
On the Inside ~ Th.Weath.r Quadrallqle Qu.. n l'adb c181ld¥ &o4ay wlUi Page 3 sattere4 showu.. Sun­ City Hlqb Loses . • day partly cloud1 and Page' e.oler. Hleb &oda)', 71; UDOJ1hodox Juzy low, 5%. W.b Frida)', 77; owan low, 42 • • • • Paqe 8 at Eal 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP J.eCIEed Wire Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. Oc::to~r 13. 1951-Vol 53. No.2" aw e es s ur Probable Starting Lineupi Panther Passing IOWA PoeltloD PlTTSBUllGH Don Swartzendruber (215) . . .. LE ...... Chris Waniner . (l88) Egyptian Moslems Hubert Johnson (235)...... LT ...... Bob Brennen , .. (217) Threat to Iowa; Austin Turner (210) ...... LG ...... Rudy Andabaker (l92) John Towner (205) ...... C ...... John Dano .. .. (205) Bob Lage (1SO) ...... RG ...... Merle DeLuca ~. (191) E~pect 35,000 Andy Bunts (205) .. •..•• . .. RT ...... Eldred Kraemer . (220) Urge 'Holy War' Bill Fenton (205) .. .•...• .. . RE ...... Dick Dietrick .. . (215) 81 JACK 8Q{lIllE Burt Britzmann (168) .. .• .. . . QB ...... • Bob Bestwick . (174) Dally Iowan Spon. Edl~r George Rice (170) ...... LHB ...... Lou Cimarolli .. (165) Still smarting over last week's Don Commack (165) ...... RHB ...... BillReynolda ... (185) final-minute defeat by Purdue. Bill Reichardt (190) .. . •• • .. . FB .....•.. Bob Eppe .. •. . . (190) Iowa'S football team will attempt to bOunce back today against Pitts­ Over Canal Issue TIME and PLACE: 1:3 0 p.m.. Iowa Stadium. • burgh in a. contest that could well TICKETS: On sole at field house ticket office Saturday until be the turning point ot the HJiwk­ CAIRO - Millions ot Moslems * * * 11 a.m.. then at stadium windows: expceted crowd, 35.000. eye season. were urged by their priests Fri­ American Efforts The kle1t.-off Is set lor 1 :SO at day, In fiery speeches from mos­ BROADCAST: WSUI. Iowa City. the stadium, with II crowd at 35,- ques throughout the nation, to . 000 expected to be on hand. prepare for a "holy war" against For New Talks The Hawks, Impressive even In their deteat, have looked sharp In Britain. Judge Refuses to l;>isni1iss practice this week and will prob­ Moslem priests told the faith­ Rebuffed by Iran ably have most of their Inlured ful they must be ready to lay UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JP)­ ready, but all that won't mean down theiL' lives, it necessary, An Iranian spokesman Friday re­ Baculis Murd~r Charge much if the squad Is still brooding "for the freedom of Egypt· and the buffed American efforts to start over the Purdue atfolr. victory of Islam." new British and Iranian oil talks A defense motion for the dismissal of a murder Indictment against Certainly Iowa must be up for today's game Pittsburgh, In one Cairo mosque, foJlowers under the watch of the UN secur­ George Baculis, 48, Iowa City, was overruled Friday by District Judge tor ity council. But he indicated his though yet to win, has progressed 01 the Mohammed tradition, James P. Gartney. government would welcome the tar enough in Its rebuilding pro­ beard their leaders dema nd the The ruling came a year to the day after the alleged murder of An­ gram to gi ve anyone an argument. good offices of any nation or in­ drew Davells, of which Baculis is Imediate proclamation of a Jehad, dividual. Mistallea Hurt charged. openings, when the law prescribes or holy war. The spokesman, Hossein Fatemi, only one. The Panthers have bowed to 'The inflammatory appeals were deputy premier, said Iran would SUI Trampoline Artist Perfor~s at Rally Gaffney gave defense allys. Duke, 19-14, and Indiana, 13-6, A. C. Cahill and William Bartley Gaffney tound thnt one opening made as the Egyptian government not accept any resolu tion, $l\ch as FLYING HIGH ABOVE STUDENTS ..athered at the pep rally Frida y nl, ht, Frank LaDue, A4, Sioux of the box was locked and had but on both occasions costly mis­ th~eatened to put the heat on one drartea by Britain for action City, ,oes through his paces on the trampoline. An eslimated 1,500 student marched ill a torchlight until Monday morning to file ful'­ been so since 1927. takes meant the decision. British troops in the Suez canal by the council, which would en­ parade to attend the rally and cheer for the Iowa Hawkeyes who play I'll! burrh this afternoon. thcr pleadings. Unless further ac­ In opposing another argument Against Duke, It was a blocked area by declaring them "enemy able the security council to "in­ tion Is taken by the defense, kick. while last week a fumble on forces" and cancelling their spe­ terfere" in the oil question. He said of the defense, Gaffney said Baculis will stand trial lor the Meardon hnd li1ed his withdrawal a touchdown play prevented a cial privileges. the best decision the council could death of Davelis. as attorney for the Davelis estate possible tie with tpe Hoosiers. A program to cut oft the troops' take would be to decide it has no Communists Ch~rge Iowa, 01 course, blew an appar­ Reinforced Reds Recapture The motion to set aside the in­ before he took office last J anu- drinking water, fresh food and the jurisdiction in the oil crisis. ary. ent sure victory when a leaky pass use of Egyptian labor was lore­ Fatemi made his comments at dictment was overruled on all defense enabled the Boilermakers his daily news conference as the U.S. P!ane Straffed Davelis was employed at the cast to follow parliament's abro­ counts. The judge also overruled restaurant of James Lons, a to overcome a iD-point deficJt in pUon, expected Monday, of two United States delegation pressed 1 Hill of 'Heartbreak Ridge' a companion motion which sought brother 01 Baculls. Last May, the final si x minutes. old treaties. an urgent campaign to get the INew Neutral Zone to l'equire thc county attorney to Lons was acquitted of murder But even so the Hawkeyes were two countries to resume negolla­ U.S. EIGHTH ARMY HEAD- ntly I'olled up the northern slope These treaties authorize Britain We bi1l of particulars in the charges in connection with the a tar more impressive club than to keep 10,000 troops, 400 pilots t1ons. MUNSAN, Korea (SATURDAY) QUARTERS, Korea, (SATUR- of the peak, for some enemy death. the onl) that topped Kansas State Bdt!!.!n, meanwhile, mllde pub­ (JP) - A Communist charge that DAY) (JP) - Reinforced Reels troops had been reported holdmg case. Bnd ' variolls auxillartes on guard Tb move 1m' dlsrnasal bad here two weeks ago. at the strategic canal and pro­ lic a resolution drafted for pre­ U.S. planes strafed Panmunjom ' counter-attacked and drove Al- au t there Friday. )lIce Speetacular sentation to the security council charged that members of the vide for joint British-Egyptian and the Kaesong neutral zone, lied forces oCf the Ins\ northern At nlght!all, about 20 of the gnnd jury were illegally selected, That was especially true on of­ rule of Sudan, bordering Egypt at a meeting called for 2 p.m. CST killing a Korean boy, rudely die-hard Communists still· len- jolted hopes today for resump- peak of "Heartbreak Ridge" in that two members of that jury 63% of Students fense as Dusty Rice made a spec­ on the south. Monday. It asks tor new talks III aciously defended the northem were unqualified to serve and that tion of the long-suspended Ko- east-central Korea Friday night, slope of the last peak which lies tacular Big Ten debut while Bill Meanwhile in Britain, Foreign accordance with a ruling by the Coun" Atty. William L. Meardon Reichardt showed the top form of Seeretary H er b e r t Morrison international court of justice. rean truce talks. Allied headquarters announced about 25 miles north or parallel may have: disqualified himself to Score 70 or More his career. warned Friday that any attemPt Mossadegh was expected in UN The Reds reported that two today. 38 and some 30 miles inland act in the case because of a con­ These two, along with an Im­ to oust British troops from the circles to turn thumbs down on chlldren were hit, one killed and "In the area north of Yanggu, from the s a of Japan. nection last year with thc Davelis provini passing game, will be Suez canal zone by force would be the British resolution. It would one wounded. ' UN forces occupied but did not While th fighting raged on, estate. In Exemption Te~ts Iowa'$ main weapons today met by force. have the security council uphold Allied liaison officers made a secure a dominant hill on "Heart- prospects of resuming truce talks The dcfense had claimed that W ASHlNGTON IR')-Sillty-three against the Panthers. A Labor party rally cheered his the International court's recom­ preliminary Investigation of the break Ridge," headquarters re- were dashed by sudden Red ac­ two grand jurors, Lou H. Kauf- per cent of the 339,000 students Pitt will counter with a capable declaration : "We are there, we mendation for operations in the charge as soon as it was reported ported, "and wel'e forced to wlth- cusations that three U.S. planes mann and Charles Bullne, were who took the selective service col­ passer in quarterback Bob Best­ have a right to be there and we Iranian 011 fields to continue as Friday pight and prepared to re- draw after a counter-attack by Friday afternoon straled the Kae- unqualified to serve. The motion lege qualification tesls this year wick and a dangerous runner in will stand absolutely firm in ex­ in the past, pending a settlement turn to the scene today. a reinforced enemy platoon." song and Panmunjom neutrality charged that Kaufmann was over pass-d with scores of 70 or better. sophomore half.back Lou Cimarol­ ercising out undoubted rights until of the argument over nationaliza­ But even belore the investlga- The month-long fight for the areas. The talks have been sus- 65 and that BuUne had served on " Ii. tion of Iranian properties of the tion, the Peiplng radio declared: rid,e, controlllng a nearby Red pended since Aug. 23. a petit jury panel last year. Announcing this Friday night, Bestwick has connected on 15 lOme new asreed w,rrangement Gaffney ruled that Kaufmann'S .selectlve service director Lewis B. comes along to be substituted for British-owned Anglo-Iranian oil ~ "Observers here (in Kaesong) a!lsembly area, had appeared la5t American and Communist ot 31 attempts thus far this sea­ company. age did not preclude his serving Hershey.reminded college students son and needs only 11 more to It." believe that this new serious pro- night to be in the mop-up stage. swept-wing jet llghtcrs tangled on the jury and did not prejudice that another test will be held Dec. Iran has argued the security surpass the all-time Pitt record. The United States, Britain, vocation created by the American But the Reds still clawed for a again in far northwest Korea, the defendant. 13. His favorite targets appear to council has no jurisdiction and has side gives rise to deep misgivings finger hold on the vital saddle- one of an estimated 100 Red MIG­ France and Turkey were reported The judge pointed out that the Those who score 70 or better be ends Chris Warriner and Dick preparing to submit to Egypt a refused to accept the international as to whether the American side type terrain, fighting battle-weary IS's going down in flames. The Charles Buline on the petit jury court's recommendation. may have their mllltary service Dietrick, who have received 11 proposed plan for middle east de­ still has the sllghtest sincerity in American land French troops. 32 U.S. FI86 Sabrejets damaged and later on the grand jury were tosses. preparing for the resumption of Dirty, unshaven soldiers, trudg- six other planes. The fifth air deferred if their studies are found fense under which Egypt would nol shown to the court to be the n ..... 7-Yard Avera~1I al'mistice negotiations." ing down from the slopes, voiced force reported no American losses. to be necessary to "the mainten­ join them in a joint defense sys­ same person. ance ot the national heal,)l, sate­ t'UnaroW. • prodUct of lut It assertEld tha~ this "deliberate- bitter admiration for the tenacity The air lorce said it brought the In referring that the grand jury tem for the canal area. ty or interest." ye;'l., unClefeatcct Pal"thcr rl'('~ 1- MoeUer to Address ly stalls and obstructs the re- of the North Koreans who fe ll in war's total score to 83 Red jets was iIlega.lly selected, the defense Informed sources in London The new series of tests Hershey man team, resembles Rl.ce I.n loks said It was unrealistic for Egypt sumption of the armistice negotla- hand-to-hand combat. destroyed, 20 probably destroyed had claimed the meta I box used and build, and apparently is tions." ' The Red counterattack appal'- and 207 damaged. in selecting the members had two said, will be given Dec. 13 and to pretend It could stand alone in AP Editors Tonight --- April 24, 1952, at more than 1,000 similarly effective in his running, defense of the canal. centers throughout the county. judging from his 7-yard average Prof. Leslie G. Moeller, director One source added that the Application blanks may be ob­ per trY. U.S. would be asked to send troops of the SUI school of journalism tained by registrants at any local ij.oundlng out the Panther back­ be the princlpal speaker at a field are Bill Reynolds, a veteran and planes to the area in event ot wIn Stassen Claims State Department Has Lied About Him selective service board. I di oner tonight in the Iowa Me­ halfback, and 190-pound sopho­ a serious threat of fighting. Applications tor the ~c . 13 test morial Union opening the fall WASHINGTON (JP)- Republi­ was kept secret for more than two more fullback Bobby Epps. must be postmarked not later than Top man up tront in a J(ood, but meeting of the Iowa AssocJated can leader Haro d E. Stassen years, during a period when .sev­ midnight Nov. 5. Thos,. ,for the Press Telegraph Editors associa­ charged Friday that the state de­ eral congressional investigations not too deep line is Bob Brennen, April 24 test must be postmarked 217 -pound senior tackle. finnegan Gives Up tion. partment has continually made have tried to tind out whether not later than midnight ¥arch 10, The dinner, which will be a there were subversive influences Pitt Coach Tom Hamilton has "false and deceptive" statements 1952. had Iowa thoroughly scouted and ladies' night banquet beginning at about him in their running dis­ in the state department contribu­ To be eligible to apply for the 6:30 p.m., will open a two-day is well aware of the Hawkeye 1~ U.S. Indictment pute over U.S. policy toward ting to the downfall of National­ test, students must be satisfactori­ trollbles on pass defense. That meeting featuring discussIon of China. ist China. ly pursuing a tull-time eollege will probably be the Panthers' Charging :Bribery state news coverage. Stassen also challenged the ver­ Secretary Acheson and Jessup course and must not previously main avenue ot attack. PrIor to the opening sessions, the acity of sworn tcstimony by Am­ have both vigorously denied any have taken the test. They must also Coach Leonard Raffensperger editors will attend the Iowa-PiUs­ bassador-at-Large Philip C. Jes­ leaning toward the Red Peiping declare their intention to request again stressed pass defense in the ST. LOUIS (!P) - James P. Fin­ burgh football game this arter­ ne,an, former St. Louis internal sup that the U.S. has never con­ regi me. In Jessup's case, his views deferment as a student. week's practice sessions and might noon. Registration will be at 8:30 sidered recognititm of Red China. have been at Issue in the current Hershey said the criteria for de­ get help there it Bernie Bennett revenue collector, plans to sur­ a.m. Sunpay in the senate chamber The former Republica n gover­ senate study of his nomination as ferment is either a satisfactory is aV[lllabl1! tor work [It safety. r,nder heN! today on a ledera I In­ of Old Capitol. nor of Minnesota ei ted the state a delegate to the UN general as­ score of 70 or more or satisfactory Bennlltt Ilead)' cUCiiiient chargIng him with ac­ Einer R. Nelson, Ottumwa Cour­ department's own official tran­ sembly. rank in class. Satisfactoy rank ier, will preside at Sunday's dis­ 'Bennett and Corky Reister, an­ ~eptlng bribes and with mis­ script of a 1949 round table con­ means the upper half of the fresh­ cussions and Russcll Schoch, Des other safetyman, were missing last conduct In office. ference showing that Jessup, as man class, upper two-thirds ot the week but both are expected to be Moines Tribune, will bc discus­ Finnegan, through his law of­ chairman, declal'ed: sophomore class or upper three­ ready tor at least part-time duty flee here, advised U.S. Marshal sion leader. Hancher Addresses fourths of the junior class. Seniors today, as are ends Bill Fenton and Cy Douglass, chief of the As­ "1 would like to suggest we Otto Schoen he would surrender might have a few minutes taking accepted for admission to a. gradu­ Arnie Caplan who were banged at 10 a.m. toelay. Finnegan, a key sociated Press bureau in Des : of C Executives ate sch 00 1 sa tisly t he criteria if up against the Boilenn.aker.s. Moines and Marion Sheen, general up the question of the recognition figure in a congressional Investi­ of the Commuhlst government in they stand in the upper half of Only back Jack Hess and prob­ alilion into reported corruption in executive of the Associated Press Civilization is a race between their classes or make a score of ably end Del Corbin will miss to­ in Chicago, are also included on China." education and catastrophe, Pres. the gove rnment's taxgathering Stassen said that "definitely 75 or beUer in the test. dati contest. all!ncy, is on his way to St. Louis the program. Virgil M. Hancher told the Iowa pins down" Jessup as Initiating the It is not mandatory tor local Burt Btlfzmann, who has won by motor car from Washington. The meeting is scheduled to ad ­ Chamber of COmmerce executives boards to follow the criteria. ollt for the tlrst string quarter­ journ at noon Sunday. conference discussion of Red re­ here F riday night. back jab, has been bothered by a At the sallie time, U.S. District cognition. ludge George H. Moore disquali­ Hancher declared that the im­ sore shoulder, but will be In there fied himself from hearing the case The state department released portimce of education and under­ at the starl Jim Sanpter will the 90,OOO-word transcript last ~Ialnst Finnegan. Judge Moore Iniured Gl's to Get standing makes it essential that State Department bac\o him lip. had pressed a grand jury Invest!­ night along with a blast accusing Americans develop better under­ ! l'udhen Oat latlon into conduct of the in­ Vocational Benefits Stassen of being ractually incor­ standing of other nations, increas­ Ignores Russia's rect" in his earHer testimony on Pitt also has had Its trouble ternal revenue bureau office here. ed courtesy and respect toward with injuries, having already lost WASHINGTON «P\--The Veter­ what took place at the 1949 con­ The grand jury Thursday Indicted other nations and better under­ a fint-strln, tackle and fullback ans Administration said Friday ference. Treaty Obiections J'lnne.an on five counts. standing ot themselves. for the remainder at th~ Ieason. Moore set Finnegan's bond at that a new law, signed by Presi­ Here Is the background of the He added that America's cur­ WASHINGTON (~ - The state This will be the second meetln, ~,OOO. Schoen said Finnegan dent Truman Thursday night, ex­ coniroversy: rent contributions, dynamic in­ department, brushlnl aside Soviet of tlle two schoois with a third Would post It today. tends vocational training bene(jts Late in 1949, when the Chinese dustriaism and universal educa­ objections as propagand!t, lave ICheduIed at Pittsburgh next year The first two counts charge to servicemen injured anywhere Communist armies were overrun­ tion, furnish hope for other parts Stassen Prepares for Test~mony notice Friday that the West is for Iowa's opener. Back in 1931, I'lnnegan with accepting $500 in in the world. ning China, Secretary 01 State of the world. going ahead with plan,,_ to eB8e the Plillthers came to Iowa City ~hacks from a iarment firm which Previously, only veterans dis­ Acheson called In 25 civilian con­ He declared that IlUISli "roduc­ HAROLD STASSEN (Ieated) and Prof. Kenneth W. Colerrove, the peace treaty with Italy. to ~pank the Hawks, 20-0. ha~ a tax delinquency case pend­ abled while fighting in the tar sultants-rar east specialists, uni­ tion and high wages Pre char­ Northwestern university, conferred Frida,. as the,. returned for fur­ Moscow charged Friday that In The visitors arrived by plane Int. The other three accuse him of east or while performing especial­ versity professors and buiness acteristic ot the economic system ther testimony before&. senate Internal seourlt,. lubcommlltee. 8i11a­ proposing to revise the terms ot in Cedar Rapids Friday and VIolaUn. a law by accepting pay ly hazardous duty were eligible leaders-to discuss what this coun­ of the United States, while edu­ sen declared earlier that a 19" state department diaeusslon ot China the 1947 settlement the West worked out on the Coe field. They for lervlces trom parties Involved for the vocational benefits, which try's pollcy should be toward the cation ot the many is vital in polley aided e01lUllun18m. Tbe state department haa since uaened wants to make use of Italy lor will leave their Montrose hotel In controversies with the govern­ are similar to those given to dis­ Reds. building both understanding a tbat StaBllen Wal "faclually incorrect" in bill deacrip&ion ot &he con­ purposes 01 the "ag~esSlve At­ headquarters tOday at 11 a.m. tor ment. abled World War II veterans. By agreement, the transcript better world. ference. lantic bloc." a bU4 trip to Jowa City. PAGE 'I'W4) - TIlE DAILY IOWAN, ATURl)AY, OCT. n , 1951 - . -~ , ..... Interpreting the News- o The DaiLy Iowan Stability 01 Egypt Threatened SATURDAY, OCTOBER J3, 1951

bIw>ed dIui.!' ur.,p& .-,. and 01.1 Jev... lb. hU.la" D ...... SATUIWAY, OCTOBER 13, 1951 atOllAlay and Iepl ~ b~ Stud."t .. an".. Ia ..... I ... • a...... 11 ..... VOL. xxvn, N of ChrisUan names the other day tion. advanee: Iix m6nllul. aM: tIIree Word that Egypt Is thinkinl and decide on more modern eco­ Saturdu, Oct. 11 Friday, October 19 lIIUIar:.a mall {just for a (riend, of course) to see GRIND: ( U.S. idiom.) "Anybody AUDn: BUJlUU mon Ihs. $1.10. By lD 10.... .7.10 nomic systems, the dynamism of 1:30 p.m. - Footpall: l>ittsburlh 2:30 p.m. - Football: Wiscolllin per yn,: six mootho. allO: tbrM about the possibility o( a non­ wbat "ome of them stood for. Se\'­ going to the library?" Already a OF mall aublcrip­ Israel is going to dominate H,e U., here. Jr. Varsity vs. Iowa Jr. Varsity, TION. monlhs. a .oo; All otha- aggression pact with Rus ia as diminutiVe of "nose to the ",ind­ cracuu Uonl M per y .... : six 1II PltJ!SS This state of aHairs should not This is not a complete list. You The AsIodaled Pr_ It entiUed ex- DILl: 10,,'AN -wiT01UAL STAPF country has been led by its ani- Bride Aud. 8:00 p.m. _ Mass Pep Mee""" clWdvely 10 th...... for npublinuon are likely to be called a lot of Edltor . In Paul Schneldtrrnan ' t to d B .t[ h h be allowed to continue. Everybody Monda,., Oct. 1~ Old Capitol Campus or aU the local ...... prID led In thlJ Manaal.,. £,1Ilor ., Jam.. MacNair mOSl y war n s elem:>ny. has a right to know what he is other things at one time or an­ n • ..-lpeper u w~u u all AP ne.. ·• dlJ.. 1'1 .... Editor Hobert Dun.,.n Just as in Iran, the spirit of 7:30 p.m. - UnIverSIty New- . . . palth.... Plans Being Made other. We are called by several comers ClUb, Iowa Union. 8:30 p ..m. - Dolphin SWlmDlllll ANJo Ne .... Edllor Arlo W.cner "anything except the British" being called and why. We are --:--:-:-:------~ herewith clearing up a lew names new names every day. They last 4:10 p.m. _ Physics Colloquium Show, Fieldhouse Pool. CAll. CI91 rr.n •••• .. -.l.­ ti;:1 I'!dl~~ ~I:"~ ~~~~= threatens the entire stability of a until somebody thinks of stronger ....., " f"f'ptJn •• • h .ea.. ..me .. '. porU Edllor . .. Jack Squtr. nat'on. Prime Minister Mustapha To Produce Movie that have been under wraps all Professor J. A. Van Allen, ot the 8:45 p.m. - Homecoming OPtll J' It lUau. . , • • a •• ,.Ift,.", t. The Wom~n·. !dllor ...... Nonna Suton Nahas EI Pasha might do well to too long: ones. SUI physics department, will House, Iowa Memorial Union. t~ . u, a..... IIIUerb.t .,fI,u art._ J:dilonal Aalatanl •.... JIJn Mardl speak on "Intensities of Heavy Saturday, October 2. t.a.t N .H. r.' ., Eatl HaU. ae,UII fa· Chid Phowcrapb...... Bob Cohn' consult the recards of Benes, WOlUEN AP WIn-photo Technlcl&n .. 1.)1 Ryton .. ' Masaryk and the other eastern Of Roosevelt's Life .. LALUM.E: (Very old Phoe­ Cosmic Ray Primaries by Pulse 9:00 a.m. - Hockey Came, WOo Ionization Chamber Measure- men's Athletic Field· Call 8·21 51 u 7 •• do DAlLY tOWAN ADVERTISING STArr Europeans who made non-a,gres- P ALINE MO BY nieian.) " I ll u s t rio u s ghoul­ Leon Errol Dies; hauntress." Diminutives: Yooty, ments." 10:00 a.m. - "I" Club Meetina, y." OaU, I..... 7 1 a ." Mabr... ~~X·~~·.:!"~::~ J:::-:':c.t=::. slon pacts with Russia belore he UP Hollywood CorreslMlndent Tuesday, Oct. 18 Community Building. .. ,.1 .. Ia .t••••• all ....1...... DAlLY IOWAN CIRCULATION STAn ,oes too far in tbat direetion. HOLLYWOOD (III _ Everybody Loamy. .•,. .. d ., . :...... ne Doll,. Ie.a. Cueula on N.ana•• r Chari. Dorroh On the whole, however, the AZUCENA: (Italian.) "Just an Was RKO Comic Star 4:10 p.m. - YWCA Effective 10:30 a.m. - College Open 'h 1"1.' 0 'ire (AP) lrul (UP) Cltzenship Committee, Coo1erence House, Deans and Statf memberi .I.ulall.... ,...... ,. nar.' Ie ... oervlt'H. statements of Secret ry Ach on, from a Chicago doctor to a Los ordinary witch am 1." (See also Room, Iowa Union. in their offices. -----=------of the 'Egyptian ambo odor to the Angeles accountant W;Jnts to play Vello.) For Past 10 Years We!1n~da)', Oct. 1'7 1:30 p.m. - Football: Mlchilill United States, and ot the youth Franklin De~a?o Roosevelt on the VELlA: (Leharian.) "Wilch of Have You Won&ered- commJttee on Nahas Pasha's own screen-but It 11 be three years be­ 8:00 p.m. - Concert, Symphony vs. Iowa, Stadium. the wood." (See also Azucena.) HOLLYWOOD IU'l- Leon Errol, Orchestra, Iowa Union 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. - DolPhin party, sugaest that thefe may yet fore somebody does it. This glossary seems to be goinl the bald, "rubber-leg" star ot be room ror an amicable re- Since producer Stanley Kramer Thll1'1day, October 18 Swimming Show, Fieldhouse Pool. in circles. short comedies, died Friday or a 8:00 p·m. - Dolphin Swimming 8:00 p.m. - Homecoming Parly, arrangement of Egypt's relation to announced hc'lI film "The Roose- l\IACHUSHLA: (Low German.) heart attack after a three-week What Is a'Yale Man'! , AUied oefense at the Middle East. velt Story;' he's ~aked in "a Show, Fieldhouse Pool. Iowa Union. "Ot good report" Name believed illness. I Nahas Pasha made his move to couple of hundred letters" from I (For tDlorma&lon rerardlnl dates beyond this lehlldale, to have been first applied to 16- The 70-year-old "Lord Eppping" lee reaervaUonl In the office of the PreJlden&. Old Capl&oL) -:- Here's An A"swer I abrogate Egypt's treaties with hopeful imitators, Including a .. Britain tor defcnse and joint con- salesman [rom . inch gun In the North Sea Aeet of "B" movies entered Good Sa­ 11 ... 11 ...... trol or the Sudan just as the Allies Kramer plans to pick an un- at the same time "Big Bertha" was morHan hospital Thursday night GENERAL NOTICES BJ SAUL PETT Yale is no longer preponderant- were about to come up with de- known to play FOR "because a named. Dimlnutivcs: None, ot lor a checkup. He suffered the AP New featur wrller Iy a "rich man's colJege." Today fense proposals. H seems to want star would destroy the illusion." course, silly. fatal attack at 7:20 a.m. Friday. OINEItAL NOTICES shoald be ilflposlted with the city edi"r of NEW HAYEN, CONN. (II') 40 per cent ot the students are credit within his country tor tok- " But research on the story wlll Gerlle'lI: (U.S. slang.) "Chili a Errol was not one ot Hoilywo's 'l'he DaU,. Iowan in the newsroom in E.. t ball. Notices mUlt lie Yale university celebrated Its wholly or partially self-support- ing what he was about to be ,Iv- take two years before we get specialty. Also homemade pies headlined glamour stars, and the nbmlUed b, ~ p.m. the day precediJlI' flnt publication; th~,. WlU 250th ,lDniversary this week. I n't inl. The boys from Andover, Talt, en. around to a talent search," he and cake. Open Irom 7 a.m. to elite society of movleland hardly NOT 1M! accepted b, phone, and must be TYPED OR LI!OmLT it about time we found out ex- Hotchki. s and other prep schools The idea worked out at the Ot- said. "It'll be three years before midnight." knew him. But he was more fam- WRITTEN and SIGNE» b, a responsible penon. acUy what a "Yale man" b? still outnumber the public hIgh tawa North Atlantic Pact meeting the pieture goes before the cam- MEN ous than many a handsome pro- RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS for F () REI G N STUDIES pilo. To begin with, he Is a two- school graduates, but not by mucb. was that Egypt would be asked to ROQ EFOU: (French) "Strong !ile in popcorn palaces around two years' study at Oxford are ot- gram. Students wishing to regis. le,ged primate mammal In dirty, Like omlnl' From Te".. be orne a founder-member of a er~We'l1 send people round the as al~ get out." (Like Machushla, the country. white buckskin shoes. More otten D spitc their ditferent origins, new Middle Eastern pact on an h t ferell to unmarried students of ter for the program of torell!l without diminutives.) His comedics produccd at RKO junl"r or higher standing. Nomi- studies (areas: Russia, Cblna, than not, he ls also: both the prep school boyand th e equal basl's with Brltnln, Franc'e, country to look for ternan I ork the role. Maybe the man we p c WAl'NE: (Perhaps Igorot.) "Not kept the customers chuckling tor !lations will be made about Oct. F. ~nce, Spain and IJatln AmulcB, Pois d, proud, reserved, Repub- hilh c 01 boy are likely to ac- the United stat. ond with Tur- will look like Roo evelt but we'll so ho't." (Often mixed up wJth 20 years-the longest any actor llcan, well-h el d, clubby, clan- quire' sameness In veneer aft r kl" 'vhlch has ju. t become a part- I 15. Prospec\ive candidates should Cern:a.ny and Austria) should COil. Wh h have to use somebody else's vo ceo "wane" and "wain.") Diminutive: has worked tor a single studio. consult a~ once with S. R. punlap, tact Prof. Erich Funke, toe n.ish, loyal, privately lImbltlo four ye rs at Y Ie. ot t e m the North Atlantic Pact. "But Jt won't be difficult," he Most moviegoers remembered but publicalJy casual, intelligent, samen i , is not easy to de- ",airo's ambassador to Washlng- H ey. you. 204 Old Dent91 building. Schaeffer hall. addcd. "Right now there are 200 PO TERNIU I : (Source un _ him as "Lord Epping," a satiric inter sted in public altair, vague- too seems to think this can still be imitators of Roosevelt in night- lin~. known, but suspected.) "Holier and stu1!y English character in ALL FORMER SCOUTS OR MEN STUDENTS iotere$ted In ly aware that he wants an edu- "I think it's an intense sense work~d out. his principal demand clubs. We'll want an unknown than thou." Diminutives: Quite the "Mexican Spitfire" series in those Interested in Alpha Phi caUon, acutely aW re of ocit! of b longing," sr" Dr. Theodore beinl full partn.ership Ior Egypt- to portray Mrs. Roo evelt, too." joining a ira ternlty are asked, to presti,e, relatively conscientious, M. Cr cne, pro.t! or of phlloso- which already was plannecl. generally censored as not repeat- which he co-starred wilh the late Omega, national service fraternity, sign a t the fraternity business ot. not nearly as sentimental D. Rudy phy. "a's a little like coming from It will have to be remembered Mrs. Roosevelt, he went on, able In nice company. Send $.25 Lupe Velez. are Invited to a pledging meeting fice, 107 University hall. Frate~b, I Vallee Is over the "table down at Texas. in all this, however, that In granted him the rlllhts to the first for Information mailed in plain Last June he donned his handJe- Sunday, Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. In the ity representatives will conlad IN Mory's," and firmly convinced "I'v b n here Iive years but E,ypt, the United States is not movie on FOR because his will be wrapper. bar mustache and prince-nez to Iowa Union. Those who wish more rushees for possible rusbing da~ that "you can tell a Harvard man I halle never forgottcn (or one entirely trusted, either. There ar "a personal story." lie said the EITIIER play Eppina aeaih in six two-reel Information about the fraternity comedlcs. anywhere but you can't lell him moment that I'm not a Yale man. strings besides tilOse of cobnial- ed~~fi~st ~~eres knl~:e h~C~:~p~~~~ FIDO: (AramaiC.) "Occa 'ionully In the movies Errol often wob- contact Vernon Urich, X3732. Ac­ THE IOWA MOUNTAQlfEEI!J much." • (He stUdied at Amherst and ism which irritate the semi-co- talthruL" (Now thought to be a bled around on his "rubber legs" tives arc urged to .be p,.resent. will hold a Tlmbertrail ride Tu~. More often than not, the Yal Princeton.) Please don't mls- lonial peoples. The Unit d States and "The Men," about paraplegIc diminutive of FlDELIO, "com- day, Oct. 16. PartlcJpants will man today flunks out less Cre- understand. It's not nece sarlly lost prestiee throughout the Arab war veterans. pletely faithful," formerly a man's when his wife would catch him THE "TOOL" EXAMINATION meet at the Iowa UnIon 1It 4;SP quently than his tather did, turns nobbery or superiority. Il's ilke world by Its United Nations stand "This story transcends the po- name unn women began to [ind with a pretty blonde. It was that In Economic Theory will be given p.m. and go to Upmler's IUdJllg out a better senior essay, Inllul- memb 'rship In an old southern regardln, the estab]j~hment of the litical angle," said Kramer. routine that brought him fome In In Room 302 Universlly hall be­ Academy ncar Ely. The ride Will les in 1 hQrscplay and riots, tamily, One needn't be obnoxious nation of Israel, and this will be "It's a story of an aristocrat Ithe first on ginning at 1:1 0 p.m. on Thursday, be followed by a wiener roasl dates mor frequently with the about It but one doesn't torlet long remembered. who became the repre entatlve Broadwa in lOll. October 18. Students expecting to Reservations should be made b, &iris from Smith and Vas. er lind It." "We are not so cone rned about or the rank and tile of this coun­ Prof. Russell Ross, polltil'al Errol was born in Sydney, Aus­ take this examination should 10 p.m. Sunday with Mrs. Dan grieves less If the Harvard foot- "The ~ale man has an artinHy the supposed threat to E,ypt from try, of a paralyzed man who cir­ science department, will Ilpeak tralia, July 3, 1881, of Enillish par· notify the secretaty, Room 220 Sullivan, .phone 4928. ball team licks old Ell. (Filty to the upper class In a casual Russia, which seems more distant cumvented aU diWculty. It's a on "How Are Parties Organized?" ents. At 20 he started tourIng Aus­ Urtiversity hall by October 15. years ago the standard mournin, w y," aiel Dr. Frederick C. Red- t~ WI than the existing oecupoUon story in human terms. at a m eling of the YWCA com­ tralia as an actor with stock com­ The " tool" examlnatlon In Busi­ ALL STUDENTS INTERESTBD yeriod was six months; now It'l» lieh, profesor ot psychiatry, who of Britain and the Immediat" "The history, the plltlcs, the mittee on eff clive cllizen~hlp panies. After 10 years, he moved ness Statistics will be given in in education are invited to the two days.) stUdied In Vienna. "By and large, threat at Israel's," Egypt's foreign war wlll be a backdrop. I'll leave 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in conference to New York to star in such Room 302 University hall begin­ University high school cafeteria About one out of four Yale men he is a bit warmer, more inter- minister is quoted as saying. that part to somebody else for II room 1 at the Iowa Memorial stage hits as "The Century Cirl," ning at 1:10 p.m. Friday, October Monday, Oct. 15, at 8 p.m. by the own cars at New Haven, one out ested in his community than the ~The ~ .::.Jrom ~el Is. of movie 50 years trom now. Union. "Kltchy Koo" and "." 19. Students expecting to take this Iowa FutUre Teachers association. ol three have more than live Harvard man. ,- examJnation should eotlty the Dean Peterson will speak. Cokes drinks a week, lew of lhe non- "Here In Now Haven, a Qootor secretary, Room 106 University wilJ be served. scholarship students spend less can't Just lock himself in his lab. hall, by October 15. than $2,000 a year on all their He has to Join some committee Adams Twins; Ris expenses, nearly half have tele- or other and work In the publlc SOOIAL DANOING LESSONS for both men and women wiU phones in their rooms, nine out of behaH. It he doesn't, he doesn't El)UCATION WIVES CLUB ten have radios, almost half study quite belong, it seems. Scheduled to Star wiU meet Monday, October 15 at begin Oct. 22. Buy your tlckeu between 10 and 20 hours a week "Th Yale man Identifies hlm­ 7:45 p·m. at Wesley House, 213 E. at the 'Women's gymnasium on and nearly two-thirds say they self WI ~ the best in good Hving, Do~. phin Market. All wives of graduate Oct. 15, 16, or 17 durlng the bours have religious bellets but nearly but he also is tolerant and inter­ With Show ~tudents In Education are invited. of 9:30-10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to half don't attend church once a 'ested In other people. He's not 12 :30 p.m., or 3-5 p.m. Price of Des Moines aqua-twins Mari­ THE NEWMAN CLUB FEDER­ tickets is $1.00. Separate c1asse, month. rcally a snob. It he is, he's a lyn and Karllyn Adams will make Man7 Excepllons snob wllh a social conscience." ation will hold the first of its will be held lor men and wo­ I their third SUI appearance Home­ men during the first part of the There 1Ife many exceptions to A Y4J~ man may want des- semi-monthly Sunday supper coming weekend, when "Dolphin meetinlS, October 14th at the course. this characterlzatlon, which was perotel)l to be elected captain 01 Showboat" Is presented next drawn from student surveys made the football team or chairman of Catholic Student Center. The Thursday, Friday and Saturday in meeting wUl begin at 5 p.m. and DEBATE AND DISCUSSION. by the Yale classbook, and per- the Yale Dally News or tapped for the Iowa field house pool. sonal Interviews with toculty one ot the six secret senior so- will be followed by the supper. A 11 persons interested in inkr­ ml'mbers and undergradu tes. eieties. But he won't admit it. Both juniors In creative writ~ All members or those interested coilegiate debate and discussion ing, Marilyn and KarHyn are In becomiog members are urged please meet in room 14, Schae!fe] members of last year's national to attend. For supper reservations hall, Tuesday at 7:10 p.m. Needs Civil Defense indoor AAU swimming champion- contact Sue 0<1 iken , 4l69, by Sat­ u.s. urday. MAlN LIBRARY HOUltS wID I b£:: 8:30 a.m. to midnight, Mon­ ship team... and have placed in na- HICK HAWKS SQUARE day through Thursday; 8;30 a.m. tional synchronized swimming- for to 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Fires Will :> Be "Worse the last three years. dance organization, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Wo­ and 2 p.m., to midnight, Sunday. They began their synchronlzed men's gym. Everyone interested RECREATIONAL SWIMMING swimming routines while still in is welcome to attend the meet­ Than A-Bomb ~xplosion high school in Des Moines. (or all women students wlll be ings. Instructions are being of­ available at the Women's Iym ITh e •• venlh ot a ",rl ... ~f .rllc:. on civil doten... band on the booklel The twins will swim an inter­ fered for both beginning square "Thl I Civil Delen e" "repar«1 by the led.,..1 clv/l1dere.nu Idmlnlilralion. It m.y Monday, Wednesd'ay and Friday "b~ ,,,,d from the Superlnl"nd""t o! DocumenU, Government PrIl1t1n. OUlee. pretation of the "spirit of the dancc students and advancc stu­ from 4:i5 to 5:15 p.m. Swimmers W.. nl"~II>I\. D.C., for len cenU.1 • Mardi Gras" with music {rom the dcnls. are asked to bring their own bath­ By MILLARD CALDWELL "MissiSSippi .Suite" by Ferde ing caps. Federal ClvU Defense Adm.lnl trator Grafe, especially arranged by Lar­ YOUNG DEMOCRATS WILL Atter the explosion of an a tomic bomb, the re ulUng fires could ry Barrett. meet Thursday, Oct. 18, at 7:30 DEADLINE FOR LOAN AP· cause more loss of life nnd property then the blast itself. Therefore, Beaulab "undling, national p.m. in room 221-A Schaeffer plicatlons. Students who ap­ getting ready to tieht [ires Is a big part ofl fie civil dclense job. synchronized swimming champ­ ball. Tom Bailey ot Burlington ply tor loans' from the .tulleDt Atomic bombing would cause great!ir in the area of the burst, ion who will represent the U.S. will speak. All members arc loan committee must have tbatr and start hundreds of small fires in the next Olympic, and Wally urged to attenD. applications on file in , the o!~ In surrounding areas. With lhe reg- special occasions, will also be Rls, five times national lree style of student affairs not later tbln ular tire fighting companies fully used in eivll defense work. They swimming champion, will also be FRENCQ 0 L U B MEETING tne Monday noon eac.h week pre· occupied by the main ires, people o,yilJ be,li part of the local police starred in the water show. Oct. L6 at ' 7 :30 p.m. in the home ceding the regular weekly Tulli.­ would have to put out thesi) sma)- depart~ts, and under the com­ In addition, the Dolphin clUb, of Mrs. Sc~O'enbohm, 212 Myrtle day meeting of the loan cOlllnHI­ ler fires on the spot. If they live mand regular police o!fleers, sponsor of the show, promises a It. tee. Applications for loans fU~ in target areas they must know their authority to act belnl prc­ doubJe fire dive and a spectacular after Monday noon cannot.b\! ~on· how to light fires at home or at scribed ,ylocal law. coronation of the "Dolphin Queen" STUDEN'l'li REO IS T ERE J) sidered until the loan committee work. Civil defense will need thou- for 1951 . • with s,elective lervice, who need meeting held on the Tuesday of Industry May Get Atomic Power Soon Lost and Fo~nd Sale a certirication at attendance tor the week :tolJowlng. This aD­ At least on tnembcr of your sands f volunteers to carryon the dO e of the Police Service. FRENCH LICK, iND., IU'I- Cor-' day when atomic power will be their local board are requested to nouncement does not apply to, tile family should be· trained in the Dc h ' t th t i come the 'Registrar's office to filing of applications !qr loaDS use of basic fire fighting tools You ean..serve your community by don an, c airman e a am c produced, creating vast problems To Be Held Tuesday to ~ Hancher to Speak provide the necessary information from the dean's PanheUenlc lOf;D alld methods_ Because women are volunteering today. energy commission, said Friday for an economy bu11 t on coa I , gas, Good Comnnmlcatloll.l Essential the nation is storing "great quan- An yihing from overcoats to slide for Such certification. fund lor emergency purp9sel. at home much of the time, they tltl'es" of atomic weapons, and oil and hydro-electric power. To Baptist Group --~~!~~----~~------No matter what kind of disaster rules can be purchased at the SUI ore urged to learn how t 0 pu t ou t revealed that the dawn ot atomic We are going to have atomic fires in case of emergency, Teach- strikea our community, much lost and found department sale President Vir"l M. Hancher will will depend upon good communi- power for industry mlly be near. power plants," he said, "but how trom 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday in Old be the Vesper speaker this Sun­ , WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR Ing of householders to tight fires cations. In the face of enemy at- Power we do not yet have, it Dental building. llal ...ay. Oolob.. 18. 1831 lleada,.. 0.,.", IG, "31 will be carried out by Instructors h i many we will have and how im­ day at the Roger WIUiams fellow­ tack, the Communications Service Is still around the corner," e sa d. portant they will be hinges largely Vern Urich, A3, director of Phi ship house. 8 :00 a.m. Morning Chapel a:oo a.m. lIIornin. Chl\lH!l trained by their local fire depart- would be the nerve center of civil " But we are going to have it." on the lactor of cost. Omega national service fraternity, . :Ie •.m. Newl ' :15 a.m. Newi ments. Auxiliary or reserve fire- . k th In a talk on, "The Crises in Col­ . ::tl a.m. Pot""'c by Roth ITh .... ru.1 8 :30 I.m. (Jreek-Roman Lite r I t U r, defense for it would relay air raid Dean's remarks were prepared "To rna e atomic power wor _ said the fraternity and student ' :20 a.m. New. lege" Mr. Hancher will speak from 8:00 • . m. Recorded Interlud. men will be recruited to baSk up warnings promptly, direct Iire, for delivery before the Indiana while, we must get most of these council are sponsoring the event. his own experience of the common ':30 a.m . Baker', Do.en the reZUlar companies. The~ vol- l' d edi 1 1 ts d t h th ' 8:02 ••m. law .. Con.,..... of Parenlll &< 10 :00 a.m. Th.. Bookshelf po I~, .,rescue, war en, m ca, convention of electric power en- P an own 0 were ey can Articles that have not been crises college students meet. Stu­ Teacher. 10:15 a.m. Baker's Dozen unteers will be trained py local engin~i'ng, and other services, gineers. He - was nol able to be compete favorably with coal, gas, Ib:30 •.m. Llst .. n lie ~rn A\omlc claimed for at least six months will denls wi! be invited to ask the 8:30 a.m. clio pel Echos Energy [ire companies, using r ular and keep them in touch with one present a.nd his speech was read oil and hydro-elcctric systems, at be sold, at a very low price, Urich President questions lollowing his 9:45 a.m. Serenade -tn Blue 10 :45 a.m. Novathne equipment. anothcr. Without this service, by Allonso Tammaro, manager of least in SOme ateas and for some said. The sale's purpose is to clean 10:00 D.m. slfrprlilnJ South Africa' 11 :00 a.m. News talk. 1I :l& • . m. Music Box Your warden or your local civil headquarters would not have the the AEC's Chicago operations of- kinds of industrie~. out the department. Proceeds will The fellowship group wllJ meet 10 :15 a.m. Bonjour MesJames Jl :30 a.m. Music of lIIanhattan defense headquarters wlli tell yoU information neces.ary to control tice. "When this will be, and in just go to charily. 10:$0 •. m. 5.(,,11' Speaks lJ :45 a.m. Gues, Star at 5:15 p.m. for a supper with the 10 :" •. m. HeaJIIl Chats 12:00 nOOn Rhythm Rambl •• where to volunteer for such train- situatipJls brought on by disaster. Dean said that the nation has how many areas it will be true, is The department was established Vespers and a social hour tollow­ 11 :00 •• m. New. U :30 •. m. New. 11 :15 • . m. Musl. inl[. ThO'Ut'lu1ds or volunteers are II t nt't 'es! f'sslonabl somelliing about which today we here threc years ago. Students are ing. Album 12:45 p.m. Meet Our Gu.. ' needed to man tbe communica- grea qua I 1 a I e 11:30 • .111. O.A.R. 'J>rovam J:OO p.m. M ...lcal , Chall Tralfle A Blr Problem tiODS nltwork. Any technical material.that we are storing in the can only speculate." invited to inquire ror lost items. A 12:00 noon Rhy$m Rambl .. 2:00 p.m. Newl rue of inquiries is kept and is 12 :30 p.m. News 2:10 p.m. lalh Cenlury MUllc (cw,­ The biggest police problem in training in radio, television, tele- form of weapons." Dean disclosed that several pri- 11:45 p.m. BellJo 01 ....udom room) event or enemy attack, would be graph, or telephone work will But be said that it war is avert- vate power firms already have be- cbecked with all articles found. Prof. Cooper to Attend 1:00 p.m. Touchdown Time 3 :00 p.m. Listen and Learn The office is open Monday 1:15 p.m. FootboU: Iowa VI . Pill 3:15 p.m. tole",. the control of traffic. Anomer bli qualify yoU for this service. ed, the same material can be used come interested In producin, 4:00 p.m. Tea TOne ~elodl ... J :30 p.m. Men Beblnd, the ~~Iody problem would be maintaini.ng law N~lfher sex nor age Is II barrier lor peacetime uses. lItomic power themselves, perhaps throu&h Friday from 10.30 a.m, Meeting in Canada ~:oo p.m. SlorJ.. and Sluff 4:00 p.m. Iowa Welleyan Coli ... 5:30 p.m. H~. civil to H!.SO p±n'. and 2 to 4 p.m. . :30' p.m, Tea TI.". Melodle. and oriler. T~ese are the most ~~ to volUllteering tor defense. He revealed that the AEC is selling the fissionable material Prof. Dan Cooper, college ot cdu­ 5:45 p.m. MUll. In M.r~h Time 5:00 p.m. Chlldrfh·. Hou. 8,00 p.m. Dlnne, .HQ,ur portant of the duties jYhlch ciVil RetireU1 J:)ersons with technical ;)bout to experiment with 'produc- they produce in reactors to the ca tion, has left for Toronto, Cana­ 5:30 p.m. New. defense volunteers woutd help plr- training are especially valuable, tion of atomic power at its Idaho government. 8:55 p.m. News 5:45 p.m. Sporll , f.tOGRAM RESUMED dil, whcre he will attend a meel­ ' :00 p.m. London Forum 8:00 p.m. KSUI SW~ ON form under the Police Service. such as retired politemen and testing station, where it also is Dean said this sale price, whlch An elt

THE DAlLY IOWAN, SATURDAY... OCT. IS, 1951 - PAGE TBllEB Quadrangle Queen and Attol,dant Iowa Firms Applicants Wante.a DAR Sponsors .. Have Large For Civil Service Show on WSUI H. P. Hammann ~f the Depart­ ment of the Army, Records Ad­ "Original Compositions by Iowa Export Business ministration Center, Adjutant Composers," a DAR sponsored show will be broadcast over radio Iowa firms have a $240-million- General's oClice, SI. Louis, Mis- station WSUI this morning at a-year export bUSiness, according souri, will be at the Iowa Slate 11:30 a.m. The show was written and Dial1lO11ds to ofticial U.S. estimates. the Iowa Employment Service office, 204 by Mrs. Paul Shaw. Development Commission reported S. Gilbert st., during the period Two composers will be contrib­ this week. Oct. 22 to Oct. 25 to interview ap- uling, Leon Wagner, G, and M. There are no exact statistics on plicants for positions of clerk- S. Thostenson, G, both of the export of goods produced in at · t d t h' th music department. single state, the commission yplS an s enograp er III e Included L'n t.....,., presentatl'on pointed out. The State Depart- nation's capital, Nellie C. Verdin, will be a song cycle from "A ment, which supervises foreign office manager of the Iowa State Shropsh. ~ Lad" by A. E. House­ trade, makes its official guesses Employment Service oUice an- man. Thf: cycle will be sung by on the basis 01 total export of a nounccd. Leon wagner, accompanied by nltliDz certain commodity, and Iowa's M' V d' tat t1i t ki Alan Alabaugh. importance as a producer of that ISS er ~n S e~ awol' ng The nine poems selected for particular commodity. experience III tYPlllg or steno- the cycle are not actually con - OIleD In. For instance, Iowa produces graphy is not necessary to re- nected in a story sense. but ex­ one-fifth ot the pork processed in celve consideration for the POSt- press a cross section of the mood the United States. It is, therefore, !ions. However, applicants will be and atmosphere of the entire presumed to produce one-fifth the required to pass a regular Fed- group. pork exported from the U.S. eraI Civil Service examination. -etin&. On this basis, the State Depart- Salary for the positions is $2.650 SIG EP OFFICERS ment guesses that Iowa exports per year. Joseph C. Code. C3, Mason City, 1 Fuiks 0Jlen about $t40 million worth of manu- Persons selected will have trans­ has been elected president ot SIg­ :n~ faetured items, and $100 million portation paid from St. Louis, ma Phi Epsilon social fraternity. Jeweler and Optometrist (00) 01 crops and livestock. Missouri to Washington, D.C. and Other oWcers are Robert Re­ hiialL Actually, many of the manuCac- housing in Washington is. guara~­ hal, PI, Sioux City, vice-president; 49 Years of Service to Iowa City tured items which Iowa exports teed. Those selected WIll tram LaMar Popp, C3, Mason City, IIPhIn come from the farm. Among three or four weeks in St. Louis, secretary, and Paul Tweeten, A2, 220 E. Washington Dial 9510 Pool. Iowa's 12 most important indus- with full pay, before going on to Swea City, treasurer. ?arty, trial exports are meat products, Washington, D.C. grainmlll products and corn pro­ ducts. Other large-scale exports U.S. (and Iowa) goods must have QVADRANGLE QUEEN, COLLEEN ALEXANDER, A2, ln arshalltown. and ber four attendants are tram Iowa are tractors and farm dollars to pay for them. They can The ,I / I1,'J ' ,lelma. The attendants, selected from a. field of ten finalists arc (left to right) FloyAnn Kensln,er, equipment, electrical machinery, get those dollars only by selling 31st Season - At, Tama; Pal Welsh, NI, Oxford; Phyllis Schultz, Na, Council Bluffs and ~farilyn Larsen, Nt, t\founl home laundry equipment, apparel, their own ploduct$ to U.S. (and Vernon, N,Y, The dance, "Autumn Swirl" was held Friday night at the Iowa Union, construction and mining ma­ Iowa) firms- or by borrowing UNIVERSITY THEATR.E r Df chinery, millwork, rubber pro­ from the U.S. 1952-1952 -- ~ .. ------. ------~ : ~ ducts, iron and steel foundry pm- Employes as well as manufac­ School of Fine Arts wfU Princess and Husband - Town Women ducts, and furniture.' Export at turers benefit from export busi­ Iowa City, Iowa ~Lt these items is estimated to total ness, the State Departmcnt com­ State University of Iowa $125 mil1!on a year. ments. Wages in exporting indus- PIO. Honor Mothers Iowa exports an additional $15 tries run as much as 50 per cent mililon a year of butter, buttons, higher than the average in manu­ r~gis~ Biggest Reception of Tour ,relgd heating and plumbing equipment, tacturing. PRESENTS At Tea Sunday concrete and gypsum, clay pro- _iiiiiiii_""iiiiiiii ___ "_'" )hlna, - In Toronto ducts, metalworking machinery, erica, Independent Town Women will processed eggs, soybean products Ed d S R lcoll. TORONTO* 1lJ'j...... * Pl'incess * Eliza- Princess Ellzabeth." honor their householders and and biologicals. war . ose -p.- , toe beth and Prince Philip made a At Trenton* . *the *royal couple Iowa's most important &gricul­ whistle-stop tour of Ontario Fri­ visited tM Royal Canadian air mothers at a tea from 3-5 p.m. Fall wedber creates a demand ~':-. L END A R tural exports are hogs, corn, dairy Sunday in the YWCA rooms of c day and then flew here for the force station where they attended products, oats, eggs, soybeans, lor soothln&" race and hand edia blUest reception of their tour. a reception for officers and their the Iowa Union. poultry and wheat. creams and lotions-we ma.ke ell to Jt was the busiest day yet tor wives. Then they flew here, a 35- Sponsors ot the group are Mrs. Foreign trade is a two-way a. SUPERB Une or these Items­ is minute hop, in their special RCAF of PLAYS d DATES of· \he young royal couple, who Raoul Delmare, Mrs. Ted McCar­ proposition. the commission point.. the hirbest qualHy of materIal ,te!'ll' stopped in five Ontario cities for plane. rei and Mrs. Ralph Shriner. ed out. Many Iowa industries - priced low-Of course let us Hilt ~'elcoming ceremonies before ar­ which are important exporters ill.!.R:\. IM\\C here ror a two-day visit. In the recei ving line with the depend on imported raw materials fill your prescription. THE WINSLOW BOY OCTOBER 19-27 Their IO-car royal train, which sponsors will be Miss Helen Focht, such as chrome, copper, tin, rub- lEIS left Ottawa shortly after midnight, Pi Lambda Theta SUI counselor to women; Janet ber, asbestos, manganesc, nickel, DR UG 5HOP by Terence Rattigan ru~. stopped 15 minutes at Cornwall, Way, advisor and Alma Marie zinc and lead, 109 S. Dubuque St. will JO minutes at BI'ockville, an hour Foreign countries which buy Critics Award drama about basic 1·jghts of individtlal t sp and 40 minutes at Kingston, 15 Education Group MiJler, A4, Des Moines, president Idlnc minutes at BelleVille and nearly of the group. will two hours at Trenton. Has Tea Monday Pouring will be Margaret Hin­ --Exclusive at DUNN'S--. MARY STUART NOVEMBER 9-17 :vast. The l'rincess appeared to be los­ derman, A4, and Joan Smith, A4, e b, Ing some of her British reserve. The year's activities of Pi Lamb­ both of Wapello; Carmen Blair, by Friederich von Schiller A3, Manchester; Rita Kadfring, Dah She chatted sociably with persons da Theta, national honorary so­ OUR FAMOUS Distinguished historical play OD station platforms when the ciety for women in education, will A4, Helen Lekin, A4, and Dorothy • train made bl'ief stops. open on Monday, Oct. 16 with a Misdell, N2, all of Iowa City. IrED The British heircss presumptive tea for women in education and Other Iowa City students who , the was qlad all in brown Friday- a aJied fields at the Hotel Jefferson will be hostesses are Janine STAGE DOOR NOVl!MBER 30 DECEMBER 1-8 !(erid brown velvet fitted coat trimmed from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Smlty, A2. Jane Dunlap, N2, by Edna Ferber and George Kaufman y 1he with silk .braid, a dress of brown Founder's Day will be observed Collenn Potter, A3, Shirley Shi­ liion. .ibbed Silk and a brow~ coq on Nov. 14 when the group Will mon, A3, Gwendolyn Yenter, A2., Come~y about struggles of yOUf1.g a.spirants in New York :Oket. feaiher hat. .Two cluster dIamond meet in the clubrooms of the Louise Martin, A2, and Daphne pins were clJpped on the collar of Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric England, A3. and Hollywood her coat. f' t· All women students living at At C all ' 'd . g company or an evemng mee mg. iONS ornw In ml -mormn, C't M P t R n 'Jl home or in the town area are 15,000 flag-waving children and I y anager e er oa ~I LADY IN THE DARK wJJI an equal number of adults cheered be guest .speaker at. that meetmg. urged to attend, The invitation is FEBRUARY 8-16 extended to their mothers an~ okets the Princess and her husband, A bU~lI1ess meetmg and sack by Moss Hart I oll who stood on the observation car lunch wI.ll be held on pec. 4. householders. lOUrs platform during the brief stop. A ChrIstmas. party IS scheduled Dramatic fantasy about restoration of self-confidence I. to She was presented with a bouquet for December In the home ot Ma- and sanity !C , 01 01 roses and a silver tray during bel Snedaker, sponsor of ~he grou.p University Newcomers asses tbe stopover. The train started up and a former nahonal vice presl­ 1,­ To Have Bridge Party I or ; woo with a jerk, and thc Princess lost dent. : th~ her ba lance and lurched forward. An initiation ceremony and din- University Newcomer's club is ,.. Prince Philip caught and steadied ner will take place on Jan. 23 in holding a bridge party Monday THE BEGGER'S OPERA her. the Iowa Union. On Feb. 14 a joint night, Oct. 15 in the University _ r ION. En route to Brockville, where dinner with Phi Delta Kappa, club rooms of the Iowa Union at by John Gay l!e,r, 20.000 persons were at the station, men's education honorary group, 7:30 p.m. A bridge learning table First successful, operetta Isl on the train slowed several times to will be held at the Ox Yoke Inn is being started for those inter- effer tile miles an hour so the royal at Amana. ested. pair could wave at crowds gath- The March meeting will be Chairman is Mrs. George Bosch er!d along the tracks. scheduled later to coincide with a.. d committee members are Mes- THE GREAT GOD BROWN MARCH 7-15 A! Kin gston the Prince and the visit of the national officer. dames H. E. Dilly, W. B South­ by Eugene O'Neill 60n-""m Princess visited the Royal Mili- On April 19 a coffee hour will wick, C. Campbeil, Ned Wilbur, a.m. lary colJege-Canada's West Point be given in the graduate lounge John Mandeville and 1I. Belling- Philosophical play by America's outstanding playwright day, -lind drove through a baJJ park at East Hall. ham. day. jammed with 15,000 cheering The year's activities will be iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii school children. cllmaxed with initiation and in- • YELLOW JACK APRIL 18-26 IHG City oflicials had a red carpet stallation ceremonies in the Iowa [ be laid along the railroad tracks at Union on May. 14, 1952. RECORDS by Sidney Howard Kingston. An official said the Officers of the local group are: Dramatic salute to the medical profession for the tight against r: town had no trouble borrowing president, Alice Kemp; vice-pres i­ HIT PARADE ners the carpet for the occasion be- dent, Margaret Keyser; corres­ yellow fever" heroic soldier comedy ath· cause "you know, people like to ponding secretary, Amy Frances "Record Center" have a carpet in their home that Brown; recording secretary, Mari­ in both speeds they can say was walked on by an Jennings; treasurer, Gtorgia THE STREETS OF NEW YORK MAY 9-17 Black; keeper·oi-records, Norma Hear the latest at ",. AT ap" Management Group Hayek; sergeant-at-arms, Louise by Dion Boucicault aeDt Beltramo; membership chairman. Spencer's Enfoyable American melodrama heir Meets Wednesday Ruth Grefmwald; social chairman, ~(~TIto6t~ The Society for the Advance­ Phebe Bebb; publicity chairman, Harmony Hall S. Dubuque ~ ~t of Management will meet Lillian Harbison and sponsor, Ma­ ; 5 pre. Qct. 17 at 7:30 p.m, in room 204 bel Snedaker. ~ngJ ~~'&.w€J!, 0tiJ1t. mel' university hall. SEVEN PLAYS: $5.00- BUY NOW AND SAVE oi\l­ :~f. Harold W. Saunders, SUI IU~d department of sociology, will be - The rarest of cloud soft, imported - ton· tIjt lUest speaker. Coshmere.~ Ittee ,Election of officers will be held SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE , cif and all students of industrial knit on the finest gouge needles in the world . ~ an· , lIIanagement and industrial en­ ~~~d incomparably low in price. Your perfect Theater Ticket OHice, Room 8 A Schaeffer hall : the lineering are invited to attend. )ll1IS complement for cosual living. Sizes 34·40. , loan . OlE DOLLAR will hold any gift until Reservations Start Today Our assortment of soft and luxurious colors CHRISTMAS include: Navy, Natural, Beige, Gray, Hor ore• • Green, Ginger, Pink, and Bud Green . • .,Ie Sterling by Any type of sweater you desire: The Winslow International Wallace short sleeve slipover .... $15.95 SEASON TICKETS .. . .. $4.17 SINGLE ADMISSION ... $1.25 Watson A T ~ Wong Portrait ••• FEDERAL TAX...... 83 FEDERAL TAX ...... ,25 A Portrait 01 You ..• long sleeve slipover .... $16.95 . and Garham -- A Porlrait of Distinction TOTAL ...... : .... $1.50 long sleeve cardigan .. ·.. $19.95 TOTAL ...... , ... $5.00 • For Appointmnt omCE HOURS Hamilton, Elgin, Seat reservatiollS nallabl. one Dial 3961 week before opeDiDQ date of each 9 A.M.·l2130 AX i . and Bu lova Watches play at Theatre Ticket Offlc. Room ·1 P.M. to .;30 P.M. DAILY " , T. WONG 8A Schaeffer HalL Phone Ext. 2215. 9 A.M.·12 NooD. SATURDAY .. ALlER'S JEWRRY STUDIO DUN N'S STUDENTS: YOUR 10 ~ARD IS YOUR SEASON TICKET 205 E. Waahln(Jton SL 120% E. Washington - Above Bremers 116 E. Washingron " MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY Next to Ford Hopidna PAGE FOUE - 1'10 DARY roWAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 1951 , • 'Bucks-Badgers The ~I======~ Rains Spoil Hawklet Home[oming~ 13-6 Top . Contest Dolphin Club . . . presents the 68-Yard Run U-High Loses, 6-0, In Big Ten CHICAGO (A')-Five Big Ten schools, including Ohio State To MIl Vernon, which collides with once-be a ten Clinches Game Wisconsin, open their conference r0 End Streak football seasons today. ( ' ....1 io Tb. Dally Iow.n) Indiana invades Mlchiga and For Visitors MT. VERNON - U-high suf­ Northwestern is at Minnesota In tered its first loss in 16 games loop Inaugurals for all four. B, LEE CANNING here Friday night llS Mt. Vernon In non-conference activity, Illi­ Dubuque high's title-minded edged the Bluehawks, 6-0. nois (1-0) appears at Syracuse in Rams stopped City high's upset Mt. Vernon's Bill Kamerling, the !irst grid contest between the hopes here Friday night b)' an offensive and defensive star two schools in 41 years, and Iowa marching to an impressive 13-6 all evening, grabbed a pass in (0-1) is host to Pittsburgh. victory before a Hawklet home­ the flat and raced 30 yards for coming crowd of 4,500. Most conference interest centers the game's only touchdown mid­ on Ohio State's visit to Madison, Halfback Wayne Phillips pro­ way in the third quarter. vided the scoring spark for the Wis., where the loser may be Dubuque victory by rambling 68 Other than that, U-hlgh more knocked out of title contention yards In the second quarter to than held its own, but five fum­ and a Rose Bowl bid. The Bucks score the decisive touchdown. bles, four of which went to Mt. have been rated the top cham­ The victory upped Dubuque's Vernon, proved too much ot a pionship contender. two season inntng 5treak tc) sev­ handicap for the Bluehawks to The Buckeyes, beaten by Michi­ en games and· pushed the Rams overcome. • gan State, 24-20, in a thriller last into a tie with Davenport (or the It was a fumble by Gardner week, loom slight favorites over Mississippi Valley conference Van Dyke on a Mt. Vernon quick the Badgers, bruised 14-10 at Illi­ Il'ad. kick that set up the home team'. nois. Have 2-0 Record winning tally. Northwestern carries a brace of Both Davenport and Dubuque U-high's biggest threat . came pre-championship wins over Colo­ have two wins and no losses. No Run-Back for This Ram early in lhe first quarter when rado and Army against Minnesota, City high's record dropped to it mal'ched to the Mt. Vernon tljumped 55-14 by California last one victory against two losses and o JJUQUE BA K WAYNE l'HlLLIP didn't let very rar with a City high Imllt Friday niA'ht as 15-yard line. But the drive fiz­ week after bowing to Washington a tie in conference play. Hawklel Paul D,,'ls brou,hl him down on the Dubuque IO-yard line in the second quarter of the Little zled out there. 2~-20. Coach Harold Sweet's visitors Hawlu' homecominr ,ame. Dubuque, howe\'er, ruined the occasion for Cil)' hi,h, winnin&" 13-6, 10 re­ The action was confined almost Defending champion Michigan, scored late in the first quarter main undefeated. entirely to Mt . .vernon territory whipped by Michigan State and and added an Insurance touch­ during the first half. Stanford, will be seeking Its first down In the second quarter. Rug­ win of the season against Indiana, ged defensive play by the Rams Mt. Vernon, on the other hand, a 13-6 winner over Pittsburgh af­ kept the heavier Hawklets in had no other threats besides its ter being crushed 48-6 by Notre check during most of the game. scoring sequence. Dame. The Little Hawks tallied once Rout Scott Field, 66-0 Van Dyke and back Tom Kent Illinois is gunning for its third JV's led the Bluehawks on offense in the first period but never could straight victory at Syracuse. The put tog ther a sustained march while guard Maynard Hebl stood IlIini trimmed UCLA 27-13 be­ after the first half ended. out on defense. fore toppling Wiscorisin. Illinois A bad pass from center on a Hawks Score at Wi!1 Dr. Eddie Gets a Trimming doesn't resume conference play fourth down punt play and a 15- until an Oct. 27 date at Indiana. yard penalty gave Dubuque It Played Last Game, Iowa, nicked 34-30 by Purdue Clr t scoring chance, with five On Outclassed Foe after a 16-0 win over Kansas State, minutes remainini in the opening Is favored over fitt's panthers. period. By JERRY IIARGITT DiMaggio Declares Nebel Scores The Iowa :IV's scored early and Fullback Roger Nebel rambled continually here Friday afternoon I By JOE REJCULER Bright Scores 4 TOs the last si" yards through the City In a 66-0 romp over Scott air NEW YORK (A') - Joe DiMag­ As Drake Wins, 26-6 line and halfback Mike Mel'c r force ba c. gio-the tamed Yankee Clipper­ did tbe converting to boost Du­ Arter exhibiting terrific de- 1 lett for San Francisco Friday DES MOINES (/P) - Drake's buque into a 1-0 lead. fensive ~tren&th and forcing the night with the statement that he Johnny Bright, scoring four touch­ City countered with Its only Illinois team to punt from their has played his last game of buse- downs Friday night, led his Bull­ tally just belore the Initlai quart­ own 8-yard line early In the game, ball. . dog mates to a 26-6 victory over er ended. After fullback Jim Free­ the Iowa offense look over and "1 have made up my mind to the UniverSity of Detroit to ap­ man ran the following kick-ott Immediately caught Cire. A Bill retire arid that is my present in­ propriately celebrate "Johnny back 34 yards, the Little Hawks Wright to Don l~an aerial WllS tention;' said baseball's grea lest Brigh t Night." marched 56 yards on len play complete on the three for a 27- star since Babe Ruth before tak­ Bright, the nation's for the touchdown. yard. goln on the HaWk's initial ing off with teammates Billy Mar­ ground-gaining leader ran 202 A second dOWn. pass [rom Pa.ul o~e" ive bid. lin and Ed Lopat on the first leg yards and passed for 84 to boost Davis to Don B~nnan was goo SI,ma 0 Dell, Slama Delta I DiMaggio agreed to give the gambled recklessly with a tourth PI K a ppa Alpha 41 . Aeada 0 While Goes 80 matter "a little more thought and down line smash In the first three Iowil City's White crowded into 66-0'- standing unchanged at the TIl.radar, Otl. II • RENALDO'S minutes Friday night and lost the a little more time." the spotlight soon after the start gun. l{lIler.,l D 48. lilller.'; B 6 The opinion in this cornel', how­ Ftllllotls Foods football gama when Miami smoth­ of the second period on an 80- lIllIeresl E 7. Hllleresl C' I' ered the pia}, and struck quickly HtlIcre_ l ,I 14 Ullkrf st A 8 ever, is that Joe's brilliant 16-yeat· P hone 8-13!)1 , . yard burst through l'ight tackle, Hiller. , t I O. HIII.rc. 1 F I big league career, three of which 127 Iowa Ave. 101' the touchdown that produced but he \Youlpn't have gone all JRI II FAVORED Thew XI 19. II Ipha T 1U O 'n c~" 12 D "lt4 U p .1llon 6 Phi G n ln lnO Dclln 12 were spent in the service, is ovel':.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a 7-0 victory. the way had it not been fol' timely SOUTH BEND, IND. 11J'l- Notre Aloh. Ep.llon PI 7. Phi K. "p" StC.n. 9 featuring It was fourth down [or the Boll­ blocks by Dicit Frymire and Fred Dame's green grid team, Loth in P hi Bet. P I 7. Nu 5 1 ~m a Nu 2 ermakers on their own 39 with Thoma. Seymour's Chal1He' Mer­ r.r~eys and eXI I'l'ience, was a Just a loot to go and qUllrterbock ritt booted the conversion to o~hd o wn choice to win over FOO tball Results Dale Samuel' chose to try for It. m8\(e it 32-0. Send today Southern Metllodlst today In the •O lympic Champion ill 100 mekr rree The da ngcrous ven tu re Clliled as . ad'l I l'f.aml;. Purdu(" II styli Don BOrcherding later returned renewal of theIr spor c no. l1o Colle," 10 Jerry Thorpe. hitting into the left rOlll' ~h l 'o rd~lm ; I~, . Former ca.ptain of lowa's swimmlnt "ieaa-. an air force punt to the visitors' clastres which have won top na- Villi non 41. A.1.b- m - I~ for your side of the Mia mi line, was six-yard line and after Dick Fow­ tlonal billing. \Vinnl'r of N{ltional Al\ l! 100 frctJ ;~~ , slammed down hard for no gain. ler moved it up to tne two, Bor­ for five successive years. ' , I;, Miami eized Its opportunity cherding bulled his way over. , .~ quJckly. After two running plays DavenpOrt's Frymirl! added two ". , ' were halted, the Hurricanes hit more points a he mauled Scot~ for the touchdown with Fran~ Field qullrterba\!k BIJL Brummet! Smith, the fleet halfback who beat beh ipd the goa I. Purdue last year with scoring runs White went Qver from the six .SPALDI •Interpretation of the Spirit of tht Mardi of 18 and 50 yards. witl\_37 setonds remaining in the Illspired Idea Gras Smlth, taking the ball on a re­ half for a 46-0 lnle,mission count. Place winners, hI National AAU com~ verse handof!, fled around his lett bman Tallies ill Ra;,ucear ilon end and threaded his way through The first p~ay ot the second Third apperance in ' Dolphin Club 6~O~" •. a tight network of Purdue tacklers bal! saw Inman go all the way • to cross Ute goal with just two from the Iowa 43. H oUlIrlJ!ooth minutes and 55 seconds gone. C h a r lie Christensen broke Eimer Tremont converted and that over from the seven with live Check's.! Crowning of 1I0meconling Queen minutes to go and as Tom Ellis was the ball game. _ I • J Double Fire Dive Comedy , Trapeze performances Alive with sports action and Trampoline exhib_tion Here· lopeeat tallor­ Hand balancing acts IDr ,And talnco.t pro~ gags by the famous sports Exhibitions 011 thl! flying rings ' . lfter the Game .'.. h .eUon 'n the l11'larlut Varsity and freshman drill teams comblna.lon eyer-rull (c. cartoonist, Willard M~lIin. Diving exhibitions b ..lma t.,;.... lyllnl" and ~ :';"'- Jom th. oanq at Dou;·. or the bound.hoth ehf!elu! :~. D/ L1 There'. alway. plellty of t­ Wear the Check rain Twelve pages packed wU.b .eonrldeqee In aD)' c.~ ­ hot sandwich.. cmd coff.. with amusing facts ana c:hilL weather, for ilny oe- '". ";'\' ,. siniarions illus([ated OIl hand 10 _"e that after-lila" ..... euten - U·s RA.IN- .. · .:. .. • • ~ A.R£ d e lIned ror in the typical humorous oam. ruab. WOIld.maJ 1Dea1~­ Jifar ..... rodnd wear. Tan ~~ MUllin style. Millions mIIlut. aervk:. of c;rieat food to or BI ... I.. 36- 14 . -...... l.... of spons fans have .enjoyed this annual ,. . aatlafy that biq after-the-qame publication of the car· 8:00 p:m. appetite. lOons that have been Oct. 18 $23~O popular ne,,'spaper sportS page fe atures. You don't 8:30 p.ll'! •. want to m iss it! Send for Ocl, . 1·9 enough free copies today I to gi ve one to each of your '!'WO SHOWS group. Oct. 20 . 7:00 ~ 9:00 p.-. A. G. SPALDING &IROS. INc:. Admission 1.00 tax 'inc!. 161 Sixth Dept. N.C. ."1111, . ' m . New York 13, N. Y. 'rickets 011 sale at Whetstones and Athletic Office III ' 'I . ' THE PAD.V IOWAN, SATURU'l\T; OCT. 13, 1951 - PAGE FIVE

HoolM for Renl Mrs. Johnson, 85, 12 Hospital Delegafes Ride Wanted , __ QtnClt LOANS on Jewelry, dothln• • WANTED - A boy to work lor part o[ ruDE tn ~. MolnPI. Ckto~r 10. art.r radl... . "Ie. HOCk·IIYIl LOAN, UlIIo a nice quiet room. Phone 5SG3 . Dies After Illness .ame O.K. Write Box 10 DaUl' Iow l n. ~ . ~~ ______To AHend Convention NICE ROOM lor girl on ..... lIne. T.le­ fRAVELm(J' Cut VtPM""" next ttl ~ I ...... LOANm on "",I• .,..,...... dla· phOile 42_ Mrs. Bessie Wickham Johnson, The Iowa State Nurse's asso- with rid ... II Want Ad ma)' eul IUto mooda ....c:J!'tbm.. "tt.-UUABL& LOAlol ~ , 101 7 Bowery st., died at Mercy ciation will open their 48th an­ ~n"," 110. D IJU 41.t. CD. llK1 ..... t Burli~ ATTRACTIVE------SINGLE room. Man. Dial hoSpital at 1:20 a.m. Friday, after nual convention in Sioux City 2447. • InalnM:non WANTED a long illness. Monday with many University .- Miscellaneous For Sale 2 NICE SINGLE room.. Prlv.te bath. Sbe was born in England, April hospitals' executives and student WANT AD RATES P'rI\'ate: e:n tranu. Phone 6181. Autos for Sale - Used 'IAI.I.I1001ol d ...."" '.-0\1. MlmI Yo'" Gt"~?~.m. nt floor and electricity. LARGE comforlJlble room. Private home. 3, 1866. A resident of Iowa City I nurses attending. • . ------22 SPEED Qu•• n lron.tle, MII ..IIC nldlo. Wurlu. Dial 94 1!S • Near UnlvershY ho. pltals. Grad uat. One day ...... 6c per word COVered chair. 01.1 7485 since 1873 and an 1886 graduate of Prof. Amy F. Brown at the. J8,. CHE VROLET. '150.00. Call nat after WANTED-Gar" .~ nea r Temp lin P ark. male l'rd...... d. Phone 71l55. SUI, Mrs. Johnson taught school in college of nursing will present Three days ...... I Dc tier word PORTABLE tH>ewrlter. Call 6193. 5. Music and Radio _ call 1908. I Six da,s ...... 13c per word __~----~ ___---- B ASEMENT room vdth cookln, prlvlle,e. Iowa Ci ty until her marriage in the secreatry's report during ---- 1139 OLDSMOBILE 4 door. trunk su pl~ f 70.00 per month. Writ. Bqx t. T he Dally Her husband died in 1937. versity nutrition department, will :;ix Consecutive days, '75. Prlnte parly. Write Box 8. Dally Phl>ne %183. w.ll..... 5:45 a.m. to 9 a .m. Phone or boYI. Furnished room. 81 5 N. DocI,e. l owan. Services will bt at tbe Oathout be members of a panel which will per day ...... 60c per col. ineb Iowan. -=194-8:--C"":"R"":"O-S-LE- Y-.-G::-"ood-:--co-n-=d""itl:-'0-n.-B-..""1 -o-:"f- 3365 SMALL apar tmen t. D ial 838:1. DAILY IOWAN CARRIERS want- funeral chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, discuss "Problems of the Aging RECORDS. GOOd ~I.ctlon. SlI~htly u.ed. I ror. 110 E. Benton. WANT.. . : Man lor appliance .. Ia. SaJ- UIIIIII;d a ne Day ...... 75c per col. inch ed. Apply at the circulation of­ jilt Rev . Elmer E. Dierks, pastor Population." 78 RPM. 3 lor $1.00. 45 RP'ol 49c each.' ------Ir), plus commlaslon. Musl bav. OWn SMALL apartment. ~o ll'l pl " ~l y I . Capitol Radio 4< Television Siore. Corner 1938 PONTIAC coupe. GOOd condlUon. ear. Larew P lu m bln, and Hu linII' Co. Clooe In. Immediate _ilion. D ial fice in rear of Old J our nali sm ·,r the Baptis t church, officiating. Dr. 1.. L. Dunnington, pastor of 8r1", Ad,erln etta.,..U ,. Capitol 4< Colle,e It. Phone 4012. __ 1_.______:BUrial will be in Oakland ceme- the First Methodist church 1n Iowa Tile Dati,. I.",·." Ba. lf\es. Ortt." bullding, Dubuque and Iowa ANTIQUES-Call 8·3216. 1939 FORD 2·d oor. Phone '·2050 after 6. • FOR SALE streets. Phone 8-215 1. lety. City, will deliver the address at B 0 0fte BaCittl 1950 NASH ""din, 194.6 NASH ledan. 1541 the closing banquet. His subject HUNTING? LeI , Dally Iowan Wanl Ad STUDEBAKER ""dan. 1940 OLOS 4 40 Chevrolet 2· d oor For Sale 4G Buick 4·door will be "Loose Rivets in the Iron 4191 lind It lor )~u. B·W.fds-& d.ys·Sl.W. door ",dan. 1139 DODGE . ed.n, Cash U Ford I-

DANCELAND - I'I"U8 - Ced ar RapJd ... , Iowa COLOR CARTOON Iowa's Smat't t& \. Ballroom "~Iorll A . J) TilE FLA~t E" TONIGHT "NAME BAND ~JUS I C " LATE T NEW. II) RAY WINEGAR AND W Hffi GREAT ORCHESTRA o I'! - ArU.h - 12 om 4Ve1Y DOROTHY GAY % • E v ery WE J) ~ESDA y In r t-opul:lr " O VE R '!8~N I T£" HE 'S AMOROUS I WAlK ~~nlY ~RAN&f8 rumw XTRA - COLOR. CAR.TOO N STARTS TODAY • SHEIS GLAMOROUS! "South Pacific" A N DEHSON IT'S SOPHISTICATED I

A woed.oftr Fully'* .dult* co- m.dy from the .lf9' pl.y th.t m.d •• ud ltnces blush -.nd rOI.1 El io Pinla, the Form l. st .. of " South PeeiFic"-hu hi. hands_nd his hurt­ Full with J.ntt Leigh, th. dDil with the drewl who .Iw.ys ,tb her m.n I

. • - *"kf--- , o,'ir'~ ':;EE WHA.i -rilE OTflEI2S ~ POIt-JiS WIlILE fbPE'YE N-lD WIN?! Al2E 01-1 THE illAl!. WITH 'FIlOI.IT PO~'H ,

r>066VN ~~. .


Visit the Capitol A r t Ga ll e rt Pa lhllnn By Marl'a re& Lowfnrer a nd Richa rd Horna day. • • .


to the dellghUul music and songs 01 BOBBIE COTTER and her TRIO

SAT·URDA·Y, OCT. ·13 - ~:30 to 11:30 P.M. " CO-HIT 16 FATHOMS DEEP" \ IllIteilil Midnit;-SILOW Tonilc "SHADOW OF TERROR" • • • , SUJl!lIlY - C'lllllldlim f a 'fic 112 S, CAPITOr. , Randolpll , colt PAGE SIX - THE DAILY IOWAN, SATURDAY, OCT. lS, 1951 Norses to'Observe Small Town's Bankers Have Taking Ways Hospitals Adm;t Street Search Yields ROTC Head Stresses Math SOth Anniversary NEW KENSINGTON, PA. (,IP)- FBI agent Fred Hallford said 2 Polio Cases A troop movement is essentially college by the students. Shocked by bank theft scandals, Shiarella admitted illegally using Members of the nursing alumni have a problem in mathematics, Col "It is regretable that the math­ this little industrial town of 25,000 bank funds the last 10 years for Two polio patJents Jury; Defendants Freed association at SUI will celebrate buzzed anew Friday with arrest by admitted to University Walter E. Sewell, head oC the ematical content at many high the 50th anniversary or their thc FBI of a Iourth banker in em- personal stock market ventures. one discharged and one Two Iowa Cilians were acquit­ SUI army reserve oUicers train- school curricula are ~o diluted organiution next Saturday as bczzlements amounting to more Shiarella claimed he had repaid ferred to the inactive list. ted ot charges oC disturbing the To Show Film Here ing corps, Friday nidlt told a that they don't provide a sum part oC Homecoming. than a million dollars. the money. Entering the hospitals peace Friday by a Uve-member group of Iowa mathematies teach- cient mathematical understanding The association has scheduled a Slight, greying George Rogers He Is the third arrested at the Randall O'Halloran, 41, jury chosen earlier In the day ers assembled here. coffee hour for all nursing alumni (or the average citi~e:1 in a de­ Shiarella, 63-year-old assistant First National bank withln recent wick, and Sarah Zingg, 24, W (rom persons in downtown Iowa A meetin, in Old Capitol opened at WesUawn dormitory between cashier of the First National bank; weeks. The first was William P. loa. Both were in "fair" coodI City. the two-day seuion ot the' 21st mocracy," Sewell said. 9 and 12 a.m. was picked up at home and Smeltzer, another assistant cashier Richard Carter, 7, Ott-. The trial was held before Jus­ annual conference of mathematics The afternoon session tcot\l~ed All sur departments will hold charged with misapplication of accused of embezzling $550,000. was discharged and Bonnie BIii I tice of the Peace J. Newman teachers, sponsored jointly by the a demonstration of the 'discovery" open house from 10:30 untll 12 $12,594 and making (alse entry Teller Otto R. Grotefend is charged 18, West Union, was uaOUl!ll( Toomey in city hall and was of university's extension dJvlslon, method in plane and solid geome­ a.m. Saturday for the homeco"1el's. on a cash sheet at $81 ,324. with taking $16,000. . to the inactive list. Oeans and staft members will be the type eldQm used here. college of education, and depart­ try in a University high school ment of mnthematics. in their offices. A six-member jury should have class. Before the demonstration Several departments plan In­ tried the case, but only Cive eligi­ "Modern warfare is based more took place, Prof. H. Vernon Price, (ormal coffee hours for returning ble jurors could be [Icquired. and more on mathematical and mathematies department, explain­ alumni, between such Homec:>m­ Delendanu in the cale were scientific precision. Supplyin, and Ing activities as the parade, do nee, ed that the method is not based Robert and Lyle Lenz, who had J transporting materials, for ex­ water show and two football I been chareed with scuWing with ample, involves thousands of strictly on use of a text, but on games. police in an Iowa City restaurant mathematical calculations," Sew­ the students' own research and last August. ell said in his talk on "The Im­ discovery. The two were chllrged with re­ portance of Mathematics to the Guest speakers Phillp Peak, Special- Sisting arrest and interfering with Soldier." • Indiana university school of edu­ an oencer at a previous hearing High school mathematics teach­ cation, and Phillip S. Jones, Uni­ Sept. 18 before Police Judge Emil ers were prolsed by the speaker versity of Michigan department Fresh Shrimp Cocktail G. Trott, who ruled an old city as the originators of the the In­ of mathematics, opened the con­ - lervecl ever, - C(/sh In YDllr Ollici,llfJWI­ statute invalid. terest in mathematics carried into Cerence with talks in the morning. On Sept. 24, the Lenzes pleaded Friday - Saturday IlIinDis 8Dnlls 811111 CfJlI/JDIII Innocent to charees of disturbing RAY GARNER (above), . Sunday the peace, and Defense Atty. Ed­ - With the purcha.. of six bulb., 60 watt. or l~. (!'&IIher and explorer, will pre­ BETHANY BAPTIST CHljRCH ward O'Connor applied for a orders .. ~o you'll receive a 15D watt bonus bulb at DO .xtra change of venue and trial by jury. ami "Sierra JU .. 4re," a I llm Community Building The trial opened Friday morn­ travelollifl or fexlco, In the COlt - upon prelentation of an official, -'9ud hoaliI Ing, after Constable Patrick Gil­ lint 01 the afternoon series 01 Services: roy selected 10 prospective jurors travelorues unday sponJiiored 9:30 A.M. Sunda, School BLUE RAIDER bulb coupon. It'. your chance 10 banilb lIul11. i by the Iowa 'Iountatneers. The U:45 A.M. MomJn,r Service from downtown Iowa City. A snatching, and fill thOle empty IOck,tl- at CI 1CYIDt1 · screening ot the candidates pro­ film will be hown at 2 :30 p.m. Sermon "The Church - A Channel for duced only five eligible jurors, In M ..eB rlde a uditorium. Ad­ God'. Graee" STEAK SHOP miaslon I by membership card , 6:30 P.M. 8tudent p roup and both sides a~eed to begin 311 S. Gilbert Ph. 4911 the case with tha't number. but anyone may buy tickets at '7:31 PM. Even1n~ Service IOWA-ILLINOIS GAS the door. Sermon "God', Prise Possesion" ReClJ1ar Roun un MUST BE BORN AGAIN" • WeelllCla,,: I A.M. ~ 10 P.M. AND ELECTRIC CO • s. w. Reynolds Mrs. Kent's Portraits Sunda.y: , P.M. ~ 10 P.M. For Information about applian ces make our display floor Jour he&dQaarieII Dies at His Home Soom W. Reynolds, 75, died Fri­ Of Local Residents day nt his home at 928 S. River­ side drive, following an extended Illness. Featured in Exhibit Born :1t Timn, Feb. 29, 1876, An exhibit of 19 pastels and Mr. Reynolds grew up near Tltrln three oil portraits by Mrs. James and llved there until carnine to the directors Iowa City In 1940. A. Kent, 7 Kirkwood circle, will of the He Is survived by hl$ wlte, Alia open the season of the Municipal art fallery in Davenport Sunday I I Stanfield Reynolds, whom he married In 1902 ; two daughters, afternoon. Mrs. Earnle Potter, Coralville, and The oils 'are ot Mrs. Georlle Na­ Mrs. O. H. Nelson. Peoria, Ill .. ond three sons, Arthur, Morse, gle, David and Jean Feather­ In., Enrl. Tipton, and Leon, San stone, children of Prof. and Mrs. Diego, Callt. Robert Feath1lrstone, and Ally. Also surviving are 22 grnnd­ Ingalls SwishCT. . llotmanSna"et children, fo ur ereat grandchil­ Subjects tor the pastel paint­ First National Bank dren and two sisters. Two sons ings are Mrs. W. T. Hageboeck Dud one daughter preceded him in death. and daughter. Anne; Jane Kent, C.bosen \0 \\ea~ dauehtcr ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fl,Iner ~1 services wl1l be at 3:30 p.m. Monday at the Oathout fun­ Kent; Mary Adelaide von Maur and Betty Lamb, Davenpert. announce , eral chap,,!. Burial wlll be in the are proud to Tltrln cemetery. Millicent Noble, daughter of \s\ ~a\\ona\ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noble; John lowa City wm not ~ new \.0 Koza, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'N n 'B Shatter of Evanston, Koza ; Michael Pannos, son ot Mr. l\~rm!hen . he arriveS Nov. \ . to and M1"5 . E. A. Pannos; Mrs. the presidency of the i'lrst the presidency of 1,'ho as Cox, Des Moines; Mrs. J. as~ume Bradley Rust; Mrs. Paul Brechler. Nalional 'bank. Mrs. Lou King; Mrs, Erlc WIl­ The veteran bankel', announced S'On; 'Barbara Cline, daughter of as the new president Wedn~sday B rRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Clinc; two by the bank directors, has vlsl.te\\ A daughteT to Mr. and Mrs. porfr:l1ts ot Janet Kent, d'augh'ter 10wa City \0 watch SUl I.ootbll\\ Nell Palmer, West B'ronch, Fri­ 01.. Mr. aod Mrs. James Kent. p,ames tor many yeats. day at Mercy hospital. Susan Nagle, dauehter at Mr. 11' addition, Shatter is a close A son to Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Mrs. George Nagle; Mrs. Wcn­ Kitnm, Coralville, Friday at Mercy 'QCrsona\ 1riend ot Thomas FaneH, dell Snuth; and. Tommy Woolf. cashier at the F\rst NIIUonal bank, hosplt:ll. son Dr. and Mrs. Robert Woolf. ot and was the same with the late A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schnoebelen, Lone Tree, Frank D. W\\\\ams, whom he Suc­ Friday at Mercy hospital. ceeds as \>resident. 'Mr. W\'l\llIms died last Mat. 21 . A son to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Homecoming J Maxon, COlumbus Junction, Fri­ FarreH said Wednesday that the day at Mercy hospital. Dance bank had made a sound move in A son to Mr. and Mrs. Gala choosing Shafter as president. Stroppel, West Branch, Friday at "He is l'ecogni1.ed as one 01 the Mercy hospital. ablest bankers in the nat\on," Far­ A son to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ART. rell said. Duffey, Lone Tree, Friday at Mer- I The bank announced that Shat­ cy hospital. ter w\\\ also serve as a director, A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. I Shatter's trlendshl\> with Mr. Robert Perrott, 1018 N. Summit Wll1iams and FarreH came about st., Friday at Mercy hospital. when Shatfer served abou\ live A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. I years as examiner and chid ex­ Harry Baker, Lone Tree, Thurs­ aminer with the Iowa state bank­ day at Mercy hospital. ing departmcmt. He later became DEATHS deputy superintendent ot. that de­ Mrs. Bessie J ohnson, M, 1017 partment. Bowery st., Friday at Mercy hos­ Shalter retired last July \ as pital. vke-president of the Continental S08m Reynolds, 75, 928 S. Riv­ mlnois Na.tional Bank and Trust B. Shaffer erside drive, Friday at Mercy hos­ Co. 01 Chicago atter serving in pllal. Sat., Od. 20, 8·12 P.M. that capacity for 21l years. That I nfant son of Mr. a nd Mrs. company is the sixth largest bank Wayne Yoder, Kalona, Thursday, Tickets on sale Oct. 15 in the nation. at Mercy hospital. H e was in charge at the super­ BUILDING PERMITS vision of the Iowa business ot the P. B. Michener, for 8 aara,e, 3.60 Chicago bank tor many years. The story of Norman B. Shaffer's $450. . A native Iowan, Shafter and his '[ " wile were ooth born and raised appointment as reported by in Altoona, near Des MOines, "" wh ere SchaUer gained his tirst. Frivol' Get a HEAD START on banking experience In h is tather's The Daily Iowan bank. He attended law school at .. " On Sa DraKe university. frivol's Shatter', assistant at the Chi­ on sale cago bank was Lee ParKin, whom ,0 thb issue, many Iowans will Temember as a on cam~s backfield member ot Iowa's 1922 cent and '23 [ootball teams. pha 8 $1 The ShaUeTs have \'110 children, Illes. Norman B. ShaUer Jr., servin, Members with the all' lorce, and Mrs. 1:. S. sold tb e flrl 'Braden Jr., Evanston, lll. have a erE Shatter \8 a member ot the THOS. FARRELL GEORGE NAGLE MERRITT C. SPEIDEL WOUld llke t Masonic lodge, ConslstoTY ana the CII,,/,Ier Pre.ddent, Nagle Lllmber Co. President, Pre&.·C ltI:en C o. start should Buy Your Shrine. nOOn Thurse C. A. PHILLIPS R. H. VOLLAND • ----- A. C. GINGERICH Dellt ist (HId Past Pre,ldent, Christmas Wrappings crnd Cards Now- Dedn EllIeril lls of College of President. Maplecrest ·Tu rkey Fdrms American De lil a/ AssPC,atlon COlllmerce. Stale Unioersity of Iowa Special Bargains in Boxed Assortments i ANDREW H. WOODS Ne WILLIS W. MERCER A. 8. SIDWELL Emcrlt 118 ProfesRor of Psy chiatry By NORCROSS AND ' RUSTCRAFT Presltlelll, Economy Ac/"ertlslng Co. P,esillelll , Sic/well Ice Cream Co., Illc. Stale U niuersily 0/ l illI/a MIAMI, :p ( . Dttense Ro Beautiful Wrappin afld .Ribbons Monday tha1 • bald one mJ Overseas Shippi Cartons -. "ilb our ... I •. ' • "'hlch lUll '~ I atomic provl STORE·WIDE DISPLAY The delen lrst dttplte racer cmd October cmd MoDdaIr Tueeday, 15 16. Dew weapol Opea UDIll 9 p.m. kit TCNf con .... ai.D.C. ational Bank , -.r are not U.s, ft~tln , OF weaPon, are lOW A ' CITY, IOWA lllalnatay. I The nation Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Ullonment . lllerated 'h• Pinned on th