on theA Learning Special BrainIssue

Qatr an-Nada

Issue 11, summer 2007 Towards a Fair Start for Children in the Arab World

• News ...... 2-3

• What’s the Type of Your Child’s Intelligence?...... 4-5

• How Does the Brain Learn?.... 6-8

• The Brain “Learns” More at the Beginning of Life! ...... 9-11

• What Parents Should Know about the Brain ...... 12-15

• Maltreatment, Negligence and the Development of the Child’s Brain...... 16-18

• The Effect of Music, Play and the Arts in the Development of the Child’s Brain ...... 19-22

Resources ...... 23-24 Contributors to the Edition: Dr. Hiyam Zein, Dr. Fadia Hoteit, Dr. Ilham Sharaani, Shaza Ismail, Zeina Hobeish, Maysoun Chehab, May Abou Ajram, Ghanem Bibi, Rabih Rizk, Rana Ismail, Moham- mad Hamdan, Hiba Kadi, Ahmad Berjawi

Qatr an Nada 11, Summer 2007 Published by ARC, P.O.Box: 27380 HOW DOES A BRAIN LEARN? Nicosia, 1644, Cyprus e-mail:[email protected] HOW DOES A CHILD LEARN? www.mawared.org fax:(+357)22766790 - (+9611) 742077 lence and brutality, such as mentioning more fame, irrespective of the values the slaughter of children, stimulate fear and ethics of upbringing. From Innocent Joy to and hostility in children who under- The most alarming aspect to some edu- “Slaughtering Pigeons” stand these words literally, not in the cationists may be the fact that children context of their inherited tra-ditions. tend to imitate adults, including some A human being’s experience with She says such images stay long in the of their “unethical” actions on televi- music starts with incomprehensible memory. When an adult sees a slaugh- sion and some-where else within the rhythms. Some are scary, while others tered cow, he/she remembers the pre- framework of “children songs.” Par- are sources of comfort and security. Of liminary feeling of fear, sometimes ents worry about warning their chil- the second type is the voice of a moth- closing his/her eyes as a spontaneous dren about “adult” things. er, singing a lullaby she inherited from reaction. Ramzi Haroun, an educational science her mother, or one she impro-vises. An Children sing and dance; this means professor, argues that songs “help in infant is not concerned with words, they are happy. But do children need teaching and educating children and which he/she does not understand but music more than adults do? Ahmad help them assimilate behaviors and with the tone and the warmth of the Qaabour, a composer with a rich reper- values, such as clean-liness, respect of mother’s arms, which get the infant toire of children songs, says, “Children others and patriotism.” to have sweet dreams. Father Youssef songs should carry above all aesthetic Jordanian composer and researcher Muwannes, who bears a PhD in an- and human values. Orientation, educa- Wael Abul-Suud stresses in a study the thropology, believes that lullabies are tion and guidance are matters of family psycho-logical, social and cultural im- characterized by simple music, usually and school, while the mission of songs portance of songs that accompany the made up of no more than three notes, and plays is to help children answer playing of child-ren. “Music develops and a vivid imagination by the sponta- their questions and to cut through their the child’s talents, mental abilities and neous and generous mother. worlds and concerns.” He gives the ex- kinesthetic skills. Also, musical play- He analyzes a common and controver- ample of Hassan Abdullah, a poet and ing develops in children participation, sial lullaby: “Sleep, dear, sleep. I will novelist who wrote several stories for belonging to a group, taste and person- slaughter a pigeon for you. Oh, pigeon. children. “Simplicity isn’t simple. In ality by encouraging their feeling of Don’t you believe it. I’m cheating my Walt Disney movies, for example, a their region’s special culture.” son into sleeping.” Muwannes believes huge orchestra plays music. Renowned Leila Khalifa, Al-Hayat newspaper, 3/5/07 that this lullaby relies on an innocent composers and singers are re-cruited,” lie to encourage the infant to sleep by he adds. “But in our Arab societies, promising him/her a slaughtered pi- simplicity is mistaken for absurdity.” Street Children: geon. And despite the toughness of the Dana Beydoun, Al-Hayat newspaper, 3/5/07 From Negligence to word “slaughter” and the violent im- age it carries, the lullaby expresses a Confrontation specific en-vironment and popular her- Exploiting Children in Sentencing al-Turbini and Hanata to itage. It seems pigeons were the most Songs for Adults death in Egypt temporarily calmed expensive gift a mother could offer her down millions of Egyptians. They infant. Thus, by promising to slaugh- “Young, wicked and spoiled.” Three were relieved to see the two young ter a pigeon if her infant went to sleep, superficial characteristics, expressed men, who were convicted of raping she expressed her love for him/her, he in implying movements, are the main and killing tens of street children, face says. Also, when this lullaby was fa- features of songs addressed to children punishment. However, the suffocating mous, mothers did not buy meat from in the Third Millen-nium. problem of street children is yet to be supermarkets; they slaughtered birds A youngster freezes before the screen, solved. them-selves. This made slaughtering a watching the movements of Haifa We- Abdel-Rahman Mansour, daily home task. hbi, and imitating her words and move- a.k.a. al-Turbini, and his assistant, Mo- Bella Aoun, a psychotherapist, argues ments. She and other singers seem to hammad Faraj, a.k.a. Hanata, raped that lullabies or songs that bear vio- target a new group of viewers to gain

Caricature by Ahmad Khatib

2 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 2 and killed at least 30 street children in world, a world that gives children a are part of his/her natural tendency to seven years. They were arrested in De- chance to dis-cover and participate in take risks. cember 2006. Unveiling the crimes of interactive activities, such as reassem- The report warned against the spread of al-Turbini, who has scary, penetrating bling a dinosaur, flying a plane very the outfits of superheroes that appear looks, unveiled the fact that thousands much like real planes and flying a bee on tele-vision to be able to fly or leap of children fill the streets of Cairo and during its collection of pollen. over towering buildings by just wear- some Egyptian cities. They have be- The museum includes a theater where ing their special outfits. Children may come a usual thing; people seem to ne- children can hold concerts and plays. believe that the secret to the powers of glect them as if they do not exist. Haneen Ahmar, Al-Hayat, 25/5/07 these characters lies in these outfits. Egyptian officials have long been si- The authors said children’s adoration lent about the problem, claiming that of such superheroes could be a tool responsibility is elsewhere. A few London Arab Schools to develop other aspects of their per- years ago, they denied the problem ex- Wonder How to Develop sonalities, such as focusing on the eth- isted or tried to justify it. And despite Skills ics of such characters and their fight efforts by organizations, such as the against evil. Such superheroes can be National Council on Childhood and The Federation of Arab Schools in shown to be special because they like Motherhood and UNICEF, most peo- London, as part of its cultural activi- to do the right thing, not thanks to their ple and officials thought the problem ties, held a workshop that sought to supernatural abilities. Children must was “blown out of proportion,” “exag- find answers for three questions: How be praised when they try to imitate su- gerated” or “marginal” and not even a do we discover our children’s abilities perheroes hereof. priority. and intelligence? How do we deal with Good parental guidance and orienta- Some analysts believe that dealing with them through their abilities and intelli- tion help give children their chance to this problem will remain incomplete as gences at home? How do we deal with be superhe-roes, as they want – with- long as the reasons why children take them through the different types of in- out supernatural characteristics. to the streets are not handled seriously. telligence? Middle East Online, www.meo.tv Such reasons include poverty, family Dr. Mohammad Abdel-Razeq said, breakup, inefficiency of the education- “The education profession has devel- al system, and absence of political, re- oped; it doesn’t rely on rote anymore. Poverty Is the Main Reason ligious or cultural role models. Observ- It has developed in terms of presenta- for Child Labor ers worry about the second gen-eration tion, understanding and assimilation.” of street children, who are being born He defined intelligence as “a general Children Amount to One Third to street mothers and fathers. ability resulting from interac-tion be- of Agricultural Labor Amina Khairi, Al-Hayat, 25/5/07 tween heredity and environment fac- tors and helping the individual solve The UN Food and Agriculture Organiza- prob-lems he/she faces in life.” tion (FAO) said that 132 million children, Amman’s First Children In his lecture, he recalled eight types be-tween five and 14, work in agriculture Museum of intelligence as classified by Howard around the world. This situation deprives Gardner (naturalistic, visual, logical, them of education and exacerbates pover- “Your children are not your children. interactive, kinesthetic, musical, per- ty, it added during its launching of a new They are the sons and daughters of sonal and linguistic), adding a ninth: partner-ship to combat this phenomenon. Life’s long-ing for itself.” With this emotional intelligence. A FAO official said, “Children comprise quote from Kahlil Gibran, Jordan’s Middle East Online, www.meo.tv one third of agriculture workers,” adding Queen Rania Abdullah inaugurated a that “22,000 child laborers die annually” special museum for children in Hus- Superheroes Threaten in accidents or diseases related to agri- sein Gardens, Amman. cultural work. The museum hosts more than 150 in- Children’s Lives FAO, on the World Day against Child teractive and biological items, and pro- Labor, launched a new partnership to vides orig-inal and modern programs Many parents by their children the out- combat this phenomenon with the World that encourage creativity. Its main top- fits of superheroes, presented in mov- Labor Organization and the International ics – the human body, technology and ies as hu-man “legends.” They want to Federation of Agricultural Producers. Nature – gave the display hall a special make their children happy. FAO’s Eve Crowley said, “Child labor character. Subtopics include health, fit- Yet, some specialists warn that buy- is a new issue being handled by FAO, ness, astronomy, geology, environment, ing children such outfits, to look like which mainly deals with curbing poverty civilization, light, optics, mathematics, Spiderman or Batman, before advising and hunger in the world.” atmosphere and aviation; children can them against trying to imitate superhe- FAO says the main reasons of child la- experiment with every one of these. roes may put children to dangers with bor are poverty, claims of some employ- The museum includes external gardens possible dangerous consequences. ers that children are better equipped than and open spaces including specialized A recent scientific report argued that adults to harvest some produce, and the items about water, travel, trips, scienc- an average child has a vivid imagina- absence of schools in rural areas. tion that helps the child develop in a es, theater, games and others. It pro- Middle East Online, www.meo.tv vides learning op-portunities through healthy manner. It is unacceptable playing to children less than three. to neglect imagined abilities that the The museum summarizes a whole child bestows upon himself/herself and

3 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 3 The Multiple Intelligence Theory

What’s the Type of Your Child’s Intelligence?

Are politicians more intelligent than clerics? Are bankers more intelligent than artists? Are intellectuals more intelligent than factory workers? Are children more intelligent than parents? How do we measure intelligence? If intelligence is a human being’s accommodation with living conditions (both biological and social), all these people are intelligent some way or another. Anyone in any particular group, who managed to invest the abilities that are available to him/ her the best possible way, can be considered intelligent. This way, a successful footballer is as intelligent as a physicist. Dr. Fadia Hoteit Early childhood professor at the Lebanese University’s Education Faculty

When students hear this, they start ask- People in this category include athletes, ligences enhances excellence in one. This ing: Are all these people intelligent? dancers, actors, etc. is especially true in young children: at their Is someone who used their brain like 5-Musical intelligence: Excellence in iden- age, their creative tendencies are not final someone who used their foot, body or tifying sounds, tasting notes, remembering and clear-cut. All such tendencies must be intuition? I noticed that answers are music and expressing oneself with music. developed until the child shows excellence not easy because longstanding stagnant People in this category include composers, in some. beliefs must be broken hereof. Such singers, musicians, etc. beliefs put intellectual abilities before 6-Interpersonal (social) intelligence: Ex- How Does Our any others and rank manual abili-ties cellence in making and strengthening pos- Intelligence Develop? the lowest. Emotional abilities are not itive relations with others, interacting with included at all. and understanding people, playing leading But why does someone show excellence in a roles, and solving problems between in- certain type of intelligence? Is intelligence an Types of Intelligence dividuals. People here include leaders of outcome of our biological constitution? Or is political parties, labor unions and tribes, as it a result of education? Gardner’s theory includes seven types well as comedians. Gardner believes that both biological and of intelligence. These intelligences 7-Intrapersonal intelligence: Excellence cultural factors play a role in the formation and related abilities and activities can in knowing yourself and contemplating of our talents. Biological research shows that be summarized as follows: its components. People in this category in- education is a result of changes to neurologi- 1-Linguistic/pronunciation intelli- clude self-contemplators, psychoanalysts, cal links between cells in various parts of the gence: Excellence in using language etc. brain, each part being responsible for a cer- and interest in reading, writing, narra- Gardner and fellow researchers broke up tain type of education. Social studies show tion and discussion activities. People these types into subcategories, coming up that cultural factors focus on and highlight in this category include writers, poets, with 20 types of intelligence. For example, certain aspects of education more than others, journalists, orators, etc. they broke up interpersonal intelligence pushing learners to put more efforts hereof. 2-Mathematical/logical intelligence: into four abilities: leadership and devel- Excellence in studying mathematics, oping relations, keeping friends, resolv- The Multiple Intelligence solving problems, positing and test- ing conflicts and social analysis. People Theory and Education ing theories, classifying things, using enjoy more than one type of intelligence, abstract concepts, etc. People in this with each type affecting the other. As in- Learning Methods category include mathematicians, ge- telligences increase in scope and number, ometry specialists, etc. a person becomes excellent in fulfilling Intelligence Types Learning Methods 3-Visual/Spatial intelligence: Excel- tasks. For example, if someone’s intelli- Linguistic/pronunciation Reading, listening, lence in using the space in all forms; gence is bodily (an athlete), they will do summarization, understanding oral and writ- reading maps, tables and plots; imagin- better if they are good in social relations ten texts. ing areas; etc. People in this category and even better if they know well them- Mathematical/logical Using and moving include plastic artists, engineers, deco- selves and their strengths and weaknesses things to understand quantity, time and cau- rators, etc. and how to act accordingly. Thus, it is im- sality; solving problems logically; under- 4-Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence: Ex- portant to deal with many types of intel- standing educational forms, relations and cellence in using the body in sports, ligence, even if a person has excelled in charades; collecting data; making strong danc-ing, theater, handicrafts, etc. a specific domain. Developing other intel- arguments.

4 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 4 Visual/Spatial Watching, observing, drawing Intelligence Learning Methods Bodily/kinesthetic Touching, moving, coor- Types dinating and timing, participating and com- mitting, playing roles Linguistic/ Reading, listening, summarization, understanding Musical Learning from sounds, discussing pronunciation oral and written texts music and its meanings, singing and playing, composing Mathematical/ Using and moving things to understand quantity, Interpersonal Social interactions and rela- logical time and causality; solving problems logically; tions, cooperating, understanding oral and understanding educational forms, relations and non-oral methods charades; collecting data; making strong arguments Intrapersonal Knowing personal emotions, various expressions, setting and following Visual/Spatial Watching, observing, drawing up personal goals, curios ity about major issues, developing in sights Bodily/ Touching, moving, coordinating and timing, Method and Application kinesthetic participating and committing, playing roles

The branching education method, or “cur- Musical Learning from sounds, discussing music and its riculum wheel,” seems a good tool to imple- meanings, singing and playing, composing ment the multiple intelligences theory in lit- tle children’s classes. Follows is an ex-ample for kindergarten: Interpersonal Social interactions and relations, cooperating, By taking into consideration multiple intel- understanding oral and non-oral methods ligence aspects, teachers can prepare a rich education strategy and organize a classroom environment that is in line with the various Intrapersonal Knowing personal emotions, various expressions, tendencies of children. Naturally, children setting and following up personal goals, curiosity will take part in various available activi- about major issues, developing insights ties, but some activities will interest children more than others. difficulties” because they are not good in these skills. On the other hand, teaching ac- Music: Evaluation A Song about the cording to the multiple in- family telligences theory helps The multiple intelligences theory allows a Social: Linguistic: Children prepare The story of the more effective way to evaluate children: teachers discover cre- a present to a three bears we can support children’s strong points and ative aspects in all chil- family member work on improving weak points. But chil- dren and improve their dren should not be quickly given vocational evaluation. It is a fact that good expectations Axis: labels; we should not say a child would be a The Family enhance children’s Kinesthetic: Intrapersonal: writer, an engineer, a musician or an artist. Acting mom or The child talks dad about a family Skills may come and go, while weak skills learning. member he/she loves (name, may improve with time. The main goal of It is wrong to ask, deeds, etc). the evaluation process should be to help chil- “Is this child intelli- dren enhance their abilities and excel in their gent?” One should ask, Optical: Mathematical: “What’s his/her type of A drawing of the Collecting and skills. Later, they will be able to take suitable home classifying things belonging to courses in life. intelligence?” Let chil- family members dren lead us to know them Summary and prepare a good, entic- Traditional education focuses on linguistic ing and en-joyable environ- and logical/mathematical skills. Chil- ment for them. We will discover dren are often said to have “learning that each is a skillful human being in the making. In French: References http://www.careerccc.org/products/cp_99_f/section1/step3.cfm Explanations of the theory can be found on several websites. http://www.syre.com/Multint.htm In English: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Théorie_des_intelligences_multiples#searchInput http://www.caslt.org/research/reflexions1999.htm http://www.careerccc.org/products/cp_99_f/section1/step3.cfm http://www.parenting-baby.com http://www.howardgardner.com/Papers/documents In Arabic, our main source: /T-101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf http://www.ibtikar.ac.ma/modules_meg/centration/cent1/1256/2000cadre_cent1.htm http://cnx.org/content/m13287/latest http://www.naeyc.org/ece/1997/13.asp

5 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 5 Is the Knowledge of Brain Parts and their Functions Important in Education? How Does the Brain Learn?

We are at the threshold of a revolution. It is about applying new important research findings about the brain in learning and teaching. Brain research may not decide which teaching strategy is best, but the information it provides is basic in decision making in schools and classrooms. For example, brain scans show that frontal lobes in a reading brain are much more active in silent reading than in loud reading. Activity in frontal lobes is mostly an indicator of superior thinking skills. In loud reading, scans show major activity in that part of the brain that is responsible for motion and that regulates speech. Such information can have educational connotations: understanding is higher in silent reading. This does not mean, of course, that loud reading should be stopped, but teachers should balance silent and loud reading to measure understanding and spelling, whenever needed. Rana Ismail, principal of al-Kawthar High School, al-Mabarrat Association

I- The Beginning: The Cell They are interconnected into networks II- The Brain’s Parts or connections through electrical signals The human body is made up of cells. and chemicals (Figure 1). The term neu- Learning starts with neurons, thus, it is Brain cells are of two types, neurons ron is derived from a Greek word mean- important to know how they work. And and glial cells. To understand a learning ing wire. Neurons are only 10 percent to do so, we have to know the brain parts brain, we have to explain how the work of brain cells, but they are basic for the where these cells are. These parts are: and functions of brain cells. brain’s function. 1-Medulla oblongata: Sometimes called A neuron is made up of a cell body, a the lower brain, the medulla oblongata A- Neurons dendrite and an axon. The dendrite re- is responsible for involuntary functions, ceives information from other neurons, such as breathing, heartbeat and blood Neurons make the brain an organ of while the axon transmits information to pressure. learning and thinking. An adult has 100 other cells. Thus, dendrites are receiv- billion neurons, while a two year-old ers and axons transmitters. Each neuron child has double that number. The rea- has an axon with ramifications at its end son is that people lose brain cells every called axon terminal. day because of friction, deterioration and lack of use. Neurons are different from B- Glial Cells other body cells in two basic aspects: One: Neurons, unlike other cells, do not Around 90 percent of brain cells are gli- reproduce in a programmed and orga- al cells. A human being has 1,000 billion nized way. That is why, when we hurt such cells. A glial cell is different from ourselves, the wound heals in a matter of a neuron; it does not have a cell body. days or one week thanks to the reproduc- Glial cells are of several types with dif- tion of muscle and skin cells. But when ferent functions: sustaining the brain’s the brain suffers a stroke or an accident, blood, carrying nutrients, regulate the damaged cells do not renew themselves immunity system, eliminating dead the same way. New research shows that cells, and giving structure to the brain. an adult’s brain can produce new cells, (Figure 2) but this process and the role of the new cells are still under study. Two: Neurons can transmit information.

6 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 6 2-Cerebellum: Also called the small brain, the cerebellum is linked in tradi- Figure 4 tional studies to functions such as bal- ance, posture, coordination and muscle movement. Modern studies link it to thinking, novelty and emotions.

3-Thalamus: A basic sensory relay sta- tion, the thalamus is an important part of the body’s balance system. It plays an important role in regulating percep- tion and other vital body functions.

4-Hypothalamus: A complex system similar to a thermometer, the hypothala- mus affects and regulates appetite, hor- mone secretion, digestion, the sexual system, blood circulation, emotions and sleep. It plays an important role in regu- lating perception and other vital body functions.

5-Amygdala: Linked to the hippocam- pus, it plays a role in processing an emo- tion charged memory. It includes a large number of calming receptors related to feelings of anger, fear and sexual de- Glial cells are the most sire. Some modern studies show that it common cells in the brain. stores emotional memories that invoke spontaneous responses not related to the learning. of the upper brain. Damage here affects memory’s awareness. the feeling of pain, touch and sense of b.Temporal Lobe: It is believed that this location. If you are wearing a tight pair 6-Hippocampus: The hippocampus is lobe is responsible for hearing, senses, of shoes, you will focus on the pain in heavily involved in learning and mem- listening, language, learning and some your feet. If you take it off, the cells re- ory formation. Studies show that when forms of memory. It includes Wernick’s sponsible for this feeling will stop send- events are held in the long-term memo- area, which is responsible for speech. ing you strong signals about the matter, ry, it does not need the hippocampus for letting you focus on another matter. retrieval. c.Parietal Lobe: It is located at the top 7-Cerebral Cortex: It is the outside crust Figure 3 of the brain. It is wrinkled, made up of six layers and covered by neurons. The cerebral cortex is made up of four re- gions, each with a specific function: a.Occipital Lobe: One of the four main parts of the upper brain, it deals with vi- sual processes. Two people can see the same thing and think it is two different things. The visual perception area allows for perceiving the sensory stimulator, that is, the viewed thing. Then the visual cortex decides which previously visual information corresponds to it. A visual thing does not acquire a meaning un- less it corresponds to information previ- ously organized and stored in the brain. A teacher is asked to involve students in the goals of the educational activity be-cause this process allows the brain to expect ideas, forms or information. Thus, the brain focuses on basic pieces of information that it needs to facilitate

7 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 7 d. Frontal Lobe: It is voluntarily respon- the text and the right hemisphere helps still not sure exactly how this happens. sible for regulating movement, verbal ex- us understand the context and the mean- However, they have some idea. Some pression, problem solving, strong will, and ing? stimulus starts the process in the brain. planning. It is the largest part of the brain It may be important to stress the need It can be internal (ideating) or a new ex- and carries out complex functions. Also, it to “teach the brain” as a whole because perience (solving a jigsaw puzzle). The is the part evolved most and characterizes the two hemispheres work together all stimulant is then sorted out or specified human beings. It is responsible for percep- the time. The content (left hemisphere) and processed on several levels. Finally, tive awareness of all functions. It makes is important, but the context is important a memory is formed and is able to re- a human being aware and allows him/her to give meaning to the content and pro- trieve the stimulant. This means that to think, feel and act. It is responsible for tect it from being forgotten (right hemi- pieces of information are placed where regulating emotions and may explain why sphere). they should be to activate the memory some students get angry quickly. Let us ask ourselves as teachers the fol- easily. It is worth it that we, as educa- Many parts of the brain work together lowing question: How many times did tors, understand the basics of these steps. whenever a human being does something. we give students good grades for what This may give us beneficial insights into The operations of all these parts are relat- they learned, although they did not use how students learn. ed in a complex way. Also, all mentioned it in its proper context within life expe- As far as our brains are concerned, ei- parts are in pairs. Looking at the brain from riences? Did a 90/100 in history when ther we do something we already know above, it looks split into two almost iden- we were students help us in understand- how to do, or we do something new. If tical parts: a left and a right hemisphere. ing and analyzing what is happening in we are doing something we are familiar The two parts are linked by nervous fiber the world today? Did a good grade in with, neural paths have a chance to be bundles, the largest being the corpus callo- mathematics help us in solving daily life more active. sum, and exchange information freely. problems? A teacher says we pro-duce Learning and remembering are two sides Generally, the left hemisphere handles students with fragile knowledge because of the same coin, according to neurolo- matters that come in pieces and chains. they either forget what they learned af- gists. One cannot be studied indepen- Professional musicians, for example, han- ter the exam or do not know when and dently of the other. But in any event, if dle music in the left hemisphere, while be- how to use it. you learn some-thing, you prove it by ginners handle it in the right hemisphere. remembering. But unfortunately, under- The same applies to language tasks. But How Do We Learn? standing remembering is a major chal- when it comes to mathematics, chess and lenge to scientists. It is a mirror house problem solving, the right hemisphere is Learning is the best task of the brain. to them, and they are still looking for more active. Some research indicates that It changes the brain, which can reorga- answers. the left hemisphere explains positive emo- nize itself with every new stimulation, tions, while the right hemisphere explains experience and behavior. Scientists are negative emotions. Studying each hemisphere independently Figure 4 of the other is not supported anymore by research, which indicates that the two parts complement each other. For example, dur- ing a discussion, the left hemisphere al- lows us to speak, but the right hemisphere con-trols the tone that we want to use to deliver a certain message. The same word “great” can imply true appreciation or deep cynicism, depending on the context. Its expression and proper understanding require that the brain work in a comple- mentary way. The Educational Implication

How important to educators is the knowl- edge of brain processes? Does it help to know that the left hemisphere gives us References

1- Eric Jensen, Teaching with the Brain in Mind, Dahran Private Schools, Dahran, Saudi Arabia Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA, United States.

2- Patricia Wolfe, Brain Matters: Translating Research into Classroom Practice, Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA, United States.

8 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 8 Brain-Based Learning and Early Childhood The Brain “Learns” More at the Beginning of Life!

Brain-based learning relies on how the brain learns, that is, the biology of learning. Its aim is to use brain research in the pro- duction of curricula and educational strategies. A child’s brain starts to grow at the age of 10 to 12 weeks, getting rid of un- used connections between neurons and enhancing used ones. Although the growth of dendrites continue throughout life, complexity in dendrites and connections increases in size and extent until the age of two years, stays the same until the age of 10 years, and decreases afterwards.

Shaza Ismail Head of the Inclusion Program at al-Mabarrat Association

These facts show that applying brain- based learning is more important at the age of three or four years than at the age of nine or 10 years. The human brain search- es for patterns with common characteris- tics through discovery, specification and understanding. Different Activities

Early childhood methodology is integral; it deals with dealing in a comprehensive manner with the “whole child.” It handles physical, social, epistemological and emo- tional development. A good program is based on research and theoretical knowl- edge to understand how children learn, what to do to have a good educational en- vironment, and what curriculum items are suitable for little children. According to the integrity of the program and its connec- tion to the body brain partnership, we will discuss how basic skills, such as reading, writing, the arts, mathematics and others, can be taught in a specific unit or theme. The Seasons Unit – Fall

Circle Time: The teacher shows differ- ent pictures showing different aspects of fall. She starts a brainstorming session to let children ideate about what they see in pictures and nature to maintain a certain pattern about fall’s characteristics. The following activities are held: “We have the right to develop our intellectual abilities”. Bahjat Othman, Lana Haq, UNICEF/ SCS/ARC

9 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 9 1- The teacher brings in things related dictionary. Children in Kindergarten II asks what the knives are for and children to fall (different leaves, apples, branches copy or write the words. show how apples are cut. without leaves, a picture of a squirrel, 7-The teacher brings a high chair and 4-The teacher provides puppets of a etc). She asks children about the colors makes moves with the children above squirrel and people. Children act fall of leaves and leads a discussion to help and below it, imitating squirrels running activi-ties. them identify these colors (discover that on and under trees. the leaves are not green). She asks for a 8-Quick like a squirrel: The teacher Daily Things Come classification of pictures about fall and uses this activity to enhance move- to Life another season and for telling common ment and encourage children to learn This activity, carried out during circle and different aspects (the color of leaves how to wear and take off clothes, in- time, lets children look at an item and in fall and spring for example). dependently and quickly, like squirrels. think of a different name for it. This 2- Discovery activity: The teacher activity encourages children to think shows leaves of different sizes, made of The arts Center about the world in an imaginary wary, paper, together with two jars, one with a use items during dramatic play, and use big leave stuck on it and the other with a 1-Nature collage: Children paste fall language. small one. She asks children to classify items on pieces of paper. 1-The teacher gives children an item and leaves in the two jars according to size. 2-Children make fall leaves from pieces explains that they should hold it once it 3- Discovery activity: The teacher brings of paper and paint. is given to them. They tell other children in apples and other fruits (lemons and 3-Children make apples from pieces of its new name and use. pumpkins). She encourages children to paper. They make a collage from the 2-The teacher gives children a minute to talk about similarities and differences in pa-per apples. think what they will do and tell. terms of color, shape, size and feeling. 3-Each child carries an item (the card- 4- Discovery activity: The teacher brings Dramatic Play board tube in toilet paper, for example), in various apples for children to roll in- says its new name (telescope), acts how side and outside the classroom. Children 1-Children are involved in play, imagin- it should be used (put it on his/her eyes can roll apples on a bent tool or inside a ing they are neighbors. Each child shakes and looks through it), and passes toilet tunnel. They notice differences in roll- the leaves. The teacher approaches a paper to the child next to him/her so that ing speeds between various apples. child and asks about his/her name. She each child gets a turn. 5- Visual discrimination activity: The listens while the whole name is given. 4-The activity can be expanded. Chil- teacher brings in a box and pierces into This activity helps children know each dren stand in different places inside it various geometrical shapes. She pre- other and improve their language. or out-side the classroom and look pares pieces of papers with correspond- 2-Children play “corner shop” where through the “telescope” to distin- ing shapes. She asks children to drop the fruits and vegetables are on display and guish between near and far objects. pieces into the right places. a shopping cart is standing, together 6- The teacher chooses words related with clothes. The teacher asks them to Science Activity to fall to enhance vocabulary and “vo- buy their favorite fruits. Then she asks, cal awareness of words.” Children look “What is the red fruit in your cart? Is This activity helps children learn, for corresponding pictures. The words there orange fruit? Can you find a green through discovery and movement, how are glued to paper, and the teacher high- apple?” snowflakes are formed in nature. The lights the letter of the week in them. She 3-Uses of things: Children use differ- items needed are white paper, scissors writes the words under each picture, and ent things in the corner. They play with and glue. then the words are collected to create a apples and plastic knives. The teacher The teacher explains that a snowflake is

How Brain Research Affects the Educational Process The following findings of brain research are especially important in the educational process: 1- Children learn better, when information is on circular cards, which are more familiar to them and allow them to focus better, compared to square and rec-tangular shapes. 2- Focus on movement in small children. Movement involves all brain levels, merging the right and left hemispheres, increasing heartbeat and blood circulation in children, giving them a sense of location, and releasing chemicals that keep them vigilant and attentive. 3- Teaching mathematics, music and language in a single unit helps children decide patterns and rely on earlier knowledge. Learning this way is better than when these courses are taught separately. 4- The brain gets rid of sensory information that it deems unnecessary or irrelevant. Thus, teaching ab- stract ideas through linking concepts to personal practices of children helps connect new information with already existing patterns. 5- The brain is not ready for long periods of attention. Changing activities is necessary to let children refocus on new concepts.

10 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 10 formed when water vapor hits very small or the song, while children just listen. dust particles. Water vapor is turned into When using a picture book, the teacher small snow particles, which grow in indicates face gestures and actions in size when they hit other vapor particles. the pictures. Children then act while the When it becomes heavy, it falls to the teacher reads; she focuses on gestures ground as a s-nowflake. The teacher and movements. asks children to play “snowflake.” She 4- Focusing on the concept of numbers distributes them into two groups: water when reading stories: When a number of vapor and dust. Children move slowly. characters do a certain thing, the teacher When they hit each other, they hold asks children to act the corresponding hands. They keep doing so until all chil- number. dren have formed a “snowflake.” Children then cut a circle of white paper (water vapor) and glue to it small piec- es of paper (dust). The teacher collects snowflakes to create a large snowball. there is no letter B but patterns we call B by definition. Math Activities in circle Reading Stories time Stories are used effectively to offer a concept or a skill, and to reteach if 1-Teaching addition through puppets. necessary. The teacher uses puppets and asks chil- 1-Reading stories should be connected dren to pick from a bag a card bearing to the concept of mobility and immobil- an addition equation resulting in 4 (2+2, ity. After reading a story on immobility, 3+1, etc). Children use puppets to com- the teacher produces a bag of feathers, pare various equations. stones, wool balls, wooden cubes and 2-Moving on the ground: The teach- others. She challenges children to tell er places the “numbers line” on the which objects will move when blown. ground. Children move on the line and When they lie down on the rug during notice the numbers they walk across. circle time, children start their discover- The teacher tells them that six steps ies. are more than four steps. The chil- The same approach can be used when dren can use puppets on the line. The teaching about magnets and their attrac- concept is explained using puppets. tiveness. 2- After she finishes reading many sto- Activities to Learn Letters ries, the teacher plays the game “Who Am I?” She chooses a character from The teacher displays letters in different a book she reads and asks children to manners to make them richer and more name principles, guidelines, daily life diver-sified and to help children under- and social skills, and behaviors that are stand all forms of the letter in question. common between them and the charac- For example, when they are taught the ter. The activity can be expanded by in- letter B, they will not find it hard to see viting children to compare between the any of the following as variations: skills of different characters in the story and to find common good skills that they themselves share with these characters. 3- The motion trip: Children train using their bodies and facial gestures to imi- There are variations of each letter, hand- tate actions in a story, a poem or a song. written, drawn or printed, showing that The teacher reads the story, the poem References 1-Hyson, M (2003), Putting Early Academics in Their Place, Educational Lead-ership, 60 (7), 20-23. 2-Zull, J (2004), The Art of Changing the Brain, Educational Leadership, 62 (1), 68-72. 3-Derks, F., Hardin, B., Loher, L., and Wesley, P. (1998), Infant-Toddler Plan-ning Guide, North Carolina, Kaplan Press. 4-Brain Development Activities for Infants and Toddlers, technical assistance paper, Division of Public Schools and Community Services, Florida Depart-ment of Education, June 2000. 5-Ramey, C., and Ramey, S. (2002), Early Childhood from Efficacy Research to Improved Practice, A Summit on Early Childhood Cognitive Development; Ready to Read, Ready to Learn: A call to Leadership, Little Rock, Arkansas. 6-Shafehi, Hamad Hussein, Fam Mansour, Rushd (2004), An Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Dar al-Kitab al-Jamehi, UAE.

11 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 11

What Parents Should Know about the Brain

Scientists learned about the brain in the last 20 years much more than what they had learned since the dawn of human history. They are working now on brain maps, similar to genetic maps. The brain plays the largest role in controlling human behaviors and daily activi- ties such as planning and organizing everything in work, communi- cat-ing with others with words, remembering and forgetting events, perceiving things and faces, learning reading and writing, and all emotions…etc.

Dr. Elham Shaarani Qodeih

Psychology professor at the Lebanese University, and psychotherapist

Before talking about the brain and its importance for the body as an organizer and leader of all body activities, I have to shed some light on the nervous system in which the brain the most important part. The nervous system is the center of all feelings, movements and activities in the human body. It organizes all vital functions of the body, such as blood cir- culation, breathing, heartbeat and diges- tion. The brain is the center of command and decision making in order to regulate and coordinate all our behaviors; and the brain does it with utmost precision. The nervous system is tightly connected to the brain. An embryo comes into be- ing with an incomplete nervous system, which grows and develops gradually through maturation and growth. The brain contains 90 percent of the body’s nerve cells and receives the en- ergy it needs to learn from the blood, Parents play a basic and active role in educating children. They sow the seeds of which brings in nutrients, such as sugar, knowledge and work on psychological and social openness and balance proteins and oxygen. Oxygen is very perceptions and feelings through proper The Family Atmosphere important for the brain, which consumes communication. Contemporary psy- 1/5 of the amount that the body intakes chologists focus on Piaget’s finding that Education starts at early years, dur- from this gas. If blood flow to the brain development is the result of the inter- ing the two stages of childhood – early is blocked for a few seconds, the human action of hereditary and environmental childhood (from birth to six years) and being loses consciousness. factors, both social and natural. Educat- middle childhood (from six to nine The brain is the main control center of ing a child today has become an integral years). This helps the child coordinate the nervous system. Without going much process, which deals with all areas of between various forms of family life. into details of the nervous system and knowledge and information; the child is During early and middle child-hood, the role of each part of it, I would like a whole being and must be taken care growth is quick, especially between two to stress the fact that the brain plays an of on all levels. Thus, the child must be and six years, leaving a major impact important role in thinking, remembering prepared for an active, productive life, on life in general. At this stage, children and learning, as well as behavior and and this life cannot be attained except by start gaining the compromise methods of emotions. I would also like to stress the working on the child’s personality, tak- their families, as well as expertise, skills importance in this regard of proper nu- ing into consideration the integrity of its and traditions. They start forming emo- trition, positive stimulation and dialogue components, their good interaction and tional habits towards others. Thus at this with children, as well as developing their the dynamism of their functions. stage, they need a rich environment they

12 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 12 did not need before, that is, after birth. the child’s basic biological needs (food, balance is necessary for proper growth, that At the early childhood stage, the child drink, cleanliness, etc). is, all necessary nutrients should be avail- needs an organized and healthy rela- Thus, early childhood is important in able in a meal, especially lunch. A good tional family atmosphere. That is why developing and stimulating the child’s lunch should include vegetables; cereals; parenthood is described as aptitude and mental abilities by providing enough some meat, chicken or fish; and the sea- responsibility, and a healthy child is said support and care by the parents, who son’s fruits. The mental and physical health to be a happy product of a happy fam- should give the child a chance to prac- of a child cannot be guaranteed if par-ents ily. Here I stress the primary relations, tice the senses he/she enjoys. The child, are angered by his/her verbal or active re- throughout the critical stage from before for example, enjoys touching, tasting, jection of food or if they show too much birth to six years. These relations ex- looking at and discovering things. He/ care and concern. Such reactions by parents ist between the child and the mother; a she gets an idea about distance, shape make children feel important and strong; system of special emotional interactive and size by experiencing things in children would keep attracting attention by relations comes into being. Interactions around him/her. This sensory ability is rejecting food again. and relations start, and consequently at the center of intelligence development Mental health cannot be without physical enhance, activate and develop the na- in the child because it creates concepts health, and physical health depends on the tal neurological maps of the brain. The in the thinking process. Various toys quantity and quality of food. Some special- child has a complex brain in terms of help the child discriminate between col- ists attribute children’s learning disabilities inclinations and abilities, affecting his/ ors, hues, sizes (playing with cubes), to a lack of proteins in their food – proteins her inte-gral communication and in- lengths and shapes (circles, squares, tri- come from red meat, eggs, etc. Some chil- teraction with the mother. The mother angles, etc). The brain carries out these dren showed more activeness in learning harmonizes with the voices of her child, mental processes gradually depend- when proteins were added to their food. But and the child responds to her. Each plays ing on age and maturity. Here comes too much protein disturbs catabolism and the role of a mirror for the other, a mir- the importance of playing, a priority anabolism. In other words, healthy diets ror that attracts and stimulates. Thus a for children, in early formative years. help in the learning process. special and unique relation is neurologi- cally established. Mental Health and The Brain and Emotions Nutrition Deprivation, Interaction Love, fear, sadness, anger, happiness... We and Play It is impossible for the body to be know very well that stimulants of emo- healthy without proper nutrition. Also, tions are perceptible by the brain. The brain The child is equipped since birth with an old saying goes as follows: “healthy causes sensory physiological changes that the brain neurological mechanism to in- body, healthy mind.” That is why par- are felt throughout the body, and once the teract with the mother. The mechanism ents worry when their children lose senses perceive these changes, emotions is active as much as the mother responds appetite; good appetite is considered a come into being. Thus, emotions result and depending on how rich the interac- sign of good health. Children vary in the from our perception by our brains such tion gets starting with birth. Emotional amount of food they need. Nutritional physiological changes. We feel sad because deprivation at this early age is complete Parents’ Questions we cry, get angry because we shout, and get when the child loses one or both parents, afraid because we are shaking. According such as when the child is raised in an or- “…That’s why we say that the role of to this theory, we say if someone wants to phanage with unknown parents. On the parents in educating and rearing the feel happy, he/she should smile; smiling or other hand, deprivation is partial when child is effective and basic in sowing laughing is enough to make us fee happy one or both parents cease to exist in the the seeds of knowledge, openness and (a modern therapeutic approach is based on child’s life a few years after birth. Each emotional and social balance. Parents laughing). type of deprivation has its own impacts often ask about their children’s mental, All aspects of our emotional life are related on the child’s development and psycho- perceptive and emotional abilities, and to our brains’ activity. The human brain is logical and mental health. Any emotion- how knowledge is built and developed programmed to get into an emotional phase al deprivation in early age hinders the in their growing brains…For example, once it gets a direct or symbolic signal. natal neurological mechanism necessary how does a child know and perceive Parents can change their children’s emo- for interaction between the child and the things? How can he/she learn new tions, or train these emotions, by affecting environment, due to lack of response things? Why do they forget and how the causing idea. They can show the child and stimulation by adults, especially do they remember? Are they intelli- that the idea is not true or does not affect the parents. It also hinders the child’s gent enough to succeed and progress? their affairs or interests. Thus, the brain is development at the emotional and so- Are they excellent or geniuses? Are the source of all emotions. By correcting a cial levels, and causes obvious lagging they lagging? Is their nutrition enough wrong idea, we can decrease the emotion, in the child’s linguisticmental devel- for the proper growth of their body be it love, fear, anger or sadness. opment and consequently in academic and brain? Why does a child lack at- achievement. Adults may be unaware of tention? All or some of these questions The Brain and Talent the child’s very rich and very com-plex come to the minds of parents about the world in terms of interactions, responses conditions of their children and their A talent is a natal thing because it is the and stimulations. Most parents think sensory or intellectual abilities. All result of the composition of the brain that the child “doesn’t understand or such questions are related to the brain and the body as a whole. The brain is perceive,” and that it is enough to meet and nervous systems of children.” the source of thinking and action. The

13 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 13 natal aspect of a talent is decided by he- mother asks her son (a first elementary who wakes up when she hears her child reditary factors. But talents have an ac- student) to copy a certain word (or let- crying but not when there is noise in the quired aspect, too; this aspect is decided ter) on his copybook, he reviews his street, and a child who receives a new by the way children handle the inherited response. If he thinks he was mistaken toy tries to use experiences with ear- part. Parents help here providing habilita- in copying some letters, he will erase lier toys. Learning is the result of what tion, preparation, training, guidance and the word and try to rewrite it. Here, the learners do and what others do to them. change, but children can either excel or child receives visual sensual self-feed- Learning takes place in a special family/ go back to the median. Goss, a famous back that warns him about the mistake; social environment, including fathers, statistician, imagined a graph where regu- what he writes is not visually congruent mothers, siblings, relatives, friends and lar people gather in the middle, excellent with what he is trying to copy. He under- teachers. people to the right and lagging people to stands the mistake and tries to correct it. the left. However, and excellent person This shows that the child, through visual The Brain and Positive can lag, while a lagging person can excel. sensual self-feedback, can guide him- Reinforcement Those in the middle can move either left self/herself. But there is another type or right. But any such changes come into of warning: external feedback. Here, The individual’s behavior depends on be-ing through learning and training, both others guide the child. An example is his/her expectations from such a behav- of which are directly related to the brain. learning language, whereby the child ior. The child may await good outcomes stores linguistic information by trial and from his/her behavior (a reward), not The Brain and Dialogue error in pronunciation through the inter- negative results (a punishment). When a ference of parents and the environment. child gets a grade he/she thinks is good, It is important to know the child’s needs The child’s vocabulary and pronuncia- he/she awaits a reward from their par- and desires by knowing how he/she tions are corrected this way until he/she ents. But that may not be the case all thinks. It is also important to know what is able to discover the wrong sentence, the time as parents expectations may suits him/her and avoid hasty or emo- try to cor-rect themselves and enjoy self- differ from those of their children who tional conclusions. Who would have the guidance. are proud of their achievements and the answers more than parents and, when The human brain is perfectly designed grades they got. The child here feels needed, specialists? How would such to work with both internal and external frustrated and confused; they may feel knowledge be achieved? The answer is feedbacks. Our whole brain is self refer- later unable to follow their learning ef- through communication and dialogue enced. It decides what to do according forts and activities. The reason is the with the child, through sympathy with the to what has just been done, and without fact that parents want their children to child without making hasty con-clusions, our feedback system, we will be unable get the best of grades. and through positive listening and expla- to learn. Our brains send special neu- Encouragement plays an important role nation. The basic condition here is that rotransmitters related to joy, for example, in our lives, and this is especially true confidence should be available between such as endorphin and dopamine, which in children. If we get good results from the child and parents, who should listen to are stored in the brain’s so-called center something we did, we tend to repeat it in the child, not only with ears but also with of joy. This center is also called the cen- similar settings. Good results are posi- eyes and hearts. The parents should focus ter of reward or compensation; that is tive encouragements or stimuli that in- their attention on children’s words, ideas where our brain compares new percep- crease the chance of recurrence. If we and emotions and should discuss words, tions with visual or acquired memory. fail, bad results are negative encourage- ideas and emotions with the children. The The more the brain has happy memo- ments the decrease the chance of recur- parents can ask for explanations of certain ries, the more likely is the person to en- rence. If we are punished, we are likely words of their children to form a mental joy new stimulants as happy emotions, to do something even less desirable, and idea about what they are saying, while and vice versa. When children work in a we end up in a viscous circle. paying attention to the hints that children group, they have a good chance to have In the last example, the parents did not make when they express their ideas and social and practical feedbacks. provide the positive reinforcement as respecting the discussion and the dia- Even when children talk to each other, expected in order to let their child have logue by avoiding interruptions until they they get specific feedbacks about their self-excitement or self-encouragement finish expressing what is on their heads. ideas and behaviors. The most effec- to work more to get better results. The In other words, parents should listen to tive feedbacks are specific, rather than child got negative stimulus for the par- children and hold dialogues with them general. For example, videogames and ents, and he/she may not be able to give to understand how they perceive things. computers give amendable and produc- better results. The chance to perform Good communication of ideas is very ible feedbacks: children can choose (ac- worse is bigger because the child lost important in deciding the help that the cording to their age) to reproduce the the motive or the stimulus. The strength children need. Talking helps restore self- feedbacks one more time. If feedbacks of the reinforcement decides the behav- confidence, eases tension and paves the are hard to reach or if the performance ior. We cannot learn if we do not have a way for dealing with difficulties. cannot be changed when the feedback motive to do it. Practically, motives are is received, the brain will not learn. created by creating new needs (a situa- The Brain and Feedback Sources of feedback are many, includ- tion of dearth) that is fulfilled by encour- ing the performance of others, especial- agement (food in animals). But since hu- Feedback here means correcting a mis- ly parents and teachers; games; reading; mans have mental abilities and symbolic taken response and redirecting it if it thinking and problem solving; all sorts representations, encouragements are missed the point. If, for example, a of the arts; etc. Examples are a mother various: good grades in school, money,

14 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 14 meals, etc. Positive encouragement is the threshold of positive thinking about oneself and others. It is not restricted to talk because good examples and role models that children imitate are in the beginning parents and siblings. Thus, not all encouragements are posi- tive. There are negative encouragements that are used, either to weaken learned response or its frequency or to learn a new substitute response. This is where punishment comes. If we follow a cer- tain response (a behavior or an action) with a repulsive stimulus, the response weakens or vanishes (it is oppressed in similar occasions later on). An example is a child who has just learned to use col- ored pencils and draws on the wall (un- wanted response or behavior). If he/she is deprived of pencils for a certain time, while given an explanation that this is a punishment, he/she will not do it again. This is similar to a rat in a labyrinth in- Education starts at early years to help children coordinate between different styles of family side a laboratory; if it takes the wrong way and gets an electric shock, it will substances such as neurotransmitters and explore alternative thinking, various an- learn to avoid making mistakes. hormones, including ace-tylcholine, which swers and creative insights; a single right Thus, encouragement by punishment is related to sleepiness and is higher at answer should not be given a priori. and encouragement by reward are differ- night when we are about to sleep. We are This is the intelligence that people talk ent: punishment oppresses an unwanted more attentive when more adrenalin exists about. It is the ultimate result of people’s response, but may bring serious damage in our bodies; but when adrenalin’s level learning. Learning is the best thing a hu- because its results are unexpected and is too high, we become nervous and angry. man brain can do. Learning changes the it does not provide a substitute behav- Scientists believe the norepinephrine is the brain, which can reorder itself with each ior. A living organism may substitute an substance that is most responsible for at- new stimulus, experience, excitement or unwanted response with a less wanted tention. behavior (assembling a jigsaw puzzle). one. The reward means, “Do it again” If we want our children to be more cre- The stimulus is specified and processed because it stimulates the brain to do it ative and attentive, we have to encourage on different levels. The memory can re- (our memory is a good recorder); a pun- them to walk, have fun, tell stories, listen trieve the stimulus, implying that, pieces ishment means, “Stop it.” A punishment to music and practice various arts because of information are in their right places to may bring about hatred of the punisher these things help a lot in this regard. facilitate the activation of the memory. (parent, teacher, trainer, etc) or his/her Attentiveness fluctuates during the day. If we, teachers, are aware of these steps, institution (home, school, club, etc). Some children feel sleepy at home or in we will have more and better insights Punishment may also bring about an ag- class because their attentiveness is low. into how children learn and how their gressive behavior that is more dangerous Thus, children must be encouraged to brains work. than the original, punished behavior. walk and stretch their limbs or stand up if Repeated physical or moral punishment they feel sleepy to regain their concentra- References is not advisable because it may lead to tion. During such fluctuations, the brain’s -Psychological Health, Dr. Mustafa Hi- serious consequences in terms of the learning abilities change; also, blood cir- jazi, Arab Cultural Center (2000). child’s personality in general and his/ culation and breathing change, too, af- -Psychology Rights, Dr. Maryam Sleem her thinking, which results from his/ fecting learning abilities. A working child and Dr. Ali Zaiour, Dar al-Nahda al-Ar- her communication with others, in par- must rest, whether at home or in school abiya (2004). ticular. Oppression and violence in the (a tired brain should rest for 15 minutes) -The Human Brain, Alam al-Maarifa, Is- child’s home or school environments several times a day to enhance his/her pro- sue 287 (November 2002). decreases his/her brain’s atten-tiveness, ductivity. -The Family Dynamism in the Era of and this ability is affected by the type of The human brain is very active and adapt- Globalization, Dr. Abbas Makki, Dar stimulus and reminding. able. Thus, a child’s wrong answers, espe- Majd (2007). The nervous system plays a role in at- cially in the learning context, are normal tentiveness and learning; attentiveness due to his/her limited knowledge and ex- Pictures happens in all parts of the brain, whose perience. A child is not expected to give -Raising Children in Yemen, field study chemistry is the real life of the attention right and experienced answers all the time; on behaviors and skills, Higher Center system and is much responsible for the this is not healthy for the development of for Motherhood and Childhood/Child things that children pay attention to in an adaptable and intelligent brain. Learn- Development Project, Yemen, UNICEF, their learning. This chemistry includes ing today should encourage children to Soul

15 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 15 What Is the Effect of a Psychologically-Pressing Environment on the Development of the Child’s Brain? Maltreatment, Negligence and the Development of the Child’s Brain The first stage of pregnancy is considered the most sensitive in an embryo’s life. During this stage, the main development of its body, especially the brain, takes place. The fastest growth of the brain takes place in the first stage of life. The child’s living experiences have a permanent effect on his/her abilities to learn later on. A newborn starts his/ her life with a special group of primitive abilities. Born with him/her, these abilities interact with the stimulation resulting from his/her relation with the outside world. Zeina Hobeish Clinical Psychologist

Growth and development are a result of Gener-ally, the brain develops down- The brain develops fastest during the an individual’s interaction with the sur- side-up. The bottom part of the brain, first stage of life. The child’s experi- rounding environment. Any unsuitable the brainstem, regulates necessary life ences have a permanent effect on his/her environmental condition may affect the functions, such as blood circulation and learning ability in the future. A newborn child’s growth and development. Psy- breathing. It also con-trols basic invol- has a specific set of primitive abilities chological pressure is a key environ- untary reflexes. (neurological reflexes: these are motor, mental factor that can affect the child’s The brain’s second and larger part de- not perceptive responses), which are development if unsuitable to his/her velops during the first year of life and born with him/her and spontaneously needs; it is a source of slow and delayed coordinates complex actions without interact with stimuli that he/she faces in physical, emotional and intellectual de- guidance from consciousness. This part his/her relation with the outside world. velopment. includes the cortex, which is made up of When the child develops intellectually Studies show that maltreatment and neg- several layers covering most of the ce- and physically, he/she starts gaining ligence can hurt the embryo’s brain. Vio- rebrum. Together, the cortex and the ce- skills, thus losing with each acquired lence against children after birth can lead rebrum regulate involuntary movements skill a primitive reflex. to long-term health problems and may and perception operations, such as the In an organized operation, a complex in some instances – cause brain injuries memory, logical thinking and concen- tissue of cells called the brain develops. and even death. Families often resort to tration. The development of these neurological emotional violence, including insults A newborn’s physical functions are gov- cells is strongly related to the child’s and threats, as well as physical violence. erned by the brain’s lower parts. When emotional, social and intellectual com- A child who is exposed to violence feels the cortex, between ages 2 and 16, starts position. The child’s experiments and deprivation, fear and strong negligence. prevailing, the child’s behavior becomes experiences in the surrounding environ- Maltreatment and negligence can cause more voluntary and complex. ment contribute to the formation of neu- disruptions in neurotransmitters and dis- The brain is made up of two equal parts, rological contacts inside the brain. turbances in the body’s physiological- each having special functions that con- The environment where the child grows neurological factors because of strong trol one side of the body. Neurons from and the child’s interaction with heredi- psychological pressure and traumas. each part communicate in a complex tary factors and individual characteristics network to develop general perception, contribute to healthy brain development The Brain’s Formation and the five senses and other neurons. and emotional stability in the child; they Its Functions’ Development During his/her first year, the weight of can also hinder these two processes. an infant’s brain doubles thanks to brain Unused neurons can deteriorate, thus the A human brain develops according to a cell reproduction, and contact points be- importance of the child’s experiences logical chain, related to the brain’s func- tween cells and between brain parts de- during the brain’s development. The en- tions. The brain starts developing three velop, too. Contact points are the basis vironment can influence the connection weeks after inception, whereby thou- of thinking and learning. Between ages of brain cells: if the brain does not re- sands of new cells develop every min- two and six, children develop a various ceive the right stimulus at the right time, ute. The brain’s development proceeds set of skills (motor coordination, sensu- it may be difficult, sometimes impos- until the organ’s weight reaches 370 al perception, speech, memory, logical sible for the brain to reconnect the cells grams at birth. thinking and imagination). Researchers on its own at a later stage. Scientists have proven that different believe that the brain’s maturity contrib- brain regions develop in different ways. utes to the development of such skills.

16 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 16 arise before birth. Environmental causes richer experiences positively affect the How to Protect the are various and can be classified as such: brain’s growth and enhance the growth Embryo from Harm of its neurological networks. Prenatal Reasons: When the child feels love, understand- Pregnant women: ing and appraisal, he/she develops his o (alcohol, drugs…etc) can cause physi- ability to remember and retrieve infor- -Need healthcare during pregnancy. cal and mental deformations. mation. The way children are treated af- -Need good nutrition o Inflammations and disease that may fects their abilities and the way they feel affect the mother. about themselves. -Should avoid smoking, drinking o Malnutrition. alcohol and taking drugs. o Poor nutrition before birth and in the first stage of life can affect the brain’s -Need support, acceptance and help growth and lead to nervous and behav- to accept hormonal changes. ioral disorders. Factors Contributing to Healthy Brain Development

* Providing the brain with oxygen: The brain needs oxygen to get nutrients and energy, and it gets it through sports. * Drinking a lot of water and avoiding harmful gaseous drinks and stimulants. * Giving the brain times to relax and “sleep”. Play and sports provide the brain with oxygen * Having balanced, healthy food. * Providing acclaim, understanding and sympathy. The Effects of Maltreatment The brain’s healthy development has a and Negligence direct influence on the child’s percep- tive abilities (the same applies to edu- When children are maltreated and ne- cation, encouragement and care). This Avoiding smoking protects the embryo and its brain glected, they feel strong psychological enhances the child’s self-confidence pressures. The body can accommodate and his/her interest in exploration. Re- psychological pressures resulting from lations with others in early childhood Natal Reasons: difficult conditions. When a human be- are a key source for the development ing feels sad or endangered, the body o Poor oxygen in tissues may lead of the child’s brain. This development secretes certain hormones, such as to the loss of brain cells, thus af- may take place in parallel with psycho- adrenalin and cortisone, to allow for ac- fecting healthy brain development. logical relapse, crises and pressures. commodation. Studies, conducted by scientists on chil- Problems Postnatal Reasons: dren who suffer longstanding psycho- logical pressures, show that that these o A brain disorder due to certain diseas- The uterus’s environment interacts with children have a higher level of the anxi- es, such as meningitis, or to accidents, the external environment and hereditary ety hormone, cortisol, which is proven such as beatings or falling on the head. factors. Dramatic problems in growth may to destroy brain cells responsible for o Malnutrition. memory, causing major damage in the o A lack of care about the child and not giving him/her support and sympathy. o Poisoning. The child may suffer other relapses, such as malnutrition, negligence, and emotional deprivation, as well as depri- vation of stimuli and experiences that lead to low performance, which is es- pecially visible in children in poor envi- ronments. Rohrwig, who experimented on mice, noticed that the cortex gets thicker in mice that grow up in a rich, stimulating environment. Neglected mice did not get thicker cortices. Thus,

The child has the right to protection from maltreatment or negligence, with supervi-sion by The child needs warm and ongoing relations parents and support from the authorities

17 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 17 brain area in question. - The child’s growth should be followed Chronic psychological pressure de- to make sure that his/her development is creases the child’s immunity system, it proper. may make the individual feel exhausted, - The child should take vaccinations on have sleeping and concentration disor- time and should be provided healthcare ders, and feel stomachache and other (proper nutrition, cleanliness, etc). pains. Psychological pressure can cause - Parents should be provided support a feeling of frustration and depression. (especially the mother after giving birth) Statistics show that one in every 10 chil- to enhance their educational role and to dren suffers vague physical symptoms, support them in their provision of a safe including tiredness and nausea, stomach life for their children. disorders, lack of appetite and general - Psychological support should be pro- slimness, and digestive system pains vided when necessary, and parents and disorders. should be helped to provide the sympa- Physical disorders can be a symptom of thy and care that are necessary for the depression or psychological anxiety, re- child’s psychological help. the abilities of brain areas in question. sulting from a disorder in the hormones - The child’s abilities should be en- If an individual suffers disruption or that help the body accommodate with couraged and developed through early degradation in a brain area, the function the cause of psychological pressure. stimu-lus to help him/her develop these it controls will be affected. It is impor- Children who are beaten, maltreated and abilities. tant to know the psychological disor- even sexually and emotionally abused The child needs warm and ongoing re- ders, physical symptoms and behavioral for long periods are very likely to feel lations and physical stimulus for his/her problems of unknown reasons are “calls the above mentioned symptoms. environment in order to grow and de- for help” by the child. Also, psychologi- Vague physical symptoms, emotional velop in a healthy manner. cal help, memory weaknesses, thinking problems and behavioral disorders usu- discontinuance and concentration diffi- ally hide severe and chronic psychologi- culties have direct effects on the child’s cal pressure, resulting mainly from mal- academic performance. treatment and negligence. The child’s brain can get really hurt dur- The body cannot be separated from en- ing early childhood development stages. vironmental conditions (the family and The child is then unable to protect him- the surroundings); they are interrelated. self/herself, thus the importance of pro- The brain, governs the body, controlling tection, precaution and awareness at this its different interactions, both internal stage of the child’s life. and external. When children face negli- gence and witness tension and violence because their parents fight, or when one Protection Measures or both parents are addicted to alcohol Everyone is concerned with precaution and drugs, children are more vulnerable and protection from violence against to psychological disorders. If these pres- children. Suitable measures must be sures coincide with the development taken, like providing proper support and stages of certain brain areas, they may advice during early childhood. This in- hinder the neurological extensions that cludes: are necessary to positively develop the - The mother should visit the physician child’s abilities; the development of neu- or health worker and do necessary tests rological networks is limited, decreasing during pregnancy.


-DIATKINE R., LEBOVICI S., SOULE M., « Nouveau traité de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent », Tome IV, Presses Universitaires, PUF, 1997. -DUMONT M., PLANCHEREL B., « Stress et adaptation chez l’enfant », Col-lection Presses Universitaires du Québec, 2001. -N. BOISACQ-SCHEPENS et M. CROMMELINC, Neur psychophysiologie, Tome 2, pp. 911001- Ed. Masson Paris, 1996. -BANKS M.; ASLIN R. & LESTON, R. “Sensitive Period for the Develop-ment of Human Binocular Vision”, Science 190: 6751975, 677-. -CATTEL, R. “The Structure of Intelligence in relation to the Nature-Nurture Controversy,” Intelligence, edited by R. Concro (New York: Grune and Strat-ton), 1971. -EPSTEIN, H. “Phrenoblysis: Special Brain and Mind Growth Periods I. Hu-man Brain and Skull Development”, Develop- mental Psychobiology, 7 (3): 2071974, 216-. -PIAGET, J., Psychology of Intelligence (Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams and Co.) 1969. -SYLWESTER, R. “A Child’s Brain”, Instructor, 9195-, Sept. 1982.

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The Effect of Music, Play and the arts in the Development of the Child’s Brain Researchers believe that children’s abilities are similar to a seed that needs, in order to grow well, nutrition, care and protection, which, if not given properly and at the right time, leads to some of the children’s abilities cannot be achieved or developed.

Dr. Hiyam Lutfi Zein Assistant professor of educational psychology at the Lebanese-American University When the child is born, his/her brain has ies agree that depriving the child from healing the body, strengthening thinking 10 billion neurons. During the first three healthy sensual effects and stimuli leads and releasing creativity. A lack in stimu- years of life, the brain adds billions of to losing a number of neurological paths. lating hearing during pregnancy and glial cells to provide support and nutri- Consequently, the brain’s effectiveness early childhood leads to lagging in be- tion to neurons, which can make thou- is lost, the memory weakens gradually, havior and communication skills (Don sands of web-like connections to reach the level of intelligence decreases, and Campbell, 1997). other parts of the brain. changes in character take place. A child who grows while hearing music It is important to know that when the I will discuss the effects of music in the shows the ability of spatial thinking. The child is six, the brain’s size is two thirds brain’s development, then play and fi- same applies to playing a musical instru- that of the adult’s. Yet, connections be- nally the arts. Music plays a key role in ment; it has a major effect on thinking tween neurons are five to six times as much, compared to both an adult and a one year old (Pearce, 1992). Thus, the brain of a child who is six or seven has a great ability to network brain neurons. This ability ends at the age of ten; then, the 80 percent of these cells start to be lost if all are not used and activated. During this period, if the networking ability is not polished and stimulated, the brain will release enzymes that de- stroy unused paths. The more the child uses the brain’s cells and brains through movement and sen- sual experience, the more solid paths for neurons he/she builds. When the child uses the senses of hearing, taste, smell or touch or throws something, neurons are networking among each other. Repeat- ing these movements and experiences is basic for the development of language and a higher level of thinking in the child (Buzzell, 1998). Many new fields grabbed the attention of scientists and researchers, including the role of music, play and the arts in de- veloping thinking and learning. A large number of researches show that music supports, strengthens and develops brain cells and builds connections between the brain’s two hemispheres to allow the individual to use vari-ous means, techniques and levels of thinking. Stud- Music and the arts are an international language needed by all children. Bahjat Othman, Lana Haq, UNICEF

19 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 19 skills. This does not mean that if we lis- consider reintroducing music to their television, turn on the stereo and listen ten to music we become more intelligent; curricula in an accurate and organized to music. If after a child is born, parents music helps us move some parts of our manner. Music must be a basic part of sing, play music, and dance and jump to brain, which helps us think better. Why the curriculum, not an extracurricu- it, making all that part of the daily rou- does this happen? Researchers believe lar activity as it is today, and a special tine, they help create an interest in music that music paths in our brains, especial- budget must be allocated in this regard, in the child. When the child grows, he/ ly those of classical music, are similar similar to other courses. School officials she develops a taste for music. to those that we use in spatial thinking. must understand music’s importance in Another way for making music part of When we listen to classical music, spa- intellectual productivity and behavioral the child’s life is through playing music tial thinking paths open up and get ready development in children and make use at bedtime; music helps the child relax for use. But the effect dies out an hour of music in this regard before it is too and not wake up at night. But music after we stop listening to music. late. should not play briefly; otherwise, the Another question deals with music’s child will wake up a short time later. To Classical or Rock? importance: Is one type of music good? help children develop a love of music, Of course not. We must let the child they must be encouraged to compose Why classical music (Beethoven, Bach, listen to any kind of music with good their own music just for fun. Mozart, etc) and not Rock, for example? melody, and music should be selected In a nutshell, music is good for everyone Because classical music has a complex according to the time of the day. For ex- in terms of mental, physical, emotional composition. Three-month old children ample, when it is bedtime, slow music and social wellbeing of people who suf- can grasp this complex composition and and songs are good as calming factors, fer problems and of others. Listening even know music they heard before. Re- while fast music is good at the time of to music helps develop communication searchers believe that music’s complex play and movement. Classical music is skills, academic performance, attention composition pushes the brain to solve good when children wake up; it stimu- and motor skills. Music also helps in problems related to spatial thinking. lates thinking, activates the brain and behavioral treatment and pain control. The effect of classical music is differ- encourages emotions. The brain’s physiological performance ent from that of other types of music. changes with different music. Music But this does not mean that other types What Are the Best Ways slows down and optimizes breathing, of music are bad; they simply influence to Make Music Part of the adjusts heartbeat and blood pressure, other brain paths. and decreases muscular contractions. To discuss music’s importance in the Child’s Life? Listening to music increases endorphin, development of the child’s brain, we The answer is easy: instead of watching which tunes down pain, and decreases must first answer the following ques- tion: Does music make the child more skillful? The answer is yes. When the child learns a song, listens to music or The Strength of Music in Education dance to the rhythm, he/she experiences an integral aspect between the body and The influence of music on the brain is a comprehensive field that developed in the the brain; this aspect prepares him/her last 10 years. to assimilate courses, including reading, After intensive studies, scientists noticed that music invokes in the brain a very high writing and mathematics. level of thinking. They concluded that a child who plays a musical instrument devel- Music enhances logical spatial think- ops the ability to understand mathematics and sciences more than any other child. ing, which is a neurological process that helps the child understand mathematics. On the other hand, music influences the brain in different ways because the repeti- The best way to enhance learning in a tion of its difficult and complex rhythm develops the brain, sharpens vision and child is to introduce music at develop- hearing, and increases communication, concentration and memory. ment’s various stages, but it must be Scientists believe that children come to this world ready to receive any feeling or presented in different, enjoyable and activity. Thus, parents must enrich and increase the experiences that enrich children’s entertaining manners. Discovering the brains. They can increase the level of brain operation in their children, develop their child’s tendencies helps discover his/ ability to learn, and develop their lives, especially through classical music. her choices. This way, we can decide the In a nutshell, music is an experience. type of music that will best enhance their Since 1836, more than 12,500 musical studies have shown the role the music plays learning. Educators noted that children in educating children. Physical, mental and psychological conditions and social de- who were exposed to music during their velopment progress in children who learn to play a musical instrument quicker than development benefited from it in other aspects of their lives. Listening to music in others. Evidence can be found in schools whose curricula give high importance enhances and develops hand dexterity, to music. solidarity, self-appreciation, thinking Studies have also shown that music can enhance learning in handicapped children. skills, creative abilities, self-restraint With music, reading becomes easier in children who suffer from slow understanding and self-expression. and pronunciation problems. Unfortunately, schools today neglect , Al-Nahar newspaper, 29/7/07 music’s importance in the academic achievement of students. Schools must

20 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 20 the level of stress and anxiety hormones, stable at birth and the brain incomplete ness of his/her physiological presence, thus enhancing the immunity system. and changing with experiences. In the relation with the spatial dimension, first three years, the child builds through sense of time, self-control and breathing The Importance of Play play a complex brain that helps him/her regulation. walk, talk, analyze, love, play, discover Which play is best for the child? Suit- Now we discuss the importance of play and develop a balanced personality. This able play depends on the child’s age in brain development. Is play important is not to neglect the effect of the envi- group. Since play is a tool for the child for growth and development? The an- ronment. If the growth and development to know the world around him/her and swer is certainly. Play is important for of these skills are neglected, the child’s to grow, observing his/her skills are ba- the child’s social, emotional, physical development will be irrepa-rably im- sic in assessing child play. and intellectual development. Through paired. play, the child practices skills such as in- The child’s simple movements during The arts and the Brain’s dependence, creativity, exploration and play enhance the brain’s performance. Cortex problem solving. The child also gains Studies proved that play and motor ac- social values and develops accompany- tivity increase in the brain the number Equally important in the brain develop- ing skills. of blood vessels that facilitate the move- ment is the introduction of the arts in the Psychologists and educators agree that ment of blood into the organ and increase child’s daily life. The arts are means to play and educational games are impor- oxygen supply, which in turn increase know the individual’s civilization and tant for the child’s physical and intel- the brain’s performance and productiv- culture in their highest levels. They en- lectual development. Researches on ity. The efficiency of motor activity and rich the senses, thus enriching the brain, the importance of play in the child’s play is especially effective because they the body and the emotions together. growth have proven that the first years include sensual inputs that guarantee at- To show the importance of the arts, es- in a child’s life carry the most important tention for longer spans of time and train pecially drawing, in the brain’s devel- results for his/her intellectual, social and the child to connect earlier experiences opment, it is important to note that the physiological growth, thus the current to current experiences, thus enhancing cortex’s visual part is five times as much concentration on making intellectual long-term memory and the retrieval of as the hearing part. It is not strange then games that help develop the child’s in- ideas. Taking part in activity and play that children learn more when visual tellectual and social skills. Support to develop and sustain a sense of motion. stimuli are used. By teaching children to these notions comes from the fact that Dancing to rhythm and taking part in read through drawing (children draw let- intelligence has been proven to be un- activity help the child develop an aware- ters and see them in drawings), children

Music, play and the arts are paradigms we use to re-describe the word and what surrounds us in different manners that connect us together by providing a rich fabric of time, place,

21 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 21 File

learn letters faster and learn and under- is especially effective in the new part of music, play and the arts as a learn-ing stand synonyms faster. the brain, the part we use for making de- framework, the brain gets to acquire ba- Educators notice a larger interest in read- cisions, planning and ideating. When we sic pieces of information that contribute ing in children who draw the contents of create something, we feel encouraged. to survival, development and growth. their books of reading, sciences, geog- Thus, brain hormones affect education, Unfortunately, when schools want to raphy, civics and other courses. These encourage it, and create motiva-tion. cut down their budgets, they decrease children also show quicker learning and Thus, learning the arts at home or in or cancel musical or artistic activities. retrieval of information. A 20 percent in- school is connected to motivation and Schools also tend to include such activi- crease in learning reading, writing and interest. Children like the arts, drama, ties in extracur-ricular activities instead mathematics is shown in children who play and music and are creative in these of the regular daily curriculum. This use visual arts. domains. But they will also like mathe- happens while studies reveal more and matics, sciences and history if neurolog- more the importance of music, draw- Neurology and the arts ical chemicals in the brain are allowed to ing and the arts on the intellec-tual, so- move and act to contribute to learning. cial and emotional development of the The brain changes physically when we These chemicals give children freedom, child’s brain. learn, and learning is stronger and more creativity and control of thinking and comprehensive when emotions contrib- development. ute to it. Chemicals such as adrenalin, Learning the arts is not just a mean for serotonin and dopamine change synaps- expression and moving emotions; the es; such changes are essential in learn- arts develop thinking skills, like learning ing; if no changes take place, learning styles and assimilating ideas, similes, does not happen. The point therefore is accurate observation of the world, and that the arts stimulate emotions, causing abstraction of complexes. The arts also changes to synapses and thus allowing help the child perceive other people’s for learning. Changes in synapses also experiences and deliver ideas to them. take place through training and polish- They are a group of skills and thinking ing. We learn things by repetition, and methods that express all interests of the we usually repeat what we care for, like human being. and feel enthusiastic about. By nature, we like the arts and drawing and tend to Conclusion repeat what we do in this regard. This is a healthy way of learning and thus Music, play and the arts are paradigms of brain development, activation and we use to redescribe the word and what changing. surrounds us in different manners that Other things that we should know about connect us together by providing a rich neurology and the arts include the fact fabric of time, place, characteristics and that enhanced chemicals, such as do- advices about how to build our lives. pamine, affect the frontal cortex. Dop- These brain talents are the result of amine is secreted in the brainstem, the the interaction between the human be- oldest part of the brain according to the ing and his/her environment that helps natural selection theory. But dopamine him/her persevere and survive. By using


Buzzell, Keith. The Children of Cyclops: The Influence of Television Viewing on the Developing Human Brain. 1998 California: AWSNA. Campbell, Don. (1997) The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind and Unlock the Creative Spirit. Avon Books Erickson RJ. Play contributes to the full emotional development of the child. Education. 1985;105:261–263 Kaufman, B. (1976, November-December). Where every child is special. Today’s Education, pp. 22-25 Kuffler, P.M. (1980) The role of the arts in general education, Boston: Harvard Press. Newman, J., Rosenbach, J., Burns., K. Latimer B., Motocha, H., and Rosenthal Vogt, K. (1995) An Experimental Test of “The Mozart Effect”: Does Listening to his Music Improve Spatial Ability? Perceptual and Motor Skills,l1995, 81, 1379-1387 Pearce, Joseph Chilton. Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence. 1992 California: Harper San Francisco Robitaillel, J. & O’Neal, S. (1981). Why instrumental music in the elementary schools?. Phi Delta Kappan, 63, p. 213 Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., Levine, L. J., Wright, E. L., Dennis, W. R., & Newcomb, R. L. (1997). Music? training causes long-term enhancement of preschool children’s spatial-temporal reasoning. Neurological Research, 19, 2-8 Winston, E.W. (1982, December) 3 R’s and an M, Music Educators Journal, p. 40

22 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 22 Resources

Raising Children in Yemen, field Rethinking the Brain study on behaviors and skills Rima Shore Higher Center for Motherhood and Families and Work Institute Childhood/Child Development Proj- ect, Yemen, UNICEF, Soul This book is based on the findings of a 1996 conference of neurologists and childhood This booklet provides a study on raising experts on the theme “Brain Development children behaviors and activities in Yemen. in Young Children: New Frontiers for Re- The study is highly valuable because it is search, Policy and Practice.” Discussions fo- the first of a kind in Yemen, it reached in- cused on the importance of early brain devel- teresting results, and it decided and analyzed opment in improving the future of societies. factors of child survival and physical and The book is general overview of the latest psychological development. It is a threshold findings of neurologists about the brain, sug- for further studies on the various as-pects gesting how such findings can support and of early childhood; it also opens new hori- guide efforts to improve healthy develop- zons for workers with children and involved ment and education in children. It focuses on and responsible groups. The study sought to the brain’s biological development in early analyze the trends and activities of childcare childhood to support and prove the clinical providers on certain issues related to chil- theories of psychologists and psychothera- dren between the ages of three and five. The pists on the importance of child-hood in a main issues included healthcare for pregnant human being’s life. It concludes that the and breastfeeding mothers and for children, first years of a human being’s life is full of the concepts and means of child upbringing, chances and obstacles, and offers parents and the means of emotional communication with educators help to make use of such chances children, and the relation of these matters and avoid such obstacles. with the age of the parents when they got http://www.familiesandwork.org married, when they had their first baby, and the educational and social level of the fam- ily. Effective Training Guide Family Child Care Programs Nabila Espanoli Childhood Center-Kindergartens Tricia S. Kruse Institution High/Scope Educational Research Foundation This guide discusses training in general, not to specific training fields. It summarizes var- This book is supposed to help workers in ious reports of workshops and training work family early childhood nurseries plan child- programs, mostly addressing early childhood care programs and organize family childcare workers. Any trainer can use it. Including homes effectively in order to provide the plans for training workshops, study activi- child a suitable atmosphere for development, ties and workshop series, the guide can be growth and interaction with peers and adults. a reference to anyone interested in making The book especially addresses the follow- such planning. It is made up of two main ing issues: planning an internal design for parts, one dealing with training and its defi- the home to suit children and their families, nition and compositions (supportive training planning homes that suit activities for chil- vision, planning and preparing for training, dren from different ages, planning and exe- executing training, documenting and dissem- cuting activities for children of different ages inating information, and evaluating training), and different development stages, observing and the other including various appendices children and developing lesson plans, facili- dealing with training, including a test of tating conflict resolution among children, and training needs, samples of various activities, communication with parents. It lists samples icebreaking and evaluation. of daily programs for family care homes and http://www.tufula.org addresses basic questions related to family care, such as preparing rooms, making use of space, daily programs, the interaction of children of different ages, the interaction of children with adults, and working with par- ents. [email protected]

23 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 23 References

Play in Early Childhood A Guide to General Comment 7: “Implementing Child Rights Fadia Hoteit The Lebanese Committee for Educa- in Early Childhood” tional Sciences Bernard van Leer Foundation/ The Educational Books Series UNICEF The book addresses kindergarten and early childhood education student teachers, teach- This book is a summary of a day of general ers in general and parents. It is good refer- discussion by the Committee on the Rights of ence and easy to grasp by student teachers. the Child in 2004 on the theme “Implement- It discusses how play can be used to educate ing Child Rights in Early Childhood.” The children by mothers and teachers, and curbs day was held to spread awareness about this feelings of guilt by those who believe that topic and issue recommenda-tions on the need when children are allowed to play, time is for a complete implementation of the Child’s wasted. The book’s five chapters define play Rights Convention in early childhood. The and its function and development, and dis- committee adopted these recommendations cuss the most important theories in this re- after studies showed that the Child’s Rights gard. It also discusses the various types and Convention is not being applied as a whole conditions of play and its relation to the de- but only in terms of healthcare and educa- velopment of children and their personalities, tional issues. This report sheds light on the knowledge and brains in all stages of their background of the discussion day, focusing lives. It explains how play can be a suitable briefly on the proposals of participating orga- educational method for children, which is in nizations. It includes materials related to the line with their spontaneity and activeness. It basic issue. It also discusses the results of the also explains the intermediary’s role of play discussion day and the recommendations. It in carrying culture from one generation to the is especially beneficial to believers in chil- other and spreading values, stances and basic dren’s rights, human rights activists, and uni- social knowledge, thus securing the child’s versity students and researchers focusing on social upbringing. The last chapter is dedi- law, social action and international relations. cated to explaining how play can be a form [email protected] of psychotherapy for children because it is an important tool of expression of their feelings and thoughts. [email protected]

ΝŏŅΧė ΑėŋΊĢΉė ĤΣġŏẃΉė ΑėŋΊĢΉė ĥĜ΄ėŏĨŪΫė ĤΣΐΕħΛ ĤΣĸųΉė ĤΡĜẂŏΊΉ) åĤΣġŏẃΉė ŊŎėΜ╬ė ĤŪŎΛú ΒẂ Ŏŋųħ :åΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝úˉ :ΑėΜΕẃΉė .å╙Ή ΑĜ₤ ŊŎĜΔŏġú ĤŧŦĊΏ ΒΏ ΎẂŋġ (ẁΐĨĴ╬ė ŎΫΛŊ 20 ŎΫΛŊ 10 ĤΣΔĜŧΔΩė ĥĜŧŦĊ╬ėΛ Ŋėŏ₤Χė ARC, P.O.Box. 27380 Nicosia 1644 – Cyprus 40 20 ŎΫΛŊ ŎΫΛŊ ΝŏŅΧė ĥĜŧŦĊ╬ė TeL: (+357) 22766741, Fax: (+357) 22766790 ģŏūΕΉė ģŎėŊċ ẁΏ ĜńĈūġ ⅜℮ĨΡ ĤΣẂĜΐ╩ė ĥĜ΄ėŏĨŪΫė www.mawared.org

.ĥĜ·ķά╬ėΛ ŏΡŎĜ⅞ĨΉėΛ ĥΫĜ⅞╬ėΛ ĤǼūΔΧėΛ ŎĜĢŅΧė Έ΅ġ ĠķŏħΛ ĜΚΣ₤ Ĥ▬Ĝŧ╬ė ⌠ċ ●ėŏ⅞Ήė ẁΣ╥ ΜẂŋħ åΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú ˉ ΆΜ⅞ķ ∟ ŊėΜ╬ėΛ ĠĨ΅Ήė ẁΡŖΜħΛ ŏūΔΛ ŊėŋẂċ ĜΚ₤ŋΙ ªΟŎĜĴĨΉė ĶġŏΉė ΞŅΜĨħ Ϋ ªĤΏĜẂ Ĥẃ℮ΕΏ ĥėŌ ĤΊ⅞ĨŧΏ ĤΣġŏẂ ĤŧŦĊΏ åĤΣġŏẃΉė ŊŎėΜ╬ė ĤŪŎΛú ˉ .ẁΐĨĴ╬ė ĤΣΐΕħΛ ĤΡΜġŏĨΉėΛ ĤΣĸųΉė ĤΡĜẂŏΉė ╒Σġ ─ĜỲ :ŏΡŏĸĨΉė ŏΡŋΏ ΑĜΕĢΉ ¼ ĥΛ╙ġ (ΑėŎΜŪ)5916-13 ĝ . Ŭ ªĤΣġŏẃΉė ŊŎėΜ╬ė ĤŪŎΛ ˉ ĝĜΚŪ ΑΜŧΣΏ :‛ėŏŪΩė E-mail: [email protected] )9611+( 742077 :ŝ΄Ĝ℮Ήė )9611+( 742075 :‾ħĜ▀ė ΌŏĴẂ Μġā ΠΏ :ΟōΣ℮ΕĨΉė Ŏŏĸ╬ė Αėŋ╦ ŋΐ█ :ΟΜỳΊΉė Ŏŏĸ╬ė QATR AN NADA: a newsletter supporting NGOs and concerned parties with early childhood in the Arab region. Published periodically by ARC: Arab Resource Collective as part of Regional program ΟΛĜįŏġ ŋ╦ā :ĭėŏŅΩė on “Early Childhood Care and Development” supported by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. ARC, P.O.Box.27380 – Nicosia 1644 – Cyprus. Tel. (+357) 22766741 – Fax. (+357) 22766790 ARC, P.O.Box. 13-5916, . Tel. (+9611) 742075 Fax. (+9611) 742077 E-mail: [email protected] www.mawared.org

24 - «Qatr an-Nada»; No. 11; Summer 2007 2007 ‾ΣŲ ºŏūẂ ΟŊĜ╪ė ŊŋẃΉė ºåΝŋΕΉė ŏǼ⅝ú - 24