RISK MANAGEMENT Peer-Reviewed RISK TREATMENT STRATEGIES Harmonizing the Hierarchy of Controls & Inherently Safer Design Concepts By Bruce K. Lyon and Georgi Popov

THE PRIMARY GOAL FOR AN OSH PROFESSIONAL is to health and industrial hygiene beginning in the late reduce operational risk to a level that is considered as 1940s. In Advanced Safety Management, Manuele low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). ANSI/ASSP (2008) cites the third edition of National Safety Z590.3-2011 (R2106), Prevention Through Design, de- Council’s 1955 Accident Prevention Manual as an fines ALARP as “that level of risk which can be further early source of a hierarchy of controls. lowered only by an increase in resource expenditure The concept of ranking risk reduction strategies has that is disproportionate in relation to the resulting developed over the years. Originally, the principle of the decrease in risk.” Achieving and maintaining ALARP hierarchy of controls was to control the as close Tshould be the goal, the state of being in all workplaces. to the source as possible, with 1) engineering as the top One concept OSH professionals use to achieve the state control measure and 2) PPE as the second option. of ALARP is the application of risk reduction strate- Using engineering to control gies according to the hierarchy of controls. at their source or in the pathway Origins of the Hierarchy of Controls Concept of transmission is more reliable and less burdensome to the worker than personal OSH professionals have traditionally ranked con- protective equipment. Once installed, these trol measures according to their effectiveness and controls work day after day with minimum reliability in removing or controlling hazards. This routine intervention beyond maintenance concept has become known as the hierarchy of con- and monitoring. (U.S. Congress, OTA, 1985) PLUS IMAGES JAMESTEOHART/ISTOCK/GETTY trols. It is thought to have its origins in occupational

KEY TAKEAWAYS •The primary goal of safety and is to achieve and maintain a level of risk that is as low as reasonably practi- cable while accomplishing the organization’s objectives. This is achieved by selecting and apply- ing appropriate risk treatments using a hierarchy approach. •A fundamental concept within operational risk management is the ranking of hazard controls and risk treatment strategies known as the hierarchy of controls. •Various hierarchy of controls models exist, each having slight differences in control options and applications, presenting some confusion to the user. A new risk reduction hierarchy model is presented that incorporates inherently safer design strategies in a more comprehensive format accompanied by a decision tree.

34 PSJ PROFESSIONAL SAFETY MAY 2019 assp.org RISK TREATMENT STRATEGIES Harmonizing the Hierarchy of Controls & Inherently Safer Design Concepts By Bruce K. Lyon and Georgi Popov

The concept was further advanced with the writ- The Treatment of Risk ings of William Haddon and his concepts of energy Risk treatment involves the selection and appli- control. Haddon (1970) proposed 10 strategies for cation of risk reduction measures for a risk that is reducing and avoiding harm or damage based on judged to be unacceptable. The output of the risk a model of potentially harmful energy transfer. assessment is a valuable input to the risk treatment His strategies, which include preventing, reducing, process. The results should be used modifying, separating, detecting and strengthening to make important decisions on how to control against energy transfer risk, have had a major influ- anticipated and identified hazards, and reduce ence on the thinking about safety and risk, and the their risk. Without acting on the risk assessment’s concepts of risk treatment ranking and hierarchy. findings and treating risk, a risk assessment is of no In the present day, the hierarchy of controls concept value, and in fact may lead to negligence of the orga- provides a systematic way of thinking, considering steps nization (Popov, Lyon & Hollcroft, 2016). in a ranked and sequential order, to choose the most ISO Guide 73 (ANSI/ASSE Z690.1-2011) defines effective means of eliminating or reducing hazards and risk treatment as the “process to modify risk.” For their associated risks. Acknowledging that premise (that operational and hazard risks, the process to modify risk reduction measures should be considered and taken risk involves the selection and application of one or in a prescribed order) represents an important step in more treatment options to reduce risks to a level that the evolution of the practice of safety (Manuele, 2008). is as low as reasonably practicable and acceptable


Preventive Resulting Hazards Causes Scenario controls Mitigative controls consequences Escalation factor

Escalation factors

FIGURE 2 Prevention: Risk prevention is the act of keeping something from occurring SAFER TECHNOLOGY & ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS that would otherwise cause risk or harm. For example, a relief valve on an enclosed tank or vessel prevents over-pres- surization and explosion. Preventive action is defined as “an action taken to reduce or eliminate the probability of specific undesirable events from happening” and is described as generally less costly than mitigating the effects of negative events after they occur (BusinessDictionary.com, 2018). ANSI Z590.3 reinforces this in Sec- tion 9, Hierarchy of Controls, which states that the first four control levels of the hier- archy are more effective because they are preventive actions that eliminate or reduce risk by design, elimination, substitution and engineering measures. Mitigation: This term has become more popular recently by some governmental agencies, organizations and groups. The term mitigation is generally defined as the action of reducing the severity or serious- ness of something, thus making a condi- tion or consequence less severe. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, 2017) defines mitigation as “the effort to to the organization. ISO Guide 73 provides several reduce loss of life and property by lessen- notes that further describe risk treatment options: ing the impact of disasters.” Rather than a preven- •avoid the risk by deciding not to start or continue tive measure, mitigation is a reactionary measure with the activity that gives rise to the risk; used to reduce severity. An emergency action plan •take or increase risk in order to pursue an opportunity; is a mitigation plan that is designed to limit damage •remove the risk source; and harm in response to an emergency-type event. •change the likelihood; Protection: Similar to mitigation, protection is the •change the consequences; act of shielding, covering or keeping an asset from •share the risk with another party or parties, in- harm. It is designed to limit the severity of harm or cluding contracts and risk financing; impact rather than prevent the event from occurring. •retain the risk by informed decision. Examples of risk protection include automatic fire sup- For the OSH professional, common terms used in pression systems in buildings; cathodic protection for association with operational risk treatment include an underground storage tank; and PPE. Insurance (or control, reduction, mitigation, protection and preven- risk transfer) could also be considered a form of pro- tion. These terms are often used interchangeably; how- tection measure for the insured parties or properties. ever, there are some subtle, yet important distinctions Control: Risk control is a more encompassing to consider regarding these risk treatment terms. term meaning to manage risk by reducing likelihood


Most and severity of an exposure. ISO Guide 73 effective Elimination Physically remove (ANSI/ASSE Z690.1-2011) defines control the hazard as a measure that modifies risk and may include processes, policies, devices, prac- Substitution tices or other actions. As indicated in the Replace the hazard ISO standard, controls may not always exert the intended or assumed modifying Engineering Isolate people effect. Some in the profession use the term controls from the hazard loss control; however, management of risk involves controlling the risk rather than Administrative Change the way just controlling the resulting loss. controls people work Reduction: Risk reduction, like risk con- trol, seeks to minimize or reduce the like- PPE Protect the lihood and severity of an unwanted risk. Least worker with PPE Reduction is defined as making something effective smaller in size, amount or number. A comprehensive approach to reducing Note. Adapted from “Hierarchy of Controls,” by NIOSH, 2015, www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hierarchy. risk to an acceptable level often requires layers of controls or defenses, or a combi- FIGURE 4 nation of preventive, protective, mitiga- tive and control measures (Lyon & Popov, ANSI/ASSP Z10 HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS MODEL 2016). For example, Figure 1 shows a bow tie analysis diagram, which identifies Most Controls Examples preventive measures on the left side of the effective 1) Elimination •Design to eliminate hazards, such as falls, bow tie (barriers positioned between the hazardous materials, noise, confined hazard-causes and the event) and the mit- spaces and manual material handling. igation measures on the right side of the bow tie (reactive measures between the 2) Substitution •Substitute for less hazardous material. hazardous event and the consequences). •Reduce energy. For example, lower speed, Both preventive and mitigative measures , amperage, pressure, are risk reduction treatment strategies. and noise. OSH professionals should understand 3) Engineering •Ventilation systems these differences and make use of all the controls •Machine guarding available risk reduction strategies to prop- •Sound enclosures erly manage operational risk. •Circuit breakers Risk Treatment Plans •Platforms and guard railing Risk treatment plans can involve a single •Interlocks control or multiple risk reduction measures •Lift tables, conveyors and balancers to accomplish the risk reduction desired. 4) Warnings •Signs Concepts such as inherently safer design, •Backup alarms layers of protection, recognized and gener- •Beepers ally accepted good engineering practices, •Horns and safer technology and alternatives, •Labels along with the hierarchy of controls should 5) Administrative Procedures be incorporated into the risk treatment controls •Safe job procedures plan. Risk treatment options can include •Rotation of workers the decision to 1) avoid the risk by choosing to not engage in the activity or exposure; •Safety equipment inspections 2) eliminate the risk by removing the risk •Changing work schedule source; 3) reduce the likelihood or reduce Training the severity; 4) share the risk among other •Hazard communication training parties such as contracts and risk financ- •Confined space entry ing; and 5) retain the risk such as self-fund- 6) PPE •Safety glasses ing or other risk-based decisions. •Hearing protection Risk treatment is a continuous process •Safety harnesses and lanyards that involves the formulation, selection •Gloves and implementation of treatment plans, Least evaluating the residual risk levels after effective •Respirators treatment to determine acceptability, and for those that remain unacceptable, fur- Note. Adapted from Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems [ANSI/ASSP Z10-2012 ther treatment is required. For treatments (R2017)], by ANSI/ASSP, 2017, Park Ridge, IL: ASSP.


Risk reduction

measures Examples Influence on risk factors Classification Most •Eliminate pinch points (increase •Impact on overall risk preferred clearance) (elimination) by affecting •Intrinsically safe (energy severity and probability of harm containment) •May affect severity of harm, Elimination or •Automated material handling frequency of exposure to the Design out substitution (robots, conveyors) hazard under consideration, and •Redesign the process to eliminate or the possibility of avoiding or reduce human interaction limiting harm depending on •Reduced energy which method of substitution is •Substitute less hazardous chemicals applied. •Barriers •Greatest impact on the Guards, •Interlocks probability of harm (occurrence safeguarding •Presence sensing devices (light of hazardous events under Engineering devices and curtains, safety mats, area scanners) certain circumstances) controls complementary •Two-hand control and two-hand trip •Minimal, if any, impact on measures devices severity of harm •Enabling devices •Lights, beacons and strobes •Potential impact on the Awareness •Computer warnings probability of harm (avoidance) devices •Signs and labels •No impact on severity of harm •Beepers, horns and sirens •Safe work procedures •Potential impact on the Training and •Safety equipment inspections probability of harm (avoidance Administrative procedures •Training or exposure) controls •Lockout/tagout/verify •No impact on severity of harm •Safety glasses and face shields •Potential impact on the •Earplugs probability of harm (avoidance) PPE •Gloves •No impact on severity of harm Least •Protective footwear preferred •Respirators

Note. Adapted from Safety of Machinery (ANSI B11.0-2015), by ANSI/B11, 2015, Houston, TX: B11 Standards.

FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 TWO STAGE ITERATIVE APPROACH TO THE ANSI/ASSP Z590.3 PTD RISK HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS & RISK REDUCTION REDUCTION HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS MODEL Action steps Goal Result Controls Most Risk avoidance: Prevent entry of hazards preferred into a workplace by selecting and •Change task, function, location Stage 1 Eliminate Hazards incorporating appropriate technology and •Substitution of materials eliminated work methods criteria during the design processes. Eliminate: Eliminate workplace and work methods risks that have been discovered. Substitution: Reduce risks by substituting less hazardous methods or materials. • Engineering controls: Incorporate Reduce risks to •Awareness (e.g., warnings, signs engineering controls/safety devices. a safe and and devices, placards) Balance/ Warning: Provide warning systems. optimize acceptable Stage 2 •Safe operating procedures level (culture : Apply •Training (e.g., operator main- drives the mix) administrative controls (e.g., the tenance) organization of work, training, scheduling, Least supervision). •PPE preferred PPE: Provide PPE.

Note. Adapted from Prevention Through Design: Guide- lines for Addressing Occupational Hazards and Risks in Note. Adapted from Safety of Machinery (ANSI B11.0-2015), by ANSI/B11, 2015, Design and Redesign Processes [ANSI/ASSP Z590.3-2011 Houston, TX: B11 Standards. (R2016)], by ANSI/ASSP, 2016, Park Ridge, IL: ASSP.

38 PSJ PROFESSIONAL SAFETY MAY 2019 assp.org or controls that have been implemented, assessment 2) Reduce severity. Second-order inherent safety of their effectiveness and reliability are required. measures; measures that treat the hazard by reduc- This may require testing and verification of some ing the hazard’s intensity or severity. degree to ensure that controls are working as ex- 3) Reduce likelihood. Second-order inherent safe- pected. Also, it is important to determine that the ty measures; measures that reduce the likelihood of implemented control measures have not created any the event or exposure. unintended consequences or introduced new risks. 4) Passive safeguards. Layers of protection; mea- sures that reduce the frequency or impact of the RAGAGEP hazard without the need for external input or activa- The term recognized and generally accepted good tion of the control. Examples include fixed guards, engineering practices (RAGAGEP) was introduced barriers, dikes and containment buildings. in 1992 by OSHA in the process safety management 5) Active safeguards. Layers of protection; mea- (PSM) standard (29 CFR 1910.119). RAGAGEP in- sures that detect and respond to process deviations volves the selection and application of appropriate that require external input and activation of the engineering, operating and maintenance knowledge control to provide safety. when designing, operating and maintaining chemi- 6) Procedural safeguards. Layers of protection; cal facilities with the purpose of ensuring safety and measures such as operating procedures, management preventing process safety incidents. This concept is in system procedures and administrative measures that alignment with the prevention through design (PTD) rely on the human element to respond or perform. concept of designing in such measures and managing Following the use of inherent safety measures, risk throughout a system’s life cycle. The use of appli- the remaining hazards and their residual risk are cable RAGAGEP as well as regulatory requirements minimized through the use of layers of protection should be one of the first considerations made when including passive, active and procedural safeguards selecting available risk treatments. to a level that is acceptable to the organization. STAA & Inherent Safety The Hierarchy of Risk Treatment Strategies Another risk reduction approach referenced in the Risk treatment selection should always be linked OSHA PSM standard and U.S. EPA’s risk management to the concept of the hierarchy of controls to reduce plan standard is the safer technology and alternatives risk to an acceptable level. Hazard and risk control analysis (STAA) concept. STAA (Figure 2, p. 36) is the measures vary in their degree of risk reduction, effec- concept of integrating various risk reduction strategies tiveness and reliability. The hierarchy of controls con- that work toward making a facility and its chemical cept is structured with the most effective and reliable processes as safe as possible (EPA, 2015; OSHA, 2017). risk reduction options at the top, descending to the STAA follows a hierarchy of risk treatment op- least preferred option. The hierarchy model generally tions beginning with the use of inherently safer starts with avoidance of risk (excluded in some mod- technology or inherently safer design applied at the els), followed by elimination of risk, then substitution process design stage (CCPS, 2008b; EPA, 2015). The of risk. From there, residual risk is controlled using concept of inherently safer design and inherent safe- engineering controls, warning systems (also excluded ty focuses on eliminating or reducing the hazards in some models), administrative controls and PPE. associated with a set of conditions and is closely Various models exist. Unfortunately, OSH text- aligned with the PTD concept. The concept of inher- books and others continue to refer to engineering ent safety requires designers to attempt to eliminate controls as the highest level of control. It is import- or reduce hazards that are identified at each stage in ant to recognize and understand the differences the system’s life cycle, and design safety systems to among the various hierarchy of controls models. control hazards rather than accept them. The theory Jensen (2007) provides a unique review of several is that a process is inherently safer if it reduces or hazard control strategies. He lists nine strategies and eliminates the hazards associated with materials shows their relationships with 1) Haddon’s (1980) 10 and operations used in the process. Such elimina- strategies for reducing damage of all kinds original- tions and reductions of risk are permanent in the ly based on his energy control theory; 2) Johnson’s system. It may not always be feasible to eliminate or (1975) “The Management Oversight and Risk Tree”; minimize hazards, but the inherent safety concept 3) Asfahl’s (2004) list from Industrial Safety and requires that this first be attempted. An inherently Health Management; and 4) Manuele’s (2003) list of safer process should not, however, be considered nine strategies from On the Practice of Safety. Jen- inherently safe or absolutely safe. There will always sen’s proposed strategies, which closely align with be some residual risk. While implementing inherent Haddon’s list, are well explained in his article and safety concepts will move a process in the direction presented in the following order: of reduced risk, it will not remove all risks. 1) Eliminate the hazard. The hierarchical steps for managing chemical and 2) Moderate the hazard. process hazards and risk in the STAA approach are: 3) Avoid releasing the hazard. 1) Avoid hazard. First-order inherent safety mea- 4) Modify release of the hazard. sures; measures that would avoid or eliminate the 5) Separate the hazard from that which hazard altogether. needs to be protected.


Control method Stage/application Control examples Effectiveness Avoidance Conceptual stage Prevent entry of hazard into New design workplace by design, selection of High technologies, equipment and work methods. Elimination Operational stage Eliminate existing hazard by Existing processes changes in design, technologies, High Redesign equipment and methods. Substitution Conceptual stage Substitute materials, sizes, Moderately Operational stage and other aspects to a lower high Existing processes hazard severity or likelihood. Engineering Conceptual stage Reduce hazard by changes to controls Operational stage workplace, tools, equipment, Moderate Existing workstations fixtures, adjustability, layout, Redesign lighting or work environment. Administrative Operational stage Reduce exposure to hazard by controls Practices and procedures changes in work practices, training, Moderately job enlargement, job rotation, rest low breaks or work pace. PPE Operational stage Reduce impact of hazard to Workers employee by use of protective Low equipment and materials such as vibration attenuation gloves.

Note. Adapted from “Improving Ergo IQ: A Practical Risk Assessment Model,” by B.K. Lyon, G. Popov and K. Hanes, 2013, Professional Safety, 58(12), pp. 26-34.

6) Help people perform safely. reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. A risk treat- 7) Use PPE. ment plan should include options and alternatives 8) Improve the resistance of that which that eliminate the hazard or reduce its risk. needs to be protected. To provide OSH professionals a broader range 9) Expedite recovery. of risk reduction strategies that include inherently Variations of control hierarchies exist, including safer design concepts, the authors have proposed a those from NIOSH and ANSI standards, which are hierarchy of risk treatment (HORT) strategies hier- presented in Figures 3 through 7 (pp. 37-38). The B11 archy model (Figure 9). annex presents a unique and well-reasoned two-step The model includes 10 risk treatment strategies, or approach to applying controls (Figure 6, p. 38). The tiers, which are divided into three categories: 1) de- theory is that risk treatment should first attempt to sign/redesign; 2) engineering; and 3) administrative eliminate or substitute the hazard, then consider, in controls. Design/redesign risk treatments, the first descending order, engineering controls, awareness category, are the only risk treatments that are long devices, safe operating procedures, training and PPE lasting and typically do not degrade over time. Haz- (lower level controls) to reduce residual risk. ards avoided, eliminated or substituted through design Among the established models, the ANSI/ASSP will not change unless the design feature is changed. Z590.3 Prevention Through Design model (Figure 7, However, the second and third categories of risk treat- p. 38) is considered the most complete hierarchy of ments are less resilient. Engineering controls can be controls model since it includes risk avoidance and circumvented and, over time, tend to degrade, wear warning systems. out or lose effectiveness. Such controls also require For risks associated with ergonomics, the authors ongoing inspection, testing, maintenance and repair. have developed a hierarchy of ergonomic risk con- Administrative controls are the least effective and de- trols model based on the PTD hierarchy identifying grade more quickly due to variations in the quality of application phases and control examples to aid the training, application and management, as well as orga- user (Figure 8). nizational influences and human fallibility. For these reasons, administrative controls are considered the last A Hierarchy of Risk Treatment Model resort in the hierarchy. Following are brief descriptions The objective of operational risk management is and examples of each risk treatment strategy: to implement appropriate risk reduction plans to 1) Avoid. New hazards/risks are intentionally reduce risks associated with each decision made to avoided in new designs, as well as in redesigns, ad- achieve an acceptable risk level. OSH professionals ditions and modifications to existing systems and should be able to effectively lead risk assessments, workplaces. Example: In a new facility, design all develop appropriate risk reduction strategies and walking and working surfaces at the same level to advise decision-makers in making appropriate avoid falls from heights. decisions. Risk treatments (i.e., risk controls) are 2) Eliminate. Existing hazards/risks are elimi- designed to reduce the risk of a hazard’s effects or nated or removed from systems/workplaces through

40 PSJ PROFESSIONAL SAFETY MAY 2019 assp.org FIGURE 9 A HIERARCHY OF RISK TREATMENT INCORPORATING INHERENTLY SAFER DESIGN CONCEPTS redesign. Example: Eliminate a hazardous Avoid chemical process from the workplace by re- designing the process or remove it from the Eliminate workplace and isolate it away from workers. Substitute 3) Substitute. New or existing hazards/ risks are intentionally replaced with less Minimize hazardous materials that meet the needs of the system or workplace. Example: Replace Simplify a highly hazardous chemical such as pure Passive control sulfur dioxide with a less hazardous chem- ical such as potassium meta-bisulfite. Active control 4) Minimize. The amount or quantity of a particular hazard is minimized to a Warn level that presents a lower severity risk. Examples: Minimize the size and of Adminstrative materials to a level that workers can easily handle; use the smallest quantity of hazard- PPE ous materials feasible for a process; use the lowest voltage or energy required; reduce operating and . 5) Simplify. The likelihood of error or occurrence is reduced through simplify- Note. Adapted from “Risk Management Tools for Safety Professionals” [Webinar], by B.K. Lyon ing the systems or workplace processes and G. Popov, Sept. 6, 2018, Park Ridge, IL: ASSP. and controls. Examples: Eliminate un- necessary complexity in controls and displays; reduce the number of steps to evaluate and consider which models and risk reduc- complete a critical task; incorporate human factors tion strategies best serve the needs of their organiza- engineering design into systems to reduce human tions and applications to achieve ALARP. error potential. 6) Engineer with passive controls. Hazards are Risk Reduction Strategies Decision Tree controlled or contained by passive engineering Risks should be prioritized to allow decision-mak- controls that protect/function without activation. ers to act on the most important risk first so that Examples: Install a containment dike around a appropriate resource allocations can be made for hazardous material storage tank; install a fixed/per- risk avoidance, elimination, reduction or control. manent guard on a machine; use hard/fixed barriers. For more complex situations, a risk treatment or 7) Engineer with active controls. Hazards are implementation plan may be required to document controlled by active engineering controls that require the reasons for selecting control options, their ex- activation to protect or function. Examples: Presence pected benefits and the methods of implementing the sensing devices on machines; process controls and controls. Such a plan should identify who is respon- safety instrumented systems (SIS); automatic fire sup- sible for implementing controls, the timeframe and pression systems and sprinkler systems. resources necessary, and the key performance mea- 8) Warn. Awareness device that informs or sures, reporting and monitoring requirements of the warns of residual risks by sight, sound or touch. implementation. Examples: Forklift backup alarms; perimeter warn- Selection of the most appropriate risk reduction ing tape and signage; highway rumble strips to strategies to achieve ALARP can be achieved by using indicate drifting off road. a decision tree. Figure 10 (p. 42) illustrates such a risk 9) Administrative. Hazards are managed by ap- reduction strategies decision tree (Lyon & Popov, 2018b) plying work procedures and worker training for safe that can be used in the risk treatment planning process. operation of the system or workplace. Examples: A case example for applying risk reduction strate- Written standard operating procedures and pro- gies follows: tocols; employee orientation and training; behav- A manufacturing organization plans to ior-based safety efforts. expand operations by doubling the size of 10) PPE. Hazards are managed by donning and the main facility. As part of the planning wearing protective clothing and equipment to pre- process, a design and build team that vent or reduce contact, exposure, and impact or includes OSH professionals is assembled. harm from hazards. Examples: Respiratory protec- Upon the scoping and development of the tion; flame-resistant clothing; fall protection harness conceptual designs, the OSH professionals and lanyard. lay out safety specifications that support Table 1 (p. 42) compares five hierarchy of controls the organization’s acceptable risk levels models and their listed risk treatment strategies dis- and business objectives. The design team cussed in this article. The models range from five to develops and uses a design safety specifica- 10 strategy levels or tiers. OSH professionals should tions .


Hierarchy of controls models Risk treatment NIOSH ANSI/ASSP ANSI/ASSP HORT strategies PTD Z10 ANSI B11 Z590.3 model Most Avoid ------1 1 effective Eliminate 1 1 1 2 2 Substitute 2 2 2 3 3 Minimize ------4 Simplify ------5 Engineer: Passive ------6 Engineer 3 3 3 4 -- Engineer: Active ------7 Warn -- 4 4 5 8 Administrative 4 5 5 6 9 Least effective PPE 5 6 6 7 10



Yes No Yes

Yes No




No No

For each hazard identified or anticipated, od. The team reviews alternative mate- the team, led by the OSH professionals, rials, chemicals or methods for their risk determines its risk level and whether it is levels, perceived benefits, costs, ability to acceptable to the organization, or if it re- satisfy operational objectives, and makes quires further treatment. For risks that are a determination whether ALARP can be unacceptable, the following process using achieved. the risk reduction decision tree is used. If further risk reduction is required, the Beginning with highest level risk reduc- team looks at the next strategy of minimiz- tion strategy, avoidance/elimination, the ing the “quantity” of the hazard. Certain team tests its feasibility. The team consid- materials, weights, sizes, chemicals or ener- ers the risk level, what is possible, the antic- gy forms (e.g., voltage, pressure, tempera- ipated costs and potential trade-offs. ture) can be reduced to ALARP. If avoidance/elimination is not possible, For risks that can be reduced through the team formally considers substitution simplified designs, controls or methods, the with a less hazardous material or meth- team identifies acceptable solutions.

42 PSJ PROFESSIONAL SAFETY MAY 2019 assp.org Bruce K. Lyon, P.E., CSP, ARM, CHMM, is vice president with Hays Companies. He holds a B.S. in Industrial Safety and an M.S. in Occupational Safety Management from University of Central Missouri The team selects engineering controls Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). (UCM). He is a board member of based on their effectiveness as well as their (2008a). Guidelines for hazard evaluation proce- Board of Certified Safety Profession- dures (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. als (BCSP), advisory board chair to reliability beginning with passive devices UCM’s safety sciences program and followed by active-type controls. The risk CCPS. (2008b). Inherently safer chemical pro- cesses: A life cycle approach (2nd ed.). Hoboken, vice chair of ISO 31000 U.S. Technical reduction strategies at this stage are con- NJ: Wiley. Advisory Group. Lyon is coauthor of sidered higher level controls. However, the Federal Emergency Management Agency Risk Assessment: A Practical Guide team is unable to reduce all risks to an ac- (FEMA). (2017). What is mitigation? Retrieved to Assessing Operational Risk and ceptable level. from www.fema.gov/what-mitigation Risk Management Tools for Safety The team incorporates warning devices Haddon, W., Jr. (1970). On the escape of Professionals. In 2018, he received and administrative measures such as job tigers: An ecologic note. (Strategy options in the BCSP Award of Excellence. Lyon hazard analyses, inspections, work proce- reducing losses in energy-damaged people and is a professional member of ASSP’s Heart of America Chapter, and a dures, training and PPE into the risk reduc- property). MIT Technology Review, 72, 44-53. Haddon, W., Jr. (1980). The basic strategies member of the Society’s Ergonomics tion plan. and Risk Management/Insurance The plan is presented and discussed with for reducing damage from hazards of all kinds. Hazard Prevention, 16(5), 8-12. practice specialties. management decision-makers for approval, Jensen, R.C. (2007, Jan.). Risk reduction modification and implementation. Georgi Popov, Ph.D., QEP, strategies: Past, present and future. Professional SMS, ARM, CMC, is a professor Safety, 52(1), 24-30. in the School of Geoscience, Physics Conclusion Johnson, W.G. (1975). The management over- and Safety (GPS) Sciences at UCM. A large part of the OSH professional’s role is to sight and risk tree. Journal of Safety Research, He holds a Ph.D. from the National advise and influence the organization in operational 7(1), 4-15. Scientific Board, an M.S. in Nuclear risk issues. In the event of serious-injury-or-fatal- Lyon, B.K. & Hollcroft, B. (2012, Dec.). Risk Physics from Defense University ity-level risks, the OSH professional should make assessments: Top 10 pitfalls and tips for im- in Bulgaria, and a post-graduate clear to decision-makers the importance of imme- provement. Professional Safety, 57(12), 28-34. certification in environmental air diate risk treatment and reduction. Cost-benefit Lyon, B.K. & Popov, G. (2016, March). The quality. In 2001, he graduated from analysis and other justification tools may be needed art of assessing risk: Selecting, modifying and the Command and General Staff combining risk assessment methods to assess College at Fort Leavenworth, KS. to help make the proper case, as well as an alternate risk. Professional Safety, 61(3), 40-51. plan to present to decision-makers in the event that He is coauthor of Risk Assessment: Lyon, B.K. & Popov, G. (2017, Nov.). Com- A Practical Guide for Assessing the primary plan is declined. Any such plans should municating and managing risk: The key result Operational Risk and Risk Manage- be integrated into the organization’s management of risk assessment. Professional Safety, 62(11), ment Tools for Safety Professionals. processes and discussed with stakeholders. Deci- 35-44. Popov is a professional member of sion-makers and stakeholders must understand the Lyon, B.K. & Popov, G. (2018a). Risk manage- ASSP’s Heart of America Chapter, residual risk levels resulting from the risk treatment ment tools for safety professionals. Park Ridge, a member of the Society’s Risk plan, and its level of acceptability. Residual risk IL: ASSP. Management/Insurance Practice levels should be documented and monitored for any Lyon, B.K. & Popov, G. (2018b, Sept. 6). Risk Specialty, and serves on ASSP’s Risk further treatment and continual improvement as management tools for safety professionals [We- Assessment Committee. He received binar]. Park Ridge, IL: ASSP. the Heart of America Chapter’s part of the safety management system. Lyon, B.K., Popov, G. & Hanes, K. (2013, The use of the hierarchy of controls models, such Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) Dec.). Improving ergo IQ: A practical risk Award in 2015, the ASSP Region V as those discussed in this article, should be standard assessment model. Professional Safety, 58(12), SPY Award in 2016, and ASSP’s Out- practice for OSH professionals when developing risk 26-34. standing Safety Educator of the Year reduction strategies to achieve ALARP. Considering Manuele, F.A. (2003). On the practice of safe- Award in 2017. expanded models such as those that include addi- ty. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. tional higher-level risk reduction options such as Manuele, F.A. (2008). Advanced safety man- simplification, minimization, and other inherently agement: Focusing on Z10 and serious injury prevention. safer design concepts can prove beneficial to OSH Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. NIOSH. (2015). Hierarchy of controls. Retrieved from professionals and their organizations in their quest www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hierarchy to achieve and maintain ALARP. PSJ OSHA. (2017). 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