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Cotinga 35 Short Communications Range extension for the Endangered Cochabamba Mountain Finch Compsospiza garleppi in Chuquisaca, Bolivia Ornithological studies in Bolivia commenced early in the 19th century, yet distributional data are still lacking for many species because many regions remain under-explored13. The southern 120 Cotinga35P-130620.indd 120 6/20/13 11:58 AM Cotinga 35 Short Communications departments of Chuquisaca, the first record of Cochabamba C. garleppi is endemic to Potosí and Tarija are biologically Mountain Finch Compsospiza Bolivia, occurring at 2,700–3,900 among the least explored areas garleppi from dpto. Chuquisaca, m in the transitional zone between of the country; they are not only c.275 km south of the closest the Inter-Andean Dry Valleys poorly known, but also possess few known locality. and Puna life zones3. Its known protected areas7,15. Here we report distribution comprises 25 localities in dptos. Cochabamba and Potosí3,9. It inhabits semi-humid montane scrub, in valleys with ravines and scattered Polylepis and Alnus trees. Cochabamba Mountain Finch is listed as Endangered, owing to continued habitat loss within its small and fragmented range3. On 13 August 2012, near the locality of Órganos Punta, Chuquisaca, in south-central Bolivia (20º17’S 64º52’W; Fig. 1), we observed two C. garleppi (presumably a pair) in a ravine, flying fast between small bushes and perching for a few seconds (Fig. 2). The birds fed briefly on the ground and then disappeared. The ravine where the observation was made is in the Boliviano-Tucumano Ceja de Monte scrublands (e.g. Baccharis sp., Echinopsis sp., Salvia sp.), just above the Ceja de Monte subhumid-humid woodland (including Polylepis crista-galli), within the transitional zone between semi-humid puna and the Inter-Andean Dry Valleys12,14. The ravine is c.40 m from a dirt road and is characterised by patches of 2–3 m-tall scrubs within a matrix Figure 1. Map showing the new locality (open square with arrow) for Cochabamba of grassland, and some rocky Mountain Finch Compsospiza garleppi in Chuquisaca. The modelled range11 is shown outcrops (Fig. 3). in grey and the barred polygons represent priority areas to search for C. garleppi. Herzog et al.11 modelled the The range of Tucumán Mountain Finch C. baeri is shown in black5 . potential distribution of C. Figure 2. Cochabamba Mountain Finches Compsospiza garleppi, Órganos Punta, dpto. Chuquisaca, Bolivia, August 2012 (Diego R. Méndez) 121 Cotinga35P-130620.indd 121 6/20/13 11:58 AM Cotinga 35 Short Communications a vast area with limited suitable Andes, as part of an Asociación habitat, although surveys are Armonía project supported by The needed to confirm this. Peregrine Fund. Ornithological surveys are also required to check if the species References reaches dpto. La Paz and if it 1. Araujo, N., Quiroga, D. occurs in the border area between & Cuéllar, S. (2011) dptos. Cochabamba and Potosí, as Estado de conservación well as between the new locality de los ecosistemas in Chuquisaca and sites in Potosí, del Departamento and to the south of the new locality de Chuquisaca. In: in Chuquisaca, as far as dpto. Carretero, A., Serrano, M., Tarija (Fig. 1). Moreover, genetic Borchsenius, F. & Balslev, studies are needed to assess the H. (eds.) Pueblos y plantas relationships and connectivity de Chuquisaca. Estado del among the species’ populations. conocimiento de los pueblos, Another issue raised by our la flora, uso y conservación. observation is the possibility that Sucre: Universidad Mayor de San Francisco Xavier de Figure 3. Habitat of Cochabamba a contact zone between C. garleppi Chuquisaca. Mountain Finch Compsospiza garleppi, and Tucumán Mountain Finch 2. Balderrama, J. A. (2009) Órganos Punta, dpto. Chuquisaca, C. baeri exists. In Bolivia, the Range extension for the Bolivia (Diego R. Méndez) Vulnerable and closely related C. baeri, which occurs in similar endangered Cochabamba habitats, has been recorded only Mountain-Finch garleppi (Fig. 1), indicating that in south-east Tarija5 (Fig. 1). (Compsospiza garleppi) the species’ range extends south as Surveys south of the new locality in Bolivia and new far as northern Potosí, in the area for Cochabamba Mountain Finch avifaunal records for Potosí adjacent to extreme north-west in Chuquisaca, in addition to department. Ecol. Bolivia 44: Chuquisaca. Likewise, based on attempting confirm the presence 67–69. records and environmental data, of this species, should also search 3. BirdLife International Guerrero9 modelled a similar range for C. baeri north of its currently (2012) Species factsheet: and suggested that, although less known distribution. Compsospiza garleppi. www. likely, the species’ range could We recorded 25 other bird birdlife.org (accessed 1 extend north-west as far as La species (Table 1) during two hours October 2012). Paz and to the south throughout at Órganos Punta, including 4. BirdLife International (2012) central Chuquisaca as far as three Near Threatened and seven IUCN Red List for birds. Tarija. Our record demonstrates restricted-range species4,10. Based www.birdlife.org (accessed 1 that its distribution reaches on the A1 and A3 criteria for the October 2012). southern Chuquisaca and could selection of Important Bird Areas 5. BirdLife International extend much further to the south (IBAs)6, the area around the new (2013) Species factsheet: than previously suspected. locality for C. garleppi could be Compsospiza baeri. www. Although no specific locality proposed as an IBA. With only birdlife.org (accessed 25 is mentioned, surveys for two national and three municipal March 2013). Cochabamba Mountain Finch / departmental protected areas, 6. Boyla, K. & Estrada, A. (eds.) in areas of suitable habitat in large parts of Chuquisaca are (2005) Áreas Importantes Chuquisaca in the early 1990s unprotected7. The presence of an para la Conservación failed to record the species8. Our IBA in this region could focus de las Aves en los Andes observation, made during a short future ornithological studies— tropicales: sitios prioritarios survey, suggests that further particularly on Cochabamba para la conservación de effort is needed to detect the Mountain Finch—and strength la biodiversidad. Quito: species in southern Bolivia, and the organisation of the protected BirdLife International indeed elsewhere in the country. area system towards effective (Conserv. Ser. 14) & For example, it is thought that biodiversity conservation. Conservación Internacional. populations in Cochabamba and 7. Castro, L. (2011) Gestión y Potosí—separated by c.70 km—are Acknowledgements conservación in situ de la isolated by geographic barriers We thank Peter Hosner who biodiversidad en Chuquisaca. (e.g. the río Caine) and the lack provided valuable suggestions that In: Carretero, A., Serrano, of suitable habitat2; accordingly, improved the submitted version of M., Borchsenius, F. & the birds in Chuquisaca could this manuscript. Our observation Balslev, H. (eds.) Pueblos represent a different population, was made while monitoring y plantas de Chuquisaca. as the locality is >200 km south of Andean Condor Vultur gryphus Estado del conocimiento the closest record and separated by populations in the eastern Bolivian de los pueblos, la flora, 122 Cotinga35P-130620.indd 122 6/20/13 11:58 AM Cotinga 35 Short Communications Table 1.uso Bird y conservación.species recorded Sucre: at Órganos Punta, dpto.H. (eds.) Chuquisaca, Pueblos Bolivia y plantas (13 AugustUniversidad 2012), with respective Mayor de conservation status deand Chuquisaca. level of endemism Estado4,10. del Categories:San FranciscoEN (Endangered), Xavier VU de (Vulnerable), NTconocimiento (Near Threatened), de los LCpueblos, (Least Concern).Chuquisaca. Endemism: CAN (endemic to the Centralla flora,Andes), usoEBA y 056conservación. (endemic to the8. HighCollar, Andes N. ofJ., Bolivia Gonzaga, and Argentina).L. P., Sucre: Universidad Mayor Krabbe, N., Madroño Nieto, de San Francisco Xavier de SpeciesA., Naranjo, L. G., Parker, ConservationChuquisaca. Endemism T. A. & Wege, D. C. (1992) 15. Soriastatus Auza, R. W. & Threatened birds of the Hennessey, A. B. (2005) Turkey VultureAmericas: Cathartes the aura ICBP/IUCN LCÁreas Importantes- para Andean RedCondor Data Vultur bookgryphus. Cambridge, NTla Conservación- de las CinereousUK: Harrier International Circus cinereus Council for LCAves en Bolivia.- In: Boyla, Variable BirdHawk ButeoPreservation. polyosoma LCK. & Estrada,- A. (eds.) Mountain9. Guerrero, Caracara PhalcoboenusT. (2011) megalopterus Preferencia LCÁreas Importantes- para la Conservación de las Aves Aplomadode Falcon hábitat Falco femoralisy distribución LC - potencial de Compsospiza en los Andes tropicales: Andean Flicker Colaptes rupicola LC - garleppi, endémica de sitios prioritarios para Zimmer’sBolivia Tapaculo (Passeriformes: Scytalopus zimmeri LCla conservaciónCAN de la Slender-billedEmberizidae). Miner Geositta tenuirostrisTesis de LCbiodiversidad.- Quito: Rock EarthcreeeperLicenciatura. Ochetorhynchus Cochabamba: andaecola LCBirdLife InternationalCAN Cream-wingedUniversidad Cinclodes CinclodesMayor albiventris de San LC(Conserv. Ser.- 14) & Brown-cappedSimón. Tit-Spinetail Leptasthenura fuliginiceps LCConservación- Internacional. Tawny10. Hennessey, Tit-Spinetail Leptasthenura A. B., Herzog, yanacensis S. NT CAN K. & Sagot, F. (2003) Lista Diego R. Méndez Mojica Spot-billed Ground Tyrant Muscisaxicola maculirostris LC - anotada de aves de Bolivia. Asociación Civil Armonía, Av. CinereousQuinta Ground edn.Tyrant