Catalogue 234 Jonathan A
Catalogue 234 Jonathan A. Hill Bookseller Art Books, Artists’ Books, Book Arts and Bookworks New York City 2021 JONATHAN A. HILL BOOKSELLER 325 West End Avenue, Apt. 10 b New York, New York 10023-8143 home page: JONATHAN A. HILL mobile: 917-294-2678 e-mail: MEGUMI K. HILL mobile: 917-860-4862 e-mail: YOSHI HILL mobile: 646-420-4652 e-mail: Further illustrations can be seen on our webpage. Member: International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America We accept Master Card, Visa, and American Express. Terms are as usual: Any book returnable within five days of receipt, payment due within thirty days of receipt. Persons ordering for the first time are requested to remit with order, or supply suitable trade references. Residents of New York State should include appropriate sales tax. COVER ILLUSTRATION: © 2020 The LeWitt Estate / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York PRINTED IN CHINA 1. ART METROPOLE, bookseller. [From upper cover]: Catalogue No. 5 – Fall 1977: Featuring european Books by Artists. Black & white illus. (some full-page). 47 pp. Large 4to (277 x 205 mm.), pictorial wrap- pers, staple-bound. [Toronto: 1977]. $350.00 A rare and early catalogue issued by Art Metropole, the first large-scale distributors of artists’ books and publications in North America. This catalogue offers dozens of works by European artists such as Abramovic, Beuys, Boltanski, Broodthaers, Buren, Darboven, Dibbets, Ehrenberg, Fil- liou, Fulton, Graham, Rebecca Horn, Hansjörg Mayer, Merz, Nannucci, Polke, Maria Reiche, Rot, Schwitters, Spoerri, Lea Vergine, Vostell, etc.
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