Tropical Forests Surround - Data Sheet Tropical Forests
TROPICAL FORESTS SURROUND - DATA SHEET TROPICAL FORESTS FILENAME DESCRIPTION QP07 0672 Trop forest EC evening 5.0.wav Evening insects, few bird calls, winged insects. Birds include Gilded Barbet, White-throated Tinamou and Black-necked Red-Cotinga. QP07 0673 Trop forest EC nightfall 5.0.wav Evening insect rhythms, frogs, drips, debris falling, occasional bird, light is quickly weakening. Birds include Undulated Tinamou and Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl. Evening insect rhythms, frogs, Red Howler Monkey distant and becoming louder, occasional water drips with winged insects, animal lurks in vicinity. Birds include Gilded Barbet and Undulated QP07 0674 Trop forest EC nightfall 5.0.wav Tinamou. Pronounced insect rhythms at night with occasional bird calls and wing flutters, winged insects, sparse frogs, water drips. Birds include Red-throated Caracara, Thrush-like Antpitta, Brown Nunlet QP07 0675 Trop forest EC night early 5.0.wav and Variegated Tinamou. Night insect rhythms dense, increasing at times, large frog with two note call, night birds in background include Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl and Crested Owl. Faint water ripples produced by nearby QP07 0676 Trop forest EC night 5.0.wav river. QP07 0677 Trop forest EC night 5.0.wav Night insect rhythms and loud frogs with sparse drips, bat wing flutters. QP07 0678 Trop forest EC night 5.0.wav Night insect rhythms, night birds, jaguar lurks then hisses, frog. Birds include Black-banded Owls counter-calling throughout sometimes simultaneously with Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl. QP07 0679 Trop forest EC night zephyr 5.0.wav Night insect rhythms, frog chirps and gecko multi-note call, series of whoops in background probably a frog.
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