THE DALLAS CONVENTION: SURP.RISES, DISAPPOINTMENTS, AND DREAMS by Peter S. Van Bloem, Secretary Amid balmy breezes and 90 ° was given to a discussion of topics proportionate to the extreme. weather a contingent of 31 chap­ and candidates than is poss1ible at Each speaker talked with either ter delegates arrived in Dallas the regular meetings. such colloquial humor or ceremon­ early last month to attend the It was interesting to note that ious pomp that the business1 ses­ 1962 AIA Convention. this year the Chapter submitted sion was shortly used up. It also It was a time of some surprises more Special Resolutions than all took one hour for the tabulation and a few disappointments. other chapters combined. The ac­ of the votes by the "new" system With high hopes delegates cast tion taken by the Resolutions of counting. It is small wonder their 2.23 weighted ballots (the Committee was, on the whole, that at the business session on N.Y. Chapter had 69 votes) in an quite succes.sful: Friday there was not even a quo­ attempt to elect Robert W. Cutler 1. Revision to F.H.A. Standards rum to transact business. When Secretary of the Institute. En­ -referred to committee will the Board learn to put the couraged by 15 other chapters and 2. F.D.R. Competition-refer­ business session in the middle of their nomination seconds, it seem­ red to committee for nego­ the Convention? ed as if New York would, at long tiation with Fine Arts Com­ Between business meetings at last, get into the picture again. m1ss10n and Congressional the Dallas Memorial Auditorium The "smart money" had said committees. there were some very fine talks that the fact that Bob was from 3. Home Building Design-re­ including a keynote speech by a large firm, from New York, and f erred to committee. Dean Charles Colbert, presenta­ not fully experienced in Institute The proposed By-Law Changes tions of urban redevelopm€nt pro­ matters would count heavily were acted upon thusly: grams, by Institute members, pan­ against him. But when Fritz 1. First Vice-President to be­ el discussions led by Douglas Has­ Woodbridge made a fine, forceful come President-Designate - kell, Tom Creighton, and Emerson nominating statement and was approved. Goble, and the exhibition of the followed by three seconding speech­ 2. Professional Affiliates Dallas "Main Place" redevelop­ es, we were floating on air. Then tabled. ment by . when we heard the nomination of The amount of time spent by There were, if anything, more Clinton Gamble, we could see we delegates trying to "kill" or "save" than the usual round of parties faced a worthy opponent. the Affiliates proposal was dis- and activities in and around the And so, it turned out, we lost. Statler Hilton hotel, home base for Our thanks to Bob and Max Ur­ most of the convention-goers. hahn, who helped greatly with the Some active members got to see campaign. Two other contested the "Madwoman of Chaillot" at positions resulted in Secretary Roy FLLW's Humphreys Theatre; a Carroll's win of the 1st Vice Pres­ good many visited Harwell Har­ idency over 2nd Vice President ris' remodeled Trade Mart. James Hunter (we hope that Jim will be appointed to a high post, Highlights, to this writer, were as he is far too valuable a man to the presentation of the Gold Medal lose) and Arthur G. Odell, Jr.'s to Mrs. Eero Saarinen and the victory over Albert S. Golemon parting speech of Philip Will at for 2nd Vice President. Elected the Annual Dinner. Will left a unopposed were Henry L. Wright, legacy which included the "ex­ President and Raymond Kasten­ panded services - affiliate" idea, dieck, Treasurer, and a number of and left members with a "dream" Regional Directors. Mrs. Max 0. Urhahn, newly elected Presi­ of tomorrow. We applaud a man A convention highlight for the dent of the Women's Architectural A uxil­ who has gone through two rigor­ Chapter was the caucus held Wed­ iary of the New York Chapter, with ous years at the head of the AIA President Frederick J. Woodbridge, at the nesday morning under Fritz Wood­ recent AIA Convention in Dallas. Photo and who can still talk about ideals bridge' s chairmanship. More time by E . James Gambaro, FA/A. and dreams. 2 -- IMPROVING NE"'V'V YORK DETRO·IT INSTRUCTOR OCULUS WIN1S BRUNNER A.WA.RD VOL. 34 - Number 3 As commencement approaches, The Chapter's Arnold W. Brunner AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS college seniors usually vote recog­ Scholarship has been presented NEW YORK CHAPTER nition to "the man who has. done this year to Denis Charles Schmie­ the most for the class" (and often deke, an instructor in architecture MARGOT A. HENKEL, Executive Secretary ballot, too, for "the man who has 115 East 40th Street at the University of Detroit, it New York 16, N. Y. done the class for the most") . was announced by Frederick J. MU,rray Hill 9-7969 When New York celebrates the Woodbridge, Chapter president. 300th Anniversary of its founding The $5,000 scholarship award FREDERICK J. WOODBRIDGE ...... President two years from now, however, it will be used to investigate and de­ DAVID L. EGGERS ·······················-··········· Vice President will not be necessary to go to the velop more efficient means of vis­ C. GATES BECKWITH ...... Secretary polls to find the city's "man who". ual communication which will im­ ALBERT H. SWANKE ·········· ··· ·························-····· Treasurer He is currently at work at Flush­ plement and faciliate architectural ing Meadow preparing a big show PUBLICATION COMMITTEE design, preparation of construc­ for the occasion, a show dedicated tion documents, and the process of PHILIP M. CHU ...... Chairman to-among other things.-the real­ JAMES L. CADY ...... Vice Chairman construction. ization of a great arterial road pro­ OGDEN TANNER ·····-··········-····-··········· Associate Editor gram for a great metropolis. The study is expected to pro­ JAN WHITE ·····-····-····-····-················-····· Associate Editor Cynics have questioned the need duce methods of communication for this Fair, and impecunious cor­ which will reduce production costs porations have hesitated, but Mr. of architectural service, while ex­ Moses, as usual, has taken on all panding its extent. For the build­ comers. He has rejected the coun­ ing trades, it will clarify the ar­ As various Chapter committees sel of his architectural planning chitect's intent and produce more take stock and lay plans for the committee, shrugged off the with­ efficient construction methods. coming year, the Publication Com­ holding of approval by the inter­ And, since it will facilitate rapid mittee urges members to consider national body, publicly chided the comprehension of the nature and joining its ranks and/or becoming largest exibitors into the fold, and scope of a building project, it will part-time contributors to OCU­ gotten his theme structure as a benefit government agencies, mort­ L US. This monthly bulletin, with present. The Federal Government gage institutions, etc. a circulation of well over 1,400 is still a holdout, but what out­ belongs to all Chapter members, come can there be but that Wash­ GA.RMENDIA NAMED TO and depends on them to be a true ington, too, will come to the Fair? STEWARDSON FELLO·WSHIP for um of events, opinions, and From the outset, the architec­ ideas. Always welcome are sugges­ tural profession has been piqued The James Stewardson Fellowship, tions and contributions for feature at Mr. Moses' decision to retain the a $2,000 grant made annually by articles ; coverage of Chapter and basic plan of twenty-five years ago. the New York Chapter, has been other pertinent New York events; The professional journals have awarded this year to Nesbitt A. book reviews., committee activity scoffed, and have ridiculed the un­ Garmendia, who will use the Fel­ reports, items for "Improving imaginative Unisphere. Lately, lowship to travel and study at first New York". Please contact Chair­ however, the tune has changed a hand the architecture of Greece. man Philip Chu at MU 5-1272. bit. Many architectural commis­ A draftsman with the architec­ * * * sions hay_e been awarded, and the tural firm of Oppenheimer, Brady Once again, the Publication Com­ caliber of the published designs is & Lehrecke, Mr. Garmendia is the mittee wishes to thank Carlson rising. It looks1 as though there second winner of the Stewardson Press for the fine services it has really is going to be a F'air on grant. Last year's award, the first rendered in publishing OCULUS April 22, 1964, and some of its one to be made under the endow­ during the past year. As usual, parts may exceed the whole. ment, went to Edward T. Schiffer Miss Emma Carlson and her staff S. Hart Moore of New York for a projected study have been most cooperative, effi­ of prefabrication techniques in cient, and reliable. LE'1'TERS Europe. The Fellowship was made pos­ NEEDED: SUMMER JO·BS Sirs: sible through a bequest to the Regarding the Cadman Plaza Pro­ Chapter by James Stewardson, an Architectural firms with opportun­ ject (OCULUS, May '62), we wish architect and a citizen of England, ities for summer employment of to call to your attention that we who spent most of his professional students are cordially requested to are the architects for that portion life in . He speci­ contact the Columbia School of of the project shown in the right fied that the award be made an­ Architecture, Room 405, A very hand half of the rendering, en­ nually "to a worthy architectural Hall. Telephone: UN 5-4000, Ex­ compassing a shopping center, two draftsman." tension 445. high rise apartment houses, low Mr. Garmendia is a graduate of Practical experience of at least rise buildings, and the Walt Whit­ Pratt Institute. He resides with 12. weeks is now one of the re­ man Library. his wife and two children at 51-09 quirements for Bachelor degrees. Morris Lapidus, Harle & Liebman 39th Avenue, Long Island City. 3

CHAPTER BULLETIN BOA1RD Thorn of the Brooklyn Technical sistance on an hourly basis. High School. At the same meet­ Members of the panel will ad­

NYSAA Convention: incr0 the Chapter's one annual• vise on problems in connection certificate of Honorary Associate with building, buying, or remod­ The 1962 Convention of the New Membership was given to Fred N. eling a home, according to Chair­ York State Association of Archi­ Severud, well-known New York man Harold Edelman of the House tects will be held from October 10- engineer and long-time friend of Consulting Committee. Services 13, 1962, at Whiteface Inn, Lake the Chapter in acknowledgment of are available at a fee of $10 for Placid. The theme of the meeting "the creative stimulus derived by the first half hour and $15 for will be "Expanding Architectural the profession from his leader­ each hour after that. Services." Host this year is the ship in structural engineering and Anyone wishing to take advan­ Eastern New York Chapter, AIA. design." tage of the service can either visit The usual Pre-Convention Lunch­ In a third award, the AIA Rub­ the Chapter office at 115 East 40th eon will take place on Thursday, eroid Scholarship of $500 was pre­ Street or telephone MUrray Hill September 20, 1962, at the Chap­ sented to Miss Joyce Elayne Hed­ 9-7969. A list of panel members ter Headquarters in New York. man, a student at Cooper Union. will be mailed to those requesting The top order of business will be Chapter members also discuss­ it. An individual seeking help will a discussion of proposed resolu­ ed and approved the Institute's re­ be assigned an architect, or he tions to be taken up at the Conven­ quest to change the date when the may review a book illustrating the tion. Ideas and comments will be new Chapter administration takes work of panel members and select welcome. If you have a proposal, office to January 1st of each year. the one he thinks most suitable. please be sure to send it in before the luncheon meeting so that it Van Bloem Resigns FIVE BUILDINGS, RECEIVE may be placed on the agenda for At the May 2nd Executive Com­ P.RODUCERS' AWARD·S discussion. mittee Meeting, President Wood­ The New York Chapters of the bridge announced and accepted Producers' Council and the AIA with regret the resignation of have cited five local buildings as F.A.l.A. NOMINATIONS OPEN Chapter Secretary Peter S. Van outstanding examples of "fostering Bloem as of June 6th, 1962. Peter, better community life". L. Bancel LaFarge, Chairman of who has also served effectively as the Committee on Fellows, would Named for first mention in the Executive Committee Liaison on commercial category were the be glad to receive the names of the Publication Committee for the members who their colleagues feel Corning Glass building on Fifth past two years, will also be missed A venue by Harrison, Abramovitz are worthy of advancement to Fel­ by this Committee. lowship in the Institute. & Abbe and the Pan American Mr. C. Gates Beckwith was ap~ terminal at Idlewild by Tippetts­ Fellowship can be conferred on pointed Secretary of the Chapter, AIA members for design, public Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton. pro tern, to complete the unexpired In housing, worship, and educa­ service, service to the Institute, or term of office. literature, or a combination of tion, these projects were cited: these. Chatham Green, by Kelly & Gruz­ CHAPTER ANNOUNCES en; the First Presbyterian Church Please write your nomination, HOUSE CONSULTING PANEL category, and reasons in a letter to House, by Edgar Tafel; and Junior the Chairman, in care of the Chap­ The Chapter has announced pub­ High School No. 22, by Kelly & licly that 50 architects have been ter Office. Gruzen. appointed to its House Consulting The United Engineering Center, Panel, a service designed to pro­ by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, was vide home owners and prospective Shelter Courses: chosen as an honorable mention home buyers with architectural as- in the commercial group. To accommodate the continuing demand for enrollment in the Fall­ out Shelter Analysis Course for Architects and Engineers addition­ VVOMEN'S ARCHITECTURAL AUXILIARY al classes have been scheduled at George Washington University, Washington, D.C., on: June 18-29, July 9-20, July 23-August 3, and The first meeting of the new board Spl'Oss, Historian; Mrs. Olindo August 13-24. Those interested t,ook place on May 17th under Grossi, Program; Mrs. William E. should apply to the New York President-Elect Mrs. Max 0. Ur­ Delehanty and Mrs. John S. Bur­ State Civil Defense Commission, hahn. The following committee rows, Tickets for the Doric Cotil­ 162 Washington Ave., Albany 10. chairmen were appointed: Mrs. Ro­ lion; and Mrs. Robert Jacobs, bert W. Cutler, Chairman of the House Tour. Chapter Meeting Notes Doric Cotillion; Dorothy Chandler At a special chapter luncheon Scott, A.I.A. Liaison and Scholar­ A House Tour is being planned meeting on June 6, the $1000 ship Chairman; Mrs. Harold Sleep­ for October. An invitation will be Scholarship A ward of the Plaster­ er, Public Relations; Mrs. Robert extended to the full membership ing Institute of Greater New York Cutler, Publicity; Mrs. Samuel Ar­ of the AIA as well as members of was presented to Gert Dieter len, Membership; Mrs. Roger allied fields. 4

COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES preferences, AT THIS TIME, on the check list which will be found below. THIS REQUEST FOR CO­ Fees & Contracts Health Research Council of the OPERATION IS URGENTLY City of New York has been denied. ERTENDED EVEN TO THOSE The Fees and Contracts Commit­ NEW YORK CHAPTER MEM­ tee is studying Chapter reactions The purpose of the request was to develop a comprehensive index BERS WHO HAVE ONLY RE­ to the 'Statement of Services and CENTLY SIGNIFIED THEIR Schedule of F ees.' This pamphlet, of hospital codes and regulations. A study by the Committee indi­ COMMITTEE CHOICES TO THE pr epared by the Committee in ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE. 1960, was distributed to all cor­ cates that there are now approxi­ porate members. We know that it mately two dozen public agencies having jurisdiction over hospitals r------1Admissions Hospital & Health I has had widespread use and ef­ Awards H ouse Consultincr and related medical facilities. Most Brunner Sch o l ar~ h i p L eBrun Fellowshi p I fectiveness. As conditions change, By-:r-aws ~omm 1tt ee Legislative I however, such documents need re­ of these do not publish codes and C1v1c D ~s1g n Meetings Conyentlon -: 1967 Membership I view and revision.. We would par­ the requirements of some are in D esign . Committee . Metropoli tan Builders I conflict. Education & Scholarship Office P ractice ticularly welcome comments from Architcct~in-Tra in i n g Programs I The Hospital and Health Com­ Sch~l arsh1p Publication I Chapter members both as to the Advisory Public Affairs mittee plans to develop the index Student Chapter School I text of the Statement of Services, F ees !Jl Contracts Speakers Bureau I and as to the appropriateness and with its own resources. H.ousmg Fees & Contr. Stewardson Fellowship F!nanc! Technical I adequacy of the Schedule of Fees. Assn. Visitors I Office Practice Chapter H eadquarters World's Fair Comments should be addressed to H ousing Committee Younger Architects I Historical Buildings - I David F. M. Todd, Chairman, Fees A ~urvey of salary scale among and Contracts Committee, at the various categories of technical em­ Signed ...... : Chapter office. ployees of 30 New York offices ~ ------~ was recently completed by the Of­ Historical Buildings fice Practice Committee. The re­ MEMBERSHIP sults are tabulated in a 6-page At a recent meeting the commit­ summary now available to Chapter WELCOME NEW MEMBERS tee discussed measures to save members on request to the Chap­ The New York Chapter extends its warmest welcome to the following new the Doric colonnade surrounding ter Office. Pennsylvania Station, and to pre­ members: ser ve a memorial to Architect Corporate Schools Poy G. Lee {Transferred from Long Richard Morris Hunt in Central Salvatore Scutaro Island ociety Chapter Committee member Frank G. Lo­ \\ illiam H . Crow James S. Rossant Park. Erlwin E . Fairfielrl Michael D . Schwartz The neglected Hunt monument pez has prepared an outline of All an Nathanson (Readmission) was brought to the attention of criteria for the selection of quali­ Associate Committee Chair man Otto Teegen fied architects to design public Louis Bobrowsky H arry Orthos schools. After his list of criteria Howard R . Kronland J ohn F . Parkinson by an "interested citizen." It is CANDIDATES located in Central Park, facing has been approved by the commit­ tee it will be submitted to the Corporate F ifth Avenue between 70th and J ames S. Gaspari Julius Stein New York City Board of Educa­ Charl es B. McReynolds Louis G. Theofilos 71st Streets. The chairman found Robert F. Muell er Frank J. Waehler the memorial badly in need of tion for use by its school construc­ Lee H . Pomeroy Jan V. White Robert H . Simpson cleaning and repainting and strip­ t ion advisory groups. ped of some of its original bronze John M. Dixon Associate Robert R . D vorak {Kenneth l\I. l\litchell and reliefs. The maintenance of this P. Whitney Webb MAKE CHOICE'S HE.RE William T. Hoffman {Joseph J . Oshiver and monument should be of particular Schutze! concern to the Chapter not only FOR COMMITTEE WORK Eli J . H eld and G eorge J. Ma1;delbaum {Harold M . Liebman because it is a rare example of a The selection of Appointive Com­ Francis x. T. Crowley {Henry Szatmary. and public monument to an architect, Gustave R . Kea ne mittees is an annual task with two Gustave Iser and but also because the AlA was one basic goals - to obtain the best S teven P . Papadatos {~orman Klein of a number or organizations (in­ Al exander Sanko {Leon J. Ha ft and qualified and enthusiastic members Willard Scolnik cluding the Architectural League for each committee's particular ADDITIONAL COMMITIEE and the Municipal Art Society) need_s, and to make sure that every APPOINTMENTS that donated the memorial in 1898. qualified and enthusiastic member By-Laws Committee As a result of committee discus­ is appointed to a committee about Gi llet Lefferts, Jr., Chrmn. C. Gates Beckwith sion, Mr. Teegen wrote to Parks Geoffry N. Lawford H armon H . Goldstone which he has expressed interest. Frederick J. Woodbridge Commissioner Newbold Morris, re­ The limited administrative staff questing t hat his department take of the Chapter off ice, and the OCULUS DIRECTORY steps to repair the memorial. amount of cross-checking involved make~ it impractical to prepare Hospital and Health Stephen M. Olko committee rosters from lists of Consulting Engineers The Chapter has been informed preferences from previous years. t hat a r equest made by the Hospi­ Reports • Designs • Specifications Therefore, all interested members Foundations • Structures • Site Work tal and Health Committee for a are urged to cooperate by signify­ r esearch grant of $30,000 from the ing their next year's committee 50 East 42 St., N. Y. C. 17 • OX 7-1686