28 JANUARY 1972 CONTENTS Provisionnl Agenda (S/Agenda/ 1627)
‘I’JJ’ENTY-SE TrENTN YEAR th MEETING: 28 JANUARY 1972 CONTENTS Page Provisionnl agenda (S/Agenda/ 1627) . , I , . , . , . , . , 1 Address by His Imperial Majesty Haile SelassieI, Emperor of Ethiopia . , . , . , 1 Address by Mr, Moktar Ould Dnddah, President of the Islamic Republic of 2 Muuritania , . , . , , , . , , . , , . , . , + . , . , , . , , . Statement by the Sccrctary-General . , . I . , . + . I . 7 Statcmcnt by the President, Mr. Omer Arteh Ghalib, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Somalia , . , . , I . , , , . , . , . , , . , . I . 8 , S/PV,1627 SIXTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH MEETING Held in Africa Hall, at Addis Ababa on Friday, 28 January 1972, at 11 a.m. President: Mr. Omer Arteh GHALIB (Somalia), Daddah, who, as the current Chairman of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of Present: The representatives of the following States: African Unity, has been entrusted with the task of Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Guinea, India, Italy, acquainting the Council with the views of Africa on the Japan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Union of Soviet Socialist items on your agenda. Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Yugoslavia. 6. I should like also to take this opportunity to congratu- late Mr. Waldheim on his appointment as Secretary-General Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/l 627) of the United Nations and wish him success in all his efforts in that exacting offIce. 1. Adoption of the agenda. 7. The fact that the Security Council is today considering 2. Consideration of questions relating to Africa of which matters which are elementary is a sad commentary on our the Security Council is seized and implementation of times.
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