The Effects of Video Game Play on Academic Performance

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The Effects of Video Game Play on Academic Performance Modern Psychological Studies Volume 17 Number 1 Article 6 2011 The effects of video game play on academic performance Jancee Wright University of the Cumberlands Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Psychology Commons Recommended Citation Wright, Jancee (2011) "The effects of video game play on academic performance," Modern Psychological Studies: Vol. 17 : No. 1 , Article 6. Available at: This articles is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters at UTC Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Modern Psychological Studies by an authorized editor of UTC Scholar. For more information, please contact Modern Psychological Studies (2011) 17: 37-44 37 The Effects of Video Game Play On Academic Performance Jancee Wright University of the Cumberlands Abstract flexible schedules, allowing for more play time The purpose of the present research is to (Anand, 2007). determine whether playing video games As with any other innovation in society, the impacts academic performance as determined introduction of video games brought the by GPA. To accomplish this, 198 participants question "What are the negative effects or filled out a Gaming Habits Survey which was consequences?" Smyth (2007) notes that there analyzed using a series of one-way ANOVAs. seems to be an increased interest in research in The study found that there was a significant the area of video gaming to answer this effect of player status on GPA at the p < .01 question. And there does indeed seem to be level for the two conditions of player versus much research on the topic in recent years. In non-player [F (1, 169) = 7.08, p = .009]. overviewing the research, one main concern Comparisons using descriptive statistics seems to be whether the playing of video games indicated that the mean GPA score for the impacts academic performance in a negative or player condition (M = 3.2, SD = .51) was positive way and what those consequences are. significantly different than the non-player One study done by Anand (2007) found a condition (M = 3.4, SD = .47). These results negative correlation between the amount of show that participants who indicated that they time spent playing video games and the GPA did play video games had significantly lower and SAT scores of students. This means that GPAs than participants who indicated that they GPA and SAT scores decreased as time spent did not play video games. playing increased. However, Anand (2007) did recognize the limitation of using SAT scores The Effects of Video Game Play On because they represent a one-time standardized Academic Performance score. Using GPA is more credible because it Today's world is one that is largely represents a continuous measurement of school composed of technology. In a relatively short performance. He also found that males were span of time we have been immersed in a world more prone to these results than females, of high-definition television, Facebook, because males tend to play video games more. YouTube, internet radio, "green" cars, Skoric, Teo, and Neo (2009) went one step outrageous thrill rides, 3-D technology, etc. But farther and studied addiction to video gaming no area of technology has become as prominent versus simple engagement in video gaming. as that of video gaming. Although no definitive definition of addiction According to Anand (2007), the was given, they found that those addicted to penetration of video games into the United gaming consistently performed negatively in States alone is huge, with at least 90% of homes the academic setting, while there was no having children that have played (rented or negative correlation between time spent playing owned) video games. This is a record level that or engagement and academic performance. continues to increase. 55% of console players Shao-I, Jie-Zhi, and Der-Hsiang (2004) also and 66% of online players are over 18. The studied addiction (once again no definitive college demographic seems to be the major definition was given) and noted a decrease in group of gamers simply because they have a school performance when the student was lack of parental supervision and they have more addicted to gaming. They found that gaming Modern Psychological Studies (2011) 17: 37-44 38 addiction physically impacts academic violence. Finally, they noted that playing video achievement because the student is too involved games took time away from school activities, in the game to do homework or prepare homework, social interaction, etc. academically. Then there are those in the research field who There are also others that have found decreased have come up with neutral results. Smyth academic performance in relation to (2007) studied the difference between playing involvement in playing video games. Anderson massively multiplayer online role-playing and Dill (2007) studied video games and games (MMORPG) and playing other types of aggression and suggested that not only does video games and found that even though the gaming have an impact on performance MMORPG group reported greater interference directly, but it also triggers a higher level of in academic work (such as skipping homework, aggression, which is often linked to problems in missing a class, etc) as opposed to the other school and decreased academic performance. groups, overall the groups did not differ in Wack and Tantleff-Dunn (2009) also found a academic performance. Hart et al (2009) used negative correlation, although the relationship the Problem Video Game Playing survey to between GPA and academic performance in measure four different areas of life, including their study was not significant. Jackson et al academic behavior, impacted by the playing of (2008) found that time spent playing games was video games and suggested that there was not a a negative predictor of academic performance significant correlation in any area. and that those who played video games more However, there is also plenty of often had poorer grades than those who played research to suggest that interactive video games less. A study conducted by Wood, Griffiths, can actually lead to increased academic and Parke (2007) included open-ended performance (Anand, 2007). Jackson et al questions that encouraged participants to report (2008) found that the usage of games is different feelings about playing video games. causally related to an increase in visual-spatial Some of the negative consequences indirectly skills, which often come in handy in the fields related to school performance, in that of science, mathematics, technology, and participants reported often missing lectures, engineering. A study done with Kindergarteners skipping homework, etc. They also found that (Din & Calao, 2001) showed that students who these consequences were more likely to impact played educational video games on the Sony males, because males play more often and were Lightspan, which is a game system similar to more likely to report losing track of the time the Sony Playstation One, made significant while playing. In an experiment by Williams increases over the control group in the learning (2006), school performance increased after the of spelling and reading; however, no significant participants dramatically decreased (limited gain was made over the control group in math. time spent using technology to 30 minutes per This suggests a facilitative role of playing video day) their usage of all technology, including games in developing verbal skills (2001). video games. Finally, Jaruratanasirikul, Smyth (2007) suggested that complex Wongwaitaweewong, and Sangsupawanich games may lead to academic success by (2009) found that the excessive playing of engaging players in problem solving, critical video games (five hours or more per session) thinking, and creativity. Skoric et al (2009) resulted in school grades that were below a 3.00 found that while game addiction leads to average, and that time spent playing was a negative academic performance, moderate predictor of academic performance. They also engagement in gaming can lead to improved suggested that video games indirectly lead to performance in an academic setting. They decreased performance through promoting found a positive correlation between game play Modern Psychological Studies (2011) 17: 37-44 39 and English test scores, which suggests that sciences, humanities, and other. The natural gaming can actually lead to better test scores. sciences included the reported majors of North Carolina State University is even Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pre-pharmacy, experimenting with a synchronous online and Engineering. Forty-six participants (23.2%) graduate course that integrates video game fell into this category. The social sciences design with science curriculum (Annetta, included the reported majors of Psychology, Murray, Laird, Bohr & Park, 2008) Sociology, Public Health, Human Services, To sum up this overview of the recent Criminal Justice, Political Science, and Pre-law. literature on the relationship between the usage 43 participants (21.7%) fell into this category. of video games and academic performance, The humanities included the reported majors of Anderson and Dill (2000, pg 17) quite aptly Art, English, History, Foreign Languages, state the predicament in researching this topic: Religion, Communication Arts, Journalism, "There is no definitive answer to the question Education, Theatre, and Music. There were 55 of whether video games disrupt academic participants (27.8%) in this category. Finally, performance." As the literature review shows, the other category included the reported majors much has been said to support every aspect of of Business Administration, Accounting, Math, the topic, both positive and negative. The Sports Management, Physical Education, present study seeks to answer the question: Exercise and Sports Science, and all Does playing video games have an impact on participants who indicated that they were academic performance as measured by amount undecided concerning major. There were 54 of time playing and school GPA? This participants (27.3%) in this category.
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