676. Terracotta figurine (H. 0.094). Blinkenberg, , 682 no 2885. Damaged statue of a sitting goddess; the head is missing; probably Cybele.

677. Dark terracotta figurine (H. 0.126) from . Istanbul, Archaeological Museum, Inv. no 3086. Blinkenberg, Lindos, 695 no 2956 and PI. 137; Mendel, Cat. Te., 57 no 665. Cybele seated on a throne with high back. She wears a p%s, chiton and himation; her feet rest on a footstool. In the right hand a patera; traces of red colour in the hair. Date: beginning of the fourth century B.C.

Camirus 678. Terracotta figurine (H. 0.23) from . London, , Inv. no B 197=64. 10-7.1902. A. Salzmann, Necropole de Camiros, Paris 1875, PI. 16; Guide to the 2nd Vase Room, London 1878, 4 no 21; L. Heuzey, Catalogue des figurines antiques du Louvre, Paris 1882,242; Walters, Cat. Terr., III (1),52 no 10; Higgins, Cat. Terr. BM I, 67 no 132 and PI. 24. Cybele sitting on a throne with high back; she holds with both hands a lion on her lap to the right. She wears a chiton and himation and she has a stephane in the hair. White slip, and red colour on the seat. Date: early fifth century B.C. CYPRUS Tamassus 679. M. Ohnefalsch-Richter discovered at the northern side of the village of Politiko a small Metroon from which the following fragment of a vase with inscription is known, but the actual site "inside the city wall" is now unknown. Ohnefalsch-Richter, Kypros I, II no 5; O. Masson in Elements orientaux, 136 n. 8; O. Masson in BCH 88, 1964,210; 238 no 7; ef. J. and L. Robert in REG 78, 1965, 181 no 452; SEG XXIII, 1968, 215 no 667. Rim of a vase. Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Inv. no Misc. 8142, 789. Height of letters: unknown . ... . ]WIIOt; MTj'tpt etWII tUXTJII. 218 CORPUS CULTUS CYBELAE ATTIDISQUE, II

Idalium 680. Head in limestone (H. 0.445) from Idalion in Cyprus. Leipzig, ColI. R. Brockhaus. Neugebauer, Privatbesitz, 17 no 33 and PI. 17. Head in mural crown. Possibly Cybele. Date: Roman Imperial period.

Citium 681. Figurine of polychrome faience (H. 0.07, W. 0.025) found in the Astarte temple in Kition. v. Karagiorgis in AAA 2, 1969, 369ff and fig. 1. Kneeling goddess wearing a high p%s and long tunic. With both hands she holds a kid on her lap. On the base a lion's head. Date: fourth century B.C. For Astarte-Cybele see U. Wilcken in Feslgabe far Adolf Deissmann, 1927, 16 n. 2.

682. Terracotta figurine (H. 0.12) from Larnaka in Cyprus. Berlin, Antiquarium, Inv. no 6235. Winter, Tk III (2), II, 174 no 2 and fig. See fig. 24.

Fig. 24