Itherm 2021 Virtual June 1 – July 6, 2021
Final ConfIThermere 2021n Virtualce Program June 1 – July 6, 2021 The 20th Inte rsociety Conference on Thermal a nd Thermomechanical Phenomen a in Electronic Systems 1 Live Virtual Events June 1 – 4, 2021 ITherm 2021 Virtual June 1 – July 6, 2021 Sponsored by the IEEE's Electronics Packaging Society (EPS), ITherm 2021 is the leading international conference for the scientific and engineering exploration of thermal, thermomechanical, and emerging technology issues associated with electronic devices, packages, and systems. In addition to on-demand paper presentations made available until July 6, 2021, ITherm 2021 Virtual has live keynote presentations by prominent speakers, the Richard Chu ITherm award presentation, panel discussions, invited tech talks, student poster and networking, student heat sink, and student overclocking competitions. Registered attendees will be able to join live each day of the conference for one- time plenary events with options to interact with the presenters starting at 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). An Exhibitor forum will allow participants to interact and to learn about the latest in thermal and thermal-mechanical technologies. LIVE VIRTUAL EVENTS (JUNE 1 – 4, 2021) • 3 Keynote Talks covering the areas of computing and the environment, 5G and new challenges for our communication networks, and engineering lessons for the future • Richard Chu ITherm Award and Seminar • 3 Technology-Talks providing deep dive talks on high profile topics • 4 Panels discussing the latest industry challenges and trends •
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