Ugaritic Studies and the Hebrew Bible, 1968-1998 (With an Excursus on Judean Monotheism and the Ugaritic Texts)
UGARITIC STUDIES AND THE HEBREW BIBLE, 1968-1998 (WITH AN EXCURSUS ON JUDEAN MONOTHEISM AND THE UGARITIC TEXTS) by MARK S. SMITH Philadelphia This presentation offers a synopsis of the major texts and tools as well as intellectual topics and trends that have dominated the field of Ugaritic-biblical studies since 1968. 1 This year marked a particu lar watershed with the publication of Ugaritica V 2 which included fourteen new Ugaritic texts and several polyglots. For the sake of convenience, this discussion is divided into three periods: 1968-1985, 1985 to the present, and prospects for the future. The texts and tools for each period are listed, followed by a brief discussion of the intellectual topics and trends. This survey is hardly exhaustive; it is intended instead to be representative. 1 Earlier technical surveys of Ugaritic-biblical studies include W.F. Albright, "The Old Testament and Canaanite Language and Literature", CBQ. 7 (1945), pp. 5-31; H. Donner, "Ugaritismen in der Psalmenforschung", ZAW 79 (1967), pp. 322-50; H.L. Ginsberg, "Ugaritic Studies and the Bible", BA 8 (1945), pp. 41-58; H. Ringgren, "Ugarit und das Alte Testament: einige methodolische Erwagungen", UF II (1979 = C.F.A. Scha4fer Festschrift ), pp. 719-21 ; and E. Ullendorff, "Ugaritic Studies Within Their Semitic and Eastern Mediterranean Setting" , BJRL 46 (1963), pp. 236-44. Popular surveys include: M. Baldacci, La scoperta di Ugarit: La citta-stato ai primordi della Bibbia (Piemme, 1996); P.C. Craigie, Ugarit and the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI, 1983); AHW. Curtis, Ugarit (Has Shamra) , Cities of the Biblical World (Cambridge, 1985); AS.
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