United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,714,989 Billings (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 22, 1987

54 FUNTIONALLY STRUCTURED 4,321,672 3/1982 Braun et al...... 364/900 X DSTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSENG 4,355,369 10/1982 Garvin ...... 364/900 SYSTEM 4,414,621 li/1983 Brown et al...... 364/200 4,432,057 2/1984 Daniell et al. ... 364/200X 76 Inventor: Roger E. Billings, 3420 Pink Hill Cir., 4,439,837 3/1984 Aiena et al...... 364/900 Blue Springs, Mo. 64015 4,476,528 10/1984. Matsumoto et al...... 364/200 4,481,574 11/1984 De Fino et al...... 364/200 (21) Appl. No.: 921,219 Primary Examiner-Raulfe B. Zache 22 Filed: Oct. 20, 1986 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Litman, McMahon & Brown Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 826,721, Feb. 6, 1986, aban A functionally structured distributed data processing doned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 350,159, system includes a plurality of independently operating Feb. 19, 1982, abandoned. user station processors for servicing users, a data center for storing data to be processed by the user stations, and 51) Int. Cl." ...... G06F 15/16 a communication network for coupling each user sta 52 U.S. Cl. ... tion to one or more data centers. The data center in 58) Field of Search ...... 364/200 MS Fie cludes its own processor and mass storage devices for 56) References Cited managing a data base of data for the user stations. Each user station executes application programs to which is U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS linked a data base simulator which formulates requests 3,564,509 2/1971 Perkins ...... 364/200 or data operations to calls to the data base at the data 4,204,208 5/1980 McCarthy ...... 364/900 center. Communications between the user stations and 4,209,784 6/1980 Sumner et al...... 340/71 4,266,271 5/1981 Chamoff et al. ... 364/200 the data center are usually initiated only by the user 4,287,567 9/1981 Lumsden ...... 364/900 stations. 4,319,326 3/1982 Uchida ...... 364/900 X 4,319,336 3/1982 Anderson et al...... 364/900 14 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures

USER station


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Fig. U.S. Patent Dec. 22, 1987 Sheet 2 of 2 4,714,989







Fig. 2 4,714,989 1. 2 cation with the other central processing units. This FUNTIONALLY STRUCTURED DISTRIBUTED difficulty becomes more severe each time another pro DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM cessor is added to the system. Also, any change in the programming of one or its asso CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 ciated storage files generally requires changes in the APPLICATIONS programming or associated data files of the other re The present invention is a continuation of Ser. No. lated central processing units. Thus far, there have been 826,721 for FUNCTIONALLY STRUCTURED DIS no distributed data processing configuration offered TRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM filed which would provide the apparent advantages of dis Feb. 6, 1986, and now abandoned which was a continu 10 tributed data processing without the attendant prob ation of Ser. No. 350,159 for DISTRIBUTED DATA lems. PROCESSING SYSTEM filed Feb. 19, 1982, and now SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION abandoned. The present invention grows out of and is founded FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 upon the unique premise that computer operations can The present invention relates to distributed data pro be broken down into two categories or function cessing systems and, more particularly, to such a system s-(1) servicing a user by receiving input information, including a data center computer managing data bases operating upon information, and supplying information for a plurality of independently operating user station to the user (this function is hereinafter referred to as the computers which process their own data and which 20 user station function), and (2) storing and retrieving store and retrieve data items related thereto in the data information from information storage equipment. (This bases of the data center computer by communicating function is hereinafter referred to as the data center data base calls to the data center computer. function.) In the system of the present invention, these two basic functions are segregated in a way which ac BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 commodates simplified planning and implementation of Data processing systems in common use today gener large multi-user distributed data processing systems at a ally include a large main frame computer having a plu far lower cost and complexity than heretofore thought rality of input/output terminals by which users commu possible, and with more flexibility and adaptability to nicate with the computer. The main frame computer growth in both capacity (number of users serviced and serves to manipulate data, perform calculations, etc., 30 amount of data processed) and capability (kinds of data pursuant to applications programs, and store and re processing which can be performed). The segregation is trieve data either for use in the manipulation, calcula tions, etc., or simply for delivery to one of the terminals. carried out by dedicating or assigning each central pro Although such a conventional arrangement provides cessing unit to one of the above two functions or classi significant computing power and access by numerous 35 fications of computer operations. Thus, the system of user terminals, the main frame computer necessary for the present invention includes a plurality of user stations servicing the terminals and providing the data process each dedicated to servicing a user (which could be a ing capabilities is large, complex, and costly. Further, person, another device, or machine) and each function the computing power of such systems, although signifi ing as a stand-alone computer, having its own central cant, generally cannot be increased except by provision processing unit, typically a microprocessor, and equip of an entire new system. ment by which the user can communicate with the It has been suggested that dividing up the data pro central processing unit, typically a video display and cessing task and distributing it among more than one keyboard terminal. The user stations may have other central processing unit would provide certain econo peripheral equipment as well, such as disk drives, print mies and advantages not achievable with the use of a 45 ers, card readers, or the like. The user stations service single, large main frame central processing unit. (See, the users by executing application programs supplied by e.g., publication A20-710-101, "Evolving Office of the the users. Future", January 1980, by Datapro Research Corp.) An The system of the present invention also includes one example of one such advantage is to allow for piece or more data centers dedicated to the storage and re wise growth of a small system into a larger system as 50 trieval of data which may be required by two or more needs increase, rather than starting out with a full user stations, or, in some instances, of data which is blown large scale system initially. Typically, the vari required by only one user station but which is more ous central processing units for use in a distributed data economically stored at the data center. Each data cen processing system have the capability of communicat ter includes its own central processing unit, mass stor ing with one another, and, in fact, to achieve full pro 55 age unit such as a , and a data access cessing capability, it is generally essential in such sys control program. The data access control programs are tems to provide for communication among the various essentially the same for all data centers in a system for central processing units. However, implementation of reasons which will become apparent. The data center the capability of inter-processor communication results functions to respond to inquiries from the user stations in a sacrifice of some of the economies and simplicity 60 to either receive and store data supplied by a user sta which was desired in proposing the distributed data tion or retrieve previously stored data and supply it to a processing system. This is because of the increased user station, all under the control of the data access complexity of programming each central processing control program. unit to not only store, retrieve and process data, but also The system operates pursuant to certain rules of inter initiate, respond to, and monitor inter-processor com 65 action or specifications which greatly simplify the im munication requests. That is, a significant part of each plementation of the system, without restricting its flexi central processing unit's operation time (and operating bility or adaptability for growth. Pursuant to these system) is taken up in simply accommodating communi rules, usually only a user station may initiate communi 4,714,989 3 4. cation between the user station and the data center, and Other objects and advantages of this invention will there is normally no communication directly between become apparent from the following description taken user stations or between data centers. In operation, a in conjunction with the accompanying drawings user station initiates contact (induires) with a data cen wherein are set forth, by way of illustration and exam ter using any of a variety of conventional protocol pro ple, certain embodiments of this invention. cedures, and the data center, which is always operating The drawings constitute a part of this specification in an access mode under control of a data access control and include exemplary embodiments of the present program, responds to the inquiry and communication is invention and illustrate various objects and features established. The user station communicates a request to thereof. O the data center's data access control program either to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS store data supplied or to retrieve already stored data. The data center's data access control program then FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a distributed carries out the request by either storing supplied data in data processing system made in accordance with the a mass storage or retrieving data and sending it to the principles of the present invention. user station. 15 FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating further details Because of the segregation of functions and the im of a user station and a data center which can be used in plementation of the rules of interaction, the program the system of the present invention. ming of the user stations is greatly simplified. The user DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE station programs need not accommodate instructions INVENTION for communicating with other user stations and, be As required, detailed embodiments of the present cause the data center's data access control programs are invention are disclosed herein; however, it is to be un essentially the same, one set of user station application derstood that the disclosed embodiments are merely program techniques is suitable for communicating with exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in any of the data centers. The data center access control 25 various forms. Therefore, specific structural and func program need not accommodate instructions for inter tional details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted facing directly with other data centers, for carrying out as limiting, but merely as a basis for the claims and as a application data processing, or for initiating contact representative basis for teaching one skilled in the art to with user stations, and thus is greatly simplified. variously employ the present invention in virtually any In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, 30 appropriately detailed structure. the data center computer manages data bases for the Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a specific illustra independently operating user computers by means of a tive embodiment of a distributed data processing system data base manager program. The user computers store, 1 made in accordance with the present invention. The retrieve, and update data items in their data bases by system includes a plurality of user stations 4 for interfac communicating data base calls to the data center com 35 ing with and carrying out the processing needs of users, puter. The user computers run respective user applica with the user stations being coupled directly to a data tion programs to process their data and to each of center 8 for storing data of common interest to the user : which is linked a data base simulator program. When a stations. Two of the user stations 4 are also coupled by user application program reaches a point in processing way of modems 12 to a switching network 16 which at which a data operation on a data item is needed, the 40 could, for example, be the Bell System telephone user application program calls the data base simulator switching network. The data center 8 is also coupled by program and supplies it with sufficient information to way of a modem 20 to the switching network 16. Other issue a data base call to the data center computer to user stations and data centers are also connected to the perform the required data operation. The data access switching network 16 by way of modems 24 so that control program of the data center computer, of which 45 such user stations can connect to the data center 8 and the data base manager is a component, controls the so that the user stations 4 can connect to such data access of users to the data bases such that users can centers. The modems 12, 20 and 24 are conventional maintain data bases not accessible to other users. modulator/demodulators for enabling transmission of OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION data over the switching network 16. The switching SO network 16, in addition to being the Bell System tele The principal objects of the present invention are: to phone network, could also be a private network used to provide a new and improved distributed data process interconnect user stations with data centers, a packet ing system which is simple in design, easy and inexpen (message) switched network, etc. sive to implement, and structured according to the func In accordance with the present invention, the system tions to be performed; to provide such a system which 55 of FIG. 1 is designed to operate according to certain readily accommodates expansion without a correspond "rules of interaction' which serve to reduce the com ing increase in complexity; to provide such a system plexity of the system, without reducing its flexibility wherein the throughput of the system can be selectively and adaptability to growth. These rules specify that increased as desired by the user; to provide such a sys usually a user station initiate communication between tem wherein modifications may be made in one part of 60 the user station and a data center, and that there be no the system without requiring significant changes in direct communication between user stations or between other parts of the system; to provide such a system data centers in normal applications. These rules may be which is suitable for handling a variety of data process implemented in the system of FIG. 1 either by hardware ing needs; to provide such a system in which failure in design or by appropriate programming. In the former one part of the system will not obviate use of the entire case, no direct communication links between user sta system; and to provide such a system which is economi tions 4 or between the data center 8 and any other data cal to manufacture and maintain and which is particu center are necessary, and the switching network 16 larly well adapted for its intended purpose. could be designed so that no wire path between user 4,714,989 5 6 stations or between data centers would be required. If main memory 208 would store a data access control the rules were implemented by programming, then each program 212 for controlling the microprocessor 200 to user station 4 would include instructions and addresses respond to requests from user stations by storing data in enabling connection of the user station only to data or retrieving data from a mass storage device such as a centers, while the data center programs would usually hard disk drive 220 coupled by way of a disk controller contain no instructions whatever for allowing connec 216 to the microprocessor. tion to another data center or for initiating a connection Although specific equipments are shown for the user with a user station. The rules of interaction also require station 4 and data center 8 of FIG. 2, it should be under that the data center 8 and any other data centers contin stood that a variety of configurations could be utilized ually operate in an access mode-a mode in which the 10 to enable the user station 4 to operate as an interface data centers are conditioned to respond to any "re with users and to process application programs 116, and quest' which may be received from any user station. to enable the data center 8 to serve as a storage and Each user station 4 is equipped to service a user by retrieval center for data of common interest to the user receiving input information, operating upon or process stations. Illustratively, the user station 4 would be uti ing such information, and supplying information to the 5 lized to interact with the operator, generate payroll user. Each user station 4 is also equipped to request information, produce accounting reports, process ac service of at least one of the data centers, establish com counts payable and accounts receivable, sort, compile, munication therewith, and supply data to and receive process hotel or airline reservation requests, and in data from the data centers. Each data center 8 is general process data pursuant to a variety of conven equipped to respond to requests for service from the 20 tional application programs 116. The data centers 8 user stations, receive data from user stations and store illustratively would serve to store data relating to the such data in mass storage, and retrieve data from mass personnel of a company, payroll information regarding storage and supply it to requesting user stations. These such personnel, accounts payable and accounts receiv functions are carried out by providing each user station able data, information regarding occupancies and va 4 and each data center with its own central processing 25 cancies in a hotel chain or airline system, and generally unit as will be discussed in greater detail hereafter. any type of data which may be of interest to more than FIG. 2 shows specific illustrative embodiments of a one user station 4. As a user station 4 executes an appli user station 4 and a data center 8 connected by a direct cation program 116 and the program reaches a point link. The user station 4 includes a microprocessor 100, where stored data is required, the user station initiates which could be any conventional microprocesor cur 30 communication with the data center 8 so that the appro rently available on the market such as the Zilog Z-80 priate data can be retrieved and transmitted to the re microprocessor. Coupled to the microprocessor 100 is a questing user station 4. When the data is received by the conventional hard copy printer 104 for receiving data user station 4, the user station utilizes the data in the from the microprocessor 100 and for printing such data manner directed by the application program 116. Simi for use by a user, a conventional cathode ray tube termi 35 larly, if a user station 4 in the course of executing an nal 108 having a keyboard by which information may be application program 116 needs to store, update, or mod communicated to the microprocessor and a screen for ify data in the data center 8, it initiates communication displaying information either typed on the keyboard or with the data center 8 and transmits the data to be received from the microprocessor, and a main memory stored. 112, such as a random access memory (RAM), for tem There are a variety of methods by which a user sta porarily storing data to be processed by the micro tion 4 might establish communication with a data center processor and application program instructions 116 8. For one such illustrative method, the data center 8 which are to be executed by the microprocessor. Also has stored in its memory 208 a data access control pro coupled to the microprocessor 100 is a conventional gram 212 which includes a conventional data base man controller 120 (such as Western Digital 1791 45 ager program (D.B.M. Prog.) 213 for controlling the controller) which, in turn, is coupled to a conventional storage and retrieval of data at the data center 8, a com floppy disk drive 124. Other peripheral units such as munications program (Comm. Prog) 214 for control card readers, hard disk drives, etc., could also be cou ling communication with the user station, and a data pled to the microprocessor 100. center program (D.C. Prog) 215 for interfacing with In order to communicate with a data center, the user 50 the communications program 214 and data base man station 4 includes a serial input/output device 128 hav ager 213. The user station 4 similarly has stored in its ing two ports, one of which is used for coupling the user memory 112 a user communications program (User station directly to the data center 8 and the other of Comm.) 117 for controlling communication with the which may be used to connect the user station to a data center 8, and a data base simulator program (D.B. modem and from there to the switching network 16 55 Sim.) 118 which interfaces with the communications (FIG. 1.) An exemplary serial input/output device suit program 117 and whatever application program 116 is able for use as the device 128 in the user station 4 is the being executed by the user station. The data base simu Zilog Z-80 SIO. lator program 118 is somewhat similar in operation to a The data center 8 includes a microprocessor 200 data base manager and enables an application program coupled to a plurality of serial input/output ports 204. 60 116 at the user station to call for storage or retrieval of These ports, which again could be driven by the Zilog data from the data center as though it were calling for Z-80 SIO, enable the data center 8 to communicate data from a data base resident at the user station 4. either directly to user stations or via modems to the The use of the data base manager program 213 at the switching network 16 (FIG. 1) so that the data center 8 data center 8 and the database simulator program 118 at may service a number of user stations essentially simul 65 the user stations 4 provides an inherent and heretofore taneously. The data center 8 also includes a main men unprecedented level of data security in distributed data ory 208 for temporarily storing data and programs to be processing systems since typical data base management executed by the microprocessor 200. In particular, the systems are accessed by data base calls, that is, high 4,714,989 7 8 level compiler-like languages that are used to describe to these embodiments. For example, the invention con the location, contents, relationships, and security level templates and encompasses a data center multiprocess of data that are stored in the data center 8. Since com ing system where a portion of the multiprocessor is munications from the user stations 4 to the data center 8 dedicated to servicing the data storage needs of not only in the preferred embodiment are exclusively in the form 5 remote user stations 4, but also resident data center of database calls, accesses to the operating system utili application programs 225. Also, although the distrib ties of the data center 8 are inherently precluded. If the uted data processing system 1 was described to prohibit data access control program 212 in its protocol check communication between user stations 4, some nominal determines that a received communication is other than provision for such communication on a limited basis a call to the database manager program 213, access will O would not be considered a departure from the present be denied. Further, the data access control program 212 invention. Finally, it is considered within the skill of the may perform additional security checks to prevent user art to provide detailed programs for implementing the stations 4 from accessing data bases other than their invention in a variety of specific alternative embodi own or those that the particular user stations 4 have ments and the appended claims are intended to cover all specific authorization to access. such alternative embodiments or arrangements. When an application program 116 being executed at Therefore, it is to be understood that while certain the user station 4 reaches a point where stored data is forms of the present invention have been illustrated and needed or where it is necessary to store (or update or described herein, it is not to be limited to the specific modify) data, the application program 116 calls the data forms or arrangement of parts described and shown. base simulator program 118 and identifies what action is 20 What is claimed and desired to be secured by Letters to be taken and the record location in the data center Patent is as follows: where data is to be stored or from which data is to be 1. A method of operating a distributed data process retrieved. The data base simulator program 118 auto ing system including a plurality of independent, not matically passes this information to the communications necessarily uniform, general purpose user computers to program 117. The communications program 117 re 25 sponds by adding appropriate communication protocol run respective user application programs to process to this information or message such as sync characters, user data and a data center computer to store, retrieve, error checking characters, etc., and generally prepares and update user data, said user computers being selec the message for transmittal. The communications pro tively interconnected with said data center computer by gram 117 then supplies the message to the serial input respective data communication hardware over data Moutput device 128 which transmits it to the data center communication network means, said method compris . ing the steps of At the data center 8, the serial input/output device (a) managing in a data center computer by means of a 204b receives the transmitted message and interrupts data base manager program a user data base of user the data center communications program 214 which 35 data items to perform data operations of storing, operates continually in an access mode in the data cen updating, and retrieving said user data items in ter. The communications program 214 checks the pro response to data base calls for such operations from tocol and, if the protocol is in order indicating that the a user computer; message is permitted one and was correctly received, (b) running a user application program in a general the communications program 214 causes transmittal of 40 purpose user computer to process user data, said an acknowledgment signal to the user station 4. If the user application program indirectly issuing data protocol is not in order, the communications program base calls for data operations regarding user data 214 causes transmittal of signals to the user station 4 to items in response to requirements for said data indicate the problem and cause retransmittal of the operations by said user application program; message. Assuming the protocol is in order, the commu 45 (c) in response to a data base call regarding a user nications program 214 calls the data center program 215 data item from a user application program, initiat which determines whether the requested action is al ing by said user computer only a data communica lowable. If the request is allowable, the data center tion link with said data center computer over data program 215 then calls the data base manager 213 and communication network means; links therewith. The data base manager 213 responds by SO (d) communicating said data base call from said user carrying out the action called for in the received mes computer to said data center computer; sage-either storing data in the identified file in the hard (e) performing by said data center computer said data disk drive 220 or retrieving data therefrom. After the operation regarding said user data item defined by action is performed, the data base manager 213 passes a said data base call; and response to the data center program 215-a verification 55 (f) communicating an appropriate response to said if data was stored, or the data retrieved if that occurred. data base call from said data center computer to The data center program 215 calls the communication said user computer. program 214 which then adds appropriate communica 2. A method as set forth in claim 1 including the step tion protocol to the response and supplies the response of: to the serial input/output device 204b for transmittal to 60 (a) running a data access control program in said data the user station. In this manner, communication be center computer which includes said data base tween a user station and data center may be established, manager program, said data access control pro and data exchanged. gram allowing access to selected user data items With the distributed data processing system 1 of the only by selected user computers. present invention, a plurality of users may be serviced in 65 3. A method as set forth in claim 1 including the step a simple, efficient and inexpensive fashion. Although of: specific illustrative embodiments have been described, (a) issuing said data base calls from said user com it should be understood that the invention is not limited puter by a data base simulator program running in 4,714,989 9 O said user computer in cooperation with said appli 7. A method as set forth in claim 6 wherein said data cation program. center computer is a first data center computer and 4. A method as set forth in claim 1 wherein said data including the steps of: center computer is a first data center computer and (a) providing a plurality of data center computers including the steps of: 5 constructed and operating similar to the first data (a) providing a plurality of data center computers center computer; constructed and operating similar to the first data (b) initiating a data communication link only by a user center computer; computer with one of said data center computers to (b) initiating a data communication link only by a user issue a data base call thereto; and 10 (c) preventing data communication links between computer with one of said data center computers to said plurality of data center computers. issue a data base call thereto; and 8. A method as set forth in claim 6 including the steps (c) preventing data communication links between of: said plurality of data center computers. (a) providing said data center computer with a multi 5. A method as set forth in claim 1 including the steps 15 processor; of: (b) running said data base manager program by oper (a) providing said data center computer with a multi ation of one portion of said multiprocessor; and processor; (c) running a data center application program by (b) running said data base manager program by oper operation of another portion of said multiproces ation of one portion of said multiprocessor; and 20 SO. (c) running a data center application program by 9. A functionally structured distributed data process operation of another portion of said multiproces ing system comprising: SO, (a) a data center computer functioning to perform 6. A method of operating a distributed data process data operations of storing, retrieving, and updating ing system including a plurality of independent, not 25 user data items; necessarily uniform, general purpose user computers to (b) a data base manager program running in said data run respective user application programs to process center computer to manage a user database of user user data and a data center computer to store, retrieve, data items by performing said data operations in and update user data, said user computers being selec response to data base calls thereto regarding user tively interconnected with said data center computer by 30 data items; w respective data communication hardware over data (c) a plurality of not necessarily uniform, general communication network means, said method compris purpose user computers operating independently ing the steps of: of said data center computer to process user data (a) managing in a data center computer by means of a by running respective user application programs; data base manager program a user data base of user 35 (d) each user application program indirectly issuing a data items to perform data operations of storing, data base call for a data operation regarding a se updating, and retrieving said user data items in lected data item in response to a requirement for response to database calls for such operations from said data operations by said user application pro a user computer; gram; and (b) running a user application program in a general (e) data communication network means interconnect purpose user computer to process user data; ing said user computers to said data center com (c) linking to said user application program a data puter, said data communication network communi base simulator program which issues database calls cating data base calls from said user computers to for data operations regarding user data items in said data center computer and communicating re 45 spective responses to said data base calls from said response to requirements for said data operations data center computer to said user computers. by said user application program; 10. A system as set forth in claim 9 including: (d) running a data access control program in said data (a) a data access control program running in said data center computer which includes said data base center computer, said data access control program manager program, said data access control pro 50 including said data base manager program as a gram allowing access to selected user data items component and allowing access to selected user only by selected user computers; data items only to selected user computers. (e) in response to a database call regarding a user data 11. A system as set forth in claim 10 wherein: item from a user application program, initiating by (a) said data access control program allows communi said user computer only a data communication link 55 cations between said user computers and said data with said data center computer over data commu center computer to be initiated only by one of said nication network means; user computers. (f) communicating said data base call from said user 12. A system as set forth in claim 9 wherein said data computer to said data center computer; center computer is a first data center computer and (g) in response to said data base call being received 60 including: from one of said selected computers and being (a) a plurality of data center computers constructed concerned with at least one of said selected data and operating similar to the first data center com items, performing by said data center computer puter; said data operations regarding said user data item (b) each data center computer has running therein a defined by said data base call; and 65 data access control program which allows commu (h) communicating an appropriate response to said nications between said user computers and said data base call from said data center computer to data center computer to be initiated only by one of said user computer. said user computers and which prevents data com 4,714,989 11 12 munication links from being established between program for said data operations regarding said said data center computers. user data items. 13. A system as set forth in claim 9 including: 14. A system as set forth in claim 9 including: (a) a data base simulator program running in each (a) a multiprocessor in said data center computer; user computer in cooperation with the user appli 5 (b) one portion of said multiprocessor operating to cation program running therein, said data base run said data base manager program; and simulator program automatically passing said data (c) another portion of said multiprocessor operating base calls to the data center in response to said to run a data center application program. requirements by the associated user application s t : O









65 USOO.47 14989C1 (12) EX PARTE REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE (5260th) United States Patent (10) Number: US 4,714,989 C1 Billings (45) Certificate Issued: Jan. 31, 2006

(54) FUNCTIONALLY STRUCTURED FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM JP 113655 9/1977 (76) Inventor: Roger E. Billings, 3420 Pink Hill Cir., JP 185541 11/1982 Blue Springs, MO (US) 64015 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Reexamination Request: and Systems; 2" Edition, No. 90/003,463, Jun. 7, 1994 by Guthikonda V. Rao, PhD, 1982, pp. 180-182, Pub by Van Nostrand Reinhold Co Inc. Reexamination Certificate for: “PDP 10 Timesharing Handbook”, copyright 1968, 1969, Patent No.: 4,714,989 1970, by Digital Equipment Corporation, pp. 11, 111, Book Issued: Dec. 22, 1987 1 pp. 1-3 through 1-14.* Appl. No.: 06/921,219 L.C. Hobbs, “Terminals", Proceedings of IEEE, Nov. 1972, Filed: Oct. 20, 1986 pp. 3-10-3-21. Robert J. Williams, “The Distributed Intelligence System”, 1976. Related U.S. Application Data Hewlett Packard, “Computer Advances”, Datamation, vol. 8, Jul/Aug. 1978, pp. 28-34. (63) Continuation of application No. 06/826,721, filed on Feb. 6, 1986, now abandoned, which is a continuation of application George A. Champine, "Four Approaches to a Data Base No. 06/350,159, filed on Feb. 19, 1982, now abandoned. Computer', Datamation, Dec. 1978, pp. 101-106. Olin Bray, Kenneth J. Thurber, “What's Happening with (51) Int. Cl. Data Base Processors?” Datamation, Jan. 1979, pp. G06F 15/16 (2006.01) 146-148; 155-156. Tandem Network Operating System, “Guardian/Expand,” (52) U.S. Cl...... 707/10; 709/217 Datamation. (58) Field of Classification Search ...... None Pertec Computer Corp., “XL Distributed Processing Sys See application file for complete Search history. tems,” Datamation, Apr. 1979, p. 27. (Continued) (56) References Cited Primary Examiner Jean Homere U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (57) ABSTRACT 3,483,520 A 12/1969 Brodericket al. 3,845,277 A 10/1974 Voss et al. A functionally Structured distributed data processing System 4,063,220 A 12/1977 Metcalfe et al. includes a plurality of independently operating user Station 4,091,448 A 5/1978 Clausing processors for Servicing users, a data center for Storing data 4,114,027 A 9/1978 Slater et al. to be processed by the user Stations, and a communication 4,186,438 A 1/1980 Benson et al. network for coupling each user Station to one or more data 4,204.251 A 5/1980 Brudevold 4.212,057 A 7/1980 Devlin centers. The data center includes its own processor and mass 4,214,305 A 7/1980 Tokita et al. Storage devices for managing a database of data for the user 4,238.853 A 12/1980 Ehrsam et al. Stations. Each user Station executes application programs to 4.245,306 A 1/1981 Besemer et al. which is linked a data base simulator which formulates 4,251.858 A 2/1981 Cambigue et al. requests or data operations to calls to the database at the data 4,274,139 A 6/1981 Hodgkinson et al. center. Communications between the user Stations and the 4,320,450 A 3/1982 Rose data center are usually initiated only by the user Stations.

USER SER JSER stafior Station STAT

TO THER data ceni Ers AN SER SATs US 4,714,989 C1 Page 2

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Paula Hawthorn, “Microprocessor Assisted Tuple Access, Juan Rodriguez-Rosell, “Locality in Data Base Systems,” Decompression and Assembly for Statistical Database Sys Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Provi tems.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference dence, R.I., Dec. 1973. On Very Large Data Bases, Mexico City, Sep., 1982, pp. G. F. Colouris, J.M. Evans, and R.W. Mitchell, (Title miss 223-233. ing), The ComputerJournal, vol. 15, No. 2, 1971, pp. 95-98. Paula Birdwell Hawthorn, “Evaluation and Enhancement of David Elliot Shaw, “A Hierarchical Associative Architecture the Performance of Relational Database Management Sys for the Parallel Evaluation of Relational Algebraic Database tems.” Electronics Research Laboratory, University of Cali Primitives,” Department of Computer Science, Columbia fornia, Berkeley, Nov. 7, 1979. University, (originally published at Stanford Computer Sci P. A. Franaszek and B.T. Bennett, “Adaptive Variation of the ence Department Report No. STAN-CS-79-779, Oct., Transfer Unit in a Storage Hierarchy,” IBM Thomas J. 1979). Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, M. Stonebraker, "A Distributed Data Base Machine.” Elec Nov. 30, 1976. tronicS Research Laboratory, College of Engineering, Uni Stephen W. Sherman and Richard S. Brice, “Performance of versity of California, Berkeley, CA, May 23, 1978. a Database Manager in a Virtual Memory System.” ACM Paula Hawthorn, F. Bancilhon, R. Epstein, R. Haskin, D. Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 1, No. 4, Dec. 1976. DeWitt, E. Oliver, “Panel on Database Machinery," IEEE, Malcolm C. Easton, “Model for Data Base Reference 1980, pp. 393-395. Strings Based on Behavior of Reference Clusters,” IBM Robert H. Holland, “Improve Information Access With the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, Database Machine,” Data Communications, Mar. 1980, pp. N.Y., Mar. 11, 1977. 95-99. William G. 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Sherman and Richard S. Brice, “I/O Buffer ACM Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 2, No. 2, Jun. Performance in a Virtual Memory System.” Proceedings of 1977, pp. 196–207. Symposium on Simulation of Computer Systems, National E. Babb, “Implementing a Relational Database by Means of Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO, Aug. 10-12, 1976, Specialized Hardware,” ACM Transactions on Database Harold J. Highland, Editor. Systems, vol. 4, No. 1, Mar. 1979, pp. 1-29. Fumio Nakamura, Ikuzo Yoshida and Hidefumi Kondo, “A Juan Rodriguez-Rosell, “Empirical Data Reference Behav Simulation Model for Data Base System Performance ior in Data Base Systems,” Computer; Nov. 1976, pp. 9-13. Evaluation,” National Computer Conference, 1979, pp. Glen G. Langdon, Jr., “A Note on Associative Processors for 459-465. Data Management,” ACM Transactions on Database Sys Gerald H. Fine, Calvin W. Jackson, and Paul V. McIsaac, tems, vol. 3, No. 2, Jun. 1978, pp. 148-158. Dynamic Program Behavior Under Paging, Proceedings E.A.. Ozkarahan and K.C. Sevcik, “Analysis of Architectural A.C.M. National Meeting, 1966, pp. 223-228. Features for Enhancing the Performance of a Database Richard S. Brice, Stephen W. Sherman, “Empirical Com Machine,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 2, parison of Partitioned and Non-partitioned Buffer Manage No. 4, Dec. 1977, pp. 297-316. ment in Virtual Memory Systems,' Computer Performance West Coast Report, Practical Computing, Aug. 1979, pp. Evaluation, The Chameleon Press Limited, London, 41–43. England, pp. 1-15. Bruce LeBoss, “Network Links Units, Includes Mass Store,” William G. Tuel, Jr. “An Analysis of Buffer Paging in Virtual Reprinted from Electronics, Jan. 31, 1980. Storage Systems.” IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, Jonathan Hule, “Workstation Clusters Expedite Local Net California, Jul 25, 1974. work Processing.” Electronic Design, Feb. 19, 1981, pp. Malcolm C. Easton, “Model for Interactive Data Base 129-134 Reference String.” IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Robert A. Garrow, Pauline Lo Alker, and Paul Rosenfeld, Yorktown Heights, New York, Sep. 26, 1974. “Technologies Converge in Multifunction System,” Mini Peter J. Denning, “Thrashing: Its Causes and Prevention,” Micro Systems, Oct. 1980, pp. 85–88,90. Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968, pp. 915-922. Convergent Technologies, “Convergent 2000 Series Cluster S. H. Fuller, “Orthogonal Versus Array Computing.” Digital Information Processing Systems,” 1980. Systems Laboratory, Stanford Electronics Laboratories, Nestar Systems Incorporated, Letter Re: Cluster/One Sys Stanford University, Stanford, California, Oct. 1970. tem information packet, Jan. 1980. Alan Jay Smith, “Sequentiality and Prefetching in Data Base Datapoint Corporation, Out-Think, Sep. 1980. Systems.” IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, California, Datapoint Corporation, “Product Specification & Processor Mar. 19, 1976. 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Datapoint Corporation, “Securities and Exchange Commis Gregor V. Bochmann and Carl A. Sunshine, “Formal Meth Sion, Form 10-K For the Fiscal Year Ended Jul. 31, 1981.” ods in Communication Protocol Design,” IEEE Transactions Datapoint Corp., “New 6000 Series Attached Processors on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. Announced,' 'D' News, Dec. 1977. 624–631. Terry Drace, “Datapoint's Arccom TM Extends the Concept Andre A. S. Danthine, “Protocol Representation with Finite of Resource Sharing to 3270 Communications,” Datapoint State Models.” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. Corporation, Mar. 14, 1980. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 632–642. John Greitzer, “Nestar Ties Distributed Apple Orchard Gregor V. Bochmann, “A General Transition Model for Together,” Computer Business News, Feb. 11, 1980, p. 12. Protocols and Communication Services.” IEEE Transactions “Nestar Adds Disks to Form Apple Net,” Electronic News, on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. Feb. 4, 1980. Also, “Nestar Markets Personal System,” 643-650. Computer Business News, Feb. 4, 1980. Pitro Zafiropulo, Colin H. West, Harry Rudin, D.D. Cowan, Nestar Systems Incorporated, “Nestar Systems, Inc. To and Daniel Brand, “Towards Analyzing and Synthesizing Unveil “The Messenger” at Comdex 80,” Nov. 3, 1980. Protocols,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. "Datapoint quadruples memory capacity for new 16-bit COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 651–660. machine,” Electronics, Nov. 20, 1980, p. 34. Gary D. Schultz, David B. Rose, C.H.West, and James P. Paul E. Green, Jr., “An Introduction to Network Architec Gray, “Executable Description and Validation of SNA,” tures and Protocols.” IEEE Transactions on Communica IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. tions, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 413-424. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 661-677. Hubert Zimmermann, “OSI Reference Model-The ISO Datapro Research Corporation, “Distributed Processing: Model of Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection,” Can This Fashionable Idea Work for the Future?” Evolving IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. Office of the Future, Jan. 1980. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 425-432. C. J. Date, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Second H.V. Bertine, “Physical Level Protocols,” IEEE Transac Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1977. tions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, J. Gray, B. Lampson, B. Lindsay, H. Sturgis, The Control pp. 433-444. Structure of an Operating System, IBM Research, Jul. 21, James W. Conrad, “Character-Oriented Data Link Control 1972. Protocols,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. “TOTAL Data Base Management System”, Feb. 1, 1978. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 445-454. D. Chamberlin, M. AStrahan, R. Lorie, J. Mehl, T. Price, M. David E. Carlson, “Bit-Oriented Data Link Control Proce Schkolnick, P. Selinger, D. Slutz, B. Wade, R. Yost, “Support dures.” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. for Repetitive Transactions and AD-HOC Query in System COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 455-467. R”, IBM Research, May 22, 1979. Pouad A. Tobagi, “Multiaccess Protocols in Packet Com E. Benhamou, J. Estrin, “Design Goals for Znet: A Local munication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communica Network of Microcomputers", IEEE, 1981, pp. 54–58. tions, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 468-488. E. Unger, R. McBride, J. Slonim, F. Maryanski, “Design for Harold C. Folts, “Procedures for Circuit-Switched Service Integration of a DBMS into a Network Environment', IEEE, in Synchronous Public Data Networks,” IEEE Transactions 1979, pp. 26-34. on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. R. Popescu-Zeletin, “The Data Access and Transfer Support 489-495. in a Local Heterogeneous Network (HMINET)", IEEE, Harold C. Folts, “X.25 Transaction-Oriented Features 1979, pp. 147–151. Datagram and Fast Select,” IEEE Transactions on Commu John Fletcher, Richard Watson, “Service Support in a Net nications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 496–509. work Operating System”, IEEE, 1980, pp. 415-424. James D. Atkins, “Path Control: The Transport Network of James Gray, Services Provided to Users of SNA Networks, SNA, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. IEEE, 1979, pp. 52-61. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 527–538. Logical, “External Verbs, Reference Manual, Logical Mischa Schwartz and Thomas E. Stern, “Routing Tech Machine Corp., 1980. niques Used in Computer Communication Networks,” IEEE “Microcomputer PL/1 gets record-retrieval system”, Elec Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, tronics, Jan. 13, 1981, pp. 304. Apr. 1980, pp. 539–552. Judy Estrin, Bill Carrico, “Local network enlists Z80s for Mario Gerla and Leonard Kleinrock, "Flow Control: A distributed processing, Electronics, Feb. 10, 1981, pp. Comparative Survey," IEEE Transactions on Communica 1491-53. tions, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 553–574. Electronics newsletter, “Tek's 8500 development aid-ready Iwao Toda, “DCNA Higher Level Protocols,” IEEE Trans to bow”, Electronics, Sep. 25, 1980 pp. 33. actions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. C. Bass, J. Kennedy, J. Davidson, “Local network gives 1980, pp. 575-584. flexibility to distributed processing”, Electronics, Sep. 25, John D. Day, “Terminal Protocols.” IEEE Transactions on 1980, pp. 114-122. Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, Apr. 1980, pp. “Nestar's local net goes European’, Electronics, Oct. 9, 582-593. 1980, pp. 48. Verlin L. Hoberecht, “SNA Function Management," IEEE “Operating System shares Storage', Electronics, Oct. 23, Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. 4, 1980, pp. 310. Apr. 1980, pp. 594-603. Tom Manuel, “Automating Offices from Top to Bottom', Jonathan B. Postel, “Internetwork Protocol Approaches,” Electronics, Mar. 10, 1981, pp. 157-165. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-28, No. K. S., “Chips, twisted pair build simple local net”, Elec 4, Apr. 1980, pp. 604-611. tronics, Aug. 28, 1980, pp. 80. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 11

“Software integrates many functions”, Electronics, Dec. 6, “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi 1979, pp. 44–46. cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 8, Sep. 1979. D. Farber, F. Heinrich, The Structure Of A Distributed “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Computer System-The Distributed File System, Computer cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 7, Aug. 1979. Communications. Impacts and Implications, Oct. 24-26, “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi 1972, pp. 364–370. cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 6, Jul. 1979. R. Ashenhurst, R. Vonderhoe, "A Hierchical Network', “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Datamation, Feb. 1975. cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 5, Jun. 1979. Jed Donnelley, Components of a Network Operating Sys “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi tem, North Holland Publishing Co., 1979, pp. 389-399. cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 4, May 1979. Richard Watson, John Fletcher, “An Architecture for Sup “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi port of Network Operating System Services”, North Holland cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 3, Apr. 1979. Publishing Co., 1980, pp. 33–49. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi “ANOS/ADAY, A Network Operating System for Micro cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1979. computers, Rev. 0.5”, Avocet Systems, Inc., 1980. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi E.B. Fernandez, R.C. Summers, C. Wood, “The Systems cations, Inc., vol. 1, No. 12, Jan. 1979. Programming Series Database Security and Integrity', Add “Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Workshop on Distrib ison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981. uted Data Management and Computer Networks”, Lawrence Jon D. Clark, “Data Base Selection, Design, and Adminis Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, tration', Praeger Publishers CBS Educational and Profes May 1977. Sional Publishing, 1980. “Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Workshop on Distrib John R. Knight, “A Case Study: Airlines Reservations uted Data Management and Computer Networks”, Lawrence Systems", IEEE, 1972, pp. 48–56. Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, R. W. Allen, Development of a Microcomputer-Based Tele Aug. 1978. conference System, IEEE, 1980, pp. 85-93. “Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Workshop on Distrib Anne-Marie Glorieux and Louis Treille, “Distributing a uted Data Management and Computer Networks”, Lawrence Live System Into a Distributed Data Base Management Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, System: Sirius-Delta Experience”, IEEE, 1980, pp. 19-25. Aug. 1979. Alan C. Shaw, “The Logical Design of Operating Systems”, Sead Muftic, Nazif Husovic, “On Functionally Distributed Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974. Computing Systems", IEEE, 1979. Digital Equipment Corp., “DEC merges word and data Hamish Donaldson, “Designing a distributed processing processing.” Business Week, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Jun. 6, system”, Halsted Press, 1979, pp. 1-16. 1977, pp. 2–4. Ronald P. Uhlig, David J. Farber, James H. Bair, “The Office “The Seybold Report of Word Processing.” Seybold Publi of the Future”, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1979, cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 10, Nov. 1980. pp. 206-225. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Robert Morris, Ken Thompson, “Password Security: A Case cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 11, Dec. 1980. History”, ACM, Nov. 1979, pp. 594-597. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi James B. Rothnie, Jr., “Distributed DBMS no longer just a cations, Inc., vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1981. concept, Data Communications, Jan. 1980, pp. 61-67. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi R. M. Needham, “User-Server Distributed Computing”, cations, Inc., vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1981. Distributed Computing Systems, Sep. 1978, pp. 71-78. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Philippe Penny, Arlette Ferrier, “Phlox2: A Distributed cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 9, Oct. 1980. System Providing A Server Database Management System”, “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi IEEE, 1981, pp. 95-101. cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 8, Sep. 1980. Henry A. Lowe, “ The Data Access Protocol: A Protocol for “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Remote File Access”, Proceedings, EURO IFIP 79, Sep. cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 7, Aug. 1980. 1979, pp. 659-666. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi “Analyzing commodity futures with a micro’, Mini-Micro cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 6, Jul. 1980. Systems, Jan. 1979, pp. 81, 83. “IBM Unleashes Panther,” A Seybold Bulletin, Seybold “Data Processing System”, Mini-MicroSystems, Jan. 1979. Publications, Jun. 23, 1980. “Now Digital's leadership in both terminals and computers “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi brings Single-Vendor convenience to network information cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 5, Jun. 1980. systems”, Mini-MicroSystems, Mar. 1979. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi “Think Ontel It's Intelligent”, Mini-Micro Systems, Mar. cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 4, May 1980. 1979, pp. 103. “The Seybla Report on Word Processing,” Seybold Publi “Distributed Processing System”, Mini-MicroSystems, Apr. cations, Inc., vol. 3, No. 3, Apr. 1980. 1979, pp. 108. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi “NCC invades New York”, Mini-MicroSystems, May 1979, cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 11, Dec. 1979. pp. 111-114. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi “Introducing the first intelligent terminal that's ready to do cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 10, Nov. 1979. business”, Mini-MicroSystems, May 1979. “The Seybold Report on Word Processing.” Seybold Publi Ronald Rosenberg, “A workstation for the OEM”, Mini-Mi cations, Inc., vol. 2, No. 9, Oct. 1979. croSystems, May 1979, pp. 171-172. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 12

“Table of Small Business System Suppliers”, Mini-Micro Stephen A. Caswell, "Microcommunications: an evolving Systems, Jun. 1979, pp. 46–57, 106–107. bazaar,” Mini-MicroSystems, Sep. 1980, pp. 110-112, 115, Merging Data Processing and Word Processing, Mini-Micro 117-118. Systems, Jul. 1979, pp. 26, 31–32, 34, 38. ADAM & LOMAC, “The Importance of Philosophy', Logi Thomas G. Viggers, “Which type of terminal is right for cal Machine Corp., Nov. 1977. you?", Mini-Micro Systems, Jul. 1979, pp. 97-98, 100, LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Oct. 102-103. 1977. “Information Management Systems”, Mini-Micro Systems, LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Sep. Aug. 1979. 1977. “Heath and MIT Developing Advanced 16-Bit Microcom LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Aug. puter System”, Mini-MicroSystems, Oct. 1979, pp. 19. 1977. Malcom L. Stiefel, "Surveying database management Sys LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Jul. tems”, Mini-MicroSystems, Nov. 1979, pp. 94-104. 1977. “Mini-Based MIS Network Aids Pro Football Coaches', LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Jun. Mini-MicroSystems, Dec. 1979, pp. 62, 64. 1977. “Data General Corporation document”, Data General, 1981, LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., May pp. 2-10. 1977. D. W. Davies, E. Holler, E. D. Jensen, S. R. Kimbleton, B. LOMAC Distributor News, Logical Machine Corp., Apr. W. Lampson, G. LeLann, K. J. Thurber, R. W. Watson, 1977. “Distributed Systems-Architecture and Implementation, LOMAC, “Logical passes milestone,' Logical Machine An Advanced Course”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Corp., Oct. 1977. 1981. LOMAC product news, “The Lomac Eve Data Entry Sys Harvey M. Weiss, “The ORACLE data base management tem,” Logical Machine Corp., May 1977. system,” Mini-MicroSystems, Aug. 1980, pp. 111-114. LOMAC product news, Logical Machine Corp., Mar. 1977. “Datapoint enhances office Sustem with 16-bit processor”, LOMAC product news, Logical Machine Corp., Feb. 1977. Mini-MicroSystems, Jan. 1981. LOMAC product news, Logical Machine Corp., Dec. 1976. “Breakpoints,” Mini-MicroSystems, Feb. 1981. LOMAC, “Logical Laws, Accurate Axioms, Profound Prin Cluster/One, “Enjoy Local Networking Now!”, Nestar ciples, Trusty Truisms, Homey Homiles, Colorful Corollar Systems Inc., Mini-MicroSystems, Feb. 1981. ies, Quotable Quotes & Rambunctious Ruminations, Logi “New Systems,” Mini-MicroSystems, Feb. 1981, pp. 186. cal Machine Corp., 1976. Datapoint, "Datapoint Software is key to integrated office Bob Greene, “Campers: Meet Your New Companion,” Daily system,” Mini-MicroSystems, Jan. 1980, pp. 26. News Tribune, Oct. 1977. Hewlett-Packard, “H-Pjumps into personal computer mar ADAM, “Computer Unveiling Scheduled,” Palm Beach ket,” Mini-MicroSystems, Jan. 1980. Times, Oct. 28, 1975. GenRad/Futuredata, “GenRed/Futuredata delivers Intel, John Peers, Gerald Horgan, Edmund C. Berkeley, “The First Zilog, Motorola, Rockwell,” Mini-Micro Systems, Jan. No Software' Computer: The ADAM System of John Peers 1980, pp. 52-53. & Company, Inc., 1975. Ronald Rosenberg, “Xerox regards Ethernet as an AT&T ADAM, “The New Small Computers Sophisticated Users Alternative,” Mini-MicroSystems, Feb. 1980, pp. 53–54. For First-Time Users.” The Research Institute of America, “Breakpoints,” Mini-MicroSystems, Jul. 1980, pp. 6. Inc., Jul. 1975. “New Systems,” Mini-MicroSystems, Apr. 1980, pp. 139. Morris C. Klein, “Systems Casebook,” The Smith Company, “Minibits,” Mini-MicroSystems, Apr. 1980, pp. 44. Office News, Oct. 1975. T1-Score, “How T1-Score will score the bobsled,” Mini “Small Business Computer News,” Management Informa MicroSystems, Feb. 1980, pp. 121. tion Corp., vol. 2 No. 7, Jul. 1975. “Xerox, Intl and DEC join forces for local area network.” “Personal Computing Is ADAM the first of a new breed?”, Mini-MicroSystems, Jul. 1980, pp. 17, 20, 61-62. Benwill Publishing Corp., May/Jun. 1977. Harvey Weiss, “QDMS brings data management to the “Emerging Technologies,” Industry Week, Jun. 23, 1975. masses,” Mini-MicroSystems, Feb. 1981, pp. 178-179, 181, “Datapro mininews, Datapro Research Corp., vol. 3 No. 7, 183. Ju1 1975. “Breakpoints,” Mini-MicroSystems, Aug. 1980, pp. 5. Robert M. Patterson, “While others sell turnkey solutions, Lori Valigra, “Word-processing Systems Sport innovative Adam learns applications on the job,' Minicomputer News, features,” Mini-MicroSystems, Aug. 1980, pp. 35, 37, 40, Benwill Publishing Corp., 1975. 42. Catherine Arnst, “Adam Uses English, Not Software.” Malcolm L. Stiefel, “Intelligent terminals shift to 16-bit Computerworld, May 28, 1975. microprocessors,” Mini-Micro Systems, Nov. 1980, pp. Oliver Williams, Daily Commercial News, May 21, 1975. 97–98, 100-106. ADAM, “Service Bureaus Control Your Destiny Again.” “New Systems,” Mini-MicroSystems, Nov. 1980, pp. 171. Computerworld, May 14, 1975. Paul Kinnucan, “Competition heats up for local area net Office Product News, Apr. 1975. works,” Mini-Micro Systems, Jan. 1981, pp. 14, 17. ADAM, “No need for programming,” Computer Weekly, “Laboratory mini aids fire research,” Mini-Micro Systems, Mar. 20, 1975. Sep. 1980, pp. 139-143. ADAM, “Adam Works With Naive Users,” Computer “New Systems,” Mini-MicroSystems, Sep. 1980, pp. 145. world, Mar. 19, 1975. “New Software,” Mini-MicroSystems, Sep. 1980, pp. 168. Guy De Jonquieres, “Compter re- confirmed by IBM,” “Minibits,” Mini-MicroSystems, Nov. 1980. Financial Times, Mar. 14, 1975. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 13

Peter D. Whitney, “The coming of the home computer,' S.F. Five articles regarding Logical Machine Corp: “Compa Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, Feb. 19, 1978. nies', San Jose News, untitled, Industrial Distributor, Richard A. Shaffer, “Computers That Use Plain English “Logical Machine Corp.’, Geyer's Dealer Topics, “Logical Permit Vast New Applications.” The Wall Street Journal, Machine forms new holding company’, Minicomputer Mar. 27, 1978. News, and “Adam the Younger', Geyer's Dealer Topics, all “Machine an ask to be taught, Financial Times, Nov. 15, articles in Dec., 1978. 1976. “Easy Access: Computers That Use Plain English Open New Avenues”, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 2, 1979. ADAM, “New no-Software computer makes dealer's life Articles regarding Logical Machine Corp: “Logical simpler,” 4-13 Automotive News, Apr. 11, 1977. Machine Corp', Mini-Micro Systems, “Desk-top Com ADAM, “the bionic desk.” Logical Machine Corp., 1977. puter', The Office, “Logical Reorganization,” Geyer's Larry Clinton, Jr., “Home-Grown Home Computers,” May/ Dealer Topics, “LOMAC Announces Reorganization,” Jun. 1977, pp. 16. Computer Retailing, untitled, Electronic News. Gordon Carlson, “We Can Program Our Own Small Busi Logical Machine Corp, “News & Comment-Low-cost ness Computer,” Office Publications, Inc., Feb. 1978. CRTs at Info 78,” Computer Decisions, Jan. 22, 1979, “Personal Computing Discovers World In Chip Techon D2224.55-456; also includes Computer Weekly, Jan. 30, logy,” Direct Marketing, Jan. 1978. 1979. Bob Downing, “Your future hiking partner could be a “From DP to the Top,” Datamation, Jan. 30, 1979. computer,” Akron Beacon Journal, Feb. 1975. Larry Lettieri, “Better, Faster Data Entry,” Computer Deci Peter N. Budzilovich, “Computerizing a small business?”, Sions, Feb. 26, 1979. Computer Decisions, Feb. 1978, pp. 42, 47. "Machines That Hear and Understand.” Business Week, Mar. Billy Skelton, “Whistling Up World Hot Lips Superstars 6, 1979. Jus Strummin.” Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Jun. 11, 1978. Marcia Blumenthal, “Spirited Lomac President Likes The Excitement of Cliff-Hanging, Computerworld, Apr. 19, Richard A. Shaffer, “Electronic Gadgets Than Can Talk, 1979. Spell May Open New Path for Consumer Goods,” Wall Davis, Skaggs & Co., Inc., “A View of Emerging Technol Street Journal Western Edition, Jun. 12, 1978. ogy Companies', Wall Street Journal, Apr. 16, 1979. Robin Ashton, “Swimming the Paperwork Seas: Computers Robert C. A. Goff, M.D., “The Bedside Microcomputer in for the Little Guy,” Institutions Volume Feeding/Operations/ the Intensive Care Nursery”, Interface Age, Jul. 1978, pp. Technology, Jun. 1, 1978, pp 51-54. 65-67. Paul Voakes, “Logical Step: Conversational Computers,” “The Home Computer', Northern California Retailer, May Palo Alto Times, Jul. 11, 1978. 1978. ADAM, “User Programming Harness Rapid Growth,” Mod “The Personal Computer: Tool of the Future”, Women in ern Office Procedures, Jul. 1978, col. 2, Par. 2, also “New Business, Jun. 1978. pp. 6-8. Products”, San Jose News, Jul. 13, 1978, and ADAM the “Home-Computer Fad Grows”, Virginian Pilot, Jul. 9, 1978. Younger, “A New Computer System for Small Businesses,” “New Products', San Jose News, Jul. 13, 1978. Electronics of America, Jul. 11, 1978. “Byte to Produce Tina Computer', Computer Retailer, Jul. Advertising fashions come and go, but Goodrich Sticks to 1978. * Goodrich style, Industrial Marketing Jul. 1978, pp. 76, 78, John Harrison, “I asked Bill Roger how he manages to sell 82, etc. So many Sol computers, here's his answer.”, ProceSSOr “LOMAC, Byte Financing, Management Reorganized.” Technology Corporation. Computer Retailing, Sep. 1978, and Logical Machine Corp., Jerry Drolt, John Cool, “The Business Fountain of Youth”, no title, EDP Weekly, Sep. 11, 1978. The Image Resource Report. Several articles re: Logical Machine Corp: Television Advertisement, “Introducing the Space Byte Modular Busi Digest, Logical Machine Corp, “Logical Taps Brandt’, neSS Computer'. Computer Systems News, Logical Machine Corporation, Christopher Menkin, “Computer Bugs', Daily Commercial “Item No. 15813. New Desk Top Computer.” Electronics of News, Oct. 24, 1978. America, Infosystems, The Office, and Infosystems, all in “Timeshare Disk BASIC System for North Star", Byte News, Sep. 1978. Nov. 21, 1978. Gordon Carlson, “We Can Program Our Own Small Busi Sharon Pitman, “Smaller firms are putting computers to ness Computer'. Back side of page: “Computer Profiles,” work”, The Capital Times, Nov. 21, 1978. Small Business Computers Magazine, Sep. 1978. “Computers Meet Many Needs In Homes, Businesses”, Adam the Younger, “Computer Offers Low Price; Adapts to Sacramento Bee, Nov. 27, 1978. English Language.” Industrial Distributer News, Oct. 1978. “Here's Wishing You a Digital Christmas”, Datamation, Articles Regarding Logical Machine Corporation, Oct. Nov. 27, 1978. 1978. “Z-80/8080 Disassembler”, Interface Age, Dec. 11, 1978. Ricard A. Shaffer, “Computers Using Plain English Permit “Entry level system adds word processing”, Minicomputer Vast New Applications,” Computers and People, Oct., 1978, News, Jan. 30, 1979. p. 2, Paragraph 4. Garland P. Asher, “Tandy Corporation”, The Wall Street Two articles regarding Logical Machine Corp., “Logical Transcript, Feb. 26, 1979. Machine Sued on Lomac Use', Electronic News, and Eric Benhamou, “Integrated Software Design For Z-Net, A “Desktop Computer.” Semi-Weekly, both Nov. 27, 1978. Local Microcomputer Network", IEEE, 1981, pp. 397–403. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 14

Mark R. Brown, Roderic G. G. Carrell, Norihisa Suzuki, Ralph Mauriello, “A Distributed Processing System for “The Cedar DBMS: A Preliminary Report", Xerox Palo Alto Military Applications-Part 3: The Computers,” Computer Research Center, pp. 205-211. Design, Dec. 1980, pp. 22, 26, 30, 32, 36, 38. Data Node, “Network Processing Products Description”, Ralph Maruiello, A Distributed Processing System For Mili Data Node, Inc., Jul. 1981. tary Applications-Part 4: The Software, Computer Design, “Notes on Goliath error codes', Logical Machine Corp. Jan. 1981, pp. 14, 19–20, 27–28, 30. “Goliath Disk and Menory Exerciser Display Lines', Logi Series of Advertisements by Molecular Computer, including cal Machine Corp. ads and specifications for InfiNET I and InfiNET II. “Raytheon's plunge into word processing', Business Week, Advertisements for MuDOSTM “MuDOSTM Specifications”, Dec. 12, 1977, pp. 5-6. MuSys Corporation. “When IBM is a low-priced entry", Business Week, Jul. 7, Advertisement for TeleVideo Systems, “The Computer 1980, pp. 10-12. Family—With a Growth Path . . . TeleVideo Systems” SyntreX Inc. and Olivetti Sign wide-range agreement, PR Televideo Systems, Inc. Newswire, Oct. 20, 1980, pp. 13–14. “Addendum-COMDEX 81 Conference & Exposition”. Lexitron Corporation today introduced a powerful new Advertisement, Molecular Computer-n/STARTM. family of text processors described as the “ultimate Standa Paula Hawthorn, “The Effect of Target Applications on the lones,”, PR Newswire, Jun. 30, 1981, pp. 19-20. Design of Database Machines,” Lawrence Berkeley Labo “DEC merges word and data processing', Business Week, ratory, University of California, Mar, 1981. (To be pre Jun. 6, 1977, pp. 2-4. sented at the SIGMODE International Coference on Man Max Schindler, “CP/Net helps micros peripherals”, agement of Data, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 29-30, 1981). Electronic Design, Aug. 2, 1980, pp. 35. “Speech Recognition and Response Units Proliferate AS Neil B. Cohen, Charles B. Haley, Scott E. Henderson, Chak Technology Approaches Maturity,” Data Processing Digest, L. Won, “Gemini-A Reliable Local Network', Syntrex Nov. 27, 1978, reprinted from EDP Industry Report, vol. Inc., pp. 1-22. 14, Aug. 23, 1978, pp. 1-5. James Schwabe, “Disk-file sharing simplifies big software Robert Epstein, “Why Database Machines?, Datamation, projects”, Electronic Design, Sep. 1, 1980, pp. 129-132. Jul. 1983, pp. 139-140, 144. Kit Menkin, “2nd Computer Faire Draws 14,000”, Northern “Cluster/One User Manual,” NeStar Systems Incorporated, California Electronic News, Mar. 20, 1978. 1979. Advertisement for ADAM from Logical Machine Corpora “Cluster/One'-Price List, Nestar Systems Incorporated, tion, Minneapolis Tribune, Apr. 14-19. effective Feb. 1, 1980. Article about ADAM from Logical Machine Corporation, “Credit Appliation References List, Jan. 1980, Nestar Sys Modern Office Procedures, Apr. 1978. tems, Incorporated, 1980. Article about Logical Machine Corporation, St. Louis Globe Advertisement, “PET Analog Input,” BYTE, Jun. 1979, p. Democrat, Apr. 24, 1978. 233. John Foster, "Small busineSS computer needs no program Olin Bray and Kenneth J. Thurber, “What's Happinging ming knowledge”, Mart Magazine, Apr. 1, 1978. with Data Base Processors?", Datamation, Jan. 1979, pp. Lucinda Mattera, “Presettable timer will permit real-time 146-148, 155-156. counting”, Electronics, May 11, 1978, Advertisement for Robert J. Williams, “The Distributed Intelligence System,” ADAM from Logical Machine Corporation, Modern Office Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1976. Procedures, May 1978. Advertisement, “It’s Duck Soup, LOMAC Logical John M. McGuire, "Answer Us, Adam, St. Louis Post-Dis Machine Corporation, 1977. patch, May 3, 1978. Advertisement, “We have only 293 buttons left-Am I “EDP Today: Computers Move Into the Office,” Modern Proud" Logical Machine Corporation. Office Procedures, May 1978, pp. 77-78, 80–81, 83–84, 86. Advertisement, “New York City Woman Writes: “Never, Drew Major, “Report of Energy Management Systems: An Ever, Play Leapfrog With a Unicorn.” Logical Machine Intelligent Approach to Energy Conservation,” Submitted to Corporation, 1976. Dr. Paul Hedman, Chemical Engieering 510, Brigham Advertisement, “Not-So-ridiculous-as-it-seems Fre Offer Young University, Mar. 5, 1979. Advertisement,” Logical Machine Corporation, 1977. “The Ethernet: A Local Area Network”, Digital Equiopment Advertisement, “It’s Easy as Pie” Logical Machine Corpo Corporation, Intell Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Ver ratin, 1977. sion 1.0, Sep. 30, 1980. Advertisement, “It’s Easy as Falling Off a Log s: Logical John F. Schoch and Jon A. Hupp, “Measured Performance of Machine Corporations, 1977. an Ethernet Local Network,” Xerox Palo Alto Research Advertisement, “The Bionic Desk-a world's first Logical Center, Feb. 1980. Machine Corporation, 1977. Ronald C. Crane and Edward A. Taft, “Practical Consider Advertisement, “The “Honest One-the World's First ations in Ethernet Local Network Design,” Xerox Systems Authentic Program-it-yourself Computer, Logical Development Division and Palo Alto Research Center, Oct. Machine Corporation. 1979, revised Feb. 1980. Ben Hawkins, “Foreign Language Flows From Adam,” Robert M. Metcalfe and David R. Boggs, “Ethernet: Dis Sunday Mercury News, Jul. 24, 1977. tributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks,” Advertisement, “(1st in a Series of advertisements promoting The Ethernet Local Network. Three Reports, Xerox Palo the simple philosophies of life).” Logical Machine Corpo Alto Research Center, May 1975, reprinted Feb. 1980. ration, 1976. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 15

Advertisement, “The trouble with Bringing Out a Great New David K. Hsiao, Stuart E. Madnick, "Database Machine Product, You Have a-of a Time Getting People to Read Architecture in the Context of Information Technology About It,” Logical Machine Corporation, Business Week, Evolution,” 1977, pp. 63–82. Jun. 28, 1976, p. 18 C-P. Ken Hardwick and William Federbusch, “Local Network Advertisement, “Logical Machine Corporation Wades ing: The Mission Link Emerges,” 1980. Knee-deep into Muddy Waters; First in a Series of Business “News Briefs: Xerox Introduces Ethernet-compatible Office Service Advertisements. Some Logical Talk for Execu Gear,” Electronics, Dec. 4, 1980. tives Befuddled by the Claims to Computer Manufacturers,” Advertisement, “Two Free Trial Offers-and One that Costs Logical Machine Corporation, 1975. you a Buck, Tandy, Atari, CompuServe. 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Tasks.” Electronics, Apr. 24, 1980, pp. 220, 222. “LOMAC Distributer News, Special Edition No. 1," Logical Advertisement, “Goliath,” Logical Machine Corporation. Machine Corporation. Advertisement, “Tina . . . Goliath . . . David, Logical R.F. Thomas, R.J. Ridge, et. al., “Computing in Support of Macine Corporation. Experiments at LAMPF,” Informal Report, LOS Alamos Manual, “Goliath,” Logical Business Machines. Scientific Laboratory, Oct. 1976. Adam Osborne, “From the Fountainhead,” Interface Age, David K. Hsiao, “Data Base Computers,” Advances in Jul. 1978, pp. 43–45. Computers, vol. 19, 1980. Paul Neuman and Ray Lewis, “Computer Stores Offer a George A. Champine, "Four Approaches to a Data Base Challenge to Established Office Macine Dealers,” Geyer's Computer,” Datamation, Dec. 1978, pp. 101-106. Dealer Topics, Jul. 1978. T. Ideguchi, T. Mizuno, H. Matsunaga, “The Distributed “Hot Market Exists for Newest Hobby . . . 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Advertisement, “Introducing the Space Byte Modular Busi Jeremy Dion, “The Cambridge File Server,” University of ness Computer.” The Space Byte Computer Corporation. Cambridge Computer Laboratory, pp. 26-35. Blanding Clarkson, “Home Computers: How Soon Will You Bernard P. Wess, Jr., “Distributed Computer Networks in Own an R2-D2 or C3P-02', Charlotte Magazine, Aug., Support of Complex Group Practices.” IEEE, 1978, pp. 1978. 469-477. Christopher Menkin, “Business Beat-Electronic Wiz E.B. Spratt, “The Cambrdge Ring.” Electronic Technology, ardry,” Daily Commercial News, Sep. 12, 1978. vol. 14, Nov./Dec., 1980, pp. 219–223. Two Articles: “Northshare,” Interface Age, Mar. 13, 1979, H. Jafari, J. Spragins,and T. Lewis, “A New Modular Loop and Bill Langenes, “Maybe Computer Stores ARE Sand Architecture for Distributed Computer Systems,” IEEE, wich Shops (And Everyone is Taking a Bite of Their 1978, pp. 72-77. Action).” Computer Retailing, Mar. 13, 1979. W. Morven Gentleman and J.E. Corman, “Design Consid “Byte Plans National Print, Broadcast effort,” Advertising erations for a Local Area Network Connecting Diverse Age, Apr. 16, 1979. Primitive Machines,” Local Networks for Computer Com Jeffrey Beeler, “Cambridge Unveils 370 Type CPUs," Com munications, 1981, pp. 207-221. puterworld, Aug. 28, 1978, p. 1, 6. Peter T. Kirstein, Steve R. Wilbur, “University College “Data-Byte System 1,” Billings Computer Corporation. London Activities with the Cambridge Ring,” Local Netow “Burroughs Network Architecture-a major advance in net rks for Computer Communications, 1981, pp. 107-124. working Capability-Broadens the Effectiveness of Com V. Bruce Hunt, “Olivetti Local Network System Protocol puters Interacting with One Another,” Burroughs Clearing Architecture,” Local Networks for Computer Communica House, p. 26-27. tions, 1981, pp. 223-244. P.T. Barry, “The Regional Computing Organisation Net Charles Bachman and Mike Canepa, “The Session Control work,” The Computer Journal, vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 184-187. Layer of An Open System Interconnection,” IEEE, 1978, pp. Kenneth J. Thurber, “Computer Communication Tech 150-156. niques," IEEE, 1978, pp. 589–594. US 4,714,989 C1 Page 16

Glen Horton, “Distributed Network.” BYTE, Nov. 1978, pp. “Distributed Computer System Based on Personal Comput 62-64. ers", Byte, 1979, p. 216. “Technical Literature: Distributed Processing Networks or “Micro Node Basic Reference Guide', Data Node. LANs, Technology Applications Center, NASA/UK TAC. “VT100 Micro Node Installation Manual”, Data Node, pp. Roger Allan, Local-net Architecture, Protocol ISSueS Heat 1-14. ing Up, Electronic Design, Apr. 16, 1981, pp. 91-95. Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A (TM), “New Systems,” Mini-MicroSystems, Jan. 1979. Technical Note 5 (Rev. 0), “NETLINK Version 1.0", Feb. “Z-Lab Links Development Stations on Znet,” Computer 11, 1981, pp. 1-2. world, Oct. 4, 1980. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, with Exhibits, Monday, Marcia Bloomenthal, “Basic Four System Meshes DP, WP May 11, 1992, vol. 1, pp. 1-171, 179-205. Functions,” Computerworld, Oct. 13, 1980, p. 13. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. II, pp. 206-421, Fred Maryanski, Paul Fisher, Virgil Wallentine, “Evaluation Tuesday, May 12, 1992. of conversion to a back-end database management System,” Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. III, Tuesday, Sep. 29, Computer Science Department, Kansas State University, pp. 1992. 293-297. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. III, Tuesday, Sep. 29, Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A (TM), 1992, Exhibits Only, Section 1, Exhibits 1–3. Technical Note 4 (Rev. 0), “Summary of space requirements Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. III, Tuesday, Sep. 29, for NFS tables Release 1.0 and Release 1.1", Feb. 11, 1981, 1992, Exhibits Only, Section 2, Exhibits 4–8. pp. 1-2. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. III, Tuesday, Sep. 29, Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A (TM), 1992, Exhibits Only, Section 3, Exhibit 9. Technical Note 6 (Rev. 0), “ClusterBus Cabling Informa Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. IV, Wednesday, Sep. tion”, Feb. 19, 1981, pp. 1–5. 30, 1992. Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A Net Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. V, pp. 130-318, work Support Programs, “Printer Spooler, version 1.0', Aug. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1993. 20, 1980, pp. 1-7. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. VI, pp. 319-504, Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluter/One Model A Network Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1993. Support Programs, “Network Interface Routines, version Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. VII, pp. 505-536, 1.0', Aug. 20, 1980, pp. 1-6. Thursday, Jan. 7, 1993. Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluter/One Model A Network Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. VII, pp. 537-754, Support Programs, “Directory List Program, version 1.0, Monday, Feb. 1, 1993, Exhibits Only. Aug. 20, 1980, pp. 1-2. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. VII, pp. 537-754, Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A Net Monday, Feb. 1, 1993. work Support Programs, “Simple File Card Handler, version Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. IX, pp. 755-976, 1.0', Aug. 20, 1980, pp. 1-4. Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1993. Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A Net Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. IX, pp. 755-976, work Support Programs, “Nestar Mail System, version 1.2”, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1993, Exhibits Only. (DRAFT) Aug. 20, 1981, pp. 1-7. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. X, pp. 977-1215, Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A Net Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1993. work Support Programs, “Talk Program, version 1.0', Aug. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. X, pp. 977-1215, 20, 1980, pp. 1-3. Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1993, Exhibits Only. Nestar Systems, Incorporated, Cluster/One Model A Net Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. XI, pp. 1216-1400, work Support Programs, “Startup Command File, version Thursday, Feb. 4, 1993. 1.0', Aug. 20, 1980, pp. 1-2. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. XI, pp. 1216-1400, David J. DeWitt, “Query Execution in Direct', pp. 1-24. Thursday, Feb. 4, 1993, Exhibits 33–35. Michael Hammer, Bahram Niamir, “A Heuristic Approach Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. XII, pp. 1401-1604, to Attribute Partitioning”, pp. 1-31. Friday, Feb. 5, 1993. L. Slotnick, “Logic per Track Devices”, pp. 291-296. Deposition of Roger E. Billings, vol. XII, pp. 1401-1604, David Boggs, Gene McDaniel, Dan Swinehart, “The Wood Friday, Feb. 5, 1993, Exhibits 36–38. stock File System” (slides), Xerox Palo Alto Research Continued Deposition of Roger E. Billings, Vol. 13, pp. Center, pp. 1-13. 1608–1825, Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1994. “Britton Sees the computer as just another peripheral', Continued Deposition of Roger E. Billings, Vol. 14, pp. Electronics, Apr. 24, 1980, pp. 14, 16. 1826–2065, Thursday, Jan. 13, 1994 with Exhibits. Edward K. Yasaki, “OEMS find uses for data box', Data Declaration of Roger E. Billings in Opposition to Motion for mation, Mar. 1982, pp. 63, 66, 68, 71. Summary Judgment; Aug. 13, 1993. “Bringing data-base management up to date', Electronics, Declaration of Hai-Yann Hwang in Opposition to Motion Mar. 10, 1981, p. 163. for Summary Judgment; Aug. 13, 1993. "Machine helps cigarette maker manage lab data”, Comput Deposition of Hai-Yann Hwang; vol. I; Mar. 21, 1994; pp. erworld (special report), Jun. 24, 1985, pp. 8-9. 1-194. Betsy Gilbert, “The computer connection-local networks”, Deposition of Hai-Yann Hwang; vol. II; Mar. 22, 1994; pp. Personal Computing, Dec. 1981, pp. 26-29, 73. 195-373. Edward P. Striter, Leonard J. Shustek, "Local network links Deposition of Hai-Yann Hwang; vol. III; Mar. 23, 1994; pp. personal computers in a multiuser, multifunction System’, 374-538. 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Exhibits to vol. IV to the Deposition of Hai-Yann Hwang; Joseph J. Passafiume, “Providing Network Data Servies May 2, 1994. Using a Backend Data Base Machine,” IEEE Proceedings of Deposition of Hai-Yann Hwang; vol. V; May 3, 1994; pp. 695-901. Spring 1980 Compcon (Feb. 1980), 251-262. Declaration of Philip H. Reagan in Opposition to Motions by Beatrice Del Vecchio, Philippe Penny, “The PHLOX Novell for Summary Judgment; Jul. 8, 1994. Project: Three Data Bases Management Systems for Micro R.H. Canaday, R.D. Harrison, E.L. Ivie, J.L. Ryder and L.A. Wehr, “A Back-end Computer for Data Base Management,” Computers,” Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Small Communications of the ACM, vol. 17, No. 10 (Oct. 1974): Systems, ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter, (Palo Alto, CA, 575-582. Sep. 1980), 173–178. Thomas Marill and Dale Stern, “The datacomputer-A network data utility,” AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 1975 “IDM 500 Intelligent Database Machine Product Descrip National Computer Conference, (May 19-22, 1975): tion,” Britton-Lee, Inc., (1980). 389-395. Fred J. Maryanski, Paul S. Fisher, Virgil E. Wallentine, and “Hardware Spotlight-Micro-Mini Network,” Datamation Myron A. Calhoun, “A Minicomputer Based Distributed (Sep. 1980), 230. Data Base System” IEEE Trends and Applications Sympo sium on Micro and Mini Systems, (May 1976): 113-117. Apple LCN from Zynar, Electronic Technology, (Nov./Dec. David Hsiao and Stuart Madnick, "Database Machine Archi 1980), 223. tecture in the Context of Information Technology Evolu Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks,” Prentice tion,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, (Oct. 6-8, 1977): 63-84. Hall, (Dec. 1980). Eugene Lowenthal, “Data Base Processors: What Can They Roger E. Billings and Robert J. Ridge, “Billings Distributed Do?". Computerworld, (Jun. 4, 1979): In Dept./1 to In Depth/12. Processing Network-Distributed Data Processing Using Fred J. Maryanski, Paul S. Fisher, Richard D. Housh, and Functionally Structured Distribution,” Computer Progress, David A. Schmidt, “A Prototype Distributed DBMS,” (Spring 1982), 13–19. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (Jan. 1979): vol. 2: 205-214. cited by examiner US 4,714,989 C1 1 2 EX PARTE AS ARESULT OF REEXAMINATION, IT HAS BEEN REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE DETERMINED THAT: ISSUED UNDER 35 U.S.C. 307 Claims 1-14 are cancelled. THE PATENT IS HEREBY AMENDED AS INDICATED BELOW. k . . . .