United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,714,989 Billings (45) Date of Patent: Dec
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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,714,989 Billings (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 22, 1987 54 FUNTIONALLY STRUCTURED 4,321,672 3/1982 Braun et al. .................... 364/900 X DSTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSENG 4,355,369 10/1982 Garvin ................................ 364/900 SYSTEM 4,414,621 li/1983 Brown et al. ....................... 364/200 4,432,057 2/1984 Daniell et al. ... 364/200X 76 Inventor: Roger E. Billings, 3420 Pink Hill Cir., 4,439,837 3/1984 Aiena et al. ......................... 364/900 Blue Springs, Mo. 64015 4,476,528 10/1984. Matsumoto et al. ................ 364/200 4,481,574 11/1984 De Fino et al. .................... 364/200 (21) Appl. No.: 921,219 Primary Examiner-Raulfe B. Zache 22 Filed: Oct. 20, 1986 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Litman, McMahon & Brown Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 826,721, Feb. 6, 1986, aban A functionally structured distributed data processing doned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 350,159, system includes a plurality of independently operating Feb. 19, 1982, abandoned. user station processors for servicing users, a data center for storing data to be processed by the user stations, and 51) Int. Cl." .............................................. G06F 15/16 a communication network for coupling each user sta 52 U.S. Cl. ... tion to one or more data centers. The data center in 58) Field of Search ......................... 364/200 MS Fie cludes its own processor and mass storage devices for 56) References Cited managing a data base of data for the user stations. Each user station executes application programs to which is U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS linked a data base simulator which formulates requests 3,564,509 2/1971 Perkins ................................ 364/200 or data operations to calls to the data base at the data 4,204,208 5/1980 McCarthy ........................... 364/900 center. Communications between the user stations and 4,209,784 6/1980 Sumner et al... ... 340/71 4,266,271 5/1981 Chamoff et al. ... 364/200 the data center are usually initiated only by the user 4,287,567 9/1981 Lumsden ............................. 364/900 stations. 4,319,326 3/1982 Uchida ............ 364/900 X 4,319,336 3/1982 Anderson et al. .. ... 364/900 14 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures USER station forty OSK 1.OY MicroPROCESSOR iCNTRCLEFISK MEMOR SERIA larly 'fift ROGRAM To ser SFAtion Ayan ENEr SERA MPT v Tryf 25 4. sma ts. CMYM Pr0s. PROG prog U.S. Patent Dec. 22, 1987 Sheet 1 of 2 4,714,989 4. 4. 4. USER USER USER STATION STATION STATION s 21-92 DATA - CENTER t 8 TELEPHONENETWORK SWITCH ING Dy 2O - E. 24-g V T N- -- TO OTHER DATA CENTERS AND USER STATIONS Fig. U.S. Patent Dec. 22, 1987 Sheet 2 of 2 4,714,989 USER STATION 4. PRINTER O t24. IO8 FLOPPY OSK CRT TERMINALW MCRO PROCESSOR CONTROLLERDISK (120 2 MEMORY - SERIAL INPUT /OUTPUT 28 APPLICATION PROGRAM I6 TO MODEM DE USER H 7 B 5M. doMM. TO MODEMS TO USER STATION DATA CENTER 2O4g SERA SERIAL (INPUT / OUTPUT NPT / OUTPUT 25 2 4 DBM D. C. COMY NA PROG PROG | PROG OSK (ATA ASy CONTROLLER CONTROL PROGRAM \ 26 MEMORY D. C. A PP L N. HARD ! PROGR, ANN DISK \ 220 Fig. 2 4,714,989 1. 2 cation with the other central processing units. This FUNTIONALLY STRUCTURED DISTRIBUTED difficulty becomes more severe each time another pro DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM cessor is added to the system. Also, any change in the programming of one central processing unit or its asso CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 ciated storage files generally requires changes in the APPLICATIONS programming or associated data files of the other re The present invention is a continuation of Ser. No. lated central processing units. Thus far, there have been 826,721 for FUNCTIONALLY STRUCTURED DIS no distributed data processing configuration offered TRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM filed which would provide the apparent advantages of dis Feb. 6, 1986, and now abandoned which was a continu 10 tributed data processing without the attendant prob ation of Ser. No. 350,159 for DISTRIBUTED DATA lems. PROCESSING SYSTEM filed Feb. 19, 1982, and now SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION abandoned. The present invention grows out of and is founded FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 upon the unique premise that computer operations can The present invention relates to distributed data pro be broken down into two basic categories or function cessing systems and, more particularly, to such a system s-(1) servicing a user by receiving input information, including a data center computer managing data bases operating upon information, and supplying information for a plurality of independently operating user station to the user (this function is hereinafter referred to as the computers which process their own data and which 20 user station function), and (2) storing and retrieving store and retrieve data items related thereto in the data information from information storage equipment. (This bases of the data center computer by communicating function is hereinafter referred to as the data center data base calls to the data center computer. function.) In the system of the present invention, these two basic functions are segregated in a way which ac BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 commodates simplified planning and implementation of Data processing systems in common use today gener large multi-user distributed data processing systems at a ally include a large main frame computer having a plu far lower cost and complexity than heretofore thought rality of input/output terminals by which users commu possible, and with more flexibility and adaptability to nicate with the computer. The main frame computer growth in both capacity (number of users serviced and serves to manipulate data, perform calculations, etc., 30 amount of data processed) and capability (kinds of data pursuant to applications programs, and store and re processing which can be performed). The segregation is trieve data either for use in the manipulation, calcula tions, etc., or simply for delivery to one of the terminals. carried out by dedicating or assigning each central pro Although such a conventional arrangement provides cessing unit to one of the above two functions or classi significant computing power and access by numerous 35 fications of computer operations. Thus, the system of user terminals, the main frame computer necessary for the present invention includes a plurality of user stations servicing the terminals and providing the data process each dedicated to servicing a user (which could be a ing capabilities is large, complex, and costly. Further, person, another device, or machine) and each function the computing power of such systems, although signifi ing as a stand-alone computer, having its own central cant, generally cannot be increased except by provision processing unit, typically a microprocessor, and equip of an entire new system. ment by which the user can communicate with the It has been suggested that dividing up the data pro central processing unit, typically a video display and cessing task and distributing it among more than one keyboard terminal. The user stations may have other central processing unit would provide certain econo peripheral equipment as well, such as disk drives, print mies and advantages not achievable with the use of a 45 ers, card readers, or the like. The user stations service single, large main frame central processing unit. (See, the users by executing application programs supplied by e.g., publication A20-710-101, "Evolving Office of the the users. Future", January 1980, by Datapro Research Corp.) An The system of the present invention also includes one example of one such advantage is to allow for piece or more data centers dedicated to the storage and re wise growth of a small system into a larger system as 50 trieval of data which may be required by two or more needs increase, rather than starting out with a full user stations, or, in some instances, of data which is blown large scale system initially. Typically, the vari required by only one user station but which is more ous central processing units for use in a distributed data economically stored at the data center. Each data cen processing system have the capability of communicat ter includes its own central processing unit, mass stor ing with one another, and, in fact, to achieve full pro 55 age unit such as a hard disk drive, and a data access cessing capability, it is generally essential in such sys control program. The data access control programs are tems to provide for communication among the various essentially the same for all data centers in a system for central processing units. However, implementation of reasons which will become apparent. The data center the capability of inter-processor communication results functions to respond to inquiries from the user stations in a sacrifice of some of the economies and simplicity 60 to either receive and store data supplied by a user sta which was desired in proposing the distributed data tion or retrieve previously stored data and supply it to a processing system. This is because of the increased user station, all under the control of the data access complexity of programming each central processing control program. unit to not only store, retrieve and process data, but also The system operates pursuant to certain rules of inter initiate, respond to, and monitor inter-processor com 65 action or specifications which greatly simplify the im munication requests. That is, a significant part of each plementation of the system, without restricting its flexi central processing unit's operation time (and operating bility or adaptability for growth. Pursuant to these system) is taken up in simply accommodating communi rules, usually only a user station may initiate communi 4,714,989 3 4.