules can be can of course b e used all year round, red similar to how the waste manage- sewer installed in sewers as small as DN for heating and cooling. This is an ment sector has actively protected b Heat pump 1000. They get fully immersed even aspect which significantly increases the environment for many years with small flows. its economic efficiency additionally.

Leukerbad in Switzerland uses wastewater from thermal spa Start-up of the first tank mounted HUBER RoWin Heat Exchanger unit With this description and its breathta- sediments on the heat exchanger sur- fact that it is the first project for which added from an external energy sour- king mountain scenery the idyllic vil- faces and consequential decrease in the tank version of the HUBER RoWin ce the heat pump receives 750 kW lage of Leukerbad in the Swiss canton heat transfer. Heat Exchanger has been used. The with a temperature of about 20 ℃ Valais attracts thousands of guests heat exchanger modules are not and generates a heat output in HUBER has developed the RoWin every year, no matter whether they mounted in a stainless steel tank as excess of 1 MW which is available to Heat Exchanger particularly for such like winter sports or prefer hiking. But usual but directly in the concrete be used for heating purposes within problems. Its efficiency and reliability it was one sentence that attracted tank. It is therefore possible to install the Burgerbad spa. It is therefore not has already been proven impressive- the attention of Picatech HUBER: AG the modules underground. In this only the spa guests who profit from ly in several projects. Nevertheless, “… an impressive 3.9 million litres of case they are installed in a tank the heat from the thermal springs but 51 °C hot thermal water …” we still had to convince the Burger- below the parking area on the rear also the Burgerbad operators. bad spa operators in Leukerbad. The side of the spa. In order not to lose Such enormous volumes of water spa uses about 20 % of the thermal some of the parking area, the tank A natural energy source, all-year- with a very high temperature are ide- spring water to offer its guest superb has load-bearing covers. So, it is out Leukerbad round availability, heat exchangers al for the recovery of heat from was- relaxation in its wide choice of pools. of sight but thanks to its excellent installed in the outflow from the spa, tewater. Even if it is not municipal Although the thermal water loses performance certainly never out of a high coefficient of performance of wastewater with its typical pollu- some of its energy in the pools, it lea- mind. As the water flows from the the heat pump – this list of benefits tants, the spring water not only cools ves the spa with a temperature of building by gravity there is no need could certainly be continued. The down but contains also grease and oil more than 30 ℃. The fact that this for a pump to feed the heat Burgerbad operators realised how as well as skin particles from bathing temperature level is sufficient to exchangers, this saves energy and profitable it is to use heat recovered activities. Due to these pollutants ensure th e supply for a modern hea- significantly improves efficiency. from wastewater. Once this news has The small idyllic town Leukerbad and the wash water of the filter plants ting system shows the high energy spread beyond the Valais, Burgerbad is situated at 1,400 m in the conventional plate heat exchangers potential of these thermal springs. The optimised interconnection of will certainly not remain the only spa Swiss Alps of the canton Valais. It cannot be used. The risk of blocking both heat exchangers ensures an and clogging of the narrow channels What distinguishes the Burgerbad output of 450 kW from a wastewater that optim ises its energy balance is a skiing and holiday location would be too high, not to talk of the project from previous projects is the flow of 8 – 9 l/s. As about 300 kW are with a HUBER RoWin Heat Exchanger. with a natural thermal spring. The spring water is used in seve- ral therapeutic and recreation spas before it is discharged to the public sewer system where it arrives with a temperature hig- her than 30 °C. This temperature is ideal to use a HUBER RoWin Heat Exchanger.

Leukerbad is one of the largest spa & holiday reso rts in the Alps with the most beautiful thermal baths in Swit- zerland. Whether for a recreational weekend or a longer stay, everyone will enjoy the rejuvenating thermal water, rich in minerals, from moun- tain springs. Leukerbad offers its visi- tors on 365 days a year a wide range of facilities to match every taste. With an impressive 3.9 million litres of 51 °C hot thermal water streaming into the pools e very day Leukerbad has the most voluminous reserves of thermal water in the whole of Europe (source: www.leukerbad.ch). Thermal spa Burgerbad at Leukerbad in summer HUBER RoWin during installation Page 11 Heating & Cooling with Wastewater


Guaranteed heat transfer performance through automatic surface cleaning – a unique design to recover green energy HUBER RoWin Heat Exchangers are the solution in three projects for wastewater heat recovery in Switzerland energy. About 600 kW are in this way Heat input into the building: 1300 kW provided for the heating system. The plant is also used for cooling in sum- Max. process water flow: 42 l/s mer, extracting up to 600 kW from the building. ➤ Load case heating:

It is an ideal energy sink not only due extraction of heat from the to its far higher heat capacity but also building: 940 kW due to its tem perature of about 20 ℃. Winterthur Max. heat input into receiving All-year-round utilisa-tion and high water: 940 kW coefficients of performance of the heating/cooling machine guarantee Max. amount of process water: 17 high saving potentials so that invest- l/s ment costs pay off soon. Planned has been commissioned in April 2011. Utilisation of heat from Every plant our customers buy contri- wastewater in the thermal spa butes substantially to achieving CO2 Technical data: Burgerbad at Leukerbad reduction goals. Here are some examples of such projects: ➤ 2 RoWin Heat Exchanger units Burgerbad is the biggest alpine RoWin Heat Exchanger size 8 installed in the second basement of the Wintower thermal spa in Europe and uses a ➤ 1 HUBER Pumping Stations building at Winterthur Utilisation of heat from wastewa- HUBER RoWin Heat Exchange to ter for the Wintower high-rise Screen RoK 4 and 58 °C, or how it is cooled by It is therefore an obvious solution to optimise its energy balance. Read the building at Winterthur Operating parameters: about 8 °C by the H UBER RoWin Heat utilise the HUBER RoWin Heat detailed article on page 10 to get the full story. 22.000 m² is about the size of three Exchanger? About 1,200 kW of Exchangers in summer to cool the ➤ Load case heating: football fields but is also the floor spa- energy (cooling capacity) is available circulation water. This can be Other projects for wastewater ce of the 28 storeys of the Wintower to heat the production halls and achieved by introducing the cooling Max. 480 kW extraction of heat heat utilisation in process in Winterthur, Switzerland. It is a real offices in a wood processing industry. water extracted from the nearby river from the wastewater The production plant operates 24 heating technology challenge to cool to the secondary circuit of the same ➤ Chemical production such a building in summer (= additio- 585 kW heat input into the hours, its circulation water contains a heat exchangers (= additional lot of wood fibres and critical nal benefit) and heat it in cold winter building benefit). So, the huge waste heat ➤ Potatoe processing industry aggregates. Every type of heat months. About 600 kW heating ener- potential can be used to heat exchanger tested before had the ➤ Thermal spa gy is needed in winter. The HUBER ➤ Load case cooling: buildings in winter and guarantee ThermWin® system was installed and problem that its surface got almost constant product quality in summer. ➤ Muncipal wastewater upstream successfully put into operation at the 600 kW extraction of heat from completely blinded within a very Under economic aspects, there and downstream of a WWTP beginning of this year. the building short time. It turn ed out that only the HUBER RoWin Heat Exchanger with should be a strong incentive for the ➤ Sea water An amount of approximately 50 l/s Max. 840 kW heat input into the automatic surface cleaning and use of this system. wastewater wastewater is take n from the sewer solids removal is able to ensure the ➤ Paper production and pre-treated in a ROTAMAT® Pum- reliable utilisation of waste heat. Technical data: ➤ Wastewater volume: Max. 50 l/s ping Stations Screen RoK4, size Basic tests over several weeks ➤ 2 RoWin B Heat Exchanger units ➤ Slaughterhouse wastewater 4,700/3. Two submersible pumps proved that the exchanger surfaces Planned Utilisation of heat from (tank design) deliver the water to the two RoWin wastewater in a wood processing are perfectly cleaned every day and The HUBER ThermWin® system with Heat Exchangers size 8 installed in industry encrustation is reliably prevented. In Operating parameters: the RoWin Heat Exchanger in a tank the cellar of the Wintower. Heat summer, however, the circulation or as a submerged version for sewers transfer to the cooling medium takes Can you imagine how much heat water sometimes reaches a ➤ Load case heating: offers new solutions for the recovery place inside the heat exchangers. energy is hidden in a flow of 150 m3/h temperature of up to 58 °C, which is a of heat from wastewater and for The medium is heated and supplies process-internal circulation water critical range t hat can have a Max. heat extraction from cooling media that have been the heat pump with the necessary with a temperature between 50 °C negative impact on product quality. wastewater: 1000 kW impossible previously.

Optimal flexibility with Complete Plants Effective and sustainable flushing of sewers: HUBER Power Flush® over the course of time. There are a cleaning storage and retention number of reasons for sedimentation sewers of combined sewer systems. on the sewer base: Regular retention Today, sewer flushing is again a well- combined with a slow flow velocity proven method to clean sewers and especially in combined sewer sys- storage structures but available solu- tems leads to sedimentation of mate- tions and strategies differ considera- rial which may contain also a huge bly in terms of technical and econo- amount of organic material. The sub- mic efficiency. sequent reduced sewer cross section Berching impairs system efficiency. Negative In Germany, sewers are usually high- effects are the increase of stormwa- pressure cleaned. This method is also ter overflow quantity discharged into called an emergency strategy and the receiving water courses, high consumes a lot of energy and fresh peak loads arriving at the wastewater water. Furthermore, it is carried out treatment p lant and sewer damage under unhygienic working conditions, Sediments in sewers are one of the caused by wrong handling of high- lacks the preventive aspect of avoi- ding sedimentation and involves a major problems with the operation of pressure cleaners. But the sediments Flushing gate optimally adjustable to any sewer shape dewatering systems. Organic and need to be removed to re-establish high risk of damaging sewer walls or the efficiency of sewers. A number of connections if applied improperly. To inorganic sediments settle on the ➤ Regular flushing using the dry for very different sewer shapes and measures are known to solve the pro- ensure reliable system operation wit- sewer bottom during dry weather or weather flow even complex operation conditions blem. These solutions differ techni- hout sedimentation in the long run, flushing of stormwater retention and hydraulic requirements. Various sewers, with very negati ve conse- cally and in terms of economic effi- the innovative HUBER Power Flush® ➤ Frameless flushing gate without designs for different sewer profiles quences. Efficient sewer flushing ciency. Although even the ancient has been developed for operators of an invert step and nominal diameters have well pro- ensures lasting prevention of such Romans had used flushing to sewer systems and sewers with sto- sediments. clean their Cloaca Maxima (literally rage capacity and overflow. The ➤ Possibility of submerging the ven their suitability in practice. ‘greatest sewer’) in Rome, it was only patented sewe r flushing system gates Cleaning of sewers and stormwater at the end of the seventies when this allows for complete removal of sedi- The fully automatic electrical control retention sewers has been gaining in method was recovered as the Ger- ments in sewers and even prevention ➤ Easy retrofitting without any unit used is tailored to specific local importance recently. Sediments on man standards A 128 of the German of potential future sedimentation. interruption of sewer operation requirements to guarantee maxi- the sewer base will harden and the Association for Water, Wastewater The installation of flushing gates mum system efficiency. Specific ope- material layers grow more and more and Waste (DWA) were introduced for based on the principle of sewer flush- ➤ Suitable for any sewer cross rating parameters are defined toget- ing is an effective solution to solve section her with planners and operators and the sedimentation problem. HUBER can be changed any time to optimise flushing gates are designed to gene- ➤ No additional or special manholes the process without the need to inter- required rate the required flush water volume ru pt system operation. by impounding the water before ope- ➤ Minimum energy demand ning quickly to free the total sewer The HUBER Power Flush® is a econo- cross section and allow the powerful The main component of the system is mical and ecological solution which flush water wave to remove the sedi- the flushing gate which is designed maintains the hydraulic capacity of ments due to its high flow velocity. and intended even for larger nominal sewers, reduces the frequency of Sediments in the gate area are also overflow events and thus protects removed due to the formation of a diameters and can normally be instal- waters. It also prevents other negati- downsurge wave. The special featu- led without the need for structural ve effects, such as high peak loads res of the HUBER Power Flush® sys- alterations, without additional instal- tem: lation openings or special manholes, arriving at the wastewater treatment and without any interruption of sewer plant and odour annoyance, and ➤ Sewer flushing independent of operation. This new system without minimises energy consumption and Flushing gate installed in a rectangular storage sewer storm events an invert step is suitable to be used costs. Filtration & ReUse Page 12

HUBER wastewater treatment solution for about 120,000 people STP Sovetsk – Largest MBR plant in Russia relies on VRM® technology the plant with its innovative MBR water is discharged to the river technology will treat the wastewater Neman without any prior treatment. of about 120,000 residents (26,000 To meet the high Russian effluent m³/d) in and around Kaliningrad. standards one of the most innovative Presently Kaliningrad is still unchar- sewage treatment plants in Russia ted territory as far as wastewater will be built at Kanliningrad in the treatment is concerned, there is only next two years. As a system supplier one pumping station from old Soviet for the complete mechanical pre- Sovetsk times. The major part of the waste- treatment and filtration equipment,

Two ROTAMAT® Complete Plants Ro 5 270 l/s, one ROTAMAT® Sludge Accep- tance Plant Ro 3.1, one COANDA Grit Washer RoSF 4 size 2, and the unbe- lievable number of 24 HUBER VRM® Building site 30/640 units with in total 92,160 m² membrane surface, these are the key including additional aggregates and participation in the overall process data of the new MBR plant in Sovetsk. electrical control systems, HUBER we take on additional responsibility Since summer 2011 work has been going on at full speed on site, with the has moved up into the league of sup- and provide the customer with addi- cooperati on of our project partner, to pliers for large-scale MBR projects. tional value in respect of process erect this most modern municipal HUBER has also been commissioned safety. We will report in detail about sewage treatment plant ever built in to provide the hydraulic layout of the this project after completion and Russia. After its completion in 2013 Wastewater pumping station, previous installation filtration chambers. Through active start-up.

Continued from page 1: The increasing importance of containerised units worldwide HUBER BioMem® plants in decentralised applications – installation examples The HUBER BioMem® filtration unit is attached special importance to care- is scheduled for May 2012. The plan- may be contained within the waste- a static module consisting of ultrafil- ful briefing of the operating staff on ned hourly throughput, which is water flow. In addition, the pH value Barbados tration membrane cassettes in a site to ensure the stable plant opera- taken as a partial flow from producti- is corrected in the buffer tank. The stainless steel casing. The integrated tion in the long run. The MBR plant on, is 0.65 m3/h. The average organ- wastewater is then pumped into the has been designed for nitrification as sc ouring air system for membrane ic BOD5 load is approximately 3,000 MBR plant with a DS concentration of surface cleaning comes with the requested by the customer. 8 g/l and finally treated by the HUBER mg/l. The wastewater to be treated is necessary connecting fittings. Lifting BioMem® filtration unit with ultrafil- The HUBER BioMem® filtration unit is pre-screened with a 0.5 mm ROTA- eyes are provided for easy installati- tration membranes. The plant opera- installed in a separate membrane on on site. Here is a selection of refe- tors are happy that they can directly chamber downstream of the bio- rence installations: reuse the treated wastewater for tank. As industrial plants frequently cleaning in the production buildings. Brasil have to cope with hydraulic peaks Beverage factory in Barbados Membrane technology is the perfect and greatl y varying inlet concentrati- process technology solution for them. This is an industrial application of a ons, the aeration tank is fed from a buffer tank which is big enough to HUBER BioMem® Compact MBR sys- Municipal application in Croatia tem with 250 m² total membrane sur- ensure the flow to the plant is con- face on the Caribbean island Barba- stant and continuous throughout the The HUBER BioMem® plant is desig- dos, at a small production site of the day. Two fixed installed pumps deliver ned for 500 PE and will clarify the world-famous Coca Cola company. the activated sludge mix into the wastewater of a small village in Istria, The hourly throughput is 2.5 to 3.5 membrane chamber from where the in the north-western part of Croatia - m3/h, depending on production capa- supernatant liquor flows back into the a typical decentralized application. city utilisation. The plant was put into aeration tank by gravity. The return Due to tighter legislation the plant operation by a HUBER service specia- sludge ratio has been set to 3:1 which Kroatien must both achieve high reduction is the usual r atio for MBR plants. Plant list at the end of November 2010. We rates related to nitr ogen elimination operation has been stable since start- and meet increased hygiene stan- up and other projects are presently in dards. Required and guaranteed the execution phase. Marathopolis energy values must strictly be met Large building development in and are continuously monitored by Greece local authorities. MAT® Micro Strainer Ro 9 and the pre- The first HUBER BioMem® plant in The HUBER BioMem® system has well Uc Uc screened wastewater collected in a Uf Greece was installed and put into buffer tank (due to varying inflows). proven its perfect suitability for MBR operation at Marathopolis in Septem- plant sizes from 100 to 2,500 PE and ber 2010. The plant with 125 m2 Pre-screening also protects the mem- is used in more and more applications Ue membrane surface is designed for branes against coarse material that worldwide. the wastewater of 150 employees of a nearby hotel. The daily flow to the Ud plant is season-dependent and ran- ges from 15 to 30 m3. Different ope- Ua ration concepts are applied to meet the requirements of varying flow rates from the building development: In times of low loads the plant is ope- rated as a combination of a SBR plant and downstream filtration unit. With Ub peak flows the plant is operated as a Ua conventional MBR plant with upstre- Uf am denitrifiation followed by nitrifica- tion and downstre am filtration. The operating staff of the neighbour hotel takes care of the MBR plant with VRM® membrane unit including ope- rational checks twice a week. a Mounting frame for filtration units b Connection for scouring air to clean the membranes Washing and cleaning agent industry in Brazil c Lifting eyes d Filtration module Another industrial membrane plant e Permeate collection pipe with HUBER BioMem® modules for f Holders for lateral guide rods wastewater treatment has been installed in a company in Brazil which produces washing and cleaning The individual components together make up the filtration unit. agents. Start-up of this 125 m² plant WWTP Barbados Page 13 Filtration & ReUse


InBev, Planta Sur – Maximum efficiency on a small footprint Leading global brewer buys its first HUBER MBR plant peya in Buenos Aires is their largest on work was required. production for lemonades, such as Pepsi, 7up, , Paso de los Toros The MBR solution has not only tech- and waters of different flavours. A nological but also marketing advan- total production of 25,000 hectolitres tages as InBev Planta Sur as a mem- is achieved with 10 bottling lines, ber in a support program of the Envi- these are 1.1 million units per day. ronmental Agency of Buenos Aires show that improved technologies and Increasing wastewater volumes and processes are not only a means to Löwen higher environmental standards for- achieve more efficient and economi- ced InBev Planta Sur in 2011 to think cal production but can also protect about a new wastewater treatment the environment. We prepared our solution. Besides, a part of their pre- offer in cooperation with our sales mises where their old wastewater partner Serviur and submitted it to treatment plant is installed has been the end customer at the end of April declared a protected nature reserve 2011. We offered two VRM® 30 / 480 With a sales volume of about 400 mil- units, redundant permeate and recir- lion hectolitres Anheuser-Busch as it lies very close to a river. They culation pumps, blowers for scouring InBev based in Löwen, Belgium, is the could therefore not build larger addi- worldwide leading brewery group. tional wastewater treatment systems The company is one of the five lar- to handle the high volume of meanwhile 1,440 m3/d but had to use gest producers of consumer goods The two VRM® 30 / 480 units during installation into the membrane chambers with about 114,000 employees wor- mainly existing tanks. king for them in more than 23 coun- air and biological treatment and VRM® chamber by gravity due to the It soon was clear that membrane tries, 2,800 of them in Germany. Their membrane aerators including equip- low geodetic altitude and wide dis- technology would be the best availa- portfolio includes 200 brands in more ment installation and commissioning. tance between the VRM® chamber ble soluti on to meet environmental than 100 countries, among them are The customer finally placed the order and biological treatment system. The standards even on a small footprint. the global premium brands Beck’s, with HUBER and Serviur at the begin- VRM® chamber is therefore fed from When the biological HUBER system Stella Artois and Budweiser. With its ning of August 2011. the three bio-tanks by means of the was designed with a higher MLSS of products Anheuser-Busch InBev is customer’s pumps and a distribution 12 g/l and planning of the associated The total membrane surface of the number one or two in 19 key markets system. Also the flow from the VRM® equipment units was completed it HUBER system of 5760 m2 and its worldwide, in more than any other chamber to the biological system is turned out that even the previous throughput of 60 m3/h provides for a brewery group. returned by pumps. These pumps aeration tank volume of 1,590 m3 is net flux of 11.45 l/m²/h which can have been supplied by HUBER. Planta Sur in Barrio Porteño de Pom- sufficient and no substantial extensi- temporarily be doubled if service or cleaning work needs to be done. It The plant was installation and com- was a special request of the customer Outlet concentration Outlet concentration Reduction missioned in January and February Parameter Inlet concentration that the VRM® 30 / 480 should be able (NOMINAL) (ACTUAL) (ACTUAL) 2012 and soon achieved the required to filter the total volume flow of 60 effluent quality. This project shows m3/h even during plant maintenan- COD 3750 mg/l 104 mg/l 35 mg/l > 99.0 % that customers rely on our extensive ce. Also the permeate pumps have therefore been designed to ensure 30 experience in the field of brewery BOD 1389 mg/l 28 mg/l 5 mg/l > 99.6 % to 60 m3/h can be covered. wastewater treatment and adds another outstanding reference instal- TSS 200 mg/l 1 mg/l 0 mg > 99.9 % Another special feature of this project lation to our large number of refe- is that it is not possible to feed the rence projects.

Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen Cooling water screening – Pump station Überackern, Austria


Founded in 1914, the Wacker Chemie in the fifties. It is operated by AG works at Burghausen is the most WACKER Germany and delivers coo- Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen important production site of Wacker- ling water from the river Mühlbach to Chemie and biggest chemical indus- their Burghausen site. Previously, nings separated from the river water industrial concerns, such as Wacker, try location in Bavaria. On more than three treatment lines were installed were discharged to a trough behind BASF, InfraServ, Thyssen Krupp, two square kilometres plant grounds there, each consisting of a coarse the fine screen and removed manual- SASOL, SSAB, RWE, Bayer, etc. about 10,000 employees manufactu- screen (40 mm wire rope type ly. This step has been automated with re some thousand different products screen) and fine bar screen (2 mm the installation of two HUBER ROTA- Screens installed: in about 150 production plants. The travelling chain screen) for water MAT®-Screw Conveyor Ro 8t units for Burghausen site is located 110 km treatment. As too much silt passed the removal of max. 3 m³/h scree- ➤ 3 HUBER EscaMax® screens, size east of Munich near the Austrian bor- through the two scre en stages espe- nings and their transport over about 7000 / 1752 / 3 mm 17 metres. der, in the Bavarian Chemical Trian- cially in autumn, the coarse screens ➤ Maximum throutghput per screen: gle. Several pump stations extract were replaced by 15 mm telescope The treatment of river / surface water 2,200 m³/h almost the total cooling water requi- type unit at the beginning of 2010. for process / cooling / drinking water red from the nearby river Salzach and ➤ Screenings transport: 2 HUBER the Alz Canal. Recently, also the fine screens were production requires sturdy and reliab- ROTAMAT® le screens. HUBER screens of the replaced by HUBER perforated plate Scre w Conveyors Ro 8t The low pressure pump station Über- screens with 3 mm aperture to furt- MAX and STEP SCREEN® family have ackern on the Austrian side was built her improve the situation and achie- well proven in similar projects and are ➤ Screenings transport capacity: successfully applied by renowned 3 m³/h

Fine screen system before replacement work ve an increased retention of pollu- tants with the result of reduced cleaning requirements for the downstream heat exchangers. Due to the positive experience with HUBER machines over many years, the cus- tomer relied on us and ordered three HUBER EscaMax® screens, size 7000 / 1752 / 3 mm.

Since June 2010, these screens have reliably extracted water from the 3 HUBER EscaMax® screens, size 7000 / 1752 / 3 mm river Mühlbach. Previou sly, the scree- Automated screenings removal Green Building Page 14

Continued from page 1: HUBER are proud to announce the launch of a new range of innovative MBR systems - The new generation of water recycling systems for buildings install and operate, whilst maintai- “We are very excited about the ning the high build quality and tech- launch of this product range” says nical standards for which HUBER is HUBER CEO Georg Huber. “Many known. cities are already running out of water, and this situation will get The smartMBR systems come in 6 much worse in the coming years. The standard sizes, ranging in daily treat- smartMBR range provides a user ment capacity from 10m3/day to 3 friendly and visually attractive soluti- 75m /day. They can treat conventio- on. These features are important to nal wastewater to produce clean, city dwellers. It also allows the imple- odour free and safe recycled water. mentation of water recycling on a This can then be used (subject to step by step basis, which th e reality Berching local regulations) for non-drinking of financial and practical constraints uses such as irrigation, toilet flush- requires.” ing, cooling tower make-up and water features. Whilst the distinctive clean Technical Details: design is already setting a new indus- try standard in visual appearance, The units are of full stainless steel this can be further enhanced by the construction to ensure they are Hotel entrance HUBER are proud to announce the use of graphics to enable a customer strong enough to cope with the launch of a new range of innovative to decorate the units to their require- bumps of transportation, and a long MBR systems to provide recycled ments. This allows customers to visu- operating life. All components and water solutions for large buildings ally blend the units into the back- electrical cabling are pre-installed at within the worlds ever growing cities. ground if they wish, however it equal- our factory. The side mounted ancilla- They are intended for use in hotels, ly allows customers to promote their ries unit is located inside the tank for shopping malls, apartment buildings efforts in sustainable operations or safety during transport. Once the etc, and so the smartMBR systems put the clean area on the side of the smartMBR is on site, the ancillaries have been carefully designed so they unit to use by displaying signage or unit is simply removed from inside are attractive looking and simple to site maps etc. the tank, and fixed onto the side of the tank with 4 bolts. Services con- nections are quickly and easily made via twist lock connectors or multi-pin electrical connectors and unit is rea- dy to go within about 1 hour.

When routine cleaning of the mem- branes is required, this has been made as clean and easy as possible for the service personnel. The mem- brane unit has been designed so the lifting points and the mounting bra- ckets are all raised up above the acti- vated sludge level. An optional porta- ble gantry crane will also be offered with the units to allow lifting out of the membrane units for routine cleaning.

The smartMBR range will be formally launched at IFAT Entsorga 2012 which takes place in Munich during Typical hotel installation May. Examples of smartMBR units decorated with graphics

HUBER MBR solution for 5-star luxury hotel Wastewater treatment solution for five-star hotel Xanadu Island belongs to the famous Xanadu chain offering an All Inclusive concept with High Class service.

This project has posed new challen- ges to us: The plant had to fit into an existing building and a narrow time frame had to be observed. The custo- mer wanted to have the work com- pleted before the start of the summer holiday season in May this year. To make sure our proposal would opti- Xanadu Island mally meet the customer’s require- ments we had to find out about his specific needs, so we travelled to Tur- key still in December and discussed In December 2010 HUBER SE recei- the west coast of Turkey. It is situated the project with the customer toget- The core component of the HUBER VRM® 20/300 dangling over the Aegaen Sea ved the order to supply a MBR plant on a private peninsula, amids t beau- her with our Turkish sales representa- including a preliminary screen for the tiful gardens and flowered courtyards tive and representatives of the plan- built at the same time. During this ter a day. The treated water can be Xanadu Island Resort. The Xanadu and surrounded by the deep blue ning office BYOSIS from Ankara. phase HUBER was in cons tant con- used as high-quality process water. Island resort is a prestigious and water of the Aegean Sea. This tact with the planning office and the This early meeting has greatly facili- Due to the good cooperation bet- exclusive five-star all suite hotel at enchanting and elegant resort responsible representatives of the tated the further execution ofe th ween HUBER and the plant operators Turkish hotel owner AGRON Turizm. project because we learned a lot of the optimal plant performance has The close contact made it easy and useful facts and could take these into been achieved already during the uncomplicated to get quick decisi- account in our project planning right ons. run-in phase and could be maintai- from the beginning. HUBER supplied ned in later routine operation. the first two VRM® 20/300 units in Plant commissioning took place April 2011, these were immediately immediately after completed installa- Effluent values meet the expectati- built into the new filtration chambers tion. Both installation and commissio- ons and requirements of a five-star which have been integrated in the ning were executed by our experi- hotel. The hotel operators use the basement of the operational building. enced fitters and start-up engineers. treated wastewater to irrigate lawns Two weeks after the first delivery the They also explained to the hotel staff and palm groves around the hotel. next two VRM® 20/300 plants and two ho w to operate the plant. The plant With its product portfolio HUBER SE is ROTAMAT ® Micro Strainer Ro9 E 300/3 could be put into operation in time for perfectly prepared to meet the requi- units for wastewater pre-screening the new holiday season. At first, re ments of tourism industries as well arrived at the hotel. Also these ultra- during the low season, only three of filtration plants and screens were the VRM® 20/300 units were opera- as the regulations of authorities, installed immediately after delivery. ted. Now as the occupancy rate has especially in areas with very little pre- The biological treatment system increased all four units are in operati- cipitation but a high water demand or The pool area of the Xandada Island resort including the complete pipework was on and treat 1,200 m³ hotel wastewa- with a nature that is worth protection. Page 15 Green Building


Saniresch project Innovative HUBER MBR system for wastewater treatment The comprehensive renovation of the membrane bioreactor. An ultrafiltrati- GIZ headquarters in Eschborn carried on module with 38 nm separation out from 2004 to 2006 included a size is used for filtration in the MBR concept for the separate collefction o tank. Via a pump the permeate is the different wastewater flows in hou- sucked off through the membranes se no. 1 (GIZ headquarters, pic. 1). with some underpressure (approx. 60 Under the SANIRESCH project (SANI- mbar) and stored in a tank to be used taryRecyclingESCHborn) HUBER sup- as service water. Continuous intro- plies, among others, the wastewater duction of scouring air below the Eschborn treatment plants for the production of membrane modules prevents clog- service water from greywater. Due to ging of the membrane surface. its innovative character the project is supported by the Federal Ministry for The plastic tanks are customized Education and Research (BMBF) (fun- units perfectly tailored to meet speci- ding no. 02WD0952).The wastewater fic customer requirements, and they flows from kitchens, wash hand are odour-tight. To ensure as pro- basins and wash water sinks in the blem-free as possible plant operati- Under the SANIRESCH project, sup- GIZ building (wash water without fae- on, for the first time a telecontrol sys- ported by the Federal Ministry for ces) are collected separately and Education and Research (BMBF), the treated in a mechanical pre-treat- wastewater treatment solution instal- ment unit and the innovative MBR led at the headquarters of the Ger- system. 38 washing and wash hand Picture 3: Membrane ultrafiltration unit man Society for International Coope- basins and 8 dish washing machines ration (GIZ) in Eschborn collects indi- are connected to the greywater line, All operating data are recorded on is increasing worldwide, particularly vidual wastewater flows separately. with a volume of 350 l greywater to the data logger and can be read via in arid regions such as the United Due to the very high clarification effi- be treated per day. The following remote transmission if required. This Arab Emirates. With certified buil- ciency of the innovative HUBER MBR modular components are installed allows for exact operation control and dings property owners benefit from system used to treat the greywater, early identification of trends, an (MBR greywater treatment plant, pic. an improved image and low operati- the high-quality effluent can be used increase in transmembrane pressure 2): on costs in addition to the conse- for irrigation or toilet flushing. The for example. quent sustainability they achieve. HUBER MBR system uses membrane ➤ Aerated Intermediate storage ultrafiltration membranes with 38 nm tank with preceding screen (3 mm First test results have shown a high Additional information about the pro- separation size. mesh) cleaning efficiency and proven the stable operation of the plant. Average ject is provided on www. saniresch.de ➤ Membrane Bioreactor with COD elimination is presently 95%. and www.facebook.de/saniresch. submerged HUBER ultrafiltration The membrane ultrafiltration unit module in a plastic tank reliably retains solids, bacteria and Project Data ➤ Permeate / service water storage virtually all viruses (membrane ultra- Technical Data: tank filtration unit, pic. 3). The produced permeate meets the microbiological ➤ Electric measuring and automatic ➤ Bio-system volume: maximum EC quality standards for bathing control devices including remote Picture 2: MBR greywater treatment 0.5 m³ waters. Due to its excellent quality data transmission (incl. fault plant the permeate can be used for toilet ➤ Membrane surface: 3.5 m² indication via SMS) and flushing and irrigation. This improves telecontrol tem is used in addition to the normal ➤ Separation size: 38 nm the water efficiency of buildings. The mechanical pre-treatment unit, a remote data transmission including ➤ Membrane material: PES 3 mm screening element, removes fault messages via SMS. Operation If they can prove a sustainable practi- coarse material (hairs for example) statuses can be read from a remote ce in water use, they can obtain envi- Operating parameters: prior to the MBR treatment process. central station and parameters adap- ronmental certificates as proof of the ➤ Flow rate: 350 l/d The pre-screened wastewater is inter- ted accordingly if necessary. This value added to their buildings. The ➤ DS content: 3 - 6 g/l Picture 1: GIZ headquarters at mediately stored in a tank from whe- reduces potential standstill times and interest of banks, investors and users Eschborn re it is pumped batchwise into the service requirements to a minimum. of especially water-efficient buildings ➤ BDS ≤ 0.1 kg COD/(kg DS*d)

Hotel Fuchsbräu at Beilngries, Germany uses recycled greywater for toilet flushing The idea of sustainability around the German average con- ted historical seminar house, they sumption, which is a rather low level. built in the most advanced home Especially tourism industry attaches automation for energy and great importance to the idea of sus- water/wastewater. Warm water is tainability with the use of water delivered by a solar energy plant and because they have an economic they use geothermal heat and also benefit from saving water. The inno- heat recovered from exhaust air. In Beilngries vations applied in the tourism branch addition, greywater is recycled inter- not only on the energy sector but also nally. for water use can serve as example solutions for densely populated are- The wastewater from the wash hand as. basins and showers in the hotel rooms (20 of in total 75) is collected The town Beilngries with a population Greywater recycling with HUBER via a separate pipeline system. The of about 8,750 is a touristic centre in MCB the middle of the nature park Alt- collected greywater is passed to bio- mühltal in Bavaria. The historic town The four-star hotel Fuchsbräu in logical treatment followed by mem- has region-wide water supply and Beilngries with indoor swimming brane filtration. The MBR plant instal- wastewater disposal systems accor- pool, sauna and seminar house (pic. led in the basement of the hotel buil- ding to German standards. Drinking 6) has already won several awards. ding consists of several components Four-star hotel Fuchsbräu in Beilngries, Germany (Fuchsbräu 2011) water of excellent quality is always When they modernised their hotel which have been tailored to meet the available in this region. The specific from 2008 to 2010, especially the lis- hotel’s specific requirements: ➤ Aerated intermediate storage during the test period in October and water consumption of private house- tank with preceding HUBER November 2011 are presented in screen (3 mm mesh) table 1. holds in the municipality ranges Berliner Merkblatt 1) Service water/ ➤ Membrane bioreactor with Since the beginning of 2011 the Parameter (limit values of MBR effluent submerged HUBER ultrafiltration treated greywater is fed into the RL 76/160/EWG) 2) (Hotel Fuchsbräu) unit (type MCB 3 with 21 m2 service water network and used as membrane surface) toilet flushing water in the hotel BOD < 5 mg/l (-) < 4 mg/l rooms. Consequent use of the high- ➤ Storage tank with automatic quality service water for hotel drinking water feeding Oxygen saturation > 50% (80-120%) > 100% operations sustainably reduces ➤ Electric measuring and drinking water consumption. autom atic control devices Total coliforms < 100/ml (100) < 1/ml Technical Data: including fault indication via SMS n.n. below limits of The quality of the treated greywater ➤ Aeration tank volume: maximum E-Coli - detection meets the microbiological 1.500 l requirements of the EC standards for n.n. below limits of ➤ Filtration unit: 1 x MCB 3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa < 1/ml (-) bathing waters RL 76/160/EWG detection ➤ Membranfläche: 10,5 m² (1975). As the permeate is free of Quality standards for toilet flushing water and permeate quality (random particles and odourless it meets the Operating parameters: samples taken during the test period October and November 2011, hotel high aesthetic quality expected by ➤ Flow rate: 750-1.960 l/d HUBER greywat er recycling plant Fuchsbräu, Beilngries, Germany) hotel guests and owners. The quality ➤ Dry substance: 5 g/l installed in the basement of the 1) Berliner Merkblatt, 1995 2) Limit values for bathing waters according to RL standards for toilet flushing water hotel, and technical data 76/160/EWG and the permeate quality achieved ➤ BDS ≤ 0.1 kg COD/(kg DS *d) Stainless Steel Equipment / Global Service Page 16

Hygienic high-quality drinking water for consumers Protection of drinking water, our most important resource out by gravel filters. Further treat- with filters [DVGW worksheet W 300, ment is not necessary. The water is Bonn, June 2005]. To make sure the delivered to the supply network via required drinking water quality can reservoirs as and when required. Cus- still be guaranteed, Vereinigte Stadt- tomers are at any time supplied with werke GmbH decided to replace their the amount of water they n eed. old technical equipment. About 12 million litres of drinking water a day flow through the 756 kilo- Together with HUBER and Bielfeldt Metallbau GmbH a solution has been Ahrensburg Mölln metres long network to the con- nected households. developed which ensures the reliable removal of small, unhygienic parti- In cooperation with Bielfeldt Metall- cles: a filter for suspended matter bau GmbH in Ahrensburg and HUBER with preceding fine dust filter to SE, Vereinigte Stadtwerke GmbH increase the life of the filter cell. have planned, dimensioned and To eliminate damage to the structure installed a HUBER Air Filter Plant caused by high overpressure or L361. A respiration process results underpressure, the plant has been from the varying water levels in the de signed for 400 Pa maximum pres- Drinking water in Germany must clear water reservoir for which reser- sure difference and a safety valve meet the high quality requirements voireration a and deaeration is requi- has been integrated in the air line. of the German Drin king Water Ordi- red. Special solutions have been developed due to space constraints nance which specifies the permissi- Due to scarce space and to meet the ble limits for the substances contai- The ambient air contains a number of customer’s request for an attack-pro- ned within water. The four water particles and contaminants from of, lockable, side-hinged louvre, we works in the supply area of the muni- natural processes, such as erosion or have developed a special solution cipal utility Vereinigte Stadtwerke decomposition of organisms, and together with the operators. from human activities, such as agri- GmbH supply hygienic high-quality The air filter plant and air line, inclu- culture or industry. Dust and various drinking water to their customers. ding the connection plates and lou- organisms (spores, pollen, fungi, The water quality is regularly control- vres, have been designed to ensure led by an independent laboratory in etc.) may enter the drinking water that aeration and dea eration is achie- coordination with the local health reservoir via the respiration process. ved with one plant for both reservoir authorities. During reservoir operation all these chambers. The customer still has the particles wouettleld s on the wall, cei- option to install a second air filter The water comes exclusively from ling and water surface. Due to con- plant later without the need for much natural groundwater resources and is densation of water on the tank walls structural alteration. treated to drinking water quality in they would be a danger for water the four water works. Oxygenation is quality. German DVGW standards The future-proof investment guaran- applied to oxidise the iron and man- therefore demand that the openings tees the supply of hygienic drinking ganese naturally contained in the for tank ventilation must be pro- water for all consumers also in the soil. The generated flocks are filtered tected with screens and equipped future. Air line with safety valve

Competent service for optimal plant operation and operating costs HUBER Global Service HUBER Spare Parts Service our qualified service technicians.

Our service team in Germany is avai- HUBER Training Service lable with advice and support in the selection of the best original spares A well-briefed operating staff is a pre- or wear parts for your machine. A lar- requisite for ideal and economical ge stock holding guarantees high plant operation. Whether you want to availability of essential spare parts improve the knowledge o f your staff for your HUBER products. or train new employees, we offer tai- lor-made workshops both on site or in HUBER Repair Service our HUBER service centre in Ber- ching. Berching Prompt and expert repairs minimise expensive down time. The highly fle- Service makes the difference xibly HUBER service team with their professional competence provides We offer an extensive product- everything required to allow for per- accompanying service for all your fect equipment operation, whether consumables, degree of wear, etc., HUBER Plant Refurbishing Ser- HUBER machines and plants during on site or in the HUBER factory. often leads to the result that a signifi- vice their product life cycle. cantly improved plant efficiency Superior technology systems require HUBER Maintenance Service could be achieved through equip- It may often be more cost effective to Don’t hesitate to contact us! optimal operation if you want to ment optimisation. We provide and refurbish an existing plant than build Preventive maintenance is without make use of all economic advantages guarantee this service with our a new one. Our service specialists Service packages are available to doubt more economical than reactive in the long run and to the full extent. HUBER product optimisation service. provide detailed technical analysis on meet any budget and we provide a maintenance. We offer customised HUBER Service provides support in site including an economy evaluation tailored solution for every individual service packages to ensure maxi- product operation with a comprehen- HUBER Teleservice and offer customised solutions. The customer to guarantee maximum mum performance is achieved in sive package of services to ensure ideal implementation of the selected operating reliability and minimised terms of operating reliability and “You cannot see us but we are with the customer gets back the expected solution on site will be guaranteed by operation costs in the long run! costs. you and your machines.” The instal- return on investment: maximum per- lation of a HUBER teleservice system formance and plant availability at HUBER Product Optimisation enables our se rvice specialists to dai- minimum operating costs. Service ly check all important operating para- Masthead: HUBER Report Worldwide HUBER Installation and Commis- Optimally customised machines gua- meters and immediately notify the News for Customers and Friends of sioning Service rantee a constantly high perfor- customer in case of any deviation. HUBER SE mance at low operating costs. The This guarantees maximum safety Rely on our qualified service staff for operating conditions of plants fre- and operation efficiency. installation and commissioning! Their quently change significantly in the For contacts: Christian Stark / Christina Braun expertise and extensive know-how course of time without being noticed. HUBER Service for products from Industriepark Erasbach A1 ensures the best start for your new The analysis of operating hours, cycle other manufacturers 92334 Berching HUBER machine. tim es, consumption of energy and We offer an extensive and professio- Phone +49 / 8462 / 201-0, Fax +49 / 8462 / 201-810 nal service for products from other [email protected], www.huber.de manufacturers, comprising spares, repair and equipment optimisation. One contact person for all service Design: HUBER Marketing requests - a clear logistic and econo- mical benefit for our customers! Publication date: 5/2012 Global HUBER Consultancy Ser- vice

Our service consultants visit you on Print: M. W. Bauer, Beilngries site to provide maximum support, including valuable information about optimal service measures and reliab- Circulation: 1000 le operation at reduced operating costs.