Website Name Person to email e-mail/website What we can offer Rules (like putting kickstarter in the title) What we like about the site Rock, Paper, Shotgun Adam Smith [email protected] A new twist on an old genre to change up the PC world Put Kickstarter in the title Dedication to treating everyone equal @noneconomical pixel prospector Simon Use contact form Used it for help on the game, best site ------Inde Games the weblog [email protected] An that captures the nastalgia of the past with the presentNone listed Great podcast and interivews ------Play This Thing ------ Out of the mainstream by mixing the old and new mechanics of a game The empasis outsie the mainstream ------RGCD ------ An indie game that will focus on the classic look of older console gamesUse contact form "RGCD Game Sub.." Emphasis on classic ------Casual Gameplay ------ A fun new indie game that blends the style of older game with modernFill looks. out the sumbmition form. ------Steve Hogarty A fun game that will bring new and old fans of turn based RPG gamesemail together him, maybe send something to twitterVery funny guy, love his site and twitter @misterbrilliant Chet & Jon's reasuringly…Jon Denton [email protected] Fun game that they could talk about that is great fun for everyone! Get straight to the point, like their podcdast.LOVE podcast, and how it is equal opportunity @JonDenton BeefJack [email protected] we have a alternative style game, that you might find interesting Send press material or get in touch with staffReally like how they make their own games ------Retro Remakes [email protected] Retro looking game with modern mechanics that is indie DON'T EMAIL ABOUT KICKSTARTER focus on retro and indie games @owvideogames PCGames N ------ An indie game that has potential of being a great hit and the such Fill out the sumbmition form. Love the tips you give out, very helpful @IndieGames_N Indie Games HQ ------ An indie game that we think Indie Game HQ would be interested in Fill out submition form and attatch press releaseLove the support the give for kickstarter @IndieGameHQ The IndieGame MagazineAlex Wilkinson great indie game that has potential to become big for hardcore andFill casual out the sumbmition form. Love the podcast and support for the indie gamers@alexwilkinson HookShot Inc. [email protected] A great indie game for $15 that emphasizes on good gameplay and storyBe downloadable and under $15. Like the new podcast, love to see that continue @HookshotInc Indie Love ------ A game made by people who love games. Made by 3 people Small indie game. Fill out contact us form Like the approach you take ------Extra Guy Wayne [email protected] 16bit style game that has modern mechanics, great fun to be had! Send an email emphasizing the pixels Love the passion with the big focus on smaller games@wanyodos Penny Arcade Report ------ Fun 16bit game that revolutionizes the classic and modern game feel Love the emphasis on gaming and the team passion------Indie Impression ------ Indie game that has a good feel to it Needs a windows build available Love the indie news, with a personal touch @RockLeeSmile Gnomes Lair ------ game with modern looks made by a 3 man indie team. Complete the contact form Love the writing style. Hysterical ------Indie DB ------ An indie game, made by 3 people it is a great game with good structureFill out form Love the focus on the developer ------Joystiq Jessica Conditt [email protected] An indie game that focuses on modern feel with nostalgic looks. Have always been and love the indie-pitch @JessConditt Independent Gaming [email protected] An indie game that mixes great mechanics with classic looks Drop them an email Love the feel of the site Indie games Channel An indie game that has potential of being a great hit and the such Fill out the got some news form Love the simple setup and great articles An indie game that has great RPG mechanics Include the requirements he has To the point, and great set up.