Museum Monthly Reports
.J LI j' .. ... ' .J t / . oJ , EXHIBITS AND AR~HJVES D::::PhRTIV1Et\'Y' -- OCTOBER '83 REPORT STAFFING: "'1eredith Stelling, Cooro i na tor Gregory Welch, Operations Manager/Research Bill Wisheart , Registr~r/Photo and Video Archives Beth Par kh urst, Re search RECENT ARTIFACT AC0UISITIONS (since October 1, 1983): X239. 83 Monr oe High Speed Adding Calculator, gift of Lee Swanson. X240.83 Vari-typer, gift of Lee Swanson. X241.83 HP-65 Programmable Calculator, gift of Stephen and Barbara Gross. X241.83 BIAX memory cores, gift of G.B. Westrom. X243.83 - X259.83 The University of Illinios Department of Computer Science Collection of Drawing Instruments, Slide Rules, Calculators and Circuit Boards. X243.83 Smith's Im proved Protactor. 7 X246.83 ILLIAC III Ci rcuit Boards. /o X2~7. 83 ILLIAC II Ci r cuit Board. /0 X250.e3 Keuffel & Esser Cylind rical Slide Rule. ? X260.83 - X274.83 The SAGE AN/SFQ-7 computer. Gi ft of The National 1'1useum of Science and Technology, Ontario. X2r,r . 83 1/2 naste r console ~ C5l5U X2f,} . [;3 "· ,o.onet j c Dr U':l Uni t. 5. (f(5D ~ I X2',2 . P3 IRM 7J8 printer. /C1t7 X2 G ~ . 83.1':>, - E 5 RAda r Operato r's Consoles. ~~ 107.J7.J X7r.t. £'3.Z>. - E 5 Auxiliary Consoles. -------6?:!O/02J7..) X2C,S . 83?l, - E 5 Operator's Chairs. 50 I X7 :- F. f' 3 I RIv! 2 G Car d Pu n c h . / CJ7) X767 . S3 IB"'1 723 Ca rd Recorne r.
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