Stfflkfatdawn PAUL MUNI

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Stfflkfatdawn PAUL MUNI Wkat's A* Jthe The VEfiscon< ite Journal ftwadcast Schedules 26 MADISON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1943 8:00 WGN WCFL 3, 4, and 5) gasoline, and time. Registrars ^ WIBA Tonight 9:00 WENR WIND Sports Reviews Farmers Told to Apply present from Waterloo. Lake Mill*. Rudy Vallee Will Entertain TONIGHT for Additional Gasoline Watertown, Sullivan, Jefferson, 5:00 League of Won)*n Voters S:30 NBC Rudy Vallee FRIDAY 5:15 WIND 0:15 WGN 5:15 America Calling 9:00 NBC Abbott and Costcllo A.M. 4:00 WJJD WIND 5:45 WCFL WTMJ 11:30 WGN Palmyra, and Johnson Creek. 5:30 News Edition 9:30 Treasury Parade. 6:00 WMAQ WIND 4:00 WGN WCFL JEFFERSON—Farmers who lack 5:45 Music for School and Home 9:45 These arc the WAVES Greenstreet on Broadcast 6:30 WTMJ 4:30 WCCO FRIDAY sufficient gasoline may apply to 5:55 News Report 10:00 Night News Edition. 6:45 WLS 4:55 WGN WENR P. M. 5:15 WIND the local gasoline rationing regis- DE FOREST — Mrs. Andrew 6:00 NBC Warinc Victory Tunes 10:15 BLU Raymond Gram Swing, 6:55 WMAQ '" 5:00 WTMJ WBBM 2:15 WIND 5:45 WCFL WTMJ 6:15 Variety Show 10:30 Masterworks of •Music Sidney Greenstreet, whom Mad- Drama "7:00 WCFL WBBM 5:00 WCCO WIND 3:15 WIND 6:15 WGN trar, Jefferson county registrars Lyster has received a letter from 6:30 NBC Arkansas Traveler 11:00 NBC News Report ison remembers as one of the chief 7:00 WIBA WLS 5:15 WMAQ 4:15 WIND were told by Earl Jung, fieldman her son, Sgt. Elmer Lyster, who 7:00 NBC Fanny Brice 11:05 NBC Three Suns Wo actors in Lunt-Fontanne produc- 7:30 p. m.—The Aldrich Family 7:00 WTMJ WIND 5:25 WGN for the gas rationing committee, is stationed in New Guinea, stat- 7:30 NBC The Aldrlcft Family 11:30 NBC Troplcans (WIBA): a music lesson vs. the 7:15 WGN WBBM 5:30 WIBA WHA g:00 NBC Music Hall 11:55 NBC News Report tions, will be guestar of the Rudy 7:25 WBBM 5:45 WBBMWMAC Markets at a meeting in the courthouse ing that he'had been confined to Vallee broadcast at 8:30 tonight honor of the family . Death Val- 7:30 WIBA WTMJ 5:55 WIBA the hospital there for eight day» ley Days (WBBM): "Faith of Our 7:50 WHA 6:00 WIBU WCFL FRIDAY Monday. The new system is ex- Other Stations Tonight .over WIBA. Greenstreet has be- 7:55 WMAQ WTMJ 0:00 WLS WIND A.M. P.M. pected id save farmers' travel, after a sunstroke. | come one of Hollywood's leading Fathers," story of stained-glass 8:00 WGN WBBM 6:15 WIBA 11:00 WIBU 12:00 WIBU 5:00 Prayer: Quizmaster—WIBJJ villains with roles in "The Maltese windows. 8:15 WLS 5:15 WMAQ WTMJ 11:30 WLS 12:10 WIBU 5:15 University Spacial—WIBtf 9:00 TheTlPlrst Ltafr^-WEBM WCCO 8:25 WTMJ 6:30 WGN 11:59 WIBU 12:35 WIBU 9:00 Raymond Clapper—WGN Falcon" and "Across the Pacific" O «•' O 8:30 WCCO WBBM 6:45 WMAQ 12:45 WGN 5:15 Jimmy Allen—WENR 12:50 WIBA WLS 5:30 Jack Armstrong—WENR 9:00 Raymond Gram Swlnff—WENB taking him to movie fame. 8:40 WMAQ 7:00 WLS WIND 5:45 CapL Midnight—WENR 9:15 Sanders & Savage—WGN Discussion 8:45 WIND 7:30 WIND WCFL 1:00 WJJD 6:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.—WIBU 9:15 Grade'-Fields—WENR Other attractions tonight: 9:00 WIBA 7:55 WBBM KMOX 1:15 WLS 6:00 Amos "n1 Andy—WCCO WBBM 9:30 March of Time—WTMJ WMAQ 7:30 p. "m. — America's Town 9:15 WCFL 9:00 WIND WGN 6:00 Dr. Preston Bradley—WGN 9:30 Public Affairs—WBBM WCCO Meeting (WLS): "How Can We 9:20 WHA 8:15 WGN 6:00 Fred Warinc—WTMJ WLW 9:30 Mold of America—WGN Music Curb Youthful Delinquency?" 9:30 WIBU WIND 8:45 WIND Frequencies 6:15—Lum nnd Abncr—WIBU 9:45 Frozler Hunt—WBBM WCCO 8:30 p. m.—Spotlight Bands 0:50 WHA fl:00 WIBA WENR WIBA 1310 WTMJ . .. 6!SO 5:15 Harry James—WBBM WCCO 10:00 Most Honored Music—WZNR 9:30 p. m. — Public Affairs 10:00 WBBM WIND 9:00 WIND WCFL WHA 9:0 KMOX .. 1120 TODAY! A Furlough of Fun! 6;30 Easy Aces—WBBM KMOX 10:00 Fred Waring—WMAQ (WENR): Gene Krupa. (WBBM) Basil O'Connor opens 10 ;00 WIBA WIBU 9:45 WENR KSTP 1500 WMAQ .. 670 6:30 Texas Hangers—WLS 10:30—Rumpus Room (to 12)—WTMJ 11:15 p. m.—Music of the New 10:30 WIND 10:00 WIBU WIND WBBM 780 WGN . .. 720 «:40 Fivo Minute Mystery—WMAQ J0;30 nob Burns—WMAQ the 1943 anti-infantile paralysis 10:45 WLS 10:00 WTMJ WCFL WCCO 830 WIND . .. 560 6:45 Tho Lion's Hoar—WON 10:45 Salute to Victory—WBBM World (WMAQ): a 1776 hit parade, drive. 11:00 WIND WGN 10:00 .WIBA WBBM WCFL 1000 WLBL .. 930 6:45 Mr. Keen—WBBM KMOX 11:05 Chlco Marx Orch.—WGN 13 p. m.—Music You Want o o <f 11:15 WMAQ 10:15 KMOX WMAQ WIBU 1240 WLS . .. 890 6:45 H. V. Kaltenborn—WMAQ WLW 11:05 Del Courtney Orch.—WBBM 11:30 WIBU WGN 10:30 WENR WIBU WENR 890 WLW ... 700 (WENR): "Gotterdammerung" ex- P.M. 10:30 WGN WBBM 7:00 Sinsin' Sam—WGN 11:15 Music of New World—WMAQ (Programs listed In Th« Stato 7:00 Today's War and You—WBBM 11:15 Lew Diamond Orch.—WENR Variety 12:00 WCFL WGN 10:45 WENR cerpts. 12:00 WIBA WJJD- 11:00 WIBU WCCO Journal are checked to the last poi- T:00 Fanny Bricc—WMAQ WTMJ 11:30 Neil Bondshu Orch.—WBBM slble moment. Changes may b« 7:15 Lum and Abncr—WLS 11:30 Russ Morgan Srch.—WENR 6:30 p. m.—Bob Burns (WIBA): 12:15 WIBU 11:00 WGN WMAQ 12:20 WHA 11:00 WBBM WIND made, however, lit the discretion of 7:30 America's Town Mcctlnjr—WLS 11:30 Fight Night-WGN with Spike Jones and his City itatloni and network*.) 7:30 Death Valley Days—WBBM 11:45 Troplcana—WMAQ 12:30 WMAQ WLS 11:00 WIBA WENR 7:30 Aldrlch Famlly-WMAQ WTMJ 12:00 Night Watch (to 6)—WIND Slickers. 12:30 WGN WIBA 11:30 WGN S:00 America's Town Meednc—WENK 12:00 Music You Want—WENR 7 p. m.—Fanny Bric« (WIBA): 12:45 WCFL WCCO 11:55 WIBA g:00 Music Hall—WTMJ WMAQ 12:00 Lawrence Welk Orch.—WGN Snooks explores the mysteries of 12:55 WTMJ 11:55 WMAQ WENR Stimmer Conducts 8:00 Gabriel Hcatter—WGN 12:00 Emlle Petti Orch.—WMAQ 1:00 WIND WCFL 12:00 WBBM WIND 8-00 Major Bowes' Amateurs—WBBM 12:05 Val Ernie Orch.—WBBM the calendar. 1:30 WIBU WJJD 12:55 WMAQ WENR Mission in Chicago 1:00 WIND 8:30 Slnfonletta—WGN 12:15 Dick Jurgens Orch.—WGN 8 p. m.—Music Hall (WIBA): 1:45 WGN POTOSI—The Rev. Paul Stim- 8:30 Rudy Vallee—WTMJ WMAQ 12:30 Jerry Wald Orch.—WENR. Bine Crosby, Cass Daley, Janet 1:55 WTMJ 1:30 WGN 8:30 Spotlight Bands—WENH 12:30 Art Kassel Orch.—WGN 2:00 WCFL WIND 2:00 WIND mer is conducting a mission, in 8:30 Stage Door Canteen—WBBM 12:30 Johnny Duffy Orch,—WBBM Blair. 2:45 WLS 3:00 WIND Chicago this week. 8:55 Dale Carnegie—WENR 12:30 Pot Luck—WMAQ 8:30 p. m.—Stage Door Canteen 3:00 WBBM WCCO 4:00 WIND S:00 Lest We Forget—WIBU 1:00 Swing Shift (to 3)—WENR 3:00 WGN WIND 5:00 WIND (WBBM): Bob Hope, Gov. John 3:55 WENR W. Bricker of Ohio, Virginia WIBA Friday Bruce, Yvette. Soldiers from overseas have intro- 9 p. m.—Abbott and Coslello duced "Jitterbug" contests in Australia. TODAY thru SATURDAY Morning 2:30 Linda's First Love. (WIBA): with Claire Trevor. 6:30 Morning Parade. 2:45 The Editor's Daughter. 6:45 The CampboU Sister*. 3:00 Parade of Stars. o o o 7:00 NBC World News. 3:15 NBC Stella Dallas. TOAST FOR REVENGI 7:15 Musical Clock. 3:30 NBC Lorenzo Jones. Miscellaneous -.and fn»x got ill 7:30 Stato Journal News Edition. 3:45 NBC Young Widder Brown, PARKWAY MONDAY 4:00 Campus Jamboree. 9:30 p. m.—March of Time 7-50 Musical Clock. Evening EVENING 8:15 8:30 Betty. 5:00 NBC Chas. Dants Music (WMAQ): Prentiss Brown, nom- 8:00 NBC Robert St. John. BROADWAY'S FUNNIEST SHOW 9:15 NBC The O'Neills. 5:15 America Calling. inee for price administrator; 5:30 News Edition. Maj. Gen. James A. Ulio. CUfFOUD C. FISCHER 9:30 Morning Melody. 5:45 Music for School and Home. (In «iu>d«llon with <>» Mtitn, Shubtrtl 9:45 BLU Gene and Glenn. priuntt 10:00 Mld-Momlng News. 5:55 News Reports. 10:15 Morning Variety. 6:00 NBC Waring -Victory Tunei. News Broadcasts tou . wiuii 10:30 Virginia Graham. 6:15 NBC News of the World.
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    - .... - ~~ [Jfie ou [Jime flladio. eu» Established 1975 1rOO~ nl1l1W~1r~~ 1r~IID ~~~~~ Number 250 July 1997 Jimmy Durante UBing Crosby is Forced to Admit took one look at He's a Great my Contract Radio Star and turned Pale" Publication of the Old Time Radio Club Membership Information Club Officers and Librarians New member processing, $5 plus club membership President of $15 per year from January 1 to December 31. Jerry Collins (716) 683-6199 Members receive a tape library listing, reference 56 Christen Ct. library listing, and a monthly newsletter. Member­ Lancaster, NY 14086 ships are as follows: If you join January-March, $15; April-June, $12; JUly-September, $8; October­ Vice President & Canadian Branch December; $5. All renewals should be sent in as Richard Simpson soon as possible to avoid missing issues. Please be 960 16 Road R.R. 3 sure to notify us if you have a change of address. Fenwick, Ontario The Old Time Radio Club meets the first Monday Canada, LOS 1CO of every month at 7:30 PM during the months of September to June at 393 George Urban Blvd., Treasurer, Back Issues, Video & Records Cheektowaga, NY 14225. The club meets informally Dominic Parisi (716) 884-2004 during the months of July and August at the same 38 Ardmore PI. address. Anyone interested in the Golden Age of Buffalo, NY 14213 Radio is welcome. The Old Time Radio Club is af­ filiated with The Old Time Radio Network. Membership Renewals, Change of Address Peter Bellanca (716) 773-2485 Club Mailing Address 1620 Ferry Road ~ Old Time Radio Club Grand Island,NY14072 P.O.
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