Index to Livingstone's Journal
INDEX LIVINGSTONE'S JOURNAL , 1857 INDEX LIVINGSTONE'S JOURNAL. 8* to Part of page 8, and the whole of pages and 8| , appended this, are additional to the Third Edition of Dr. Livingstone's Journal. ; ;; 73? INDEX. AHREU. ANTKLOPK. BABISA. Abrf.u, Cypriano di, assists Dr. Amaral, General, law enforced by, of life, 256; skins, Matiamvo's Livingstone to cross the Quango, 432. tribute, 479. 365, 366; kindness and hospitality Amaryllis, toxicaria, use, served by Ant-hills, huge, on the banks of the shown by, to Dr. Livingstone, its silky down, 112. Chobe, 176; fertility of, 203; 366, 307 ; death of his stepfather, Ambaca, Dr. Livingstone's guide edible mushrooms growing on, his debts, 440. to, his character and behaviour, 285 ; the chief garden ground of Abutua, the ancient kingdom of, a 375, 376; arrival at the village the Batoka, 551 ; mushrooms on, gold district, 637. of, 381 ; kind reception of the 625. Adanson, longevity ascribed by, to Commandant, 382 ; population of Antidotes to the Ngotuane poison, the 162. the district, 382 arrival at, 418 to Mowana, ; ; 113; the N'gwa poison, 171; Aerolites observed by Dr. Living- departure from, 419. to venomous bites, 172. stone, 596. Ambakistas, inhabitants of Am- Antony, St., image of, belonging to of, iEsop, table proof of his African baca, 375 ; good education of, half-caste soldiers, 367. birth, 43. 441, 442. Antonio, St., convent of, 397. Africa, strong vitality of native Ambonda, the family of the Mam- Ants, black, able to distil water, 21, races in, 115; permanence of bari, 218 ; situation of their 22; large black, emitting a pun- tribes in, 422.
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