INDEX TO REPORTS IN THE 1977-78 ANNUAL STATEMENT Page The President's Tribute ...• . . 1 Minutes of the General Meeting. • 2 Agriculture, Conservation & Environment. 4 Air Cadets ..•. 6 camp Banting. · . . . 7 Education & Attendance/Host & Health. 8 Inter Club, Sports & Social 11 Key Club & Circle K . . . 12 Membership Development · ...... 13 Music Committee • . . · . 14 rrogram Committee • · ...... 15 Public Affairs/Unity • 18 Spiritual Aims & International Affairs •• 19

Trust Fund • • • 8 • • , • 20 T.V. Auction •. · . . · . 21 Ways & Means. 23 Youth & Citizenship • 24 Auditor's Report. · ...... 25 - 32 1978-79 Budgets • • • • • • • 33 - 34 THE KIWANIS CLUB OF (INC.) Suite 202, 111 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Canada KIP 585, (613) 233-1900



To the Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. During this past year, when welcoming new members to our Club, I continually referred to this Annual Report as a "reference and the complete story en how our Club operates". Anyone reading this report will realize that our Club is one of involvement and action, for this we have every right to be proud. I wish to thank in particular the members of the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen who, from the first to the last day of our year, carried out their responsibility with keen interest and dedication, and they can be justifiably proud of their achievements. To Shirley Tomblin, our Administrative I wish to express my sincere thanks for her help and support not only toward me but to Ollr whole Club. And finally to you, our members, you make things happen and your interest in our varied activities ensured their success, thank you. It has been a most rewarding experience and honour to have served as your President; it has been a year I shall long remember and I wish to thank all of you for your support. Our Club is in IIgood hands" with President Allan and his Board and I wish him every success during our 62nd year.

PRESIDENT G B -Hap" NIChr)lds IMMEDIATE Yours in Kiwanis, PAST t:'tRES,OENl Hurrv 5 Brown v'CE· PRESIDENrs C"r stopher FOllrnle'- A UlfTlb "Hap" ..... Qf..... ) P.ARy G.B. "Hap" Nicholds, "ONCRA


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"'.. -,Iii H H')b<;.on i' _egere "REACH OUT: SAFEGUARD AGAINST CRIME" MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA HELD IN THE BANQUET ROOM, CHATEAU LAURIER, DECEMBER 2, 1977 Present: Hap Nicholds Kent Wilkinson Harry Brown Ted Small Allan Lamb Jim Barr Tom Lamothe Van Wight Chris Fournier Tom Spence Doug Legere Mike Moore Kent Wilkinson Jim Durrell Jim Plant Angus McMorran Sam Shantz Paul Goyette John Harcourt George Wolf Jr. Norm Torontow Herb Armstrong Lon campbell Don Williams Con stoltz Jack McLean John Cole George Brady Bill Sparks Don McKeen Joe Forest Warren Miller Ralph Foster Chuck Anderson Keith Shaver Morris Palmer George Perrin Art Sinclair Gary Armstrong Charlie Roney Jim Preston Earl Crowe Jack Bowman Sol Max Tom Beveridge Orv Boville Bill O'Neill Ross Hadwen Ian Kirkconnell Wilf Parry Vic Castledine Elmore Tufts Chummy Watt Wayne Thorpe Arnt Loa Don Humble Lorne Smith Ken Leach Bishop Bill Robinson .Barry McGro,ry Tom Grossman Lou Ullrich Harold Wyman Joe Coghlan Ron Gravelle Moe Racine Ken Birchall Jim Sharkey Gord Lundy Barry Weatherdon Bill Crosby Barry Nicholds Barry Young Bill Shenkman Vic Whittaker Don Evans Art Conrad Jack McKnight Phil Johnston Fred Price Larry Nelms Jack Stewart John Shane Lloyd Askwith Rod MacLeod Vince Galzonetti Frank Astley President Hap Nicholds declared this to be the General Meeting of the Club, notice cf woich was given in the bulletin of November 26, 1977. He then called upon Past President Harry Brown to preside. MOVED by Ted Small, SECONDED by Sam Shantz that the Annual Report of the Standing Committees for the year, excluding the Financial statements and proposed budgets be approved. CARRIED. MOVED by Jack McKnight, SECONDED by Fred Price that the minutes of the General Meeting of the Club held December 10, 1976 be adopted. CARRIED. Past President Harry then called on Treasurer Tom Beveridge to present the Auditor's Report. MOVED by Tom Beveridge, SECONDED by Gary Armstrong that the Auditor's Report be accepted. CARRIED. MOVED by Tom Beveridge, SECONDED by John Shane that the Balance Sheet as at Sept. 30, 1977 be approved. CARRIED. MOVED by Tom Beveridge, SECONDED by Phil Johnston that the statement of Revenue and Expenditures, General Account, be approved and that this meeting ratify the expenditures under the headinf?s: "Assessment Lt. Gov. Fund"· Assessment - Dist. Convention"; 'Postage"; "Rent & Taxes"; "Host & Health"; "Press Lunches"; "Music". CARRIED

Page 2 2 - MOVED by Tom Beveridge, SECONDED by Lon Campbell that the > of Revenue and Expenditures for the Welfare Account be accepted. CARRIED. MOVED by Lorne Smith, SECONDED by DougtLegere that all actions taken by the Board of Directors be approved. CARRIED. A vote of thanks to our Auditor Ian Kirkconnell was MOVED by Jack Bowman, SECONDED by Vic Whittaker. CARRIED. A vote of thanks was expressed to Bill Shenkman for printing the Annual Report covers, to Barry young for providing the stock for the covers and to Con Stoltz for collating and stitching the reports. A slide showing was then presented by Past President Harry Brown outlining the work of the various committees during the past year with special thanks to Barry Young and Ray Tomblin for providing most of the slides. The meeting was then turned over to President Hap who called on Tom Beveridge (in the absence of Treasurer Bill Mccartney) to present the General Account Budget and the Welfare Account Proposed Expenditures. Tom presented a General Account budget in the amount of $32,207.00 with proposed revenue of $31,455.00 which was accepted on MOTION of Tom SECONDED by Charlie Roney. CARRIED. by Tom Beveridge, SECONDED by Sol Max that the Air Cadet Budget in the amount of $5283.40 be approved. CARRIED. MOVED by Doug Legere, SECONDED by Van Wight that stewart Sutcliffe be appointed Auditor for 1977-78. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: It was MOVED by Lon Campbell, SECONDED by Vince Calzonetti that the membership fees be increased in 1978-79 up to $125.00 if required. CARRIED. George Perrin brought up the proposal made to the Ways and Means Committee of our club holding a "TriJ? of the Month" Raffle. He reported that the Barrie Rotary Club netted $22,000.00 on such a project and suggested that we should take another look at it. Ways & Means Chairman Bill O'Neill agreed to bring it to his committee for consideration. Vic l'Ihittaker suggested that a "Members Roast" be held quarterly with the normal meal price tripled for these luncheons only and the profits passed on to the Ways & Means Committee. This also to be considered by the Committee. The General Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Jim Preston, Honorary Secretary.

Page 3 REPORT OF THE AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. I am pleased to report on behalf of the members of the Agriculture, Conservation and Environment Committee for the 1977-78 club year. This committee is very enthusiastic and enables members to become involved in many community and social activities of our Club. 1. Ottawa Winter Fair Greg Field and myself attended and presented the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Trophy at the Fair in October 1977. This t.rophy· 1s the oldest trophy at the Fair and awarded to a 4-H club judged to have the finest calf entry at the Ottawa Winter Fair. Photos of the presentation are on file at the Kiwanis Office. The 1977 winners were Lauri McRae, Kathy McRae and Diann%f the Lanark County 4-H Club. Lackey 2. Ken Wynkie Memorial - for environment It was agreed that this trophy would be suitably situated with the Key Club committee rather than with this committee. Accordingly the trophy was transferred to the care of the Key Club Committee for their use. 3. Carp Pancake Supper Once again this committee participated in the Annual Pancake Supper at the Carp Fair grounds in co-operation with the Carp Agricultural Society. This event was a highlight in that community drawing a very large crowd of about 300 persons. Our guest speaker was the Hon. Eugene Wh e l an , Federal Minister of Agriculture who suitably addressed the gathering. It was at this gathering that the C.A.S. was granted class A Fair status. It is recommended to the incoming chairman that an accurate count of Kiwanis member ticket sales be provided in advance of the evening. Photos of this evening are on file in the Kiwanis Office. It should be noted that the presentation of flowers is welcomed by the ladies and should not be dropped. John Cole is recognized for his generous donation of plants· for this year's event. 4. Kiwanis Country Soiree Charlie & Ruth Roney are indeed very excellent hosts. This year they provided once again good weather and grand surroundings for a wonderful evening of fun, food and music as well as the usual good time enjoyed at TIGHLACH FARM. Many new members were introduced to this annual social event hosted by this committee and it is hoped it will continue next year. 5. Carp Fair 1978 - Sept. 22 - 23 This committee responded to a request by the carp Agricultural Society to assist in the cost of a building which would house the "STORY BOOK FARM", a project of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa. In total $5,000.00 was donated this year toward this venture. At last a permanent building 30 x 60, steel clad with cement floor costing $25,000.00 was in place in time to house the animal exhibit planned for this year's fair. Members of this Committee attended to supervise exhibits, sell dairy products (a very p0Pu·lar attraction) and man the Senior Citizens tent serving coffee and donuts at no charge to the Senior Citizens who drop in. No doubt this project will be taken over by the Senior Citizens Committee in 1979. Your committee is proud of their association with the Carp Agricul- tural Society and look to its continued association with this Fair. We were pleased to present our club cheque at the opening ceremo- nies and in so doing, demonstrating our involvement and presence in the Carp Community.

Page 4 ! Report of Agriculture, Conservation & Environment Committee - 2 - 6. Committee Meetings The normal number of meetings were held with excellent partici- pation at most. Alan and Marge once again entertained at their summer residence and Jim Plant and Ian McDonald provided a setting for a good meeting - a float boat tour of the ottawa prior to a meeting at Jim's cottage, and Charlie Roney, Ross Hadwen, Greg Field, Brian Gilman, John Cole, Ian Kirkconnell and Ted Small hosted committee meetings at some time during the year. Thanks to these men and women for their hospitality.

7. Inte r Clubs This Committee organized and co-operated with the Interclub Committee in an International in Rochester, N.Y. An excellent day was enjoyed by; 24 members of our club who took the return flight on "First Air' DC3 to Rochester. We were hosted by a very fine club and enjoyed good fellowship with our American friends. It is anticipated that a return Interclub will be made in May, 1979 when Rochester members will visit our city. A photo of this group is on file at the Kiwanis Office. I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to chair this very active and interesting committee. It is hoped that a suitable Conservation and Environment project can be organized on an ongoing basis for the future work offuis committee. I appreciate the fine cooperation and support of all committee members in making the chairing of this committee another enjoyable experience in Kiwanis. Respectfully submitted, "Ted" E.A. Small, Chairman Vice Chairman - Greg Field Vice President- Allan Lamb Director - Tom Beveridge Bob Alyea Ian McDonald Orv Boville Cec Morrison John Cole Russ Neill Len Coulter Frank Patten Bill Crosby Jim Plant Brian Gilman Ed Porter Ross Hadwen Charlie Roney Ian Kirkconnell Jack Stewart Bill Younder

Page 5 REPORT OF THE AIR CADET COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Inc. During the past year 211 Kiwanis Air Cadet Squadron had an9ther excellent year UDder the leadership of Major Dean Broadfoot, the Commanding Officer. Other officers were Lt. Norm Pakham, Administrative Officer, Lt. Jim Burton, Supply Officer and Capt. Ron Elmer, Range Officer. Mr. Danny Ryan and O/Cadet Don Broadfoot were Training Officers. The cadet strength was maintained at about 75 cadets throughout the year. There are 30 N.C.O.s in the Squadron. The Squadron Training Program followed the format as outlined by the ';Air Cadet League of Canada which includes drill, general knowledge, basic aerodynamics, engines, naviga- tion, shooting. In addition a flying and gliding scholarship lecture program was carried out. Extra activities included competition rifle shooting, model airplane building and sports. In addition each cadet received at least two hours flying time and a number of the cadets participated in the gliding program on the week-ends when weather permitted. The Squadron's rifle team excelled in every competition it competed in, winning everyone they entered in the Ottawa area, plus the all- competition for all cadets (Army, Navy and Air). They placed second in all of Canada and topped it off by winning the Newcombe Cup for Youth of the Commonwealth Competition. This is the first time this Cup has ever been won by a cadet unit outsideof England. In all, the Cadets won 14 gold, 14 silver, 7 bronze medals and 6 marksman badges. The Squadron also had an excellent year in the various sports They won the Broomball Championship, was over-all winner of the Sports Day held in March for all Ottawa area Squadrons and were awarded the Dollard Gratton Memorial Trophy for sports proficiency. The rifle shooting and sports competitions were normally held on Saturdays, this being in addition to the regular Monday night parades and lectures at Highland Park High School. F/S Keith Clifford was awarded the Strathcona Medal at the Annual Inspection held on May 29th, 1978. The Cadets put on an excellent show at the Annual Inspection. The Reviewing Officer was Colonel R.D. Schultz, D.F.C!, O.M.M., C.D. Major Broadfoot was awarded the Queens Silver Jubilee Medal at this time. Fifteen cadets were awarded various scholarships at the Inspection - 2 flying scholarships, 2 gliding scholarships, 1 eutward Bound Wilderness Course, 1 Advance Band Course, 1 Athletic Leaders Course, 1 Junior Band Course, 2 Air Crew Survival Course; in addition W/O Reynolds and Cadet Officer Don Broadfoot were employed for the summer on the Flying and Gliding Scholarship Courses. Also, ten cadets attended regular summer camp at Baggotville, Que. During the year the Cadets enjoyed a luncheon with the Kiwanis Club at which time Vic Castledine, the first C/O was honoured. A Christmas Dinner Party and a 3 day out-of-town trip to the Niagara Falls area in June after the Annual Inspection rounded out a very good season. At the end of the trainig year in May the Squadron suffered somewhat of a set-back when the steel lockers at Highland Park School were forcibly entered and all 10 rifles were stolen, including the two new competition rifles purchased during the year by the Kiwanis Club for the Squadron. The other 8 rifles were on loan from the D.C.R.A. All in all the Squadron enjoyed another interesting and successful year. As Chairman I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa for their continued support of 211 Air Cadet Squadron; to the Officers & Instructors of the Squadron & to the Committee members who gave generously of their time during the past year. Respectfully submitted, "Lou" Lou Ullrich, Chairman Vice Chair. Ken Leach Secretary - Larry Nelms Vice Pres. , Allan Lamb Director - Con Stoltz M. Armstrong; J. J. Cole; R. Gilstorf; D. Hill; D. Humble; Lemothe; J. Miller; A. Wa lsn; wblf , Jri Page 6 REN)RT OF THE CAMP BANTING COMMITTEE ! 1977-78 To: The President and Members, Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. Great news! Camp Banting Committee is happy to report that the 1978 camp was a huge success. Meetings were well attended with an average of 15 members on hand for each meeting.

In 1977 we were advised by Camp Otterdale that we would no longer be able to use their facilities. Therefore, the Committee had to look for another camp and decided on Camp Echon at Fitzroy Harbour. Needless to say there were a few problems but the camp, in general, was well run, clean and the kids who attended the camp had a great time. We dreaded the thoughts of two moves in two years but we now feel that we have found a permanent home for Camp Banting. As in the past, we received good publicity from the Childrens Hospital and the Canadian Diabetic Association. We were able to fill the 50 spaces alloted to us at the camp; the balance was taken over by Camp Tekakwitha, a girls camp. The Kiwanis Club of ottawa are grateful to M. Loeb Ltd., the Dominion, Loblaws and Morrison-Lamothe who provided food vouchers for our camp "snacks". This assisted greatly in cutting down our food costs. Kiwanis night was another success and I would like to thank Bill Crosby for supplying an excellent meal.

I would like to thank, at this time, the 1978 Committee who made my work easy in order to make Camp Banting a success. I am sure that under the leadership of Ross Hadwen in 1979 Camp will be even a better year for the diabetic children who attend our camp. I would like to express my appreciation to President He" Shirley Tomblin, Barb Devlin of the Canadian Diabetic Association, our nurses Karen Leeder and Donna Racine, our resident Doctor Larry Martin who did a tremendous job and especially Sharon Hogg, our camp Director.

Respectfully submitted, "Moe" Maurice J. Racine, Chairman Vice Chairman Ross Hadwen Vice President Allan Lamb Director - Doug Legere Alex Betcherman Ralph McKendry Bill Crosby Jack McKnight Don Evans Jack McLean Brian Gilman John Miller Dave Hill Steve Morris Ken Leach Morris Palmer Howard Lithwick Tom Spence Road MacLeod stu Sutcliffe Ed Allinott

Page 7 REPORT OF THE EDUCATION & ATTENDANCE AND HOST & HEALTH COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. Our first committee meeting outlined both our general committee objectives and our current projects which we intended to implement to "Educate" our membership. We intended to implement a "Buddy System" whereby new members and their sponsors could be more readily assimulated into the general membership. This programme met with only mild success but the future potential is definitely there. We revived an old theme in "Attendance Reminder Cards" which were distributed to poor attenders who had missed 2 or more consecutive meetings. Eight separate mail-outs to 131 members appeared to achieve the desired effect as our attendance records indicated. As an additional method of socially intergrating both new and old members alike our committee (we) held 3 roll calls and had 3 various forms of a forced seating arrangement at our Friday luncheons which both proved humourous and beneficial. During the year our Club Roster and badges were updated several times as well as telephone cards produced courtesy of Don Williams. Please forward any new information to our committee personally to help keep us up to date. Several of our members personally visited or called ailing Kiwanians during the course of the year. Unfortunately, this information often gets to the Kiwanis Office long before our Committee learns of it. Our Committee took an active part in staging our 60th Anniversary Dinner on October 27th. We were proud to assist in this very successful event. Memberaction Month was again held in February under Frank Astley's supervision. Our attendance (85.6%) was the highest on recent record and much of it must be attributed to great interclubbing and make-ups (thanks Tom Spence). Steak and wine for the winning team headed by Past President Harry Brown. New Members Day - under the Direction of Ron Gravelle, on March 31st was f'ast moving and entertaining to say the least. Another fine example of the latent talent harbored within our young new members. Three New Members Receptions (Pre-Induction meetings) were held throughout the year as follows: Ij Wednesday, Nov. 16th at the Ottawa Athletic Club 2 Thursday, June 8th at capital Food Services 3 Thursday, Sept. 14th at the home of President Hap Nicholds They were followed by three formal Inductions which bolstered our club roster by 36 new members. In general our committee made a special effort to co-ordinate particulars with the following committees whose curiculum overlapped extensively with ours ... Programme, Membership, T.V. Auction and Interclub. No committee in this club operates alone and it is only through our combined efforts that we can achieve total harmony. My personal thanks to all committee members who ably assisted me throughout the year, in particular both Barry Weatherdon and Angus McMorran who compiled the club's attendance records shown on the next pages. Respectfully submitted, "Kent" Kent Wilkinson, Vice - Ron Gravelle Vice President - Chris Fournier Director - Bill McCartney Frank Astley Jake Klassen Cec Morrison Van Wight Alex Barrett Arnt Loa wayne Thorpe Barry young Jack Baylin Baz McEnery Barry Weatherdon Page 8 Jack Gordon Angus McMorran - 2 - Education & Attendance L. Host & Health 1972-73 63.0% Club Attendance Averabes 1973-74 66.6 1974-75 66 .3 Oct 64.7% Feb 75 .5% Jr.e 71.5% 1975-76 67.4 Nov 65.9 .lJ ar 68 .3 Jny 68.2. 1976-77 70.1 Dec 57.4 Apr 74.2 A\,g 68.4 1977-78 69.0 Jan 68.5 May 73. 8 S()p 72.4 llj em bers Attendance 1222-28 Nal1e ill ill ( 3) Hame ill ill ( 3) Active Mem bers on Roster, September 30, 1228 Adjeleian 15 1 Horlick 55 Ages 80 Sep 78 House 86 Allinott 91 Sep 78 Euffman 84 Alyea 31 Hulse 48 Anderson C 69 4 Jly 78 Humble 63 Sep 78 Anderson J 52 1 Sep 78 Iny 36 Ar:nstrong H 100 18 Apr 78 Johannsen 77 1 Jne 78 Armstrong l

:; Name ill ill ( 3) Name ill ill ( 3) Raymond 12 Thomson 46 Robinson R 39 1 Thornton 80 Sep 78 Rook-Green 37 Thorpe Aug 78 Saipe 69 Torontow Shane 100 1 Dec 77 Tufts 100 22 Dec 77 Shantz 100 14 Ullrich 100 1 Jan 78 Sharkey 62 Vergette 100 Sep 78 Shaver 54 Vincent 41 Shenkman H 37 Walsh 64 Shenkman W 88 Sep 78 waterton 52 Shouldice 78 4 Sep 78 Weatherdon 87 11 Aug 78 Small 100 3 Nov 77 Whittaker 54 Smith A 83 Jly 78 Wight 37 Smith L 100 2 Nov 77 Wilburn 57 ' Sparks 100 32 Wilkinson 100 5 Feb 78 Spence 100 2 Mar 78 Williams 100 9 Stewart 62 Wolf Jr 81 2 Sep 78 Stoltz 100 3 Sep 78 Wyman 83 4 Storey 100 Aug 78 Younder 63 # Sutcliffe 25 Young B 100 5 Taylor 100 14 Mar 78 Young J 60 Sep 78 Thelan 19 Privileged Members on Roster, September 30. 1978

Henderson Reid 2 Max S 69 8 Sep 78 Richard Merrikin 10 4 Sim 4 # More 2 Watt 56 1 Morrison 38 # Aug 78 Wolf Sr Nicholds G 38 12 Senior Members on Roster, September 30, 1978 Addleman 10 1 Low 8 # Assaly 4 Mahoney 4 Beamish 8 McKnight 42 Blackwell 33 13 Moffat 23 Brady 60 Nelms G 6 Calzonetti 63 5 Patten 40 Caplan 15 Plant 35 5 Cauley 37 8 Pope 100 12 Sep 78 Clarke 4 Pullen 13 2 Crowe 25 1 Roney 77 6 Daly 21 Sinclair 38 8 Foster 52 Sep 78 Soloway 2 Harcourt' 65 12 Stephen 6 Johnstone 35 Valley 17 24 Kirkconnell 48 ' 7 Vineberg 35 9 Loa 48 # Wilson 90 Jly 78 Loeb 19 Honorary Members on Roster. September 30. 1978 Black 21 Diefenbaker Bond 27 Katz Conrad 15 Lieff 2 Cummings 27 McGrory 27 Currie 13 Robinson W 19 Notes (1) Attendance percentage for 1977-78. (2) Years of perfect attendance. (3) Month perfect attendance starts for current year. No entry indicates start month is October, 1978. # Not available ; records incomplete. REPORT OF THE INTERCLUB, SPORTS & SOCIAL COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78

To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. It is my pleasure to submit this report to the members of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa. I believe we have had a very busy and successful year with well attended committee meetings and great success wi th our events. Special events Bons£iel_- The District Curling Bonspiel, hosted by our club was EeTd on Saturday, Jan. 28, 1978 at the Rideau Curling Club. Forty- eight curlers attended the bonspiel. The host club for the coming year will be Westboro Kiwanis. Winter Weekend - This annual event was held at Mont Ste Marie on March 10-and-1T.- Thirty-six persons attended. It was an most enjoyable weekend. Rideau Lakes Boat Tour - Our boat cruise was held on July 15th, 1978 It was a great success with 57 people in attendance. Round Robin Cocktail Party - this year was held on September 22, 1978. It-was-very well-attended with 130 people in all. A special thanks to our three hosts for the evening - Peter & Susan Burgess, Dave & Bonnie Thelen and Vic Whittaker. Golf Tournament - Our Golf Tournament was held this year at the Riaeauview-Go1f Club at Man8tick. It was a super day for golf and the dinner was excellent. Twenty-eight members were in attendance. Following were the winners of the club trophies : Club Championship - the Castledine Trophy - Art Conrad Low net - the George vvolf Trophy - Mac McLean Low Gross over 18 handicap - The Two Macks Trophy - Howard Pope

It was a great year for Interclubbing! We had a total of 120 Inter- clubs which, from all indications is a District Record and, from what we can find out, an International Record. We visited every club in Division 12 and most in Division 13. I guess if there is one that stands out, it wo uld be the Rochester trip. Twenty-four members flew to Rochester for this special day. We also visited the Montreal Club twice and Interclubbed with Watertown during Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week. A special thanks to all club members who Inter-clubbed this year. I w uld also like to express my siocere appreciation for the assistance given to this committee by Secretary Shirley Tomblin. I wish to thank all the members of my committee for their co-operation and support over the. past year. Respectfully submitted, "Tom" Tom Spence, Chairman Vice Chairman - Don Williams Vice President- Chris Fournier Director - Jim Preston Jim Anderson Keith Markham Jack Bowman Matt McGrath Lon Campbell Jack McLean Joe Forrest Warren Miller Bernie Giguere Howard Pope S tan Greenwood Art Sinclair Jack J ohannsen Earl Valley Frank Lambros Con Stoltz Tom Lamothe Ian Kirkconnell Page 11 REroRT OF THE KEY CLUB & CIRCLE K COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. I am pleased to submit the following report concerning the activities of your Key Club and Circle K for 1977-78. The highlight of the year was the of a Circle K at Carleton University. Through the fall of 1977 and January 1978, meetings were held and plans were made for the formation of this Circle K, which culminated in a Charter night on February the 6th. Many members of our club, along with other Kiwanians and Key Club Circle K executives were in attendance and I am pleased to report that this Circle K was very active in the balance of the school year. Both of our Key Clubs at Fisher Park and Glebe were very active during the year and I am pleased to report that the membership at Glebe has increased to 35. Fisher Park did experience some loss in membership; however, this trend was reversed when a new President was elected in mid-term. The Agriculture, Conservation and Environment Committee turned over the Ken Wynkie Environmental Trophy to our Committee. With the approval of the Board of Directors, this trophy was then renamed the "Ken Wynkie District Administrators Award" and will be presented annually to the outstanding . Key Clubber in the E.C. & C. District, along with a cheque in the amount of $200.00. Last year the District Key Club and Circle K conventions were held in Toronto, and a total of 23 members from Fisher, Glebe and Carleton attended these conventions. In addition, two members from Carleton- Circle K attended the International Circle K Convention in Orlando, Florida. The strength of our Key Clubs at Fisher and Glebe is due to the strong support provided by the faculty advisors, Syd Katz and Weldon Klyman. strong support was also received from Tony Pelosse and Brian McGarry who are the E.C. & C. Administrators for Key Club and Circle K respecti- vely. Thanks is also given to Leo Mccarthy who was very active in arranging visits to Key Club and Circle K meetings and to Sam Shantz and Harry Binks who were instrumental in the creation of our new Circle K at Carleton. Respectfully submitted, "John" J ohn Shane, Chairman Vice-Chairman - Ken Fitzgerald Vice President- Allan Lamb Director - Lorne Smith Gary Armstrong George Perrin Ron Gravelle J ohn Piper Harry Binks Sam Shantz Jim Barr Leo McCarthy Bruce Killen Jack Stewart Ian Kirkconnell Bill Wilburn Mike Moore Barry Young


To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc.

The Membership Development Committee held 12 monthly meetings during the fiscal year 1977-78 . Attendance and interest were both excellent. We had a committee attendance average of 65%. When one considers that members were necessarily absent because of illness and vacation, I think they deserve great commendation for their dedication to duty. We started our year with a letter to all members recommending that each consider submitting information sheets from among their friends and acquaintances for suitable members for Kiwanis. Later we split the roster among the committee members and conducted a telephone follow-up of all members of our club. We had many names on file without information sheets and we conducted a telephone canvas of all the persons who had suggested these names. This resulted in ve ry fei'! actual prospects. In view of this, we adopted the stance that where names were suggested we simply asked the suggester to submit an information sheet. In this way we were able to concentrate on genuine prospects. While we never declined a prospect because of age, we did all that was possible to encourage submission of information sheets on young people to keep a normal age spread in the club.

During the year 36 new members were inducted. We lost 20 by death and resignation. Since t bis l oss figure is not even equal to that of the previous year, it is evident that a continuous recruiting drive be maintained.

We f: '::3 rted our year with J. 96 members including al:;" categories and ended with 213, an increase of 8%. Cons idering the category of active members only, the increase was 17%. This r.eport would not be complete without recognition and thanks to President Hap Nicholds, Vice-President Chris Fournier and Director Reg Hobson who gave us support throughout the year. Respectfully submitted, "Reid" Reid Wilson, Chairman Vice-Chairman - Allan Castledine Vice-President - Chris Fournier Director - Reg Hobson Herb Armstrong Sid Lithwick Ken Birchall Mac McLean Gervis Black Ernie Perkin George Brady Roy Saipe Dennis Campbell Maxwell Taylor Vic Castledine Lloyd Vineberg Ken Eaman Hal Wyman S tan Greenwood John Harcourt John Law

Page 13 REPORT OF THE MUS IC COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc . ,.

OCTOBER 27, 1977 The Music Comm-ittee got off in fine style and voice on this occasion of our Sixtieth Anniversary Charter Night, and the visit of Interna- tional President, Maurice Gladman. As always, an excellent script by Sol Max. Orv Boville played the role of Maurice Gladman very well and the many-talented Phil Johnston played the role of Mrs. Gladman in one segment of the presentation - it was indeed a delightful evening with a fitting tribute on our 60th Anniversary. DECEMBER 1977 We had our Annual Family Party and again our Music Committee outdid themselves in putting on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Over 300 adults and children enjoyed our presentation. The irrepressible Phil J ohnston was of course, the charming Snow White and Jim Durrell the prince. The Seven Dwarfs were Con Stoltz; Orv Boville; Howie Lithwick; Reg Hobson; Wayne Thorpe; Reid Wilson (as Grumpy- Who Else?) and Norm Torontow. FEBRUARY 10, 1978 The Music Committee sang out on the forthcoming marriage of Allan Lamb and Mary Ann Doyle. Jim as Allan, and Con Stoltz as Mary Ann, was the highlight of the performance. FEBRUARY 17, 1978 We bid a musical farewell to Phil Johnston who was transferred by his firm to Toronto. A really good Kiwanian, a good member of the Music Committee and a great guy. He'll be missed by all of us.

MAY 5 j 1978 . A. t theAlrp'or-t- Hilton at Dorval, Quebec, the Music Committee performed for the K1vmnis Club of Montreal OJ.1 their 60th An:liversary. This was a command performance and, in lieu of a guest speaker, the Music Committee was the highlight of the evening. Altogether 43 Kiwanians, and their ladies, went to Montreal by bus. As always, Maestro Sol Max led a great performance. (Oh yes, the bus got us back home at 2:30 a.m.)l JULY 28th.., 1978 r.FheMusic Committee put on a "Commercial" for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. to mark their move to their new building and saluted the retirement of Lorne Smith from the Met. AUGUST 25, 1978 A musical congratulations to John Nichols and his fiancee Karin on the occasion of their upcoming marriage. 'EPTEMBER 29, 1978 singing in of our new Executive and farewell to the outgoing board was done musically on this, a Ladies Day. An excellent presentation as always by Sol Max and his boys. Respectfully submitted, Norm Norm Torontow, Chairman Vice President - Allan Lamb Director - Hobson Gary Armstrong Sol Max Herb Armstrong Mike Moore Orv Boville Mark Max Jack Gordon Earl Valley Jack Johannsen Chummy Watt Tom Johnstone Vic Whittaker Sid Li thwick Don Williams Reid Wilson Page 14 REPORT OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE FOR FOR 1977-78

To the President and Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. The Committee met regularly on a monthly basis during the year 1I1ith a good attendance out each time. As well as accepting full responsi- bility for seeing that our weekly club meeting programs were interesting, well organized and enjoyed in a climate of good fellowship, we had an objective of increasing member involvement and imagination in the development of good programs . We believe we succeeded. We endeavoured to have speakers or programs arranged with a minimum of six weeks in advance and, in most cases, we were successful. We also endeavoured to procure appropriate speakers or programs to mark special days, or events,throughout the club year. The statement is made so many times that many of our best speakers come from our own Club was proven to be correct. We featured four of our members during the club year and they were excellent. The Music Committee entertained at luncheons and, as usual they stole the show but the highlight of our Kiwanis year was the 60th Anniversary CharterNight Dinner where we had as our guest speaker, International President Maurice Gladman and, or course, a terrific presentation by the Music Committee. We continued to present our guest speakers with a suitably inscribed book - this year's titles being "Winter" and "Painters in a New Land", both Canadian books. We wish our new Chairman, Reid Wilson, every success and we will be of assistance wherever possible. Following is a list of our programs from October 1, 1977 to September 30, 1978.

Respectfully submitted,

Leonard Levencrown, Chairman. Vice Chairman - Howie Lithwick Vice President - Chris Fournier Director - Don Fleischer Lloyd Askwith Brian McCoy Lyle Blackwell Barry McGrory Frank cauley Hank Mews John Clarke Wilf Parry John Collins Frank Patten Bill Gordon Ge orge Perrin Drew Huffman Charlie Roney Jake Klassen Ron Robinson Jim Waterton

Page 15 - 2 - Report of the Program Committee PROGRAMS 1, TO SEPT. 30) 1978 1977 Oct. 7 - Rt. Rev. W5_l1iam J. Robinson speaking on "Thanksgiving" Oct.14 - Alisdair McKichan, President of the Retail Council of Canada Oct.21 - T.C. "Tommy" Douglas spoke on The Energy Crisis and How it affects Canada". Oct.28 - Our Club's 60th Anniversary Charter Night with International President Maurice Gladman as guest speaker. 70v. 4 - R.A. Klassen spoke on "The Geological History of the '! Nov.ll - Col. Gerry Nicholson with a Remembrance Day Message. Nov.18 - Key Club Day with Chuck Meagher, Past President of Key Club International as speaker Nov.25 - Lady Johnston, wife of the British High Commissioner to Canada spoke on "Earns cliffe!!. Dec. 2 - Club's Annual General Meeting complete with slide presentation Dec. 9 - Rabbi Don Gerbel' spoke on the feast of tlHanukkahl!. Dec.16 - Donald McSween, Director General of the National Arts Centre spoke on "The State of the Arts of Our Country in Relation to the National Arts Centre". Dec. 23- Chinese Auction Dec.30 - Family Party with presentation of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. 1978 Jan. 6 - Tony Fisher told us of "The Joys of Wine". Jan.13 - Jacques Monet, Associate Professor of History, University of Jan.20 - Two t eams the University of Ottawa Jebating Society debated the subject I;Resolvec. that the Inevitable Conclusion to the Unit:.r Cris is is the of Quebec". Jan.27 - Gary B. Clark, Execllti\e President of Mont Ste Marie Ltd. and President of the Tourist & Convention Bureau spoke on "Mont Ste Marie - the 2esort of the Future". Feb. 3 - John Gratwick, President of C.H. Marine Feb.10 - Our Valentine Luncheon with Charles Haines as speaker Feb.17 - Larry Eddy spoke on "Tax Planning for you and your company" Feb.24 - Dr. Robert Moore, High Commissioner for Guyana spoke on Mar. 3 - Dr. Selwjn Smith, Chief of Forensic Services at the Royal Ottawa Hospital spoke on "Child Abuse". Mar.10 - Maloney, Province of Ontario Ombudsman was our speaker. Mar.l? - Walter Baker spoke to our members on st. Patrick's Day. Mar.23 - Rev. W.B. IlBarry" McGrory gave a talk on "World Hunger" Mar.31 - New Members Day Apr. 7 - Rabbi Reuven P. Bulka toJ. -' us of "The Customs & History of Passov2 1 Apr.14 - Hon. Barney Danson spoke on Apr.21 - Air Cadet Day with Don Broadfoot as guest speaker Apr.28 - Salvation Army Day \,Iith Ontario Premier Bill Davis as speaker May 5 -, J. Henry de Puyjalon, President of the Canadian Construction Association spoke on "The Importance of Individual Initiative;'" the Society and the Role of Government in the Social Decision Making" . May 12 - Judge K.A. FlaniWan spoke on "Operation and Administration of the Court System' . May 19 - Dr. Lyle Chajrman of the Ottawa Civic Hospital Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Committee. Page 16 - 3 - Report of the Program Committee May 26 - Arthur D. Sinclair, Manager of the Credit Bureau of ottawa & Hull spoke on "The Credit Bureau and You" June 2 - Hon. Joseph P. Guay, Minister of National Revenue whose topic was "National Revenue I s input into Small Business Packages & Registered Status of Charitable Donations". June 9 - Controller Pat Nicol spoke on "G etting the Downtown Core Revitalized". June 16- Dr. Robert McKendry on "What i 3 Arthritis?" June 23- Ladies Day with Judge Abe Lieff speaking on "Family Law as it Was, As it is and As it May Be in the Future". June 30- Breakfast Meeting at the Cafe Terrace, National Arts Centre. July 7 - Hon. Francis Fox> former Minister of Justice. July 14- George Sabourin, President of the ottawa Board of Trade who spoke on "The Kiwanis Club of ottawa, The Friendly Club?" July 21- Dr. Ken Gfeller spoke to us on "Camp Banting Day". July 28- Bruce Heggtveit & Bill Luxton with Bruce Heggtveit doing a sketch while talking about his landscapes & paintings. Aug. 4 - Long Weekend meeting - no speaker Aug. 11- Jean Pigott, M.P. spoke on liThe Future Role of the N.C.C." Aug.1S - Jake Klassen spoke on "The History of Canada". Aug. 25- Beef & Bouquet Session conducted by Past Pres. Frank Cauley. Sept.l - W. Frank Chafe, President of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Crime Sept.8 - Denis Cudahy, Director of Production of the Royal Canadian Min t s poke on If How to Make l-1 oneyll. sept. 15 Kenneth Fisher, Director of Federal Institute of Cultural affairs whose topic was liThe Old Pioneer Spirit in Action today".

Sept.22- Robert Taylor 3 Chairman of Ontario Hydro. Sept.29- Turnover Day and a Ladies Day with the Music Committee paying tribute to the old board and singing in the new one.

Page 17 REPORT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS/UNITY CANADA FOR 1977-78 To the President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. The "Unity Canadall portion of our committee v-Jas a new project started this year. To promote this part of our committee and Canadian Unity, our group organized a luncheon program where the members of the University of ottawa Debating Team debated the subject "Resolved that the Inevitable Conclusion to the Unity Crisis is the Separation of Quebec". This meeting was a most successful one and very well received. Our Committee organized and promoted our own Jake Klassen as a luncheon speaker when he gave us a talk on Canadian History. We recommended that the club purchase and use the Canadian Unity symbol for our Postage Meter; this was done and it is $ill being used. The Kiwanis Foundation of Canada has published a scroll showing "I'M PROUD TO BE A CANADIAN". v.Te purchased a few dozen of these and they are available to our members for use in their homes or in their office. Special literature published by the Federal Government for Canada Week was displayed at our July 7th luncheon meeting. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: We did not conduct the annual Rough Rider Blood Donor Clinic this year since we felt it had been replaced by the Kiwanis Blood Donor Contest held between all Kiwanis Clubs in our Division last December. 5 Electric Engravers were obtained from our club members in the insurance business and loaned to our members for marking their valuables. This has proven to be a very popular project. We have also obtained decals from the Police Dept. showing that a home is protected by having the contents engraved. Our thanks to Alan Smith for organizing this project, Our committee held many meetings with other clubs in the area with the idea of purchasing a "Crime Prevention Van" for the community. A recommendation was made to the Board and then to the general membership and it was approved that a sum of $10,500. be made available, along with $10,500 from the Rideau Club and $1,000 from the carlingwood Club to purchase this Crime Prevention "Show on Wheels" which will be used 7 days a week; 12 months of the year throughout our community. We were all proud of our club's participation at the unveiling of the new van in front of the ottawa Police Station last July.

Re spectfully submitted, "John" John Rook-Green, Chairman Vice President - Chris Fournier Director - Paul Goyette Herb Armstrong Rich Raymond John Collins Don Reid Ralph Foster Bill Robinson Charles Hulse Alan Smith Phil Johnston Hy Soloway Mike Nininger Harold \-lyman Page 18 REPORT OF THE Cr")MMITTEE ON SPIlt!TUAL AIMS AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS FOR 1977-78 . To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Inc.

The Committee developed several new ideas and continued work on established programs. It is recommended that these vital activities involve more Active Members, and that newer members of the Club consider participating. 1. Guyana Project Working in collaboration with the Kiwanis Club of Georgetown, Guyana, and with the assistance of Harry Pullen, the Club purchased medical equipment to aid health care of the Amerindians of Guyana. Frank Astley arranged purchase of the equipment and Doug Legere handled the transport by air. Total cost: approx. $1000. On his return home in July, Harry brought photos of the presentation ceremony which he attended in Georgetown. 2. Foster Parents Plan Our Club sponsors 8 year-old Paulo Rodrigues in Brazil, and receives regular letters from his family and a progress report from Foster Plan workers there. We have also written him and sent pictures of ottawa. 3. Church Organist Bursary In collaboration with Arnt Loa, the Club contributes $200 to the bursary for the winning at the Ottawa Music Festival. This year it went to William O'Meara, who is now continuing his studies at the University of Toronto. 4. Kiwanis Church Service Kiwanians Gervis Black and Lorne Smith led the worship at our Annual service, held this year on February 26th at Parkdale United Church. 5. Correctional Services Assistance On June 2, Major Mel Bond explained to the Club the need for jobs for prisoners on temporary absence program in Salvation Army halfway houses. Information folders were provided. 6. Church Directories Maintenance of the photo display directories of central churches and synagogues in the Chateau Laurier and Lord Elgin Hbtels and on the Sparks Street Mall is a responsibility of this Committee. Plans are now being made for similar directories in the Skyline and Holiday Inn, and for other ways of bringing this information to the attention of visitors to the city. 7. Bring your Clergyman Day On October 6, 1978, in conjunction with our Thanksgiving Program, the Club welcomed many clergymen introduced as guests of members. It is hoped this may become an annual feature. During the year, the Committee was involved in the planning of four club luncheon programs : November 11, 1977 Remembrance Day - Col Gerry Nicholson February 24, 1978 Brotherhood We ek - Dr. Robert Moore March 23, 1978 Easter - Father narry McGrory October 6, 1978 Thanksgiving - Romeo Maione Other activities included arrangements f or manning Salvation Army Christmas Kettles on the Mall Dec. 15th; invitations to foreign students; announcement of religious festivals in our weekly bulletin; and efforts to enlist a rabbi as an Honorary Member . May I thank all members of the Committee and the Club who have participatec in our work. Respectfully submitted, Vice Chair. Jim Sharkey Secretary: Brian McCoy Vice Pres. Chris "Fred" Director: Lorne Smith Fournier Fred Price, Chairman T. Assaly; G. Black; M. Bond; A. Conrad; A. Currie; R. Cummings; M. McGrath; B. McGrory; B. Robinson; H. Shenkman; J. Young Page 19 REPORT OF THE TRUST FUND COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78

To: The President and The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. It was not necessary to hold any meetings during the past year; however, following is the status of the Fund at the present time : Trustees appointed: From the Past President's Council

Ian Kirkconnell 1 year (expires sept. 30/78) Sol Max 3 years (expires sept. 30/79) From the Membership Alex Betcherman - 2 years (expires Sept. 30/78)

Baz McEnery - 3 years ( sept . 30/79) From the Board of Directors Reg Hobson - 2 years (expires Sept. 30/78) A trust certificate which was set up in the Bank of Montreal, Branch in the amount of $5000.00 and which matured June 19, 1978 was renewed to mature June 1979 and yielding 81/4% interest incorporat The Dover Fund at $500 . 00 (Welfare Account) The Ken Wynkie Fund at $2000.00 (Welfare Account) The Rogers Scriver Fund at $424.00 (Welfare Account) The Weir Ste'll-rart Fund at $467.50 (For Camp Banting) The Allan MacFarlane Fund at $1160.76 (the interest goes to Camp Banting) This was increased by the Board by an amount of $447.74 to tctal $5000.00 in the Trust Fund. A separate savings account in the Toronto Dominion Sparks Street has been establishect for contributions received to date in memory of the late Mr. Lundy; the late Marks; the late Mrs. Thomson; the late Mr. O!Neill; the late Mr. Phillips; the late Mrs. Moody; These donations, plus interest accrued bring this account total to $764.52. The Trust Fund continues to encourage our members to make contributions in form of "In Memoriams". Cards suitably engraved are available for this purpose. There are many ways to share in the worthy programs supported by our Foundation: By commemorative and memorial donations, a bequest in your will, a gift of a paid-up lifeinsurance policy, the transfer of stock - to the Kiwanis Club of ottawa Trust Fund . Your continued partiCipation is appreciated. All gifts are acknowledged and tax deductible.

Re spectfully submitted,

Sol Max, Chairman.

Page 20 REPORT OF THE T.V. AUCTION COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 To: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of ottawa, Inc .

.! I am pleased to submit my report with respect to the 15th Annual Kiwanis T.V. Auction. After getting off to a slow start the 1978 Auction came through with another record year. Kiwanians, as they have done in the past, managed to keep theChairman in a great state of suspense, but once again they came through at the end (really at the end) and produced 334 items to ensure that the 15th Annual Auction would be a success. Total revenue for the Auction amounted to $75,247.00 and this represen- ted 69% of the retail value of merchandise. Donations received were $1,650.00, direct expenses amounted to $13,225.00 with a net income for the year (before administration expense allocation) of $62,672.00. This represented an increase over the previous year of approximately $10,000 . 00, after providing f or increased 1978 T.V. production costs of $4,250.00. The 1978 T.V. Auction was a financial success,and there is no doubt that, with proper planning and lots of work by Kiwanians, future Auctions can produce additional funds for Kiwanis welfare work. I want to express my personal thanks, and the thanks of all Kiwanians to three persons in particular, namely Tom Beveridge who worked on the Auction steadily throughout the whole year, Shirley Tomblin who worked on the Auction (again) throughout the year, and Art Moody, last year's Chairman who continued his great effort in this year's Auction and provided guidance on many occasions. Bill Shenkman kindly donated storage space for the merchandise, and this, of course, was much appreciated. The minimum dollar value for merchandise was maintained at $150.00, and this proved to be successful. The large number of items presented a problem, and it appears that approximately 300 items is ideal for the time space alloted for the Auction. Once again it was proven that unconditional credit notes only should be accepted, and all credit notes should be screened to see if they are practical for the Auction. The Citizen and the ottawa J ournal were particularly helpful in providing publicity and developing a supplement which was published a few days before the Auction. Many thanks toReg Hobson and Jim Waterton who were very helpful in this respect. T.V. production costs for C.J.O.H. increased materially in 1978, but we do not expect any increase in this cost for 1979. Bill Swaffield, Leslie Baird and the staff of C.J .O .H. were most helpful as usual, and their assistance is very much appreciated. Once again Alex Dayton and the K.L. ladies provided the food for the day of the Auction and their time and effort added in great measure to the success of the Auction. So many Kiwanians are active throughout the year, and particularly on the day of the Auction, that it is impossible to name all the Kiwanians who were so helpful in making it a success. I will not try to name those Kiwanians who did a standout job, but they know the job they did, and I express my thanks to them and the thanks of the Club. Best of luck to the 1979 Chairman, Moe Racine. Attached is the Financial Statement for Lhe 1977-78 Auction. Respectfully Submitted, Vice Chair. Bill Shenkman & Ian Kirkconnell " Chuck" . Director: Vice Pres. Allan Lamb Chuck Anderson, Chalrman Tom Beveridge J. Baylin Jack Daly Don McKeen Howard Brown J oe Forrest Art Moody Page 21 Vince Calsonetti Tom Grossman Vic Whittaker E2rl Crowe John Ma rks Mike Lundy KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA T.V. AUCTION



(with comparative figures as at September 30, 1977)

1978 1977 Sales $ 75,247 $ 62,338

Cost of merchandise 555 337 T.V. Production costs and advertising 13,080 8,250

Stationery :I printing, wages and other 590 2,598 Administration expensffi allocated frpm general fund 9 z000 23,225 18,685

Net proceeds 52,022 43,653 Donations 1,650 1,700 53,672 45,353

Adjustment re prior year's auction {1, 496 2 Net income $ 53,672 $ 43,857

Page 22 REPORT OF THE WAYS & MEANS COlfMITTEE FOR To; The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of ottawa, Inc. The Committee met on a monthly basis throughout the Kiwanis year; several sub-committee meetings were also conducted and finalize various projects undertaken by the Committee. All meetings were fairly well attended in a most cordial atmosphere; a good group of workers . The Committee's major fund ralslng project was the Benefit Dinner. The event took place on May 30th, 1978 and it was a most successful event, raising over $11,500.00 It i s felt that this is the most prestigious stag dinner in the Ottawa area and we strongly recommend continuance of this Benefit dinner. On February 8, 1978, we 'I,'1orked with Lou Ullrich, Chairman of our Air Cadet Committee to sponsor an evening at the Ottawa Little Theatre for the performance of "Not Now Darling". Approximately $1000 was raised for Air Cadet work; a very successful project that could be a worth- annual event. The Committee , last year, presented a men's Fashion Show at one of our luncheon meetings. It is recommended that such an event might be under- taken again this year, prior to Christmas. We suggest that the incoming committee look into this fund raising project again. In order to have Kiwanians identify more closely with Kiwanis, the Committee sold car decals at Friday luncheonsi we must admit that we were not too aggressive on this promotion - about was realized but it doe s have merit and should be repeated. We felt that a major fund raising project wo uld be the sale of Whiskey Kegs which would be used as planters, etc. but unfortunately many delays were encountered in getting this project off the ground. The Committee feels this tore a viable project; all details re purchasing the kegs is available and we strongly suggest follow-up for future fund raising. The Committee attempted to arrange a Kiwanis opening of L'Auberge de la Chaudiere, the new Campeau Hotel in Hull, as we had done with the Inn of the Provinces and the Carleton Towe rs; unfvrtunately the Director of Marketing for the hotel felt that they would not be in a position to arrange the official opening until later in 1978. At the time of writing this annual report, the Committee is in the midst of a sale of Hallowe'en Shell-out candies, a new venture on the part of the Committee. Approximately $400.was raised but it could prove to be a better money-raiser next year if started a little earlier. Two club raffles were held during the year bringing in a profit of $136.00 The Committee members were urged, during the year, to bring in new members to share in the fellowship of our Club, support other Committee works and to attend Friday luncheons and to interclub. This we feel was done. As Committee Chairman, I wish to express my appreciation to the members of the Committee who contributed so much during the year. It was a pleasure to work with the members in real Kiwanis fellowship. Respectfully submitted, "Bill" Bill O'Neill, Chairman Vice Chairman: John Marks Vice President: Chris Fournier Director: Jim Preston John Adjeleian Mark Kosmos Tom Assaly David Loeb Jack Bowman George Nelms Len Coulter Morris Palmer Jim Durrell Ian Thomson Page 23 Greg Field REPORT OF THE YOUTH & CITIZENSHIP COMMITTEE FOR 1977-78 TO: The President and Members, The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Inc. Our Committee investigated a great many requests during the past year. Many were immediately turned down, some checked out and turned down, and many checked out carefully and approved. Some of those approved were: Arthritis Society - $1200.00. Sponsored a child suffering from Cerebral Palsy to attend the Riding Association - $192.00 Purchased 19 tickets for Senior Citizens to attend concerts at the N.A.C. - $207.00. Drivers were also provided for these nights. Big Sisters Association - $1000.00 Sister Gertrude's Camp - $2000.00 for renovations. We were also instrumental in obtaining a $9000.00 Summer Works Program Grant for the Montfort Camp to enable Sister Gertrude to hire top notch students as special counsellors. Senior Citizens Christmas Party - $300.00 Canadian Red Cross Society - $505.00 for purchase of Visual Aids for educational Woodland Camp - $150.00 donation t o this camp for boys - the camp has been in operation for 41 years. Block Parent Conference - $200.00 to assist with the conference in ottawa. Council on Aging Seminar - donated $500 . 00 towards helping Senior Citizens attend this seminar. Contributed $200.00 towards r ental of buses for a trip to Richmond for Senior Citizens (request came from the ottawa Senior Citizens Council). Christie Lake Boys Camp- $1500.00 12l13 Camp Tekakwitha - a Girls Camp - $500.00 14 Up to $500.00 for Mr. & Mrs. Alarie whose 2 year old son required special heart surgery at Sick Childrens Hospital in Toronto. This was to cover their expenses while they stayed with their young son in Toronto. 15) st. Vincent's Hospital - $2500,00 towards the purchase of a special van for their patients. 16) Waupoos Foundation - $400.00 given to this family camp. 17) We were involved in helping the Childrens Aid with a young teenager who had been in trouble with the law - we helped pay him while he worked on a farm this past summer - $125 .00. There were several other smaller amounts approved during the year. This committee organized the Blood Donor Clinic which involved all Kiwanis Clubs in Ottawa last December. The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa was the winner in the contest. Re commendations : 1) We recommend a separate committee be set up for Senior Citizens - we understand this is being done for the 1978-79 year. 2) Vice Chairman of committee should become chairman the foTIowing year to assure continuity. 3) For requests , this committee should be able to approve an amount up t o $200.00 without Board approval. A yearly total limit of $1000.00 should be enough. 4) have so many requests involving transportation that we feel a sub-committee on transportation should be appointed. 5) If we become involved with the Blood Donor Contest with the other Kiwanis Clubs again, we should organize it to assure that that it is successful. I wish to thank those members of the committee who regularly attended the meetings and volunte@r8d to investigate the many requests we received.

Vice Chairman - B. submitted, Vice President- A. Lamb "Barry" Director - Con Stoltz Don Blakslee J. Nichols Ralph Cummings Barry Nicholds, Chairman B. Nicol Mike De rrick Tom Johnstone Tony Fisher P. Patterson K. Shaver Bernie Giguere Jack McKnight Ron Vincent R. Ne i ll D. Thelen N. Toronto J. House Avraham lny Ron Shouldice Page 24 KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA, INCORPORATED


SEPTEMBER 30, 1978


To the Members of Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Incorporated

I have examined the balance sheets of the general fund, welfare and activity fund and reserve fund of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Incorporated as at September 30, 1978 and the statements of revenue and expenditure and surplus of these funds for the year then ended. My examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances, except as noted in the following paragraph. In cammon with many charitable organizations, the Club reports amounts for donation and other revenue, such as TV auction, flower fund, air cadets, bequests and other sundry receipts, which are not susceptible of complete verification by audit procedures. Accordingly, my verification of revenue from these sources was limited to a comparison of recorded receipts with bank deposits. In my opinion, except for the possibility of adjustments had the donation and other revenue been susceptible of complete audit verification, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Incorporated as at September 30, 1978 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The financial statements for the preceding year were examined by another chartered accountant.

Stewart S. Sutcliffe Ottawa, Canada Partner of Clarkson, Gordon & Co. November 24, 1978. Chartered Accountants

Page 26 KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA, INCORPORATED (Incorporated under the laws of Ontario) BALANCE SHEETS SEPTEMBER 30, 1978

ASSETS Welfare and General Fund Activity Fund Reserve Fund 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 Current: Cash $1,807 $ 16,346 $ 48,540 Trust fund 5,765 5,516 Tenn certificates 65,000 30,000 $3,000 $5,000 Accounts receivable 1,393 $ 175 30,604 10,246 Due from Welfare and Activity Fund 1,238 2,722 Prepaid expenses 1,213 --295 5,651 2,897 117,715 94,597 3,000 5,000 Fixed: Furniture and equipment, at nominal value 1 1 1 1 $5,652 $2,898 $117,716 $ 94,598 $3,000 $5,000

LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Current: Bank indebtedness $ 420 Accounts payable $2,314 871 $ 38,665 $ 26,969 Due to General Fund 1,238 2,314 1,291 39,903 29,691

Surplus 3,338 1 1 607 77 ,813 64,907 $3,000 $5,000 $5,652 $2,898 $117,716 $ 94,598 $3,000 $5,000

On behalf of the Board:

Director I"(j S\l OQ CD





1978 1977 Revenue: Membership fees Interest from reserve fund investments 295 450 Miscellaneous 244

Transfer from reserve fund 2 2 000 22,894 20,045

Expenditure: Salary and benefits ll,990 10,944 Printing, stationery and office supplies 4,181 4,101 Education and attendance 3,246 3,393 Rent and municipal taxes 2,064 1,846 Postage l,737 2,178 60th Anniversary 1,485 335 Membership dues - international 1,273 1,210 - district 1,694 1,574 Music 887 703 Conventions - international 600 600 - district 600 100 - district, mileage 226 235 Magazine subscriptions 585 614 Programme and luncheon 576 807 Lieutenant Governor expense fund 555 576 Parking 482 458 President's honorarium 250 250 Miscellaneous 249 608 Liability insurance 221 47 Press luncheon 156 174 Auditor's honorarium 200 Flower fund 75 Transfer to reserve fund 1 2000 33,057 32,028 Allocation to welfare and activity fund (ll2894) (10 2542) 21,163 21,486

Excess of revenue over expenditure (expenditure over revenue) 1,731 (1,441) Surplus, beginning of year 12607 3 2048 Surplus, end of year $ 3,338 1,607

(See accompanying notes to the financial statements)





1978 1977 Revenue: T.V. Auction (see schedule) $52,645 $43,857 Benefit dinner 10,155 10,615 Interest 4,365 3,326 Donations 1,761 876 Ways and means 1,022 525 69,948 59,199

Expenditure: Youth and Citizenship Services - Ottawa Boys and Girls Club - Britannia unit 10,000 10,000 - Centertown unit 25,000 St. Vincent's Hospital - van 2,500 - special wheelchair 2,091 Sister Gertrude's Camp 2,000 1,000 Christie Lake Boys' Camp 1,500 1,500 Arthritic Society 1,200 Big Sister Association 1,000 Orpheus Society 1,000 Union Mission for Men 1,020 Other 4,715 (345) Public and International Relations and Public Affairs 10,500 396 Air cadets 5,972 4,544 Agriculture and Conservation 5,799 403 Camp Banting 5,564 8,455 Key Club 2,602 1,136 Spiritual Aims and International Affairs 1,599 1,210

Senior Citizens 1 2 395 57,042 56,714

Excess of revenue over expenditure 12,906 2,485

Surplus, beginning of year 64 2 907 62 a422 Surplus, end of year $77 ,813 $64,907



YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 a 1978 1978 1977 Surplus, beginning of year $5,000 $5,000 Transfer to . general fund 2a OOO Surplus, end of year $3,000 $5,000

(See accompanying notes to the financial statements)




1. Significant accounting policies

a) Administrative charges Administrative expenses are charged to several activities in Welfare and Activity Fund. TV Auction 15% on net proceeds Benefit dinner 15% on net proceeds Camp Banting 15% on gross proceeds b) Investment interest Investment interest from Reserve Fund is allocated to General Fund.

2. Commitment The Club is committed to donate $100,000 to the Ottawa Boys and Girls Club over a 10 year period. At September 30, 1978, $20,000 is included in· accounts payable of the Welfare and Activity Fund.

3. Comparative figures Certain of the prior year's figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year's statement presentation.





1978 1977

Sales revenue $75,247 $62,338

Expenses: TV production and advertising 13,080 8,250 Stationery, printing, wages and other 724 2,598 Merchandise 555 337 14,359 11,185

Net proceeds before administrative charges 60,888 51,153 Administrative charges allocated from General Fund (9 a133) (7a 5OO ) 51,755 43,653 Donations 1,650 1,700 Adjustment re prior year's auction (760) (lz496) Net income $52,645 $43,857

(See accompanying notes to the financial statements)



Anticipated Revenue for 1978-79 estimated at $36,255.00 based on the following:

Present number of Active} Senior and Privileged members (203 @ $100.00) 20,300.00 Less Estimated loss of present members (20 @ $100) ( 2,000.00) 18,300.00

Present number of Padres (7 @ $15) 105.00 18,405.00

Anticipated new member gain in 1978-79 Initiation fee for say 35 (35 x $50) 1,750.00 Annual dues for say 35 members (35 x $50) 1,750.00 3,500.00

Recoveries from Welfare activities: Camp Banting (15% of gross revenue) 2,800.00 Benefit Dinner (15% of net revenue) 1,800.00 T.V. Auction (15% of net revenue) 9,750.00 14,350.00 36,255.00

Proposed 1977-78 Budget Budget Expenditures 1977-78 Members dues - International 1,206.00 1,273.00 1,744.00 Members dues - District 1,674.00 1,694.00 2,310.00 Assessment Lt. Gov. Expense 580.00 555.00 630.00 Subsc. to Magazine, Int'l. 600.00 585.00 684.00 Attending Convention Int'l. 600.00 600.00 600.00 Attending Convention Dist. 300.00 600.00 1,000.00 Liability Insurance Assess. 240.00 221:. 00 250.00 Mileage Assess. - Dist. Convene 200.00 226.00 250.00 Misce 11aneous 100.00 249.00 200.00 Office Equipment 125.00 Office Parking 482.00 482.00 506.00 Postage 2,200.00 1,737.00 2,000.00 Pres. Expense Account 250.00 250.00 250.00 Print. Staty. & Off. Expenses 4,000.00 4,181.00 4,500.00 Rent & Taxes 2,300.00 2,064.00 2,,873.00 Salary - Admin. Secretary 11,000.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 C.P.P. & Contributory Pension 710.00 764.00 719.00 Unemployment Insurance 240.00 226.00 252.00 Educ. & Attend./Host & Health 3,350.00 3,246.00 3,600.00 Press Lunches - 150.00 156.00 150.00 Music Committee 600.00 887.00 870.00 Program & Lunches 700.00 576.00 650.00 60th Anniversary 600.00 __

33,057.00 35,039.00


Revenue available for Welfare Projects 1978-79 (1977-78 Revenue) 69,948.00

Proposed Expenditures for 1978-79 Agriculture, Conservation & Environment 500.00 Air Cadets 6,246.00 \ Camp Banting, net 7,250.00 Key Club & K 3,000.00 Senior Citizens 2,800.00 Youth & Citizenship 15,000.00 Major Emphasis (Rightstart) 1,000.00 Spiritual Aims & Intern. Affairs 1,000.00 Ottawa Boys & Girls Club 10,000.00 * Yet to be allocated __ __ * $ 10,000 was set aside from the 1976-77 Budget and $10,000 from the 1977-78 Budget - our total commitment is $100,000.00. 1978-79 PROroSED nUDGET - AIR CADET COMMITTEE Cadets to Weekly Luncheons 400.00 Flying & Gliding 2,000.00 Training Aids 500.00 Quarters Rental 621.00 Annual Inspection - prizes, etc. 600.00 Trips & Transportation 650.00 , Annual Conference 400.00 Rifles 275.00 Other Expenses 300.00

$5,378.00'S=-«:_ _ 0 _ ANTICIPATED REVENUE FOR 1978-79 ESTIMATED AT $76,600.00 BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: T.V. Auction 55,700.00 Investments 6,900.00 Benefit Dinner 10,200.00 \lTay s & Means 1,000.00 Donations 2,800.00

$ 76,600.00

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