700.92 Ar7 1998 artists looks A CRITICAL SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE STEFAN XL I M A ARTISTS BOOKS: A CRITICAL SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE < h'ti<st(S critical survey °f the literature Stefan ^(lima Granary books 1998 New york city Artists Books: A Critical Survey of the Literature by Stefan W. Klima ©1998 Granary Books, Inc. and Stefan W. Klima Printed and bound in The United States of America Paperback original ISBN 1-887123-18-0 Book design by Stefan Klima with additional typographic work by Philip Gallo The text typeface is Adobe and Monotype Perpetua with itc Isadora Regular and Bold for display Cover device (apple/lemon/pear): based on an illustration by Clive Phillpot Published by Steven Clay Granary Books, Inc. 368 Broadway, Suite 403 New York, NY 10012 USA Tel.: (212) 226-3462 Fax: (212) 226-6143 e-mail:
[email protected] Web site: www.granarybooks.com Distributed to the trade by D.A.R / Distributed Art Publishers 133 6th Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013-1307 Orders: (800) 338-BOOK Tel.: (212) 627—1999 Fax: (212) 627-9484 IP 06 -ta- Adrian & Linda David & Emily & Ray (Contents INTRODUCTION 7 A BEGINNING 12 DEFINITION 21 ART AS A BOOK 41 READING THE BOOK 6l SUCCESSES AND/OR FAILURES 72 BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCES 83 LIST OF SOURCES 86 INTRODUCTION Charles Alexander, having served as director of Minnesota Center for Book Arts for twenty months, asked the simple question: “What are the book arts?”1 He could not find a satisfactory answer, though he tried. Somewhere, in a remote corner of the book arts, lay artists books.